path: root/src/test/ui/process/
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/ui/process/ b/src/test/ui/process/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ccf6bb05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/process/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+// run-pass
+// no-prefer-dynamic
+// ignore-wasm32-bare no libc
+// ignore-windows
+// ignore-sgx no libc
+// ignore-emscripten no processes
+// ignore-sgx no processes
+// ignore-android: FIXME(#85261)
+extern crate libc;
+use std::alloc::{GlobalAlloc, Layout};
+use std::fmt;
+use std::panic::{self, panic_any};
+use std::os::unix::process::{CommandExt, ExitStatusExt};
+use std::process::{self, Command, ExitStatus};
+use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering};
+use libc::c_int;
+/// This stunt allocator allows us to spot heap allocations in the child.
+struct PidChecking<A> {
+ parent: A,
+ require_pid: AtomicU32,
+static ALLOCATOR: PidChecking<std::alloc::System> = PidChecking {
+ parent: std::alloc::System,
+ require_pid: AtomicU32::new(0),
+impl<A> PidChecking<A> {
+ fn engage(&self) {
+ let parent_pid = process::id();
+ eprintln!("engaging allocator trap, parent pid={}", parent_pid);
+, Ordering::Release);
+ }
+ fn check(&self) {
+ let require_pid = self.require_pid.load(Ordering::Acquire);
+ if require_pid != 0 {
+ let actual_pid = process::id();
+ if require_pid != actual_pid {
+ unsafe {
+ libc::raise(libc::SIGUSR1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+unsafe impl<A:GlobalAlloc> GlobalAlloc for PidChecking<A> {
+ unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
+ self.check();
+ self.parent.alloc(layout)
+ }
+ unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
+ self.check();
+ self.parent.dealloc(ptr, layout)
+ }
+ unsafe fn alloc_zeroed(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
+ self.check();
+ self.parent.alloc_zeroed(layout)
+ }
+ unsafe fn realloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout, new_size: usize) -> *mut u8 {
+ self.check();
+ self.parent.realloc(ptr, layout, new_size)
+ }
+fn expect_aborted(status: ExitStatus) {
+ dbg!(status);
+ let signal = status.signal().expect("expected child process to die of signal");
+ assert!(signal == libc::SIGABRT || signal == libc::SIGILL || signal == libc::SIGTRAP);
+fn main() {
+ ALLOCATOR.engage();
+ fn run(do_panic: &dyn Fn()) -> ExitStatus {
+ let child = unsafe { libc::fork() };
+ assert!(child >= 0);
+ if child == 0 {
+ panic::always_abort();
+ do_panic();
+ process::exit(0);
+ }
+ let mut status: c_int = 0;
+ let got = unsafe { libc::waitpid(child, &mut status, 0) };
+ assert_eq!(got, child);
+ let status = ExitStatus::from_raw(status.into());
+ status
+ }
+ fn one(do_panic: &dyn Fn()) {
+ let status = run(do_panic);
+ expect_aborted(status);
+ }
+ one(&|| panic!());
+ one(&|| panic!("some message"));
+ one(&|| panic!("message with argument: {}", 42));
+ #[derive(Debug)]
+ struct Wotsit { }
+ one(&|| panic_any(Wotsit { }));
+ let mut c = Command::new("echo");
+ unsafe {
+ c.pre_exec(|| panic!("{}", "crash now!"));
+ }
+ let st = c.status().expect("failed to get command status");
+ expect_aborted(st);
+ struct DisplayWithHeap;
+ impl fmt::Display for DisplayWithHeap {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
+ let s = vec![0; 100];
+ let s = std::hint::black_box(s);
+ write!(f, "{:?}", s)
+ }
+ }
+ // Some panics in the stdlib that we want not to allocate, as
+ // otherwise these facilities become impossible to use in the
+ // child after fork, which is really quite awkward.
+ one(&|| { None::<DisplayWithHeap>.unwrap(); });
+ one(&|| { None::<DisplayWithHeap>.expect("unwrapped a none"); });
+ one(&|| { std::str::from_utf8(b"\xff").unwrap(); });
+ one(&|| {
+ let x = [0, 1, 2, 3];
+ let y = x[std::hint::black_box(4)];
+ let _z = std::hint::black_box(y);
+ });
+ // Finally, check that our stunt allocator can actually catch an allocation after fork.
+ // ie, that our test is effective.
+ let status = run(&|| panic!("allocating to display... {}", DisplayWithHeap));
+ dbg!(status);
+ assert_eq!(status.signal(), Some(libc::SIGUSR1));