path: root/src/tools/cargo/src/cargo/core/compiler/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/cargo/src/cargo/core/compiler/')
1 files changed, 1096 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/cargo/src/cargo/core/compiler/ b/src/tools/cargo/src/cargo/core/compiler/
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index 000000000..68fc1e519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/cargo/src/cargo/core/compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,1096 @@
+//! # Constructs the dependency graph for compilation
+//! Rust code is typically organized as a set of Cargo packages. The
+//! dependencies between the packages themselves are stored in the
+//! [`Resolve`] struct. However, we can't use that information as is for
+//! compilation! A package typically contains several targets, or crates,
+//! and these targets has inter-dependencies. For example, you need to
+//! compile the `lib` target before the `bin` one, and you need to compile
+//! `` before either of those.
+//! So, we need to lower the `Resolve`, which specifies dependencies between
+//! *packages*, to a graph of dependencies between their *targets*, and this
+//! is exactly what this module is doing! Well, almost exactly: another
+//! complication is that we might want to compile the same target several times
+//! (for example, with and without tests), so we actually build a dependency
+//! graph of [`Unit`]s, which capture these properties.
+use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
+use log::trace;
+use crate::core::compiler::artifact::match_artifacts_kind_with_targets;
+use crate::core::compiler::unit_graph::{UnitDep, UnitGraph};
+use crate::core::compiler::{
+ CompileKind, CompileMode, CrateType, RustcTargetData, Unit, UnitInterner,
+use crate::core::dependency::{Artifact, ArtifactTarget, DepKind};
+use crate::core::profiles::{Profile, Profiles, UnitFor};
+use crate::core::resolver::features::{FeaturesFor, ResolvedFeatures};
+use crate::core::resolver::Resolve;
+use crate::core::{Dependency, Package, PackageId, PackageSet, Target, TargetKind, Workspace};
+use crate::ops::resolve_all_features;
+use crate::util::interning::InternedString;
+use crate::util::Config;
+use crate::CargoResult;
+const IS_NO_ARTIFACT_DEP: Option<&'static Artifact> = None;
+/// Collection of stuff used while creating the [`UnitGraph`].
+struct State<'a, 'cfg> {
+ ws: &'a Workspace<'cfg>,
+ config: &'cfg Config,
+ /// Stores the result of building the [`UnitGraph`].
+ unit_dependencies: UnitGraph,
+ package_set: &'a PackageSet<'cfg>,
+ usr_resolve: &'a Resolve,
+ usr_features: &'a ResolvedFeatures,
+ /// Like `usr_resolve` but for building standard library (`-Zbuild-std`).
+ std_resolve: Option<&'a Resolve>,
+ /// Like `usr_features` but for building standard library (`-Zbuild-std`).
+ std_features: Option<&'a ResolvedFeatures>,
+ /// `true` while generating the dependencies for the standard library.
+ is_std: bool,
+ /// The mode we are compiling in. Used for preventing from building lib thrice.
+ global_mode: CompileMode,
+ target_data: &'a RustcTargetData<'cfg>,
+ profiles: &'a Profiles,
+ interner: &'a UnitInterner,
+ // Units for `-Zrustdoc-scrape-examples`.
+ scrape_units: &'a [Unit],
+ /// A set of edges in `unit_dependencies` where (a, b) means that the
+ /// dependency from a to b was added purely because it was a dev-dependency.
+ /// This is used during `connect_run_custom_build_deps`.
+ dev_dependency_edges: HashSet<(Unit, Unit)>,
+/// A boolean-like to indicate if a `Unit` is an artifact or not.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
+pub enum IsArtifact {
+ Yes,
+ No,
+impl IsArtifact {
+ pub fn is_true(&self) -> bool {
+ matches!(self, IsArtifact::Yes)
+ }
+/// Then entry point for building a dependency graph of compilation units.
+/// You can find some information for arguments from doc of [`State`].
+pub fn build_unit_dependencies<'a, 'cfg>(
+ ws: &'a Workspace<'cfg>,
+ package_set: &'a PackageSet<'cfg>,
+ resolve: &'a Resolve,
+ features: &'a ResolvedFeatures,
+ std_resolve: Option<&'a (Resolve, ResolvedFeatures)>,
+ roots: &[Unit],
+ scrape_units: &[Unit],
+ std_roots: &HashMap<CompileKind, Vec<Unit>>,
+ global_mode: CompileMode,
+ target_data: &'a RustcTargetData<'cfg>,
+ profiles: &'a Profiles,
+ interner: &'a UnitInterner,
+) -> CargoResult<UnitGraph> {
+ if roots.is_empty() {
+ // If -Zbuild-std, don't attach units if there is nothing to build.
