path: root/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/hir-ty/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/hir-ty/src/')
1 files changed, 578 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/hir-ty/src/ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/hir-ty/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d2f13e435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/hir-ty/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+mod never_type;
+mod coercion;
+mod regression;
+mod simple;
+mod patterns;
+mod traits;
+mod method_resolution;
+mod macros;
+mod display_source_code;
+mod incremental;
+mod diagnostics;
+use std::{collections::HashMap, env, sync::Arc};
+use base_db::{fixture::WithFixture, FileRange, SourceDatabaseExt};
+use expect_test::Expect;
+use hir_def::{
+ body::{Body, BodySourceMap, SyntheticSyntax},
+ db::DefDatabase,
+ expr::{ExprId, PatId},
+ item_scope::ItemScope,
+ nameres::DefMap,
+ src::HasSource,
+ AssocItemId, DefWithBodyId, HasModule, LocalModuleId, Lookup, ModuleDefId,
+use hir_expand::{db::AstDatabase, InFile};
+use once_cell::race::OnceBool;
+use stdx::format_to;
+use syntax::{
+ ast::{self, AstNode, HasName},
+ SyntaxNode,
+use tracing_subscriber::{layer::SubscriberExt, EnvFilter, Registry};
+use tracing_tree::HierarchicalLayer;
+use crate::{
+ db::HirDatabase,
+ display::HirDisplay,
+ infer::{Adjustment, TypeMismatch},
+ test_db::TestDB,
+ InferenceResult, Ty,
+// These tests compare the inference results for all expressions in a file
+// against snapshots of the expected results using expect. Use
+// `env UPDATE_EXPECT=1 cargo test -p hir_ty` to update the snapshots.
+fn setup_tracing() -> Option<tracing::subscriber::DefaultGuard> {
+ static ENABLE: OnceBool = OnceBool::new();
+ if !ENABLE.get_or_init(|| env::var("CHALK_DEBUG").is_ok()) {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let filter = EnvFilter::from_env("CHALK_DEBUG");
+ let layer = HierarchicalLayer::default()
+ .with_indent_lines(true)
+ .with_ansi(false)
+ .with_indent_amount(2)
+ .with_writer(std::io::stderr);
+ let subscriber = Registry::default().with(filter).with(layer);
+ Some(tracing::subscriber::set_default(subscriber))
+fn check_types(ra_fixture: &str) {
+ check_impl(ra_fixture, false, true, false)
+fn check_types_source_code(ra_fixture: &str) {
+ check_impl(ra_fixture, false, true, true)
+fn check_no_mismatches(ra_fixture: &str) {
+ check_impl(ra_fixture, true, false, false)
+fn check(ra_fixture: &str) {
+ check_impl(ra_fixture, false, false, false)
+fn check_impl(ra_fixture: &str, allow_none: bool, only_types: bool, display_source: bool) {
+ let _tracing = setup_tracing();
+ let (db, files) = TestDB::with_many_files(ra_fixture);
+ let mut had_annotations = false;
+ let mut mismatches = HashMap::new();
+ let mut types = HashMap::new();
+ let mut adjustments = HashMap::<_, Vec<_>>::new();
+ for (file_id, annotations) in db.extract_annotations() {
+ for (range, expected) in annotations {
+ let file_range = FileRange { file_id, range };
+ if only_types {
+ types.insert(file_range, expected);
+ } else if expected.starts_with("type: ") {
+ types.insert(file_range, expected.trim_start_matches("type: ").to_string());
+ } else if expected.starts_with("expected") {
+ mismatches.insert(file_range, expected);
+ } else if expected.starts_with("adjustments: ") {
+ adjustments.insert(
+ file_range,
+ expected
+ .trim_start_matches("adjustments: ")
+ .split(',')
+ .map(|it| it.trim().to_string())
+ .filter(|it| !it.is_empty())
+ .collect(),
+ );
+ } else {
+ panic!("unexpected annotation: {}", expected);
+ }
+ had_annotations = true;
+ }
+ }
+ assert!(had_annotations || allow_none, "no `//^` annotations found");
+ let mut defs: Vec<DefWithBodyId> = Vec::new();
+ for file_id in files {
+ let module = db.module_for_file_opt(file_id);
+ let module = match module {
+ Some(m) => m,
+ None => continue,
+ };
+ let def_map = module.def_map(&db);
+ visit_module(&db, &def_map, module.local_id, &mut |it| defs.push(it));
