path: root/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/')
1 files changed, 1634 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9c97751c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1634 @@
+use std::{convert::TryInto, mem::discriminant};
+use crate::{doc_links::token_as_doc_comment, FilePosition, NavigationTarget, RangeInfo, TryToNav};
+use hir::{AsAssocItem, AssocItem, Semantics};
+use ide_db::{
+ base_db::{AnchoredPath, FileId, FileLoader},
+ defs::{Definition, IdentClass},
+ helpers::pick_best_token,
+ RootDatabase,
+use itertools::Itertools;
+use syntax::{ast, AstNode, AstToken, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxToken, TextRange, T};
+// Feature: Go to Definition
+// Navigates to the definition of an identifier.
+// For outline modules, this will navigate to the source file of the module.
+// |===
+// | Editor | Shortcut
+// | VS Code | kbd:[F12]
+// |===
+// image::[]
+pub(crate) fn goto_definition(
+ db: &RootDatabase,
+ position: FilePosition,
+) -> Option<RangeInfo<Vec<NavigationTarget>>> {
+ let sema = &Semantics::new(db);
+ let file = sema.parse(position.file_id).syntax().clone();
+ let original_token =
+ pick_best_token(file.token_at_offset(position.offset), |kind| match kind {
+ | T![self]
+ | T![super]
+ | T![crate]
+ | T![Self]
+ | COMMENT => 2,
+ kind if kind.is_trivia() => 0,
+ _ => 1,
+ })?;
+ if let Some(doc_comment) = token_as_doc_comment(&original_token) {
+ return doc_comment.get_definition_with_descend_at(sema, position.offset, |def, _, _| {
+ let nav = def.try_to_nav(db)?;
+ Some(RangeInfo::new(original_token.text_range(), vec![nav]))
+ });
+ }
+ let navs = sema
+ .descend_into_macros(original_token.clone())
+ .into_iter()
+ .filter_map(|token| {
+ let parent = token.parent()?;
+ if let Some(tt) = ast::TokenTree::cast(parent) {
+ if let Some(x) = try_lookup_include_path(sema, tt, token.clone(), position.file_id)
+ {
+ return Some(vec![x]);
+ }
+ }
+ Some(
+ IdentClass::classify_token(sema, &token)?
+ .definitions()
+ .into_iter()
+ .flat_map(|def| {
+ try_filter_trait_item_definition(sema, &def)
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| def_to_nav(sema.db, def))
+ })
+ .collect(),
+ )
+ })
+ .flatten()
+ .unique()
+ .collect::<Vec<NavigationTarget>>();
+ Some(RangeInfo::new(original_token.text_range(), navs))
+fn try_lookup_include_path(
+ sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>,
+ tt: ast::TokenTree,
+ token: SyntaxToken,
+ file_id: FileId,
+) -> Option<NavigationTarget> {
+ let token = ast::String::cast(token)?;
+ let path = token.value()?.into_owned();
+ let macro_call = tt.syntax().parent().and_then(ast::MacroCall::cast)?;
+ let name = macro_call.path()?.segment()?.name_ref()?;
+ if !matches!(&*name.text(), "include" | "include_str" | "include_bytes") {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let file_id = sema.db.resolve_path(AnchoredPath { anchor: file_id, path: &path })?;
+ let size = sema.db.file_text(file_id).len().try_into().ok()?;
+ Some(NavigationTarget {
+ file_id,
+ full_range: TextRange::new(0.into(), size),
+ name: path.into(),
+ focus_range: None,
+ kind: None,
+ container_name: None,
+ description: None,
+ docs: None,
+ })
+/// finds the trait definition of an impl'd item, except function
+/// e.g.
