path: root/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/inlay_hints/
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1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/inlay_hints/ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/inlay_hints/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0166d004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/ide/src/inlay_hints/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+//! Implementation of "binding mode" inlay hints:
+//! ```no_run
+//! let /* & */ (/* ref */ x,) = &(0,);
+//! ```
+use hir::{Mutability, Semantics};
+use ide_db::RootDatabase;
+use syntax::ast::{self, AstNode};
+use crate::{InlayHint, InlayHintsConfig, InlayKind, InlayTooltip};
+pub(super) fn hints(
+ acc: &mut Vec<InlayHint>,
+ sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>,
+ config: &InlayHintsConfig,
+ pat: &ast::Pat,
+) -> Option<()> {
+ if !config.binding_mode_hints {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let outer_paren_pat = pat
+ .syntax()
+ .ancestors()
+ .skip(1)
+ .map_while(ast::Pat::cast)
+ .map_while(|pat| match pat {
+ ast::Pat::ParenPat(pat) => Some(pat),
+ _ => None,
+ })
+ .last();
+ let range =
+ outer_paren_pat.as_ref().map_or_else(|| pat.syntax(), |it| it.syntax()).text_range();
+ let pattern_adjustments = sema.pattern_adjustments(pat);
+ pattern_adjustments.iter().for_each(|ty| {
+ let reference = ty.is_reference();
+ let mut_reference = ty.is_mutable_reference();
+ let r = match (reference, mut_reference) {
+ (true, true) => "&mut",
+ (true, false) => "&",
+ _ => return,
+ };
+ acc.push(InlayHint {
+ range,
+ kind: InlayKind::BindingModeHint,
+ label: r.to_string().into(),
+ tooltip: Some(InlayTooltip::String("Inferred binding mode".into())),
+ });
+ });
+ match pat {
+ ast::Pat::IdentPat(pat) if pat.ref_token().is_none() && pat.mut_token().is_none() => {
+ let bm = sema.binding_mode_of_pat(pat)?;
+ let bm = match bm {
+ hir::BindingMode::Move => return None,
+ hir::BindingMode::Ref(Mutability::Mut) => "ref mut",
+ hir::BindingMode::Ref(Mutability::Shared) => "ref",
+ };
+ acc.push(InlayHint {
+ range: pat.syntax().text_range(),
+ kind: InlayKind::BindingModeHint,
+ label: bm.to_string().into(),
+ tooltip: Some(InlayTooltip::String("Inferred binding mode".into())),
+ });
+ }
+ ast::Pat::OrPat(pat) if !pattern_adjustments.is_empty() && outer_paren_pat.is_none() => {
+ acc.push(InlayHint {
+ range: pat.syntax().text_range(),
+ kind: InlayKind::OpeningParenthesis,
+ label: "(".into(),
+ tooltip: None,
+ });
+ acc.push(InlayHint {
+ range: pat.syntax().text_range(),
+ kind: InlayKind::ClosingParenthesis,
+ label: ")".into(),
+ tooltip: None,
+ });
+ }
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ Some(())
+mod tests {
+ use crate::{
+ inlay_hints::tests::{check_with_config, DISABLED_CONFIG},
+ InlayHintsConfig,
+ };
+ #[test]
+ fn hints_binding_modes() {
+ check_with_config(
+ InlayHintsConfig { binding_mode_hints: true, ..DISABLED_CONFIG },
+ r#"
+fn __(
+ (x,): (u32,),
+ (x,): &(u32,),
+ //^^^^&
+ //^ ref
+ (x,): &mut (u32,)
+ //^^^^&mut
+ //^ ref mut
+) {
+ let (x,) = (0,);
+ let (x,) = &(0,);
+ //^^^^ &
+ //^ ref
+ let (x,) = &mut (0,);
+ //^^^^ &mut
+ //^ ref mut
+ let &mut (x,) = &mut (0,);
+ let (ref mut x,) = &mut (0,);
+ //^^^^^^^^^^^^ &mut
+ let &mut (ref mut x,) = &mut (0,);
+ let (mut x,) = &mut (0,);
+ //^^^^^^^^ &mut
+ match (0,) {
+ (x,) => ()
+ }
+ match &(0,) {
+ (x,) | (x,) => (),
+ //^^^^^^^^^^^&
+ //^ ref
+ //^ ref
+ //^^^^^^^^^^^(
+ //^^^^^^^^^^^)
+ ((x,) | (x,)) => (),
+ //^^^^^^^^^^^^^&
+ //^ ref
+ //^ ref
+ }
+ match &mut (0,) {
+ (x,) => ()
+ //^^^^ &mut
+ //^ ref mut
+ }
+ );
+ }