path: root/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/hir-def/src/
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1 files changed, 464 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/hir-def/src/ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/hir-def/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a11a92204
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/hir-def/src/
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+//! Describes items defined or visible (ie, imported) in a certain scope.
+//! This is shared between modules and blocks.
+use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
+use base_db::CrateId;
+use hir_expand::{name::Name, AstId, MacroCallId};
+use itertools::Itertools;
+use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
+use profile::Count;
+use rustc_hash::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
+use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
+use stdx::format_to;
+use syntax::ast;
+use crate::{
+ attr::AttrId, db::DefDatabase, per_ns::PerNs, visibility::Visibility, AdtId, BuiltinType,
+ ConstId, HasModule, ImplId, LocalModuleId, MacroId, ModuleDefId, ModuleId, TraitId,
+#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+pub(crate) enum ImportType {
+ Glob,
+ Named,
+#[derive(Debug, Default)]
+pub struct PerNsGlobImports {
+ types: FxHashSet<(LocalModuleId, Name)>,
+ values: FxHashSet<(LocalModuleId, Name)>,
+ macros: FxHashSet<(LocalModuleId, Name)>,
+#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct ItemScope {
+ _c: Count<Self>,
+ /// Defs visible in this scope. This includes `declarations`, but also
+ /// imports.
+ types: FxHashMap<Name, (ModuleDefId, Visibility)>,
+ values: FxHashMap<Name, (ModuleDefId, Visibility)>,
+ macros: FxHashMap<Name, (MacroId, Visibility)>,
+ unresolved: FxHashSet<Name>,
+ /// The defs declared in this scope. Each def has a single scope where it is
+ /// declared.
+ declarations: Vec<ModuleDefId>,
+ impls: Vec<ImplId>,
+ unnamed_consts: Vec<ConstId>,
+ /// Traits imported via `use Trait as _;`.
+ unnamed_trait_imports: FxHashMap<TraitId, Visibility>,
+ /// Macros visible in current module in legacy textual scope
+ ///
+ /// For macros invoked by an unqualified identifier like `bar!()`, `legacy_macros` will be searched in first.
+ /// If it yields no result, then it turns to module scoped `macros`.
+ /// It macros with name qualified with a path like `crate::foo::bar!()`, `legacy_macros` will be skipped,
+ /// and only normal scoped `macros` will be searched in.
+ ///
+ /// Note that this automatically inherit macros defined textually before the definition of module itself.
+ ///
+ /// Module scoped macros will be inserted into `items` instead of here.
+ // FIXME: Macro shadowing in one module is not properly handled. Non-item place macros will
+ // be all resolved to the last one defined if shadowing happens.
+ legacy_macros: FxHashMap<Name, SmallVec<[MacroId; 1]>>,
+ /// The derive macro invocations in this scope.
+ attr_macros: FxHashMap<AstId<ast::Item>, MacroCallId>,
+ /// The derive macro invocations in this scope, keyed by the owner item over the actual derive attributes
+ /// paired with the derive macro invocations for the specific attribute.
+ derive_macros: FxHashMap<AstId<ast::Adt>, SmallVec<[DeriveMacroInvocation; 1]>>,
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+struct DeriveMacroInvocation {
+ attr_id: AttrId,
+ attr_call_id: MacroCallId,
+ derive_call_ids: SmallVec<[Option<MacroCallId>; 1]>,
+pub(crate) static BUILTIN_SCOPE: Lazy<FxHashMap<Name, PerNs>> = Lazy::new(|| {
+ BuiltinType::ALL
+ .iter()
+ .map(|(name, ty)| (name.clone(), PerNs::types((*ty).into(), Visibility::Public)))
+ .collect()
+/// Shadow mode for builtin type which can be shadowed by module.
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub(crate) enum BuiltinShadowMode {
+ /// Prefer user-defined modules (or other types) over builtins.
+ Module,
+ /// Prefer builtins over user-defined modules (but not other types).
+ Other,
+/// Legacy macros can only be accessed through special methods like `get_legacy_macros`.
+/// Other methods will only resolve values, types and module scoped macros only.
