path: root/src/doc/book/nostarch/
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diff --git a/src/doc/book/nostarch/ b/src/doc/book/nostarch/
index 1722a9345..98432a1da 100644
--- a/src/doc/book/nostarch/
+++ b/src/doc/book/nostarch/
@@ -8,77 +8,67 @@ directory, so all fixes need to be made in `/src/`.
## Appendix A: Keywords
-The following list contains keywords that are reserved for current or future
+The following lists contain keywords that are reserved for current or future
use by the Rust language. As such, they cannot be used as identifiers (except
-as raw identifiers as we’ll discuss in the “Raw Identifiers” section).
-Identifiers are names of functions, variables, parameters, struct fields,
+as raw identifiers, as we’ll discuss in “Raw Identifiers” on page XX).
+*Identifiers* are names of functions, variables, parameters, struct fields,
modules, crates, constants, macros, static values, attributes, types, traits,
or lifetimes.
-### Keywords Currently in Use
+## Keywords Currently in Use
The following is a list of keywords currently in use, with their functionality
-* `as` - perform primitive casting, disambiguate the specific trait containing
- an item, or rename items in `use` statements
-<!-- `extern crate` is a bit old. Not sure if it needs a mention
-/JT -->
-<!-- good call, took it out /Carol -->
-* `async` - return a `Future` instead of blocking the current thread
-* `await` - suspend execution until the result of a `Future` is ready
-* `break` - exit a loop immediately
-* `const` - define constant items or constant raw pointers
-* `continue` - continue to the next loop iteration
-* `crate` - in a module path, refers to the crate root
-<!-- these days `crate` is mostly just used as part of the module path
-/JT -->
-<!-- fixed! /Carol -->
-* `dyn` - dynamic dispatch to a trait object
-* `else` - fallback for `if` and `if let` control flow constructs
-* `enum` - define an enumeration
-* `extern` - link an external function or variable
-<!-- `extern crate` is a bit out of date
-/JT -->
-<!-- fixed! /Carol -->
-* `false` - Boolean false literal
-* `fn` - define a function or the function pointer type
-* `for` - loop over items from an iterator, implement a trait, or specify a
- higher-ranked lifetime
-* `if` - branch based on the result of a conditional expression
-* `impl` - implement inherent or trait functionality
-* `in` - part of `for` loop syntax
-* `let` - bind a variable
-* `loop` - loop unconditionally
-* `match` - match a value to patterns
-* `mod` - define a module
-* `move` - make a closure take ownership of all its captures
-* `mut` - denote mutability in references, raw pointers, or pattern bindings
-* `pub` - denote public visibility in struct fields, `impl` blocks, or modules
-* `ref` - bind by reference
-* `return` - return from function
-* `Self` - a type alias for the type we are defining or implementing
-* `self` - method subject or current module
-* `static` - global variable or lifetime lasting the entire program execution
-* `struct` - define a structure
-* `super` - parent module of the current module
-* `trait` - define a trait
-* `true` - Boolean true literal
-* `type` - define a type alias or associated type
-* `union` - define a union; is only a keyword when used in a union declaration
-* `unsafe` - denote unsafe code, functions, traits, or implementations
-* `use` - bring symbols into scope
-* `where` - denote clauses that constrain a type
-* `while` - loop conditionally based on the result of an expression
-### Keywords Reserved for Future Use
+* **`as` **: perform primitive casting, disambiguate the specific trait
+containing an item, or rename items in `use` statements
+* **`async` **: return a `Future` instead of blocking the current thread
+* **`await` **: suspend execution until the result of a `Future` is ready
+* **`break` **: exit a loop immediately
+* **`const` **: define constant items or constant raw pointers
+* **`continue` **: continue to the next loop iteration
+* **`crate` **: in a module path, refers to the crate root
+* **`dyn` **: dynamic dispatch to a trait object
+* **`else` **: fallback for `if` and `if let` control flow constructs
+* **`enum` **: define an enumeration
+* **`extern` **: link an external function or variable
+* **`false` **: Boolean false literal
+* **`fn` **: define a function or the function pointer type
+* **`for` **: loop over items from an iterator, implement a trait, or specify a
+higher-ranked lifetime
+* **`if` **: branch based on the result of a conditional expression
+* **`impl` **: implement inherent or trait functionality
+* **`in` **: part of `for` loop syntax
+* **`let` **: bind a variable
+* **`loop` **: loop unconditionally
+* **`match` **: match a value to patterns
+* **`mod` **: define a module
+* **`move` **: make a closure take ownership of all its captures
+* **`mut` **: denote mutability in references, raw pointers, or pattern bindings
+* **`pub` **: denote public visibility in struct fields, `impl` blocks, or
+* **`ref` **: bind by reference
+* **`return` **: return from function
+* **`Self` **: a type alias for the type we are defining or implementing
+* **`self` **: method subject or current module
+* **`static` **: global variable or lifetime lasting the entire program
+* **`struct` **: define a structure
+* **`super` **: parent module of the current module
+* **`trait` **: define a trait
+* **`true` **: Boolean true literal
+* **`type` **: define a type alias or associated type
+* **`union` **: define a union; is a keyword only when used in a union
+* **`unsafe` **: denote unsafe code, functions, traits, or implementations
+* **`use` **: bring symbols into scope
+* **`where` **: denote clauses that constrain a type
+* **`while` **: loop conditionally based on the result of an expression
+## Keywords Reserved for Future Use
The following keywords do not yet have any functionality but are reserved by
-Rust for potential future use.
