path: root/src/test/debuginfo/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/debuginfo/')
1 files changed, 473 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/debuginfo/ b/src/test/debuginfo/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b040a6e74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/debuginfo/
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+// ignore-lldb
+// GDB changed the way that it formatted Foreign types
+// min-gdb-version: 9.2
+// compile-flags:-g
+// === GDB TESTS ===================================================================================
+// gdb-command:run
+// gdb-command:whatis simple_struct
+// gdb-check:type = type_names::Struct1
+// gdb-command:whatis generic_struct1
+// gdb-check:type = type_names::GenericStruct<type_names::mod1::Struct2, type_names::mod1::mod2::Struct3>
+// gdb-command:whatis generic_struct2
+// gdb-check:type = type_names::GenericStruct<type_names::Struct1, extern "fastcall" fn(isize) -> usize>
+// gdb-command:whatis mod_struct
+// gdb-check:type = type_names::mod1::Struct2
+// gdb-command:whatis simple_enum_1
+// gdb-check:type = type_names::Enum1
+// gdb-command:whatis simple_enum_2
+// gdb-check:type = type_names::Enum1
+// gdb-command:whatis simple_enum_3
+// gdb-check:type = type_names::mod1::Enum2
+// gdb-command:whatis generic_enum_1
+// gdb-check:type = type_names::mod1::mod2::Enum3<type_names::mod1::Struct2>
+// gdb-command:whatis generic_enum_2
+// gdb-check:type = type_names::mod1::mod2::Enum3<type_names::Struct1>
+// gdb-command:whatis tuple1
+// gdb-check:type = (u32, type_names::Struct1, type_names::mod1::mod2::Enum3<type_names::mod1::Struct2>)
+// gdb-command:whatis tuple2
+// gdb-check:type = ((type_names::Struct1, type_names::mod1::mod2::Struct3), type_names::mod1::Enum2, char)
+// BOX
+// gdb-command:whatis box1
+// gdb-check:type = (alloc::boxed::Box<f32, alloc::alloc::Global>, i32)
+// gdb-command:whatis box2
+// gdb-check:type = (alloc::boxed::Box<type_names::mod1::mod2::Enum3<f32>, alloc::alloc::Global>, i32)
+// gdb-command:whatis ref1
+// gdb-check:type = (&type_names::Struct1, i32)
+// gdb-command:whatis ref2
+// gdb-check:type = (&type_names::GenericStruct<char, type_names::Struct1>, i32)
+// gdb-command:whatis mut_ref1
+// gdb-check:type = (&mut type_names::Struct1, i32)
+// gdb-command:whatis mut_ref2
+// gdb-check:type = (&mut type_names::GenericStruct<type_names::mod1::Enum2, f64>, i32)
+// gdb-command:whatis mut_ptr1
+// gdb-check:type = (*mut type_names::Struct1, isize)
+// gdb-command:whatis mut_ptr2
+// gdb-check:type = (*mut isize, isize)
+// gdb-command:whatis mut_ptr3
+// gdb-check:type = (*mut type_names::mod1::mod2::Enum3<type_names::Struct1>, isize)
+// gdb-command:whatis const_ptr1
+// gdb-check:type = (*const type_names::Struct1, isize)
+// gdb-command:whatis const_ptr2
+// gdb-check:type = (*const isize, isize)
+// gdb-command:whatis const_ptr3
+// gdb-check:type = (*const type_names::mod1::mod2::Enum3<type_names::Struct1>, isize)
+// gdb-command:whatis fixed_size_vec1
+// gdb-check:type = ([type_names::Struct1; 3], i16)
+// gdb-command:whatis fixed_size_vec2
+// gdb-check:type = ([usize; 3], i16)
+// gdb-command:whatis slice1
+// gdb-check:type = &[usize]
+// gdb-command:whatis slice2
+// gdb-check:type = &[type_names::mod1::Enum2]
+// gdb-command:whatis box_trait
+// gdb-check:type = alloc::boxed::Box<dyn type_names::Trait1, alloc::alloc::Global>
+// gdb-command:whatis ref_trait
+// gdb-check:type = &dyn type_names::Trait1
+// gdb-command:whatis mut_ref_trait
+// gdb-check:type = &mut dyn type_names::Trait1
+// gdb-command:whatis generic_box_trait
+// gdb-check:type = alloc::boxed::Box<dyn type_names::Trait2<i32, type_names::mod1::Struct2>, alloc::alloc::Global>
