path: root/vendor/chalk-engine/src
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-# The on-demand SLG solver
-The basis of the solver is the `Forest` type. A *forest* stores a
-collection of *tables* as well as a *stack*. Each *table* represents
-the stored results of a particular query that is being performed, as
-well as the various *strands*, which are basically suspended
-computations that may be used to find more answers. Tables are
-interdependent: solving one query may require solving others.
-## Walkthrough
-Perhaps the easiest way to explain how the solver works is to walk
-through an example. Let's imagine that we have the following program:
-trait Debug { }
-struct u32 { }
-impl Debug for u32 { }
-struct Rc<T> { }
-impl<T: Debug> Debug for Rc<T> { }
-struct Vec<T> { }
-impl<T: Debug> Debug for Vec<T> { }
-Now imagine that we want to find answers for the query `exists<T> {
-Rc<T>: Debug }`. The first step would be to u-canonicalize this query; this
-is the act of giving canonical names to all the unbound inference variables based on the
-order of their left-most appearance, as well as canonicalizing the universes of any
-universally bound names (e.g., the `T` in `forall<T> { ... }`). In this case, there are no
-universally bound names, but the canonical form Q of the query might look something like:
- Rc<?0>: Debug
-where `?0` is a variable in the root universe U0. We would then go and
-look for a table with this as the key: since the forest is empty, this
-lookup will fail, and we will create a new table T0, corresponding to
-the u-canonical goal Q.
-### Ignoring negative reasoning and regions
-To start, we'll ignore the possibility of negative goals like `not {
-Foo }`. We'll phase them in later, as they bring several
-### Creating a table
-When we first create a table, we also initialize it with a set of
-*initial strands*. A "strand" is kind of like a "thread" for the
-solver: it contains a particular way to produce an answer. The initial
-set of strands for a goal like `Rc<?0>: Debug` (i.e., a "domain goal")
-is determined by looking for *clauses* in the environment. In Rust,
-these clauses derive from impls, but also from where-clauses that are
-in scope. In the case of our example, there would be three clauses,
-each coming from the program. Using a Prolog-like notation, these look
-(u32: Debug).
-(Rc<T>: Debug) :- (T: Debug).
-(Vec<T>: Debug) :- (T: Debug).
-To create our initial strands, then, we will try to apply each of
-these clauses to our goal of `Rc<?0>: Debug`. The first and third
-clauses are inapplicable because `u32` and `Vec<?0>` cannot be unified
-with `Rc<?0>`. The second clause, however, will work.
-### What is a strand?
-Let's talk a bit more about what a strand *is*. In the code, a strand
-is the combination of an inference table, an X-clause, and (possibly)
-a selected subgoal from that X-clause. But what is an X-clause
-(`ExClause`, in the code)? An X-clause pulls together a few things:
-- The current state of the goal we are trying to prove;
-- A set of subgoals that have yet to be proven;
-- A set of floundered subgoals (see the section on floundering below);
-- There are also a few things we're ignoring for now:
- - delayed literals, region constraints
-The general form of an X-clause is written much like a Prolog clause,
-but with somewhat different semantics. Since we're ignoring delayed
-literals and region constraints, an X-clause just looks like this:
- G :- L
-where G is a goal and L is a set of subgoals that must be proven.
-(The L stands for *literal* -- when we address negative reasoning, a
-literal will be either a positive or negative subgoal.) The idea is
-that if we are able to prove L then the goal G can be considered true.
-In the case of our example, we would wind up creating one strand, with
-an X-clause like so:
- (Rc<?T>: Debug) :- (?T: Debug)
-Here, the `?T` refers to one of the inference variables created in the
-inference table that accompanies the strand. (I'll use named variables
-to refer to inference variables, and numbered variables like `?0` to
-refer to variables in a canonicalized goal; in the code, however, they
-are both represented with an index.)
-For each strand, we also optionally store a *selected subgoal*. This
-is the subgoal after the turnstile (`:-`) that we are currently trying
-to prove in this strand. Initially, when a strand is first created,
-there is no selected subgoal.
-### Activating a strand
-Now that we have created the table T0 and initialized it with strands,
-we have to actually try and produce an answer. We do this by invoking
-the `ensure_answer` operation on the table: specifically, we say
-`ensure_answer(T0, A0)`, meaning "ensure that there is a 0th answer".
-Remember that tables store not only strands, but also a vector of
-cached answers. The first thing that `ensure_answer` does is to check
-whether answer 0 is in this vector. If so, we can just return
-immediately. In this case, the vector will be empty, and hence that
-does not apply (this becomes important for cyclic checks later on).
