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+# Generic Types, Traits, and Lifetimes
+Every programming language has tools for effectively handling the duplication
+of concepts. In Rust, one such tool is *generics*: abstract stand-ins for
+concrete types or other properties. We can express the behavior of generics or
+how they relate to other generics without knowing what will be in their place
+when compiling and running the code.
+Functions can take parameters of some generic type, instead of a concrete type
+like `i32` or `String`, in the same way a function takes parameters with
+unknown values to run the same code on multiple concrete values. In fact, we’ve
+already used generics in Chapter 6 with `Option<T>`, Chapter 8 with `Vec<T>`
+and `HashMap<K, V>`, and Chapter 9 with `Result<T, E>`. In this chapter, you’ll
+explore how to define your own types, functions, and methods with generics!
+First, we’ll review how to extract a function to reduce code duplication. We’ll
+then use the same technique to make a generic function from two functions that
+differ only in the types of their parameters. We’ll also explain how to use
+generic types in struct and enum definitions.
+Then you’ll learn how to use *traits* to define behavior in a generic way. You
+can combine traits with generic types to constrain a generic type to accept
+only those types that have a particular behavior, as opposed to just any type.
+Finally, we’ll discuss *lifetimes*: a variety of generics that give the
+compiler information about how references relate to each other. Lifetimes allow
+us to give the compiler enough information about borrowed values so that it can
+ensure references will be valid in more situations than it could without our
+## Removing Duplication by Extracting a Function
+Generics allow us to replace specific types with a placeholder that represents
+multiple types to remove code duplication.
+Before diving into generics syntax, then, let’s first look at how to remove
+duplication in a way that doesn’t involve generic types by extracting a
+function that replaces specific values with a placeholder that represents
+multiple values. Then we’ll apply the same technique to extract a generic
+function! By looking at how to recognize duplicated code you can extract into a
+function, you’ll start to recognize duplicated code that can use generics.
+We begin with the short program in Listing 10-1 that finds the largest number
+in a list.
+Filename: src/
+fn main() {
+ let number_list = vec![34, 50, 25, 100, 65];
+ let mut largest = &number_list[0];
+ for number in &number_list {
+ if number > largest {
+ largest = number;
+ }
+ }
+ println!("The largest number is {}", largest);
+Listing 10-1: Finding the largest number in a list of numbers
+We store a list of integers in the variable `number_list` and place a reference
+to the first number in the list in a variable named `largest`. We then iterate
+through all the numbers in the list, and if the current number is greater than
+the number stored in `largest`, replace the reference in that variable.
+However, if the current number is less than or equal to the largest number seen
+so far, the variable doesn’t change, and the code moves on to the next number
+in the list. After considering all the numbers in the list, `largest` should
+refer to the largest number, which in this case is 100.
+We've now been tasked with finding the largest number in two different lists of
+numbers. To do so, we can choose to duplicate the code in Listing 10-1 and use
+the same logic at two different places in the program, as shown in Listing 10-2.
+Filename: src/
+fn main() {
+ let number_list = vec![34, 50, 25, 100, 65];
+ let mut largest = &number_list[0];
+ for number in &number_list {
+ if number > largest {
+ largest = number;
+ }
+ }
+ println!("The largest number is {}", largest);
+ let number_list = vec![102, 34, 6000, 89, 54, 2, 43, 8];
+ let mut largest = &number_list[0];
+ for number in &number_list {
+ if number > largest {
+ largest = number;
+ }
+ }
+ println!("The largest number is {}", largest);
+Listing 10-2: Code to find the largest number in *two* lists of numbers
+Although this code works, duplicating code is tedious and error prone. We also
+have to remember to update the code in multiple places when we want to change
+To eliminate this duplication, we’ll create an abstraction by defining a
+function that operates on any list of integers passed in a parameter. This
+solution makes our code clearer and lets us express the concept of finding the
+largest number in a list abstractly.
+In Listing 10-3, we extract the code that finds the largest number into a
+function named `largest`. Then we call the function to find the largest number
+in the two lists from Listing 10-2. We could also use the function on any other
+list of `i32` values we might have in the future.
+Filename: src/
+fn largest(list: &[i32]) -> &i32 {
+ let mut largest = &list[0];
+ for item in list {
+ if item > largest {
+ largest = item;
+ }
+ }
+ largest
+fn main() {
+ let number_list = vec![34, 50, 25, 100, 65];
+ let result = largest(&number_list);
+ println!("The largest number is {}", result);
+ let number_list = vec![102, 34, 6000, 89, 54, 2, 43, 8];
+ let result = largest(&number_list);
+ println!("The largest number is {}", result);
+Listing 10-3: Abstracted code to find the largest number in two lists
+The `largest` function has a parameter called `list`, which represents any
+concrete slice of `i32` values we might pass into the function. As a result,
+when we call the function, the code runs on the specific values that we pass
+In summary, here are the steps we took to change the code from Listing 10-2 to
+Listing 10-3:
+"In summary"?
+/JT --->
+<!-- I believe "In sum" to be fine, but other people have been confused by it
+as well, so I'm ok changing it. /Carol -->
+1. Identify duplicate code.
+2. Extract the duplicate code into the body of the function and specify the
+ inputs and return values of that code in the function signature.
+3. Update the two instances of duplicated code to call the function instead.
+Next, we’ll use these same steps with generics to reduce code duplication. In
+the same way that the function body can operate on an abstract `list` instead
+of specific values, generics allow code to operate on abstract types.
+For example, say we had two functions: one that finds the largest item in a
+slice of `i32` values and one that finds the largest item in a slice of `char`
+values. How would we eliminate that duplication? Let’s find out!
+## Generic Data Types
+We use generics to create definitions for items like function signatures or
+structs, which we can then use with many different concrete data types. Let’s
+first look at how to define functions, structs, enums, and methods using
+generics. Then we’ll discuss how generics affect code performance.
+### In Function Definitions
+When defining a function that uses generics, we place the generics in the
+signature of the function where we would usually specify the data types of the
+parameters and return value. Doing so makes our code more flexible and provides
+more functionality to callers of our function while preventing code duplication.
+Continuing with our `largest` function, Listing 10-4 shows two functions that
+both find the largest value in a slice. We'll then combine these into a single
+function that uses generics.
+Filename: src/
+fn largest_i32(list: &[i32]) -> &i32 {
+ let mut largest = &list[0];
+ for item in list {
+ if item > largest {
+ largest = item;
+ }
+ }
+ largest
+fn largest_char(list: &[char]) -> &char {
+ let mut largest = &list[0];
+ for item in list {
+ if item > largest {
+ largest = item;
+ }
+ }
+ largest
+fn main() {
+ let number_list = vec![34, 50, 25, 100, 65];
+ let result = largest_i32(&number_list);
+ println!("The largest number is {}", result);
+ let char_list = vec!['y', 'm', 'a', 'q'];
+ let result = largest_char(&char_list);
+ println!("The largest char is {}", result);
+Listing 10-4: Two functions that differ only in their names and the types in
+their signatures
+The `largest_i32` function is the one we extracted in Listing 10-3 that finds
+the largest `i32` in a slice. The `largest_char` function finds the largest
+`char` in a slice. The function bodies have the same code, so let’s eliminate
+the duplication by introducing a generic type parameter in a single function.
+To parameterize the types in a new single function, we need to name the type
+parameter, just as we do for the value parameters to a function. You can use
+any identifier as a type parameter name. But we’ll use `T` because, by
+convention, parameter names in Rust are short, often just a letter, and Rust’s
+type-naming convention is CamelCase. Short for “type,” `T` is the default
+choice of most Rust programmers.
+When we use a parameter in the body of the function, we have to declare the
+parameter name in the signature so the compiler knows what that name means.
+Similarly, when we use a type parameter name in a function signature, we have
+to declare the type parameter name before we use it. To define the generic
+`largest` function, place type name declarations inside angle brackets, `<>`,
+between the name of the function and the parameter list, like this:
+fn largest<T>(list: &[T]) -> &T {
+We read this definition as: the function `largest` is generic over some type
+`T`. This function has one parameter named `list`, which is a slice of values
+of type `T`. The `largest` function will return a reference to a value of the
+same type `T`.
+Listing 10-5 shows the combined `largest` function definition using the generic
+data type in its signature. The listing also shows how we can call the function
+with either a slice of `i32` values or `char` values. Note that this code won’t
+compile yet, but we’ll fix it later in this chapter.
