path: root/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide-db/src/syntax_helpers/
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diff --git a/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide-db/src/syntax_helpers/ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide-db/src/syntax_helpers/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac6c6e8fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide-db/src/syntax_helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+//! Tools to work with expressions present in format string literals for the `format_args!` family of macros.
+//! Primarily meant for assists and completions.
+/// Enum for represenging extraced format string args.
+/// Can either be extracted expressions (which includes identifiers),
+/// or placeholders `{}`.
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum Arg {
+ Placeholder,
+ Ident(String),
+ Expr(String),
+ Add placeholders like `$1` and `$2` in place of [`Arg::Placeholder`],
+ and unwraps the [`Arg::Ident`] and [`Arg::Expr`] enums.
+ ```rust
+ # use ide_db::syntax_helpers::format_string_exprs::*;
+ assert_eq!(with_placeholders(vec![Arg::Ident("ident".to_owned()), Arg::Placeholder, Arg::Expr("expr + 2".to_owned())]), vec!["ident".to_owned(), "$1".to_owned(), "expr + 2".to_owned()])
+ ```
+pub fn with_placeholders(args: Vec<Arg>) -> Vec<String> {
+ let mut placeholder_id = 1;
+ args.into_iter()
+ .map(move |a| match a {
+ Arg::Expr(s) | Arg::Ident(s) => s,
+ Arg::Placeholder => {
+ let s = format!("${placeholder_id}");
+ placeholder_id += 1;
+ s
+ }
+ })
+ .collect()
+ Parser for a format-like string. It is more allowing in terms of string contents,
+ as we expect variable placeholders to be filled with expressions.
+ Built for completions and assists, and escapes `\` and `$` in output.
+ (See the comments on `get_receiver_text()` for detail.)
+ Splits a format string that may contain expressions
+ like
+ ```rust
+ assert_eq!(parse("{ident} {} {expr + 42} ").unwrap(), ("{} {} {}", vec![Arg::Ident("ident"), Arg::Placeholder, Arg::Expr("expr + 42")]));
+ ```
+pub fn parse_format_exprs(input: &str) -> Result<(String, Vec<Arg>), ()> {
+ #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
+ enum State {
+ NotArg,
+ MaybeArg,
+ Expr,
+ Ident,
+ MaybeIncorrect,
+ FormatOpts,
+ }
+ let mut state = State::NotArg;
+ let mut current_expr = String::new();
+ let mut extracted_expressions = Vec::new();
+ let mut output = String::new();
+ // Count of open braces inside of an expression.
+ // We assume that user knows what they're doing, thus we treat it like a correct pattern, e.g.
+ // "{MyStruct { val_a: 0, val_b: 1 }}".
+ let mut inexpr_open_count = 0;
+ let mut chars = input.chars().peekable();
+ while let Some(chr) = {
+ match (state, chr) {
+ (State::NotArg, '{') => {
+ output.push(chr);
+ state = State::MaybeArg;
+ }
+ (State::NotArg, '}') => {
+ output.push(chr);
+ state = State::MaybeIncorrect;
+ }
+ (State::NotArg, _) => {
+ if matches!(chr, '\\' | '$') {
+ output.push('\\');
+ }
+ output.push(chr);
+ }
+ (State::MaybeIncorrect, '}') => {
+ // It's okay, we met "}}".
+ output.push(chr);
+ state = State::NotArg;
+ }
+ (State::MaybeIncorrect, _) => {
+ // Error in the string.
+ return Err(());
+ }
+ // Escaped braces `{{`
+ (State::MaybeArg, '{') => {
+ output.push(chr);
+ state = State::NotArg;
+ }
+ (State::MaybeArg, '}') => {
+ // This is an empty sequence '{}'.
+ output.push(chr);
+ extracted_expressions.push(Arg::Placeholder);
+ state = State::NotArg;
+ }
+ (State::MaybeArg, _) => {
+ if matches!(chr, '\\' | '$') {
+ current_expr.push('\\');
+ }
+ current_expr.push(chr);
+ // While Rust uses the unicode sets of XID_start and XID_continue for Identifiers
+ // this is probably the best we can do to avoid a false positive
+ if chr.is_alphabetic() || chr == '_' {
+ state = State::Ident;
+ } else {
+ state = State::Expr;
+ }
+ }
+ (State::Ident | State::Expr, '}') => {
+ if inexpr_open_count == 0 {
+ output.push(chr);
+ if matches!(state, State::Expr) {
+ extracted_expressions.push(Arg::Expr(current_expr.trim().into()));
+ } else {
+ extracted_expressions.push(Arg::Ident(current_expr.trim().into()));
+ }
+ current_expr = String::new();
+ state = State::NotArg;
+ } else {
+ // We're closing one brace met before inside of the expression.