-When there is no cached answer, `ensure_answer` will try to produce
-one. It does this by selecting a strand from the set of active
-strands -- the strands are stored in a `VecDeque` and hence processed
-in a round-robin fashion. Right now, we have only one strand, storing
-the following X-clause with no selected subgoal:
- (Rc<?T>: Debug) :- (?T: Debug)
-When we activate the strand, we see that we have no selected subgoal,
-and so we first pick one of the subgoals to process. Here, there is only
-one (`?T: Debug`), so that becomes the selected subgoal, changing
-the state of the strand to:
- (Rc<?T>: Debug) :- selected(?T: Debug, A0)
-Here, we write `selected(L, An)` to indicate that (a) the literal `L`
-is the selected subgoal and (b) which answer `An` we are looking for. We
-start out looking for `A0`.
-### Processing the selected subgoal
-Next, we have to try and find an answer to this selected goal. To do
-that, we will u-canonicalize it and try to find an associated
-table. In this case, the u-canonical form of the subgoal is `?0:
-Debug`: we don't have a table yet for that, so we can create a new
-one, T1. As before, we'll initialize T1 with strands. In this case,
-there will be three strands, because all the program clauses are
-potentially applicable. Those three strands will be:
-- `(u32: Debug) :-`, derived from the program clause `(u32: Debug).`.
- - Note: This strand has no subgoals.
-- `(Vec<?U>: Debug) :- (?U: Debug)`, derived from the `Vec` impl.
-- `(Rc<?U>: Debug) :- (?U: Debug)`, derived from the `Rc` impl.
-We can thus summarize the state of the whole forest at this point as
-Table T0 [Rc<?0>: Debug]
- Strands:
- (Rc<?T>: Debug) :- selected(?T: Debug, A0)
-Table T1 [?0: Debug]
- Strands:
- (u32: Debug) :-
- (Vec<?U>: Debug) :- (?U: Debug)
- (Rc<?V>: Debug) :- (?V: Debug)
-### Delegation between tables
-Now that the active strand from T0 has created the table T1, it can
-try to extract an answer. It does this via that same `ensure_answer`
-operation we saw before. In this case, the strand would invoke
-`ensure_answer(T1, A0)`, since we will start with the first
-answer. This will cause T1 to activate its first strand, `u32: Debug
-This strand is somewhat special: it has no subgoals at all. This means
-that the goal is proven. We can therefore add `u32: Debug` to the set
-of *answers* for our table, calling it answer A0 (it is the first
-answer). The strand is then removed from the list of strands.
-The state of table T1 is therefore:
-Table T1 [?0: Debug]
- Answers:
- A0 = [?0 = u32]
- Strand:
- (Vec<?U>: Debug) :- (?U: Debug)
- (Rc<?V>: Debug) :- (?V: Debug)
-Note that I am writing out the answer A0 as a substitution that can be
-applied to the table goal; actually, in the code, the goals for each
-X-clause are also represented as substitutions, but in this exposition
-I've chosen to write them as full goals, following NFTD.
-Since we now have an answer, `ensure_answer(T1, A0)` will return `Ok`
-to the table T0, indicating that answer A0 is available. T0 now has
-the job of incorporating that result into its active strand. It does
-this in two ways. First, it creates a new strand that is looking for
-the next possible answer of T1. Next, it incorporates the answer from
-A0 and removes the subgoal. The resulting state of table T0 is:
-Table T0 [Rc<?0>: Debug]
- Strands:
- (Rc<?T>: Debug) :- selected(?T: Debug, A1)
- (Rc<u32>: Debug) :-
-We then immediately activate the strand that incorporated the answer
-(the `Rc<u32>: Debug` one). In this case, that strand has no further
-subgoals, so it becomes an answer to the table T0. This answer can
-then be returned up to our caller, and the whole forest goes quiescent
-at this point (remember, we only do enough work to generate *one*
-answer). The ending state of the forest at this point will be:
-Table T0 [Rc<?0>: Debug]
- Answer:
- A0 = [?0 = u32]
- Strands:
- (Rc<?T>: Debug) :- selected(?T: Debug, A1)
-Table T1 [?0: Debug]
- Answers:
- A0 = [?0 = u32]
- Strand:
- (Vec<?U>: Debug) :- (?U: Debug)
- (Rc<?V>: Debug) :- (?V: Debug)
-Here you can see how the forest captures both the answers we have
-created thus far *and* the strands that will let us try to produce
-more answers later on.
