path: root/src/etc/test-float-parse/
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1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/etc/test-float-parse/ b/src/etc/test-float-parse/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf7279534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/etc/test-float-parse/
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+Testing dec2flt
+These are *really* extensive tests. Expect them to run for hours. Due to the
+nature of the problem (the input is a string of arbitrary length), exhaustive
+testing is not really possible. Instead, there are exhaustive tests for some
+classes of inputs for which that is feasible and a bunch of deterministic and
+random non-exhaustive tests for covering everything else.
+The actual tests (generating decimal strings and feeding them to dec2flt) is
+performed by a set of stand-along rust programs. This script compiles, runs,
+and supervises them. The programs report the strings they generate and the
+floating point numbers they converted those strings to, and this script
+checks that the results are correct.
+You can run specific tests rather than all of them by giving their names
+(without .rs extension) as command line parameters.
+The tricky part is not generating those inputs but verifying the outputs.
+Comparing with the result of Python's float() does not cut it because
+(and this is apparently undocumented) although Python includes a version of
+Martin Gay's code including the decimal-to-float part, it doesn't actually use
+it for float() (only for round()) instead relying on the system scanf() which
+is not necessarily completely accurate.
+Instead, we take the input and compute the true value with bignum arithmetic
+(as a fraction, using the ``fractions`` module).
+Given an input string and the corresponding float computed via Rust, simply
+decode the float into f * 2^k (for integers f, k) and the ULP.
+We can now easily compute the error and check if it is within 0.5 ULP as it
+should be. Zero and infinites are handled similarly:
+- If the approximation is 0.0, the exact value should be *less or equal*
+ half the smallest denormal float: the smallest denormal floating point
+ number has an odd mantissa (00...001) and thus half of that is rounded
+ to 00...00, i.e., zero.
+- If the approximation is Inf, the exact value should be *greater or equal*
+ to the largest finite float + 0.5 ULP: the largest finite float has an odd
+ mantissa (11...11), so that plus half an ULP is rounded up to the nearest
+ even number, which overflows.
+Implementation details
+This directory contains a set of single-file Rust programs that perform
+tests with a particular class of inputs. Each is compiled and run without
+parameters, outputs (f64, f32, decimal) pairs to verify externally, and
+in any case either exits gracefully or with a panic.
+If a test binary writes *anything at all* to stderr or exits with an
+exit code that's not 0, the test fails.
+The output on stdout is treated as (f64, f32, decimal) record, encoded thusly:
+- First, the bits of the f64 encoded as an ASCII hex string.
+- Second, the bits of the f32 encoded as an ASCII hex string.
+- Then the corresponding string input, in ASCII
+- The record is terminated with a newline.
+Incomplete records are an error. Not-a-Number bit patterns are invalid too.
+The tests run serially but the validation for a single test is parallelized
+with ``multiprocessing``. Each test is launched as a subprocess.
+One thread supervises it: Accepts and enqueues records to validate, observe
+stderr, and waits for the process to exit. A set of worker processes perform
+the validation work for the outputs enqueued there. Another thread listens
+for progress updates from the workers.
+Known issues
+Some errors (e.g., NaN outputs) aren't handled very gracefully.
+Also, if there is an exception or the process is interrupted (at least on
+Windows) the worker processes are leaked and stick around forever.
+They're only a few megabytes each, but still, this script should not be run
+if you aren't prepared to manually kill a lot of orphaned processes.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import os.path
+import time
+import struct
+from fractions import Fraction
+from collections import namedtuple
+from subprocess import Popen, check_call, PIPE
+from glob import glob
+import multiprocessing
+import threading
+import ctypes
+import binascii
+try: # Python 3
+ import queue as Queue
+except ImportError: # Python 2
+ import Queue
+INF = namedtuple('INF', '')()
+NEG_INF = namedtuple('NEG_INF', '')()
+ZERO = namedtuple('ZERO', '')()
+MAILBOX = None # The queue for reporting errors to the main process.