+Rust for potential future use:
* `abstract`
* `become`
@@ -94,7 +84,7 @@ Rust for potential future use.
* `virtual`
* `yield`
-### Raw Identifiers
+## Raw Identifiers
*Raw identifiers* are the syntax that lets you use keywords where they wouldn’t
normally be allowed. You use a raw identifier by prefixing a keyword with `r#`.
@@ -145,10 +135,10 @@ choose identifier names, as well as lets us integrate with programs written in
a language where these words aren’t keywords. In addition, raw identifiers
allow you to use libraries written in a different Rust edition than your crate
uses. For example, `try` isn’t a keyword in the 2015 edition but is in the 2018
-edition. If you depend on a library that’s written using the 2015 edition and
-has a `try` function, you’ll need to use the raw identifier syntax, `r#try` in
-this case, to call that function from your 2018 edition code. See Appendix E
-for more information on editions.
+and 2021 editions. If you depend on a library that is written using the 2015
+edition and has a `try` function, you’ll need to use the raw identifier syntax,
+`r#try` in this case, to call that function from your 2021 edition code. See
+Appendix E for more information on editions.
## Appendix B: Operators and Symbols
@@ -156,7 +146,7 @@ This appendix contains a glossary of Rust’s syntax, including operators and
other symbols that appear by themselves or in the context of paths, generics,
trait bounds, macros, attributes, comments, tuples, and brackets.
-### Operators
+## Operators
Table B-1 contains the operators in Rust, an example of how the operator would
appear in context, a short explanation, and whether that operator is
@@ -166,66 +156,72 @@ overload that operator is listed.
Table B-1: Operators
| Operator | Example | Explanation | Overloadable? |
-| `!` | `ident!(...)`, `ident!{...}`, `ident![...]` | Macro expansion | |
+| `!` | `ident!(...)`, `ident!{...}`, `ident![...]` | Macro expansion | |
| `!` | `!expr` | Bitwise or logical complement | `Not` |
| `!=` | `expr != expr` | Nonequality comparison | `PartialEq` |
-| `%` | `expr % expr` | Arithmetic remainder | `Rem` |
+| `% | `expr % expr` | Arithmetic remainder | `Rem` |
| `%=` | `var %= expr` | Arithmetic remainder and assignment | `RemAssign` |
-| `&` | `&expr`, `&mut expr` | Borrow | |
-| `&` | `&type`, `&mut type`, `&'a type`, `&'a mut type` | Borrowed pointer type | |
+| `& | `&expr`, `&mut expr` | Borrow | |
+| `&` | `&type`, `&mut type`, `&'a type`, `&'a mut type` | Borrowed pointer
+type | |
| `&` | `expr & expr` | Bitwise AND | `BitAnd` |
| `&=` | `var &= expr` | Bitwise AND and assignment | `BitAndAssign` |
-| `&&` | `expr && expr` | Short-circuiting logical AND | |
-| `*` | `expr * expr` | Arithmetic multiplication | `Mul` |
-| `*=` | `var *= expr` | Arithmetic multiplication and assignment | `MulAssign` |
+| `&&` | `expr && expr` | Short-circuiting logical AND | |
+| `* | `expr * expr` | Arithmetic multiplication | `Mul` |
+| `*=` | `var *= expr` | Arithmetic multiplication and assignment | `MulAssign`
| `*` | `*expr` | Dereference | `Deref` |
-| `*` | `*const type`, `*mut type` | Raw pointer | |
-| `+` | `trait + trait`, `'a + trait` | Compound type constraint | |
-| `+` | `expr + expr` | Arithmetic addition | `Add` |
+| `*` | `*const type`, `*mut type | Raw pointer | |
+| `+ | `trait + trait`, `'a + trait` | Compound type constraint | |
+| `+ | `expr + expr` | Arithmetic addition | `Add` |
| `+=` | `var += expr` | Arithmetic addition and assignment | `AddAssign` |
-| `,` | `expr, expr` | Argument and element separator | |
-| `-` | `- expr` | Arithmetic negation | `Neg` |
-| `-` | `expr - expr` | Arithmetic subtraction | `Sub` |
+| `,` | `expr, expr` | Argument and element separator | |
+| `- | `- expr` | Arithmetic negation | `Neg` |
+| `- | `expr - expr` | Arithmetic subtraction | `Sub` |
