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+# Object-Oriented Programming Features of Rust
+Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a way of modeling programs. Objects as a
+programmatic concept were introduced in the programming language Simula in the
+1960s. Those objects influenced Alan Kay’s programming architecture in which
+objects pass messages to each other. To describe this architecture, he coined
+the term *object-oriented programming* in 1967. Many competing definitions
+describe what OOP is, and by some of these definitions Rust is object-oriented,
+but by others it is not. In this chapter, we’ll explore certain characteristics
+that are commonly considered object-oriented and how those characteristics
+translate to idiomatic Rust. We’ll then show you how to implement an
+object-oriented design pattern in Rust and discuss the trade-offs of doing so
+versus implementing a solution using some of Rust’s strengths instead.
+<!-- Nit: we should probably use "object-oriented" throughout, rather using both
+"object-oriented" and "object oriented"
+/JT -->
+<!-- Done! /Carol -->
+## Characteristics of Object-Oriented Languages
+There is no consensus in the programming community about what features a
+language must have to be considered object-oriented. Rust is influenced by many
+programming paradigms, including OOP; for example, we explored the features
+that came from functional programming in Chapter 13. Arguably, OOP languages
+share certain common characteristics, namely objects, encapsulation, and
+inheritance. Let’s look at what each of those characteristics means and whether
+Rust supports it.
+### Objects Contain Data and Behavior
+The book *Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software* by
+Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides (Addison-Wesley
+Professional, 1994), colloquially referred to as *The Gang of Four* book, is a
+catalog of object-oriented design patterns. It defines OOP this way:
+> Object-oriented programs are made up of objects. An *object* packages both
+> data and the procedures that operate on that data. The procedures are
+> typically called *methods* or *operations*.
+Using this definition, Rust is object-oriented: structs and enums have data,
+and `impl` blocks provide methods on structs and enums. Even though structs and
+enums with methods aren’t *called* objects, they provide the same
+functionality, according to the Gang of Four’s definition of objects.
+### Encapsulation that Hides Implementation Details
+Another aspect commonly associated with OOP is the idea of *encapsulation*,
+which means that the implementation details of an object aren’t accessible to
+code using that object. Therefore, the only way to interact with an object is
+through its public API; code using the object shouldn’t be able to reach into
+the object’s internals and change data or behavior directly. This enables the
+programmer to change and refactor an object’s internals without needing to
+change the code that uses the object.
+We discussed how to control encapsulation in Chapter 7: we can use the `pub`
+keyword to decide which modules, types, functions, and methods in our code
+should be public, and by default everything else is private. For example, we
+can define a struct `AveragedCollection` that has a field containing a vector
+of `i32` values. The struct can also have a field that contains the average of
+the values in the vector, meaning the average doesn’t have to be computed
+on demand whenever anyone needs it. In other words, `AveragedCollection` will
+cache the calculated average for us. Listing 17-1 has the definition of the
+`AveragedCollection` struct:
+Filename: src/
+pub struct AveragedCollection {
+ list: Vec<i32>,
+ average: f64,
+Listing 17-1: An `AveragedCollection` struct that maintains a list of integers
+and the average of the items in the collection
+The struct is marked `pub` so that other code can use it, but the fields within
+the struct remain private. This is important in this case because we want to
+ensure that whenever a value is added or removed from the list, the average is
+also updated. We do this by implementing `add`, `remove`, and `average` methods
+on the struct, as shown in Listing 17-2:
+Filename: src/
+impl AveragedCollection {
+ pub fn add(&mut self, value: i32) {
+ self.list.push(value);
+ self.update_average();
+ }
+ pub fn remove(&mut self) -> Option<i32> {
+ let result = self.list.pop();
+ match result {
+ Some(value) => {
+ self.update_average();
+ Some(value)
+ }
+ None => None,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn average(&self) -> f64 {
+ self.average
+ }
+ fn update_average(&mut self) {
+ let total: i32 = self.list.iter().sum();
+ self.average = total as f64 / self.list.len() as f64;
+ }
+<!-- The above example will crash with a division by zero if you call it at
+any time when it's empty. Not sure if we want to fix, but thought I'd point
+it out.
+/JT -->
+<!-- It actually won't because f64 / 0 is NaN, not a panic /Carol -->
+Listing 17-2: Implementations of the public methods `add`, `remove`, and
+`average` on `AveragedCollection`
+The public methods `add`, `remove`, and `average` are the only ways to access
+or modify data in an instance of `AveragedCollection`. When an item is added
+to `list` using the `add` method or removed using the `remove` method, the
+implementations of each call the private `update_average` method that handles
+updating the `average` field as well.
+We leave the `list` and `average` fields private so there is no way for
+external code to add or remove items to or from the `list` field directly;
+otherwise, the `average` field might become out of sync when the `list`
+changes. The `average` method returns the value in the `average` field,
+allowing external code to read the `average` but not modify it.
+Because we’ve encapsulated the implementation details of the struct
+`AveragedCollection`, we can easily change aspects, such as the data structure,
+in the future. For instance, we could use a `HashSet<i32>` instead of a
+`Vec<i32>` for the `list` field. As long as the signatures of the `add`,
+`remove`, and `average` public methods stay the same, code using
+`AveragedCollection` wouldn’t need to change. If we made `list` public instead,
+this wouldn’t necessarily be the case: `HashSet<i32>` and `Vec<i32>` have
+different methods for adding and removing items, so the external code would
+likely have to change if it were modifying `list` directly.
+If encapsulation is a required aspect for a language to be considered
+object-oriented, then Rust meets that requirement. The option to use `pub` or
+not for different parts of code enables encapsulation of implementation details.
+### Inheritance as a Type System and as Code Sharing
+*Inheritance* is a mechanism whereby an object can inherit elements from
+another object’s definition, thus gaining the parent object’s data and behavior
+without you having to define them again.