+// gdb-command:whatis generic_ref_trait
+// gdb-check:type = &dyn type_names::Trait2<type_names::Struct1, type_names::Struct1>
+// gdb-command:whatis generic_mut_ref_trait
+// gdb-check:type = &mut dyn type_names::Trait2<type_names::mod1::mod2::Struct3, type_names::GenericStruct<usize, isize>>
+// gdb-command:whatis no_principal_trait
+// gdb-check:type = alloc::boxed::Box<(dyn core::marker::Send + core::marker::Sync), alloc::alloc::Global>
+// gdb-command:whatis has_associated_type_trait
+// gdb-check:type = &(dyn type_names::Trait3<u32, AssocType=isize> + core::marker::Send)
+// gdb-command:whatis has_associated_type_but_no_generics_trait
+// gdb-check:type = &dyn type_names::TraitNoGenericsButWithAssocType<Output=isize>
+// gdb-command:whatis rust_fn
+// gdb-check:type = (fn(core::option::Option<isize>, core::option::Option<&type_names::mod1::Struct2>), usize)
+// gdb-command:whatis extern_c_fn
+// gdb-check:type = (extern "C" fn(isize), usize)
+// gdb-command:whatis unsafe_fn
+// gdb-check:type = (unsafe fn(core::result::Result<char, f64>), usize)
+// gdb-command:whatis rust_fn_with_return_value
+// gdb-check:type = (fn(f64) -> usize, usize)
+// gdb-command:whatis extern_c_fn_with_return_value
+// gdb-check:type = (extern "C" fn() -> type_names::Struct1, usize)
+// gdb-command:whatis unsafe_fn_with_return_value
+// gdb-check:type = (unsafe fn(type_names::GenericStruct<u16, u8>) -> type_names::mod1::Struct2, usize)
+// gdb-command:whatis generic_function_int
+// gdb-check:type = (fn(isize) -> isize, usize)
+// gdb-command:whatis generic_function_struct3
+// gdb-check:type = (fn(type_names::mod1::mod2::Struct3) -> type_names::mod1::mod2::Struct3, usize)
+// gdb-command:whatis variadic_function
+// gdb-check:type = (unsafe extern "C" fn(*const u8, ...) -> isize, usize)
+// gdb-command:whatis closure1
+// gdb-check:type = (type_names::main::{closure_env#0}, usize)
+// gdb-command:whatis closure2
+// gdb-check:type = (type_names::main::{closure_env#1}, usize)
+// gdb-command:whatis foreign1
+// gdb-check:type = *mut type_names::{extern#0}::ForeignType1
+// gdb-command:whatis foreign2
+// gdb-check:type = *mut type_names::mod1::{extern#0}::ForeignType2
+// === CDB TESTS ==================================================================================
+// cdb-command: g
+// 0-sized structs appear to be optimized away in some cases, so only check the structs that do
+// actually appear.
+// cdb-command:dv /t *_struct
+// cdb-check:struct type_names::GenericStruct<enum$<type_names::mod1::Enum2>,f64> mut_generic_struct = [...]
+// cdb-command:dv /t *_enum_*
+// cdb-check:union enum$<type_names::Enum1> simple_enum_1 = [...]
+// cdb-check:union enum$<type_names::Enum1> simple_enum_2 = [...]
+// cdb-check:union enum$<type_names::mod1::Enum2> simple_enum_3 = [...]
+// cdb-check:union enum$<type_names::mod1::mod2::Enum3<type_names::mod1::Struct2> > generic_enum_1 = [...]
+// cdb-check:union enum$<type_names::mod1::mod2::Enum3<type_names::Struct1> > generic_enum_2 = [...]
+// cdb-command:dv /t tuple*
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<u32,type_names::Struct1,enum$<type_names::mod1::mod2::Enum3<type_names::mod1::Struct2> > > tuple1 = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<tuple$<type_names::Struct1,type_names::mod1::mod2::Struct3>,enum$<type_names::mod1::Enum2>,char> tuple2 = [...]
+// BOX
+// cdb-command:dv /t box*
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<alloc::boxed::Box<f32,alloc::alloc::Global>,i32> box1 = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<alloc::boxed::Box<enum$<type_names::mod1::mod2::Enum3<f32> >,alloc::alloc::Global>,i32> box2 = [...]