+ // Otherwise, other parts of the code may be confused by seeing units
+ // in the dep graph without a root.
+ return Ok(HashMap::new());
+ }
+ let (std_resolve, std_features) = match std_resolve {
+ Some((r, f)) => (Some(r), Some(f)),
+ None => (None, None),
+ };
+ let mut state = State {
+ ws,
+ config: ws.config(),
+ unit_dependencies: HashMap::new(),
+ package_set,
+ usr_resolve: resolve,
+ usr_features: features,
+ std_resolve,
+ std_features,
+ is_std: false,
+ global_mode,
+ target_data,
+ profiles,
+ interner,
+ scrape_units,
+ dev_dependency_edges: HashSet::new(),
+ };
+ let std_unit_deps = calc_deps_of_std(&mut state, std_roots)?;
+ deps_of_roots(roots, &mut state)?;
+ super::links::validate_links(state.resolve(), &state.unit_dependencies)?;
+ // Hopefully there aren't any links conflicts with the standard library?
+ if let Some(std_unit_deps) = std_unit_deps {
+ attach_std_deps(&mut state, std_roots, std_unit_deps);
+ }
+ connect_run_custom_build_deps(&mut state);
+ // Dependencies are used in tons of places throughout the backend, many of
+ // which affect the determinism of the build itself. As a result be sure
+ // that dependency lists are always sorted to ensure we've always got a
+ // deterministic output.
+ for list in state.unit_dependencies.values_mut() {
+ list.sort();
+ }
+ trace!("ALL UNIT DEPENDENCIES {:#?}", state.unit_dependencies);
+ Ok(state.unit_dependencies)
+/// Compute all the dependencies for the standard library.
+fn calc_deps_of_std(
+ mut state: &mut State<'_, '_>,
+ std_roots: &HashMap<CompileKind, Vec<Unit>>,
+) -> CargoResult<Option<UnitGraph>> {
+ if std_roots.is_empty() {
+ return Ok(None);
+ }
+ // Compute dependencies for the standard library.
+ state.is_std = true;
+ for roots in std_roots.values() {
+ deps_of_roots(roots, state)?;
+ }
+ state.is_std = false;
+ Ok(Some(std::mem::take(&mut state.unit_dependencies)))
+/// Add the standard library units to the `unit_dependencies`.
+fn attach_std_deps(
+ state: &mut State<'_, '_>,
+ std_roots: &HashMap<CompileKind, Vec<Unit>>,
+ std_unit_deps: UnitGraph,
+) {
+ // Attach the standard library as a dependency of every target unit.
+ let mut found = false;
+ for (unit, deps) in state.unit_dependencies.iter_mut() {
+ if !unit.kind.is_host() && !unit.mode.is_run_custom_build() {
+ deps.extend(std_roots[&unit.kind].iter().map(|unit| UnitDep {
+ unit: unit.clone(),
+ unit_for: UnitFor::new_normal(unit.kind),
+ extern_crate_name:,
+ dep_name: None,
+ // TODO: Does this `public` make sense?
+ public: true,
+ noprelude: true,
+ }));
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // And also include the dependencies of the standard library itself. Don't
+ // include these if no units actually needed the standard library.
+ if found {
+ for (unit, deps) in std_unit_deps.into_iter() {
+ if let Some(other_unit) = state.unit_dependencies.insert(unit, deps) {
+ panic!("std unit collision with existing unit: {:?}", other_unit);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// Compute all the dependencies of the given root units.
+/// The result is stored in state.unit_dependencies.
+fn deps_of_roots(roots: &[Unit], state: &mut State<'_, '_>) -> CargoResult<()> {
+ for unit in roots.iter() {
+ // Dependencies of tests/benches should not have `panic` set.
+ // We check the global test mode to see if we are running in `cargo
+ // test` in which case we ensure all dependencies have `panic`
+ // cleared, and avoid building the lib thrice (once with `panic`, once
+ // without, once for `--test`). In particular, the lib included for
+ // Doc tests and examples are `Build` mode here.
+ let root_compile_kind = unit.kind;
+ let unit_for = if unit.mode.is_any_test() || state.global_mode.is_rustc_test() {
+ if {
+ // Special-case for proc-macros, which are forced to for-host
+ // since they need to link with the proc_macro crate.
+ UnitFor::new_host_test(state.config, root_compile_kind)
+ } else {
+ UnitFor::new_test(state.config, root_compile_kind)
+ }
+ } else if {
+ // This normally doesn't happen, except `clean` aggressively
+ // generates all units.
+ UnitFor::new_host(false, root_compile_kind)
+ } else if {
+ UnitFor::new_host(true, root_compile_kind)
+ } else if {
+ // Plugin should never have panic set.