+If a language must have inheritance to be an object-oriented language, then
+Rust is not one. There is no way to define a struct that inherits the parent
+struct’s fields and method implementations without using a macro.
+However, if you’re used to having inheritance in your programming toolbox, you
+can use other solutions in Rust, depending on your reason for reaching for
+inheritance in the first place.
+You would choose inheritance for two main reasons. One is for reuse of code:
+you can implement particular behavior for one type, and inheritance enables you
+to reuse that implementation for a different type. You can do this in a limited
+way in Rust code using default trait method implementations, which you saw in
+Listing 10-14 when we added a default implementation of the `summarize` method
+on the `Summary` trait. Any type implementing the `Summary` trait would have
+the `summarize` method available on it without any further code. This is
+similar to a parent class having an implementation of a method and an
+inheriting child class also having the implementation of the method. We can
+also override the default implementation of the `summarize` method when we
+implement the `Summary` trait, which is similar to a child class overriding the
+implementation of a method inherited from a parent class.
+<!-- I'm a bit uncomfortable with the above. I think it's more honest to say
+that Rust doesn't support inheritance unless you use a macro. Saying to use
+the trait system to an OO programmer is going to leave them pretty confused, as
+traits lack of the basics of inheritance: you can't use and modify state, you
+have to use a surrogate type to hold the trait implementation, you can't
+instantiate, and so on.
+The example that came to mind: trying to teach OO programmers who want to
+build a UI library with traditional OO techniques using the trait system.
+It's unfortunately not going to work very well, if at all.
+A trait's main focus is polymorphism and not inheritance. It's probably
+better for folks coming from OO backgrounds if we just come out and say it, tbh.
+/JT -->
+<!-- I agree, and I've made some edits to the paragraphs above /Carol -->
+The other reason to use inheritance relates to the type system: to enable a
+child type to be used in the same places as the parent type. This is also
+called *polymorphism*, which means that you can substitute multiple objects for
+each other at runtime if they share certain characteristics.
+> ### Polymorphism
+> To many people, polymorphism is synonymous with inheritance. But it’s
+> actually a more general concept that refers to code that can work with data
+> of multiple types. For inheritance, those types are generally subclasses.
+> Rust instead uses generics to abstract over different possible types and
+> trait bounds to impose constraints on what those types must provide. This is
+> sometimes called *bounded parametric polymorphism*.
+Inheritance has recently fallen out of favor as a programming design solution
+in many programming languages because it’s often at risk of sharing more code
+than necessary. Subclasses shouldn’t always share all characteristics of their
+parent class but will do so with inheritance. This can make a program’s design
+less flexible. It also introduces the possibility of calling methods on
+subclasses that don’t make sense or that cause errors because the methods don’t
+apply to the subclass. In addition, some languages will only allow single
+inheritance (meaning a subclass can only inherit from one class), further
+restricting the flexibility of a program’s design.
+<!-- Nit - "inherit from one class" and "single-inheritance" read a bit
+differently to me. Saying you inherit from only one class almost makes it sound
+like that the class you inherit from can't have a parent. Probably minor, just
+made me read that sentence a couple times.
+/JT -->
+<!-- I've included the term "single inheritance" above (it appears that usually
+it's not hyphenated) but kept what was there as an explanation in case the
+reader isn't familiar. /Carol -->
+For these reasons, Rust takes the different approach of using trait objects
+instead of inheritance. Let’s look at how trait objects enable polymorphism in
+## Using Trait Objects That Allow for Values of Different Types
+In Chapter 8, we mentioned that one limitation of vectors is that they can
+store elements of only one type. We created a workaround in Listing 8-10 where
+we defined a `SpreadsheetCell` enum that had variants to hold integers, floats,
+and text. This meant we could store different types of data in each cell and
+still have a vector that represented a row of cells. This is a perfectly good
+solution when our interchangeable items are a fixed set of types that we know
+when our code is compiled.
+However, sometimes we want our library user to be able to extend the set of
+types that are valid in a particular situation. To show how we might achieve
+this, we’ll create an example graphical user interface (GUI) tool that iterates
+through a list of items, calling a `draw` method on each one to draw it to the
+screen—a common technique for GUI tools. We’ll create a library crate called
+`gui` that contains the structure of a GUI library. This crate might include
+some types for people to use, such as `Button` or `TextField`. In addition,
+`gui` users will want to create their own types that can be drawn: for
+instance, one programmer might add an `Image` and another might add a
+We won’t implement a fully fledged GUI library for this example but will show
+how the pieces would fit together. At the time of writing the library, we can’t
+know and define all the types other programmers might want to create. But we do
+know that `gui` needs to keep track of many values of different types, and it
+needs to call a `draw` method on each of these differently typed values. It
+doesn’t need to know exactly what will happen when we call the `draw` method,
+just that the value will have that method available for us to call.
+To do this in a language with inheritance, we might define a class named
+`Component` that has a method named `draw` on it. The other classes, such as
+`Button`, `Image`, and `SelectBox`, would inherit from `Component` and thus
+inherit the `draw` method. They could each override the `draw` method to define
+their custom behavior, but the framework could treat all of the types as if
+they were `Component` instances and call `draw` on them. But because Rust
+doesn’t have inheritance, we need another way to structure the `gui` library to
+allow users to extend it with new types.
+### Defining a Trait for Common Behavior
+To implement the behavior we want `gui` to have, we’ll define a trait named
+`Draw` that will have one method named `draw`. Then we can define a vector that
+takes a *trait object*. A trait object points to both an instance of a type
+implementing our specified trait and a table used to look up trait methods on
+that type at runtime. We create a trait object by specifying some sort of
+pointer, such as a `&` reference or a `Box<T>` smart pointer, then the `dyn`
+keyword, and then specifying the relevant trait. (We’ll talk about the reason
+trait objects must use a pointer in Chapter 19 in the section “Dynamically
+Sized Types and the `Sized` Trait.”) We can use trait objects in place of a
+generic or concrete type. Wherever we use a trait object, Rust’s type system
+will ensure at compile time that any value used in that context will implement
+the trait object’s trait. Consequently, we don’t need to know all the possible
+types at compile time.
