path: root/tests/codegen/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/codegen/')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/tests/codegen/ b/tests/codegen/
index 8481ca8cc..4878ae5c3 100644
--- a/tests/codegen/
+++ b/tests/codegen/
@@ -17,25 +17,25 @@ pub struct i64x4(i64, i64, i64, i64);
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub union UnionI64x4{ a:(), b: i64x4 }
-// CHECK: define {{(dso_local )?}}void @test_UnionI64x4({{<4 x i64>\*|ptr}} {{.*}} %_1)
+// CHECK: define {{(dso_local )?}}void @test_UnionI64x4(ptr {{.*}} %_1)
pub fn test_UnionI64x4(_: UnionI64x4) { loop {} }
pub union UnionI64x4_{ a: i64x4, b: (), c:i64x4, d: Unhab, e: ((),()), f: UnionI64x4 }
-// CHECK: define {{(dso_local )?}}void @test_UnionI64x4_({{<4 x i64>\*|ptr}} {{.*}} %_1)
+// CHECK: define {{(dso_local )?}}void @test_UnionI64x4_(ptr {{.*}} %_1)
pub fn test_UnionI64x4_(_: UnionI64x4_) { loop {} }
pub union UnionI64x4I64{ a: i64x4, b: i64 }
-// CHECK: define {{(dso_local )?}}void @test_UnionI64x4I64({{%UnionI64x4I64\*|ptr}} {{.*}} %_1)
+// CHECK: define {{(dso_local )?}}void @test_UnionI64x4I64(ptr {{.*}} %_1)
pub fn test_UnionI64x4I64(_: UnionI64x4I64) { loop {} }
pub union UnionI64x4Tuple{ a: i64x4, b: (i64, i64, i64, i64) }
-// CHECK: define {{(dso_local )?}}void @test_UnionI64x4Tuple({{%UnionI64x4Tuple\*|ptr}} {{.*}} %_1)
+// CHECK: define {{(dso_local )?}}void @test_UnionI64x4Tuple(ptr {{.*}} %_1)
pub fn test_UnionI64x4Tuple(_: UnionI64x4Tuple) { loop {} }
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ pub fn test_UnionU128(_: UnionU128) -> UnionU128 { loop {} }
pub union CUnionU128{a:u128}
-// CHECK: define {{(dso_local )?}}void @test_CUnionU128({{%CUnionU128\*|ptr}} {{.*}} %_1)
+// CHECK: define {{(dso_local )?}}void @test_CUnionU128(ptr {{.*}} %_1)
pub fn test_CUnionU128(_: CUnionU128) { loop {} }
@@ -73,4 +73,4 @@ pub union UnionBool { b:bool }
// CHECK: define {{(dso_local )?}}noundef zeroext i1 @test_UnionBool(i8 %b)
pub fn test_UnionBool(b: UnionBool) -> bool { unsafe { b.b } }
-// CHECK: %0 = trunc i8 %b to i1
+// CHECK: %_0 = trunc i8 %b to i1