+STDOUT_LOCK = threading.Lock()
+test_name = None
+child_processes = []
+exit_status = 0
+def msg(*args):
+ print("[" + test_name + "]", *args)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+def write_errors():
+ global exit_status
+ f = open("errors.txt", 'w')
+ have_seen_error = False
+ while True:
+ args = MAILBOX.get()
+ if args is None:
+ f.close()
+ break
+ print(*args, file=f)
+ f.flush()
+ if not have_seen_error:
+ have_seen_error = True
+ msg("Something is broken:", *args)
+ msg("Future errors logged to errors.txt")
+ exit_status = 101
+def cargo():
+ print("compiling tests")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ check_call(['cargo', 'build', '--release'])
+def run(test):
+ global test_name
+ test_name = test
+ t0 = time.perf_counter()
+ msg("setting up supervisor")
+ command = ['cargo', 'run', '--bin', test, '--release']
+ proc = Popen(command, bufsize=1<<20 , stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ done = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_bool)
+ queue = multiprocessing.Queue(maxsize=5)#(maxsize=1024)
+ workers = []
+ for n in range(NUM_WORKERS):
+ worker = multiprocessing.Process(name='Worker-' + str(n + 1),
+ target=init_worker,
+ args=[test, MAILBOX, queue, done])
+ workers.append(worker)
+ child_processes.append(worker)
+ for worker in workers:
+ worker.start()
+ msg("running test")
+ interact(proc, queue)
+ with done.get_lock():
+ done.value = True
+ for worker in workers:
+ worker.join()
+ msg("python is done")
+ assert queue.empty(), "did not validate everything"
+ dt = time.perf_counter() - t0
+ msg("took", round(dt, 3), "seconds")
+def interact(proc, queue):
+ n = 0
+ while proc.poll() is None:
+ line = proc.stdout.readline()
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ assert line.endswith(b'\n'), "incomplete line: " + repr(line)
+ queue.put(line)
+ n += 1
+ if n % UPDATE_EVERY_N == 0:
+ msg("got", str(n // 1000) + "k", "records")
+ msg("rust is done. exit code:", proc.returncode)
+ rest, stderr = proc.communicate()
+ if stderr:
+ msg("rust stderr output:", stderr)
+ for line in rest.split(b'\n'):
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ queue.put(line)
+def main():
+ global MAILBOX
+ files = glob('src/bin/*.rs')
+ basenames = [os.path.basename(i) for i in files]
+ all_tests = [os.path.splitext(f)[0] for f in basenames if not f.startswith('_')]
+ args = sys.argv[1:]
+ if args:
+ tests = [test for test in all_tests if test in args]
+ else:
+ tests = all_tests
+ if not tests:
+ print("Error: No tests to run")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Compile first for quicker feedback
+ cargo()
+ # Set up mailbox once for all tests
+ MAILBOX = multiprocessing.Queue()
+ mailman = threading.Thread(target=write_errors)
+ mailman.daemon = True
+ mailman.start()
+ for test in tests:
+ run(test)
+ MAILBOX.put(None)
+ mailman.join()
+# ---- Worker thread code ----
+POW2 = { e: Fraction(2) ** e for e in range(-1100, 1100) }
+HALF_ULP = { e: (Fraction(2) ** e)/2 for e in range(-1100, 1100) }
+def send_error_to_supervisor(*args):
+ MAILBOX.put(args)
+def init_worker(test, mailbox, queue, done):
+ global test_name, MAILBOX, DONE_FLAG
+ test_name = test
+ MAILBOX = mailbox
+ DONE_FLAG = done
+ do_work(queue)
+def is_done():
+ with DONE_FLAG.get_lock():
+ return DONE_FLAG.value
+def do_work(queue):
+ while True:
+ try:
+ line = queue.get(timeout=0.01)
+ except Queue.Empty:
+ if queue.empty() and is_done():
+ return
+ else:
+ continue
+ bin64, bin32, text = line.rstrip().split()
+ validate(bin64, bin32, text.decode('utf-8'))
+def decode_binary64(x):
+ """
+ Turn a IEEE 754 binary64 into (mantissa, exponent), except 0.0 and
+ infinity (positive and negative), which return ZERO, INF, and NEG_INF
+ respectively.
