path: root/src/tools/clippy/clippy_lints/src/methods/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/clippy/clippy_lints/src/methods/')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/clippy/clippy_lints/src/methods/ b/src/tools/clippy/clippy_lints/src/methods/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ed5a75b0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/clippy/clippy_lints/src/methods/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+use clippy_utils::diagnostics::span_lint_and_sugg;
+use clippy_utils::is_trait_method;
+use clippy_utils::sugg::Sugg;
+use clippy_utils::ty::implements_trait;
+use if_chain::if_chain;
+use rustc_errors::Applicability;
+use rustc_hir::{Closure, Expr, ExprKind, Mutability, Param, Pat, PatKind, Path, PathSegment, QPath};
+use rustc_lint::LateContext;
+use rustc_middle::ty::{self, subst::GenericArgKind};
+use rustc_span::sym;
+use rustc_span::symbol::Ident;
+use std::iter;
+enum LintTrigger {
+ Sort(SortDetection),
+ SortByKey(SortByKeyDetection),
+struct SortDetection {
+ vec_name: String,
+struct SortByKeyDetection {
+ vec_name: String,
+ closure_arg: String,
+ closure_body: String,
+ reverse: bool,
+/// Detect if the two expressions are mirrored (identical, except one
+/// contains a and the other replaces it with b)
+fn mirrored_exprs(a_expr: &Expr<'_>, a_ident: &Ident, b_expr: &Expr<'_>, b_ident: &Ident) -> bool {
+ match (&a_expr.kind, &b_expr.kind) {
+ // Two boxes with mirrored contents
+ (ExprKind::Box(left_expr), ExprKind::Box(right_expr)) => {
+ mirrored_exprs(left_expr, a_ident, right_expr, b_ident)
+ },
+ // Two arrays with mirrored contents
+ (ExprKind::Array(left_exprs), ExprKind::Array(right_exprs)) => {
+ iter::zip(*left_exprs, *right_exprs).all(|(left, right)| mirrored_exprs(left, a_ident, right, b_ident))
+ },
+ // The two exprs are function calls.
+ // Check to see that the function itself and its arguments are mirrored
+ (ExprKind::Call(left_expr, left_args), ExprKind::Call(right_expr, right_args)) => {
+ mirrored_exprs(left_expr, a_ident, right_expr, b_ident)
+ && iter::zip(*left_args, *right_args).all(|(left, right)| mirrored_exprs(left, a_ident, right, b_ident))
+ },
+ // The two exprs are method calls.
+ // Check to see that the function is the same and the arguments are mirrored
+ // This is enough because the receiver of the method is listed in the arguments
+ (
+ ExprKind::MethodCall(left_segment, left_receiver, left_args, _),
+ ExprKind::MethodCall(right_segment, right_receiver, right_args, _),
+ ) => {
+ left_segment.ident == right_segment.ident
+ && iter::zip(*left_args, *right_args).all(|(left, right)| mirrored_exprs(left, a_ident, right, b_ident))
+ && mirrored_exprs(left_receiver, a_ident, right_receiver, b_ident)
+ },
+ // Two tuples with mirrored contents
+ (ExprKind::Tup(left_exprs), ExprKind::Tup(right_exprs)) => {
+ iter::zip(*left_exprs, *right_exprs).all(|(left, right)| mirrored_exprs(left, a_ident, right, b_ident))
+ },
+ // Two binary ops, which are the same operation and which have mirrored arguments
+ (ExprKind::Binary(left_op, left_left, left_right), ExprKind::Binary(right_op, right_left, right_right)) => {
+ left_op.node == right_op.node
+ && mirrored_exprs(left_left, a_ident, right_left, b_ident)
+ && mirrored_exprs(left_right, a_ident, right_right, b_ident)
+ },
+ // Two unary ops, which are the same operation and which have the same argument
+ (ExprKind::Unary(left_op, left_expr), ExprKind::Unary(right_op, right_expr)) => {
+ left_op == right_op && mirrored_exprs(left_expr, a_ident, right_expr, b_ident)
+ },
+ // The two exprs are literals of some kind
+ (ExprKind::Lit(left_lit), ExprKind::Lit(right_lit)) => left_lit.node == right_lit.node,
+ (ExprKind::Cast(left, _), ExprKind::Cast(right, _)) => mirrored_exprs(left, a_ident, right, b_ident),
+ (ExprKind::DropTemps(left_block), ExprKind::DropTemps(right_block)) => {
+ mirrored_exprs(left_block, a_ident, right_block, b_ident)
+ },
+ (ExprKind::Field(left_expr, left_ident), ExprKind::Field(right_expr, right_ident)) => {
+ == && mirrored_exprs(left_expr, a_ident, right_expr, right_ident)
+ },
+ // Two paths: either one is a and the other is b, or they're identical to each other
+ (
+ ExprKind::Path(QPath::Resolved(
+ _,
+ Path {
+ segments: left_segments,
+ ..
+ },
+ )),
+ ExprKind::Path(QPath::Resolved(
+ _,
+ Path {
+ segments: right_segments,
+ ..