| `-=` | `var -= expr` | Arithmetic subtraction and assignment | `SubAssign` |
-| `->` | `fn(...) -> type`, <code>&vert;...&vert; -> type</code> | Function and closure return type | |
-| `.` | `expr.ident` | Member access | |
-| `..` | `..`, `expr..`, `..expr`, `expr..expr` | Right-exclusive range literal | `PartialOrd` |
-| `..=` | `..=expr`, `expr..=expr` | Right-inclusive range literal | `PartialOrd` |
-| `..` | `..expr` | Struct literal update syntax | |
-| `..` | `variant(x, ..)`, `struct_type { x, .. }` | “And the rest” pattern binding | |
-| `...` | `expr...expr` | (Deprecated, use `..=` instead) In a pattern: inclusive range pattern | |
-| `/` | `expr / expr` | Arithmetic division | `Div` |
+| `-> | `fn(...) -> type`, `|…| -> type` | Function and closure return type | |
+| `. | `expr.ident` | Member access | |
+| `..` | `..`, `expr..`, `..expr`, `expr..expr` | Right-exclusive range literal
+| `PartialOrd` |
+| `..=` | `..=expr`, `expr..=expr` | Right-inclusive range literal |
+`PartialOrd` |
+| `..` | `..expr` | Struct literal update syntax | |
+| `..` | `variant(x, ..)`, `struct_type { x, .. }` | “And the rest” pattern
+binding | |
+| `...` | `expr...expr` | (Deprecated, use `..=` instead) In a pattern:
+inclusive range pattern | |
+| `/ | `expr / expr` | Arithmetic division | `Div` |
| `/=` | `var /= expr` | Arithmetic division and assignment | `DivAssign` |
-| `:` | `pat: type`, `ident: type` | Constraints | |
-| `:` | `ident: expr` | Struct field initializer | |
-| `:` | `'a: loop {...}` | Loop label | |
-| `;` | `expr;` | Statement and item terminator | |
-| `;` | `[...; len]` | Part of fixed-size array syntax | |
+| `: | `pat: type`, `ident: type` | Constraints | |
+| `:` | `ident: expr` | Struct field initializer | |
+| `:` | `'a: loop {...}` | Loop label | |
+| `; | `expr;` | Statement and item terminator | |
+| `;` | `[...; len]` | Part of fixed-size array syntax | |
| `<<` | `expr << expr` | Left-shift | `Shl` |
| `<<=` | `var <<= expr` | Left-shift and assignment | `ShlAssign` |
| `<` | `expr < expr` | Less than comparison | `PartialOrd` |
| `<=` | `expr <= expr` | Less than or equal to comparison | `PartialOrd` |
-| `=` | `var = expr`, `ident = type` | Assignment/equivalence | |
+| `=` | `var = expr`, `ident = type` | Assignment/equivalence | |
| `==` | `expr == expr` | Equality comparison | `PartialEq` |
-| `=>` | `pat => expr` | Part of match arm syntax | |
+| `=>` | `pat => expr` | Part of match arm syntax | |
| `>` | `expr > expr` | Greater than comparison | `PartialOrd` |
| `>=` | `expr >= expr` | Greater than or equal to comparison | `PartialOrd` |
| `>>` | `expr >> expr` | Right-shift | `Shr` |
| `>>=` | `var >>= expr` | Right-shift and assignment | `ShrAssign` |
-| `@` | `ident @ pat` | Pattern binding | |
+| `@ | `ident @ pat` | Pattern binding | |
| `^` | `expr ^ expr` | Bitwise exclusive OR | `BitXor` |
| `^=` | `var ^= expr` | Bitwise exclusive OR and assignment | `BitXorAssign` |
-| <code>&vert;</code> | <code>pat &vert; pat</code> | Pattern alternatives | |
-| <code>&vert;</code> | <code>expr &vert; expr</code> | Bitwise OR | `BitOr` |
-| <code>&vert;=</code> | <code>var &vert;= expr</code> | Bitwise OR and assignment | `BitOrAssign` |
-| <code>&vert;&vert;</code> | <code>expr &vert;&vert; expr</code> | Short-circuiting logical OR | |
-| `?` | `expr?` | Error propagation | |
+| `| | `pat | pat` | Pattern alternatives | |
+| `|` | `expr | expr` | Bitwise OR | `BitOr` |
+| `|=` | `var |= expr` | Bitwise OR and assignment | `BitOrAssign` |
+| `||` | `expr || expr` | Short-circuiting logical OR | |
+| `? | `expr?` | Error propagation | |
-### Non-operator Symbols
+## Non-operator Symbols
-The following list contains all symbols that don’t function as operators;
-that is, they don’t behave like a function or method call.