+ current_expr.push(chr);
+ inexpr_open_count -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ (State::Ident | State::Expr, ':') if matches!(chars.peek(), Some(':')) => {
+ // path separator
+ state = State::Expr;
+ current_expr.push_str("::");
+ }
+ (State::Ident | State::Expr, ':') => {
+ if inexpr_open_count == 0 {
+ // We're outside of braces, thus assume that it's a specifier, like "{Some(value):?}"
+ output.push(chr);
+ if matches!(state, State::Expr) {
+ extracted_expressions.push(Arg::Expr(current_expr.trim().into()));
+ } else {
+ extracted_expressions.push(Arg::Ident(current_expr.trim().into()));
+ }
+ current_expr = String::new();
+ state = State::FormatOpts;
+ } else {
+ // We're inside of braced expression, assume that it's a struct field name/value delimiter.
+ current_expr.push(chr);
+ }
+ }
+ (State::Ident | State::Expr, '{') => {
+ state = State::Expr;
+ current_expr.push(chr);
+ inexpr_open_count += 1;
+ }
+ (State::Ident | State::Expr, _) => {
+ if !(chr.is_alphanumeric() || chr == '_' || chr == '#') {
+ state = State::Expr;
+ }
+ if matches!(chr, '\\' | '$') {
+ current_expr.push('\\');
+ }
+ current_expr.push(chr);
+ }
+ (State::FormatOpts, '}') => {
+ output.push(chr);
+ state = State::NotArg;
+ }
+ (State::FormatOpts, _) => {
+ if matches!(chr, '\\' | '$') {
+ output.push('\\');
+ }
+ output.push(chr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if state != State::NotArg {
+ return Err(());
+ }
+ Ok((output, extracted_expressions))
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use expect_test::{expect, Expect};
+ fn check(input: &str, expect: &Expect) {
+ let (output, exprs) = parse_format_exprs(input).unwrap_or(("-".to_string(), vec![]));
+ let outcome_repr = if !exprs.is_empty() {
+ format!("{}; {}", output, with_placeholders(exprs).join(", "))
+ } else {
+ output
+ };
+ expect.assert_eq(&outcome_repr);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn format_str_parser() {
+ let test_vector = &[
+ ("no expressions", expect![["no expressions"]]),
+ (r"no expressions with \$0$1", expect![r"no expressions with \\\$0\$1"]),
+ ("{expr} is {2 + 2}", expect![["{} is {}; expr, 2 + 2"]]),
+ ("{expr:?}", expect![["{:?}; expr"]]),
+ ("{expr:1$}", expect![[r"{:1\$}; expr"]]),
+ ("{$0}", expect![[r"{}; \$0"]]),
+ ("{malformed", expect![["-"]]),
+ ("malformed}", expect![["-"]]),
+ ("{{correct", expect![["{{correct"]]),
+ ("correct}}", expect![["correct}}"]]),
+ ("{correct}}}", expect![["{}}}; correct"]]),
+ ("{correct}}}}}", expect![["{}}}}}; correct"]]),
+ ("{incorrect}}", expect![["-"]]),
+ ("placeholders {} {}", expect![["placeholders {} {}; $1, $2"]]),
+ ("mixed {} {2 + 2} {}", expect![["mixed {} {} {}; $1, 2 + 2, $2"]]),
+ (
+ "{SomeStruct { val_a: 0, val_b: 1 }}",
+ expect![["{}; SomeStruct { val_a: 0, val_b: 1 }"]],
+ ),
+ ("{expr:?} is {2.32f64:.5}", expect![["{:?} is {:.5}; expr, 2.32f64"]]),
+ (
+ "{SomeStruct { val_a: 0, val_b: 1 }:?}",
+ expect![["{:?}; SomeStruct { val_a: 0, val_b: 1 }"]],
+ ),
+ ("{ 2 + 2 }", expect![["{}; 2 + 2"]]),
+ ("{strsim::jaro_winkle(a)}", expect![["{}; strsim::jaro_winkle(a)"]]),
+ ("{foo::bar::baz()}", expect![["{}; foo::bar::baz()"]]),
+ ("{foo::bar():?}", expect![["{:?}; foo::bar()"]]),
+ ];
+ for (input, output) in test_vector {
+ check(input, output)
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn arg_type() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse_format_exprs("{_ident} {r#raw_ident} {expr.obj} {name {thing: 42} } {}")
+ .unwrap()
+ .1,
+ vec![
+ Arg::Ident("_ident".to_owned()),
+ Arg::Ident("r#raw_ident".to_owned()),
+ Arg::Expr("expr.obj".to_owned()),
+ Arg::Expr("name {thing: 42}".to_owned()),
+ Arg::Placeholder
+ ]
+ );
+ }