path: root/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 626 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c694d95d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+use ide_db::{syntax_helpers::node_ext::vis_eq, FxHashSet};
+use syntax::{
+ ast::{self, AstNode, AstToken},
+ match_ast, Direction, NodeOrToken, SourceFile,
+ SyntaxKind::{self, *},
+ TextRange, TextSize,
+use std::hash::Hash;
+const REGION_START: &str = "// region:";
+const REGION_END: &str = "// endregion";
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum FoldKind {
+ Comment,
+ Imports,
+ Mods,
+ Block,
+ ArgList,
+ Region,
+ Consts,
+ Statics,
+ Array,
+ WhereClause,
+ ReturnType,
+ MatchArm,
+pub struct Fold {
+ pub range: TextRange,
+ pub kind: FoldKind,
+// Feature: Folding
+// Defines folding regions for curly braced blocks, runs of consecutive use, mod, const or static
+// items, and `region` / `endregion` comment markers.
+pub(crate) fn folding_ranges(file: &SourceFile) -> Vec<Fold> {
+ let mut res = vec![];
+ let mut visited_comments = FxHashSet::default();
+ let mut visited_imports = FxHashSet::default();
+ let mut visited_mods = FxHashSet::default();
+ let mut visited_consts = FxHashSet::default();
+ let mut visited_statics = FxHashSet::default();
+ // regions can be nested, here is a LIFO buffer
+ let mut region_starts: Vec<TextSize> = vec![];
+ for element in file.syntax().descendants_with_tokens() {
+ // Fold items that span multiple lines
+ if let Some(kind) = fold_kind(element.kind()) {
+ let is_multiline = match &element {
+ NodeOrToken::Node(node) => node.text().contains_char('\n'),
+ NodeOrToken::Token(token) => token.text().contains('\n'),
+ };
+ if is_multiline {
+ res.push(Fold { range: element.text_range(), kind });
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ match element {
+ NodeOrToken::Token(token) => {
+ // Fold groups of comments
+ if let Some(comment) = ast::Comment::cast(token) {
+ if visited_comments.contains(&comment) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let text = comment.text().trim_start();
+ if text.starts_with(REGION_START) {
+ region_starts.push(comment.syntax().text_range().start());
+ } else if text.starts_with(REGION_END) {
+ if let Some(region) = region_starts.pop() {
+ res.push(Fold {
+ range: TextRange::new(region, comment.syntax().text_range().end()),
+ kind: FoldKind::Region,
+ })
+ }
+ } else if let Some(range) =
+ contiguous_range_for_comment(comment, &mut visited_comments)
+ {
+ res.push(Fold { range, kind: FoldKind::Comment })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ NodeOrToken::Node(node) => {
+ match_ast! {
+ match node {
+ ast::Module(module) => {
+ if module.item_list().is_none() {
+ if let Some(range) = contiguous_range_for_item_group(
+ module,
+ &mut visited_mods,
+ ) {
+ res.push(Fold { range, kind: FoldKind::Mods })
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ast::Use(use_) => {
+ if let Some(range) = contiguous_range_for_item_group(use_, &mut visited_imports) {
+ res.push(Fold { range, kind: FoldKind::Imports })
+ }
+ },
+ ast::Const(konst) => {
+ if let Some(range) = contiguous_range_for_item_group(konst, &mut visited_consts) {
+ res.push(Fold { range, kind: FoldKind::Consts })
+ }
+ },
+ ast::Static(statik) => {
+ if let Some(range) = contiguous_range_for_item_group(statik, &mut visited_statics) {
+ res.push(Fold { range, kind: FoldKind::Statics })
+ }
+ },
+ ast::WhereClause(where_clause) => {
+ if let Some(range) = fold_range_for_where_clause(where_clause) {
+ res.push(Fold { range, kind: FoldKind::WhereClause })
+ }
+ },
+ ast::MatchArm(match_arm) => {
+ if let Some(range) = fold_range_for_multiline_match_arm(match_arm) {
+ res.push(Fold {range, kind: FoldKind::MatchArm})
+ }
+ },
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ res
+fn fold_kind(kind: SyntaxKind) -> Option<FoldKind> {
+ match kind {
+ COMMENT => Some(FoldKind::Comment),
+ ARG_LIST | PARAM_LIST => Some(FoldKind::ArgList),
+ ARRAY_EXPR => Some(FoldKind::Array),
+ RET_TYPE => Some(FoldKind::ReturnType),
+ | TOKEN_TREE => Some(FoldKind::Block),
+ _ => None,
+ }
+fn contiguous_range_for_item_group<N>(first: N, visited: &mut FxHashSet<N>) -> Option<TextRange>
+ N: ast::HasVisibility + Clone + Hash + Eq,
+ if !visited.insert(first.clone()) {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let (mut last, mut last_vis) = (first.clone(), first.visibility());
+ for element in first.syntax().siblings_with_tokens(Direction::Next) {
+ let node = match element {
+ NodeOrToken::Token(token) => {
+ if let Some(ws) = ast::Whitespace::cast(token) {
+ if !ws.spans_multiple_lines() {
+ // Ignore whitespace without blank lines
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // There is a blank line or another token, which means that the
+ // group ends here
+ break;
+ }
+ NodeOrToken::Node(node) => node,
+ };
+ if let Some(next) = N::cast(node) {
+ let next_vis = next.visibility();
+ if eq_visibility(next_vis.clone(), last_vis) {
+ visited.insert(next.clone());
+ last_vis = next_vis;
+ last = next;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // Stop if we find an item of a different kind or with a different visibility.