+ UnitFor::new_compiler(root_compile_kind)
+ } else {
+ UnitFor::new_normal(root_compile_kind)
+ };
+ deps_of(unit, state, unit_for)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+/// Compute the dependencies of a single unit, recursively computing all
+/// transitive dependencies.
+/// The result is stored in `state.unit_dependencies`.
+fn deps_of(unit: &Unit, state: &mut State<'_, '_>, unit_for: UnitFor) -> CargoResult<()> {
+ // Currently the `unit_dependencies` map does not include `unit_for`. This should
+ // be safe for now. `TestDependency` only exists to clear the `panic`
+ // flag, and you'll never ask for a `unit` with `panic` set as a
+ // `TestDependency`. `CustomBuild` should also be fine since if the
+ // requested unit's settings are the same as `Any`, `CustomBuild` can't
+ // affect anything else in the hierarchy.
+ if !state.unit_dependencies.contains_key(unit) {
+ let unit_deps = compute_deps(unit, state, unit_for)?;
+ state
+ .unit_dependencies
+ .insert(unit.clone(), unit_deps.clone());
+ for unit_dep in unit_deps {
+ deps_of(&unit_dep.unit, state, unit_dep.unit_for)?;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+/// Returns the direct unit dependencies for the given `Unit`.
+fn compute_deps(
+ unit: &Unit,
+ state: &mut State<'_, '_>,
+ unit_for: UnitFor,
+) -> CargoResult<Vec<UnitDep>> {
+ if unit.mode.is_run_custom_build() {
+ return compute_deps_custom_build(unit, unit_for, state);
+ } else if unit.mode.is_doc() {
+ // Note: this does not include doc test.
+ return compute_deps_doc(unit, state, unit_for);
+ }
+ let mut ret = Vec::new();
+ let mut dev_deps = Vec::new();
+ for (dep_pkg_id, deps) in state.deps(unit, unit_for) {
+ let dep_lib = match calc_artifact_deps(unit, unit_for, dep_pkg_id, &deps, state, &mut ret)?
+ {
+ Some(lib) => lib,
+ None => continue,
+ };
+ let dep_pkg = state.get(dep_pkg_id);
+ let mode = check_or_build_mode(unit.mode, dep_lib);
+ let dep_unit_for = unit_for.with_dependency(unit, dep_lib, unit_for.root_compile_kind());
+ let start = ret.len();
+ if state.config.cli_unstable().dual_proc_macros
+ && dep_lib.proc_macro()
+ && !unit.kind.is_host()
+ {
+ let unit_dep = new_unit_dep(
+ state,
+ unit,
+ dep_pkg,
+ dep_lib,
+ dep_unit_for,
+ unit.kind,
+ mode,
+ )?;
+ ret.push(unit_dep);
+ let unit_dep = new_unit_dep(
+ state,
+ unit,
+ dep_pkg,
+ dep_lib,
+ dep_unit_for,
+ CompileKind::Host,
+ mode,
+ )?;
+ ret.push(unit_dep);
+ } else {
+ let unit_dep = new_unit_dep(
+ state,
+ unit,
+ dep_pkg,
+ dep_lib,
+ dep_unit_for,
+ unit.kind.for_target(dep_lib),
+ mode,
+ )?;
+ ret.push(unit_dep);
+ }
+ // If the unit added was a dev-dependency unit, then record that in the
+ // dev-dependencies array. We'll add this to
+ // `state.dev_dependency_edges` at the end and process it later in
+ // `connect_run_custom_build_deps`.
+ if deps.iter().all(|d| !d.is_transitive()) {
+ for dep in ret[start..].iter() {
+ dev_deps.push((unit.clone(), dep.unit.clone()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ state.dev_dependency_edges.extend(dev_deps);
+ // If this target is a build script, then what we've collected so far is
+ // all we need. If this isn't a build script, then it depends on the
+ // build script if there is one.
+ if {
+ return Ok(ret);
+ }
+ ret.extend(dep_build_script(unit, unit_for, state)?);
+ // If this target is a binary, test, example, etc, then it depends on
+ // the library of the same package. The call to `resolve.deps` above
+ // didn't include `pkg` in the return values, so we need to special case
+ // it here and see if we need to push `(pkg, pkg_lib_target)`.
+ if && unit.mode != CompileMode::Doctest {
+ return Ok(ret);
+ }
+ ret.extend(maybe_lib(unit, state, unit_for)?);
+ // If any integration tests/benches are being run, make sure that
+ // binaries are built as well.
+ if !unit.mode.is_check()
+ && unit.mode.is_any_test()
+ && ( ||
+ {
+ let id = unit.pkg.package_id();
+ ret.extend(
+ unit.pkg
+ .targets()
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|t| {
+ // Skip binaries with required features that have not been selected.