+Filename: src/
+fn largest<T>(list: &[T]) -> &T {
+ let mut largest = &list[0];
+ for item in list {
+ if item > largest {
+ largest = item;
+ }
+ }
+ largest
+fn main() {
+ let number_list = vec![34, 50, 25, 100, 65];
+ let result = largest(&number_list);
+ println!("The largest number is {}", result);
+ let char_list = vec!['y', 'm', 'a', 'q'];
+ let result = largest(&char_list);
+ println!("The largest char is {}", result);
+Listing 10-5: The `largest` function using generic type parameters; this
+doesn’t yet compile yet
+If we compile this code right now, we’ll get this error:
+error[E0369]: binary operation `>` cannot be applied to type `T`
+ --> src/
+ |
+5 | if item > largest {
+ | ---- ^ ------- T
+ | |
+ | T
+ |
+help: consider restricting type parameter `T`
+ |
+1 | fn largest<T: std::cmp::PartialOrd>(list: &[T]) -> T {
+ | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+The help text mentions `std::cmp::PartialOrd`, which is a *trait*, and we’re
+going to talk about traits in the next section. For now, know that this error
+states that the body of `largest` won’t work for all possible types that `T`
+could be. Because we want to compare values of type `T` in the body, we can
+only use types whose values can be ordered. To enable comparisons, the standard
+library has the `std::cmp::PartialOrd` trait that you can implement on types
+(see Appendix C for more on this trait). By following the help text's
+suggestion, we restrict the types valid for `T` to only those that implement
+`PartialOrd` and this example will compile, because the standard library
+implements `PartialOrd` on both `i32` and `char`.
+The wording at the end of the above paragraph feels a little odd. For the
+"You’ll learn how to specify that a generic type has a particular trait in the
+“Traits as Parameters” section." -- the error message above tells you how to
+maybe fix it.
+Well, it *could* fix it but the way the example is written adds multiple
+Do we want to leave this example unfinished and move onto other topics for a
+bit or revise the example so it's more self-contained, allowing the compiler to
+help us and later revisit after we've learned more?
+/JT --->
+<!-- I've modified the example and explanation just slightly so that only
+adding the `PartialOrd` trait as suggested here will fix it completely, perhaps
+leaving the reader hanging a little bit less. It's really hard to teach
+generics and trait bounds, though, because you can't do much with generics
+unless you have trait bounds too (and can't learn why you'd want trait bounds
+without knowing about generics). /Carol -->
+### In Struct Definitions
+We can also define structs to use a generic type parameter in one or more
+fields using the `<>` syntax. Listing 10-6 defines a `Point<T>` struct to hold
+`x` and `y` coordinate values of any type.
+Filename: src/
+struct Point<T> {
+ x: T,
+ y: T,
+fn main() {
+ let integer = Point { x: 5, y: 10 };
+ let float = Point { x: 1.0, y: 4.0 };
+Listing 10-6: A `Point<T>` struct that holds `x` and `y` values of type `T`
+The syntax for using generics in struct definitions is similar to that used in
+function definitions. First, we declare the name of the type parameter inside
+angle brackets just after the name of the struct. Then we use the generic type
+in the struct definition where we would otherwise specify concrete data types.
+Note that because we’ve used only one generic type to define `Point<T>`, this
+definition says that the `Point<T>` struct is generic over some type `T`, and
+the fields `x` and `y` are *both* that same type, whatever that type may be. If
+we create an instance of a `Point<T>` that has values of different types, as in
+Listing 10-7, our code won’t compile.
+Filename: src/
+struct Point<T> {
+ x: T,
+ y: T,
+fn main() {
+ let wont_work = Point { x: 5, y: 4.0 };
+Listing 10-7: The fields `x` and `y` must be the same type because both have
+the same generic data type `T`.
+In this example, when we assign the integer value 5 to `x`, we let the compiler
+know that the generic type `T` will be an integer for this instance of
+`Point<T>`. Then when we specify 4.0 for `y`, which we’ve defined to have the
+same type as `x`, we’ll get a type mismatch error like this:
+Not sure how or where we might want to call this out, but this is also how
+type inference in Rust works. If we don't know the type, we look for how it's
+used. That fresh type becomes a concrete type, and any use after that which
+is different than we expect becomes an error.
+fn main() {
+ let mut x;
+ x = 5;
+ x = 4.0;
+Also gives:
+ |
+2 | let mut x;
+ | ----- expected due to the type of this binding
+5 | x = 4.0;
+ | ^^^ expected integer, found floating-point number
+/JT --->
+<!-- Yeah, it's kind of neat trivia, but doesn't really fit here I don't think.
+/Carol -->
+error[E0308]: mismatched types
+ --> src/
+ |
+7 | let wont_work = Point { x: 5, y: 4.0 };
+ | ^^^ expected integer, found floating-point number
+To define a `Point` struct where `x` and `y` are both generics but could have
+different types, we can use multiple generic type parameters. For example, in
+Listing 10-8, we change the definition of `Point` to be generic over types `T`
+and `U` where `x` is of type `T` and `y` is of type `U`.
+Filename: src/
+struct Point<T, U> {
+ x: T,
+ y: U,
+fn main() {
+ let both_integer = Point { x: 5, y: 10 };
+ let both_float = Point { x: 1.0, y: 4.0 };
+ let integer_and_float = Point { x: 5, y: 4.0 };
+Listing 10-8: A `Point<T, U>` generic over two types so that `x` and `y` can be
+values of different types
+Now all the instances of `Point` shown are allowed! You can use as many generic
+type parameters in a definition as you want, but using more than a few makes
+your code hard to read. If you're finding you need lots of generic types in
+your code, it could indicate that your code needs restructuring into smaller
+### In Enum Definitions
+As we did with structs, we can define enums to hold generic data types in their
+variants. Let’s take another look at the `Option<T>` enum that the standard
+library provides, which we used in Chapter 6:
+enum Option<T> {
+ Some(T),
+ None,
+This definition should now make more sense to you. As you can see, the
+`Option<T>` enum is generic over type `T` and has two variants: `Some`, which
+holds one value of type `T`, and a `None` variant that doesn’t hold any value.
+By using the `Option<T>` enum, we can express the abstract concept of an
+optional value, and because `Option<T>` is generic, we can use this abstraction
+no matter what the type of the optional value is.
+Enums can use multiple generic types as well. The definition of the `Result`
+enum that we used in Chapter 9 is one example:
+enum Result<T, E> {
+ Ok(T),
+ Err(E),
+The `Result` enum is generic over two types, `T` and `E`, and has two variants:
+`Ok`, which holds a value of type `T`, and `Err`, which holds a value of type
+`E`. This definition makes it convenient to use the `Result` enum anywhere we
+have an operation that might succeed (return a value of some type `T`) or fail
+(return an error of some type `E`). In fact, this is what we used to open a
+file in Listing 9-3, where `T` was filled in with the type `std::fs::File` when
+the file was opened successfully and `E` was filled in with the type
+`std::io::Error` when there were problems opening the file.
+When you recognize situations in your code with multiple struct or enum
+definitions that differ only in the types of the values they hold, you can
+avoid duplication by using generic types instead.
+### In Method Definitions
+We can implement methods on structs and enums (as we did in Chapter 5) and use
+generic types in their definitions, too. Listing 10-9 shows the `Point<T>`
+struct we defined in Listing 10-6 with a method named `x` implemented on it.
+Filename: src/
+struct Point<T> {
+ x: T,
+ y: T,
+impl<T> Point<T> {
+ fn x(&self) -> &T {
+ &self.x
+ }
+fn main() {
+ let p = Point { x: 5, y: 10 };
+ println!("p.x = {}", p.x());
+The above code gives a warning for the unused `y`. Maybe we can print both
+`x` and `y`?
+/JT --->
+<!-- In general, I'm not worried about unused code warnings, there's a lot of
+examples that have unused code because they're small examples. I don't think
+there's much value in adding a method and printing `y` as well. /Carol -->
+Listing 10-9: Implementing a method named `x` on the `Point<T>` struct that
+will return a reference to the `x` field of type `T`
+Here, we’ve defined a method named `x` on `Point<T>` that returns a reference
+to the data in the field `x`.