+ break;
+ }
+ if first != last {
+ Some(TextRange::new(first.syntax().text_range().start(), last.syntax().text_range().end()))
+ } else {
+ // The group consists of only one element, therefore it cannot be folded
+ None
+ }
+fn eq_visibility(vis0: Option<ast::Visibility>, vis1: Option<ast::Visibility>) -> bool {
+ match (vis0, vis1) {
+ (None, None) => true,
+ (Some(vis0), Some(vis1)) => vis_eq(&vis0, &vis1),
+ _ => false,
+ }
+fn contiguous_range_for_comment(
+ first: ast::Comment,
+ visited: &mut FxHashSet<ast::Comment>,
+) -> Option<TextRange> {
+ visited.insert(first.clone());
+ // Only fold comments of the same flavor
+ let group_kind = first.kind();
+ if !group_kind.shape.is_line() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let mut last = first.clone();
+ for element in first.syntax().siblings_with_tokens(Direction::Next) {
+ match element {
+ NodeOrToken::Token(token) => {
+ if let Some(ws) = ast::Whitespace::cast(token.clone()) {
+ if !ws.spans_multiple_lines() {
+ // Ignore whitespace without blank lines
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(c) = ast::Comment::cast(token) {
+ if c.kind() == group_kind {
+ let text = c.text().trim_start();
+ // regions are not real comments
+ if !(text.starts_with(REGION_START) || text.starts_with(REGION_END)) {
+ visited.insert(c.clone());
+ last = c;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // The comment group ends because either:
+ // * An element of a different kind was reached
+ // * A comment of a different flavor was reached
+ break;
+ }
+ NodeOrToken::Node(_) => break,
+ };
+ }
+ if first != last {
+ Some(TextRange::new(first.syntax().text_range().start(), last.syntax().text_range().end()))
+ } else {
+ // The group consists of only one element, therefore it cannot be folded
+ None
+ }
+fn fold_range_for_where_clause(where_clause: ast::WhereClause) -> Option<TextRange> {
+ let first_where_pred = where_clause.predicates().next();
+ let last_where_pred = where_clause.predicates().last();
+ if first_where_pred != last_where_pred {
+ let start = where_clause.where_token()?.text_range().end();
+ let end = where_clause.syntax().text_range().end();
+ return Some(TextRange::new(start, end));
+ }
+ None
+fn fold_range_for_multiline_match_arm(match_arm: ast::MatchArm) -> Option<TextRange> {
+ if let Some(_) = fold_kind(match_arm.expr()?.syntax().kind()) {
+ return None;
+ }
+ if match_arm.expr()?.syntax().text().contains_char('\n') {
+ return Some(match_arm.expr()?.syntax().text_range());
+ }
+ None
+mod tests {
+ use test_utils::extract_tags;
+ use super::*;
+ fn check(ra_fixture: &str) {
+ let (ranges, text) = extract_tags(ra_fixture, "fold");
+ let parse = SourceFile::parse(&text);
+ let mut folds = folding_ranges(&parse.tree());
+ folds.sort_by_key(|fold| (fold.range.start(), fold.range.end()));
+ assert_eq!(
+ folds.len(),
+ ranges.len(),
+ "The amount of folds is different than the expected amount"
+ );
+ for (fold, (range, attr)) in folds.iter().zip(ranges.into_iter()) {
+ assert_eq!(fold.range.start(), range.start(), "mismatched start of folding ranges");
+ assert_eq!(fold.range.end(), range.end(), "mismatched end of folding ranges");
+ let kind = match fold.kind {
+ FoldKind::Comment => "comment",
+ FoldKind::Imports => "imports",
+ FoldKind::Mods => "mods",
+ FoldKind::Block => "block",
+ FoldKind::ArgList => "arglist",
+ FoldKind::Region => "region",
+ FoldKind::Consts => "consts",
+ FoldKind::Statics => "statics",
+ FoldKind::Array => "array",
+ FoldKind::WhereClause => "whereclause",
+ FoldKind::ReturnType => "returntype",
+ FoldKind::MatchArm => "matcharm",
+ };
+ assert_eq!(kind, &attr.unwrap());
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_fold_comments() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+<fold comment>// Hello
+// this is a multiline
+// comment
+// But this is not
+fn main() <fold block>{
+ <fold comment>// We should
+ // also
+ // fold
+ // this one.</fold>
+ <fold comment>//! But this one is different
+ //! because it has another flavor</fold>
+ <fold comment>/* As does this
+ multiline comment */</fold>
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_fold_imports() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+use std::<fold block>{
+ str,
+ vec,
+ io as iop
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_fold_mods() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+pub mod foo;