+ match t.required_features() {
+ Some(rf) if t.is_bin() => {
+ let features = resolve_all_features(
+ state.resolve(),
+ state.features(),
+ state.package_set,
+ id,
+ );
+ rf.iter().all(|f| features.contains(f))
+ }
+ None if t.is_bin() => true,
+ _ => false,
+ }
+ })
+ .map(|t| {
+ new_unit_dep(
+ state,
+ unit,
+ &unit.pkg,
+ t,
+ UnitFor::new_normal(unit_for.root_compile_kind()),
+ unit.kind.for_target(t),
+ CompileMode::Build,
+ )
+ })
+ .collect::<CargoResult<Vec<UnitDep>>>()?,
+ );
+ }
+ Ok(ret)
+/// Find artifacts for all `deps` of `unit` and add units that build these artifacts
+/// to `ret`.
+fn calc_artifact_deps<'a>(
+ unit: &Unit,
+ unit_for: UnitFor,
+ dep_id: PackageId,
+ deps: &[&Dependency],
+ state: &State<'a, '_>,
+ ret: &mut Vec<UnitDep>,
+) -> CargoResult<Option<&'a Target>> {
+ let mut has_artifact_lib = false;
+ let mut maybe_non_artifact_lib = false;
+ let artifact_pkg = state.get(dep_id);
+ for dep in deps {
+ let artifact = match dep.artifact() {
+ Some(a) => a,
+ None => {
+ maybe_non_artifact_lib = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ };
+ has_artifact_lib |= artifact.is_lib();
+ // Custom build scripts (build/compile) never get artifact dependencies,
+ // but the run-build-script step does (where it is handled).
+ if ! {
+ debug_assert!(
+ !unit.mode.is_run_custom_build(),
+ "BUG: This should be handled in a separate branch"
+ );
+ ret.extend(artifact_targets_to_unit_deps(
+ unit,
+ unit_for.with_artifact_features(artifact),
+ state,
+ artifact
+ .target()
+ .and_then(|t| match t {
+ ArtifactTarget::BuildDependencyAssumeTarget => None,
+ ArtifactTarget::Force(kind) => Some(CompileKind::Target(kind)),
+ })
+ .unwrap_or(unit.kind),
+ artifact_pkg,
+ dep,
+ )?);
+ }
+ }
+ if has_artifact_lib || maybe_non_artifact_lib {
+ Ok(artifact_pkg.targets().iter().find(|t| t.is_lib()))
+ } else {
+ Ok(None)
+ }
+/// Returns the dependencies needed to run a build script.
+/// The `unit` provided must represent an execution of a build script, and
+/// the returned set of units must all be run before `unit` is run.
+fn compute_deps_custom_build(
+ unit: &Unit,
+ unit_for: UnitFor,
+ state: &State<'_, '_>,
+) -> CargoResult<Vec<UnitDep>> {
+ if let Some(links) = unit.pkg.manifest().links() {
+ if state
+ .target_data
+ .script_override(links, unit.kind)
+ .is_some()
+ {
+ // Overridden build scripts don't have any dependencies.
+ return Ok(Vec::new());
+ }
+ }
+ // All dependencies of this unit should use profiles for custom builds.
+ // If this is a build script of a proc macro, make sure it uses host
+ // features.
+ let script_unit_for = unit_for.for_custom_build();
+ // When not overridden, then the dependencies to run a build script are:
+ //
+ // 1. Compiling the build script itself.
+ // 2. For each immediate dependency of our package which has a `links`
+ // key, the execution of that build script.
+ //
+ // We don't have a great way of handling (2) here right now so this is
+ // deferred until after the graph of all unit dependencies has been
+ // constructed.
+ let compile_script_unit = new_unit_dep(
+ state,
+ unit,
+ &unit.pkg,
+ &,
+ script_unit_for,
+ // Build scripts always compiled for the host.
+ CompileKind::Host,
+ CompileMode::Build,
+ )?;
+ let mut result = vec![compile_script_unit];
+ // Include any artifact dependencies.
+ //
+ // This is essentially the same as `calc_artifact_deps`, but there are some
+ // subtle differences that require this to be implemented differently.
+ //
+ // Produce units that build all required artifact kinds (like binaries,
+ // static libraries, etc) with the correct compile target.
+ //
+ // Computing the compile target for artifact units is more involved as it has to handle
+ // various target configurations specific to artifacts, like `target = "target"` and
+ // `target = "<triple>"`, which makes knowing the root units compile target
+ // `root_unit_compile_target` necessary.