+Note that we have to declare `T` just after `impl` so we can use `T` to specify
+that we’re implementing methods on the type `Point<T>`. By declaring `T` as a
+generic type after `impl`, Rust can identify that the type in the angle
+brackets in `Point` is a generic type rather than a concrete type. We could
+have chosen a different name for this generic parameter than the generic
+parameter declared in the struct definition, but using the same name is
+conventional. Methods written within an `impl` that declares the generic type
+will be defined on any instance of the type, no matter what concrete type ends
+up substituting for the generic type.
+We can also specify constraints on generic types when defining methods on the
+type. We could, for example, implement methods only on `Point<f32>` instances
+rather than on `Point<T>` instances with any generic type. In Listing 10-10 we
+use the concrete type `f32`, meaning we don’t declare any types after `impl`.
+Filename: src/
+impl Point<f32> {
+ fn distance_from_origin(&self) -> f32 {
+ (self.x.powi(2) + self.y.powi(2)).sqrt()
+ }
+Listing 10-10: An `impl` block that only applies to a struct with a particular
+concrete type for the generic type parameter `T`
+This code means the type `Point<f32>` will have a `distance_from_origin`
+method; other instances of `Point<T>` where `T` is not of type `f32` will not
+have this method defined. The method measures how far our point is from the
+point at coordinates (0.0, 0.0) and uses mathematical operations that are
+available only for floating point types.
+Generic type parameters in a struct definition aren’t always the same as those
+you use in that same struct’s method signatures. Listing 10-11 uses the generic
+types `X1` and `Y1` for the `Point` struct and `X2` `Y2` for the `mixup` method
+signature to make the example clearer. The method creates a new `Point`
+instance with the `x` value from the `self` `Point` (of type `X1`) and the `y`
+value from the passed-in `Point` (of type `Y2`).
+Filename: src/
+struct Point<X1, Y1> {
+ x: X1,
+ y: Y1,
+impl<X1, Y1> Point<X1, Y1> {
+ fn mixup<X2, Y2>(self, other: Point<X2, Y2>) -> Point<X1, Y2> {
+ Point {
+ x: self.x,
+ y: other.y,
+ }
+ }
+fn main() {
+ let p1 = Point { x: 5, y: 10.4 };
+ let p2 = Point { x: "Hello", y: 'c' };
+ let p3 = p1.mixup(p2);
+ println!("p3.x = {}, p3.y = {}", p3.x, p3.y);
+Listing 10-11: A method that uses generic types different from its struct’s
+In `main`, we’ve defined a `Point` that has an `i32` for `x` (with value `5`)
+and an `f64` for `y` (with value `10.4`). The `p2` variable is a `Point` struct
+that has a string slice for `x` (with value `"Hello"`) and a `char` for `y`
+(with value `c`). Calling `mixup` on `p1` with the argument `p2` gives us `p3`,
+which will have an `i32` for `x`, because `x` came from `p1`. The `p3` variable
+will have a `char` for `y`, because `y` came from `p2`. The `println!` macro
+call will print `p3.x = 5, p3.y = c`.
+The purpose of this example is to demonstrate a situation in which some generic
+parameters are declared with `impl` and some are declared with the method
+definition. Here, the generic parameters `X1` and `Y1` are declared after
+`impl` because they go with the struct definition. The generic parameters `X2`
+and `Y2` are declared after `fn mixup`, because they’re only relevant to the
+### Performance of Code Using Generics
+You might be wondering whether there is a runtime cost when using generic type
+parameters. The good news is that using generic types won't make your run any
+slower than it would with concrete types.
+Rust accomplishes this by performing monomorphization of the code using
+generics at compile time. *Monomorphization* is the process of turning generic
+code into specific code by filling in the concrete types that are used when
+compiled. In this process, the compiler does the opposite of the steps we used
+to create the generic function in Listing 10-5: the compiler looks at all the
+places where generic code is called and generates code for the concrete types
+the generic code is called with.
+Let’s look at how this works by using the standard library’s generic
+`Option<T>` enum:
+let integer = Some(5);
+let float = Some(5.0);
+When Rust compiles this code, it performs monomorphization. During that
+process, the compiler reads the values that have been used in `Option<T>`
+instances and identifies two kinds of `Option<T>`: one is `i32` and the other
+is `f64`. As such, it expands the generic definition of `Option<T>` into two
+definitions specialized to `i32` and `f64`, thereby replacing the generic
+definition with the specific ones.
+We may want to be clear in the above it doesn't actually do this, as you
+wouldn't be able to write `enum Option_i32` in your code as it would clash.
+/JT --->
+<!-- I've reworded the last sentence in the above paragraph and the next
+sentence to hopefully sidestep the issue JT pointed out. /Carol -->
+The monomorphized version of the code looks similar to the following (the
+compiler uses different names than what we’re using here for illustration):
+Filename: src/
+enum Option_i32 {
+ Some(i32),
+ None,
+enum Option_f64 {
+ Some(f64),
+ None,
+fn main() {
+ let integer = Option_i32::Some(5);
+ let float = Option_f64::Some(5.0);
+The generic `Option<T>` is replaced with the specific definitions created by
+the compiler. Because Rust compiles generic code into code that specifies the
+type in each instance, we pay no runtime cost for using generics. When the code
+runs, it performs just as it would if we had duplicated each definition by
+hand. The process of monomorphization makes Rust’s generics extremely efficient
+at runtime.
+## Traits: Defining Shared Behavior
+A *trait* defines functionality a particular type has and can share with other
+types. We can use traits to define shared behavior in an abstract way. We can
+use *trait bounds* to specify that a generic type can be any type that has
+certain behavior.
+> Note: Traits are similar to a feature often called *interfaces* in other
+> languages, although with some differences.
+### Defining a Trait
+A type’s behavior consists of the methods we can call on that type. Different
+types share the same behavior if we can call the same methods on all of those
+types. Trait definitions are a way to group method signatures together to
+define a set of behaviors necessary to accomplish some purpose.
+For example, let’s say we have multiple structs that hold various kinds and
+amounts of text: a `NewsArticle` struct that holds a news story filed in a
+particular location and a `Tweet` that can have at most 280 characters along
+with metadata that indicates whether it was a new tweet, a retweet, or a reply
+to another tweet.
+We want to make a media aggregator library crate named `aggregator` that can
+display summaries of data that might be stored in a `NewsArticle` or `Tweet`
+instance. To do this, we need a summary from each type, and we’ll request
+that summary by calling a `summarize` method on an instance. Listing 10-12
+shows the definition of a public `Summary` trait that expresses this behavior.
+Filename: src/
+pub trait Summary {
+ fn summarize(&self) -> String;
+Listing 10-12: A `Summary` trait that consists of the behavior provided by a
+`summarize` method
+Here, we declare a trait using the `trait` keyword and then the trait’s name,
+which is `Summary` in this case. We’ve also declared the trait as `pub` so that
+crates depending on this crate can make use of this trait too, as we’ll see in
+a few examples. Inside the curly brackets, we declare the method signatures
+that describe the behaviors of the types that implement this trait, which in
+this case is `fn summarize(&self) -> String`.
+After the method signature, instead of providing an implementation within curly
+brackets, we use a semicolon. Each type implementing this trait must provide
+its own custom behavior for the body of the method. The compiler will enforce
+that any type that has the `Summary` trait will have the method `summarize`
+defined with this signature exactly.
+A trait can have multiple methods in its body: the method signatures are listed
+one per line and each line ends in a semicolon.
+### Implementing a Trait on a Type
+Now that we’ve defined the desired signatures of the `Summary` trait’s methods,
+we can implement it on the types in our media aggregator. Listing 10-13 shows
+an implementation of the `Summary` trait on the `NewsArticle` struct that uses
+the headline, the author, and the location to create the return value of
+`summarize`. For the `Tweet` struct, we define `summarize` as the username
+followed by the entire text of the tweet, assuming that tweet content is
+already limited to 280 characters.