+/// ```rust
+/// trait A { type a; }
+/// struct S;
+/// impl A for S { type a = i32; } // <-- on this associate type, will get the location of a in the trait
+/// ```
+fn try_filter_trait_item_definition(
+ sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>,
+ def: &Definition,
+) -> Option<Vec<NavigationTarget>> {
+ let db = sema.db;
+ let assoc = def.as_assoc_item(db)?;
+ match assoc {
+ AssocItem::Function(..) => None,
+ AssocItem::Const(..) | AssocItem::TypeAlias(..) => {
+ let imp = match assoc.container(db) {
+ hir::AssocItemContainer::Impl(imp) => imp,
+ _ => return None,
+ };
+ let trait_ = imp.trait_(db)?;
+ let name =;
+ let discri_value = discriminant(&assoc);
+ trait_
+ .items(db)
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|itm| discriminant(*itm) == discri_value)
+ .find_map(|itm| ( == name).then(|| itm.try_to_nav(db)).flatten())
+ .map(|it| vec![it])
+ }
+ }
+fn def_to_nav(db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition) -> Vec<NavigationTarget> {
+ def.try_to_nav(db).map(|it| vec![it]).unwrap_or_default()
+mod tests {
+ use ide_db::base_db::FileRange;
+ use itertools::Itertools;
+ use crate::fixture;
+ #[track_caller]
+ fn check(ra_fixture: &str) {
+ let (analysis, position, expected) = fixture::annotations(ra_fixture);
+ let navs = analysis.goto_definition(position).unwrap().expect("no definition found").info;
+ if navs.is_empty() {
+ panic!("unresolved reference")
+ }
+ let cmp = |&FileRange { file_id, range }: &_| (file_id, range.start());
+ let navs = navs
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|nav| FileRange { file_id: nav.file_id, range: nav.focus_or_full_range() })
+ .sorted_by_key(cmp)
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let expected = expected
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|(FileRange { file_id, range }, _)| FileRange { file_id, range })
+ .sorted_by_key(cmp)
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ assert_eq!(expected, navs);
+ }
+ fn check_unresolved(ra_fixture: &str) {
+ let (analysis, position) = fixture::position(ra_fixture);
+ let navs = analysis.goto_definition(position).unwrap().expect("no definition found").info;
+ assert!(navs.is_empty(), "didn't expect this to resolve anywhere: {:?}", navs)
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_if_items_same_name() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait Trait {
+ type A;
+ const A: i32;
+ //^
+struct T;
+impl Trait for T {
+ type A = i32;
+ const A$0: i32 = -9;
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_in_mac_call_in_attr_invoc() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- proc_macros: identity
+pub struct Struct {
+ // ^^^^^^
+ field: i32,
+macro_rules! identity {
+ ($($tt:tt)*) => {$($tt)*};
+fn function() {
+ identity!(Struct$0 { field: 0 });
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_extern_crate() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- / crate:main deps:std
+extern crate std$0;
+//- /std/ crate:std
+// empty
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_renamed_extern_crate() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- / crate:main deps:std
+extern crate std as abc$0;
+//- /std/ crate:std
+// empty
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_in_items() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo;
+ //^^^
+enum E { X(Foo$0) }
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_at_start_of_item() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo;
+ //^^^
+enum E { X($0Foo) }
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_definition_resolves_correct_name() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- /
+use a::Foo;
+mod a;
+mod b;
+enum E { X(Foo$0) }
+//- /
+struct Foo;
+ //^^^
+//- /
+struct Foo;
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_module_declaration() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- /
+mod $0foo;
+//- /
+// empty
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- /
+mod $0foo;
+//- /foo/
+// empty
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_macros() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+macro_rules! foo { () => { () } }
+ //^^^
+fn bar() {
+ $0foo!();
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_macros_from_other_crates() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- / crate:main deps:foo
+use foo::foo;
+fn bar() {
+ $0foo!();
+//- /foo/ crate:foo
+macro_rules! foo { () => { () } }
+ //^^^