+We’ve mentioned that, in Rust, we refrain from calling structs and enums
+“objects” to distinguish them from other languages’ objects. In a struct or
+enum, the data in the struct fields and the behavior in `impl` blocks are
+separated, whereas in other languages, the data and behavior combined into one
+concept is often labeled an object. However, trait objects *are* more like
+objects in other languages in the sense that they combine data and behavior.
+But trait objects differ from traditional objects in that we can’t add data to
+a trait object. Trait objects aren’t as generally useful as objects in other
+languages: their specific purpose is to allow abstraction across common
+Listing 17-3 shows how to define a trait named `Draw` with one method named
+Filename: src/
+pub trait Draw {
+ fn draw(&self);
+Listing 17-3: Definition of the `Draw` trait
+This syntax should look familiar from our discussions on how to define traits
+in Chapter 10. Next comes some new syntax: Listing 17-4 defines a struct named
+`Screen` that holds a vector named `components`. This vector is of type
+`Box<dyn Draw>`, which is a trait object; it’s a stand-in for any type inside
+a `Box` that implements the `Draw` trait.
+Filename: src/
+pub struct Screen {
+ pub components: Vec<Box<dyn Draw>>,
+Listing 17-4: Definition of the `Screen` struct with a `components` field
+holding a vector of trait objects that implement the `Draw` trait
+On the `Screen` struct, we’ll define a method named `run` that will call the
+`draw` method on each of its `components`, as shown in Listing 17-5:
+Filename: src/
+impl Screen {
+ pub fn run(&self) {
+ for component in self.components.iter() {
+ component.draw();
+ }
+ }
+Listing 17-5: A `run` method on `Screen` that calls the `draw` method on each
+This works differently from defining a struct that uses a generic type
+parameter with trait bounds. A generic type parameter can only be substituted
+with one concrete type at a time, whereas trait objects allow for multiple
+concrete types to fill in for the trait object at runtime. For example, we
+could have defined the `Screen` struct using a generic type and a trait bound
+as in Listing 17-6:
+Filename: src/
+pub struct Screen<T: Draw> {
+ pub components: Vec<T>,
+impl<T> Screen<T>
+ T: Draw,
+ pub fn run(&self) {
+ for component in self.components.iter() {
+ component.draw();
+ }
+ }
+Listing 17-6: An alternate implementation of the `Screen` struct and its `run`
+method using generics and trait bounds
+This restricts us to a `Screen` instance that has a list of components all of
+type `Button` or all of type `TextField`. If you’ll only ever have homogeneous
+collections, using generics and trait bounds is preferable because the
+definitions will be monomorphized at compile time to use the concrete types.
+On the other hand, with the method using trait objects, one `Screen` instance
+can hold a `Vec<T>` that contains a `Box<Button>` as well as a
+`Box<TextField>`. Let’s look at how this works, and then we’ll talk about the
+runtime performance implications.
+### Implementing the Trait
+Now we’ll add some types that implement the `Draw` trait. We’ll provide the
+`Button` type. Again, actually implementing a GUI library is beyond the scope
+of this book, so the `draw` method won’t have any useful implementation in its
+body. To imagine what the implementation might look like, a `Button` struct
+might have fields for `width`, `height`, and `label`, as shown in Listing 17-7:
+Filename: src/
+pub struct Button {
+ pub width: u32,
+ pub height: u32,
+ pub label: String,
+impl Draw for Button {
+ fn draw(&self) {
+ // code to actually draw a button
+ }
+Listing 17-7: A `Button` struct that implements the `Draw` trait
+The `width`, `height`, and `label` fields on `Button` will differ from the
+fields on other components; for example, a `TextField` type might have those
+same fields plus a `placeholder` field. Each of the types we want to draw on
+the screen will implement the `Draw` trait but will use different code in the
+`draw` method to define how to draw that particular type, as `Button` has here
+(without the actual GUI code, as mentioned). The `Button` type, for instance,
+might have an additional `impl` block containing methods related to what
+happens when a user clicks the button. These kinds of methods won’t apply to
+types like `TextField`.
+If someone using our library decides to implement a `SelectBox` struct that has
+`width`, `height`, and `options` fields, they implement the `Draw` trait on the
+`SelectBox` type as well, as shown in Listing 17-8:
+Filename: src/
+use gui::Draw;
+struct SelectBox {
+ width: u32,
+ height: u32,
+ options: Vec<String>,
+impl Draw for SelectBox {
+ fn draw(&self) {
+ // code to actually draw a select box
+ }
+Listing 17-8: Another crate using `gui` and implementing the `Draw` trait on a
+`SelectBox` struct
+Our library’s user can now write their `main` function to create a `Screen`
+instance. To the `Screen` instance, they can add a `SelectBox` and a `Button`
+by putting each in a `Box<T>` to become a trait object. They can then call the
+`run` method on the `Screen` instance, which will call `draw` on each of the
+components. Listing 17-9 shows this implementation:
+Filename: src/
+use gui::{Button, Screen};
+fn main() {
+ let screen = Screen {
+ components: vec![
+ Box::new(SelectBox {
+ width: 75,
+ height: 10,
+ options: vec![
+ String::from("Yes"),
+ String::from("Maybe"),
+ String::from("No"),
+ ],
+ }),
+ Box::new(Button {
+ width: 50,
+ height: 10,
+ label: String::from("OK"),
+ }),
+ ],
+ };
+<!-- I'd forgotten the UI components were in this chapter. To close on the
+thought from earlier: we don't use any inheritance in our example, only
+polymorphism. This probably is a vote for my earlier suggestion.
