path: root/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/')
1 files changed, 521 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..efa8551a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+use hir::Semantics;
+use ide_db::{
+ base_db::FileId, helpers::pick_best_token,
+ syntax_helpers::insert_whitespace_into_node::insert_ws_into, RootDatabase,
+use syntax::{ast, ted, AstNode, NodeOrToken, SyntaxKind, SyntaxNode, T};
+use crate::FilePosition;
+pub struct ExpandedMacro {
+ pub name: String,
+ pub expansion: String,
+// Feature: Expand Macro Recursively
+// Shows the full macro expansion of the macro at current cursor.
+// |===
+// | Editor | Action Name
+// | VS Code | **Rust Analyzer: Expand macro recursively**
+// |===
+// image::[]
+pub(crate) fn expand_macro(db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition) -> Option<ExpandedMacro> {
+ let sema = Semantics::new(db);
+ let file = sema.parse(position.file_id);
+ let tok = pick_best_token(file.syntax().token_at_offset(position.offset), |kind| match kind {
+ SyntaxKind::IDENT => 1,
+ _ => 0,
+ })?;
+ // due to how Rust Analyzer works internally, we need to special case derive attributes,
+ // otherwise they might not get found, e.g. here with the cursor at $0 `#[attr]` would expand:
+ // ```
+ // #[attr]
+ // #[derive($0Foo)]
+ // struct Bar;
+ // ```
+ let derive = sema.descend_into_macros(tok.clone()).into_iter().find_map(|descended| {
+ let hir_file = sema.hir_file_for(&descended.parent()?);
+ if !hir_file.is_derive_attr_pseudo_expansion(db) {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let name = descended.parent_ancestors().filter_map(ast::Path::cast).last()?.to_string();
+ // up map out of the #[derive] expansion
+ let token = hir::InFile::new(hir_file, descended).upmap(db)?.value;
+ let attr = token.parent_ancestors().find_map(ast::Attr::cast)?;
+ let expansions = sema.expand_derive_macro(&attr)?;
+ let idx = attr
+ .token_tree()?
+ .token_trees_and_tokens()
+ .filter_map(NodeOrToken::into_token)
+ .take_while(|it| it != &token)
+ .filter(|it| it.kind() == T![,])
+ .count();
+ let expansion =
+ format(db, SyntaxKind::MACRO_ITEMS, position.file_id, expansions.get(idx).cloned()?);
+ Some(ExpandedMacro { name, expansion })
+ });
+ if derive.is_some() {
+ return derive;
+ }
+ // FIXME: Intermix attribute and bang! expansions
+ // currently we only recursively expand one of the two types
+ let mut anc = tok.parent_ancestors();
+ let (name, expanded, kind) = loop {
+ let node =;
+ if let Some(item) = ast::Item::cast(node.clone()) {
+ if let Some(def) = sema.resolve_attr_macro_call(&item) {
+ break (
+ expand_attr_macro_recur(&sema, &item)?,
+ SyntaxKind::MACRO_ITEMS,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(mac) = ast::MacroCall::cast(node) {
+ break (
+ mac.path()?.segment()?.name_ref()?.to_string(),
+ expand_macro_recur(&sema, &mac)?,
+ mac.syntax().parent().map(|it| it.kind()).unwrap_or(SyntaxKind::MACRO_ITEMS),
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ // FIXME:
+ // macro expansion may lose all white space information
+ // But we hope someday we can use ra_fmt for that
+ let expansion = format(db, kind, position.file_id, expanded);
+ Some(ExpandedMacro { name, expansion })
+fn expand_macro_recur(
+ sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>,