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_macros_in_use_tree() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- / crate:main deps:foo
+use foo::foo$0;
+//- /foo/ crate:foo
+macro_rules! foo { () => { () } }
+ //^^^
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_macro_defined_fn_with_arg() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- /
+macro_rules! define_fn {
+ ($name:ident) => (fn $name() {})
+ //^^^
+fn bar() {
+ $0foo();
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_macro_defined_fn_no_arg() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- /
+macro_rules! define_fn {
+ () => (fn foo() {})
+ define_fn!();
+fn bar() {
+ $0foo();
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_definition_works_for_macro_inside_pattern() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- /
+macro_rules! foo {() => {0}}
+ //^^^
+fn bar() {
+ match (0,1) {
+ ($0foo!(), _) => {}
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_definition_works_for_macro_inside_match_arm_lhs() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- /
+macro_rules! foo {() => {0}}
+ //^^^
+fn bar() {
+ match 0 {
+ $0foo!() => {}
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_use_alias() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- / crate:main deps:foo
+use foo as bar$0;
+//- /foo/ crate:foo
+// empty
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_use_alias_foo_macro() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- / crate:main deps:foo
+use foo::foo as bar$0;
+//- /foo/ crate:foo
+macro_rules! foo { () => { () } }
+ //^^^
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_methods() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo;
+impl Foo {
+ fn frobnicate(&self) { }
+ //^^^^^^^^^^
+fn bar(foo: &Foo) {
+ foo.frobnicate$0();
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_fields() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo {
+ spam: u32,
+} //^^^^
+fn bar(foo: &Foo) {
+ foo.spam$0;
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_record_fields() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- /
+struct Foo {
+ spam: u32,
+} //^^^^
+fn bar() -> Foo {
+ Foo {
+ spam$0: 0,
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_record_pat_fields() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- /
+struct Foo {
+ spam: u32,
+} //^^^^
+fn bar(foo: Foo) -> Foo {
+ let Foo { spam$0: _, } = foo
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_record_fields_macros() {
+ check(
+ r"
+macro_rules! m { () => { 92 };}
+struct Foo { spam: u32 }
+ //^^^^
+fn bar() -> Foo {
+ Foo { spam$0: m!() }
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_for_tuple_fields() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo(u32);
+ //^^^
+fn bar() {
+ let foo = Foo(0);
+ foo.$00;
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_ufcs_inherent_methods() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo;
+impl Foo {
+ fn frobnicate() { }
+} //^^^^^^^^^^
+fn bar(foo: &Foo) {
+ Foo::frobnicate$0();
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_ufcs_trait_methods_through_traits() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait Foo {
+ fn frobnicate();
+} //^^^^^^^^^^
+fn bar() {
+ Foo::frobnicate$0();
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_ufcs_trait_methods_through_self() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo;
+trait Trait {
+ fn frobnicate();
+} //^^^^^^^^^^
+impl Trait for Foo {}
+fn bar() {
+ Foo::frobnicate$0();
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_definition_on_self() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo;
+impl Foo {
+ //^^^
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ Self$0 {}
+ }
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo;
+impl Foo {
+ //^^^
+ pub fn new() -> Self$0 {
+ Self {}
+ }
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+enum Foo { A }
+impl Foo {
+ //^^^
+ pub fn new() -> Self$0 {
+ Foo::A
+ }
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+enum Foo { A }
+impl Foo {
+ //^^^
+ pub fn thing(a: &Self$0) {
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_definition_on_self_in_trait_impl() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo;
+trait Make {
+ fn new() -> Self;
+impl Make for Foo {
+ //^^^
+ fn new() -> Self {
+ Self$0 {}
+ }
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo;
+trait Make {
+ fn new() -> Self;
+impl Make for Foo {
+ //^^^
+ fn new() -> Self$0 {
+ Self {}
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_when_used_on_definition_name_itself() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo$0 { value: u32 }