+/JT -->
+<!-- I indeed took the earlier suggestion. /Carol -->
+Listing 17-9: Using trait objects to store values of different types that
+implement the same trait
+When we wrote the library, we didn’t know that someone might add the
+`SelectBox` type, but our `Screen` implementation was able to operate on the
+new type and draw it because `SelectBox` implements the `Draw` trait, which
+means it implements the `draw` method.
+This concept—of being concerned only with the messages a value responds to
+rather than the value’s concrete type—is similar to the concept of *duck
+typing* in dynamically typed languages: if it walks like a duck and quacks
+like a duck, then it must be a duck! In the implementation of `run` on `Screen`
+in Listing 17-5, `run` doesn’t need to know what the concrete type of each
+component is. It doesn’t check whether a component is an instance of a `Button`
+or a `SelectBox`, it just calls the `draw` method on the component. By
+specifying `Box<dyn Draw>` as the type of the values in the `components`
+vector, we’ve defined `Screen` to need values that we can call the `draw`
+method on.
+The advantage of using trait objects and Rust’s type system to write code
+similar to code using duck typing is that we never have to check whether a
+value implements a particular method at runtime or worry about getting errors
+if a value doesn’t implement a method but we call it anyway. Rust won’t compile
+our code if the values don’t implement the traits that the trait objects need.
+For example, Listing 17-10 shows what happens if we try to create a `Screen`
+with a `String` as a component:
+Filename: src/
+use gui::Screen;
+fn main() {
+ let screen = Screen {
+ components: vec![Box::new(String::from("Hi"))],
+ };
+Listing 17-10: Attempting to use a type that doesn’t
+implement the trait object’s trait
+We’ll get this error because `String` doesn’t implement the `Draw` trait:
+error[E0277]: the trait bound `String: Draw` is not satisfied
+ --> src/
+ |
+5 | components: vec![Box::new(String::from("Hi"))],
+ | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `Draw` is not implemented for `String`
+ |
+ = note: required for the cast to the object type `dyn Draw`
+This error lets us know that either we’re passing something to `Screen` we
+didn’t mean to pass and so should pass a different type or we should implement
+`Draw` on `String` so that `Screen` is able to call `draw` on it.
+### Trait Objects Perform Dynamic Dispatch
+Recall in the “Performance of Code Using Generics” section in Chapter 10 our
+discussion on the monomorphization process performed by the compiler when we
+use trait bounds on generics: the compiler generates nongeneric implementations
+of functions and methods for each concrete type that we use in place of a
+generic type parameter. The code that results from monomorphization is doing
+*static dispatch*, which is when the compiler knows what method you’re calling
+at compile time. This is opposed to *dynamic dispatch*, which is when the
+compiler can’t tell at compile time which method you’re calling. In dynamic
+dispatch cases, the compiler emits code that at runtime will figure out which
+method to call.
+When we use trait objects, Rust must use dynamic dispatch. The compiler doesn’t
+know all the types that might be used with the code that’s using trait objects,
+so it doesn’t know which method implemented on which type to call. Instead, at
+runtime, Rust uses the pointers inside the trait object to know which method to
+call. This lookup incurs a runtime cost that doesn’t occur with static
+dispatch. Dynamic dispatch also prevents the compiler from choosing to inline a
+method’s code, which in turn prevents some optimizations. However, we did get
+extra flexibility in the code that we wrote in Listing 17-5 and were able to
+support in Listing 17-9, so it’s a trade-off to consider.
+## Implementing an Object-Oriented Design Pattern
+The *state pattern* is an object-oriented design pattern. The crux of the
+pattern is that we define a set of states a value can have internally. The
+states are represented by a set of *state objects*, and the value’s behavior
+changes based on its state. We’re going to work through an example of a blog
+post struct that has a field to hold its state, which will be a state object
+from the set "draft", "review", or "published".
+<!-- can you give a quick example here, something we could visualize? are we
+saying "we define a set of states a value can have as state objects...."? /LC
+<!-- What do you think about this, hinting at the coming example quickly? It
+felt weird to introduce something different only to switch gears in a few
+paragraphs, so is moving the example's introduction here ok? /Carol -->
+<!-- JT, what do you think? /LC -->
+<!-- Seems okay. My one thought coming to the end of the paragraph was "is
+this better than using an enum?" Not sure if we want to sidebar a bit on
+why we chose traits over enums, but some readers might be curious.
+/JT -->
+<!-- I've added a box later titled "Why Not An Enum?" to address this -- I
+think that makes a nice exercise for the reader :) /Carol -->
+The state objects share functionality: in Rust, of course, we use
+structs and traits rather than objects and inheritance. Each state object is
+responsible for its own behavior and for governing when it should change into
+another state. The value that holds a state object knows nothing about the
+different behavior of the states or when to transition between states.
+The advantage of using the state pattern is that, when the business
+requirements of the program change, we won’t need to change the code of the
+value holding the state or the code that uses the value. We’ll only need to
+update the code inside one of the state objects to change its rules or perhaps
+add more state objects.
+First, we’re going to implement the state pattern in a more traditional
+object-oriented way, then we’ll use an approach that’s a bit more natural in
+Rust. Let’s dig in to incrementally implementing a blog post workflow using the
+state pattern.
+The final functionality will look like this:
+1. A blog post starts as an empty draft.
+2. When the draft is done, a review of the post is requested.
+3. When the post is approved, it gets published.
+4. Only published blog posts return content to print, so unapproved posts can’t
+ accidentally be published.
+Any other changes attempted on a post should have no effect. For example, if we
+try to approve a draft blog post before we’ve requested a review, the post
+should remain an unpublished draft.
+Listing 17-11 shows this workflow in code form: this is an example usage of the
+API we’ll implement in a library crate named `blog`. This won’t compile yet
+because we haven’t implemented the `blog` crate.
