path: root/src/tools/rustfmt/src/config/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/rustfmt/src/config/')
1 files changed, 464 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/rustfmt/src/config/ b/src/tools/rustfmt/src/config/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..257a17b27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rustfmt/src/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+use std::collections::{hash_set, HashSet};
+use std::fmt;
+use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use itertools::Itertools;
+use rustfmt_config_proc_macro::config_type;
+use serde::de::{SeqAccess, Visitor};
+use serde::ser::SerializeSeq;
+use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer};
+use crate::config::lists::*;
+use crate::config::Config;
+pub enum NewlineStyle {
+ /// Auto-detect based on the raw source input.
+ Auto,
+ /// Force CRLF (`\r\n`).
+ Windows,
+ /// Force CR (`\n).
+ Unix,
+ /// `\r\n` in Windows, `\n` on other platforms.
+ Native,
+/// Where to put the opening brace of items (`fn`, `impl`, etc.).
+pub enum BraceStyle {
+ /// Put the opening brace on the next line.
+ AlwaysNextLine,
+ /// Put the opening brace on the same line, if possible.
+ PreferSameLine,
+ /// Prefer the same line except where there is a where-clause, in which
+ /// case force the brace to be put on the next line.
+ SameLineWhere,
+/// Where to put the opening brace of conditional expressions (`if`, `match`, etc.).
+pub enum ControlBraceStyle {
+ /// K&R style, Rust community default
+ AlwaysSameLine,
+ /// Stroustrup style
+ ClosingNextLine,
+ /// Allman style
+ AlwaysNextLine,
+/// How to indent.
+pub enum IndentStyle {
+ /// First line on the same line as the opening brace, all lines aligned with
+ /// the first line.
+ Visual,
+ /// First line is on a new line and all lines align with **block** indent.
+ Block,
+/// How to place a list-like items.
+/// FIXME: Issue-3581: this should be renamed to ItemsLayout when publishing 2.0
+pub enum Density {
+ /// Fit as much on one line as possible.
+ Compressed,
+ /// Items are placed horizontally if sufficient space, vertically otherwise.
+ Tall,
+ /// Place every item on a separate line.
+ Vertical,
+/// Spacing around type combinators.
+pub enum TypeDensity {
+ /// No spaces around "=" and "+"
+ Compressed,
+ /// Spaces around " = " and " + "
+ Wide,
+/// Heuristic settings that can be used to simply
+/// the configuration of the granular width configurations
+/// like `struct_lit_width`, `array_width`, etc.
+pub enum Heuristics {
+ /// Turn off any heuristics
+ Off,
+ /// Turn on max heuristics
+ Max,
+ /// Use scaled values based on the value of `max_width`
+ Default,
+impl Density {
+ pub fn to_list_tactic(self, len: usize) -> ListTactic {
+ match self {
+ Density::Compressed => ListTactic::Mixed,
+ Density::Tall => ListTactic::HorizontalVertical,
+ Density::Vertical if len == 1 => ListTactic::Horizontal,
+ Density::Vertical => ListTactic::Vertical,
+ }
+ }
+/// Configuration for import groups, i.e. sets of imports separated by newlines.
+pub enum GroupImportsTactic {
+ /// Keep groups as they are.
+ Preserve,
+ /// Discard existing groups, and create new groups for
+ /// 1. `std` / `core` / `alloc` imports
+ /// 2. other imports
+ /// 3. `self` / `crate` / `super` imports
+ StdExternalCrate,
+ /// Discard existing groups, and create a single group for everything
+ One,
+/// How to merge imports.
+pub enum ImportGranularity {
+ /// Do not merge imports.
+ Preserve,
+ /// Use one `use` statement per crate.
+ Crate,
+ /// Use one `use` statement per module.
+ Module,
+ /// Use one `use` statement per imported item.
+ Item,
+ /// Use one `use` statement including all items.
+ One,
+/// Controls how rustfmt should handle case in hexadecimal literals.
+pub enum HexLiteralCase {
+ /// Leave the literal as-is
+ Preserve,
+ /// Ensure all literals use uppercase lettering
+ Upper,
+ /// Ensure all literals use lowercase lettering
+ Lower,
+pub enum ReportTactic {
+ Always,
+ Unnumbered,
+ Never,
+/// What Rustfmt should emit. Mostly corresponds to the `--emit` command line
+/// option.
+pub enum EmitMode {
+ /// Emits to files.
+ Files,
+ /// Writes the output to stdout.
+ Stdout,
+ /// Displays how much of the input file was processed
+ Coverage,
+ /// Unfancy stdout
+ Checkstyle,
+ /// Writes the resulting diffs in a JSON format. Returns an empty array
+ /// `[]` if there were no diffs.
+ Json,
+ /// Output the changed lines (for internal value only)
+ ModifiedLines,
+ /// Checks if a diff can be generated. If so, rustfmt outputs a diff and
+ /// quits with exit code 1.
+ /// This option is designed to be run in CI where a non-zero exit signifies
+ /// non-standard code formatting. Used for `--check`.
+ Diff,
+/// Client-preference for coloured output.
+pub enum Color {
+ /// Always use color, whether it is a piped or terminal output
+ Always,
+ /// Never use color
+ Never,
+ /// Automatically use color, if supported by terminal
+ Auto,
+/// rustfmt format style version.
+pub enum Version {
+ /// 1.x.y. When specified, rustfmt will format in the same style as 1.0.0.
+ One,
+ /// 2.x.y. When specified, rustfmt will format in the the latest style.
+ Two,
+impl Color {
+ /// Whether we should use a coloured terminal.
+ pub fn use_colored_tty(self) -> bool {
+ match self {
+ Color::Always | Color::Auto => true,
+ Color::Never => false,
+ }
+ }
+/// How chatty should Rustfmt be?
+pub enum Verbosity {
+ /// Emit more.
+ Verbose,
+ /// Default.
+ Normal,
+ /// Emit as little as possible.
+ Quiet,
+#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub struct WidthHeuristics {
+ // Maximum width of the args of a function call before falling back
+ // to vertical formatting.
+ pub(crate) fn_call_width: usize,
+ // Maximum width of the args of a function-like attributes before falling
+ // back to vertical formatting.
+ pub(crate) attr_fn_like_width: usize,
+ // Maximum width in the body of a struct lit before falling back to
+ // vertical formatting.
+ pub(crate) struct_lit_width: usize,
+ // Maximum width in the body of a struct variant before falling back
+ // to vertical formatting.
+ pub(crate) struct_variant_width: usize,
+ // Maximum width of an array literal before falling back to vertical
+ // formatting.
+ pub(crate) array_width: usize,
+ // Maximum length of a chain to fit on a single line.
+ pub(crate) chain_width: usize,
+ // Maximum line length for single line if-else expressions. A value
+ // of zero means always break if-else expressions.
+ pub(crate) single_line_if_else_max_width: usize,
+impl fmt::Display for WidthHeuristics {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "{:?}", self)
+ }
+impl WidthHeuristics {
+ // Using this WidthHeuristics means we ignore heuristics.
+ pub fn null() -> WidthHeuristics {
+ WidthHeuristics {
+ fn_call_width: usize::max_value(),
+ attr_fn_like_width: usize::max_value(),
+ struct_lit_width: 0,
+ struct_variant_width: 0,
+ array_width: usize::max_value(),
+ chain_width: usize::max_value(),
+ single_line_if_else_max_width: 0,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn set(max_width: usize) -> WidthHeuristics {
+ WidthHeuristics {
+ fn_call_width: max_width,
+ attr_fn_like_width: max_width,
+ struct_lit_width: max_width,
+ struct_variant_width: max_width,
+ array_width: max_width,
+ chain_width: max_width,
+ single_line_if_else_max_width: max_width,
+ }
+ }
+ // scale the default WidthHeuristics according to max_width
+ pub fn scaled(max_width: usize) -> WidthHeuristics {
+ const DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH: usize = 100;
+ let max_width_ratio = if max_width > DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH {
+ let ratio = max_width as f32 / DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH as f32;
+ // round to the closest 0.1
+ (ratio * 10.0).round() / 10.0
+ } else {
+ 1.0
+ };
+ WidthHeuristics {
+ fn_call_width: (60.0 * max_width_ratio).round() as usize,
+ attr_fn_like_width: (70.0 * max_width_ratio).round() as usize,
+ struct_lit_width: (18.0 * max_width_ratio).round() as usize,
+ struct_variant_width: (35.0 * max_width_ratio).round() as usize,
+ array_width: (60.0 * max_width_ratio).round() as usize,
+ chain_width: (60.0 * max_width_ratio).round() as usize,
+ single_line_if_else_max_width: (50.0 * max_width_ratio).round() as usize,
+ }
+ }
+impl ::std::str::FromStr for WidthHeuristics {
+ type Err = &'static str;
+ fn from_str(_: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
+ Err("WidthHeuristics is not parsable")
+ }
+impl Default for EmitMode {
+ fn default() -> EmitMode {
+ EmitMode::Files
+ }
+/// A set of directories, files and modules that rustfmt should ignore.
+#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub struct IgnoreList {
+ /// A set of path specified in rustfmt.toml.
+ path_set: HashSet<PathBuf>,
+ /// A path to rustfmt.toml.
+ rustfmt_toml_path: PathBuf,
+impl fmt::Display for IgnoreList {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ write!(
+ f,
+ "[{}]",
+ self.path_set
+ .iter()
+ .format_with(", ", |path, f| f(&format_args!(
+ "{}",
+ path.to_string_lossy()
+ )))
+ )
+ }
+impl Serialize for IgnoreList {
+ fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
+ where
+ S: Serializer,
+ {
+ let mut seq = serializer.serialize_seq(Some(self.path_set.len()))?;
+ for e in &self.path_set {
+ seq.serialize_element(e)?;
+ }
+ seq.end()
+ }
+impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for IgnoreList {
+ fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
+ where
+ D: Deserializer<'de>,
+ {
+ struct HashSetVisitor;
+ impl<'v> Visitor<'v> for HashSetVisitor {
+ type Value = HashSet<PathBuf>;
+ fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ formatter.write_str("a sequence of path")
+ }
+ fn visit_seq<A>(self, mut seq: A) -> Result<Self::Value, A::Error>
+ where
+ A: SeqAccess<'v>,
+ {
+ let mut path_set = HashSet::new();
+ while let Some(elem) = seq.next_element()? {
+ path_set.insert(elem);
+ }
+ Ok(path_set)
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(IgnoreList {
+ path_set: deserializer.deserialize_seq(HashSetVisitor)?,
+ rustfmt_toml_path: PathBuf::new(),
+ })
+ }
+impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a IgnoreList {
+ type Item = &'a PathBuf;
+ type IntoIter = hash_set::Iter<'a, PathBuf>;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+ self.path_set.iter()
+ }
+impl IgnoreList {
+ pub fn add_prefix(&mut self, dir: &Path) {
+ self.rustfmt_toml_path = dir.to_path_buf();
+ }
+ pub fn rustfmt_toml_path(&self) -> &Path {
+ &self.rustfmt_toml_path
+ }
+impl FromStr for IgnoreList {
+ type Err = &'static str;
+ fn from_str(_: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
+ Err("IgnoreList is not parsable")
+ }
+/// Maps client-supplied options to Rustfmt's internals, mostly overriding
+/// values in a config with values from the command line.
+pub trait CliOptions {
+ fn apply_to(self, config: &mut Config);
+ fn config_path(&self) -> Option<&Path>;
+/// The edition of the syntax and semntics of code (RFC 2052).
+pub enum Edition {
+ #[value = "2015"]
+ #[doc_hint = "2015"]
+ /// Edition 2015.
+ Edition2015,
+ #[value = "2018"]
+ #[doc_hint = "2018"]
+ /// Edition 2018.
+ Edition2018,
+ #[value = "2021"]
+ #[doc_hint = "2021"]
+ /// Edition 2021.
+ Edition2021,
+ #[value = "2024"]
+ #[doc_hint = "2024"]
+ /// Edition 2024.
+ Edition2024,
+impl Default for Edition {
+ fn default() -> Edition {
+ Edition::Edition2015
+ }
+impl From<Edition> for rustc_span::edition::Edition {
+ fn from(edition: Edition) -> Self {
+ match edition {
+ Edition::Edition2015 => Self::Edition2015,
+ Edition::Edition2018 => Self::Edition2018,
+ Edition::Edition2021 => Self::Edition2021,
+ Edition::Edition2024 => Self::Edition2024,
+ }
+ }
+impl PartialOrd for Edition {
+ fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Edition) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
+ rustc_span::edition::Edition::partial_cmp(&(*self).into(), &(*other).into())
+ }
+/// Controls how rustfmt should handle leading pipes on match arms.
+pub enum MatchArmLeadingPipe {
+ /// Place leading pipes on all match arms
+ Always,
+ /// Never emit leading pipes on match arms
+ Never,
+ /// Preserve any existing leading pipes
+ Preserve,