path: root/src/tools/clippy/clippy_lints/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/clippy/clippy_lints/src/')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/clippy/clippy_lints/src/ b/src/tools/clippy/clippy_lints/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5bf4313b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/clippy/clippy_lints/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+use clippy_utils::diagnostics::span_lint_and_sugg;
+use clippy_utils::macros::FormatArgsExpn;
+use clippy_utils::source::snippet_with_applicability;
+use clippy_utils::{is_expn_of, match_function_call, paths};
+use if_chain::if_chain;
+use rustc_errors::Applicability;
+use rustc_hir::def::Res;
+use rustc_hir::{BindingAnnotation, Block, BlockCheckMode, Expr, ExprKind, Node, PatKind, QPath, Stmt, StmtKind};
+use rustc_lint::{LateContext, LateLintPass};
+use rustc_session::{declare_lint_pass, declare_tool_lint};
+use rustc_span::sym;
+declare_clippy_lint! {
+ /// ### What it does
+ /// Checks for usage of `write!()` / `writeln()!` which can be
+ /// replaced with `(e)print!()` / `(e)println!()`
+ ///
+ /// ### Why is this bad?
+ /// Using `(e)println! is clearer and more concise
+ ///
+ /// ### Example
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use std::io::Write;
+ /// # let bar = "furchtbar";
+ /// writeln!(&mut std::io::stderr(), "foo: {:?}", bar).unwrap();
+ /// writeln!(&mut std::io::stdout(), "foo: {:?}", bar).unwrap();
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Use instead:
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use std::io::Write;
+ /// # let bar = "furchtbar";
+ /// eprintln!("foo: {:?}", bar);
+ /// println!("foo: {:?}", bar);
+ /// ```
+ #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"]
+ complexity,
+ "using the `write!()` family of functions instead of the `print!()` family of functions, when using the latter would work"
+declare_lint_pass!(ExplicitWrite => [EXPLICIT_WRITE]);
+impl<'tcx> LateLintPass<'tcx> for ExplicitWrite {
+ fn check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'_>) {
+ if_chain! {
+ // match call to unwrap
+ if let ExprKind::MethodCall(unwrap_fun, [write_call], _) = expr.kind;
+ if == sym::unwrap;
+ // match call to write_fmt
+ if let ExprKind::MethodCall(write_fun, [write_recv, write_arg], _) = look_in_block(cx, &write_call.kind);
+ if == sym!(write_fmt);
+ // match calls to std::io::stdout() / std::io::stderr ()
+ if let Some(dest_name) = if match_function_call(cx, write_recv, &paths::STDOUT).is_some() {
+ Some("stdout")
+ } else if match_function_call(cx, write_recv, &paths::STDERR).is_some() {
+ Some("stderr")
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ if let Some(format_args) = FormatArgsExpn::parse(cx, write_arg);
+ then {
+ let calling_macro =
+ // ordering is important here, since `writeln!` uses `write!` internally
+ if is_expn_of(write_call.span, "writeln").is_some() {
+ Some("writeln")
+ } else if is_expn_of(write_call.span, "write").is_some() {
+ Some("write")
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let prefix = if dest_name == "stderr" {
+ "e"
+ } else {
+ ""
+ };
+ // We need to remove the last trailing newline from the string because the
+ // underlying `fmt::write` function doesn't know whether `println!` or `print!` was
+ // used.
+ let (used, sugg_mac) = if let Some(macro_name) = calling_macro {
+ (
+ format!("{}!({}(), ...)", macro_name, dest_name),
+ macro_name.replace("write", "print"),
+ )
+ } else {
+ (
+ format!("{}().write_fmt(...)", dest_name),
+ "print".into(),
+ )
+ };
+ let mut applicability = Applicability::MachineApplicable;
+ let inputs_snippet = snippet_with_applicability(
+ cx,
+ format_args.inputs_span(),
+ "..",
+ &mut applicability,
+ );
+ span_lint_and_sugg(
+ cx,
+ expr.span,
+ &format!("use of `{}.unwrap()`", used),
+ "try this",
+ format!("{}{}!({})", prefix, sugg_mac, inputs_snippet),
+ applicability,
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// If `kind` is a block that looks like `{ let result = $expr; result }` then
+/// returns $expr. Otherwise returns `kind`.
+fn look_in_block<'tcx, 'hir>(cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, kind: &'tcx ExprKind<'hir>) -> &'tcx ExprKind<'hir> {
+ if_chain! {
+ if let ExprKind::Block(block, _label @ None) = kind;
+ if let Block {
+ stmts: [Stmt { kind: StmtKind::Local(local), .. }],
+ expr: Some(expr_end_of_block),
+ rules: BlockCheckMode::DefaultBlock,
+ ..
+ } = block;
+ // Find id of the local that expr_end_of_block resolves to
+ if let ExprKind::Path(QPath::Resolved(None, expr_path)) = expr_end_of_block.kind;
+ if let Res::Local(expr_res) = expr_path.res;
+ if let Some(Node::Pat(res_pat)) = cx.tcx.hir().find(expr_res);
+ // Find id of the local we found in the block
+ if let PatKind::Binding(BindingAnnotation::Unannotated, local_hir_id, _ident, None) = local.pat.kind;
+ // If those two are the same hir id
+ if res_pat.hir_id == local_hir_id;
+ if let Some(init) = local.init;
+ then {
+ return &init.kind;
+ }
+ }
+ kind