+Filename: src/
+use blog::Post;
+fn main() {
+ [1] let mut post = Post::new();
+ [2] post.add_text("I ate a salad for lunch today");
+ [3] assert_eq!("", post.content());
+ [4] post.request_review();
+ [5] assert_eq!("", post.content());
+ [6] post.approve();
+ [7] assert_eq!("I ate a salad for lunch today", post.content());
+Listing 17-11: Code that demonstrates the desired behavior we want our `blog`
+crate to have
+We want to allow the user to create a new draft blog post with `Post::new` [1].
+We want to allow text to be added to the blog post [2]. If we try to get the
+post’s content immediately, before approval, we shouldn’t get any text because
+the post is still a draft. We’ve added `assert_eq!` in the code for
+demonstration purposes [3]. An excellent unit test for this would be to assert
+that a draft blog post returns an empty string from the `content` method, but
+we’re not going to write tests for this example.
+Next, we want to enable a request for a review of the post [4], and we want
+`content` to return an empty string while waiting for the review [5]. When the
+post receives approval [6], it should get published, meaning the text of the
+post will be returned when `content` is called [7].
+Notice that the only type we’re interacting with from the crate is the `Post`
+type. This type will use the state pattern and will hold a value that will be
+one of three state objects representing the various states a post can be
+in—draft, waiting for review, or published. Changing from one state to another
+will be managed internally within the `Post` type. The states change in
+response to the methods called by our library’s users on the `Post` instance,
+but they don’t have to manage the state changes directly. Also, users can’t
+make a mistake with the states, like publishing a post before it’s reviewed.
+### Defining `Post` and Creating a New Instance in the Draft State
+Let’s get started on the implementation of the library! We know we need a
+public `Post` struct that holds some content, so we’ll start with the
+definition of the struct and an associated public `new` function to create an
+instance of `Post`, as shown in Listing 17-12. We’ll also make a private
+`State` trait that will define the behavior that all state objects for a `Post`
+must have.
+<!-- JT, I had a few questions here about what the state objects and state
+traits are doing. I'd appreciate your view on whether this all reads well with
+nothing missing! /LC -->
+<!-- Seems okay. If you're going to try to use a traditional OO approach in
+Rust, it'll have a bit of this style. I'm glad we include something that's a
+bit more Rust-y at the end of the chapter.
+What I might suggest is that we give the reader a bit of a roadmap here to say
+that we're going to explore two solutions to this problem. The first, a more
+traditional approach encoded into Rust, and the second, an approach that's more
+natural to Rust.
+/JT -->
+<!-- Great idea! I've added a bit in the introduction of this section above --
+"First, we’re going to implement the state pattern in a more traditional
+object-oriented way, then we’ll use an approach that’s a bit more natural in
+Rust." /Carol -->
+Then `Post` will hold a trait object of `Box<dyn State>` inside an `Option<T>`
+in a private field named `state` to hold the state object. You’ll see why the
+`Option<T>` is necessary in a bit.
+Filename: src/
+pub struct Post {
+ state: Option<Box<dyn State>>,
+ content: String,
+impl Post {
+ pub fn new() -> Post {
+ Post {
+ [1] state: Some(Box::new(Draft {})),
+ [2] content: String::new(),
+ }
+ }
+trait State {}
+struct Draft {}
+impl State for Draft {}
+Listing 17-12: Definition of a `Post` struct and a `new` function that creates
+a new `Post` instance, a `State` trait, and a `Draft` struct
+The `State` trait defines the behavior shared by different post states. The
+state objects are `Draft`, `PendingReview`, and `Published`, and they will all
+implement the `State` trait. For now, the trait doesn’t have any methods, and
+we’ll start by defining just the `Draft` state because that is the state we
+want a post to start in.
+When we create a new `Post`, we set its `state` field to a `Some` value that
+holds a `Box` [1]. This `Box` points to a new instance of the `Draft` struct.
+This ensures whenever we create a new instance of `Post`, it will start out as
+a draft. Because the `state` field of `Post` is private, there is no way to
+create a `Post` in any other state! In the `Post::new` function, we set the
+`content` field to a new, empty `String` [2].
+### Storing the Text of the Post Content
+We saw in Listing 17-11 that we want to be able to call a method named
+`add_text` and pass it a `&str` that is then added as the text content of the
+blog post. We implement this as a method, rather than exposing the `content`
+field as `pub`, so that later we can implement a method that will control how
+the `content` field’s data is read. The `add_text` method is pretty
+straightforward, so let’s add the implementation in Listing 17-13 to the `impl
+Post` block:
+Filename: src/
+impl Post {
+ // --snip--
+ pub fn add_text(&mut self, text: &str) {
+ self.content.push_str(text);
+ }
+Listing 17-13: Implementing the `add_text` method to add text to a post’s
+The `add_text` method takes a mutable reference to `self`, because we’re
+changing the `Post` instance that we’re calling `add_text` on. We then call
+`push_str` on the `String` in `content` and pass the `text` argument to add to
+the saved `content`. This behavior doesn’t depend on the state the post is in,
+so it’s not part of the state pattern. The `add_text` method doesn’t interact
+with the `state` field at all, but it is part of the behavior we want to
+### Ensuring the Content of a Draft Post Is Empty
+Even after we’ve called `add_text` and added some content to our post, we still
+want the `content` method to return an empty string slice because the post is
+still in the draft state, as shown at [3] in Listing 17-11. For now, let’s
+implement the `content` method with the simplest thing that will fulfill this
+requirement: always returning an empty string slice. We’ll change this later
+once we implement the ability to change a post’s state so it can be published.