+impl ItemScope {
+ pub fn entries<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&'a Name, PerNs)> + 'a {
+ // FIXME: shadowing
+ self.types
+ .keys()
+ .chain(self.values.keys())
+ .chain(self.macros.keys())
+ .chain(self.unresolved.iter())
+ .sorted()
+ .unique()
+ .map(move |name| (name, self.get(name)))
+ }
+ pub fn declarations(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = ModuleDefId> + '_ {
+ self.declarations.iter().copied()
+ }
+ pub fn impls(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = ImplId> + ExactSizeIterator + '_ {
+ self.impls.iter().copied()
+ }
+ pub fn values(
+ &self,
+ ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (ModuleDefId, Visibility)> + ExactSizeIterator + '_ {
+ self.values.values().copied()
+ }
+ pub fn types(
+ &self,
+ ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (ModuleDefId, Visibility)> + ExactSizeIterator + '_ {
+ self.types.values().copied()
+ }
+ pub fn unnamed_consts(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = ConstId> + '_ {
+ self.unnamed_consts.iter().copied()
+ }
+ /// Iterate over all module scoped macros
+ pub(crate) fn macros(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&Name, MacroId)> + '_ {
+ self.entries().filter_map(|(name, def)| def.take_macros().map(|macro_| (name, macro_)))
+ }
+ /// Iterate over all legacy textual scoped macros visible at the end of the module
+ pub fn legacy_macros(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&Name, &[MacroId])> + '_ {
+ self.legacy_macros.iter().map(|(name, def)| (name, &**def))
+ }
+ /// Get a name from current module scope, legacy macros are not included
+ pub(crate) fn get(&self, name: &Name) -> PerNs {
+ PerNs {
+ types: self.types.get(name).copied(),
+ values: self.values.get(name).copied(),
+ macros: self.macros.get(name).copied(),
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn type_(&self, name: &Name) -> Option<(ModuleDefId, Visibility)> {
+ self.types.get(name).copied()
+ }
+ /// XXX: this is O(N) rather than O(1), try to not introduce new usages.
+ pub(crate) fn name_of(&self, item: ItemInNs) -> Option<(&Name, Visibility)> {
+ let (def, mut iter) = match item {
+ ItemInNs::Macros(def) => {
+ return self
+ .macros
+ .iter()
+ .find_map(|(name, &(other_def, vis))| (other_def == def).then(|| (name, vis)));
+ }
+ ItemInNs::Types(def) => (def, self.types.iter()),
+ ItemInNs::Values(def) => (def, self.values.iter()),
+ };
+ iter.find_map(|(name, &(other_def, vis))| (other_def == def).then(|| (name, vis)))
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn traits<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = TraitId> + 'a {
+ self.types
+ .values()
+ .filter_map(|&(def, _)| match def {
+ ModuleDefId::TraitId(t) => Some(t),
+ _ => None,
+ })
+ .chain(self.unnamed_trait_imports.keys().copied())
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn declare(&mut self, def: ModuleDefId) {
+ self.declarations.push(def)
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn get_legacy_macro(&self, name: &Name) -> Option<&[MacroId]> {
+ self.legacy_macros.get(name).map(|it| &**it)
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn define_impl(&mut self, imp: ImplId) {
+ self.impls.push(imp)
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn define_unnamed_const(&mut self, konst: ConstId) {
+ self.unnamed_consts.push(konst);
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn define_legacy_macro(&mut self, name: Name, mac: MacroId) {
+ self.legacy_macros.entry(name).or_default().push(mac);
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn add_attr_macro_invoc(&mut self, item: AstId<ast::Item>, call: MacroCallId) {
+ self.attr_macros.insert(item, call);
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn attr_macro_invocs(
+ &self,
+ ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (AstId<ast::Item>, MacroCallId)> + '_ {
+ self.attr_macros.iter().map(|(k, v)| (*k, *v))
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn set_derive_macro_invoc(
+ &mut self,
+ adt: AstId<ast::Adt>,
+ call: MacroCallId,
+ id: AttrId,
+ idx: usize,
+ ) {
+ if let Some(derives) = self.derive_macros.get_mut(&adt) {
+ if let Some(DeriveMacroInvocation { derive_call_ids, .. }) =
+ derives.iter_mut().find(|&&mut DeriveMacroInvocation { attr_id, .. }| id == attr_id)
+ {
+ derive_call_ids[idx] = Some(call);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// We are required to set this up front as derive invocation recording happens out of order
+ /// due to the fixed pointer iteration loop being able to record some derives later than others
+ /// independent of their indices.