+ let root_unit_compile_target = unit_for.root_compile_kind();
+ let unit_for = UnitFor::new_host(/*host_features*/ true, root_unit_compile_target);
+ for (dep_pkg_id, deps) in state.deps(unit, script_unit_for) {
+ for dep in deps {
+ if dep.kind() != DepKind::Build || dep.artifact().is_none() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let artifact_pkg = state.get(dep_pkg_id);
+ let artifact = dep.artifact().expect("artifact dep");
+ let resolved_artifact_compile_kind = artifact
+ .target()
+ .map(|target| target.to_resolved_compile_kind(root_unit_compile_target));
+ result.extend(artifact_targets_to_unit_deps(
+ unit,
+ unit_for.with_artifact_features_from_resolved_compile_kind(
+ resolved_artifact_compile_kind,
+ ),
+ state,
+ resolved_artifact_compile_kind.unwrap_or(CompileKind::Host),
+ artifact_pkg,
+ dep,
+ )?);
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(result)
+/// Given a `parent` unit containing a dependency `dep` whose package is `artifact_pkg`,
+/// find all targets in `artifact_pkg` which refer to the `dep`s artifact declaration
+/// and turn them into units.
+/// Due to the nature of artifact dependencies, a single dependency in a manifest can
+/// cause one or more targets to be build, for instance with
+/// `artifact = ["bin:a", "bin:b", "staticlib"]`, which is very different from normal
+/// dependencies which cause only a single unit to be created.
+/// `compile_kind` is the computed kind for the future artifact unit
+/// dependency, only the caller can pick the correct one.
+fn artifact_targets_to_unit_deps(
+ parent: &Unit,
+ parent_unit_for: UnitFor,
+ state: &State<'_, '_>,
+ compile_kind: CompileKind,
+ artifact_pkg: &Package,
+ dep: &Dependency,
+) -> CargoResult<Vec<UnitDep>> {
+ let ret =
+ match_artifacts_kind_with_targets(dep, artifact_pkg.targets(),
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|(_artifact_kind, target)| target)
+ .flat_map(|target| {
+ // We split target libraries into individual units, even though rustc is able
+ // to produce multiple kinds in an single invocation for the sole reason that
+ // each artifact kind has its own output directory, something we can't easily
+ // teach rustc for now.
+ match target.kind() {
+ TargetKind::Lib(kinds) => Box::new(
+ kinds
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|tk| matches!(tk, CrateType::Cdylib | CrateType::Staticlib))
+ .map(|target_kind| {
+ new_unit_dep(
+ state,
+ parent,
+ artifact_pkg,
+ target
+ .clone()
+ .set_kind(TargetKind::Lib(vec![target_kind.clone()])),
+ parent_unit_for,
+ compile_kind,
+ CompileMode::Build,
+ dep.artifact(),
+ )
+ }),
+ ) as Box<dyn Iterator<Item = _>>,
+ _ => Box::new(std::iter::once(new_unit_dep(
+ state,
+ parent,
+ artifact_pkg,
+ target,
+ parent_unit_for,
+ compile_kind,
+ CompileMode::Build,
+ dep.artifact(),
+ ))),
+ }
+ })
+ .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
+ Ok(ret)
+/// Returns the dependencies necessary to document a package.
+fn compute_deps_doc(
+ unit: &Unit,
+ state: &mut State<'_, '_>,
+ unit_for: UnitFor,
+) -> CargoResult<Vec<UnitDep>> {
+ // To document a library, we depend on dependencies actually being
+ // built. If we're documenting *all* libraries, then we also depend on
+ // the documentation of the library being built.
+ let mut ret = Vec::new();
+ for (id, deps) in state.deps(unit, unit_for) {
+ let dep_lib = match calc_artifact_deps(unit, unit_for, id, &deps, state, &mut ret)? {
+ Some(lib) => lib,
+ None => continue,
+ };
+ let dep_pkg = state.get(id);
+ // Rustdoc only needs rmeta files for regular dependencies.
+ // However, for plugins/proc macros, deps should be built like normal.
+ let mode = check_or_build_mode(unit.mode, dep_lib);
+ let dep_unit_for = unit_for.with_dependency(unit, dep_lib, unit_for.root_compile_kind());
+ let lib_unit_dep = new_unit_dep(
+ state,
+ unit,
+ dep_pkg,
+ dep_lib,
+ dep_unit_for,
+ unit.kind.for_target(dep_lib),
+ mode,
+ )?;
+ ret.push(lib_unit_dep);
+ if dep_lib.documented() {
+ if let CompileMode::Doc { deps: true } = unit.mode {
+ // Document this lib as well.
+ let doc_unit_dep = new_unit_dep(
+ state,
+ unit,
+ dep_pkg,
+ dep_lib,
+ dep_unit_for,
+ unit.kind.for_target(dep_lib),
+ unit.mode,
+ )?;
+ ret.push(doc_unit_dep);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Be sure to build/run the build script for documented libraries.
