path: root/src/tools/cargo/crates/rustfix/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/cargo/crates/rustfix/tests/')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/cargo/crates/rustfix/tests/ b/src/tools/cargo/crates/rustfix/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..902275b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/cargo/crates/rustfix/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+#![allow(clippy::disallowed_methods, clippy::print_stdout, clippy::print_stderr)]
+use anyhow::{anyhow, ensure, Context, Error};
+use rustfix::apply_suggestions;
+use std::collections::HashSet;
+use std::env;
+use std::ffi::OsString;
+use std::fs;
+use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
+use std::process::{Command, Output};
+use tempfile::tempdir;
+use tracing::{debug, info, warn};
+mod fixmode {
+ pub const EVERYTHING: &str = "yolo";
+mod settings {
+ // can be set as env var to debug
+fn compile(file: &Path) -> Result<Output, Error> {
+ let tmp = tempdir()?;
+ let args: Vec<OsString> = vec![
+ file.into(),
+ "--error-format=json".into(),
+ "--emit=metadata".into(),
+ "--crate-name=rustfix_test".into(),
+ "--out-dir".into(),
+ tmp.path().into(),
+ ];
+ let res = Command::new(env::var_os("RUSTC").unwrap_or("rustc".into()))
+ .args(&args)
+ .env_remove("RUST_LOG")
+ .output()?;
+ Ok(res)
+fn compile_and_get_json_errors(file: &Path) -> Result<String, Error> {
+ let res = compile(file)?;
+ let stderr = String::from_utf8(res.stderr)?;
+ if stderr.contains("is only accepted on the nightly compiler") {
+ panic!("rustfix tests require a nightly compiler");
+ }
+ match res.status.code() {
+ Some(0) | Some(1) | Some(101) => Ok(stderr),
+ _ => Err(anyhow!(
+ "failed with status {:?}: {}",
+ res.status.code(),
+ stderr
+ )),
+ }
+fn compiles_without_errors(file: &Path) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let res = compile(file)?;
+ match res.status.code() {
+ Some(0) => Ok(()),
+ _ => {
+ info!(
+ "file {:?} failed to compile:\n{}",
+ file,
+ String::from_utf8(res.stderr)?
+ );
+ Err(anyhow!(
+ "failed with status {:?} (`env RUST_LOG=parse_and_replace=info` for more info)",
+ res.status.code(),
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+fn read_file(path: &Path) -> Result<String, Error> {
+ use std::io::Read;
+ let mut buffer = String::new();
+ let mut file = fs::File::open(path)?;
+ file.read_to_string(&mut buffer)?;
+ Ok(buffer)
+fn diff(expected: &str, actual: &str) -> String {
+ use similar::{ChangeTag, TextDiff};
+ use std::fmt::Write;
+ let mut res = String::new();
+ let diff = TextDiff::from_lines(expected.trim(), actual.trim());
+ let mut different = false;
+ for op in diff.ops() {
+ for change in diff.iter_changes(op) {
+ let prefix = match change.tag() {
+ ChangeTag::Equal => continue,
+ ChangeTag::Insert => "+",
+ ChangeTag::Delete => "-",
+ };
+ if !different {
+ write!(
+ &mut res,
+ "differences found (+ == actual, - == expected):\n"
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ different = true;
+ }
+ write!(&mut res, "{} {}", prefix, change.value()).unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ if different {
+ write!(&mut res, "").unwrap();
+ }
+ res
+fn test_rustfix_with_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(file: P, mode: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let file: &Path = file.as_ref();
+ let json_file = file.with_extension("json");
+ let fixed_file = file.with_extension("");
+ let filter_suggestions = if mode == fixmode::EVERYTHING {
+ rustfix::Filter::Everything
+ } else {
+ rustfix::Filter::MachineApplicableOnly
+ };
+ debug!("next up: {:?}", file);
+ let code = read_file(file).context(format!("could not read {}", file.display()))?;
+ let errors =
+ compile_and_get_json_errors(file).context(format!("could compile {}", file.display()))?;
+ let suggestions =
+ rustfix::get_suggestions_from_json(&errors, &HashSet::new(), filter_suggestions)
+ .context("could not load suggestions")?;
+ if std::env::var(settings::RECORD_JSON).is_ok() {
+ use std::io::Write;
+ let mut recorded_json = fs::File::create(&file.with_extension("recorded.json")).context(
+ format!("could not create recorded.json for {}", file.display()),
+ )?;
+ recorded_json.write_all(errors.as_bytes())?;
+ }
+ if std::env::var(settings::CHECK_JSON).is_ok() {
+ let expected_json = read_file(&json_file).context(format!(
+ "could not load json fixtures for {}",
+ file.display()
+ ))?;
+ let expected_suggestions =
+ rustfix::get_suggestions_from_json(&expected_json, &HashSet::new(), filter_suggestions)
+ .context("could not load expected suggestions")?;
+ ensure!(
+ expected_suggestions == suggestions,
+ "got unexpected suggestions from clippy:\n{}",
+ diff(
+ &format!("{:?}", expected_suggestions),
+ &format!("{:?}", suggestions)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ let fixed = apply_suggestions(&code, &suggestions)
+ .context(format!("could not apply suggestions to {}", file.display()))?;
+ if std::env::var(settings::RECORD_FIXED_RUST).is_ok() {
+ use std::io::Write;
+ let mut recorded_rust = fs::File::create(&file.with_extension(""))?;
+ recorded_rust.write_all(fixed.as_bytes())?;
+ }
+ let expected_fixed =
+ read_file(&fixed_file).context(format!("could read fixed file for {}", file.display()))?;
+ ensure!(
+ fixed.trim() == expected_fixed.trim(),
+ "file {} doesn't look fixed:\n{}",
+ file.display(),
+ diff(fixed.trim(), expected_fixed.trim())
+ );
+ compiles_without_errors(&fixed_file)?;
+ Ok(())
+fn get_fixture_files(p: &str) -> Result<Vec<PathBuf>, Error> {
+ Ok(fs::read_dir(&p)?
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|e| e.unwrap().path())
+ .filter(|p| p.is_file())
+ .filter(|p| {
+ let x = p.to_string_lossy();
+ x.ends_with(".rs") && !x.ends_with("") && !x.ends_with("")
+ })
+ .collect())
+fn assert_fixtures(dir: &str, mode: &str) {
+ let files = get_fixture_files(&dir)
+ .context(format!("couldn't load dir `{}`", dir))
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut failures = 0;
+ for file in &files {
+ if let Err(err) = test_rustfix_with_file(file, mode) {
+ println!("failed: {}", file.display());
+ warn!("{:?}", err);
+ failures += 1;
+ }
+ info!("passed: {:?}", file);
+ }
+ if failures > 0 {
+ panic!(
+ "{} out of {} fixture asserts failed\n\
+ (run with `env RUST_LOG=parse_and_replace=info` to get more details)",
+ failures,
+ files.len(),
+ );
+ }
+fn everything() {
+ tracing_subscriber::fmt::init();
+ assert_fixtures("./tests/everything", fixmode::EVERYTHING);