path: root/src/tools/cargo/src/doc/man/generated_txt/cargo-fix.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/cargo/src/doc/man/generated_txt/cargo-fix.txt')
1 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/cargo/src/doc/man/generated_txt/cargo-fix.txt b/src/tools/cargo/src/doc/man/generated_txt/cargo-fix.txt
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/cargo/src/doc/man/generated_txt/cargo-fix.txt
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+ cargo-fix — Automatically fix lint warnings reported by rustc
+ cargo fix [options]
+ This Cargo subcommand will automatically take rustc’s suggestions from
+ diagnostics like warnings and apply them to your source code. This is
+ intended to help automate tasks that rustc itself already knows how to
+ tell you to fix!
+ Executing cargo fix will under the hood execute cargo-check(1). Any
+ warnings applicable to your crate will be automatically fixed (if
+ possible) and all remaining warnings will be displayed when the check
+ process is finished. For example if you’d like to apply all fixes to
+ the current package, you can run:
+ cargo fix
+ which behaves the same as cargo check --all-targets.
+ cargo fix is only capable of fixing code that is normally compiled with
+ cargo check. If code is conditionally enabled with optional features,
+ you will need to enable those features for that code to be analyzed:
+ cargo fix --features foo
+ Similarly, other cfg expressions like platform-specific code will need
+ to pass --target to fix code for the given target.
+ cargo fix --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
+ If you encounter any problems with cargo fix or otherwise have any
+ questions or feature requests please don’t hesitate to file an issue
+ at <>.
+ Edition migration
+ The cargo fix subcommand can also be used to migrate a package from one
+ edition
+ <>
+ to the next. The general procedure is:
+ 1. Run cargo fix --edition. Consider also using the --all-features flag
+ if your project has multiple features. You may also want to run cargo
+ fix --edition multiple times with different --target flags if your
+ project has platform-specific code gated by cfg attributes.
+ 2. Modify Cargo.toml to set the edition field
+ <>
+ to the new edition.
+ 3. Run your project tests to verify that everything still works. If new
+ warnings are issued, you may want to consider running cargo fix again
+ (without the --edition flag) to apply any suggestions given by the
+ compiler.
+ And hopefully that’s it! Just keep in mind of the caveats mentioned
+ above that cargo fix cannot update code for inactive features or cfg
+ expressions. Also, in some rare cases the compiler is unable to
+ automatically migrate all code to the new edition, and this may require
+ manual changes after building with the new edition.
+ Fix options
+ --broken-code
+ Fix code even if it already has compiler errors. This is useful if
+ cargo fix fails to apply the changes. It will apply the changes and
+ leave the broken code in the working directory for you to inspect
+ and manually fix.
+ --edition
+ Apply changes that will update the code to the next edition. This
+ will not update the edition in the Cargo.toml manifest, which must
+ be updated manually after cargo fix --edition has finished.
+ --edition-idioms
+ Apply suggestions that will update code to the preferred style for
+ the current edition.
+ --allow-no-vcs
+ Fix code even if a VCS was not detected.
+ --allow-dirty
+ Fix code even if the working directory has changes.
+ --allow-staged
+ Fix code even if the working directory has staged changes.
+ Package Selection
+ By default, when no package selection options are given, the packages
+ selected depend on the selected manifest file (based on the current
+ working directory if --manifest-path is not given). If the manifest is
+ the root of a workspace then the workspaces default members are
+ selected, otherwise only the package defined by the manifest will be
+ selected.
+ The default members of a workspace can be set explicitly with the
+ workspace.default-members key in the root manifest. If this is not set,
+ a virtual workspace will include all workspace members (equivalent to
+ passing --workspace), and a non-virtual workspace will include only the
+ root crate itself.
+ -p spec…, --package spec…
+ Fix only the specified packages. See cargo-pkgid(1) for the SPEC
+ format. This flag may be specified multiple times and supports
+ common Unix glob patterns like *, ? and []. However, to avoid your
+ shell accidentally expanding glob patterns before Cargo handles
+ them, you must use single quotes or double quotes around each
+ pattern.
+ --workspace
+ Fix all members in the workspace.
+ --all
+ Deprecated alias for --workspace.
+ --exclude SPEC…
+ Exclude the specified packages. Must be used in conjunction with the
+ --workspace flag. This flag may be specified multiple times and
+ supports common Unix glob patterns like *, ? and []. However, to
+ avoid your shell accidentally expanding glob patterns before Cargo
+ handles them, you must use single quotes or double quotes around
+ each pattern.
+ Target Selection
+ When no target selection options are given, cargo fix will fix all
+ targets (--all-targets implied). Binaries are skipped if they have
+ required-features that are missing.