+So far, posts can only be in the draft state, so the post content should always
+be empty. Listing 17-14 shows this placeholder implementation:
+Filename: src/
+impl Post {
+ // --snip--
+ pub fn content(&self) -> &str {
+ ""
+ }
+Listing 17-14: Adding a placeholder implementation for the `content` method on
+`Post` that always returns an empty string slice
+With this added `content` method, everything in Listing 17-11 up to the line at
+[3] works as intended.
+### Requesting a Review of the Post Changes Its State
+Next, we need to add functionality to request a review of a post, which should
+change its state from `Draft` to `PendingReview`. Listing 17-15 shows this code:
+Filename: src/
+impl Post {
+ // --snip--
+ [1] pub fn request_review(&mut self) {
+ [2] if let Some(s) = self.state.take() {
+ [3] self.state = Some(s.request_review())
+ }
+ }
+trait State {
+ [4] fn request_review(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<dyn State>;
+struct Draft {}
+impl State for Draft {
+ fn request_review(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<dyn State> {
+ [5] Box::new(PendingReview {})
+ }
+struct PendingReview {}
+impl State for PendingReview {
+ fn request_review(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<dyn State> {
+ [6] self
+ }
+Listing 17-15: Implementing `request_review` methods on `Post` and the `State`
+We give `Post` a public method named `request_review` that will take a mutable
+reference to `self` [1]. Then we call an internal `request_review` method on
+the current state of `Post` [3], and this second `request_review` method
+consumes the current state and returns a new state.
+We add the `request_review` method to the `State` trait [4]; all types that
+implement the trait will now need to implement the `request_review` method.
+Note that rather than having `self`, `&self`, or `&mut self` as the first
+parameter of the method, we have `self: Box<Self>`. This syntax means the
+method is only valid when called on a `Box` holding the type. This syntax takes
+ownership of `Box<Self>`, invalidating the old state so the state value of the
+`Post` can transform into a new state.
+To consume the old state, the `request_review` method needs to take ownership
+of the state value. This is where the `Option` in the `state` field of `Post`
+comes in: we call the `take` method to take the `Some` value out of the `state`
+field and leave a `None` in its place, because Rust doesn’t let us have
+unpopulated fields in structs [2]. This lets us move the `state` value out of
+`Post` rather than borrowing it. Then we’ll set the post’s `state` value to the
+result of this operation.
+We need to set `state` to `None` temporarily rather than setting it directly
+with code like `self.state = self.state.request_review();` to get ownership of
+the `state` value. This ensures `Post` can’t use the old `state` value after
+we’ve transformed it into a new state.
+The `request_review` method on `Draft` returns a new, boxed instance of a new
+`PendingReview` struct [5], which represents the state when a post is waiting
+for a review. The `PendingReview` struct also implements the `request_review`
+method but doesn’t do any transformations. Rather, it returns itself [6],
+because when we request a review on a post already in the `PendingReview`
+state, it should stay in the `PendingReview` state.
+Now we can start seeing the advantages of the state pattern: the
+`request_review` method on `Post` is the same no matter its `state` value. Each
+state is responsible for its own rules.
+We’ll leave the `content` method on `Post` as is, returning an empty string
+slice. We can now have a `Post` in the `PendingReview` state as well as in the
+`Draft` state, but we want the same behavior in the `PendingReview` state.
+Listing 17-11 now works up to the line at [5]!
+### Adding `approve` to Change the Behavior of `content`
+The `approve` method will be similar to the `request_review` method: it will
+set `state` to the value that the current state says it should have when that
+state is approved, as shown in Listing 17-16:
+Filename: src/
+impl Post {
+ // --snip--
+ pub fn approve(&mut self) {
+ if let Some(s) = self.state.take() {
+ self.state = Some(s.approve())
+ }
+ }
+trait State {
+ fn request_review(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<dyn State>;
+ fn approve(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<dyn State>;
+struct Draft {}
+impl State for Draft {
+ // --snip--
+ fn approve(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<dyn State> {
+ [1] self
+ }
+struct PendingReview {}
+impl State for PendingReview {
+ // --snip--
+ fn approve(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<dyn State> {
+ [2] Box::new(Published {})
+ }
+struct Published {}
+impl State for Published {
+ fn request_review(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<dyn State> {
+ self
+ }
+ fn approve(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<dyn State> {
+ self
+ }
+Listing 17-16: Implementing the `approve` method on `Post` and the `State` trait
+We add the `approve` method to the `State` trait and add a new struct that
+implements `State`, the `Published` state.
+Similar to the way `request_review` on `PendingReview` works, if we call the
+`approve` method on a `Draft`, it will have no effect because `approve` will
+return `self` [1]. When we call `approve` on `PendingReview`, it returns a new,
+boxed instance of the `Published` struct [2]. The `Published` struct implements
+the `State` trait, and for both the `request_review` method and the `approve`
+method, it returns itself, because the post should stay in the `Published`
+state in those cases.
+Now we need to update the `content` method on `Post`. We want the value
+returned from `content` to depend on the current state of the `Post`, so we’re
+going to have the `Post` delegate to a `content` method defined on its `state`,
+as shown in Listing 17-17:
+Filename: src/
+impl Post {
+ // --snip--
+ pub fn content(&self) -> &str {
+ self.state.as_ref().unwrap().content(self)
+ }
+ // --snip--
+Listing 17-17: Updating the `content` method on `Post` to delegate to a
+`content` method on `State`
+Because the goal is to keep all these rules inside the structs that implement
+`State`, we call a `content` method on the value in `state` and pass the post
+instance (that is, `self`) as an argument. Then we return the value that’s
+returned from using the `content` method on the `state` value.
+We call the `as_ref` method on the `Option` because we want a reference to the
+value inside the `Option` rather than ownership of the value. Because `state`
+is an `Option<Box<dyn State>>`, when we call `as_ref`, an `Option<&Box<dyn
+State>>` is returned. If we didn’t call `as_ref`, we would get an error because
+we can’t move `state` out of the borrowed `&self` of the function parameter.