+The following tables contain all symbols that don’t function as operators; that
+is, they don’t behave like a function or method call.
Table B-2 shows symbols that appear on their own and are valid in a variety of
@@ -233,18 +229,22 @@ locations.
Table B-2: Stand-Alone Syntax
| Symbol | Explanation |
-| `'ident` | Named lifetime or loop label |
-| `...u8`, `...i32`, `...f64`, `...usize`, etc. | Numeric literal of specific type |
-| `"..."` | String literal |
-| `r"..."`, `r#"..."#`, `r##"..."##`, etc. | Raw string literal, escape characters not processed |
-| `b"..."` | Byte string literal; constructs an array of bytes instead of a string |
-| `br"..."`, `br#"..."#`, `br##"..."##`, etc. | Raw byte string literal, combination of raw and byte string literal |
-| `'...'` | Character literal |
-| `b'...'` | ASCII byte literal |
-| <code>&vert;...&vert; expr</code> | Closure |
-| `!` | Always empty bottom type for diverging functions |
-| `_` | “Ignored” pattern binding; also used to make integer literals readable |
+| `'ident | Named lifetime or loop label |
+| `...u8`, `...i32`, `...f64`, `...usize`, and so on | Numeric literal of
+specific type |
+| `"..." | String literal |
+| `r"..."`, `r#"..."#`, `r##"..."##`, and so on | Raw string literal; escape
+characters not processed |
+| `b"..."` | Byte string literal; constructs an array of bytes instead of a
+string |
+| `br"..."`, `br#"..."#`, `br##"..."##`, and so on | Raw byte string literal;
+combination of raw and byte string literal |
+| `'...' | Character literal |
+| `b'...' | ASCII byte literal |
+| `|…| expr | Closure |
+| `! | Always-empty bottom type for diverging functions |
+| `_ | “Ignored” pattern binding; also used to make integer literals readable |
Table B-3 shows symbols that appear in the context of a path through the module
hierarchy to an item.
@@ -252,16 +252,23 @@ hierarchy to an item.
Table B-3: Path-Related Syntax
| Symbol | Explanation |
-| `ident::ident` | Namespace path |
-| `::path` | Path relative to the crate root (i.e., an explicitly absolute path) |
-| `self::path` | Path relative to the current module (i.e., an explicitly relative path).
+| `ident::ident | Namespace path |
+| `::path` | Path relative to the crate root (that is, an explicitly absolute
+path) |
+| `self::path` | Path relative to the current module (that is, an explicitly
+relative path) |
| `super::path` | Path relative to the parent of the current module |
-| `type::ident`, `<type as trait>::ident` | Associated constants, functions, and types |
-| `<type>::...` | Associated item for a type that cannot be directly named (e.g., `<&T>::...`, `<[T]>::...`, etc.) |
-| `trait::method(...)` | Disambiguating a method call by naming the trait that defines it |
-| `type::method(...)` | Disambiguating a method call by naming the type for which it’s defined |
-| `<type as trait>::method(...)` | Disambiguating a method call by naming the trait and type |
+| `type::ident`, `<type as trait>::ident | Associated constants, functions, and
+types |
+| `<type>::...` | Associated item for a type that cannot be directly named (for
+example, `<&T>::...`, `<[T]>::...`, and so on) |
+| `trait::method(...)` | Disambiguating a method call by naming the trait that
+defines it |
+| `type::method(...)` | Disambiguating a method call by naming the type for
+which it’s defined |
+| `<type as trait>::method(...)` | Disambiguating a method call by naming the
+trait and type |
Table B-4 shows symbols that appear in the context of using generic type
@@ -269,15 +276,19 @@ parameters.