+ macro_call: &ast::MacroCall,
+) -> Option<SyntaxNode> {
+ let expanded = sema.expand(macro_call)?.clone_for_update();
+ expand(sema, expanded, ast::MacroCall::cast, expand_macro_recur)
+fn expand_attr_macro_recur(
+ sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>,
+ item: &ast::Item,
+) -> Option<SyntaxNode> {
+ let expanded = sema.expand_attr_macro(item)?.clone_for_update();
+ expand(sema, expanded, ast::Item::cast, expand_attr_macro_recur)
+fn expand<T: AstNode>(
+ sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>,
+ expanded: SyntaxNode,
+ f: impl FnMut(SyntaxNode) -> Option<T>,
+ exp: impl Fn(&Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>, &T) -> Option<SyntaxNode>,
+) -> Option<SyntaxNode> {
+ let children = expanded.descendants().filter_map(f);
+ let mut replacements = Vec::new();
+ for child in children {
+ if let Some(new_node) = exp(sema, &child) {
+ // check if the whole original syntax is replaced
+ if expanded == *child.syntax() {
+ return Some(new_node);
+ }
+ replacements.push((child, new_node));
+ }
+ }
+ replacements.into_iter().rev().for_each(|(old, new)| ted::replace(old.syntax(), new));
+ Some(expanded)
+fn format(db: &RootDatabase, kind: SyntaxKind, file_id: FileId, expanded: SyntaxNode) -> String {
+ let expansion = insert_ws_into(expanded).to_string();
+ _format(db, kind, file_id, &expansion).unwrap_or(expansion)
+#[cfg(any(test, target_arch = "wasm32", target_os = "emscripten"))]
+fn _format(
+ _db: &RootDatabase,
+ _kind: SyntaxKind,
+ _file_id: FileId,
+ _expansion: &str,
+) -> Option<String> {
+ None
+#[cfg(not(any(test, target_arch = "wasm32", target_os = "emscripten")))]
+fn _format(
+ db: &RootDatabase,
+ kind: SyntaxKind,
+ file_id: FileId,
+ expansion: &str,
+) -> Option<String> {
+ use ide_db::base_db::{FileLoader, SourceDatabase};
+ // hack until we get hygiene working (same character amount to preserve formatting as much as possible)
+ const DOLLAR_CRATE_REPLACE: &str = &"__r_a_";
+ let expansion = expansion.replace("$crate", DOLLAR_CRATE_REPLACE);
+ let (prefix, suffix) = match kind {
+ SyntaxKind::MACRO_PAT => ("fn __(", ": u32);"),
+ SyntaxKind::MACRO_EXPR | SyntaxKind::MACRO_STMTS => ("fn __() {", "}"),
+ SyntaxKind::MACRO_TYPE => ("type __ =", ";"),
+ _ => ("", ""),
+ };
+ let expansion = format!("{prefix}{expansion}{suffix}");
+ let &crate_id = db.relevant_crates(file_id).iter().next()?;
+ let edition = db.crate_graph()[crate_id].edition;
+ let mut cmd = std::process::Command::new(toolchain::rustfmt());
+ cmd.arg("--edition");
+ cmd.arg(edition.to_string());
+ let mut rustfmt = cmd
+ .stdin(std::process::Stdio::piped())
+ .stdout(std::process::Stdio::piped())
+ .stderr(std::process::Stdio::piped())
+ .spawn()
+ .ok()?;
+ std::io::Write::write_all(&mut rustfmt.stdin.as_mut()?, expansion.as_bytes()).ok()?;
+ let output = rustfmt.wait_with_output().ok()?;
+ let captured_stdout = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).ok()?;
+ if output.status.success() && !captured_stdout.trim().is_empty() {
+ let output = captured_stdout.replace(DOLLAR_CRATE_REPLACE, "$crate");
+ let output = output.trim().strip_prefix(prefix)?;
+ let output = match kind {
+ SyntaxKind::MACRO_PAT => {
+ output.strip_suffix(suffix).or_else(|| output.strip_suffix(": u32,\n);"))?