+// cdb-command:dv /t *ref*
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<ref$<type_names::Struct1>,i32> ref1 = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<ref$<type_names::GenericStruct<char,type_names::Struct1> >,i32> ref2 = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<ref_mut$<type_names::Struct1>,i32> mut_ref1 = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<ref_mut$<type_names::GenericStruct<enum$<type_names::mod1::Enum2>,f64> >,i32> mut_ref2 = [...]
+// cdb-command:dv /t *_ptr*
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<ptr_mut$<type_names::Struct1>,isize> mut_ptr1 = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<ptr_mut$<isize>,isize> mut_ptr2 = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<ptr_mut$<enum$<type_names::mod1::mod2::Enum3<type_names::Struct1> > >,isize> mut_ptr3 = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<ptr_const$<type_names::Struct1>,isize> const_ptr1 = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<ptr_const$<isize>,isize> const_ptr2 = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<ptr_const$<enum$<type_names::mod1::mod2::Enum3<type_names::Struct1> > >,isize> const_ptr3 = [...]
+// cdb-command:dv /t *vec*
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<array$<type_names::Struct1,3>,i16> fixed_size_vec1 = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<array$<usize,3>,i16> fixed_size_vec2 = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct alloc::vec::Vec<usize,alloc::alloc::Global> vec1 = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct alloc::vec::Vec<enum$<type_names::mod1::Enum2>,alloc::alloc::Global> vec2 = [...]
+// cdb-command:dv /t slice*
+// cdb-check:struct slice$<usize> slice1 = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct slice$<enum$<type_names::mod1::Enum2> > slice2 = [...]
+// cdb-command:dv /t *_trait
+// cdb-check:struct ref_mut$<dyn$<type_names::Trait2<type_names::mod1::mod2::Struct3,type_names::GenericStruct<usize,isize> > > > generic_mut_ref_trait = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct ref$<dyn$<type_names::Trait2<type_names::Struct1,type_names::Struct1> > > generic_ref_trait = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct alloc::boxed::Box<dyn$<type_names::Trait2<i32,type_names::mod1::Struct2> >,alloc::alloc::Global> generic_box_trait = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct alloc::boxed::Box<dyn$<type_names::Trait1>,alloc::alloc::Global> box_trait = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct ref$<dyn$<type_names::Trait1> > ref_trait = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct ref_mut$<dyn$<type_names::Trait1> > mut_ref_trait = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct alloc::boxed::Box<dyn$<core::marker::Send,core::marker::Sync>,alloc::alloc::Global> no_principal_trait = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct ref$<dyn$<type_names::Trait3<u32,assoc$<AssocType,isize> >,core::marker::Send> > has_associated_type_trait = struct ref$<dyn$<type_names::Trait3<u32,assoc$<AssocType,isize> >,core::marker::Send> >
+// cdb-check:struct ref$<dyn$<type_names::TraitNoGenericsButWithAssocType<assoc$<Output,isize> > > > has_associated_type_but_no_generics_trait = struct ref$<dyn$<type_names::TraitNoGenericsButWithAssocType<assoc$<Output,isize> > > >
+// cdb-command:dv /t *_fn*
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<type_names::mod1::Struct2 (*)(type_names::GenericStruct<u16,u8>),usize> unsafe_fn_with_return_value = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<type_names::Struct1 (*)(),usize> extern_c_fn_with_return_value = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<usize (*)(f64),usize> rust_fn_with_return_value = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<void (*)(enum$<core::result::Result<char,f64> >),usize> unsafe_fn = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<void (*)(isize),usize> extern_c_fn = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<void (*)(enum$<core::option::Option<isize> >,enum$<core::option::Option<ref$<type_names::mod1::Struct2> >, 1, [...], Some>),usize> rust_fn = [...]
+// cdb-command:dv /t *_function*
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<isize (*)(ptr_const$<u8>, ...),usize> variadic_function = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<type_names::mod1::mod2::Struct3 (*)(type_names::mod1::mod2::Struct3),usize> generic_function_struct3 = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<isize (*)(isize),usize> generic_function_int = [...]