+Filename: src/
+pub struct NewsArticle {
+ pub headline: String,
+ pub location: String,
+ pub author: String,
+ pub content: String,
+impl Summary for NewsArticle {
+ fn summarize(&self) -> String {
+ format!("{}, by {} ({})", self.headline,, self.location)
+ }
+pub struct Tweet {
+ pub username: String,
+ pub content: String,
+ pub reply: bool,
+ pub retweet: bool,
+impl Summary for Tweet {
+ fn summarize(&self) -> String {
+ format!("{}: {}", self.username, self.content)
+ }
+Listing 10-13: Implementing the `Summary` trait on the `NewsArticle` and
+`Tweet` types
+Implementing a trait on a type is similar to implementing regular methods. The
+difference is that after `impl`, we put the trait name we want to implement,
+then use the `for` keyword, and then specify the name of the type we want to
+implement the trait for. Within the `impl` block, we put the method signatures
+that the trait definition has defined. Instead of adding a semicolon after each
+signature, we use curly brackets and fill in the method body with the specific
+behavior that we want the methods of the trait to have for the particular type.
+Now that the library has implemented the `Summary` trait on `NewsArticle` and
+`Tweet`, users of the crate can call the trait methods on instances of
+`NewsArticle` and `Tweet` in the same way we call regular methods. The only
+difference is that the user must bring the trait into scope as well as the
+types. Here’s an example of how a binary crate could use our `aggregator`
+library crate:
+use aggregator::{Summary, Tweet};
+fn main() {
+ let tweet = Tweet {
+ username: String::from("horse_ebooks"),
+ content: String::from(
+ "of course, as you probably already know, people",
+ ),
+ reply: false,
+ retweet: false,
+ };
+ println!("1 new tweet: {}", tweet.summarize());
+This code prints `1 new tweet: horse_ebooks: of course, as you probably already
+know, people`.
+Other crates that depend on the `aggregator` crate can also bring the `Summary`
+trait into scope to implement `Summary` on their own types. One restriction to
+note is that we can implement a trait on a type only if at least one of the
+trait or the type is local to our crate. For example, we can implement standard
+library traits like `Display` on a custom type like `Tweet` as part of our
+`aggregator` crate functionality, because the type `Tweet` is local to our
+`aggregator` crate. We can also implement `Summary` on `Vec<T>` in our
+`aggregator` crate, because the trait `Summary` is local to our `aggregator`
+But we can’t implement external traits on external types. For example, we can’t
+implement the `Display` trait on `Vec<T>` within our `aggregator` crate,
+because `Display` and `Vec<T>` are both defined in the standard library and
+aren’t local to our `aggregator` crate. This restriction is part of a property
+called *coherence*, and more specifically the *orphan rule*, so named because
+the parent type is not present. This rule ensures that other people’s code
+can’t break your code and vice versa. Without the rule, two crates could
+implement the same trait for the same type, and Rust wouldn’t know which
+implementation to use.
+### Default Implementations
+Sometimes it’s useful to have default behavior for some or all of the methods
+in a trait instead of requiring implementations for all methods on every type.
+Then, as we implement the trait on a particular type, we can keep or override
+each method’s default behavior.
+In Listing 10-14 we specify a default string for the `summarize` method of the
+`Summary` trait instead of only defining the method signature, as we did in
+Listing 10-12.
+Filename: src/
+pub trait Summary {
+ fn summarize(&self) -> String {
+ String::from("(Read more...)")
+ }
+Listing 10-14: Defining a `Summary` trait with a default implementation of
+the `summarize` method
+To use a default implementation to summarize instances of `NewsArticle`, we
+specify an empty `impl` block with `impl Summary for NewsArticle {}`.
+Even though we’re no longer defining the `summarize` method on `NewsArticle`
+directly, we’ve provided a default implementation and specified that
+`NewsArticle` implements the `Summary` trait. As a result, we can still call
+the `summarize` method on an instance of `NewsArticle`, like this:
+let article = NewsArticle {
+ headline: String::from("Penguins win the Stanley Cup Championship!"),
+ location: String::from("Pittsburgh, PA, USA"),
+ author: String::from("Iceburgh"),
+ content: String::from(
+ "The Pittsburgh Penguins once again are the best \
+ hockey team in the NHL.",
+ ),
+println!("New article available! {}", article.summarize());
+This code prints `New article available! (Read more...)`.
+Creating a default implementation doesn’t require us to change anything about
+the implementation of `Summary` on `Tweet` in Listing 10-13. The reason is that
+the syntax for overriding a default implementation is the same as the syntax
+for implementing a trait method that doesn’t have a default implementation.
+Default implementations can call other methods in the same trait, even if those
+other methods don’t have a default implementation. In this way, a trait can
+provide a lot of useful functionality and only require implementors to specify
+a small part of it. For example, we could define the `Summary` trait to have a
+`summarize_author` method whose implementation is required, and then define a
+`summarize` method that has a default implementation that calls the
+`summarize_author` method:
+pub trait Summary {
+ fn summarize_author(&self) -> String;
+ fn summarize(&self) -> String {
+ format!("(Read more from {}...)", self.summarize_author())
+ }
+To use this version of `Summary`, we only need to define `summarize_author`
+when we implement the trait on a type:
+impl Summary for Tweet {
+ fn summarize_author(&self) -> String {
+ format!("@{}", self.username)
+ }
+After we define `summarize_author`, we can call `summarize` on instances of the
+`Tweet` struct, and the default implementation of `summarize` will call the
+definition of `summarize_author` that we’ve provided. Because we’ve implemented
+`summarize_author`, the `Summary` trait has given us the behavior of the
+`summarize` method without requiring us to write any more code.
+let tweet = Tweet {
+ username: String::from("horse_ebooks"),
+ content: String::from(
+ "of course, as you probably already know, people",
+ ),
+ reply: false,
+ retweet: false,
+println!("1 new tweet: {}", tweet.summarize());
+This code prints `1 new tweet: (Read more from @horse_ebooks...)`.
+Note that it isn’t possible to call the default implementation from an
+overriding implementation of that same method.
+### Traits as Parameters
+Now that you know how to define and implement traits, we can explore how to use
+traits to define functions that accept many different types. We'll use the
+`Summary` trait we implemented on the `NewsArticle` and `Tweet` types in
+Listing 10-13 to define a `notify` function that calls the `summarize` method
+on its `item` parameter, which is of some type that implements the `Summary`
+trait. To do this, we use the `impl Trait` syntax, like this:
+pub fn notify(item: &impl Summary) {
+ println!("Breaking news! {}", item.summarize());
+Instead of a concrete type for the `item` parameter, we specify the `impl`
+keyword and the trait name. This parameter accepts any type that implements the
+specified trait. In the body of `notify`, we can call any methods on `item`
+that come from the `Summary` trait, such as `summarize`. We can call `notify`
+and pass in any instance of `NewsArticle` or `Tweet`. Code that calls the
+function with any other type, such as a `String` or an `i32`, won’t compile
+because those types don’t implement `Summary`.
+#### Trait Bound Syntax
+The `impl Trait` syntax works for straightforward cases but is actually syntax
+sugar for a longer form known as a *trait bound*; it looks like this:
+pub fn notify<T: Summary>(item: &T) {
+ println!("Breaking news! {}", item.summarize());
+This longer form is equivalent to the example in the previous section but is
+more verbose. We place trait bounds with the declaration of the generic type
+parameter after a colon and inside angle brackets.
+The `impl Trait` syntax is convenient and makes for more concise code in simple
+cases, while the fuller trait bound syntax can express more complexity in other
+cases. For example, we can have two parameters that implement `Summary`. Doing
+so with the `impl Trait` syntax looks like this:
+pub fn notify(item1: &impl Summary, item2: &impl Summary) {
+Using `impl Trait` is appropriate if we want this function to allow `item1` and
+`item2` to have different types (as long as both types implement `Summary`). If
+we want to force both parameters to have the same type, however, we must use a
+trait bound, like this:
+pub fn notify<T: Summary>(item1: &T, item2: &T) {
+The generic type `T` specified as the type of the `item1` and `item2`
+parameters constrains the function such that the concrete type of the value
+passed as an argument for `item1` and `item2` must be the same.
+#### Specifying Multiple Trait Bounds with the `+` Syntax
+We can also specify more than one trait bound. Say we wanted `notify` to use
+display formatting as well as `summarize` on `item`: we specify in the `notify`
+definition that `item` must implement both `Display` and `Summary`. We can do
+so using the `+` syntax:
+pub fn notify(item: &(impl Summary + Display)) {
+The `+` syntax is also valid with trait bounds on generic types:
+pub fn notify<T: Summary + Display>(item: &T) {
+With the two trait bounds specified, the body of `notify` can call `summarize`
+and use `{}` to format `item`.