+ }
+ _ => output.strip_suffix(suffix)?,
+ };
+ let trim_indent = stdx::trim_indent(output);
+ tracing::debug!("expand_macro: formatting succeeded");
+ Some(trim_indent)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use expect_test::{expect, Expect};
+ use crate::fixture;
+ #[track_caller]
+ fn check(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) {
+ let (analysis, pos) = fixture::position(ra_fixture);
+ let expansion = analysis.expand_macro(pos).unwrap().unwrap();
+ let actual = format!("{}\n{}",, expansion.expansion);
+ expect.assert_eq(&actual);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn macro_expand_as_keyword() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+macro_rules! bar {
+ ($i:tt) => { $i as _ }
+fn main() {
+ let x: u64 = ba$0r!(5i64);
+ expect![[r#"
+ bar
+ 5i64 as _"#]],
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn macro_expand_underscore() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+macro_rules! bar {
+ ($i:tt) => { for _ in 0..$i {} }
+fn main() {
+ ba$0r!(42);
+ expect![[r#"
+ bar
+ for _ in 0..42{}"#]],
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn macro_expand_recursive_expansion() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+macro_rules! bar {
+ () => { fn b() {} }
+macro_rules! foo {
+ () => { bar!(); }
+macro_rules! baz {
+ () => { foo!(); }
+ expect![[r#"
+ foo
+ fn b(){}
+ "#]],
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn macro_expand_multiple_lines() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+macro_rules! foo {
+ () => {
+ fn some_thing() -> u32 {
+ let a = 0;
+ a + 10
+ }
+ }
+ "#,
+ expect![[r#"
+ foo
+ fn some_thing() -> u32 {
+ let a = 0;
+ a+10
+ }"#]],
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn macro_expand_match_ast() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+macro_rules! match_ast {
+ (match $node:ident { $($tt:tt)* }) => { match_ast!(match ($node) { $($tt)* }) };
+ (match ($node:expr) {
+ $( ast::$ast:ident($it:ident) => $res:block, )*
+ _ => $catch_all:expr $(,)?
+ }) => {{
+ $( if let Some($it) = ast::$ast::cast($node.clone()) $res else )*
+ { $catch_all }
+ }};
+fn main() {
+ mat$0ch_ast! {
+ match container {
+ ast::TraitDef(it) => {},
+ ast::ImplDef(it) => {},
+ _ => { continue },
+ }
+ }
+ expect![[r#"
+ match_ast
+ {
+ if let Some(it) = ast::TraitDef::cast(container.clone()){}
+ else if let Some(it) = ast::ImplDef::cast(container.clone()){}
+ else {
+ {
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ }"#]],
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn macro_expand_match_ast_inside_let_statement() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+macro_rules! match_ast {
+ (match $node:ident { $($tt:tt)* }) => { match_ast!(match ($node) { $($tt)* }) };
+ (match ($node:expr) {}) => {{}};
+fn main() {
+ let p = f(|it| {
+ let res = mat$0ch_ast! { match c {}};
+ Some(res)
+ })?;
+ expect![[r#"
+ match_ast
+ {}"#]],
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn macro_expand_inner_macro_rules() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+macro_rules! foo {
+ ($t:tt) => {{
+ macro_rules! bar {
+ () => {
+ $t
+ }
+ }
+ bar!()
+ }};
+fn main() {
+ foo$0!(42);
+ "#,
+ expect![[r#"
+ foo
+ {
+ macro_rules! bar {
+ () => {
+ 42
+ }
+ }
+ 42
+ }"#]],
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn macro_expand_inner_macro_fail_to_expand() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+macro_rules! bar {
+ (BAD) => {};
+macro_rules! foo {
+ () => {bar!()};
+fn main() {
+ let res = fo$0o!();
+ expect![[r#"
+ foo
+ "#]],
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn macro_expand_with_dollar_crate() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+macro_rules! bar {
+ () => {0};
+macro_rules! foo {
+ () => {$crate::bar!()};
+fn main() {
+ let res = fo$0o!();
+ expect![[r#"
+ foo
+ 0"#]],
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn macro_expand_with_dyn_absolute_path() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+macro_rules! foo {
+ () => {fn f<T>(_: &dyn ::std::marker::Copy) {}};
+fn main() {
+ let res = fo$0o!();
+ expect![[r#"
+ foo
+ fn f<T>(_: &dyn ::std::marker::Copy){}"#]],
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn macro_expand_derive() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- proc_macros: identity
+//- minicore: clone, derive
+struct Foo {}
+ expect![[r#"
+ Clone
+ impl < >core::clone::Clone for Foo< >{}
+ "#]],
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn macro_expand_derive2() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: copy, clone, derive
+struct Foo {}
+ expect![[r#"
+ Copy
+ impl < >core::marker::Copy for Foo< >{}
+ "#]],
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn macro_expand_derive_multi() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: copy, clone, derive
+#[derive(Cop$0y, Clone)]
+struct Foo {}
+ expect![[r#"
+ Copy
+ impl < >core::marker::Copy for Foo< >{}
+ "#]],
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: copy, clone, derive
+#[derive(Copy, Cl$0one)]
+struct Foo {}
+ expect![[r#"
+ Clone
+ impl < >core::clone::Clone for Foo< >{}
+ "#]],
+ );
+ }