Table B-4: Generics
| Symbol | Explanation |
-| `path<...>` | Specifies parameters to generic type in a type (e.g., `Vec<u8>`) |
-| `path::<...>`, `method::<...>` | Specifies parameters to generic type, function, or method in an expression; often referred to as turbofish (e.g., `"42".parse::<i32>()`) |
+| `path<...>` | Specifies parameters to a generic type in a type (for example,
+`Vec<u8>`) |
+| `path::<...>, method::<...>` | Specifies parameters to a generic type,
+function, or method in an expression; often referred to as turbofish (for
+example, `"42".parse::<i32>()`) |
| `fn ident<...> ...` | Define generic function |
| `struct ident<...> ...` | Define generic structure |
| `enum ident<...> ...` | Define generic enumeration |
| `impl<...> ...` | Define generic implementation |
| `for<...> type` | Higher-ranked lifetime bounds |
-| `type<ident=type>` | A generic type where one or more associated types have specific assignments (e.g., `Iterator<Item=T>`) |
+| `type<ident=type>` | A generic type where one or more associated types have
+specific assignments (for example, `Iterator<Item=T>`) |
Table B-5 shows symbols that appear in the context of constraining generic type
parameters with trait bounds.
@@ -285,10 +296,12 @@ parameters with trait bounds.
Table B-5: Trait Bound Constraints
| Symbol | Explanation |
-| `T: U` | Generic parameter `T` constrained to types that implement `U` |
-| `T: 'a` | Generic type `T` must outlive lifetime `'a` (meaning the type cannot transitively contain any references with lifetimes shorter than `'a`) |
-| `T: 'static` | Generic type `T` contains no borrowed references other than `'static` ones |
+| T: U` | Generic parameter `T` constrained to types that implement `U` |
+| `T: 'a` | Generic type `T` must outlive lifetime `'a` (meaning the type
+cannot transitively contain any references with lifetimes shorter than `'a`) |
+| `T: 'static` | Generic type `T` contains no borrowed references other than
+`'static` ones |
| `'b: 'a` | Generic lifetime `'b` must outlive lifetime `'a` |
| `T: ?Sized` | Allow generic type parameter to be a dynamically sized type |
| `'a + trait`, `trait + trait` | Compound type constraint |
@@ -299,7 +312,7 @@ macros and specifying attributes on an item.
Table B-6: Macros and Attributes
| Symbol | Explanation |
| `#[meta]` | Outer attribute |
| `#![meta]` | Inner attribute |
| `$ident` | Macro substitution |
@@ -312,7 +325,7 @@ Table B-7 shows symbols that create comments.
Table B-7: Comments
| Symbol | Explanation |
| `//` | Line comment |
| `//!` | Inner line doc comment |
| `///` | Outer line doc comment |
@@ -325,22 +338,23 @@ Table B-8 shows symbols that appear in the context of using tuples.
Table B-8: Tuples
| Symbol | Explanation |
-| `()` | Empty tuple (aka unit), both literal and type |
+| `() | Empty tuple (aka unit), both literal and type |
| `(expr)` | Parenthesized expression |
| `(expr,)` | Single-element tuple expression |
| `(type,)` | Single-element tuple type |
| `(expr, ...)` | Tuple expression |
| `(type, ...)` | Tuple type |
-| `expr(expr, ...)` | Function call expression; also used to initialize tuple `struct`s and tuple `enum` variants |
-| `expr.0`, `expr.1`, etc. | Tuple indexing |
+| `expr(expr, ...)` | Function call expression; also used to initialize tuple
+`struct`s and tuple `enum` variants |
+| `expr.0`, `expr.1`, and so on | Tuple indexing |
-Table B-9 shows the contexts in which curly braces are used.
+Table B-9 shows the contexts in which curly brackets are used.
Table B-9: Curly Brackets
| Context | Explanation |
| `{...}` | Block expression |
| `Type {...}` | `struct` literal |
@@ -349,12 +363,14 @@ Table B-10 shows the contexts in which square brackets are used.