+ """
+ x = binascii.unhexlify(x)
+ assert len(x) == 8, repr(x)
+ [bits] = struct.unpack(b'>Q', x)
+ if bits == 0:
+ return ZERO
+ exponent = (bits >> 52) & 0x7FF
+ negative = bits >> 63
+ low_bits = bits & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF
+ if exponent == 0:
+ mantissa = low_bits
+ exponent += 1
+ if mantissa == 0:
+ return ZERO
+ elif exponent == 0x7FF:
+ assert low_bits == 0, "NaN"
+ if negative:
+ return NEG_INF
+ else:
+ return INF
+ else:
+ mantissa = low_bits | (1 << 52)
+ exponent -= 1023 + 52
+ if negative:
+ mantissa = -mantissa
+ return (mantissa, exponent)
+def decode_binary32(x):
+ """
+ Turn a IEEE 754 binary32 into (mantissa, exponent), except 0.0 and
+ infinity (positive and negative), which return ZERO, INF, and NEG_INF
+ respectively.
+ """
+ x = binascii.unhexlify(x)
+ assert len(x) == 4, repr(x)
+ [bits] = struct.unpack(b'>I', x)
+ if bits == 0:
+ return ZERO
+ exponent = (bits >> 23) & 0xFF
+ negative = bits >> 31
+ low_bits = bits & 0x7FFFFF
+ if exponent == 0:
+ mantissa = low_bits
+ exponent += 1
+ if mantissa == 0:
+ return ZERO
+ elif exponent == 0xFF:
+ if negative:
+ return NEG_INF
+ else:
+ return INF
+ else:
+ mantissa = low_bits | (1 << 23)
+ exponent -= 127 + 23
+ if negative:
+ mantissa = -mantissa
+ return (mantissa, exponent)
+MIN_SUBNORMAL_DOUBLE = Fraction(2) ** -1074
+MIN_SUBNORMAL_SINGLE = Fraction(2) ** -149 # XXX unsure
+MAX_DOUBLE = (2 - Fraction(2) ** -52) * (2 ** 1023)
+MAX_SINGLE = (2 - Fraction(2) ** -23) * (2 ** 127)
+MAX_ULP_DOUBLE = 1023 - 52
+MAX_ULP_SINGLE = 127 - 23
+def validate(bin64, bin32, text):
+ try:
+ double = decode_binary64(bin64)
+ except AssertionError:
+ print(bin64, bin32, text)
+ raise
+ single = decode_binary32(bin32)
+ real = Fraction(text)
+ if double is ZERO:
+ record_special_error(text, "f64 zero")
+ elif double is INF:
+ if real < DOUBLE_INF_CUTOFF:
+ record_special_error(text, "f64 inf")
+ elif double is NEG_INF:
+ if -real < DOUBLE_INF_CUTOFF:
+ record_special_error(text, "f64 -inf")
+ elif len(double) == 2:
+ sig, k = double
+ validate_normal(text, real, sig, k, "f64")
+ else:
+ assert 0, "didn't handle binary64"
+ if single is ZERO:
+ record_special_error(text, "f32 zero")
+ elif single is INF:
+ if real < SINGLE_INF_CUTOFF:
+ record_special_error(text, "f32 inf")
+ elif single is NEG_INF:
+ if -real < SINGLE_INF_CUTOFF:
+ record_special_error(text, "f32 -inf")
+ elif len(single) == 2:
+ sig, k = single
+ validate_normal(text, real, sig, k, "f32")
+ else:
+ assert 0, "didn't handle binary32"
+def record_special_error(text, descr):
+ send_error_to_supervisor(text.strip(), "wrongly rounded to", descr)
+def validate_normal(text, real, sig, k, kind):
+ approx = sig * POW2[k]
+ error = abs(approx - real)
+ if error > HALF_ULP[k]:
+ record_normal_error(text, error, k, kind)
+def record_normal_error(text, error, k, kind):
+ one_ulp = HALF_ULP[k + 1]
+ assert one_ulp == 2 * HALF_ULP[k]
+ relative_error = error / one_ulp
+ text = text.strip()
+ try:
+ err_repr = float(relative_error)
+ except ValueError:
+ err_repr = str(err_repr).replace('/', ' / ')
+ send_error_to_supervisor(err_repr, "ULP error on", text, "(" + kind + ")")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()