+We then call the `unwrap` method, which we know will never panic, because we
+know the methods on `Post` ensure that `state` will always contain a `Some`
+value when those methods are done. This is one of the cases we talked about in
+the “Cases In Which You Have More Information Than the Compiler” section of
+Chapter 9 when we know that a `None` value is never possible, even though the
+compiler isn’t able to understand that.
+At this point, when we call `content` on the `&Box<dyn State>`, deref coercion
+will take effect on the `&` and the `Box` so the `content` method will
+ultimately be called on the type that implements the `State` trait. That means
+we need to add `content` to the `State` trait definition, and that is where
+we’ll put the logic for what content to return depending on which state we
+have, as shown in Listing 17-18:
+Filename: src/
+trait State {
+ // --snip--
+ fn content<'a>(&self, post: &'a Post) -> &'a str {
+ [1] ""
+ }
+// --snip--
+struct Published {}
+impl State for Published {
+ // --snip--
+ fn content<'a>(&self, post: &'a Post) -> &'a str {
+ [2] &post.content
+ }
+Listing 17-18: Adding the `content` method to the `State` trait
+We add a default implementation for the `content` method that returns an empty
+string slice [1]. That means we don’t need to implement `content` on the `Draft`
+and `PendingReview` structs. The `Published` struct will override the `content`
+method and return the value in `post.content` [2].
+Note that we need lifetime annotations on this method, as we discussed in
+Chapter 10. We’re taking a reference to a `post` as an argument and returning a
+reference to part of that `post`, so the lifetime of the returned reference is
+related to the lifetime of the `post` argument.
+And we’re done—all of Listing 17-11 now works! We’ve implemented the state
+pattern with the rules of the blog post workflow. The logic related to the
+rules lives in the state objects rather than being scattered throughout `Post`.
+> #### Why Not An Enum?
+> You may have been wondering why we didn’t use an `enum` with the different
+> possible post states as variants. That’s certainly a possible solution, try
+> it and compare the end results to see which you prefer! One disadvantage of
+> using an enum is every place that checks the value of the enum will need a
+> `match` expression or similar to handle every possible variant. This could
+> get more repetitive than this trait object solution.
+### Trade-offs of the State Pattern
+We’ve shown that Rust is capable of implementing the object-oriented state
+pattern to encapsulate the different kinds of behavior a post should have in
+each state. The methods on `Post` know nothing about the various behaviors. The
+way we organized the code, we have to look in only one place to know the
+different ways a published post can behave: the implementation of the `State`
+trait on the `Published` struct.
+If we were to create an alternative implementation that didn’t use the state
+pattern, we might instead use `match` expressions in the methods on `Post` or
+even in the `main` code that checks the state of the post and changes behavior
+in those places. That would mean we would have to look in several places to
+understand all the implications of a post being in the published state! This
+would only increase the more states we added: each of those `match` expressions
+would need another arm.
+With the state pattern, the `Post` methods and the places we use `Post` don’t
+need `match` expressions, and to add a new state, we would only need to add a
+new struct and implement the trait methods on that one struct.
+The implementation using the state pattern is easy to extend to add more
+functionality. To see the simplicity of maintaining code that uses the state
+pattern, try a few of these suggestions:
+* Add a `reject` method that changes the post’s state from `PendingReview` back
+ to `Draft`.
+* Require two calls to `approve` before the state can be changed to `Published`.
+* Allow users to add text content only when a post is in the `Draft` state.
+ Hint: have the state object responsible for what might change about the
+ content but not responsible for modifying the `Post`.
+One downside of the state pattern is that, because the states implement the
+transitions between states, some of the states are coupled to each other. If we
+add another state between `PendingReview` and `Published`, such as `Scheduled`,
+we would have to change the code in `PendingReview` to transition to
+`Scheduled` instead. It would be less work if `PendingReview` didn’t need to
+change with the addition of a new state, but that would mean switching to
+another design pattern.
+Another downside is that we’ve duplicated some logic. To eliminate some of the
+duplication, we might try to make default implementations for the
+`request_review` and `approve` methods on the `State` trait that return `self`;
+however, this would violate object safety, because the trait doesn’t know what
+the concrete `self` will be exactly. We want to be able to use `State` as a
+trait object, so we need its methods to be object safe.
+Other duplication includes the similar implementations of the `request_review`
+and `approve` methods on `Post`. Both methods delegate to the implementation of
+the same method on the value in the `state` field of `Option` and set the new
+value of the `state` field to the result. If we had a lot of methods on `Post`
+that followed this pattern, we might consider defining a macro to eliminate the
+repetition (see the “Macros” section in Chapter 19).
+By implementing the state pattern exactly as it’s defined for object-oriented
+languages, we’re not taking as full advantage of Rust’s strengths as we could.
+Let’s look at some changes we can make to the `blog` crate that can make
+invalid states and transitions into compile time errors.
+#### Encoding States and Behavior as Types
+We’ll show you how to rethink the state pattern to get a different set of
+trade-offs. Rather than encapsulating the states and transitions completely so
+outside code has no knowledge of them, we’ll encode the states into different
+types. Consequently, Rust’s type checking system will prevent attempts to use
+draft posts where only published posts are allowed by issuing a compiler error.
+Let’s consider the first part of `main` in Listing 17-11:
+Filename: src/
+fn main() {
+ let mut post = Post::new();
+ post.add_text("I ate a salad for lunch today");
+ assert_eq!("", post.content());
+We still enable the creation of new posts in the draft state using `Post::new`
+and the ability to add text to the post’s content. But instead of having a
+`content` method on a draft post that returns an empty string, we’ll make it so
+draft posts don’t have the `content` method at all. That way, if we try to get
+a draft post’s content, we’ll get a compiler error telling us the method
+doesn’t exist. As a result, it will be impossible for us to accidentally
+display draft post content in production, because that code won’t even compile.
