path: root/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/parser/src/grammar/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/parser/src/grammar/')
1 files changed, 465 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/parser/src/grammar/ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/parser/src/grammar/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e0951bf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/parser/src/grammar/
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+mod consts;
+mod adt;
+mod traits;
+mod use_item;
+pub(crate) use self::{
+ adt::{record_field_list, variant_list},
+ expressions::{match_arm_list, record_expr_field_list},
+ traits::assoc_item_list,
+ use_item::use_tree_list,
+use super::*;
+// test mod_contents
+// fn foo() {}
+// macro_rules! foo {}
+// foo::bar!();
+// super::baz! {}
+// struct S;
+pub(super) fn mod_contents(p: &mut Parser<'_>, stop_on_r_curly: bool) {
+ attributes::inner_attrs(p);
+ while ! && !(!['}']) && stop_on_r_curly) {
+ item_or_macro(p, stop_on_r_curly);
+ }
+pub(super) const ITEM_RECOVERY_SET: TokenSet = TokenSet::new(&[
+ T![fn],
+ T![struct],
+ T![enum],
+ T![impl],
+ T![trait],
+ T![const],
+ T![static],
+ T![let],
+ T![mod],
+ T![pub],
+ T![crate],
+ T![use],
+ T![macro],
+ T![;],
+pub(super) fn item_or_macro(p: &mut Parser<'_>, stop_on_r_curly: bool) {
+ let m = p.start();
+ attributes::outer_attrs(p);
+ let m = match opt_item(p, m) {
+ Ok(()) => {
+ if![;]) {
+ p.err_and_bump(
+ "expected item, found `;`\n\
+ consider removing this semicolon",
+ );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ Err(m) => m,
+ };
+ if paths::is_use_path_start(p) {
+ match macro_call(p) {
+ BlockLike::Block => (),
+ BlockLike::NotBlock => {
+ p.expect(T![;]);
+ }
+ }
+ m.complete(p, MACRO_CALL);
+ return;
+ }
+ m.abandon(p);
+ match p.current() {
+ T!['{'] => error_block(p, "expected an item"),
+ T!['}'] if !stop_on_r_curly => {
+ let e = p.start();
+ p.error("unmatched `}`");
+ p.bump(T!['}']);
+ e.complete(p, ERROR);
+ }
+ EOF | T!['}'] => p.error("expected an item"),
+ _ => p.err_and_bump("expected an item"),
+ }
+/// Try to parse an item, completing `m` in case of success.
+pub(super) fn opt_item(p: &mut Parser<'_>, m: Marker) -> Result<(), Marker> {
+ // test_err pub_expr
+ // fn foo() { pub 92; }
+ let has_visibility = opt_visibility(p, false);
+ let m = match opt_item_without_modifiers(p, m) {
+ Ok(()) => return Ok(()),
+ Err(m) => m,
+ };
+ let mut has_mods = false;
+ let mut has_extern = false;
+ // modifiers
+ if![const]) && p.nth(1) != T!['{'] {
+ has_mods = true;
+ }
+ // test_err async_without_semicolon
+ // fn foo() { let _ = async {} }
+ if![async]) && !matches!(p.nth(1), T!['{'] | T![move] | T![|]) {
+ has_mods = true;
+ }
+ // test_err unsafe_block_in_mod
+ // fn foo(){} unsafe { } fn bar(){}
+ if![unsafe]) && p.nth(1) != T!['{'] {
+ has_mods = true;
+ }
+ if![extern]) {
+ has_extern = true;
+ has_mods = true;
+ abi(p);
+ }
+ if p.at_contextual_kw(T![auto]) && p.nth(1) == T![trait] {
+ p.bump_remap(T![auto]);
+ has_mods = true;
+ }
+ // test default_item
+ // default impl T for Foo {}
+ if p.at_contextual_kw(T![default]) {
+ match p.nth(1) {
+ T![fn] | T![type] | T![const] | T![impl] => {
+ p.bump_remap(T![default]);
+ has_mods = true;
+ }
+ // test default_unsafe_item
+ // default unsafe impl T for Foo {
+ // default unsafe fn foo() {}
+ // }
+ T![unsafe] if matches!(p.nth(2), T![impl] | T![fn]) => {
+ p.bump_remap(T![default]);
+ p.bump(T![unsafe]);
+ has_mods = true;
+ }
+ // test default_async_fn
+ // impl T for Foo {
+ // default async fn foo() {}
+ // }
+ T![async] => {
+ let mut maybe_fn = p.nth(2);
+ let is_unsafe = if matches!(maybe_fn, T![unsafe]) {
+ // test default_async_unsafe_fn