+ //^^^
+ "#,
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo {
+ field$0: string,
+} //^^^^^
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+fn foo_test$0() { }
+ //^^^^^^^^
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+enum Foo$0 { Variant }
+ //^^^
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+enum Foo {
+ Variant1,
+ Variant2$0,
+ //^^^^^^^^
+ Variant3,
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+static INNER$0: &str = "";
+ //^^^^^
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+const INNER$0: &str = "";
+ //^^^^^
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+type Thing$0 = Option<()>;
+ //^^^^^
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait Foo$0 { }
+ //^^^
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+mod bar$0 { }
+ //^^^
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_from_macro() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+macro_rules! id {
+ ($($tt:tt)*) => { $($tt)* }
+fn foo() {}
+ //^^^
+id! {
+ fn bar() {
+ fo$0o();
+ }
+mod confuse_index { fn foo(); }
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_through_format() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+macro_rules! format {
+ ($($arg:tt)*) => ($crate::fmt::format($crate::__export::format_args!($($arg)*)))
+macro_rules! format_args {
+ ($fmt:expr) => ({ /* compiler built-in */ });
+ ($fmt:expr, $($args:tt)*) => ({ /* compiler built-in */ })
+pub mod __export {
+ pub use crate::format_args;
+ fn foo() {} // for index confusion
+fn foo() -> i8 {}
+ //^^^
+fn test() {
+ format!("{}", fo$0o())
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_through_included_file() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- /
+macro_rules! include {}
+ include!("");
+fn f() {
+ foo$0();
+mod confuse_index {
+ pub fn foo() {}
+//- /
+fn foo() {}
+ "#,
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_for_type_param() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo<T: Clone> { t: $0T }
+ //^
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_within_macro() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+macro_rules! id {
+ ($($tt:tt)*) => ($($tt)*)
+fn foo() {
+ let x = 1;
+ //^
+ id!({
+ let y = $0x;
+ let z = y;
+ });
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+macro_rules! id {
+ ($($tt:tt)*) => ($($tt)*)
+fn foo() {
+ let x = 1;
+ id!({
+ let y = x;
+ //^
+ let z = $0y;
+ });
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_in_local_fn() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+fn main() {
+ fn foo() {
+ let x = 92;
+ //^
+ $0x;
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_in_local_macro() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+fn bar() {
+ macro_rules! foo { () => { () } }
+ //^^^
+ $0foo!();
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_field_init_shorthand() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo { x: i32 }
+ //^
+fn main() {
+ let x = 92;
+ //^
+ Foo { x$0 };
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_enum_variant_field() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+enum Foo {
+ Bar { x: i32 }
+ //^
+fn baz(foo: Foo) {
+ match foo {
+ Foo::Bar { x$0 } => x
+ //^
+ };
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_enum_variant_self_pattern_const() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+enum Foo { Bar }
+ //^^^
+impl Foo {
+ fn baz(self) {
+ match self { Self::Bar$0 => {} }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_enum_variant_self_pattern_record() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+enum Foo { Bar { val: i32 } }
+ //^^^
+impl Foo {
+ fn baz(self) -> i32 {
+ match self { Self::Bar$0 { val } => {} }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_enum_variant_self_expr_const() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+enum Foo { Bar }
+ //^^^
+impl Foo {
+ fn baz(self) { Self::Bar$0; }
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_enum_variant_self_expr_record() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+enum Foo { Bar { val: i32 } }
+ //^^^
+impl Foo {
+ fn baz(self) { Self::Bar$0 {val: 4}; }
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_type_alias_generic_parameter() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+type Alias<T> = T$0;
+ //^
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_macro_container() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- / crate:main deps:foo
