path: root/vendor/cargo_metadata/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/cargo_metadata/src/')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/cargo_metadata/src/ b/vendor/cargo_metadata/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4de86e7d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/cargo_metadata/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+//! Parses output of [libtest](
+//! Since this module parses output in an unstable format, all structs in this module may change at any time, and are exempt from semver guarantees.
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+/// Suite related event
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
+#[serde(tag = "event")]
+#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")]
+/// Suite event
+pub enum SuiteEvent {
+ /// emitted on the start of a test run, and the start of the doctests
+ Started {
+ /// number of tests in this suite
+ test_count: usize,
+ },
+ /// the suite has finished
+ Ok {
+ /// the number of tests that passed
+ passed: usize,
+ /// the number of tests that failed
+ failed: usize,
+ /// number of tests that were ignored
+ ignored: usize,
+ /// number of benchmarks run
+ measured: usize,
+ /// i think this is based on what you specify in the cargo test argument
+ filtered_out: usize,
+ /// how long the suite took to run
+ exec_time: f32,
+ },
+ /// the suite has at least one failing test
+ Failed {
+ /// the number of tests that passed
+ passed: usize,
+ /// the number of tests that failed
+ failed: usize,
+ /// number of tests that were ignored
+ ignored: usize,
+ /// i think its something to do with benchmarks?
+ measured: usize,
+ /// i think this is based on what you specify in the cargo test argument
+ filtered_out: usize,
+ /// how long the suite took to run
+ exec_time: f32,
+ },
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
+#[serde(tag = "event")]
+#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")]
+/// Test event
+pub enum TestEvent {
+ /// a new test starts
+ Started {
+ /// the name of this test
+ name: String,
+ },
+ /// the test has finished
+ Ok {
+ /// which one
+ name: String,
+ /// in how long
+ exec_time: f32,
+ /// what did it say?
+ stdout: Option<String>,
+ },
+ /// the test has failed
+ Failed {
+ /// which one
+ name: String,
+ /// in how long
+ exec_time: f32,
+ /// why?
+ stdout: Option<String>,
+ /// it timed out?
+ reason: Option<String>,
+ /// what message
+ message: Option<String>,
+ },
+ /// the test has been ignored
+ Ignored {
+ /// which one
+ name: String,
+ },
+ /// the test has timed out
+ Timeout {
+ /// which one
+ name: String,
+ },
+impl TestEvent {
+ /// Get the name of this test
+ pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
+ let (Self::Started { name }
+ | Self::Ok { name, .. }
+ | Self::Ignored { name }
+ | Self::Failed { name, .. }
+ | Self::Timeout { name }) = self;
+ name
+ }
+ /// Get the stdout of this test, if available.
+ pub fn stdout(&self) -> Option<&str> {
+ match self {
+ Self::Ok { stdout, .. } | Self::Failed { stdout, .. } => stdout.as_deref(),
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
+/// Represents the output of `cargo test -- -Zunstable-options --report-time --show-output --format json`.
+/// requires --report-time
+/// # Stability
+/// As this struct is for interfacing with the unstable libtest json output, this struct may change at any time, without semver guarantees.
+#[serde(tag = "type")]
+#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")]
+pub enum TestMessage {
+ /// suite related message
+ Suite(SuiteEvent),
+ /// test related message
+ Test(TestEvent),
+ /// bench related message
+ Bench {
+ /// name of benchmark
+ name: String,
+ /// distribution
+ median: f32,
+ /// deviation
+ deviation: f32,
+ /// thruput in MiB per second
+ mib_per_second: Option<f32>,
+ },
+fn deser() {
+ macro_rules! run {
+ ($($input:literal parses to $output:expr),+) => {
+ $(assert_eq!(dbg!(serde_json::from_str::<TestMessage>($input)).unwrap(), $output);)+
+ };
+ }
+ run![
+ r#"{ "type": "suite", "event": "started", "test_count": 2 }"# parses to TestMessage::Suite(SuiteEvent::Started { test_count: 2 }),
+ r#"{ "type": "test", "event": "started", "name": "fail" }"# parses to TestMessage::Test(TestEvent::Started { name: "fail".into() }),
+ r#"{ "type": "test", "name": "fail", "event": "ok", "exec_time": 0.000003428, "stdout": "hello world" }"# parses to TestMessage::Test(TestEvent::Ok { name: "fail".into(), exec_time: 0.000003428, stdout: Some("hello world".into()) }),
+ r#"{ "type": "test", "event": "started", "name": "nope" }"# parses to TestMessage::Test(TestEvent::Started { name: "nope".into() }),
+ r#"{ "type": "test", "name": "nope", "event": "ignored" }"# parses to TestMessage::Test(TestEvent::Ignored { name: "nope".into() }),
+ r#"{ "type": "suite", "event": "ok", "passed": 1, "failed": 0, "ignored": 1, "measured": 0, "filtered_out": 0, "exec_time": 0.000684028 }"# parses to TestMessage::Suite(SuiteEvent::Ok { passed: 1, failed: 0, ignored: 1, measured: 0, filtered_out: 0, exec_time: 0.000684028 })
+ ];
+ run![
+ r#"{ "type": "suite", "event": "started", "test_count": 2 }"# parses to TestMessage::Suite(SuiteEvent::Started { test_count: 2 }),
+ r#"{ "type": "test", "event": "started", "name": "fail" }"# parses to TestMessage::Test(TestEvent::Started { name: "fail".into() }),
+ r#"{ "type": "test", "event": "started", "name": "benc" }"# parses to TestMessage::Test(TestEvent::Started { name: "benc".into() }),
+ r#"{ "type": "bench", "name": "benc", "median": 0, "deviation": 0 }"# parses to TestMessage::Bench { name: "benc".into(), median: 0., deviation: 0., mib_per_second: None },
+ r#"{ "type": "test", "name": "fail", "event": "failed", "exec_time": 0.000081092, "stdout": "thread 'fail' panicked" }"# parses to TestMessage::Test(TestEvent::Failed { name: "fail".into(), exec_time: 0.000081092, stdout: Some("thread 'fail' panicked".into()), reason: None, message: None} ),
+ r#"{ "type": "suite", "event": "failed", "passed": 0, "failed": 1, "ignored": 0, "measured": 1, "filtered_out": 0, "exec_time": 0.000731068 }"# parses to TestMessage::Suite(SuiteEvent::Failed { passed: 0, failed: 1, ignored: 0, measured: 1, filtered_out: 0, exec_time: 0.000731068 })
+ ];