+ },
+ )),
+ ) => {
+ (iter::zip(*left_segments, *right_segments).all(|(left, right)| left.ident == right.ident)
+ && left_segments
+ .iter()
+ .all(|seg| &seg.ident != a_ident && &seg.ident != b_ident))
+ || (left_segments.len() == 1
+ && &left_segments[0].ident == a_ident
+ && right_segments.len() == 1
+ && &right_segments[0].ident == b_ident)
+ },
+ // Matching expressions, but one or both is borrowed
+ (
+ ExprKind::AddrOf(left_kind, Mutability::Not, left_expr),
+ ExprKind::AddrOf(right_kind, Mutability::Not, right_expr),
+ ) => left_kind == right_kind && mirrored_exprs(left_expr, a_ident, right_expr, b_ident),
+ (_, ExprKind::AddrOf(_, Mutability::Not, right_expr)) => mirrored_exprs(a_expr, a_ident, right_expr, b_ident),
+ (ExprKind::AddrOf(_, Mutability::Not, left_expr), _) => mirrored_exprs(left_expr, a_ident, b_expr, b_ident),
+ _ => false,
+ }
+fn detect_lint(cx: &LateContext<'_>, expr: &Expr<'_>, recv: &Expr<'_>, arg: &Expr<'_>) -> Option<LintTrigger> {
+ if_chain! {
+ if let Some(method_id) = cx.typeck_results().type_dependent_def_id(expr.hir_id);
+ if let Some(impl_id) = cx.tcx.impl_of_method(method_id);
+ if cx.tcx.type_of(impl_id).is_slice();
+ if let ExprKind::Closure(&Closure { body, .. }) = arg.kind;
+ if let closure_body = cx.tcx.hir().body(body);
+ if let &[
+ Param { pat: Pat { kind: PatKind::Binding(_, _, left_ident, _), .. }, ..},
+ Param { pat: Pat { kind: PatKind::Binding(_, _, right_ident, _), .. }, .. }
+ ] = &closure_body.params;
+ if let ExprKind::MethodCall(method_path, left_expr, [right_expr], _) = closure_body.value.kind;
+ if == sym::cmp;
+ if is_trait_method(cx, closure_body.value, sym::Ord);
+ then {
+ let (closure_body, closure_arg, reverse) = if mirrored_exprs(
+ left_expr,
+ left_ident,
+ right_expr,
+ right_ident
+ ) {
+ (Sugg::hir(cx, left_expr, "..").to_string(),, false)
+ } else if mirrored_exprs(left_expr, right_ident, right_expr, left_ident) {
+ (Sugg::hir(cx, left_expr, "..").to_string(),, true)
+ } else {
+ return None;
+ };
+ let vec_name = Sugg::hir(cx, recv, "..").to_string();
+ if_chain! {
+ if let ExprKind::Path(QPath::Resolved(_, Path {
+ segments: [PathSegment { ident: left_name, .. }], ..
+ })) = &left_expr.kind;
+ if left_name == left_ident;
+ if cx.tcx.get_diagnostic_item(sym::Ord).map_or(false, |id| {
+ implements_trait(cx, cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(left_expr), id, &[])
+ });
+ then {
+ return Some(LintTrigger::Sort(SortDetection { vec_name }));
+ }
+ }
+ if !expr_borrows(cx, left_expr) {
+ return Some(LintTrigger::SortByKey(SortByKeyDetection {
+ vec_name,
+ closure_arg,
+ closure_body,
+ reverse,
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ None
+fn expr_borrows(cx: &LateContext<'_>, expr: &Expr<'_>) -> bool {
+ let ty = cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(expr);
+ matches!(ty.kind(), ty::Ref(..)) || ty.walk().any(|arg| matches!(arg.unpack(), GenericArgKind::Lifetime(_)))
+pub(super) fn check<'tcx>(
+ cx: &LateContext<'tcx>,
+ expr: &'tcx Expr<'_>,
+ recv: &'tcx Expr<'_>,
+ arg: &'tcx Expr<'_>,
+ is_unstable: bool,
+) {
+ match detect_lint(cx, expr, recv, arg) {
+ Some(LintTrigger::SortByKey(trigger)) => span_lint_and_sugg(
+ cx,
+ expr.span,
+ "use Vec::sort_by_key here instead",
+ "try",
+ format!(
+ "{}.sort{}_by_key(|{}| {})",
+ trigger.vec_name,
+ if is_unstable { "_unstable" } else { "" },
+ trigger.closure_arg,
+ if trigger.reverse {
+ format!("std::cmp::Reverse({})", trigger.closure_body)
+ } else {
+ trigger.closure_body.to_string()
+ },
+ ),
+ if trigger.reverse {
+ Applicability::MaybeIncorrect
+ } else {
+ Applicability::MachineApplicable
+ },
+ ),
+ Some(LintTrigger::Sort(trigger)) => span_lint_and_sugg(
+ cx,
+ expr.span,
+ "use Vec::sort here instead",
+ "try",
+ format!(
+ "{}.sort{}()",
+ trigger.vec_name,
+ if is_unstable { "_unstable" } else { "" },
+ ),
+ Applicability::MachineApplicable,
+ ),
+ None => {},
+ }