+<fold mods>mod after_pub;
+mod after_pub_next;</fold>
+<fold mods>mod before_pub;
+mod before_pub_next;</fold>
+pub mod bar;
+mod not_folding_single;
+pub mod foobar;
+pub not_folding_single_next;
+<fold mods>#[cfg(test)]
+mod with_attribute;
+mod with_attribute_next;</fold>
+mod inline0 {}
+mod inline1 {}
+mod inline2 <fold block>{
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_fold_import_groups() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+<fold imports>use std::str;
+use std::vec;
+use std::io as iop;</fold>
+<fold imports>use std::mem;
+use std::f64;</fold>
+<fold imports>use std::collections::HashMap;
+// Some random comment
+use std::collections::VecDeque;</fold>
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_fold_import_and_groups() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+<fold imports>use std::str;
+use std::vec;
+use std::io as iop;</fold>
+<fold imports>use std::mem;
+use std::f64;</fold>
+use std::collections::<fold block>{
+ HashMap,
+ VecDeque,
+// Some random comment
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_folds_structs() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo <fold block>{
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_folds_traits() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait Foo <fold block>{
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_folds_macros() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+macro_rules! foo <fold block>{
+ ($($tt:tt)*) => { $($tt)* }
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_fold_match_arms() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+fn main() <fold block>{
+ match 0 <fold block>{
+ 0 => 0,
+ _ => 1,
+ }</fold>
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_fold_multiline_non_block_match_arm() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+ fn main() <fold block>{
+ match foo <fold block>{
+ block => <fold block>{
+ }</fold>,
+ matcharm => <fold matcharm>some.
+ call().
+ chain()</fold>,
+ matcharm2
+ => 0,
+ match_expr => <fold matcharm>match foo2 <fold block>{
+ bar => (),
+ }</fold></fold>,
+ array_list => <fold array>[
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ ]</fold>,
+ strustS => <fold matcharm>StructS <fold block>{
+ a: 31,
+ }</fold></fold>,
+ }</fold>
+ }</fold>
+ "#,
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn fold_big_calls() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+fn main() <fold block>{
+ frobnicate<fold arglist>(
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ )</fold>
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn fold_record_literals() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+const _: S = S <fold block>{
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn fold_multiline_params() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+fn foo<fold arglist>(
+ x: i32,
+ y: String,
+)</fold> {}
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn fold_multiline_array() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+const FOO: [usize; 4] = <fold array>[
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ 4,
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn fold_region() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+// 1. some normal comment
+<fold region>// region: test
+// 2. some normal comment
+<fold region>// region: inner
+fn f() {}
+// endregion</fold>
+fn f2() {}
+// endregion: test</fold>
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn fold_consecutive_const() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+<fold consts>const FIRST_CONST: &str = "first";
+const SECOND_CONST: &str = "second";</fold>
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn fold_consecutive_static() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+<fold statics>static FIRST_STATIC: &str = "first";
+static SECOND_STATIC: &str = "second";</fold>
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn fold_where_clause() {
+ // fold multi-line and don't fold single line.
+ check(
+ r#"
+fn foo()
+where<fold whereclause>
+ A: Foo,
+ B: Foo,
+ C: Foo,
+ D: Foo,</fold> {}
+fn bar()
+ A: Bar, {}
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn fold_return_type() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+fn foo()<fold returntype>-> (
+ bool,
+ bool,
+)</fold> { (true, true) }
+fn bar() -> (bool, bool) { (true, true) }
+ )
+ }