+#### Clearer Trait Bounds with `where` Clauses
+Using too many trait bounds has its downsides. Each generic has its own trait
+bounds, so functions with multiple generic type parameters can contain lots of
+trait bound information between the function’s name and its parameter list,
+making the function signature hard to read. For this reason, Rust has alternate
+syntax for specifying trait bounds inside a `where` clause after the function
+signature. So instead of writing this:
+fn some_function<T: Display + Clone, U: Clone + Debug>(t: &T, u: &U) -> i32 {
+we can use a `where` clause, like this:
+fn some_function<T, U>(t: &T, u: &U) -> i32
+ where T: Display + Clone,
+ U: Clone + Debug
+This function’s signature is less cluttered: the function name, parameter list,
+and return type are close together, similar to a function without lots of trait
+### Returning Types that Implement Traits
+We can also use the `impl Trait` syntax in the return position to return a
+value of some type that implements a trait, as shown here:
+fn returns_summarizable() -> impl Summary {
+ Tweet {
+ username: String::from("horse_ebooks"),
+ content: String::from(
+ "of course, as you probably already know, people",
+ ),
+ reply: false,
+ retweet: false,
+ }
+By using `impl Summary` for the return type, we specify that the
+`returns_summarizable` function returns some type that implements the `Summary`
+trait without naming the concrete type. In this case, `returns_summarizable`
+returns a `Tweet`, but the code calling this function doesn’t need to know that.
+The ability to specify a return type only by the trait it implements is
+especially useful in the context of closures and iterators, which we cover in
+Chapter 13. Closures and iterators create types that only the compiler knows or
+types that are very long to specify. The `impl Trait` syntax lets you concisely
+specify that a function returns some type that implements the `Iterator` trait
+without needing to write out a very long type.
+However, you can only use `impl Trait` if you’re returning a single type. For
+example, this code that returns either a `NewsArticle` or a `Tweet` with the
+return type specified as `impl Summary` wouldn’t work:
+fn returns_summarizable(switch: bool) -> impl Summary {
+ if switch {
+ NewsArticle {
+ headline: String::from(
+ "Penguins win the Stanley Cup Championship!",
+ ),
+ location: String::from("Pittsburgh, PA, USA"),
+ author: String::from("Iceburgh"),
+ content: String::from(
+ "The Pittsburgh Penguins once again are the best \
+ hockey team in the NHL.",
+ ),
+ }
+ } else {
+ Tweet {
+ username: String::from("horse_ebooks"),
+ content: String::from(
+ "of course, as you probably already know, people",
+ ),
+ reply: false,
+ retweet: false,
+ }
+ }
+Returning either a `NewsArticle` or a `Tweet` isn’t allowed due to restrictions
+around how the `impl Trait` syntax is implemented in the compiler. We’ll cover
+how to write a function with this behavior in the “Using Trait Objects That
+Allow for Values of Different Types” section of Chapter 17.
+<!-- I've removed the whole "Fixing the `largest` Function with Trait Bounds"
+section now that the example is slightly different and adding the one trait
+bound as the compiler suggests fixed Listing 10-5 earlier. I've also renumbered
+the following listings. /Carol-->
+### Using Trait Bounds to Conditionally Implement Methods
+By using a trait bound with an `impl` block that uses generic type parameters,
+we can implement methods conditionally for types that implement the specified
+traits. For example, the type `Pair<T>` in Listing 10-15 always implements the
+`new` function to return a new instance of `Pair<T>` (recall from the “Defining
+Methods” section of Chapter 5 that `Self` is a type alias for the type of the
+`impl` block, which in this case is `Pair<T>`). But in the next `impl` block,
+`Pair<T>` only implements the `cmp_display` method if its inner type `T`
+implements the `PartialOrd` trait that enables comparison *and* the `Display`
+trait that enables printing.
+Filename: src/
+use std::fmt::Display;
+struct Pair<T> {
+ x: T,
+ y: T,
+impl<T> Pair<T> {
+ fn new(x: T, y: T) -> Self {
+ Self { x, y }
+ }
+impl<T: Display + PartialOrd> Pair<T> {
+ fn cmp_display(&self) {
+ if self.x >= self.y {
+ println!("The largest member is x = {}", self.x);
+ } else {
+ println!("The largest member is y = {}", self.y);
+ }
+ }
+Listing 10-15: Conditionally implementing methods on a generic type depending
+on trait bounds
+We can also conditionally implement a trait for any type that implements
+another trait. Implementations of a trait on any type that satisfies the trait
+bounds are called *blanket implementations* and are extensively used in the
+Rust standard library. For example, the standard library implements the
+`ToString` trait on any type that implements the `Display` trait. The `impl`
+block in the standard library looks similar to this code:
+impl<T: Display> ToString for T {
+ // --snip--
+Because the standard library has this blanket implementation, we can call the
+`to_string` method defined by the `ToString` trait on any type that implements
+the `Display` trait. For example, we can turn integers into their corresponding
+`String` values like this because integers implement `Display`:
+let s = 3.to_string();
+Blanket implementations appear in the documentation for the trait in the
+“Implementors” section.
+Traits and trait bounds let us write code that uses generic type parameters to
+reduce duplication but also specify to the compiler that we want the generic
+type to have particular behavior. The compiler can then use the trait bound
+information to check that all the concrete types used with our code provide the
+correct behavior. In dynamically typed languages, we would get an error at
+runtime if we called a method on a type which didn’t define the method. But Rust
+moves these errors to compile time so we’re forced to fix the problems before
+our code is even able to run. Additionally, we don’t have to write code that
+checks for behavior at runtime because we’ve already checked at compile time.
+Doing so improves performance without having to give up the flexibility of
+## Validating References with Lifetimes
+meta comment: this chapter is already pretty hefty. We just went through both
+generics and a whirlwind tour of traits. Lifetimes, while related to generics,
+feel like you might want to give a five minute break between them, let those
+sink in, and then pick up this topic.
+I noticed a couple topics we may want to touch on above for a bit of
+* A closer look at how From/Into work and how they relate to each other.
+* Using traits to specialize what you do when returning values.
+ i.e., Why does `let four: u32 = "4".parse().unwrap();` work?
+* Turbofish
+/JT --->
+<!-- These comments are totally valid, but seeing as this revision is already
+dragging on later than we were hoping, I don't really want to do large scale
+reorganization at this point. /Carol -->
+Lifetimes are another kind of generic that we’ve already been using. Rather
+than ensuring that a type has the behavior we want, lifetimes ensure that
+references are valid as long as we need them to be.
+One detail we didn’t discuss in the “References and Borrowing” section in
+Chapter 4 is that every reference in Rust has a *lifetime*, which is the scope
+for which that reference is valid. Most of the time, lifetimes are implicit and
+inferred, just like most of the time, types are inferred. We only must annotate
+types when multiple types are possible. In a similar way, we must annotate
+lifetimes when the lifetimes of references could be related in a few different
+ways. Rust requires us to annotate the relationships using generic lifetime
+parameters to ensure the actual references used at runtime will definitely be
+Annotating lifetimes is not even a concept most other programming languages
+have, so this is going to feel unfamiliar. Although we won’t cover lifetimes in
+their entirety in this chapter, we’ll discuss common ways you might encounter
+lifetime syntax so you can get comfortable with the concept.
+### Preventing Dangling References with Lifetimes
+The main aim of lifetimes is to prevent *dangling references*, which cause a
+program to reference data other than the data it’s intended to reference.
+Consider the program in Listing 10-16, which has an outer scope and an inner
+fn main() {
+ let r;
+ {
+ let x = 5;
+ r = &x;
+ }
+ println!("r: {}", r);
+Listing 10-16: An attempt to use a reference whose value has gone out of scope
+> Note: The examples in Listings 10-16, 10-17, and 10-23 declare variables
+> without giving them an initial value, so the variable name exists in the
+> outer scope. At first glance, this might appear to be in conflict with Rust’s
+> having no null values. However, if we try to use a variable before giving it
+> a value, we’ll get a compile-time error, which shows that Rust indeed does
+> not allow null values.
