path: root/tests/codegen/repr/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/codegen/repr/')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/codegen/repr/ b/tests/codegen/repr/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b140fc719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/codegen/repr/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+// compile-flags: -O -C no-prepopulate-passes
+// ignore-riscv64 riscv64 has an i128 type used with test_Vector
+// ignore-s390x s390x with default march passes vector types per reference
+// ignore-loongarch64 see codegen/loongarch-abi for loongarch function call tests
+// This codegen test embeds assumptions about how certain "C" psABIs are handled
+// so it doesn't apply to all architectures or even all OS
+// For RISCV: see codegen/riscv-abi
+// For LoongArch: see codegen/loongarch-abi
+#![feature(repr_simd, transparent_unions)]
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct Zst1;
+#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct Zst2(());
+#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct F32(f32);
+// CHECK: define{{.*}}float @test_F32(float noundef %_1)
+pub extern "C" fn test_F32(_: F32) -> F32 { loop {} }
+pub struct Ptr(*mut u8);
+// CHECK: define{{.*}}ptr @test_Ptr(ptr noundef %_1)
+pub extern "C" fn test_Ptr(_: Ptr) -> Ptr { loop {} }
+pub struct WithZst(u64, Zst1);
+// CHECK: define{{.*}}i64 @test_WithZst(i64 noundef %_1)
+pub extern "C" fn test_WithZst(_: WithZst) -> WithZst { loop {} }
+pub struct WithZeroSizedArray(*const f32, [i8; 0]);
+// Apparently we use i32* when newtype-unwrapping f32 pointers. Whatever.
+// CHECK: define{{.*}}ptr @test_WithZeroSizedArray(ptr noundef %_1)
+pub extern "C" fn test_WithZeroSizedArray(_: WithZeroSizedArray) -> WithZeroSizedArray { loop {} }
+pub struct Generic<T>(T);
+// CHECK: define{{.*}}double @test_Generic(double noundef %_1)
+pub extern "C" fn test_Generic(_: Generic<f64>) -> Generic<f64> { loop {} }
+pub struct GenericPlusZst<T>(T, Zst2);
+pub enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound }
+// CHECK: define{{( dso_local)?}} noundef{{( zeroext)?}} i8 @test_Gpz(i8 noundef{{( zeroext)?}} %_1)
+pub extern "C" fn test_Gpz(_: GenericPlusZst<Bool>) -> GenericPlusZst<Bool> { loop {} }
+pub struct LifetimePhantom<'a, T: 'a>(*const T, PhantomData<&'a T>);
+// CHECK: define{{.*}}ptr @test_LifetimePhantom(ptr noundef %_1)
+pub extern "C" fn test_LifetimePhantom(_: LifetimePhantom<i16>) -> LifetimePhantom<i16> { loop {} }
+// This works despite current alignment resrictions because PhantomData is always align(1)
+pub struct UnitPhantom<T, U> { val: T, unit: PhantomData<U> }
+pub struct Px;
+// CHECK: define{{.*}}float @test_UnitPhantom(float noundef %_1)
+pub extern "C" fn test_UnitPhantom(_: UnitPhantom<f32, Px>) -> UnitPhantom<f32, Px> { loop {} }
+pub struct TwoZsts(Zst1, i8, Zst2);
+// CHECK: define{{( dso_local)?}} noundef{{( signext)?}} i8 @test_TwoZsts(i8 noundef{{( signext)?}} %_1)
+pub extern "C" fn test_TwoZsts(_: TwoZsts) -> TwoZsts { loop {} }
+pub struct Nested1(Zst2, Generic<f64>);
+// CHECK: define{{.*}}double @test_Nested1(double noundef %_1)
+pub extern "C" fn test_Nested1(_: Nested1) -> Nested1 { loop {} }
+pub struct Nested2(Nested1, Zst1);
+// CHECK: define{{.*}}double @test_Nested2(double noundef %_1)
+pub extern "C" fn test_Nested2(_: Nested2) -> Nested2 { loop {} }
+struct f32x4(f32, f32, f32, f32);
+pub struct Vector(f32x4);
+// CHECK: define{{.*}}<4 x float> @test_Vector(<4 x float> %_1)
+pub extern "C" fn test_Vector(_: Vector) -> Vector { loop {} }
+trait Mirror { type It: ?Sized; }
+impl<T: ?Sized> Mirror for T { type It = Self; }
+pub struct StructWithProjection(<f32 as Mirror>::It);
+// CHECK: define{{.*}}float @test_Projection(float noundef %_1)
+pub extern "C" fn test_Projection(_: StructWithProjection) -> StructWithProjection { loop {} }
+pub enum EnumF32 {
+ Variant(F32)
+// CHECK: define{{.*}}float @test_EnumF32(float noundef %_1)
+pub extern "C" fn test_EnumF32(_: EnumF32) -> EnumF32 { loop {} }
+pub enum EnumF32WithZsts {
+ Variant(Zst1, F32, Zst2)
+// CHECK: define{{.*}}float @test_EnumF32WithZsts(float noundef %_1)
+pub extern "C" fn test_EnumF32WithZsts(_: EnumF32WithZsts) -> EnumF32WithZsts { loop {} }
+pub union UnionF32 {
+ field: F32,
+// CHECK: define{{.*}} float @test_UnionF32(float %_1)
+pub extern "C" fn test_UnionF32(_: UnionF32) -> UnionF32 { loop {} }
+pub union UnionF32WithZsts {
+ zst1: Zst1,
+ field: F32,
+ zst2: Zst2,
+// CHECK: define{{.*}}float @test_UnionF32WithZsts(float %_1)
+pub extern "C" fn test_UnionF32WithZsts(_: UnionF32WithZsts) -> UnionF32WithZsts { loop {} }
+// All that remains to be tested are aggregates. They are tested in separate files called
+// transparent-*.rs with `only-*` or `ignore-*` directives, because the expected LLVM IR
+// function signatures vary so much that it's not reasonably possible to cover all of them with a
+// single CHECK line.
+// You may be wondering why we don't just compare the return types and argument types for equality
+// with FileCheck regex captures. Well, rustc doesn't perform newtype unwrapping on newtypes
+// containing aggregates. This is OK on all ABIs we support, but because LLVM has not gotten rid of
+// pointee types yet, the IR function signature will be syntactically different (%Foo* vs
+// %FooWrapper*).