path: root/src/doc/reference/src/types/
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+# Closure types
+A [closure expression] produces a closure value with a unique, anonymous type
+that cannot be written out. A closure type is approximately equivalent to a
+struct which contains the captured variables. For instance, the following
+fn f<F : FnOnce() -> String> (g: F) {
+ println!("{}", g());
+let mut s = String::from("foo");
+let t = String::from("bar");
+f(|| {
+ s += &t;
+ s
+// Prints "foobar".
+generates a closure type roughly like the following:
+<!-- ignore: simplified, requires unboxed_closures, fn_traits -->
+struct Closure<'a> {
+ s : String,
+ t : &'a String,
+impl<'a> FnOnce<()> for Closure<'a> {
+ type Output = String;
+ fn call_once(self) -> String {
+ self.s += &*self.t;
+ self.s
+ }
+so that the call to `f` works as if it were:
+<!-- ignore: continuation of above -->
+f(Closure{s: s, t: &t});
+## Capture modes
+The compiler prefers to capture a closed-over variable by immutable borrow,
+followed by unique immutable borrow (see below), by mutable borrow, and finally
+by move. It will pick the first choice of these that is compatible with how the
+captured variable is used inside the closure body. The compiler does not take
+surrounding code into account, such as the lifetimes of involved variables, or
+of the closure itself.
+If the `move` keyword is used, then all captures are by move or, for `Copy`
+types, by copy, regardless of whether a borrow would work. The `move` keyword is
+usually used to allow the closure to outlive the captured values, such as if the
+closure is being returned or used to spawn a new thread.
+Composite types such as structs, tuples, and enums are always captured entirely,
+not by individual fields. It may be necessary to borrow into a local variable in
+order to capture a single field:
+# use std::collections::HashSet;
+struct SetVec {
+ set: HashSet<u32>,
+ vec: Vec<u32>
+impl SetVec {
+ fn populate(&mut self) {
+ let vec = &mut self.vec;
+ self.set.iter().for_each(|&n| {
+ vec.push(n);
+ })
+ }
+If, instead, the closure were to use `self.vec` directly, then it would attempt
+to capture `self` by mutable reference. But since `self.set` is already
+borrowed to iterate over, the code would not compile.
+## Unique immutable borrows in captures
+Captures can occur by a special kind of borrow called a _unique immutable
+borrow_, which cannot be used anywhere else in the language and cannot be
+written out explicitly. It occurs when modifying the referent of a mutable
+reference, as in the following example:
+let mut b = false;
+let x = &mut b;
+ let mut c = || { *x = true; };
+ // The following line is an error:
+ // let y = &x;
+ c();
+let z = &x;
+In this case, borrowing `x` mutably is not possible, because `x` is not `mut`.
+But at the same time, borrowing `x` immutably would make the assignment illegal,
+because a `& &mut` reference might not be unique, so it cannot safely be used to
+modify a value. So a unique immutable borrow is used: it borrows `x` immutably,
+but like a mutable borrow, it must be unique. In the above example, uncommenting
+the declaration of `y` will produce an error because it would violate the
+uniqueness of the closure's borrow of `x`; the declaration of z is valid because
+the closure's lifetime has expired at the end of the block, releasing the borrow.
+## Call traits and coercions
+Closure types all implement [`FnOnce`], indicating that they can be called once
+by consuming ownership of the closure. Additionally, some closures implement
+more specific call traits:
+* A closure which does not move out of any captured variables implements
+ [`FnMut`], indicating that it can be called by mutable reference.
+* A closure which does not mutate or move out of any captured variables
+ implements [`Fn`], indicating that it can be called by shared reference.
+> Note: `move` closures may still implement [`Fn`] or [`FnMut`], even though
+> they capture variables by move. This is because the traits implemented by a
+> closure type are determined by what the closure does with captured values,
+> not how it captures them.
+*Non-capturing closures* are closures that don't capture anything from their
+environment. They can be coerced to function pointers (e.g., `fn()`)
+with the matching signature.
+let add = |x, y| x + y;
+let mut x = add(5,7);
+type Binop = fn(i32, i32) -> i32;
+let bo: Binop = add;
+x = bo(5,7);
+## Other traits
+All closure types implement [`Sized`]. Additionally, closure types implement the
+following traits if allowed to do so by the types of the captures it stores:
+* [`Clone`]
+* [`Copy`]
+* [`Sync`]
+* [`Send`]
+The rules for [`Send`] and [`Sync`] match those for normal struct types, while
+[`Clone`] and [`Copy`] behave as if [derived]. For [`Clone`], the order of
+cloning of the captured variables is left unspecified.
+Because captures are often by reference, the following general rules arise:
+* A closure is [`Sync`] if all captured variables are [`Sync`].
+* A closure is [`Send`] if all variables captured by non-unique immutable
+ reference are [`Sync`], and all values captured by unique immutable or mutable
+ reference, copy, or move are [`Send`].
+* A closure is [`Clone`] or [`Copy`] if it does not capture any values by
+ unique immutable or mutable reference, and if all values it captures by copy
+ or move are [`Clone`] or [`Copy`], respectively.
+[`Clone`]: ../
+[`Copy`]: ../
+[`FnMut`]: ../../std/ops/trait.FnMut.html
+[`FnOnce`]: ../../std/ops/trait.FnOnce.html
+[`Fn`]: ../../std/ops/trait.Fn.html
+[`Send`]: ../
+[`Sized`]: ../
+[`Sync`]: ../
+[closure expression]: ../expressions/
+[derived]: ../attributes/