path: root/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross')
16 files changed, 173 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/assoc_item_trait_bounds.out0.html b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/assoc_item_trait_bounds.out0.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8934bc1ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/assoc_item_trait_bounds.out0.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<h4 class="code-header">type <a href="#associatedtype.Out0" class="associatedtype">Out0</a>: <a class="trait" href="../assoc_item_trait_bounds/trait.Support.html" title="trait assoc_item_trait_bounds::Support">Support</a>&lt;Item = <a class="primitive" href="{{channel}}/std/primitive.unit.html">()</a>&gt;</h4> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/assoc_item_trait_bounds.out2.html b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/assoc_item_trait_bounds.out2.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf330670e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/assoc_item_trait_bounds.out2.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<h4 class="code-header">type <a href="#associatedtype.Out2" class="associatedtype">Out2</a>&lt;T&gt;: <a class="trait" href="../assoc_item_trait_bounds/trait.Support.html" title="trait assoc_item_trait_bounds::Support">Support</a>&lt;Item = T&gt;</h4> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/assoc_item_trait_bounds.out9.html b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/assoc_item_trait_bounds.out9.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69d84e1b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/assoc_item_trait_bounds.out9.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<h4 class="code-header">type <a href="#associatedtype.Out9" class="associatedtype">Out9</a>: <a class="trait" href="{{channel}}/core/ops/function/trait.FnMut.html" title="trait core::ops::function::FnMut">FnMut</a>(<a class="primitive" href="{{channel}}/std/primitive.i32.html">i32</a>) -&gt; <a class="primitive" href="{{channel}}/std/primitive.bool.html">bool</a> + <a class="trait" href="{{channel}}/core/clone/trait.Clone.html" title="trait core::clone::Clone">Clone</a></h4> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f4712aab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// Regression test for issues #77763, #84579 and #102142.
+#![crate_name = "main"]
+// build-aux-docs
+// ignore-cross-compile
+extern crate assoc_item_trait_bounds as aux;
+// @has main/trait.Main.html
+// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out0"]' 'type Out0: Support<Item = ()>'
+// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out1"]' 'type Out1: Support<Item = Self::Item>'
+// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out2"]' 'type Out2<T>: Support<Item = T>'
+// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out3"]' 'type Out3: Support<Produce<()> = bool>'
+// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out4"]' 'type Out4<T>: Support<Produce<T> = T>'
+// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out5"]' "type Out5: Support<Output<'static> = &'static ()>"
+// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out6"]' "type Out6: for<'a> Support<Output<'a> = &'a ()>"
+// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out7"]' "type Out7: Support<Item = String, Produce<i32> = u32> + Unrelated"
+// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out8"]' "type Out8: Unrelated + Protocol<i16, Q1 = u128, Q0 = ()>"
+// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out9"]' "type Out9: FnMut(i32) -> bool + Clone"
+// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out10"]' "type Out10<'q>: Support<Output<'q> = ()>"
+// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out11"]' "type Out11: for<'r, 's> Helper<A<'s> = &'s (), B<'r> = ()>"
+// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out12"]' "type Out12: for<'w> Helper<B<'w> = Cow<'w, str>, A<'w> = bool>"
+// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out13"]' "type Out13: for<'fst, 'snd> Aid<'snd, Result<'fst> = &'fst mut str>"
+// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out14"]' "type Out14<P: Copy + Eq, Q: ?Sized>"
+// Snapshots:
+// Check that we don't render any where-clauses for the following associated types since
+// all corresponding projection equality predicates should have already been re-sugared
+// to associated type bindings:
+// @snapshot out0 - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out0"]/*[@class="code-header"]'
+// @snapshot out2 - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out2"]/*[@class="code-header"]'
+// @snapshot out9 - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Out9"]/*[@class="code-header"]'
+// @has - '//*[@id="tymethod.make"]' \
+// "fn make<F>(F, impl FnMut(&str) -> bool)\
+// where \
+// F: FnOnce(u32) -> String, \
+// Self::Out2<()>: Protocol<u8, Q0 = Self::Item, Q1 = ()>"
+pub use aux::Main;
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/auxiliary/ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/auxiliary/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d326e61da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/auxiliary/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+pub trait Main {
+ type Item;
+ type Out0: Support<Item = ()>;
+ type Out1: Support<Item = Self::Item>;
+ type Out2<T>: Support<Item = T>;
+ type Out3: Support<Produce<()> = bool>;
+ type Out4<T>: Support<Produce<T> = T>;
+ type Out5: Support<Output<'static> = &'static ()>;
+ type Out6: for<'a> Support<Output<'a> = &'a ()>;
+ type Out7: Support<Item = String, Produce<i32> = u32> + Unrelated;