-### Floundering
-The first thing we do when we create a table is to initialize it with
-a set of strands. These strands represent all the ways that one can
-solve the table's associated goal. For an ordinary trait, we would
-effectively create one strand per "relevant impl". But sometimes the
-goals are too vague for this to be possible; other times, it may be possible
-but just really inefficient, since all of those strands must be explored.
-As an example of when it may not be possible, consider a goal like
-`?T: Sized`. This goal can in principle enumerate **every sized type**
-that exists -- that includes not only struct/enum types, but also
-closure types, fn types with arbitrary arity, tuple types with
-arbitrary arity, and so forth. In other words, there are not only an
-infinite set of **answers** but actually an infinite set of
-**strands**. The same applies to auto traits like `Send` as well as
-"hybrid" traits like `Clone`, which contain *some* auto-generated sets
-of impls.
-Another example of floundering comes from negative logic. In general,
-we cannot process negative subgoals if they have unbound existential
-variables, such as `not { Vec<?T>: Foo }`. This is because we can only
-enumerate things that *do* match a given trait (or which *are*
-provable, more generally). We cannot enumerate out possible types `?T`
-that *are not* provable (there is an infinite set, to be sure).
-To handle this, we allow tables to enter a **floundered** state. This
-state begins when we try to create the program clauses for a table --
-if that is not possible (e.g., in one of the cases above) then the
-table enters a floundered state. Attempts to get an answer from a
-floundered table result in an error (e.g.,
-Whenever a goal results in a floundered result, that goal is placed
-into a distinct list (the "floundered subgoals"). We then go on and
-process the rest of the subgoals. Once all the normal subgoals have
-completed, floundered subgoals are removed from the floundered list
-and re-attempted: the idea is that we may have accumulated more type
-information in the meantime. If they continue to flounder, then we
-Let's look at an example. Imagine that we have:
-trait Foo { }
-trait Bar { }
-impl<T: Send + Bar> Foo for T { }
-impl Bar for u32 { }
-impl Bar for i32 { }
-Now imagine we are trying to prove `?T: Foo`. There is only one impl,
-so we will create a state like:
-(?T: Foo) :- (?T: Send), (?T: Bar)
-When we attempt to solve `?T: Send`, however, that subgoal will
-flounder, because `Send` is an auto-trait. So it will be put into a
-floundered list:
-(?T: Foo) :- (?T: Bar) [ floundered: (?T: Send) ]
-and we will go on to solve `?T: Bar`. `Bar` is an ordinary trait -- so
-we can enumerate two strands (one for `u32` and one for `i32`). When
-we process the first answer, we wind up with:
-(u32: Foo) :- [ floundered: (u32: Send) ]
-At this point we can move the floundered subgoal back into the main
-list and process:
-(u32: Foo) :- (u32: Send)
-This time, the goal does not flounder.
-But how do we detect when it makes sense to move a floundered subgoal
-into the main list? To handle this, we use a timestamp scheme. We
-keep a counter as part of the strand -- each time we succeed in
-solving some subgoal, we increment the counter, as that *may* have
-provided more information about some type variables. When we move a
-goal to the floundered list, we also track the current value of the
-timestamp. Then, when it comes time to move things *from* the
-floundered list, we can compare if the timestamp has been changed
-since the goal was marked as floundering. If not, then no new
-information can have been attempted, and we can mark the current table
-as being floundered itself.
-This mechanism allows floundered to propagate up many levels, e.g.
-in an example like this:
-trait Foo { }
-trait Bar { }
-trait Baz { }
-impl<T: Baz + Bar> Foo for T { }
-impl Bar for u32 { }
-impl Bar for i32 { }
-impl<T: Sized> Baz for T { }
-Here, solving `?T: Baz` will in turn invoke `?T: Sized` -- this
-floundering state will be propagated up to the `?T: Foo` table.
-## Heritage and acronyms
-This solver implements the SLG solving technique, though extended to
-accommodate hereditary harrop (HH) predicates, as well as the needs of
-lazy normalization.