+// cdb-command:dx Debugger.State.Scripts.@"type-names.cdb".Contents.getFunctionDetails("rust_fn")
+// cdb-check:Return Type: void
+// cdb-check:Parameter Types: enum$<core::option::Option<isize> >,enum$<core::option::Option<ref$<type_names::mod1::Struct2> >, 1, [...], Some>
+// cdb-command:dx Debugger.State.Scripts.@"type-names.cdb".Contents.getFunctionDetails("rust_fn_with_return_value")
+// cdb-check:Return Type: usize
+// cdb-check:Parameter Types: f64
+// cdb-command:dx Debugger.State.Scripts.@"type-names.cdb".Contents.getFunctionDetails("extern_c_fn_with_return_value")
+// cdb-check:Return Type: type_names::Struct1
+// cdb-check:Parameter Types:
+// cdb-command:dv /t closure*
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<type_names::main::closure_env$1,usize> closure2 = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct tuple$<type_names::main::closure_env$0,usize> closure1 = [...]
+// cdb-command:dv /t foreign*
+// cdb-check:struct type_names::mod1::extern$0::ForeignType2 * foreign2 = [...]
+// cdb-check:struct type_names::extern$0::ForeignType1 * foreign1 = [...]
+use self::Enum1::{Variant1, Variant2};
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use std::ptr;
+pub struct Struct1;
+struct GenericStruct<T1, T2>(PhantomData<(T1, T2)>);
+enum Enum1 {
+ Variant1,
+ Variant2(isize),
+extern "C" {
+ type ForeignType1;
+mod mod1 {
+ pub struct Struct2;
+ pub enum Enum2 {
+ Variant1,
+ Variant2(super::Struct1),
+ }
+ pub mod mod2 {
+ pub use self::Enum3::{Variant1, Variant2};
+ pub struct Struct3;
+ pub enum Enum3<T> {
+ Variant1,
+ Variant2(T),
+ }
+ }
+ extern "C" {
+ pub type ForeignType2;
+ }
+trait Trait1 {
+ fn dummy(&self) {}
+trait Trait2<T1, T2> {
+ fn dummy(&self, _: T1, _: T2) {}
+trait Trait3<T> {
+ type AssocType;
+ fn dummy(&self) -> T {
+ panic!()
+ }
+trait TraitNoGenericsButWithAssocType {
+ type Output;
+ fn foo(&self) -> Self::Output;
+impl Trait1 for isize {}
+impl<T1, T2> Trait2<T1, T2> for isize {}
+impl<T> Trait3<T> for isize {
+ type AssocType = isize;
+impl TraitNoGenericsButWithAssocType for isize {
+ type Output = isize;
+ fn foo(&self) -> Self::Output {
+ *self
+ }
+fn rust_fn(_: Option<isize>, _: Option<&mod1::Struct2>) {}
+extern "C" fn extern_c_fn(_: isize) {}
+unsafe fn unsafe_fn(_: Result<char, f64>) {}
+fn rust_fn_with_return_value(_: f64) -> usize {
+ 4
+extern "C" fn extern_c_fn_with_return_value() -> Struct1 {
+ Struct1
+unsafe fn unsafe_fn_with_return_value(_: GenericStruct<u16, u8>) -> mod1::Struct2 {
+ mod1::Struct2
+fn generic_function<T>(x: T) -> T {
+ x
+extern "C" {
+ fn printf(_: *const u8, ...) -> isize;
+// In many of the cases below, the type that is actually under test is wrapped
+// in a tuple, e.g., Box<T>, references, raw pointers, fixed-size vectors, ...
+// This is because GDB will not print the type name from DWARF debuginfo for
+// some kinds of types (pointers, arrays, functions, ...)
+// Since tuples are structs as far as GDB is concerned, their name will be
+// printed correctly, so the tests below just construct a tuple type that will
+// then *contain* the type name that we want to see.
