path: root/src/tools/rustfmt/tests/target/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 360 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/rustfmt/tests/target/ b/src/tools/rustfmt/tests/target/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..97444aef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rustfmt/tests/target/
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+// rustfmt-format_macro_matchers: true
+macro_rules! m {
+ () => {};
+ ($x:ident) => {};
+ ($m1:ident, $m2:ident, $x:ident) => {};
+ ($($beginning:ident),*; $middle:ident; $($end:ident),*) => {};
+ (
+ $($beginning:ident),*;
+ $middle:ident;
+ $($end:ident),*;
+ $($beginning:ident),*;
+ $middle:ident;
+ $($end:ident),*
+ ) => {};
+ ($name:ident($($dol:tt $var:ident)*) $($body:tt)*) => {};
+ (
+ $($i:ident : $ty:ty, $def:expr, $stb:expr, $($dstring:tt),+);+ $(;)*
+ $($i:ident : $ty:ty, $def:expr, $stb:expr, $($dstring:tt),+);+ $(;)*
+ ) => {};
+ ($foo:tt foo[$attr:meta] $name:ident) => {};
+ ($foo:tt[$attr:meta] $name:ident) => {};
+ ($foo:tt &'a[$attr:meta] $name:ident) => {};
+ ($foo:tt foo #[$attr:meta] $name:ident) => {};
+ ($foo:tt #[$attr:meta] $name:ident) => {};
+ ($foo:tt &'a #[$attr:meta] $name:ident) => {};
+ ($x:tt foo bar foo bar foo bar $y:tt => x * y * z $z:tt, $($a:tt),*) => {};
+macro_rules! impl_a_method {
+ ($n:ident($a:ident : $ta:ty) -> $ret:ty { $body:expr }) => {
+ fn $n($a: $ta) -> $ret {
+ $body
+ }
+ macro_rules! $n {
+ ($va: expr) => {
+ $n($va)
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ ($n:ident($a:ident : $ta:ty, $b:ident : $tb:ty) -> $ret:ty { $body:expr }) => {
+ fn $n($a: $ta, $b: $tb) -> $ret {
+ $body
+ }
+ macro_rules! $n {
+ ($va: expr,$vb: expr) => {
+ $n($va, $vb)
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ (
+ $n:ident($a:ident : $ta:ty, $b:ident : $tb:ty, $c:ident : $tc:ty) -> $ret:ty { $body:expr }
+ ) => {
+ fn $n($a: $ta, $b: $tb, $c: $tc) -> $ret {
+ $body
+ }
+ macro_rules! $n {
+ ($va: expr,$vb: expr,$vc: expr) => {
+ $n($va, $vb, $vc)
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ (
+ $n:ident($a:ident : $ta:ty, $b:ident : $tb:ty, $c:ident : $tc:ty, $d:ident : $td:ty) ->
+ $ret:ty { $body:expr }
+ ) => {
+ fn $n($a: $ta, $b: $tb, $c: $tc, $d: $td) -> $ret {
+ $body
+ }
+ macro_rules! $n {
+ ($va: expr,$vb: expr,$vc: expr,$vd: expr) => {
+ $n($va, $vb, $vc, $vd)
+ };
+ }
+ };
+macro_rules! m {
+ // a
+ ($expr:expr, $($func:ident)*) => {{
+ let x = $expr;
+ $func(x)
+ }};
+ /* b */
+ () => {
+ /* c */
+ };
+ (@tag) => {};
+ // d
+ ($item:ident) => {
+ mod macro_item {
+ struct $item;
+ }
+ };
+macro m2 {
+ // a
+ ($expr:expr, $($func:ident)*) => {{
+ let x = $expr;
+ $func(x)
+ }}
+ /* b */
+ () => {
+ /* c */
+ }
+ (@tag) => {}
+ // d
+ ($item:ident) => {
+ mod macro_item {
+ struct $item;
+ }
+ }
+// #2438, #2476
+macro_rules! m {
+ () => {
+ fn foo() {
+ this_line_is_98_characters_long_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx();
+ }
+ };
+macro_rules! m {
+ () => {
+ fn foo() {
+ this_line_is_99_characters_long_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(
+ );
+ }
+ };
+macro_rules! m {
+ () => {
+ fn foo() {
+ this_line_is_100_characters_long_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(
+ );
+ }
+ };
+macro_rules! m {
+ () => {
+ fn foo() {
+ this_line_is_101_characters_long_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(
+ );
+ }
+ };
+// #2439
+macro_rules! m {
+ (
+ $line0_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:expr,
+ $line1_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:expr,
+ $line2_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:expr,
+ $line3_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:expr,
+ ) => {};
+// #2466
+// Skip formatting `macro_rules!` that are not using `{}`.