Table B-10: Square Brackets
| Context | Explanation |
| `[...]` | Array literal |
| `[expr; len]` | Array literal containing `len` copies of `expr` |
| `[type; len]` | Array type containing `len` instances of `type` |
-| `expr[expr]` | Collection indexing. Overloadable (`Index`, `IndexMut`) |
-| `expr[..]`, `expr[a..]`, `expr[..b]`, `expr[a..b]` | Collection indexing pretending to be collection slicing, using `Range`, `RangeFrom`, `RangeTo`, or `RangeFull` as the “index” |
+| `expr[expr]` | Collection indexing; overloadable (`Index`, `IndexMut`) |
+| `expr[..]`, `expr[a..]`, `expr[..b]`, `expr[a..b]` | Collection indexing
+pretending to be collection slicing, using `Range`, `RangeFrom`, `RangeTo`, or
+`RangeFull` as the “index” |
## Appendix C: Derivable Traits
@@ -373,14 +389,13 @@ library that you can use with `derive`. Each section covers:
* Examples of operations that require the trait
If you want different behavior from that provided by the `derive` attribute,
-consult the standard library documentation for each trait for details of how to
+consult the standard library documentation for each trait for details on how to
manually implement them.
-These traits listed here are the only ones defined by the standard library that
-can be implemented on your types using `derive`.
-Other traits defined in the standard library don’t have sensible default
-behavior, so it’s up to you to implement them in the way that makes sense for
-what you’re trying to accomplish.
+The traits listed here are the only ones defined by the standard library that
+can be implemented on your types using `derive`. Other traits defined in the
+standard library don’t have sensible default behavior, so it’s up to you to
+implement them in the way that makes sense for what you’re trying to accomplish.
An example of a trait that can’t be derived is `Display`, which handles
formatting for end users. You should always consider the appropriate way to
@@ -391,11 +406,10 @@ it can’t provide appropriate default behavior for you.
The list of derivable traits provided in this appendix is not comprehensive:
libraries can implement `derive` for their own traits, making the list of
-traits you can use `derive` with truly open-ended. Implementing `derive`
-involves using a procedural macro, which is covered in the
-“Macros” section of Chapter 19.
+traits you can use `derive` with truly open ended. Implementing `derive`
+involves using a procedural macro, which is covered in “Macros” on page XX.
-### `Debug` for Programmer Output
+## Debug for Programmer Output
The `Debug` trait enables debug formatting in format strings, which you
indicate by adding `:?` within `{}` placeholders.
@@ -404,11 +418,12 @@ The `Debug` trait allows you to print instances of a type for debugging
purposes, so you and other programmers using your type can inspect an instance
at a particular point in a program’s execution.
-The `Debug` trait is required, for example, in use of the `assert_eq!` macro.
-This macro prints the values of instances given as arguments if the equality
-assertion fails so programmers can see why the two instances weren’t equal.
+The `Debug` trait is required, for example, in the use of the `assert_eq!`
+macro. This macro prints the values of instances given as arguments if the
+equality assertion fails so programmers can see why the two instances weren’t
-### `PartialEq` and `Eq` for Equality Comparisons
+## PartialEq and Eq for Equality Comparisons
The `PartialEq` trait allows you to compare instances of a type to check for
equality and enables use of the `==` and `!=` operators.
@@ -425,14 +440,14 @@ for equality.
The `Eq` trait has no methods. Its purpose is to signal that for every value of
the annotated type, the value is equal to itself. The `Eq` trait can only be
applied to types that also implement `PartialEq`, although not all types that
-implement `PartialEq` can implement `Eq`. One example of this is floating point
-number types: the implementation of floating point numbers states that two
+implement `PartialEq` can implement `Eq`. One example of this is floating-point
+number types: the implementation of floating-point numbers states that two
instances of the not-a-number (`NaN`) value are not equal to each other.
-An example of when `Eq` is required is for keys in a `HashMap<K, V>` so the
-`HashMap<K, V>` can tell whether two keys are the same.
+An example of when `Eq` is required is for keys in a `HashMap<K, V>` so that
+the `HashMap<K, V>` can tell whether two keys are the same.
-### `PartialOrd` and `Ord` for Ordering Comparisons
+## PartialOrd and Ord for Ordering Comparisons
The `PartialOrd` trait allows you to compare instances of a type for sorting
purposes. A type that implements `PartialOrd` can be used with the `<`, `>`,
@@ -443,8 +458,8 @@ Deriving `PartialOrd` implements the `partial_cmp` method, which returns an
`Option<Ordering>` that will be `None` when the values given don’t produce an
ordering. An example of a value that doesn’t produce an ordering, even though
most values of that type can be compared, is the not-a-number (`NaN`) floating
-point value. Calling `partial_cmp` with any floating point number and the `NaN`
-floating point value will return `None`.
+point value. Calling `partial_cmp` with any floating-point number and the `NaN`
+floating-point value will return `None`.
When derived on structs, `PartialOrd` compares two instances by comparing the
value in each field in the order in which the fields appear in the struct
@@ -466,12 +481,12 @@ implementation for `partial_cmp` does with `PartialOrd`.