-Its design is kind of a fusion of [MiniKanren] and the following
-papers, which I will refer to as EWFS and NTFD respectively:
-> Efficient Top-Down Computation of Queries Under the Well-formed Semantics
-> (Chen, Swift, and Warren; Journal of Logic Programming '95)
-> A New Formulation of Tabled resolution With Delay
-> (Swift; EPIA '99)
-In addition, I incorporated extensions from the following papers,
-which I will refer to as SA and RR respectively, that describes how to
-do introduce approximation when processing subgoals and so forth:
-> Terminating Evaluation of Logic Programs with Finite Three-Valued Models
-> Riguzzi and Swift; ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 2013
-> (Introduces "subgoal abstraction", hence the name SA)
-> Radial Restraint
-> Grosof and Swift; 2013
-Another useful paper that gives a kind of high-level overview of
-concepts at play is the following:
-> XSB: Extending Prolog with Tabled Logic Programming
-> (Swift and Warren; Theory and Practice of Logic Programming '10)
-There are a places where I intentionally diverged from the semantics
-as described in the papers -- e.g. by more aggressively approximating
--- which I marked them with a comment DIVERGENCE. Those places may
-want to be evaluated in the future.
-A few other acronyms that I use:
-- WAM: Warren abstract machine, an efficient way to evaluate Prolog programs.
- See <>.
-- HH: Hereditary harrop predicates. What Chalk deals in.
- Popularized by Lambda Prolog.
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-//! Defines traits used to embed the chalk-engine in another crate.
-//! chalk and rustc both define types which implement the traits in this
-//! module. This allows each user of chalk-engine to define their own
-//! `DomainGoal` type, add arena lifetime parameters, and more. See
-//! [`Context`] trait for a list of types.
-use crate::CompleteAnswer;
-use chalk_ir::interner::Interner;
-use chalk_ir::Substitution;
-use std::fmt::Debug;
-pub enum AnswerResult<I: Interner> {
- /// The next available answer.
- Answer(CompleteAnswer<I>),
- /// No answer could be returned because there are no more solutions.
- NoMoreSolutions,
- /// No answer could be returned because the goal has floundered.
- Floundered,
- // No answer could be returned *yet*, because we exceeded our
- // quantum (`should_continue` returned false).
- QuantumExceeded,
-impl<I: Interner> AnswerResult<I> {
- pub fn is_answer(&self) -> bool {
- matches!(self, Self::Answer(_))
- }
- pub fn answer(self) -> CompleteAnswer<I> {
- match self {
- Self::Answer(answer) => answer,
- _ => panic!("Not an answer."),
- }
- }
- pub fn is_no_more_solutions(&self) -> bool {
- matches!(self, Self::NoMoreSolutions)
- }
- pub fn is_quantum_exceeded(&self) -> bool {
- matches!(self, Self::QuantumExceeded)
- }
-impl<I: Interner> Debug for AnswerResult<I> {
- fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
- match self {
- AnswerResult::Answer(answer) => write!(fmt, "{:?}", answer),
- AnswerResult::Floundered => write!(fmt, "Floundered"),
- AnswerResult::NoMoreSolutions => write!(fmt, "None"),
- AnswerResult::QuantumExceeded => write!(fmt, "QuantumExceeded"),
- }
- }
-pub trait AnswerStream<I: Interner> {
- /// Gets the next answer for a given goal, but doesn't increment the answer index.
- /// Calling this or `next_answer` again will give the same answer.
- fn peek_answer(&mut self, should_continue: impl Fn() -> bool) -> AnswerResult<I>;
- /// Gets the next answer for a given goal, incrementing the answer index.
- /// Calling this or `peek_answer` again will give the next answer.
- fn next_answer(&mut self, should_continue: impl Fn() -> bool) -> AnswerResult<I>;
- /// Invokes `test` with each possible future answer, returning true immediately
- /// if we find any answer for which `test` returns true.
- fn any_future_answer(&self, test: impl Fn(&Substitution<I>) -> bool) -> bool;
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-// These impls for PartialEq, Eq, etc are written by hand. This is
-// because the `#[derive()]` would add requirements onto the context
-// object that are not needed.
-use super::*;
-use std::cmp::{Eq, PartialEq};
-use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
-use std::mem;
-impl<I: Interner> PartialEq for Literal<I> {
- fn eq(&self, other: &Literal<I>) -> bool {
- match (self, other) {
- (Literal::Positive(goal1), Literal::Positive(goal2))
- | (Literal::Negative(goal1), Literal::Negative(goal2)) => goal1 == goal2,
- _ => false,
- }
- }
-impl<I: Interner> Eq for Literal<I> {}
-impl<I: Interner> Hash for Literal<I> {
- fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
- mem::discriminant(self).hash(state);
- match self {
- Literal::Positive(goal) | Literal::Negative(goal) => {
- goal.hash(state);
- }
- }
- }
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-use crate::context::{AnswerResult, AnswerStream};
-use crate::logic::RootSearchFail;
-use crate::slg::SlgContextOps;
-use crate::table::AnswerIndex;
-use crate::tables::Tables;
-use crate::{TableIndex, TimeStamp};
-use chalk_ir::interner::Interner;
-use chalk_ir::{Goal, InEnvironment, Substitution, UCanonical};
-use tracing::debug;
-pub(crate) struct Forest<I: Interner> {
- pub(crate) tables: Tables<I>,
- /// This is a clock which always increases. It is
- /// incremented every time a new subgoal is followed.