+The outer scope declares a variable named `r` with no initial value, and the
+inner scope declares a variable named `x` with the initial value of 5. Inside
+the inner scope, we attempt to set the value of `r` as a reference to `x`. Then
+the inner scope ends, and we attempt to print the value in `r`. This code won’t
+compile because the value `r` is referring to has gone out of scope before we
+try to use it. Here is the error message:
+error[E0597]: `x` does not live long enough
+ --> src/
+ |
+6 | r = &x;
+ | ^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
+7 | }
+ | - `x` dropped here while still borrowed
+8 |
+9 | println!("r: {}", r);
+ | - borrow later used here
+The variable `x` doesn’t “live long enough.” The reason is that `x` will be out
+of scope when the inner scope ends on line 7. But `r` is still valid for the
+outer scope; because its scope is larger, we say that it “lives longer.” If
+Rust allowed this code to work, `r` would be referencing memory that was
+deallocated when `x` went out of scope, and anything we tried to do with `r`
+wouldn’t work correctly. So how does Rust determine that this code is invalid?
+It uses a borrow checker.
+### The Borrow Checker
+The Rust compiler has a *borrow checker* that compares scopes to determine
+whether all borrows are valid. Listing 10-17 shows the same code as Listing
+10-16 but with annotations showing the lifetimes of the variables.
+fn main() {
+ let r; // ---------+-- 'a
+ // |
+ { // |
+ let x = 5; // -+-- 'b |
+ r = &x; // | |
+ } // -+ |
+ // |
+ println!("r: {}", r); // |
+} // ---------+
+Listing 10-17: Annotations of the lifetimes of `r` and `x`, named `'a` and
+`'b`, respectively
+Here, we’ve annotated the lifetime of `r` with `'a` and the lifetime of `x`
+with `'b`. As you can see, the inner `'b` block is much smaller than the outer
+`'a` lifetime block. At compile time, Rust compares the size of the two
+lifetimes and sees that `r` has a lifetime of `'a` but that it refers to memory
+with a lifetime of `'b`. The program is rejected because `'b` is shorter than
+`'a`: the subject of the reference doesn’t live as long as the reference.
+Listing 10-18 fixes the code so it doesn’t have a dangling reference and
+compiles without any errors.
+fn main() {
+ let x = 5; // ----------+-- 'b
+ // |
+ let r = &x; // --+-- 'a |
+ // | |
+ println!("r: {}", r); // | |
+ // --+ |
+} // ----------+
+Listing 10-18: A valid reference because the data has a longer lifetime than
+the reference
+Here, `x` has the lifetime `'b`, which in this case is larger than `'a`. This
+means `r` can reference `x` because Rust knows that the reference in `r` will
+always be valid while `x` is valid.
+Now that you know where the lifetimes of references are and how Rust analyzes
+lifetimes to ensure references will always be valid, let’s explore generic
+lifetimes of parameters and return values in the context of functions.
+### Generic Lifetimes in Functions
+We’ll write a function that returns the longer of two string slices. This
+function will take two string slices and return a single string slice. After
+we’ve implemented the `longest` function, the code in Listing 10-19 should
+print `The longest string is abcd`.
+Filename: src/
+fn main() {
+ let string1 = String::from("abcd");
+ let string2 = "xyz";
+ let result = longest(string1.as_str(), string2);
+ println!("The longest string is {}", result);
+Listing 10-19: A `main` function that calls the `longest` function to find the
+longer of two string slices
+Note that we want the function to take string slices, which are references,
+rather than strings, because we don’t want the `longest` function to take
+ownership of its parameters. Refer to the “String Slices as Parameters” section
+in Chapter 4 for more discussion about why the parameters we use in Listing
+10-19 are the ones we want.
+If we try to implement the `longest` function as shown in Listing 10-20, it
+won’t compile.
+Filename: src/
+fn longest(x: &str, y: &str) -> &str {
+ if x.len() > y.len() {
+ x
+ } else {
+ y
+ }
+Listing 10-20: An implementation of the `longest` function that returns the
+longer of two string slices but does not yet compile
+Instead, we get the following error that talks about lifetimes:
+error[E0106]: missing lifetime specifier
+ --> src/
+ |
+9 | fn longest(x: &str, y: &str) -> &str {
+ | ---- ---- ^ expected named lifetime parameter
+ |
+ = help: this function's return type contains a borrowed value, but the signature does not say whether it is borrowed from `x` or `y`
+help: consider introducing a named lifetime parameter
+ |
+9 | fn longest<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &'a str) -> &'a str {
+ | ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^
+The help text reveals that the return type needs a generic lifetime parameter
+on it because Rust can’t tell whether the reference being returned refers to
+`x` or `y`. Actually, we don’t know either, because the `if` block in the body
+of this function returns a reference to `x` and the `else` block returns a
+reference to `y`!
+When we’re defining this function, we don’t know the concrete values that will
+be passed into this function, so we don’t know whether the `if` case or the
+`else` case will execute. We also don’t know the concrete lifetimes of the
+references that will be passed in, so we can’t look at the scopes as we did in
+Listings 10-17 and 10-18 to determine whether the reference we return will
+always be valid. The borrow checker can’t determine this either, because it
+doesn’t know how the lifetimes of `x` and `y` relate to the lifetime of the
+return value. To fix this error, we’ll add generic lifetime parameters that
+define the relationship between the references so the borrow checker can
+perform its analysis.
+### Lifetime Annotation Syntax
+Lifetime annotations don’t change how long any of the references live. Rather,
+they describe the relationships of the lifetimes of multiple references to each
+other without affecting the lifetimes. Just as functions can accept any type
+when the signature specifies a generic type parameter, functions can accept
+references with any lifetime by specifying a generic lifetime parameter.
+Lifetime annotations have a slightly unusual syntax: the names of lifetime
+parameters must start with an apostrophe (`'`) and are usually all lowercase
+and very short, like generic types. Most people use the name `'a` for the first
+lifetime annotation. We place lifetime parameter annotations after the `&` of a
+reference, using a space to separate the annotation from the reference’s type.
+Here are some examples: a reference to an `i32` without a lifetime parameter, a
+reference to an `i32` that has a lifetime parameter named `'a`, and a mutable
+reference to an `i32` that also has the lifetime `'a`.
+&i32 // a reference
+&'a i32 // a reference with an explicit lifetime
+&'a mut i32 // a mutable reference with an explicit lifetime
+One lifetime annotation by itself doesn’t have much meaning, because the
+annotations are meant to tell Rust how generic lifetime parameters of multiple
+references relate to each other. Let’s examine how the lifetime annotations
+relate to each other in the context of the `longest` function.
+The above description is a little hard to follow with a code example.
+/JT --->
+<!-- Rather than fleshing out the code that goes with this description, I've
+moved some of the description to the next section to go with the code example
+there. /Carol -->
+### Lifetime Annotations in Function Signatures
+To use lifetime annotations in function signatures, we need to declare the
+generic *lifetime* parameters inside angle brackets between the function name
+and the parameter list, just as we did with generic *type* parameters
+We want the signature to express the following constraint: the returned
+reference will be valid as long as both the parameters are valid. This is the
+relationship between lifetimes of the parameters and the return value. We’ll
+name the lifetime `'a` and then add it to each reference, as shown in Listing
+Filename: src/
+fn longest<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &'a str) -> &'a str {
+ if x.len() > y.len() {
+ x
+ } else {
+ y
+ }
+Listing 10-21: The `longest` function definition specifying that all the
+references in the signature must have the same lifetime `'a`
+This code should compile and produce the result we want when we use it with the
+`main` function in Listing 10-19.
+The function signature now tells Rust that for some lifetime `'a`, the function
+takes two parameters, both of which are string slices that live at least as
+long as lifetime `'a`. The function signature also tells Rust that the string
+slice returned from the function will live at least as long as lifetime `'a`.
+In practice, it means that the lifetime of the reference returned by the
+`longest` function is the same as the smaller of the lifetimes of the values
+referred to by the function arguments. These relationships are what we want
+Rust to use when analyzing this code.
+Remember, when we specify the lifetime parameters in this function signature,
+we’re not changing the lifetimes of any values passed in or returned. Rather,
+we’re specifying that the borrow checker should reject any values that don’t
+adhere to these constraints. Note that the `longest` function doesn’t need to
+know exactly how long `x` and `y` will live, only that some scope can be
+substituted for `'a` that will satisfy this signature.