+ ret.extend(dep_build_script(unit, unit_for, state)?);
+ // If we document a binary/example, we need the library available.
+ if || {
+ // build the lib
+ ret.extend(maybe_lib(unit, state, unit_for)?);
+ // and also the lib docs for intra-doc links
+ if let Some(lib) = unit
+ .pkg
+ .targets()
+ .iter()
+ .find(|t| t.is_linkable() && t.documented())
+ {
+ let dep_unit_for = unit_for.with_dependency(unit, lib, unit_for.root_compile_kind());
+ let lib_doc_unit = new_unit_dep(
+ state,
+ unit,
+ &unit.pkg,
+ lib,
+ dep_unit_for,
+ unit.kind.for_target(lib),
+ unit.mode,
+ )?;
+ ret.push(lib_doc_unit);
+ }
+ }
+ // Add all units being scraped for examples as a dependency of top-level Doc units.
+ if {
+ for scrape_unit in state.scrape_units.iter() {
+ let scrape_unit_for = UnitFor::new_normal(scrape_unit.kind);
+ deps_of(scrape_unit, state, scrape_unit_for)?;
+ ret.push(new_unit_dep(
+ state,
+ scrape_unit,
+ &scrape_unit.pkg,
+ &,
+ scrape_unit_for,
+ scrape_unit.kind,
+ scrape_unit.mode,
+ )?);
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(ret)
+fn maybe_lib(
+ unit: &Unit,
+ state: &mut State<'_, '_>,
+ unit_for: UnitFor,
+) -> CargoResult<Option<UnitDep>> {
+ unit.pkg
+ .targets()
+ .iter()
+ .find(|t| t.is_linkable())
+ .map(|t| {
+ let mode = check_or_build_mode(unit.mode, t);
+ let dep_unit_for = unit_for.with_dependency(unit, t, unit_for.root_compile_kind());
+ new_unit_dep(
+ state,
+ unit,
+ &unit.pkg,
+ t,
+ dep_unit_for,
+ unit.kind.for_target(t),
+ mode,
+ )
+ })
+ .transpose()
+/// If a build script is scheduled to be run for the package specified by
+/// `unit`, this function will return the unit to run that build script.
+/// Overriding a build script simply means that the running of the build
+/// script itself doesn't have any dependencies, so even in that case a unit
+/// of work is still returned. `None` is only returned if the package has no
+/// build script.
+fn dep_build_script(
+ unit: &Unit,
+ unit_for: UnitFor,
+ state: &State<'_, '_>,
+) -> CargoResult<Option<UnitDep>> {
+ unit.pkg
+ .targets()
+ .iter()
+ .find(|t| t.is_custom_build())
+ .map(|t| {
+ // The profile stored in the Unit is the profile for the thing
+ // the custom build script is running for.
+ let profile = state.profiles.get_profile_run_custom_build(&unit.profile);
+ // UnitFor::for_custom_build is used because we want the `host` flag set
+ // for all of our build dependencies (so they all get
+ // build-override profiles), including compiling the
+ // script itself.
+ //
+ // If `is_for_host_features` here is `false`, that means we are a
+ // script for a normal dependency and we want to set the
+ // CARGO_FEATURE_* environment variables to the features as a
+ // normal dep.
+ //
+ // If `is_for_host_features` here is `true`, that means that this
+ // package is being used as a build dependency or proc-macro, and
+ // so we only want to set CARGO_FEATURE_* variables for the host
+ // side of the graph.
+ //
+ // Keep in mind that the RunCustomBuild unit and the Compile
+ // unit use the same features. This is because some
+ // people use `cfg!` and `#[cfg]` expressions to check for enabled
+ // features instead of just checking `CARGO_FEATURE_*` at runtime.
+ // In the case with the new feature resolver (decoupled host
+ // deps), and a shared dependency has different features enabled
+ // for normal vs. build, then the script will get
+ // compiled twice. I believe it is not feasible to only build it
+ // once because it would break a large number of scripts (they
+ // would think they have the wrong set of features enabled).
+ let script_unit_for = unit_for.for_custom_build();
+ new_unit_dep_with_profile(
+ state,
+ unit,
+ &unit.pkg,
+ t,
+ script_unit_for,
+ unit.kind,
+ CompileMode::RunCustomBuild,
+ profile,
+ )
+ })
+ .transpose()
+/// Choose the correct mode for dependencies.
+fn check_or_build_mode(mode: CompileMode, target: &Target) -> CompileMode {
+ match mode {
+ CompileMode::Check { .. } | CompileMode::Doc { .. } | CompileMode::Docscrape => {
+ if target.for_host() {
+ // Plugin and proc macro targets should be compiled like
+ // normal.
+ CompileMode::Build
+ } else {
+ // Regular dependencies should not be checked with --test.