- /// This effectively gives us way to track what depth
- /// and loop a table or strand was last followed.
- pub(crate) clock: TimeStamp,
-impl<I: Interner> Forest<I> {
- pub fn new() -> Self {
- Forest {
- tables: Tables::new(),
- clock: TimeStamp::default(),
- }
- }
- // Gets the next clock TimeStamp. This will never decrease.
- pub(crate) fn increment_clock(&mut self) -> TimeStamp {
- self.clock.increment();
- self.clock
- }
- /// Returns a "solver" for a given goal in the form of an
- /// iterator. Each time you invoke `next`, it will do the work to
- /// extract one more answer. These answers are cached in between
- /// invocations. Invoking `next` fewer times is preferable =)
- pub fn iter_answers<'f>(
- &'f mut self,
- context: &'f SlgContextOps<'f, I>,
- goal: &UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
- ) -> impl AnswerStream<I> + 'f {
- let table = self.get_or_create_table_for_ucanonical_goal(context, goal.clone());
- let answer = AnswerIndex::ZERO;
- ForestSolver {
- forest: self,
- context,
- table,
- answer,
- }
- }
-struct ForestSolver<'me, I: Interner> {
- forest: &'me mut Forest<I>,
- context: &'me SlgContextOps<'me, I>,
- table: TableIndex,
- answer: AnswerIndex,
-impl<'me, I: Interner> AnswerStream<I> for ForestSolver<'me, I> {
- /// # Panics
- ///
- /// Panics if a negative cycle was detected.
- fn peek_answer(&mut self, should_continue: impl Fn() -> bool) -> AnswerResult<I> {
- loop {
- match self
- .forest
- .root_answer(self.context, self.table, self.answer)
- {
- Ok(answer) => {
- debug!(answer = ?(&answer));
- return AnswerResult::Answer(answer);
- }
- Err(RootSearchFail::InvalidAnswer) => {
- self.answer.increment();
- }
- Err(RootSearchFail::Floundered) => {
- return AnswerResult::Floundered;
- }
- Err(RootSearchFail::NoMoreSolutions) => {
- return AnswerResult::NoMoreSolutions;
- }
- Err(RootSearchFail::QuantumExceeded) => {
- if !should_continue() {
- return AnswerResult::QuantumExceeded;
- }
- }
- Err(RootSearchFail::NegativeCycle) => {
- // Negative cycles *ought* to be avoided by construction. Hence panic
- // if we find one, as that likely indicates a problem in the chalk-solve
- // lowering rules. (In principle, we could propagate this error out,
- // and let chalk-solve do the asserting, but that seemed like it would
- // complicate the function signature more than it's worth.)
- panic!("negative cycle was detected");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fn next_answer(&mut self, should_continue: impl Fn() -> bool) -> AnswerResult<I> {
- let answer = self.peek_answer(should_continue);
- self.answer.increment();
- answer
- }
- fn any_future_answer(&self, test: impl Fn(&Substitution<I>) -> bool) -> bool {
- self.forest.any_future_answer(self.table, self.answer, test)
- }
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-//! An alternative solver based around the SLG algorithm, which
-//! implements the well-formed semantics. For an overview of how the solver
-//! works, see [The On-Demand SLG Solver][guide] in the chalk book.