An example of when `Ord` is required is when storing values in a `BTreeSet<T>`,
a data structure that stores data based on the sort order of the values.
-### `Clone` and `Copy` for Duplicating Values
+## Clone and Copy for Duplicating Values
The `Clone` trait allows you to explicitly create a deep copy of a value, and
the duplication process might involve running arbitrary code and copying heap
-data. See the “Ways Variables and Data Interact: Clone” section in Chapter 4
-for more information on `Clone`.
+data. See “Variables and Data Interacting with Clone” on page XX for more
+information on `Clone`.
Deriving `Clone` implements the `clone` method, which when implemented for the
whole type, calls `clone` on each of the parts of the type. This means all the
@@ -480,11 +495,11 @@ fields or values in the type must also implement `Clone` to derive `Clone`.
An example of when `Clone` is required is when calling the `to_vec` method on a
slice. The slice doesn’t own the type instances it contains, but the vector
returned from `to_vec` will need to own its instances, so `to_vec` calls
-`clone` on each item. Thus, the type stored in the slice must implement `Clone`.
+`clone` on each item. Thus the type stored in the slice must implement `Clone`.
The `Copy` trait allows you to duplicate a value by only copying bits stored on
-the stack; no arbitrary code is necessary. See the “Stack-Only Data: Copy”
-section in Chapter 4 for more information on `Copy`.
+the stack; no arbitrary code is necessary. See “Stack-Only Data: Copy” on page
+XX for more information on `Copy`.
The `Copy` trait doesn’t define any methods to prevent programmers from
overloading those methods and violating the assumption that no arbitrary code
@@ -492,7 +507,7 @@ is being run. That way, all programmers can assume that copying a value will be
very fast.
You can derive `Copy` on any type whose parts all implement `Copy`. A type that
-implements `Copy` must also implement `Clone`, because a type that implements
+implements `Copy` must also implement `Clone` because a type that implements
`Copy` has a trivial implementation of `Clone` that performs the same task as
@@ -503,7 +518,7 @@ the code more concise.
Everything possible with `Copy` you can also accomplish with `Clone`, but the
code might be slower or have to use `clone` in places.
-### `Hash` for Mapping a Value to a Value of Fixed Size
+## Hash for Mapping a Value to a Value of Fixed Size
The `Hash` trait allows you to take an instance of a type of arbitrary size and
map that instance to a value of fixed size using a hash function. Deriving
@@ -514,7 +529,7 @@ meaning all fields or values must also implement `Hash` to derive `Hash`.
An example of when `Hash` is required is in storing keys in a `HashMap<K, V>`
to store data efficiently.
-### `Default` for Default Values
+## Default for Default Values
The `Default` trait allows you to create a default value for a type. Deriving
`Default` implements the `default` function. The derived implementation of the
@@ -523,9 +538,9 @@ meaning all fields or values in the type must also implement `Default` to
derive `Default`.
The `Default::default` function is commonly used in combination with the struct
-update syntax discussed in the “Creating Instances From Other Instances With
-Struct Update Syntax” section in Chapter 5. You can customize a few fields of a
-struct and then set and use a default value for the rest of the fields by using
+update syntax discussed in “Creating Instances from Other Instances with Struct
+Update Syntax” on page XX. You can customize a few fields of a struct and then
+set and use a default value for the rest of the fields by using
The `Default` trait is required when you use the method `unwrap_or_default` on
@@ -533,26 +548,23 @@ The `Default` trait is required when you use the method `unwrap_or_default` on
`unwrap_or_default` will return the result of `Default::default` for the type
`T` stored in the `Option<T>`.
-## Appendix D - Useful Development Tools
+## Appendix D: Useful Development Tools
In this appendix, we talk about some useful development tools that the Rust
project provides. We’ll look at automatic formatting, quick ways to apply
warning fixes, a linter, and integrating with IDEs.
-### Automatic Formatting with `rustfmt`
+## Automatic Formatting with rustfmt
The `rustfmt` tool reformats your code according to the community code style.
Many collaborative projects use `rustfmt` to prevent arguments about which
style to use when writing Rust: everyone formats their code using the tool.
-To install `rustfmt`, enter the following:
-$ rustup component add rustfmt
-This command gives you `rustfmt` and `cargo-fmt`, similar to how Rust gives you
-both `rustc` and `cargo`. To format any Cargo project, enter the following:
+Rust installations include `rustfmt` by default, so you should already have the
+programs `rustfmt` and `cargo-fmt` on your system. These two commands are
+analagous to `rustc` and `cargo` in that `rustfmt` allows finer-grained control
+and `cargo-fmt` understands conventions of a project that uses Cargo. To format
+any Cargo project, enter the following:
$ cargo fmt
@@ -562,13 +574,12 @@ Running this command reformats all the Rust code in the current crate. This
should only change the code style, not the code semantics. For more information
on `rustfmt`, see its documentation at **.