+ // Regular dependencies of doc targets should emit rmeta only.
+ CompileMode::Check { test: false }
+ }
+ }
+ _ => CompileMode::Build,
+ }
+/// Create a new Unit for a dependency from `parent` to `pkg` and `target`.
+fn new_unit_dep(
+ state: &State<'_, '_>,
+ parent: &Unit,
+ pkg: &Package,
+ target: &Target,
+ unit_for: UnitFor,
+ kind: CompileKind,
+ mode: CompileMode,
+ artifact: Option<&Artifact>,
+) -> CargoResult<UnitDep> {
+ let is_local = pkg.package_id().source_id().is_path() && !state.is_std;
+ let profile = state.profiles.get_profile(
+ pkg.package_id(),
+ is_local,
+ unit_for,
+ kind,
+ );
+ new_unit_dep_with_profile(
+ state, parent, pkg, target, unit_for, kind, mode, profile, artifact,
+ )
+fn new_unit_dep_with_profile(
+ state: &State<'_, '_>,
+ parent: &Unit,
+ pkg: &Package,
+ target: &Target,
+ unit_for: UnitFor,
+ kind: CompileKind,
+ mode: CompileMode,
+ profile: Profile,
+ artifact: Option<&Artifact>,
+) -> CargoResult<UnitDep> {
+ let (extern_crate_name, dep_name) = state.resolve().extern_crate_name_and_dep_name(
+ parent.pkg.package_id(),
+ pkg.package_id(),
+ target,
+ )?;
+ let public = state
+ .resolve()
+ .is_public_dep(parent.pkg.package_id(), pkg.package_id());
+ let features_for = unit_for.map_to_features_for(artifact);
+ let artifact_target = match features_for {
+ FeaturesFor::ArtifactDep(target) => Some(target),
+ _ => None,
+ };
+ let features = state.activated_features(pkg.package_id(), features_for);
+ let unit = state.interner.intern(
+ pkg,
+ target,
+ profile,
+ kind,
+ mode,
+ features,
+ state.is_std,
+ /*dep_hash*/ 0,
+ artifact.map_or(IsArtifact::No, |_| IsArtifact::Yes),
+ artifact_target,
+ );
+ Ok(UnitDep {
+ unit,
+ unit_for,
+ extern_crate_name,
+ dep_name,
+ public,
+ noprelude: false,
+ })
+/// Fill in missing dependencies for units of the `RunCustomBuild`
+/// As mentioned above in `compute_deps_custom_build` each build script
+/// execution has two dependencies. The first is compiling the build script
+/// itself (already added) and the second is that all crates the package of the
+/// build script depends on with `links` keys, their build script execution. (a
+/// bit confusing eh?)
+/// Here we take the entire `deps` map and add more dependencies from execution
+/// of one build script to execution of another build script.
+fn connect_run_custom_build_deps(state: &mut State<'_, '_>) {
+ let mut new_deps = Vec::new();
+ {
+ let state = &*state;
+ // First up build a reverse dependency map. This is a mapping of all
+ // `RunCustomBuild` known steps to the unit which depends on them. For
+ // example a library might depend on a build script, so this map will
+ // have the build script as the key and the library would be in the
+ // value's set.
+ let mut reverse_deps_map = HashMap::new();
+ for (unit, deps) in state.unit_dependencies.iter() {
+ for dep in deps {
+ if dep.unit.mode == CompileMode::RunCustomBuild {
+ reverse_deps_map
+ .entry(dep.unit.clone())
+ .or_insert_with(HashSet::new)
+ .insert(unit);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Next, we take a look at all build scripts executions listed in the
+ // dependency map. Our job here is to take everything that depends on
+ // this build script (from our reverse map above) and look at the other
+ // package dependencies of these parents.
+ //
+ // If we depend on a linkable target and the build script mentions
+ // `links`, then we depend on that package's build script! Here we use
+ // `dep_build_script` to manufacture an appropriate build script unit to
+ // depend on.
+ for unit in state
+ .unit_dependencies
+ .keys()
+ .filter(|k| k.mode == CompileMode::RunCustomBuild)
+ {
+ // This list of dependencies all depend on `unit`, an execution of
+ // the build script.
+ let reverse_deps = match reverse_deps_map.get(unit) {
+ Some(set) => set,
+ None => continue,
+ };
+ let to_add = reverse_deps
+ .iter()
+ // Get all sibling dependencies of `unit`
+ .flat_map(|reverse_dep| {
+ state.unit_dependencies[reverse_dep]
+ .iter()
+ .map(move |a| (reverse_dep, a))
+ })
+ // Only deps with `links`.