+//- /foo/ crate:foo
+pub mod module {
+ //^^^^^^
+ #[macro_export]
+ macro_rules! _mac { () => { () } }
+ pub use crate::_mac as mac;
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_assoc_ty_in_path() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait Iterator {
+ type Item;
+ //^^^^
+fn f() -> impl Iterator<Item$0 = u8> {}
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_super_assoc_ty_in_path() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait Super {
+ type Item;
+ //^^^^
+trait Sub: Super {}
+fn f() -> impl Sub<Item$0 = u8> {}
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn unknown_assoc_ty() {
+ check_unresolved(
+ r#"
+trait Iterator { type Item; }
+fn f() -> impl Iterator<Invalid$0 = u8> {}
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_assoc_ty_in_path_multiple() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait Iterator {
+ type A;
+ //^
+ type B;
+fn f() -> impl Iterator<A$0 = u8, B = ()> {}
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait Iterator {
+ type A;
+ type B;
+ //^
+fn f() -> impl Iterator<A = u8, B$0 = ()> {}
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_assoc_ty_ufcs() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait Iterator {
+ type Item;
+ //^^^^
+fn g() -> <() as Iterator<Item$0 = ()>>::Item {}
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_assoc_ty_ufcs_multiple() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait Iterator {
+ type A;
+ //^
+ type B;
+fn g() -> <() as Iterator<A$0 = (), B = u8>>::B {}
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait Iterator {
+ type A;
+ type B;
+ //^
+fn g() -> <() as Iterator<A = (), B$0 = u8>>::A {}
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_self_param_ty_specified() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo {}
+impl Foo {
+ fn bar(self: &Foo) {
+ //^^^^
+ let foo = sel$0f;
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_self_param_on_decl() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo {}
+impl Foo {
+ fn bar(&self$0) {
+ //^^^^
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_lifetime_param_on_decl() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+fn foo<'foobar$0>(_: &'foobar ()) {
+ //^^^^^^^
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_lifetime_param_decl() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+fn foo<'foobar>(_: &'foobar$0 ()) {
+ //^^^^^^^
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_lifetime_param_decl_nested() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+fn foo<'foobar>(_: &'foobar ()) {
+ fn foo<'foobar>(_: &'foobar$0 ()) {}
+ //^^^^^^^
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_lifetime_hrtb() {
+ // FIXME: requires the HIR to somehow track these hrtb lifetimes
+ check_unresolved(
+ r#"
+trait Foo<T> {}
+fn foo<T>() where for<'a> T: Foo<&'a$0 (u8, u16)>, {}
+ //^^
+ );
+ check_unresolved(
+ r#"
+trait Foo<T> {}
+fn foo<T>() where for<'a$0> T: Foo<&'a (u8, u16)>, {}
+ //^^
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_lifetime_hrtb_for_type() {
+ // FIXME: requires ForTypes to be implemented
+ check_unresolved(
+ r#"trait Foo<T> {}
+fn foo<T>() where T: for<'a> Foo<&'a$0 (u8, u16)>, {}
+ //^^
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_label() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+fn foo<'foo>(_: &'foo ()) {
+ 'foo: {
+ //^^^^
+ 'bar: loop {
+ break 'foo$0;
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_intra_doc_link_same_file() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+/// Blah, [`bar`](bar) .. [`foo`](foo$0) has [`bar`](bar)
+pub fn bar() { }
+/// You might want to see [`std::fs::read()`] too.
+pub fn foo() { }
+ //^^^
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_for_intra_doc_link_inner() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- /
+mod m;
+struct S;
+ //^
+//- /
+//! [`super::S$0`]
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_incomplete_field() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct A { a: u32 }
+ //^
+fn foo() { A { a$0: }; }
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_proc_macro() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- / crate:main deps:mac
+use mac::fn_macro;
+//- / crate:mac
+fn fn_macro() {}
+ //^^^^^^^^
+ "#,
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_intra_doc_links() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+pub mod theitem {
+ /// This is the item. Cool!
+ pub struct TheItem;
+ //^^^^^^^
+/// Gives you a [`TheItem$0`].