+ // impl T for Foo {
+ // default async unsafe fn foo() {}
+ // }
+ maybe_fn = p.nth(3);
+ true
+ } else {
+ false
+ };
+ if matches!(maybe_fn, T![fn]) {
+ p.bump_remap(T![default]);
+ p.bump(T![async]);
+ if is_unsafe {
+ p.bump(T![unsafe]);
+ }
+ has_mods = true;
+ }
+ }
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ }
+ // test existential_type
+ // existential type Foo: Fn() -> usize;
+ if p.at_contextual_kw(T![existential]) && p.nth(1) == T![type] {
+ p.bump_remap(T![existential]);
+ has_mods = true;
+ }
+ // items
+ match p.current() {
+ T![fn] => fn_(p, m),
+ T![const] if p.nth(1) != T!['{'] => consts::konst(p, m),
+ T![trait] => traits::trait_(p, m),
+ T![impl] => traits::impl_(p, m),
+ T![type] => type_alias(p, m),
+ // test extern_block
+ // unsafe extern "C" {}
+ // extern {}
+ T!['{'] if has_extern => {
+ extern_item_list(p);
+ m.complete(p, EXTERN_BLOCK);
+ }
+ _ if has_visibility || has_mods => {
+ if has_mods {
+ p.error("expected existential, fn, trait or impl");
+ } else {
+ p.error("expected an item");
+ }
+ m.complete(p, ERROR);
+ }
+ _ => return Err(m),
+ }
+ Ok(())
+fn opt_item_without_modifiers(p: &mut Parser<'_>, m: Marker) -> Result<(), Marker> {
+ let la = p.nth(1);
+ match p.current() {
+ T![extern] if la == T![crate] => extern_crate(p, m),
+ T![use] => use_item::use_(p, m),
+ T![mod] => mod_item(p, m),
+ T![type] => type_alias(p, m),
+ T![struct] => adt::strukt(p, m),
+ T![enum] => adt::enum_(p, m),
+ IDENT if p.at_contextual_kw(T![union]) && p.nth(1) == IDENT => adt::union(p, m),
+ T![macro] => macro_def(p, m),
+ IDENT if p.at_contextual_kw(T![macro_rules]) && p.nth(1) == BANG => macro_rules(p, m),
+ T![const] if (la == IDENT || la == T![_] || la == T![mut]) => consts::konst(p, m),
+ T![static] if (la == IDENT || la == T![_] || la == T![mut]) => consts::static_(p, m),
+ _ => return Err(m),
+ };
+ Ok(())
+// test extern_crate
+// extern crate foo;
+fn extern_crate(p: &mut Parser<'_>, m: Marker) {
+ p.bump(T![extern]);
+ p.bump(T![crate]);
+ if![self]) {
+ // test extern_crate_self
+ // extern crate self;
+ let m = p.start();
+ p.bump(T![self]);
+ m.complete(p, NAME_REF);
+ } else {
+ name_ref(p);
+ }
+ // test extern_crate_rename
+ // extern crate foo as bar;
+ opt_rename(p);
+ p.expect(T![;]);
+ m.complete(p, EXTERN_CRATE);
+// test mod_item
+// mod a;
+pub(crate) fn mod_item(p: &mut Parser<'_>, m: Marker) {
+ p.bump(T![mod]);
+ name(p);
+ if!['{']) {
+ // test mod_item_curly
+ // mod b { }
+ item_list(p);
+ } else if !![;]) {
+ p.error("expected `;` or `{`");
+ }
+ m.complete(p, MODULE);
+// test type_alias
+// type Foo = Bar;
+fn type_alias(p: &mut Parser<'_>, m: Marker) {
+ p.bump(T![type]);
+ name(p);
+ // test type_item_type_params
+ // type Result<T> = ();
+ generic_params::opt_generic_param_list(p);
+ if![:]) {
+ generic_params::bounds(p);
+ }
+ // test type_item_where_clause_deprecated
+ // type Foo where Foo: Copy = ();
+ generic_params::opt_where_clause(p);
+ if![=]) {
+ types::type_(p);
+ }
+ // test type_item_where_clause
+ // type Foo = () where Foo: Copy;
+ generic_params::opt_where_clause(p);
+ p.expect(T![;]);
+ m.complete(p, TYPE_ALIAS);
+pub(crate) fn item_list(p: &mut Parser<'_>) {
+ assert!(!['{']));
+ let m = p.start();
+ p.bump(T!['{']);
+ mod_contents(p, true);
+ p.expect(T!['}']);
+ m.complete(p, ITEM_LIST);
+pub(crate) fn extern_item_list(p: &mut Parser<'_>) {
+ assert!(!['{']));
+ let m = p.start();
+ p.bump(T!['{']);
+ mod_contents(p, true);
+ p.expect(T!['}']);
+ m.complete(p, EXTERN_ITEM_LIST);
+fn macro_rules(p: &mut Parser<'_>, m: Marker) {
+ assert!(p.at_contextual_kw(T![macro_rules]));
+ p.bump_remap(T![macro_rules]);
+ p.expect(T![!]);
+ if {
+ name(p);
+ }
+ // Special-case `macro_rules! try`.
+ // This is a hack until we do proper edition support
+ // test try_macro_rules
+ // macro_rules! try { () => {} }
+ if![try]) {
+ let m = p.start();
+ p.bump_remap(IDENT);
+ m.complete(p, NAME);
+ }
+ match p.current() {
+ // test macro_rules_non_brace
+ // macro_rules! m ( ($i:ident) => {} );
+ // macro_rules! m [ ($i:ident) => {} ];
+ T!['['] | T!['('] => {
+ token_tree(p);
+ p.expect(T![;]);
+ }
+ T!['{'] => token_tree(p),
+ _ => p.error("expected `{`, `[`, `(`"),
+ }
+ m.complete(p, MACRO_RULES);
+// test macro_def
+// macro m($i:ident) {}
+fn macro_def(p: &mut Parser<'_>, m: Marker) {
+ p.expect(T![macro]);
+ name_r(p, ITEM_RECOVERY_SET);
+ if!['{']) {
+ // test macro_def_curly
+ // macro m { ($i:ident) => {} }
+ token_tree(p);
+ } else if!['(']) {
+ let m = p.start();
+ token_tree(p);
+ match p.current() {
+ T!['{'] | T!['['] | T!['('] => token_tree(p),
+ _ => p.error("expected `{`, `[`, `(`"),
+ }
+ m.complete(p, TOKEN_TREE);
+ } else {
+ p.error("unmatched `(`");
+ }
+ m.complete(p, MACRO_DEF);
+// test fn
+// fn foo() {}
+fn fn_(p: &mut Parser<'_>, m: Marker) {
+ p.bump(T![fn]);
+ name_r(p, ITEM_RECOVERY_SET);
+ // test function_type_params
+ // fn foo<T: Clone + Copy>(){}
+ generic_params::opt_generic_param_list(p);
+ if!['(']) {
+ params::param_list_fn_def(p);
+ } else {
+ p.error("expected function arguments");
+ }
+ // test function_ret_type
+ // fn foo() {}
+ // fn bar() -> () {}
+ opt_ret_type(p);
+ // test function_where_clause
+ // fn foo<T>() where T: Copy {}
+ generic_params::opt_where_clause(p);
+ if![;]) {
+ // test fn_decl
+ // trait T { fn foo(); }
+ p.bump(T![;]);
+ } else {
+ expressions::block_expr(p);
+ }
+ m.complete(p, FN);
+fn macro_call(p: &mut Parser<'_>) -> BlockLike {
+ assert!(paths::is_use_path_start(p));
+ paths::use_path(p);
+ macro_call_after_excl(p)
+pub(super) fn macro_call_after_excl(p: &mut Parser<'_>) -> BlockLike {
+ p.expect(T![!]);
+ match p.current() {
+ T!['{'] => {
+ token_tree(p);
+ BlockLike::Block
+ }
+ T!['('] | T!['['] => {
+ token_tree(p);
+ BlockLike::NotBlock
+ }
+ _ => {
+ p.error("expected `{`, `[`, `(`");
+ BlockLike::NotBlock
+ }
+ }
+pub(crate) fn token_tree(p: &mut Parser<'_>) {
+ let closing_paren_kind = match p.current() {
+ T!['{'] => T!['}'],
+ T!['('] => T![')'],
+ T!['['] => T![']'],
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ let m = p.start();
+ p.bump_any();
+ while ! && ! {
+ match p.current() {
+ T!['{'] | T!['('] | T!['['] => token_tree(p),
+ T!['}'] => {
+ p.error("unmatched `}`");
+ m.complete(p, TOKEN_TREE);
+ return;
+ }
+ T![')'] | T![']'] => p.err_and_bump("unmatched brace"),
+ _ => p.bump_any(),
+ }
+ }
+ p.expect(closing_paren_kind);
+ m.complete(p, TOKEN_TREE);