+ .filter(|(_parent, other)| {
+ other.unit.pkg != unit.pkg
+ &&
+ && other.unit.pkg.manifest().links().is_some()
+ })
+ // Avoid cycles when using the doc --scrape-examples feature:
+ // Say a workspace has crates A and B where A has a build-dependency on B.
+ // The Doc units for A and B will have a dependency on the Docscrape for both A and B.
+ // So this would add a dependency from B-build to A-build, causing a cycle:
+ // B (build) -> A (build) -> B(build)
+ // See the test scrape_examples_avoid_build_script_cycle for a concrete example.
+ // To avoid this cycle, we filter out the B -> A (docscrape) dependency.
+ .filter(|(_parent, other)| !other.unit.mode.is_doc_scrape())
+ // Skip dependencies induced via dev-dependencies since
+ // connections between `links` and build scripts only happens
+ // via normal dependencies. Otherwise since dev-dependencies can
+ // be cyclic we could have cyclic build-script executions.
+ .filter_map(move |(parent, other)| {
+ if state
+ .dev_dependency_edges
+ .contains(&((*parent).clone(), other.unit.clone()))
+ {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(other)
+ }
+ })
+ // Get the RunCustomBuild for other lib.
+ .filter_map(|other| {
+ state.unit_dependencies[&other.unit]
+ .iter()
+ .find(|other_dep| other_dep.unit.mode == CompileMode::RunCustomBuild)
+ .cloned()
+ })
+ .collect::<HashSet<_>>();
+ if !to_add.is_empty() {
+ // (RunCustomBuild, set(other RunCustomBuild))
+ new_deps.push((unit.clone(), to_add));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // And finally, add in all the missing dependencies!
+ for (unit, new_deps) in new_deps {
+ state
+ .unit_dependencies
+ .get_mut(&unit)
+ .unwrap()
+ .extend(new_deps);
+ }
+impl<'a, 'cfg> State<'a, 'cfg> {
+ /// Gets `std_resolve` during building std, otherwise `usr_resolve`.
+ fn resolve(&self) -> &'a Resolve {
+ if self.is_std {
+ self.std_resolve.unwrap()
+ } else {
+ self.usr_resolve
+ }
+ }
+ /// Gets `std_features` during building std, otherwise `usr_features`.
+ fn features(&self) -> &'a ResolvedFeatures {
+ if self.is_std {
+ self.std_features.unwrap()
+ } else {
+ self.usr_features
+ }
+ }
+ fn activated_features(
+ &self,
+ pkg_id: PackageId,
+ features_for: FeaturesFor,
+ ) -> Vec<InternedString> {
+ let features = self.features();
+ features.activated_features(pkg_id, features_for)
+ }
+ fn is_dep_activated(
+ &self,
+ pkg_id: PackageId,
+ features_for: FeaturesFor,
+ dep_name: InternedString,
+ ) -> bool {
+ self.features()
+ .is_dep_activated(pkg_id, features_for, dep_name)
+ }
+ fn get(&self, id: PackageId) -> &'a Package {
+ self.package_set
+ .get_one(id)
+ .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("expected {} to be downloaded", id))
+ }
+ /// Returns a filtered set of dependencies for the given unit.
+ fn deps(&self, unit: &Unit, unit_for: UnitFor) -> Vec<(PackageId, Vec<&Dependency>)> {
+ let pkg_id = unit.pkg.package_id();
+ let kind = unit.kind;
+ self.resolve()
+ .deps(pkg_id)
+ .filter_map(|(id, deps)| {
+ assert!(!deps.is_empty());
+ let deps: Vec<_> = deps
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|dep| {
+ // If this target is a build command, then we only want build
+ // dependencies, otherwise we want everything *other than* build
+ // dependencies.
+ if != dep.is_build() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If this dependency is **not** a transitive dependency, then it
+ // only applies to test/example targets.
+ if !dep.is_transitive()
+ && !
+ && !
+ && !unit.mode.is_any_test()
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If this dependency is only available for certain platforms,
+ // make sure we're only enabling it for that platform.
+ if !self.target_data.dep_platform_activated(dep, kind) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If this is an optional dependency, and the new feature resolver
+ // did not enable it, don't include it.
+ if dep.is_optional() {
+ // This `unit_for` is from parent dep and *SHOULD* contains its own
+ // artifact dep information inside `artifact_target_for_features`.
+ // So, no need to map any artifact info from an incorrect `dep.artifact()`.
+ let features_for = unit_for.map_to_features_for(IS_NO_ARTIFACT_DEP);
+ if !self.is_dep_activated(pkg_id, features_for, dep.name_in_toml()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we've gotten past all that, then this dependency is
+ // actually used!
+ true
+ })
+ .collect();
+ if deps.is_empty() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some((id, deps))
+ }
+ })
+ .collect()
+ }