+When annotating lifetimes in functions, the annotations go in the function
+signature, not in the function body. The lifetime annotations become part of
+the contract of the function, much like the types in the signature. Having
+function signatures contain the lifetime contract means the analysis the Rust
+compiler does can be simpler. If there’s a problem with the way a function is
+annotated or the way it is called, the compiler errors can point to the part of
+our code and the constraints more precisely. If, instead, the Rust compiler
+made more inferences about what we intended the relationships of the lifetimes
+to be, the compiler might only be able to point to a use of our code many steps
+away from the cause of the problem.
+When we pass concrete references to `longest`, the concrete lifetime that is
+substituted for `'a` is the part of the scope of `x` that overlaps with the
+scope of `y`. In other words, the generic lifetime `'a` will get the concrete
+lifetime that is equal to the smaller of the lifetimes of `x` and `y`. Because
+we’ve annotated the returned reference with the same lifetime parameter `'a`,
+the returned reference will also be valid for the length of the smaller of the
+lifetimes of `x` and `y`.
+Let’s look at how the lifetime annotations restrict the `longest` function by
+passing in references that have different concrete lifetimes. Listing 10-22 is
+a straightforward example.
+Filename: src/
+fn main() {
+ let string1 = String::from("long string is long");
+ {
+ let string2 = String::from("xyz");
+ let result = longest(string1.as_str(), string2.as_str());
+ println!("The longest string is {}", result);
+ }
+Listing 10-22: Using the `longest` function with references to `String` values
+that have different concrete lifetimes
+In this example, `string1` is valid until the end of the outer scope, `string2`
+is valid until the end of the inner scope, and `result` references something
+that is valid until the end of the inner scope. Run this code, and you’ll see
+that the borrow checker approves; it will compile and print `The longest string
+is long string is long`.
+Next, let’s try an example that shows that the lifetime of the reference in
+`result` must be the smaller lifetime of the two arguments. We’ll move the
+declaration of the `result` variable outside the inner scope but leave the
+assignment of the value to the `result` variable inside the scope with
+`string2`. Then we’ll move the `println!` that uses `result` to outside the
+inner scope, after the inner scope has ended. The code in Listing 10-23 will
+not compile.
+Filename: src/
+fn main() {
+ let string1 = String::from("long string is long");
+ let result;
+ {
+ let string2 = String::from("xyz");
+ result = longest(string1.as_str(), string2.as_str());
+ }
+ println!("The longest string is {}", result);
+Listing 10-23: Attempting to use `result` after `string2` has gone out of scope
+When we try to compile this code, we get this error:
+error[E0597]: `string2` does not live long enough
+ --> src/
+ |
+6 | result = longest(string1.as_str(), string2.as_str());
+ | ^^^^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
+7 | }
+ | - `string2` dropped here while still borrowed
+8 | println!("The longest string is {}", result);
+ | ------ borrow later used here
+The error shows that for `result` to be valid for the `println!` statement,
+`string2` would need to be valid until the end of the outer scope. Rust knows
+this because we annotated the lifetimes of the function parameters and return
+values using the same lifetime parameter `'a`.
+As humans, we can look at this code and see that `string1` is longer than
+`string2` and therefore `result` will contain a reference to `string1`.
+Because `string1` has not gone out of scope yet, a reference to `string1` will
+still be valid for the `println!` statement. However, the compiler can’t see
+that the reference is valid in this case. We’ve told Rust that the lifetime of
+the reference returned by the `longest` function is the same as the smaller of
+the lifetimes of the references passed in. Therefore, the borrow checker
+disallows the code in Listing 10-23 as possibly having an invalid reference.
+Try designing more experiments that vary the values and lifetimes of the
+references passed in to the `longest` function and how the returned reference
+is used. Make hypotheses about whether or not your experiments will pass the
+borrow checker before you compile; then check to see if you’re right!
+### Thinking in Terms of Lifetimes
+The way in which you need to specify lifetime parameters depends on what your
+function is doing. For example, if we changed the implementation of the
+`longest` function to always return the first parameter rather than the longest
+string slice, we wouldn’t need to specify a lifetime on the `y` parameter. The
+following code will compile:
+Filename: src/
+fn longest<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &str) -> &'a str {
+ x
+We’ve specified a lifetime parameter `'a` for the parameter `x` and the return
+type, but not for the parameter `y`, because the lifetime of `y` does not have
+any relationship with the lifetime of `x` or the return value.
+When returning a reference from a function, the lifetime parameter for the
+return type needs to match the lifetime parameter for one of the parameters. If
+the reference returned does *not* refer to one of the parameters, it must refer
+to a value created within this function. However, this would be a dangling
+reference because the value will go out of scope at the end of the function.
+Consider this attempted implementation of the `longest` function that won’t
+Filename: src/
+fn longest<'a>(x: &str, y: &str) -> &'a str {
+ let result = String::from("really long string");
+ result.as_str()
+Here, even though we’ve specified a lifetime parameter `'a` for the return
+type, this implementation will fail to compile because the return value
+lifetime is not related to the lifetime of the parameters at all. Here is the
+error message we get:
+error[E0515]: cannot return value referencing local variable `result`
+ --> src/
+ |
+11 | result.as_str()
+ | ------^^^^^^^^^
+ | |
+ | returns a value referencing data owned by the current function
+ | `result` is borrowed here
+The problem is that `result` goes out of scope and gets cleaned up at the end
+of the `longest` function. We’re also trying to return a reference to `result`
+from the function. There is no way we can specify lifetime parameters that
+would change the dangling reference, and Rust won’t let us create a dangling
+reference. In this case, the best fix would be to return an owned data type
+rather than a reference so the calling function is then responsible for
+cleaning up the value.
+Ultimately, lifetime syntax is about connecting the lifetimes of various
+parameters and return values of functions. Once they’re connected, Rust has
+enough information to allow memory-safe operations and disallow operations that
+would create dangling pointers or otherwise violate memory safety.
+### Lifetime Annotations in Struct Definitions
+So far, the structs we’ve defined all hold owned types. We can define structs to
+hold references, but in that case we would need to add a lifetime annotation on
+every reference in the struct’s definition. Listing 10-24 has a struct named
+`ImportantExcerpt` that holds a string slice.
+nit: "So far, the structs we've *defined* all hold owned types"
+/JT --->
+<!-- Fixed! /Carol -->
+Filename: src/
+struct ImportantExcerpt<'a> {
+ part: &'a str,
+fn main() {
+ let novel = String::from("Call me Ishmael. Some years ago...");
+ let first_sentence = novel.split('.').next().expect("Could not find a '.'");
+ let i = ImportantExcerpt {
+ part: first_sentence,
+ };
+Listing 10-24: A struct that holds a reference, requiring a lifetime annotation
+This struct has the single field `part` that holds a string slice, which is a
+reference. As with generic data types, we declare the name of the generic
+lifetime parameter inside angle brackets after the name of the struct so we can
+use the lifetime parameter in the body of the struct definition. This
+annotation means an instance of `ImportantExcerpt` can’t outlive the reference
+it holds in its `part` field.
+The `main` function here creates an instance of the `ImportantExcerpt` struct
+that holds a reference to the first sentence of the `String` owned by the
+variable `novel`. The data in `novel` exists before the `ImportantExcerpt`
+instance is created. In addition, `novel` doesn’t go out of scope until after
+the `ImportantExcerpt` goes out of scope, so the reference in the
+`ImportantExcerpt` instance is valid.
+### Lifetime Elision
+You’ve learned that every reference has a lifetime and that you need to specify
+lifetime parameters for functions or structs that use references. However, in
+Chapter 4 we had a function in Listing 4-9, shown again in Listing 10-25, that
+compiled without lifetime annotations.
+Filename: src/
+fn first_word(s: &str) -> &str {
+ let bytes = s.as_bytes();
+ for (i, &item) in bytes.iter().enumerate() {
+ if item == b' ' {
+ return &s[0..i];
+ }
+ }
+ &s[..]
+Listing 10-25: A function we defined in Listing 4-9 that compiled without
+lifetime annotations, even though the parameter and return type are references
+The reason this function compiles without lifetime annotations is historical:
+in early versions (pre-1.0) of Rust, this code wouldn’t have compiled because
+every reference needed an explicit lifetime. At that time, the function
+signature would have been written like this:
+fn first_word<'a>(s: &'a str) -> &'a str {
+After writing a lot of Rust code, the Rust team found that Rust programmers
+were entering the same lifetime annotations over and over in particular
+situations. These situations were predictable and followed a few deterministic
+patterns. The developers programmed these patterns into the compiler’s code so
+the borrow checker could infer the lifetimes in these situations and wouldn’t
+need explicit annotations.