+ pub(crate) fn init_derive_attribute(
+ &mut self,
+ adt: AstId<ast::Adt>,
+ attr_id: AttrId,
+ attr_call_id: MacroCallId,
+ len: usize,
+ ) {
+ self.derive_macros.entry(adt).or_default().push(DeriveMacroInvocation {
+ attr_id,
+ attr_call_id,
+ derive_call_ids: smallvec![None; len],
+ });
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn derive_macro_invocs(
+ &self,
+ ) -> impl Iterator<
+ Item = (
+ AstId<ast::Adt>,
+ impl Iterator<Item = (AttrId, MacroCallId, &[Option<MacroCallId>])>,
+ ),
+ > + '_ {
+ self.derive_macros.iter().map(|(k, v)| {
+ (
+ *k,
+ v.iter().map(|DeriveMacroInvocation { attr_id, attr_call_id, derive_call_ids }| {
+ (*attr_id, *attr_call_id, &**derive_call_ids)
+ }),
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn unnamed_trait_vis(&self, tr: TraitId) -> Option<Visibility> {
+ self.unnamed_trait_imports.get(&tr).copied()
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn push_unnamed_trait(&mut self, tr: TraitId, vis: Visibility) {
+ self.unnamed_trait_imports.insert(tr, vis);
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn push_res_with_import(
+ &mut self,
+ glob_imports: &mut PerNsGlobImports,
+ lookup: (LocalModuleId, Name),
+ def: PerNs,
+ def_import_type: ImportType,
+ ) -> bool {
+ let mut changed = false;
+ macro_rules! check_changed {
+ (
+ $changed:ident,
+ ( $this:ident / $def:ident ) . $field:ident,
+ $glob_imports:ident [ $lookup:ident ],
+ $def_import_type:ident
+ ) => {{
+ if let Some(fld) = $def.$field {
+ let existing = $this.$field.entry($lookup.1.clone());
+ match existing {
+ Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
+ match $def_import_type {
+ ImportType::Glob => {
+ $glob_imports.$field.insert($lookup.clone());
+ }
+ ImportType::Named => {
+ $glob_imports.$field.remove(&$lookup);
+ }
+ }
+ entry.insert(fld);
+ $changed = true;
+ }
+ Entry::Occupied(mut entry)
+ if $glob_imports.$field.contains(&$lookup)
+ && matches!($def_import_type, ImportType::Named) =>
+ {
+ cov_mark::hit!(import_shadowed);
+ $glob_imports.$field.remove(&$lookup);
+ entry.insert(fld);
+ $changed = true;
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ }};
+ }
+ check_changed!(changed, (self / def).types, glob_imports[lookup], def_import_type);
+ check_changed!(changed, (self / def).values, glob_imports[lookup], def_import_type);
+ check_changed!(changed, (self / def).macros, glob_imports[lookup], def_import_type);
+ if def.is_none() && self.unresolved.insert(lookup.1) {
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ changed
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn resolutions<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Option<Name>, PerNs)> + 'a {
+ self.entries().map(|(name, res)| (Some(name.clone()), res)).chain(
+ self.unnamed_trait_imports
+ .iter()
+ .map(|(tr, vis)| (None, PerNs::types(ModuleDefId::TraitId(*tr), *vis))),
+ )
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn collect_legacy_macros(&self) -> FxHashMap<Name, SmallVec<[MacroId; 1]>> {
+ self.legacy_macros.clone()
+ }
+ /// Marks everything that is not a procedural macro as private to `this_module`.