+macro_rules! m (
+ () => ()
+macro_rules! m [
+ () => ()
+// #2470
+macro foo($type_name:ident, $docs:expr) {
+ #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
+ #[doc=$docs]
+ #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+ pub struct $type_name;
+// #2534
+macro_rules! foo {
+ ($a:ident : $b:ty) => {};
+ ($a:ident $b:ident $c:ident) => {};
+// #2538
+macro_rules! add_message_to_notes {
+ ($msg:expr) => {{
+ let mut lines = message.lines();
+ notes.push_str(&format!("\n{}: {}", level,;
+ for line in lines {
+ notes.push_str(&format!(
+ "\n{:indent$}{line}",
+ "",
+ indent = level.len() + 2,
+ line = line,
+ ));
+ }
+ }};
+// #2560
+macro_rules! binary {
+ ($_self:ident, $expr:expr, $lhs:expr, $func:ident) => {
+ while $_self.matched($expr) {
+ let op = $_self.get_binary_op()?;
+ let rhs = Box::new($_self.$func()?);
+ $lhs = Spanned {
+ span: $lhs.get_span().to(rhs.get_span()),
+ value: Expression::Binary {
+ lhs: Box::new($lhs),
+ op,
+ rhs,
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ };
+// #2558
+macro_rules! m {
+ ($x:) => {};
+ ($($foo:expr)()?) => {};
+// #2749
+macro_rules! foo {
+ ($(x)* {}) => {};
+ ($(x)*()) => {};
+ ($(x)*[]) => {};
+macro_rules! __wundergraph_expand_sqlite_mutation {
+ (
+ $mutation_name:ident $((context = $($context:tt)*))* {
+ $(
+ $entity_name:ident(
+ $(insert = $insert:ident,)*
+ $(update = $update:ident,)*
+ $(delete = $($delete:tt)+)*
+ ),
+ )*
+ }
+ ) => {};
+// #2607
+macro_rules! bench {
+ ($ty:ident) => {
+ criterion_group!(
+ name = benches;
+ config = ::common_bench::reduced_samples();
+ targets = call, map;
+ );
+ };
+// #2770
+macro_rules! save_regs {
+ () => {
+ asm!("push rax
+ push rcx
+ push rdx
+ push rsi
+ push rdi
+ push r8
+ push r9
+ push r10
+ push r11"
+ :::: "intel", "volatile");
+ };
+// #2721
+macro_rules! impl_as_byte_slice_arrays {
+ ($n:expr,) => {};
+ ($n:expr, $N:ident, $($NN:ident,)*) => {
+ impl_as_byte_slice_arrays!($n - 1, $($NN,)*);
+ impl<T> AsByteSliceMut for [T; $n] where [T]: AsByteSliceMut {
+ fn as_byte_slice_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
+ self[..].as_byte_slice_mut()
+ }
+ fn to_le(&mut self) {
+ self[..].to_le()
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ (!div $n:expr,) => {};
+ (!div $n:expr, $N:ident, $($NN:ident,)*) => {
+ impl_as_byte_slice_arrays!(!div $n / 2, $($NN,)*);
+ impl<T> AsByteSliceMut for [T; $n] where [T]: AsByteSliceMut {
+ fn as_byte_slice_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
+ self[..].as_byte_slice_mut()
+ }
+ fn to_le(&mut self) {
+ self[..].to_le()
+ }
+ }
+ };
+// #2919
+fn foo() {
+ {
+ macro_rules! touch_value {
+ ($func:ident, $value:expr) => {{
+ let result = API::get_cached().$func(
+ self,
+ key.as_ptr(),
+ $value,
+ ffi::VSPropAppendMode::paTouch,
+ );
+ let result = API::get_cached().$func(self, key.as_ptr(), $value, ffi::VSPropAppend);
+ let result =
+ API::get_cached().$func(self, key.as_ptr(), $value, ffi::VSPropAppendM);
+ let result =
+ APIIIIIIIII::get_cached().$func(self, key.as_ptr(), $value, ffi::VSPropAppendM);
+ let result = API::get_cached().$func(
+ self,
+ key.as_ptr(),
+ $value,
+ ffi::VSPropAppendMMMMMMMMMM,
+ );
+ debug_assert!(result == 0);
+ }};
+ }
+ }
+// #2642
+macro_rules! template {
+ ($name:expr) => {
+ format_args!(
+ r##"
+# test
+ $name
+ )
+ };
+macro_rules! template {
+ () => {
+ format_args!(
+ r"
+ )
+ };