+ }
+ defs.sort_by_key(|def| match def {
+ DefWithBodyId::FunctionId(it) => {
+ let loc = it.lookup(&db);
+ loc.source(&db).value.syntax().text_range().start()
+ }
+ DefWithBodyId::ConstId(it) => {
+ let loc = it.lookup(&db);
+ loc.source(&db).value.syntax().text_range().start()
+ }
+ DefWithBodyId::StaticId(it) => {
+ let loc = it.lookup(&db);
+ loc.source(&db).value.syntax().text_range().start()
+ }
+ });
+ let mut unexpected_type_mismatches = String::new();
+ for def in defs {
+ let (_body, body_source_map) = db.body_with_source_map(def);
+ let inference_result = db.infer(def);
+ for (pat, ty) in inference_result.type_of_pat.iter() {
+ let node = match pat_node(&body_source_map, pat, &db) {
+ Some(value) => value,
+ None => continue,
+ };
+ let range = node.as_ref().original_file_range(&db);
+ if let Some(expected) = types.remove(&range) {
+ let actual = if display_source {
+ ty.display_source_code(&db, def.module(&db)).unwrap()
+ } else {
+ ty.display_test(&db).to_string()
+ };
+ assert_eq!(actual, expected);
+ }
+ }
+ for (expr, ty) in inference_result.type_of_expr.iter() {
+ let node = match expr_node(&body_source_map, expr, &db) {
+ Some(value) => value,
+ None => continue,
+ };
+ let range = node.as_ref().original_file_range(&db);
+ if let Some(expected) = types.remove(&range) {
+ let actual = if display_source {
+ ty.display_source_code(&db, def.module(&db)).unwrap()
+ } else {
+ ty.display_test(&db).to_string()
+ };
+ assert_eq!(actual, expected);
+ }
+ if let Some(expected) = adjustments.remove(&range) {
+ if let Some(adjustments) = inference_result.expr_adjustments.get(&expr) {
+ assert_eq!(
+ expected,
+ adjustments
+ .iter()
+ .map(|Adjustment { kind, .. }| format!("{:?}", kind))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ );
+ } else {
+ panic!("expected {:?} adjustments, found none", expected);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (pat, mismatch) in inference_result.pat_type_mismatches() {
+ let node = match pat_node(&body_source_map, pat, &db) {
+ Some(value) => value,
+ None => continue,
+ };
+ let range = node.as_ref().original_file_range(&db);
+ let actual = format!(
+ "expected {}, got {}",
+ mismatch.expected.display_test(&db),
+ mismatch.actual.display_test(&db)
+ );
+ match mismatches.remove(&range) {
+ Some(annotation) => assert_eq!(actual, annotation),
+ None => format_to!(unexpected_type_mismatches, "{:?}: {}\n", range.range, actual),
+ }
+ }
+ for (expr, mismatch) in inference_result.expr_type_mismatches() {
+ let node = match body_source_map.expr_syntax(expr) {
+ Ok(sp) => {
+ let root = db.parse_or_expand(sp.file_id).unwrap();
+|ptr| ptr.to_node(&root).syntax().clone())
+ }
+ Err(SyntheticSyntax) => continue,
+ };
+ let range = node.as_ref().original_file_range(&db);
+ let actual = format!(
+ "expected {}, got {}",
+ mismatch.expected.display_test(&db),
+ mismatch.actual.display_test(&db)
+ );
+ match mismatches.remove(&range) {
+ Some(annotation) => assert_eq!(actual, annotation),
+ None => format_to!(unexpected_type_mismatches, "{:?}: {}\n", range.range, actual),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ if !unexpected_type_mismatches.is_empty() {
+ format_to!(buf, "Unexpected type mismatches:\n{}", unexpected_type_mismatches);
+ }
+ if !mismatches.is_empty() {
+ format_to!(buf, "Unchecked mismatch annotations:\n");
+ for m in mismatches {
+ format_to!(buf, "{:?}: {}\n", m.0.range, m.1);
+ }
+ }
+ if !types.is_empty() {
+ format_to!(buf, "Unchecked type annotations:\n");
+ for t in types {
+ format_to!(buf, "{:?}: type {}\n", t.0.range, t.1);
+ }
+ }
+ if !adjustments.is_empty() {
+ format_to!(buf, "Unchecked adjustments annotations:\n");
+ for t in adjustments {
+ format_to!(buf, "{:?}: type {:?}\n", t.0.range, t.1);
+ }
+ }
+ assert!(buf.is_empty(), "{}", buf);
+fn expr_node(
+ body_source_map: &BodySourceMap,
+ expr: ExprId,
+ db: &TestDB,
+) -> Option<InFile<SyntaxNode>> {
+ Some(match body_source_map.expr_syntax(expr) {
+ Ok(sp) => {