+ type Out8: Unrelated + Protocol<i16, Q1 = u128, Q0 = ()>;
+ type Out9: FnMut(i32) -> bool + Clone;
+ type Out10<'q>: Support<Output<'q> = ()>;
+ type Out11: for<'r, 's> Helper<A<'s> = &'s (), B<'r> = ()>;
+ type Out12: for<'w> Helper<B<'w> = std::borrow::Cow<'w, str>, A<'w> = bool>;
+ type Out13: for<'fst, 'snd> Aid<'snd, Result<'fst> = &'fst mut str>;
+ type Out14<P: Copy + Eq, Q: ?Sized>;
+ fn make<F>(_: F, _: impl FnMut(&str) -> bool)
+ where
+ F: FnOnce(u32) -> String,
+ Self::Out2<()>: Protocol<u8, Q0 = Self::Item, Q1 = ()>;
+pub trait Support {
+ type Item;
+ type Output<'a>;
+ type Produce<T>;
+pub trait Protocol<K> {
+ type Q0;
+ type Q1;
+pub trait Unrelated {}
+pub trait Helper {
+ type A<'q>;
+ type B<'q>;
+pub trait Aid<'src> {
+ type Result<'inter>;
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/auxiliary/ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/auxiliary/
index 913ba8f2a..19433c968 100644
--- a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/auxiliary/
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/auxiliary/
@@ -13,6 +13,19 @@ pub fn func3(_x: impl Iterator<Item = impl Iterator<Item = u8>> + Clone) {}
pub fn func4<T: Iterator<Item = impl Clone>>(_x: T) {}
+pub fn func5(
+ _f: impl for<'any> Fn(&'any str, &'any str) -> bool + for<'r> Other<T<'r> = ()>,
+ _a: impl for<'alpha, 'beta> Auxiliary<'alpha, Item<'beta> = fn(&'beta ())>,
+) {}
+pub trait Other {
+ type T<'dependency>;
+pub trait Auxiliary<'arena> {
+ type Item<'input>;
pub async fn async_fn() {}
pub struct Foo;
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/auxiliary/ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/auxiliary/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7a13acc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/auxiliary/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#![crate_type = "lib"]
+pub trait U/*: ?Sized */ {
+ fn modified(self) -> Self
+ where
+ Self: Sized
+ {
+ self
+ }
+ fn touch(&self)/* where Self: ?Sized */{}
+pub trait S: Sized {}
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
index ef615472b..6c1cf8252 100644
--- a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
@@ -26,6 +26,13 @@ pub use impl_trait_aux::func3;
// @has - '//pre[@class="rust fn"]' "T: Iterator<Item = impl Clone>,"
pub use impl_trait_aux::func4;
+// @has impl_trait/fn.func5.html
+// @has - '//pre[@class="rust fn"]' "func5("
+// @has - '//pre[@class="rust fn"]' "_f: impl for<'any> Fn(&'any str, &'any str) -> bool + for<'r> Other<T<'r> = ()>,"
+// @has - '//pre[@class="rust fn"]' "_a: impl for<'alpha, 'beta> Auxiliary<'alpha, Item<'beta> = fn(&'beta ())>"
+// @!has - '//pre[@class="rust fn"]' 'where'
+pub use impl_trait_aux::func5;
// @has impl_trait/fn.async_fn.html
// @has - '//pre[@class="rust fn"]' "pub async fn async_fn()"
pub use impl_trait_aux::async_fn;
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/issue-24183.method_no_where_self_sized.html b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/issue-24183.method_no_where_self_sized.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6955a9614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/issue-24183.method_no_where_self_sized.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<h4 class="code-header">fn <a href="#method.touch" class="fnname">touch</a>(&amp;self)</h4> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d11b6955f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#![crate_type = "lib"]
+#![crate_name = "usr"]
+// edition: 2021
+// @has usr/trait.U.html
+// @has - '//*[@class="item-decl"]' "pub trait U {"
+// @has - '//*[@id="method.modified"]' \
+// "fn modified(self) -> Self\
+// where \
+// Self: Sized"
+// @snapshot method_no_where_self_sized - '//*[@id="method.touch"]/*[@class="code-header"]'
+pub use issue_24183::U;
+// @has usr/trait.S.html
+// @has - '//*[@class="item-decl"]' 'pub trait S: Sized {'
+pub use issue_24183::S;
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
index be8585dd1..6e89167b3 100644
--- a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
@@ -5,22 +5,22 @@
extern crate rustdoc_nonreachable_impls;
// @has issue_31948_1/struct.Wobble.html
-// @has - '//*[@class="impl has-srclink"]//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'Bark for'
-// @has - '//*[@class="impl has-srclink"]//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'Woof for'
-// @!has - '//*[@class="impl"]//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'Bar for'
-// @!has - '//*[@class="impl"]//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'Qux for'
+// @has - '//*[@class="impl has-srclink"]//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'Bark for'
+// @has - '//*[@class="impl has-srclink"]//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'Woof for'
+// @!has - '//*[@class="impl"]//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'Bar for'
+// @!has - '//*[@class="impl"]//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'Qux for'
pub use rustdoc_nonreachable_impls::hidden::Wobble;
// @has issue_31948_1/trait.Bark.html
-// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'for Foo'
-// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'for Wobble'
-// @!has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'for Wibble'
+// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'for Foo'
+// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'for Wobble'
+// @!has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'for Wibble'
pub use rustdoc_nonreachable_impls::Bark;
// @has issue_31948_1/trait.Woof.html
-// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'for Foo'
-// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'for Wobble'
-// @!has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'for Wibble'
+// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'for Foo'
+// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'for Wobble'
+// @!has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'for Wibble'
pub use rustdoc_nonreachable_impls::Woof;
// @!has issue_31948_1/trait.Bar.html
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
index 7aa994f19..141e07656 100644
--- a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
@@ -5,15 +5,15 @@
extern crate rustdoc_nonreachable_impls;
// @has issue_31948_2/struct.Wobble.html
-// @has - '//*[@class="impl has-srclink"]//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'Qux for'
-// @has - '//*[@class="impl has-srclink"]//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'Bark for'
-// @has - '//*[@class="impl has-srclink"]//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'Woof for'
-// @!has - '//*[@class="impl"]//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'Bar for'
+// @has - '//*[@class="impl has-srclink"]//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'Qux for'
+// @has - '//*[@class="impl has-srclink"]//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'Bark for'
+// @has - '//*[@class="impl has-srclink"]//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'Woof for'
+// @!has - '//*[@class="impl"]//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'Bar for'
pub use rustdoc_nonreachable_impls::hidden::Wobble;
// @has issue_31948_2/trait.Qux.html
-// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'for Foo'
-// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'for Wobble'
+// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'for Foo'
+// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'for Wobble'
pub use rustdoc_nonreachable_impls::hidden::Qux;
// @!has issue_31948_2/trait.Bar.html
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
index 7bf4110d3..96fc6ca47 100644
--- a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
@@ -5,22 +5,22 @@
extern crate rustdoc_nonreachable_impls;
// @has issue_31948/struct.Foo.html
-// @has - '//*[@class="impl has-srclink"]//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'Bark for'
-// @has - '//*[@class="impl has-srclink"]//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'Woof for'
-// @!has - '//*[@class="impl has-srclink"]//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'Bar for'
-// @!has - '//*[@class="impl"]//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'Qux for'
+// @has - '//*[@class="impl has-srclink"]//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'Bark for'
+// @has - '//*[@class="impl has-srclink"]//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'Woof for'
+// @!has - '//*[@class="impl has-srclink"]//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'Bar for'
+// @!has - '//*[@class="impl"]//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'Qux for'
pub use rustdoc_nonreachable_impls::Foo;
// @has issue_31948/trait.Bark.html
-// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'for Foo'
-// @!has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'for Wibble'
-// @!has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'for Wobble'
+// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'for Foo'
+// @!has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'for Wibble'
+// @!has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'for Wobble'
pub use rustdoc_nonreachable_impls::Bark;
// @has issue_31948/trait.Woof.html
-// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'for Foo'
-// @!has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'for Wibble'
-// @!has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'for Wobble'
+// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'for Foo'
+// @!has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'for Wibble'
+// @!has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'for Wobble'
pub use rustdoc_nonreachable_impls::Woof;
// @!has issue_31948/trait.Bar.html
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
index 8052339a8..183fd15ab 100644
--- a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
extern crate rustdoc_trait_object_impl;
// @has issue_32881/trait.Bar.html
-// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' "impl<'a> dyn Bar"
-// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' "impl<'a> Debug for dyn Bar"
+// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' "impl<'a> dyn Bar"
+// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' "impl<'a> Debug for dyn Bar"
pub use rustdoc_trait_object_impl::Bar;
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
index c60859bbc..d954707fa 100644
--- a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
extern crate bar;
// @has issue_33113/trait.Bar.html
-// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' "for &'a char"
-// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' "for Foo"
+// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' "for &'a char"
+// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' "for Foo"
pub use bar::Bar;
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
index 363c52a33..b646babac 100644
--- a/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/inline_cross/
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
extern crate inner;
// @has trait_vis/struct.SomeStruct.html
-// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header in-band"]' 'impl Clone for SomeStruct'
+// @has - '//h3[@class="code-header"]' 'impl Clone for SomeStruct'
pub use inner::SomeStruct;