+/// [`TheItem`]: theitem::TheItem
+pub fn gimme() -> theitem::TheItem {
+ theitem::TheItem
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_ident_from_pat_macro() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+macro_rules! pat {
+ ($name:ident) => { Enum::Variant1($name) }
+enum Enum {
+ Variant1(u8),
+ Variant2,
+fn f(e: Enum) {
+ match e {
+ pat!(bind) => {
+ //^^^^
+ bind$0
+ }
+ Enum::Variant2 => {}
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_include() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- /
+fn main() {
+ let str = include_str!("foo.txt$0");
+//- /foo.txt
+// empty
+ );
+ }
+ #[cfg(test)]
+ mod goto_impl_of_trait_fn {
+ use super::check;
+ #[test]
+ fn cursor_on_impl() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait Twait {
+ fn a();
+struct Stwuct;
+impl Twait for Stwuct {
+ fn a$0();
+ //^
+ "#,
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn method_call() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait Twait {
+ fn a(&self);
+struct Stwuct;
+impl Twait for Stwuct {
+ fn a(&self){};
+ //^
+fn f() {
+ let s = Stwuct;
+ s.a$0();
+ "#,
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn path_call() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait Twait {
+ fn a(&self);
+struct Stwuct;
+impl Twait for Stwuct {
+ fn a(&self){};
+ //^
+fn f() {
+ let s = Stwuct;
+ Stwuct::a$0(&s);
+ "#,
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn where_clause_can_work() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait G {
+ fn g(&self);
+trait Bound{}
+trait EA{}
+struct Gen<T>(T);
+impl <T:EA> G for Gen<T> {
+ fn g(&self) {
+ }
+impl <T> G for Gen<T>
+where T : Bound
+ fn g(&self){
+ //^
+ }
+struct A;
+impl Bound for A{}
+fn f() {
+ let gen = Gen::<A>(A);
+ gen.g$0();
+ "#,
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn wc_case_is_ok() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait G {
+ fn g(&self);
+trait BParent{}
+trait Bound: BParent{}
+struct Gen<T>(T);
+impl <T> G for Gen<T>
+where T : Bound
+ fn g(&self){
+ //^
+ }
+struct A;
+impl Bound for A{}
+fn f() {
+ let gen = Gen::<A>(A);
+ gen.g$0();
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn method_call_defaulted() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait Twait {
+ fn a(&self) {}
+ //^
+struct Stwuct;
+impl Twait for Stwuct {
+fn f() {
+ let s = Stwuct;
+ s.a$0();
+ "#,
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn method_call_on_generic() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait Twait {
+ fn a(&self) {}
+ //^
+fn f<T: Twait>(s: T) {
+ s.a$0();
+ "#,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_of_trait_impl_const() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait Twait {
+ const NOMS: bool;
+ // ^^^^
+struct Stwuct;
+impl Twait for Stwuct {
+ const NOMS$0: bool = true;
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_of_trait_impl_type_alias() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+trait Twait {
+ type IsBad;
+ // ^^^^^
+struct Stwuct;
+impl Twait for Stwuct {
+ type IsBad$0 = !;
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_derive_input() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+ //- minicore:derive
+ #[rustc_builtin_macro]
+ pub macro Copy {}
+ // ^^^^
+ #[derive(Copy$0)]
+ struct Foo;
+ "#,
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- minicore:derive
+pub macro Copy {}
+ // ^^^^
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "false", derive)]
+struct Foo;
+ "#,
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- minicore:derive
+mod foo {
+ #[rustc_builtin_macro]
+ pub macro Copy {}
+ // ^^^^
+struct Foo;
+ "#,
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+//- minicore:derive
+mod foo {
+ // ^^^
+ #[rustc_builtin_macro]
+ pub macro Copy {}
+struct Foo;
+ "#,
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn goto_def_in_macro_multi() {
+ check(
+ r#"
+struct Foo {
+ foo: ()
+ //^^^
+macro_rules! foo {
+ ($ident:ident) => {
+ fn $ident(Foo { $ident }: Foo) {}
+ }
+ //^^^
+ //^^^
+ );
+ check(
+ r#"
+fn bar() {}
+ //^^^
+struct bar;
+ //^^^
+macro_rules! foo {
+ ($ident:ident) => {
+ fn foo() {
+ let _: $ident = $ident;
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }