path: root/src/tools/rustfmt/src/bin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/rustfmt/src/bin/')
1 files changed, 710 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/rustfmt/src/bin/ b/src/tools/rustfmt/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e871e61f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rustfmt/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@
+use anyhow::{format_err, Result};
+use io::Error as IoError;
+use thiserror::Error;
+use rustfmt_nightly as rustfmt;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::env;
+use std::fs::File;
+use std::io::{self, stdout, Read, Write};
+use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use getopts::{Matches, Options};
+use crate::rustfmt::{
+ load_config, CliOptions, Color, Config, Edition, EmitMode, FileLines, FileName,
+ FormatReportFormatterBuilder, Input, Session, Verbosity,
+fn main() {
+ env_logger::Builder::from_env("RUSTFMT_LOG").init();
+ let opts = make_opts();
+ let exit_code = match execute(&opts) {
+ Ok(code) => code,
+ Err(e) => {
+ eprintln!("{:#}", e);
+ 1
+ }
+ };
+ // Make sure standard output is flushed before we exit.
+ std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap();
+ // Exit with given exit code.
+ //
+ // NOTE: this immediately terminates the process without doing any cleanup,
+ // so make sure to finish all necessary cleanup before this is called.
+ std::process::exit(exit_code);
+/// Rustfmt operations.
+enum Operation {
+ /// Format files and their child modules.
+ Format {
+ files: Vec<PathBuf>,
+ minimal_config_path: Option<String>,
+ },
+ /// Print the help message.
+ Help(HelpOp),
+ /// Print version information
+ Version,
+ /// Output default config to a file, or stdout if None
+ ConfigOutputDefault { path: Option<String> },
+ /// Output current config (as if formatting to a file) to stdout
+ ConfigOutputCurrent { path: Option<String> },
+ /// No file specified, read from stdin
+ Stdin { input: String },
+/// Rustfmt operations errors.
+#[derive(Error, Debug)]
+pub enum OperationError {
+ /// An unknown help topic was requested.
+ #[error("Unknown help topic: `{0}`.")]
+ UnknownHelpTopic(String),
+ /// An unknown print-config option was requested.
+ #[error("Unknown print-config option: `{0}`.")]
+ UnknownPrintConfigTopic(String),
+ /// Attempt to generate a minimal config from standard input.
+ #[error("The `--print-config=minimal` option doesn't work with standard input.")]
+ MinimalPathWithStdin,
+ /// An io error during reading or writing.
+ #[error("{0}")]
+ IoError(IoError),
+ /// Attempt to use --emit with a mode which is not currently
+ /// supported with stdandard input.
+ #[error("Emit mode {0} not supported with standard output.")]
+ StdinBadEmit(EmitMode),
+impl From<IoError> for OperationError {
+ fn from(e: IoError) -> OperationError {
+ OperationError::IoError(e)
+ }
+/// Arguments to `--help`
+enum HelpOp {
+ None,
+ Config,
+ FileLines,
+fn make_opts() -> Options {
+ let mut opts = Options::new();
+ opts.optflag(
+ "",
+ "check",
+ "Run in 'check' mode. Exits with 0 if input is formatted correctly. Exits \
+ with 1 and prints a diff if formatting is required.",
+ );
+ let is_nightly = is_nightly();
+ let emit_opts = if is_nightly {
+ "[files|stdout|coverage|checkstyle|json]"
+ } else {
+ "[files|stdout]"
+ };
+ opts.optopt("", "emit", "What data to emit and how", emit_opts);
+ opts.optflag("", "backup", "Backup any modified files.");
+ opts.optopt(
+ "",
+ "config-path",
+ "Recursively searches the given path for the rustfmt.toml config file. If not \
+ found reverts to the input file path",
+ "[Path for the configuration file]",
+ );
+ opts.optopt("", "edition", "Rust edition to use", "[2015|2018|2021]");
+ opts.optopt(
+ "",
+ "color",
+ "Use colored output (if supported)",
+ "[always|never|auto]",
+ );
+ opts.optopt(
+ "",
+ "print-config",
+ "Dumps a default or minimal config to PATH. A minimal config is the \
+ subset of the current config file used for formatting the current program. \
+ `current` writes to stdout current config as if formatting the file at PATH.",
+ "[default|minimal|current] PATH",
+ );
+ opts.optflag(
+ "l",
+ "files-with-diff",
+ "Prints the names of mismatched files that were formatted. Prints the names of \
+ files that would be formated when used with `--check` mode. ",
+ );
+ opts.optmulti(
+ "",
+ "config",
+ "Set options from command line. These settings take priority over .rustfmt.toml",
+ "[key1=val1,key2=val2...]",
+ );
+ if is_nightly {
+ opts.optflag(
+ "",
+ "unstable-features",
+ "Enables unstable features. Only available on nightly channel.",
+ );
+ opts.optopt(
+ "",
+ "file-lines",
+ "Format specified line ranges. Run with `--help=file-lines` for \
+ more detail (unstable).",
+ "JSON",
+ );
+ opts.optflag(
+ "",
+ "error-on-unformatted",
+ "Error if unable to get comments or string literals within max_width, \
+ or they are left with trailing whitespaces (unstable).",
+ );
+ opts.optflag(
+ "",
+ "skip-children",
+ "Don't reformat child modules (unstable).",
+ );
+ }
+ opts.optflag("v", "verbose", "Print verbose output");
+ opts.optflag("q", "quiet", "Print less output");
+ opts.optflag("V", "version", "Show version information");
+ let help_topics = if is_nightly {
+ "`config` or `file-lines`"
+ } else {
+ "`config`"
+ };
+ let mut help_topic_msg = "Show this message or help about a specific topic: ".to_owned();
+ help_topic_msg.push_str(help_topics);
+ opts.optflagopt("h", "help", &help_topic_msg, "=TOPIC");
+ opts
+fn is_nightly() -> bool {
+ option_env!("CFG_RELEASE_CHANNEL").map_or(true, |c| c == "nightly" || c == "dev")
+// Returned i32 is an exit code
+fn execute(opts: &Options) -> Result<i32> {
+ let matches = opts.parse(env::args().skip(1))?;
+ let options = GetOptsOptions::from_matches(&matches)?;
+ match determine_operation(&matches)? {
+ Operation::Help(HelpOp::None) => {
+ print_usage_to_stdout(opts, "");
+ Ok(0)
+ }
+ Operation::Help(HelpOp::Config) => {
+ Config::print_docs(&mut stdout(), options.unstable_features);
+ Ok(0)
+ }
+ Operation::Help(HelpOp::FileLines) => {
+ print_help_file_lines();
+ Ok(0)
+ }
+ Operation::Version => {
+ print_version();
+ Ok(0)
+ }
+ Operation::ConfigOutputDefault { path } => {
+ let toml = Config::default().all_options().to_toml()?;
+ if let Some(path) = path {
+ let mut file = File::create(path)?;
+ file.write_all(toml.as_bytes())?;
+ } else {
+ io::stdout().write_all(toml.as_bytes())?;
+ }
+ Ok(0)
+ }
+ Operation::ConfigOutputCurrent { path } => {
+ let path = match path {
+ Some(path) => path,
+ None => return Err(format_err!("PATH required for `--print-config current`")),
+ };
+ let file = PathBuf::from(path);
+ let file = file.canonicalize().unwrap_or(file);
+ let (config, _) = load_config(Some(file.parent().unwrap()), Some(options))?;
+ let toml = config.all_options().to_toml()?;
+ io::stdout().write_all(toml.as_bytes())?;
+ Ok(0)
+ }
+ Operation::Stdin { input } => format_string(input, options),
+ Operation::Format {
+ files,
+ minimal_config_path,
+ } => format(files, minimal_config_path, &options),
+ }
+fn format_string(input: String, options: GetOptsOptions) -> Result<i32> {
+ // try to read config from local directory
+ let (mut config, _) = load_config(Some(Path::new(".")), Some(options.clone()))?;
+ if options.check {
+ config.set().emit_mode(EmitMode::Diff);
+ } else {
+ match options.emit_mode {
+ // Emit modes which work with standard input
+ // None means default, which is Stdout.
+ None | Some(EmitMode::Stdout) | Some(EmitMode::Checkstyle) | Some(EmitMode::Json) => {}
+ Some(emit_mode) => {
+ return Err(OperationError::StdinBadEmit(emit_mode).into());
+ }
+ }
+ config
+ .set()
+ .emit_mode(options.emit_mode.unwrap_or(EmitMode::Stdout));
+ }
+ config.set().verbose(Verbosity::Quiet);
+ // parse file_lines
+ config.set().file_lines(options.file_lines);
+ for f in config.file_lines().files() {
+ match *f {
+ FileName::Stdin => {}
+ _ => eprintln!("Warning: Extra file listed in file_lines option '{}'", f),
+ }
+ }
+ let out = &mut stdout();
+ let mut session = Session::new(config, Some(out));
+ format_and_emit_report(&mut session, Input::Text(input));
+ let exit_code = if session.has_operational_errors() || session.has_parsing_errors() {
+ 1
+ } else {
+ 0
+ };
+ Ok(exit_code)
+fn format(
+ files: Vec<PathBuf>,
+ minimal_config_path: Option<String>,
+ options: &GetOptsOptions,
+) -> Result<i32> {
+ options.verify_file_lines(&files);
+ let (config, config_path) = load_config(None, Some(options.clone()))?;
+ if config.verbose() == Verbosity::Verbose {
+ if let Some(path) = config_path.as_ref() {
+ println!("Using rustfmt config file {}", path.display());
+ }
+ }
+ let out = &mut stdout();
+ let mut session = Session::new(config, Some(out));
+ for file in files {
+ if !file.exists() {
+ eprintln!("Error: file `{}` does not exist", file.to_str().unwrap());
+ session.add_operational_error();
+ } else if file.is_dir() {
+ eprintln!("Error: `{}` is a directory", file.to_str().unwrap());
+ session.add_operational_error();
+ } else {
+ // Check the file directory if the config-path could not be read or not provided
+ if config_path.is_none() {
+ let (local_config, config_path) =
+ load_config(Some(file.parent().unwrap()), Some(options.clone()))?;
+ if local_config.verbose() == Verbosity::Verbose {
+ if let Some(path) = config_path {
+ println!(
+ "Using rustfmt config file {} for {}",
+ path.display(),
+ file.display()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ session.override_config(local_config, |sess| {
+ format_and_emit_report(sess, Input::File(file))
+ });
+ } else {
+ format_and_emit_report(&mut session, Input::File(file));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If we were given a path via dump-minimal-config, output any options
+ // that were used during formatting as TOML.
+ if let Some(path) = minimal_config_path {
+ let mut file = File::create(path)?;
+ let toml = session.config.used_options().to_toml()?;
+ file.write_all(toml.as_bytes())?;
+ }
+ let exit_code = if session.has_operational_errors()
+ || session.has_parsing_errors()
+ || ((session.has_diff() || session.has_check_errors()) && options.check)
+ {
+ 1
+ } else {
+ 0
+ };
+ Ok(exit_code)
+fn format_and_emit_report<T: Write>(session: &mut Session<'_, T>, input: Input) {
+ match session.format(input) {
+ Ok(report) => {
+ if report.has_warnings() {
+ eprintln!(
+ "{}",
+ FormatReportFormatterBuilder::new(&report)
+ .enable_colors(should_print_with_colors(session))
+ .build()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ Err(msg) => {
+ eprintln!("Error writing files: {}", msg);
+ session.add_operational_error();
+ }
+ }
+fn should_print_with_colors<T: Write>(session: &mut Session<'_, T>) -> bool {
+ match term::stderr() {
+ Some(ref t)
+ if session.config.color().use_colored_tty()
+ && t.supports_color()
+ && t.supports_attr(term::Attr::Bold) =>
+ {
+ true
+ }
+ _ => false,
+ }
+fn print_usage_to_stdout(opts: &Options, reason: &str) {
+ let sep = if reason.is_empty() {
+ String::new()
+ } else {
+ format!("{}\n\n", reason)
+ };
+ let msg = format!(
+ "{}Format Rust code\n\nusage: rustfmt [options] <file>...",
+ sep
+ );
+ println!("{}", opts.usage(&msg));
+fn print_help_file_lines() {
+ println!(
+ "If you want to restrict reformatting to specific sets of lines, you can
+use the `--file-lines` option. Its argument is a JSON array of objects
+with `file` and `range` properties, where `file` is a file name, and
+`range` is an array representing a range of lines like `[7,13]`. Ranges
+are 1-based and inclusive of both end points. Specifying an empty array
+will result in no files being formatted. For example,
+rustfmt --file-lines '[
+ {{\"file\":\"src/\",\"range\":[7,13]}},
+ {{\"file\":\"src/\",\"range\":[21,29]}},
+ {{\"file\":\"src/\",\"range\":[10,11]}},
+ {{\"file\":\"src/\",\"range\":[15,15]}}]'
+would format lines `7-13` and `21-29` of `src/`, and lines `10-11`,
+and `15` of `src/`. No other files would be formatted, even if they
+are included as out of line modules from `src/`."