+ let root = db.parse_or_expand(sp.file_id).unwrap();
+|ptr| ptr.to_node(&root).syntax().clone())
+ }
+ Err(SyntheticSyntax) => return None,
+ })
+fn pat_node(
+ body_source_map: &BodySourceMap,
+ pat: PatId,
+ db: &TestDB,
+) -> Option<InFile<SyntaxNode>> {
+ Some(match body_source_map.pat_syntax(pat) {
+ Ok(sp) => {
+ let root = db.parse_or_expand(sp.file_id).unwrap();
+|ptr| {
+ ptr.either(
+ |it| it.to_node(&root).syntax().clone(),
+ |it| it.to_node(&root).syntax().clone(),
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ Err(SyntheticSyntax) => return None,
+ })
+fn infer(ra_fixture: &str) -> String {
+ infer_with_mismatches(ra_fixture, false)
+fn infer_with_mismatches(content: &str, include_mismatches: bool) -> String {
+ let _tracing = setup_tracing();
+ let (db, file_id) = TestDB::with_single_file(content);
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ let mut infer_def = |inference_result: Arc<InferenceResult>,
+ body_source_map: Arc<BodySourceMap>| {
+ let mut types: Vec<(InFile<SyntaxNode>, &Ty)> = Vec::new();
+ let mut mismatches: Vec<(InFile<SyntaxNode>, &TypeMismatch)> = Vec::new();
+ for (pat, ty) in inference_result.type_of_pat.iter() {
+ let syntax_ptr = match body_source_map.pat_syntax(pat) {
+ Ok(sp) => {
+ let root = db.parse_or_expand(sp.file_id).unwrap();
+|ptr| {
+ ptr.either(
+ |it| it.to_node(&root).syntax().clone(),
+ |it| it.to_node(&root).syntax().clone(),
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ Err(SyntheticSyntax) => continue,
+ };
+ types.push((syntax_ptr.clone(), ty));
+ if let Some(mismatch) = inference_result.type_mismatch_for_pat(pat) {
+ mismatches.push((syntax_ptr, mismatch));
+ }
+ }
+ for (expr, ty) in inference_result.type_of_expr.iter() {
+ let node = match body_source_map.expr_syntax(expr) {
+ Ok(sp) => {
+ let root = db.parse_or_expand(sp.file_id).unwrap();
+|ptr| ptr.to_node(&root).syntax().clone())
+ }
+ Err(SyntheticSyntax) => continue,
+ };
+ types.push((node.clone(), ty));
+ if let Some(mismatch) = inference_result.type_mismatch_for_expr(expr) {
+ mismatches.push((node, mismatch));
+ }
+ }
+ // sort ranges for consistency
+ types.sort_by_key(|(node, _)| {
+ let range = node.value.text_range();
+ (range.start(), range.end())
+ });
+ for (node, ty) in &types {
+ let (range, text) = if let Some(self_param) = ast::SelfParam::cast(node.value.clone()) {
+ (, "self".to_string())
+ } else {
+ (node.value.text_range(), node.value.text().to_string().replace('\n', " "))
+ };
+ let macro_prefix = if node.file_id != file_id.into() { "!" } else { "" };
+ format_to!(
+ buf,
+ "{}{:?} '{}': {}\n",
+ macro_prefix,
+ range,
+ ellipsize(text, 15),
+ ty.display_test(&db)
+ );
+ }
+ if include_mismatches {
+ mismatches.sort_by_key(|(node, _)| {
+ let range = node.value.text_range();
+ (range.start(), range.end())
+ });
+ for (src_ptr, mismatch) in &mismatches {
+ let range = src_ptr.value.text_range();
+ let macro_prefix = if src_ptr.file_id != file_id.into() { "!" } else { "" };
+ format_to!(
+ buf,
+ "{}{:?}: expected {}, got {}\n",
+ macro_prefix,
+ range,
+ mismatch.expected.display_test(&db),
+ mismatch.actual.display_test(&db),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ let module = db.module_for_file(file_id);
+ let def_map = module.def_map(&db);
+ let mut defs: Vec<DefWithBodyId> = Vec::new();
+ visit_module(&db, &def_map, module.local_id, &mut |it| defs.push(it));
+ defs.sort_by_key(|def| match def {
+ DefWithBodyId::FunctionId(it) => {
+ let loc = it.lookup(&db);
+ loc.source(&db).value.syntax().text_range().start()
+ }
+ DefWithBodyId::ConstId(it) => {
+ let loc = it.lookup(&db);
+ loc.source(&db).value.syntax().text_range().start()
+ }
+ DefWithBodyId::StaticId(it) => {
+ let loc = it.lookup(&db);
+ loc.source(&db).value.syntax().text_range().start()
+ }
+ });
+ for def in defs {
+ let (_body, source_map) = db.body_with_source_map(def);
+ let infer = db.infer(def);
+ infer_def(infer, source_map);
+ }
+ buf.truncate(buf.trim_end().len());
+ buf
+fn visit_module(
+ db: &TestDB,