+fn main() {
+ // Structs
+ let simple_struct = Struct1;
+ let generic_struct1: GenericStruct<mod1::Struct2, mod1::mod2::Struct3> =
+ GenericStruct(PhantomData);
+ let generic_struct2: GenericStruct<Struct1, extern "fastcall" fn(isize) -> usize> =
+ GenericStruct(PhantomData);
+ let mod_struct = mod1::Struct2;
+ // Enums
+ let simple_enum_1 = Variant1;
+ let simple_enum_2 = Variant2(0);
+ let simple_enum_3 = mod1::Enum2::Variant2(Struct1);
+ let generic_enum_1: mod1::mod2::Enum3<mod1::Struct2> = mod1::mod2::Variant1;
+ let generic_enum_2 = mod1::mod2::Variant2(Struct1);
+ // Tuples
+ let tuple1 = (8u32, Struct1, mod1::mod2::Variant2(mod1::Struct2));
+ let tuple2 = ((Struct1, mod1::mod2::Struct3), mod1::Enum2::Variant1, 'x');
+ // Box
+ let box1 = (Box::new(1f32), 0i32);
+ let box2 = (Box::new(mod1::mod2::Variant2(1f32)), 0i32);
+ // References
+ let ref1 = (&Struct1, 0i32);
+ let ref2 = (&GenericStruct::<char, Struct1>(PhantomData), 0i32);
+ let mut mut_struct1 = Struct1;
+ let mut mut_generic_struct = GenericStruct::<mod1::Enum2, f64>(PhantomData);
+ let mut_ref1 = (&mut mut_struct1, 0i32);
+ let mut_ref2 = (&mut mut_generic_struct, 0i32);
+ // Raw Pointers
+ let mut_ptr1: (*mut Struct1, isize) = (ptr::null_mut(), 0);
+ let mut_ptr2: (*mut isize, isize) = (ptr::null_mut(), 0);
+ let mut_ptr3: (*mut mod1::mod2::Enum3<Struct1>, isize) = (ptr::null_mut(), 0);
+ let const_ptr1: (*const Struct1, isize) = (ptr::null(), 0);
+ let const_ptr2: (*const isize, isize) = (ptr::null(), 0);
+ let const_ptr3: (*const mod1::mod2::Enum3<Struct1>, isize) = (ptr::null(), 0);
+ // Vectors
+ let fixed_size_vec1 = ([Struct1, Struct1, Struct1], 0i16);
+ let fixed_size_vec2 = ([0_usize, 1, 2], 0i16);
+ let vec1 = vec![0_usize, 2, 3];
+ let slice1 = &*vec1;
+ let vec2 = vec![mod1::Enum2::Variant2(Struct1)];
+ let slice2 = &*vec2;
+ // Trait Objects
+ let box_trait = Box::new(0_isize) as Box<dyn Trait1>;
+ let ref_trait = &0_isize as &dyn Trait1;
+ let mut mut_int1 = 0_isize;
+ let mut_ref_trait = (&mut mut_int1) as &mut dyn Trait1;
+ let no_principal_trait = Box::new(0_isize) as Box<(dyn Send + Sync)>;
+ let has_associated_type_trait = &0_isize as &(dyn Trait3<u32, AssocType = isize> + Send);
+ let has_associated_type_but_no_generics_trait =
+ &0_isize as &dyn TraitNoGenericsButWithAssocType<Output = isize>;
+ let generic_box_trait = Box::new(0_isize) as Box<dyn Trait2<i32, mod1::Struct2>>;
+ let generic_ref_trait = (&0_isize) as &dyn Trait2<Struct1, Struct1>;
+ let mut generic_mut_ref_trait_impl = 0_isize;
+ let generic_mut_ref_trait = (&mut generic_mut_ref_trait_impl)
+ as &mut dyn Trait2<mod1::mod2::Struct3, GenericStruct<usize, isize>>;
+ // Bare Functions
+ let rust_fn = (rust_fn, 0_usize);
+ let extern_c_fn = (extern_c_fn, 0_usize);
+ let unsafe_fn = (unsafe_fn, 0_usize);
+ let rust_fn_with_return_value = (rust_fn_with_return_value, 0_usize);
+ let extern_c_fn_with_return_value = (extern_c_fn_with_return_value, 0_usize);
+ let unsafe_fn_with_return_value = (unsafe_fn_with_return_value, 0_usize);
+ let generic_function_int = (generic_function::<isize>, 0_usize);
+ let generic_function_struct3 = (generic_function::<mod1::mod2::Struct3>, 0_usize);
+ let variadic_function = (printf, 0_usize);
+ // Closures
+ // I (mw) am a bit unclear about the current state of closures, their
+ // various forms (boxed, unboxed, proc, capture-by-ref, by-val, once) and
+ // how that maps to rustc's internal representation of these forms.
+ // Once closures have reached their 1.0 form, the tests below should
+ // probably be expanded.
+ let closure1 = (|x: isize| {}, 0_usize);
+ let closure2 = (|x: i8, y: f32| (x as f32) + y, 0_usize);
+ // Foreign Types
+ let foreign1 = unsafe { 0 as *const ForeignType1 };
+ let foreign2 = unsafe { 0 as *const mod1::ForeignType2 };
+ zzz(); // #break
+fn zzz() {
+ ()