+ );
+fn print_version() {
+ let version_info = format!(
+ "{}-{}",
+ option_env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").unwrap_or("unknown"),
+ include_str!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/commit-info.txt"))
+ );
+ println!("rustfmt {}", version_info);
+fn determine_operation(matches: &Matches) -> Result<Operation, OperationError> {
+ if matches.opt_present("h") {
+ let topic = matches.opt_str("h");
+ if topic == None {
+ return Ok(Operation::Help(HelpOp::None));
+ } else if topic == Some("config".to_owned()) {
+ return Ok(Operation::Help(HelpOp::Config));
+ } else if topic == Some("file-lines".to_owned()) && is_nightly() {
+ return Ok(Operation::Help(HelpOp::FileLines));
+ } else {
+ return Err(OperationError::UnknownHelpTopic(topic.unwrap()));
+ }
+ }
+ let mut free_matches =;
+ let mut minimal_config_path = None;
+ if let Some(kind) = matches.opt_str("print-config") {
+ let path =;
+ match kind.as_str() {
+ "default" => return Ok(Operation::ConfigOutputDefault { path }),
+ "current" => return Ok(Operation::ConfigOutputCurrent { path }),
+ "minimal" => {
+ minimal_config_path = path;
+ if minimal_config_path.is_none() {
+ eprintln!("WARNING: PATH required for `--print-config minimal`.");
+ }
+ }
+ _ => {
+ return Err(OperationError::UnknownPrintConfigTopic(kind));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if matches.opt_present("version") {
+ return Ok(Operation::Version);
+ }
+ let files: Vec<_> = free_matches
+ .map(|s| {
+ let p = PathBuf::from(s);
+ // we will do comparison later, so here tries to canonicalize first
+ // to get the expected behavior.
+ p.canonicalize().unwrap_or(p)
+ })
+ .collect();
+ // if no file argument is supplied, read from stdin
+ if files.is_empty() {
+ if minimal_config_path.is_some() {
+ return Err(OperationError::MinimalPathWithStdin);
+ }
+ let mut buffer = String::new();
+ io::stdin().read_to_string(&mut buffer)?;
+ return Ok(Operation::Stdin { input: buffer });
+ }
+ Ok(Operation::Format {
+ files,
+ minimal_config_path,
+ })
+const STABLE_EMIT_MODES: [EmitMode; 3] = [EmitMode::Files, EmitMode::Stdout, EmitMode::Diff];
+/// Parsed command line options.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
+struct GetOptsOptions {
+ skip_children: Option<bool>,
+ quiet: bool,
+ verbose: bool,
+ config_path: Option<PathBuf>,
+ inline_config: HashMap<String, String>,
+ emit_mode: Option<EmitMode>,
+ backup: bool,
+ check: bool,
+ edition: Option<Edition>,
+ color: Option<Color>,
+ file_lines: FileLines, // Default is all lines in all files.
+ unstable_features: bool,
+ error_on_unformatted: Option<bool>,
+ print_misformatted_file_names: bool,
+impl GetOptsOptions {
+ pub fn from_matches(matches: &Matches) -> Result<GetOptsOptions> {
+ let mut options = GetOptsOptions::default();
+ options.verbose = matches.opt_present("verbose");
+ options.quiet = matches.opt_present("quiet");
+ if options.verbose && options.quiet {
+ return Err(format_err!("Can't use both `--verbose` and `--quiet`"));
+ }
+ let rust_nightly = is_nightly();
+ if rust_nightly {
+ options.unstable_features = matches.opt_present("unstable-features");
+ if options.unstable_features {
+ if matches.opt_present("skip-children") {
+ options.skip_children = Some(true);
+ }
+ if matches.opt_present("error-on-unformatted") {
+ options.error_on_unformatted = Some(true);
+ }
+ if let Some(ref file_lines) = matches.opt_str("file-lines") {
+ options.file_lines = file_lines.parse()?;
+ }
+ } else {
+ let mut unstable_options = vec![];
+ if matches.opt_present("skip-children") {
+ unstable_options.push("`--skip-children`");
+ }
+ if matches.opt_present("error-on-unformatted") {
+ unstable_options.push("`--error-on-unformatted`");
+ }
+ if matches.opt_present("file-lines") {
+ unstable_options.push("`--file-lines`");
+ }
+ if !unstable_options.is_empty() {
+ let s = if unstable_options.len() == 1 { "" } else { "s" };
+ return Err(format_err!(
+ "Unstable option{} ({}) used without `--unstable-features`",
+ s,
+ unstable_options.join(", "),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ options.config_path = matches.opt_str("config-path").map(PathBuf::from);
+ options.inline_config = matches
+ .opt_strs("config")
+ .iter()
+ .flat_map(|config| config.split(','))
+ .map(
+ |key_val| match key_val.char_indices().find(|(_, ch)| *ch == '=') {
+ Some((middle, _)) => {
+ let (key, val) = (&key_val[..middle], &key_val[middle + 1..]);
+ if !Config::is_valid_key_val(key, val) {
+ Err(format_err!("invalid key=val pair: `{}`", key_val))
+ } else {
+ Ok((key.to_string(), val.to_string()))
+ }
+ }
+ None => Err(format_err!(
+ "--config expects comma-separated list of key=val pairs, found `{}`",
+ key_val
+ )),
+ },
+ )
+ .collect::<Result<HashMap<_, _>, _>>()?;
+ options.check = matches.opt_present("check");
+ if let Some(ref emit_str) = matches.opt_str("emit") {
+ if options.check {
+ return Err(format_err!("Invalid to use `--emit` and `--check`"));
+ }
+ options.emit_mode = Some(emit_mode_from_emit_str(emit_str)?);
+ }
+ if let Some(ref edition_str) = matches.opt_str("edition") {
+ options.edition = Some(edition_from_edition_str(edition_str)?);
+ }
+ if matches.opt_present("backup") {
+ options.backup = true;
+ }
+ if matches.opt_present("files-with-diff") {
+ options.print_misformatted_file_names = true;
+ }
+ if !rust_nightly {
+ if let Some(ref emit_mode) = options.emit_mode {
+ if !STABLE_EMIT_MODES.contains(emit_mode) {
+ return Err(format_err!(
+ "Invalid value for `--emit` - using an unstable \
+ value without `--unstable-features`",
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(ref color) = matches.opt_str("color") {
+ match Color::from_str(color) {
+ Ok(color) => options.color = Some(color),
+ _ => return Err(format_err!("Invalid color: {}", color)),
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(options)
+ }
+ fn verify_file_lines(&self, files: &[PathBuf]) {
+ for f in self.file_lines.files() {
+ match *f {
+ FileName::Real(ref f) if files.contains(f) => {}
+ FileName::Real(_) => {
+ eprintln!("Warning: Extra file listed in file_lines option '{}'", f)
+ }
+ FileName::Stdin => eprintln!("Warning: Not a file '{}'", f),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl CliOptions for GetOptsOptions {
+ fn apply_to(self, config: &mut Config) {
+ if self.verbose {
+ config.set().verbose(Verbosity::Verbose);
+ } else if self.quiet {
+ config.set().verbose(Verbosity::Quiet);
+ } else {
+ config.set().verbose(Verbosity::Normal);
+ }
+ config.set().file_lines(self.file_lines);
+ config.set().unstable_features(self.unstable_features);
+ if let Some(skip_children) = self.skip_children {
+ config.set().skip_children(skip_children);
+ }
+ if let Some(error_on_unformatted) = self.error_on_unformatted {
+ config.set().error_on_unformatted(error_on_unformatted);
+ }
+ if let Some(edition) = self.edition {
+ config.set().edition(edition);
+ }
+ if self.check {
+ config.set().emit_mode(EmitMode::Diff);
+ } else if let Some(emit_mode) = self.emit_mode {
+ config.set().emit_mode(emit_mode);
+ }
+ if self.backup {
+ config.set().make_backup(true);
+ }
+ if let Some(color) = self.color {
+ config.set().color(color);
+ }
+ if self.print_misformatted_file_names {
+ config.set().print_misformatted_file_names(true);
+ }
+ for (key, val) in self.inline_config {
+ config.override_value(&key, &val);
+ }
+ }
+ fn config_path(&self) -> Option<&Path> {
+ self.config_path.as_deref()
+ }
+fn edition_from_edition_str(edition_str: &str) -> Result<Edition> {
+ match edition_str {
+ "2015" => Ok(Edition::Edition2015),
+ "2018" => Ok(Edition::Edition2018),
+ "2021" => Ok(Edition::Edition2021),
+ "2024" => Ok(Edition::Edition2024),
+ _ => Err(format_err!("Invalid value for `--edition`")),
+ }
+fn emit_mode_from_emit_str(emit_str: &str) -> Result<EmitMode> {
+ match emit_str {
+ "files" => Ok(EmitMode::Files),
+ "stdout" => Ok(EmitMode::Stdout),
+ "coverage" => Ok(EmitMode::Coverage),
+ "checkstyle" => Ok(EmitMode::Checkstyle),
+ "json" => Ok(EmitMode::Json),
+ _ => Err(format_err!("Invalid value for `--emit`")),
+ }