+ pub(crate) fn censor_non_proc_macros(&mut self, this_module: ModuleId) {
+ self.types
+ .values_mut()
+ .chain(self.values.values_mut())
+ .map(|(_, v)| v)
+ .chain(self.unnamed_trait_imports.values_mut())
+ .for_each(|vis| *vis = Visibility::Module(this_module));
+ for (mac, vis) in self.macros.values_mut() {
+ if let MacroId::ProcMacroId(_) = mac {
+ // FIXME: Technically this is insufficient since reexports of proc macros are also
+ // forbidden. Practically nobody does that.
+ continue;
+ }
+ *vis = Visibility::Module(this_module);
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn dump(&self, buf: &mut String) {
+ let mut entries: Vec<_> = self.resolutions().collect();
+ entries.sort_by_key(|(name, _)| name.clone());
+ for (name, def) in entries {
+ format_to!(buf, "{}:", name.map_or("_".to_string(), |name| name.to_string()));
+ if def.types.is_some() {
+ buf.push_str(" t");
+ }
+ if def.values.is_some() {
+ buf.push_str(" v");
+ }
+ if def.macros.is_some() {
+ buf.push_str(" m");
+ }
+ if def.is_none() {
+ buf.push_str(" _");
+ }
+ buf.push('\n');
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn shrink_to_fit(&mut self) {
+ // Exhaustive match to require handling new fields.
+ let Self {
+ _c: _,
+ types,
+ values,
+ macros,
+ unresolved,
+ declarations,
+ impls,
+ unnamed_consts,
+ unnamed_trait_imports,
+ legacy_macros,
+ attr_macros,
+ derive_macros,
+ } = self;
+ types.shrink_to_fit();
+ values.shrink_to_fit();
+ macros.shrink_to_fit();
+ unresolved.shrink_to_fit();
+ declarations.shrink_to_fit();
+ impls.shrink_to_fit();
+ unnamed_consts.shrink_to_fit();
+ unnamed_trait_imports.shrink_to_fit();
+ legacy_macros.shrink_to_fit();
+ attr_macros.shrink_to_fit();
+ derive_macros.shrink_to_fit();
+ }
+impl PerNs {
+ pub(crate) fn from_def(def: ModuleDefId, v: Visibility, has_constructor: bool) -> PerNs {
+ match def {
+ ModuleDefId::ModuleId(_) => PerNs::types(def, v),
+ ModuleDefId::FunctionId(_) => PerNs::values(def, v),
+ ModuleDefId::AdtId(adt) => match adt {
+ AdtId::UnionId(_) => PerNs::types(def, v),
+ AdtId::EnumId(_) => PerNs::types(def, v),
+ AdtId::StructId(_) => {
+ if has_constructor {
+ PerNs::both(def, def, v)
+ } else {
+ PerNs::types(def, v)
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ModuleDefId::EnumVariantId(_) => PerNs::both(def, def, v),
+ ModuleDefId::ConstId(_) | ModuleDefId::StaticId(_) => PerNs::values(def, v),
+ ModuleDefId::TraitId(_) => PerNs::types(def, v),
+ ModuleDefId::TypeAliasId(_) => PerNs::types(def, v),
+ ModuleDefId::BuiltinType(_) => PerNs::types(def, v),
+ ModuleDefId::MacroId(mac) => PerNs::macros(mac, v),
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
+pub enum ItemInNs {
+ Types(ModuleDefId),
+ Values(ModuleDefId),
+ Macros(MacroId),
+impl ItemInNs {
+ pub fn as_module_def_id(self) -> Option<ModuleDefId> {
+ match self {
+ ItemInNs::Types(id) | ItemInNs::Values(id) => Some(id),
+ ItemInNs::Macros(_) => None,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the crate defining this item (or `None` if `self` is built-in).
+ pub fn krate(&self, db: &dyn DefDatabase) -> Option<CrateId> {
+ match self {
+ ItemInNs::Types(did) | ItemInNs::Values(did) => did.module(db).map(|m| m.krate),
+ ItemInNs::Macros(id) => Some(id.module(db).krate),
+ }
+ }