+ Passing target selection flags will fix only the specified targets.
+ Note that --bin, --example, --test and --bench flags also support common
+ Unix glob patterns like *, ? and []. However, to avoid your shell
+ accidentally expanding glob patterns before Cargo handles them, you must
+ use single quotes or double quotes around each glob pattern.
+ --lib
+ Fix the package’s library.
+ --bin name…
+ Fix the specified binary. This flag may be specified multiple times
+ and supports common Unix glob patterns.
+ --bins
+ Fix all binary targets.
+ --example name…
+ Fix the specified example. This flag may be specified multiple times
+ and supports common Unix glob patterns.
+ --examples
+ Fix all example targets.
+ --test name…
+ Fix the specified integration test. This flag may be specified
+ multiple times and supports common Unix glob patterns.
+ --tests
+ Fix all targets in test mode that have the test = true manifest flag
+ set. By default this includes the library and binaries built as
+ unittests, and integration tests. Be aware that this will also build
+ any required dependencies, so the lib target may be built twice
+ (once as a unittest, and once as a dependency for binaries,
+ integration tests, etc.). Targets may be enabled or disabled by
+ setting the test flag in the manifest settings for the target.
+ --bench name…
+ Fix the specified benchmark. This flag may be specified multiple
+ times and supports common Unix glob patterns.
+ --benches
+ Fix all targets in benchmark mode that have the bench = true
+ manifest flag set. By default this includes the library and binaries
+ built as benchmarks, and bench targets. Be aware that this will also
+ build any required dependencies, so the lib target may be built
+ twice (once as a benchmark, and once as a dependency for binaries,
+ benchmarks, etc.). Targets may be enabled or disabled by setting the
+ bench flag in the manifest settings for the target.
+ --all-targets
+ Fix all targets. This is equivalent to specifying --lib --bins
+ --tests --benches --examples.
+ Feature Selection
+ The feature flags allow you to control which features are enabled. When
+ no feature options are given, the default feature is activated for every
+ selected package.
+ See the features documentation
+ <>
+ for more details.
+ -F features, --features features
+ Space or comma separated list of features to activate. Features of
+ workspace members may be enabled with package-name/feature-name
+ syntax. This flag may be specified multiple times, which enables all
+ specified features.
+ --all-features
+ Activate all available features of all selected packages.
+ --no-default-features
+ Do not activate the default feature of the selected packages.
+ Compilation Options
+ --target triple
+ Fix for the given architecture. The default is the host
+ architecture. The general format of the triple is
+ <arch><sub>-<vendor>-<sys>-<abi>. Run rustc --print target-list for
+ a list of supported targets. This flag may be specified multiple
+ times.
+ This may also be specified with the config value
+ <>.
+ Note that specifying this flag makes Cargo run in a different mode
+ where the target artifacts are placed in a separate directory. See
+ the build cache
+ <>
+ documentation for more details.
+ -r, --release
+ Fix optimized artifacts with the release profile. See also the
+ --profile option for choosing a specific profile by name.
+ --profile name
+ Fix with the given profile.
+ As a special case, specifying the test profile will also enable
+ checking in test mode which will enable checking tests and enable
+ the test cfg option. See rustc tests
+ <> for more detail.
+ See the the reference
+ <> for more
+ details on profiles.
+ --ignore-rust-version
+ Fix the target even if the selected Rust compiler is older than the
+ required Rust version as configured in the project’s rust-version
+ field.
+ --timings=fmts
+ Output information how long each compilation takes, and track
+ concurrency information over time. Accepts an optional
+ comma-separated list of output formats; --timings without an
+ argument will default to --timings=html. Specifying an output format
+ (rather than the default) is unstable and requires
+ -Zunstable-options. Valid output formats:
+ o html (unstable, requires -Zunstable-options): Write a
+ human-readable file cargo-timing.html to the target/cargo-timings
+ directory with a report of the compilation. Also write a report
+ to the same directory with a timestamp in the filename if you
+ want to look at older runs. HTML output is suitable for human
+ consumption only, and does not provide machine-readable timing
+ data.
+ o json (unstable, requires -Zunstable-options): Emit
+ machine-readable JSON information about timing information.
+ Output Options
+ --target-dir directory
+ Directory for all generated artifacts and intermediate files. May
+ also be specified with the CARGO_TARGET_DIR environment variable, or
+ the config value
+ <>. Defaults to
+ target in the root of the workspace.
+ Display Options
+ -v, --verbose
+ Use verbose output. May be specified twice for “very verbose”
+ output which includes extra output such as dependency warnings and
+ build script output. May also be specified with the term.verbose
+ config value
+ <>.