+ crate_def_map: &DefMap,
+ module_id: LocalModuleId,
+ cb: &mut dyn FnMut(DefWithBodyId),
+) {
+ visit_scope(db, crate_def_map, &crate_def_map[module_id].scope, cb);
+ for impl_id in crate_def_map[module_id].scope.impls() {
+ let impl_data = db.impl_data(impl_id);
+ for &item in impl_data.items.iter() {
+ match item {
+ AssocItemId::FunctionId(it) => {
+ let def = it.into();
+ cb(def);
+ let body = db.body(def);
+ visit_body(db, &body, cb);
+ }
+ AssocItemId::ConstId(it) => {
+ let def = it.into();
+ cb(def);
+ let body = db.body(def);
+ visit_body(db, &body, cb);
+ }
+ AssocItemId::TypeAliasId(_) => (),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn visit_scope(
+ db: &TestDB,
+ crate_def_map: &DefMap,
+ scope: &ItemScope,
+ cb: &mut dyn FnMut(DefWithBodyId),
+ ) {
+ for decl in scope.declarations() {
+ match decl {
+ ModuleDefId::FunctionId(it) => {
+ let def = it.into();
+ cb(def);
+ let body = db.body(def);
+ visit_body(db, &body, cb);
+ }
+ ModuleDefId::ConstId(it) => {
+ let def = it.into();
+ cb(def);
+ let body = db.body(def);
+ visit_body(db, &body, cb);
+ }
+ ModuleDefId::StaticId(it) => {
+ let def = it.into();
+ cb(def);
+ let body = db.body(def);
+ visit_body(db, &body, cb);
+ }
+ ModuleDefId::TraitId(it) => {
+ let trait_data = db.trait_data(it);
+ for &(_, item) in trait_data.items.iter() {
+ match item {
+ AssocItemId::FunctionId(it) => cb(it.into()),
+ AssocItemId::ConstId(it) => cb(it.into()),
+ AssocItemId::TypeAliasId(_) => (),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ModuleDefId::ModuleId(it) => visit_module(db, crate_def_map, it.local_id, cb),
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn visit_body(db: &TestDB, body: &Body, cb: &mut dyn FnMut(DefWithBodyId)) {
+ for (_, def_map) in body.blocks(db) {
+ for (mod_id, _) in def_map.modules() {
+ visit_module(db, &def_map, mod_id, cb);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+fn ellipsize(mut text: String, max_len: usize) -> String {
+ if text.len() <= max_len {
+ return text;
+ }
+ let ellipsis = "...";
+ let e_len = ellipsis.len();
+ let mut prefix_len = (max_len - e_len) / 2;
+ while !text.is_char_boundary(prefix_len) {
+ prefix_len += 1;
+ }
+ let mut suffix_len = max_len - e_len - prefix_len;
+ while !text.is_char_boundary(text.len() - suffix_len) {
+ suffix_len += 1;
+ }
+ text.replace_range(prefix_len..text.len() - suffix_len, ellipsis);
+ text
+fn check_infer(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) {
+ let mut actual = infer(ra_fixture);
+ actual.push('\n');
+ expect.assert_eq(&actual);
+fn check_infer_with_mismatches(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) {
+ let mut actual = infer_with_mismatches(ra_fixture, true);
+ actual.push('\n');
+ expect.assert_eq(&actual);
+fn salsa_bug() {
+ let (mut db, pos) = TestDB::with_position(
+ "
+ //- /
+ trait Index {
+ type Output;
+ }
+ type Key<S: UnificationStoreBase> = <S as UnificationStoreBase>::Key;
+ pub trait UnificationStoreBase: Index<Output = Key<Self>> {
+ type Key;
+ fn len(&self) -> usize;
+ }
+ pub trait UnificationStoreMut: UnificationStoreBase {
+ fn push(&mut self, value: Self::Key);
+ }
+ fn main() {
+ let x = 1;
+ x.push(1);$0
+ }
+ ",
+ );
+ let module = db.module_for_file(pos.file_id);
+ let crate_def_map = module.def_map(&db);
+ visit_module(&db, &crate_def_map, module.local_id, &mut |def| {
+ db.infer(def);
+ });
+ let new_text = "
+ //- /
+ trait Index {
+ type Output;
+ }
+ type Key<S: UnificationStoreBase> = <S as UnificationStoreBase>::Key;
+ pub trait UnificationStoreBase: Index<Output = Key<Self>> {
+ type Key;
+ fn len(&self) -> usize;
+ }
+ pub trait UnificationStoreMut: UnificationStoreBase {
+ fn push(&mut self, value: Self::Key);
+ }
+ fn main() {
+ let x = 1;
+ x.push(1);
+ }
+ "
+ .to_string();
+ db.set_file_text(pos.file_id, Arc::new(new_text));
+ let module = db.module_for_file(pos.file_id);
+ let crate_def_map = module.def_map(&db);
+ visit_module(&db, &crate_def_map, module.local_id, &mut |def| {
+ db.infer(def);
+ });