+This piece of Rust history is relevant because it’s possible that more
+deterministic patterns will emerge and be added to the compiler. In the future,
+even fewer lifetime annotations might be required.
+The patterns programmed into Rust’s analysis of references are called the
+*lifetime elision rules*. These aren’t rules for programmers to follow; they’re
+a set of particular cases that the compiler will consider, and if your code
+fits these cases, you don’t need to write the lifetimes explicitly.
+The elision rules don’t provide full inference. If Rust deterministically
+applies the rules but there is still ambiguity as to what lifetimes the
+references have, the compiler won’t guess what the lifetime of the remaining
+references should be. Instead of guessing, the compiler will give you an error
+that you can resolve by adding the lifetime annotations.
+Lifetimes on function or method parameters are called *input lifetimes*, and
+lifetimes on return values are called *output lifetimes*.
+The compiler uses three rules to figure out the lifetimes of the references
+when there aren’t explicit annotations. The first rule applies to input
+lifetimes, and the second and third rules apply to output lifetimes. If the
+compiler gets to the end of the three rules and there are still references for
+which it can’t figure out lifetimes, the compiler will stop with an error.
+These rules apply to `fn` definitions as well as `impl` blocks.
+The first rule is that the compiler assigns a lifetime parameter to each
+parameter that’s a reference. In other words, a function with one parameter gets
+one lifetime parameter: `fn foo<'a>(x: &'a i32)`; a function with two
+parameters gets two separate lifetime parameters: `fn foo<'a, 'b>(x: &'a i32,
+y: &'b i32)`; and so on.
+The second rule is that, if there is exactly one input lifetime parameter, that
+lifetime is assigned to all output lifetime parameters: `fn foo<'a>(x: &'a i32)
+-> &'a i32`.
+The third rule is that, if there are multiple input lifetime parameters, but
+one of them is `&self` or `&mut self` because this is a method, the lifetime of
+`self` is assigned to all output lifetime parameters. This third rule makes
+methods much nicer to read and write because fewer symbols are necessary.
+Let’s pretend we’re the compiler. We’ll apply these rules to figure out the
+lifetimes of the references in the signature of the `first_word` function in
+Listing 10-25. The signature starts without any lifetimes associated with the
+fn first_word(s: &str) -> &str {
+Then the compiler applies the first rule, which specifies that each parameter
+gets its own lifetime. We’ll call it `'a` as usual, so now the signature is
+fn first_word<'a>(s: &'a str) -> &str {
+The second rule applies because there is exactly one input lifetime. The second
+rule specifies that the lifetime of the one input parameter gets assigned to
+the output lifetime, so the signature is now this:
+fn first_word<'a>(s: &'a str) -> &'a str {
+Now all the references in this function signature have lifetimes, and the
+compiler can continue its analysis without needing the programmer to annotate
+the lifetimes in this function signature.
+Let’s look at another example, this time using the `longest` function that had
+no lifetime parameters when we started working with it in Listing 10-20:
+fn longest(x: &str, y: &str) -> &str {
+Let’s apply the first rule: each parameter gets its own lifetime. This time we
+have two parameters instead of one, so we have two lifetimes:
+fn longest<'a, 'b>(x: &'a str, y: &'b str) -> &str {
+You can see that the second rule doesn’t apply because there is more than one
+input lifetime. The third rule doesn’t apply either, because `longest` is a
+function rather than a method, so none of the parameters are `self`. After
+working through all three rules, we still haven’t figured out what the return
+type’s lifetime is. This is why we got an error trying to compile the code in
+Listing 10-20: the compiler worked through the lifetime elision rules but still
+couldn’t figure out all the lifetimes of the references in the signature.
+Because the third rule really only applies in method signatures, we’ll look at
+lifetimes in that context next to see why the third rule means we don’t have to
+annotate lifetimes in method signatures very often.
+### Lifetime Annotations in Method Definitions
+When we implement methods on a struct with lifetimes, we use the same syntax as
+that of generic type parameters shown in Listing 10-11. Where we declare and
+use the lifetime parameters depends on whether they’re related to the struct
+fields or the method parameters and return values.
+Lifetime names for struct fields always need to be declared after the `impl`
+keyword and then used after the struct’s name, because those lifetimes are part
+of the struct’s type.
+In method signatures inside the `impl` block, references might be tied to the
+lifetime of references in the struct’s fields, or they might be independent. In
+addition, the lifetime elision rules often make it so that lifetime annotations
+aren’t necessary in method signatures. Let’s look at some examples using the
+struct named `ImportantExcerpt` that we defined in Listing 10-24.
+First, we’ll use a method named `level` whose only parameter is a reference to
+`self` and whose return value is an `i32`, which is not a reference to anything:
+impl<'a> ImportantExcerpt<'a> {
+ fn level(&self) -> i32 {
+ 3
+ }
+The lifetime parameter declaration after `impl` and its use after the type name
+are required, but we’re not required to annotate the lifetime of the reference
+to `self` because of the first elision rule.
+Here is an example where the third lifetime elision rule applies:
+impl<'a> ImportantExcerpt<'a> {
+ fn announce_and_return_part(&self, announcement: &str) -> &str {
+ println!("Attention please: {}", announcement);
+ self.part
+ }
+There are two input lifetimes, so Rust applies the first lifetime elision rule
+and gives both `&self` and `announcement` their own lifetimes. Then, because
+one of the parameters is `&self`, the return type gets the lifetime of `&self`,
+and all lifetimes have been accounted for.
+### The Static Lifetime
+One special lifetime we need to discuss is `'static`, which denotes that the
+affected reference *can* live for the entire duration of the program. All
+string literals have the `'static` lifetime, which we can annotate as follows:
+let s: &'static str = "I have a static lifetime.";
+The text of this string is stored directly in the program’s binary, which
+is always available. Therefore, the lifetime of all string literals is
+You might see suggestions to use the `'static` lifetime in error messages. But
+before specifying `'static` as the lifetime for a reference, think about
+whether the reference you have actually lives the entire lifetime of your
+program or not, and whether you want it to. Most of the time, an error message
+suggesting the `'static` lifetime results from attempting to create a dangling
+reference or a mismatch of the available lifetimes. In such cases, the solution
+is fixing those problems, not specifying the `'static` lifetime.
+## Generic Type Parameters, Trait Bounds, and Lifetimes Together
+Let’s briefly look at the syntax of specifying generic type parameters, trait
+bounds, and lifetimes all in one function!
+use std::fmt::Display;
+fn longest_with_an_announcement<'a, T>(
+ x: &'a str,
+ y: &'a str,
+ ann: T,
+) -> &'a str
+ T: Display,
+ println!("Announcement! {}", ann);
+ if x.len() > y.len() {
+ x
+ } else {
+ y
+ }
+This is the `longest` function from Listing 10-21 that returns the longer of
+two string slices. But now it has an extra parameter named `ann` of the generic
+type `T`, which can be filled in by any type that implements the `Display`
+trait as specified by the `where` clause. This extra parameter will be printed
+using `{}`, which is why the `Display` trait bound is necessary. Because
+lifetimes are a type of generic, the declarations of the lifetime parameter
+`'a` and the generic type parameter `T` go in the same list inside the angle
+brackets after the function name.
+## Summary
+We covered a lot in this chapter! Now that you know about generic type
+parameters, traits and trait bounds, and generic lifetime parameters, you’re
+ready to write code without repetition that works in many different situations.
+Generic type parameters let you apply the code to different types. Traits and
+trait bounds ensure that even though the types are generic, they’ll have the
+behavior the code needs. You learned how to use lifetime annotations to ensure
+that this flexible code won’t have any dangling references. And all of this
+analysis happens at compile time, which doesn’t affect runtime performance!
+Believe it or not, there is much more to learn on the topics we discussed in
+this chapter: Chapter 17 discusses trait objects, which are another way to use
+traits. There are also more complex scenarios involving lifetime annotations
+that you will only need in very advanced scenarios; for those, you should read
+the Rust Reference at **.
+But next, you’ll learn how to write tests in Rust so you can make sure your
+code is working the way it should.