+ -q, --quiet
+ Do not print cargo log messages. May also be specified with the
+ term.quiet config value
+ <>.
+ --color when
+ Control when colored output is used. Valid values:
+ o auto (default): Automatically detect if color support is
+ available on the terminal.
+ o always: Always display colors.
+ o never: Never display colors.
+ May also be specified with the term.color config value
+ <>.
+ --message-format fmt
+ The output format for diagnostic messages. Can be specified multiple
+ times and consists of comma-separated values. Valid values:
+ o human (default): Display in a human-readable text format.
+ Conflicts with short and json.
+ o short: Emit shorter, human-readable text messages. Conflicts with
+ human and json.
+ o json: Emit JSON messages to stdout. See the reference
+ <>
+ for more details. Conflicts with human and short.
+ o json-diagnostic-short: Ensure the rendered field of JSON messages
+ contains the “short” rendering from rustc. Cannot be used
+ with human or short.
+ o json-diagnostic-rendered-ansi: Ensure the rendered field of JSON
+ messages contains embedded ANSI color codes for respecting
+ rustc’s default color scheme. Cannot be used with human or
+ short.
+ o json-render-diagnostics: Instruct Cargo to not include rustc
+ diagnostics in JSON messages printed, but instead Cargo itself
+ should render the JSON diagnostics coming from rustc. Cargo’s
+ own JSON diagnostics and others coming from rustc are still
+ emitted. Cannot be used with human or short.
+ Manifest Options
+ --manifest-path path
+ Path to the Cargo.toml file. By default, Cargo searches for the
+ Cargo.toml file in the current directory or any parent directory.
+ --frozen, --locked
+ Either of these flags requires that the Cargo.lock file is
+ up-to-date. If the lock file is missing, or it needs to be updated,
+ Cargo will exit with an error. The --frozen flag also prevents Cargo
+ from attempting to access the network to determine if it is
+ out-of-date.
+ These may be used in environments where you want to assert that the
+ Cargo.lock file is up-to-date (such as a CI build) or want to avoid
+ network access.
+ --offline
+ Prevents Cargo from accessing the network for any reason. Without
+ this flag, Cargo will stop with an error if it needs to access the
+ network and the network is not available. With this flag, Cargo will
+ attempt to proceed without the network if possible.
+ Beware that this may result in different dependency resolution than
+ online mode. Cargo will restrict itself to crates that are
+ downloaded locally, even if there might be a newer version as
+ indicated in the local copy of the index. See the cargo-fetch(1)
+ command to download dependencies before going offline.
+ May also be specified with the net.offline config value
+ <>.
+ Common Options
+ +toolchain
+ If Cargo has been installed with rustup, and the first argument to
+ cargo begins with +, it will be interpreted as a rustup toolchain
+ name (such as +stable or +nightly). See the rustup documentation
+ <> for more
+ information about how toolchain overrides work.
+ --config KEY=VALUE or PATH
+ Overrides a Cargo configuration value. The argument should be in
+ TOML syntax of KEY=VALUE, or provided as a path to an extra
+ configuration file. This flag may be specified multiple times. See
+ the command-line overrides section
+ <>
+ for more information.
+ Changes the current working directory before executing any specified
+ operations. This affects things like where cargo looks by default
+ for the project manifest (Cargo.toml), as well as the directories
+ searched for discovering .cargo/config.toml, for example. This
+ option must appear before the command name, for example cargo -C
+ path/to/my-project build.
+ This option is only available on the nightly channel
+ <> and
+ requires the -Z unstable-options flag to enable (see #10098
+ <>).
+ -h, --help
+ Prints help information.
+ -Z flag
+ Unstable (nightly-only) flags to Cargo. Run cargo -Z help for
+ details.
+ Miscellaneous Options
+ -j N, --jobs N
+ Number of parallel jobs to run. May also be specified with the
+ config value
+ <>. Defaults to
+ the number of logical CPUs. If negative, it sets the maximum number
+ of parallel jobs to the number of logical CPUs plus provided value.
+ Should not be 0.
+ --keep-going
+ Build as many crates in the dependency graph as possible, rather
+ than aborting the build on the first one that fails to build.
+ Unstable, requires -Zunstable-options.
+ See the reference
+ <>
+ for details on environment variables that Cargo reads.
+ o 0: Cargo succeeded.
+ o 101: Cargo failed to complete.
+ 1. Apply compiler suggestions to the local package:
+ cargo fix
+ 2. Update a package to prepare it for the next edition:
+ cargo fix --edition
+ 3. Apply suggested idioms for the current edition:
+ cargo fix --edition-idioms
+ cargo(1), cargo-check(1)