+## Fix Your Code with rustfix
-### Fix Your Code with `rustfix`
-The rustfix tool is included with Rust installations and can automatically fix
-compiler warnings that have a clear way to correct the problem that’s likely
-what you want. It’s likely you’ve seen compiler warnings before. For example,
-consider this code:
+The `rustfix` tool is included with Rust installations and can automatically
+fix compiler warnings that have a clear way to correct the problem that’s
+likely what you want. You’ve probably seen compiler warnings before. For
+example, consider this code:
Filename: src/
@@ -631,16 +642,11 @@ The `for` loop variable is now named `_i`, and the warning no longer appears.
You can also use the `cargo fix` command to transition your code between
different Rust editions. Editions are covered in Appendix E.
-### More Lints with Clippy
+## More Lints with Clippy
The Clippy tool is a collection of lints to analyze your code so you can catch
-common mistakes and improve your Rust code.
-To install Clippy, enter the following:
-$ rustup component add clippy
+common mistakes and improve your Rust code. Clippy is included with standard
+Rust installations.
To run Clippy’s lints on any Cargo project, enter the following:
@@ -664,14 +670,16 @@ fn main() {
Running `cargo clippy` on this project results in this error:
-error: approximate value of `f{32, 64}::consts::PI` found. Consider using it directly
+error: approximate value of `f{32, 64}::consts::PI` found
--> src/
2 | let x = 3.1415;
| ^^^^^^
- = note: #[deny(clippy::approx_constant)] on by default
- = help: for further information visit
+ = note: `#[deny(clippy::approx_constant)]` on by default
+ = help: consider using the constant directly
+ = help: for further information visit
This error lets you know that Rust already has a more precise `PI` constant
@@ -690,23 +698,24 @@ fn main() {
-For more information on Clippy, see its documentation at **.
+For more information on Clippy, see its documentation at
-### IDE Integration Using `rust-analyzer`
+## IDE Integration Using rust-analyzer
-To help IDE integration, the Rust community recommends using `rust-analyzer`.
-This tool is a set of compiler-centric utilities that speaks the Language
-Server Protocol, which is a specification for IDEs and programming languages to
-communicate with each other. Different clients can use `rust-analyzer`, such as
-the Rust analyzer plug-in for Visual Studio Code at
+To help with IDE integration, the Rust community recommends using
+`rust-analyzer`. This tool is a set of compiler-centric utilities that speak
+Language Server Protocol, which is a specification for IDEs and programming
+languages to communicate with each other. Different clients can use
+`rust-analyzer`, such as the Rust analyzer plug-in for Visual Studio Code at
Visit the `rust-analyzer` project’s home page at
** for installation instructions, then install
the language server support in your particular IDE. Your IDE will gain
-abilities such as autocompletion, jump to definition, and inline errors.
+capabilities such as autocompletion, jump to definition, and inline errors
-## Appendix E - Editions
+## Appendix E: Editions
In Chapter 1, you saw that `cargo new` adds a bit of metadata to your
*Cargo.toml* file about an edition. This appendix talks about what that means!
@@ -726,11 +735,11 @@ six-week release process.
Editions serve different purposes for different people:
* For active Rust users, a new edition brings together incremental changes into
- an easy-to-understand package.
+an easy-to-understand package.
* For non-users, a new edition signals that some major advancements have
- landed, which might make Rust worth another look.
+landed, which might make Rust worth another look.
* For those developing Rust, a new edition provides a rallying point for the
- project as a whole.
+project as a whole.
At the time of this writing, three Rust editions are available: Rust 2015, Rust
2018, and Rust 2021. This book is written using Rust 2021 edition idioms.
@@ -759,7 +768,8 @@ made. However, in some cases, mainly when new keywords are added, some new
features might only be available in later editions. You will need to switch
editions if you want to take advantage of such features.
-For more details, the *Edition
-Guide* at ** is a complete book
-about editions that enumerates the differences between editions and explains
-how to automatically upgrade your code to a new edition via `cargo fix`.
+For more details, *The* *Edition Guide* at
+** is a complete book about
+editions that enumerates the differences between editions and explains how to
+automatically upgrade your code to a new edition via `cargo fix`.