+Listing 17-19 shows the definition of a `Post` struct and a `DraftPost` struct,
+as well as methods on each:
+Filename: src/
+pub struct Post {
+ content: String,
+pub struct DraftPost {
+ content: String,
+impl Post {
+ [1] pub fn new() -> DraftPost {
+ DraftPost {
+ content: String::new(),
+ }
+ }
+ [2] pub fn content(&self) -> &str {
+ &self.content
+ }
+impl DraftPost {
+ [3] pub fn add_text(&mut self, text: &str) {
+ self.content.push_str(text);
+ }
+Listing 17-19: A `Post` with a `content` method and a `DraftPost` without a
+`content` method
+Both the `Post` and `DraftPost` structs have a private `content` field that
+stores the blog post text. The structs no longer have the `state` field because
+we’re moving the encoding of the state to the types of the structs. The `Post`
+struct will represent a published post, and it has a `content` method that
+returns the `content` [2].
+We still have a `Post::new` function, but instead of returning an instance of
+`Post`, it returns an instance of `DraftPost` [1]. Because `content` is private
+and there aren’t any functions that return `Post`, it’s not possible to create
+an instance of `Post` right now.
+The `DraftPost` struct has an `add_text` method, so we can add text to
+`content` as before [3], but note that `DraftPost` does not have a `content`
+method defined! So now the program ensures all posts start as draft posts, and
+draft posts don’t have their content available for display. Any attempt to get
+around these constraints will result in a compiler error.
+#### Implementing Transitions as Transformations into Different Types
+So how do we get a published post? We want to enforce the rule that a draft
+post has to be reviewed and approved before it can be published. A post in the
+pending review state should still not display any content. Let’s implement
+these constraints by adding another struct, `PendingReviewPost`, defining the
+`request_review` method on `DraftPost` to return a `PendingReviewPost`, and
+defining an `approve` method on `PendingReviewPost` to return a `Post`, as
+shown in Listing 17-20:
+Filename: src/
+impl DraftPost {
+ // --snip--
+ pub fn request_review(self) -> PendingReviewPost {
+ PendingReviewPost {
+ content: self.content,
+ }
+ }
+pub struct PendingReviewPost {
+ content: String,
+impl PendingReviewPost {
+ pub fn approve(self) -> Post {
+ Post {
+ content: self.content,
+ }
+ }
+Listing 17-20: A `PendingReviewPost` that gets created by calling
+`request_review` on `DraftPost` and an `approve` method that turns a
+`PendingReviewPost` into a published `Post`
+The `request_review` and `approve` methods take ownership of `self`, thus
+consuming the `DraftPost` and `PendingReviewPost` instances and transforming
+them into a `PendingReviewPost` and a published `Post`, respectively. This way,
+we won’t have any lingering `DraftPost` instances after we’ve called
+`request_review` on them, and so forth. The `PendingReviewPost` struct doesn’t
+have a `content` method defined on it, so attempting to read its content
+results in a compiler error, as with `DraftPost`. Because the only way to get a
+published `Post` instance that does have a `content` method defined is to call
+the `approve` method on a `PendingReviewPost`, and the only way to get a
+`PendingReviewPost` is to call the `request_review` method on a `DraftPost`,
+we’ve now encoded the blog post workflow into the type system.
+But we also have to make some small changes to `main`. The `request_review` and
+`approve` methods return new instances rather than modifying the struct they’re
+called on, so we need to add more `let post =` shadowing assignments to save
+the returned instances. We also can’t have the assertions about the draft and
+pending review posts’ contents be empty strings, nor do we need them: we can’t
+compile code that tries to use the content of posts in those states any longer.
+The updated code in `main` is shown in Listing 17-21:
+Filename: src/
+use blog::Post;
+fn main() {
+ let mut post = Post::new();
+ post.add_text("I ate a salad for lunch today");
+ let post = post.request_review();
+ let post = post.approve();
+ assert_eq!("I ate a salad for lunch today", post.content());
+Listing 17-21: Modifications to `main` to use the new implementation of the
+blog post workflow
+The changes we needed to make to `main` to reassign `post` mean that this
+implementation doesn’t quite follow the object-oriented state pattern anymore:
+the transformations between the states are no longer encapsulated entirely
+within the `Post` implementation. However, our gain is that invalid states are
+now impossible because of the type system and the type checking that happens at
+compile time! This ensures that certain bugs, such as display of the content of
+an unpublished post, will be discovered before they make it to production.
+Try the tasks suggested at the start of this section on the `blog` crate as it
+is after Listing 17-21 to see what you think about the design of this version
+of the code. Note that some of the tasks might be completed already in this
+We’ve seen that even though Rust is capable of implementing object-oriented
+design patterns, other patterns, such as encoding state into the type system,
+are also available in Rust. These patterns have different trade-offs. Although
+you might be very familiar with object-oriented patterns, rethinking the
+problem to take advantage of Rust’s features can provide benefits, such as
+preventing some bugs at compile time. Object-oriented patterns won’t always be
+the best solution in Rust due to certain features, like ownership, that
+object-oriented languages don’t have.
+## Summary
+No matter whether or not you think Rust is an object-oriented language after
+reading this chapter, you now know that you can use trait objects to get some
+object-oriented features in Rust. Dynamic dispatch can give your code some
+flexibility in exchange for a bit of runtime performance. You can use this
+flexibility to implement object-oriented patterns that can help your code’s
+maintainability. Rust also has other features, like ownership, that
+object-oriented languages don’t have. An object-oriented pattern won’t always
+be the best way to take advantage of Rust’s strengths, but is an available
+Next, we’ll look at patterns, which are another of Rust’s features that enable
+lots of flexibility. We’ve looked at them briefly throughout the book but
+haven’t seen their full capability yet. Let’s go!