-//! [guide]:
-//! This algorithm is very closed based on the description found in the
-//! following paper, which I will refer to in the comments as EWFS:
-//! > Efficient Top-Down Computation of Queries Under the Well-founded Semantics
-//! > (Chen, Swift, and Warren; Journal of Logic Programming '95)
-//! However, to understand that paper, I would recommend first
-//! starting with the following paper, which I will refer to in the
-//! comments as NFTD:
-//! > A New Formulation of Tabled resolution With Delay
-//! > (Swift; EPIA '99)
-//! In addition, I incorporated extensions from the following papers,
-//! which I will refer to as SA and RR respectively, that
-//! describes how to do introduce approximation when processing
-//! subgoals and so forth:
-//! > Terminating Evaluation of Logic Programs with Finite Three-Valued Models
-//! > Riguzzi and Swift; ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 2013
-//! > (Introduces "subgoal abstraction", hence the name SA)
-//! >
-//! > Radial Restraint
-//! > Grosof and Swift; 2013
-//! Another useful paper that gives a kind of high-level overview of
-//! concepts at play is the following, which I will refer to as XSB:
-//! > XSB: Extending Prolog with Tabled Logic Programming
-//! > (Swift and Warren; Theory and Practice of Logic Programming '10)
-//! While this code is adapted from the algorithms described in those
-//! papers, it is not the same. For one thing, the approaches there
-//! had to be extended to our context, and in particular to coping
-//! with hereditary harrop predicates and our version of unification
-//! (which produces subgoals). I believe those to be largely faithful
-//! extensions. However, there are some other places where I
-//! intentionally diverged from the semantics as described in the
-//! papers -- e.g. by more aggressively approximating -- which I
-//! marked them with a comment DIVERGENCE. Those places may want to be
-//! evaluated in the future.
-//! Glossary of other terms:
-//! - WAM: Warren abstract machine, an efficient way to evaluate Prolog programs.
-//! See <>.
-//! - HH: Hereditary harrop predicates. What Chalk deals in.
-//! Popularized by Lambda Prolog.
-use std::cmp::min;
-use std::usize;
-use chalk_derive::{HasInterner, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable};
-use chalk_ir::interner::Interner;
-use chalk_ir::{
- AnswerSubst, Canonical, ConstrainedSubst, Constraint, DebruijnIndex, Goal, InEnvironment,
- Substitution,
-use std::ops::ControlFlow;
-pub mod context;
-mod derived;
-pub mod forest;
-mod logic;
-mod normalize_deep;
-mod simplify;
-pub mod slg;
-pub mod solve;
-mod stack;
-mod strand;
-mod table;
-mod tables;
-index_struct! {
- pub struct TableIndex { // FIXME: pub b/c TypeFoldable
- value: usize,
- }
-/// The paper describes these as `A :- D | G`.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable, HasInterner)]
-pub struct ExClause<I: Interner> {
- /// The substitution which, applied to the goal of our table,
- /// would yield A.
- pub subst: Substitution<I>,
- /// True if any subgoals were depended upon negatively and
- /// were not fully evaluated, or if we encountered a `CannotProve`
- /// goal. (In the full SLG algorithm, we would use delayed literals here,
- /// but we don't bother, as we don't need that support.)
- pub ambiguous: bool,
- /// Region constraints we have accumulated.
- pub constraints: Vec<InEnvironment<Constraint<I>>>,
- /// Subgoals: literals that must be proven
- pub subgoals: Vec<Literal<I>>,
- /// We assume that negative literals cannot have coinductive cycles.
- pub delayed_subgoals: Vec<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
- /// Time stamp that is incremented each time we find an answer to
- /// some subgoal. This is used to figure out whether any of the
- /// floundered subgoals may no longer be floundered: we record the
- /// current time when we add something to the list of floundered
- /// subgoals, and then we can compare whether its value has
- /// changed since then. This is not the same `TimeStamp` of
- /// `Forest`'s clock.
- pub answer_time: TimeStamp,
- /// List of subgoals that have floundered. See `FlounderedSubgoal`
- /// for more information.
- pub floundered_subgoals: Vec<FlounderedSubgoal<I>>,
-/// The "time stamp" is a simple clock that gets incremented each time
-/// we encounter a positive answer in processing a particular
-/// strand. This is used as an optimization to help us figure out when
-/// we *may* have changed inference variables.
-#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
-pub struct TimeStamp {
- clock: u64,
-impl TimeStamp {
- const MAX: TimeStamp = TimeStamp {
- clock: ::std::u64::MAX,
- };
- fn increment(&mut self) {
- self.clock += 1;
- }
-/// A "floundered" subgoal is one that contains unbound existential
-/// variables for which it cannot produce a value. The classic example
-/// of floundering is a negative subgoal:
-/// ```notrust
-/// not { Implemented(?T: Foo) }
-/// ```
-/// The way the prolog solver works, it basically enumerates all the
-/// ways that a given goal can be *true*. But we can't use this
-/// technique to find all the ways that `?T: Foo` can be *false* -- so
-/// we call it floundered. In other words, we can evaluate a negative
-/// goal, but only if we know what `?T` is -- we can't use the
-/// negative goal to help us figuring out `?T`.
-/// In addition to negative goals, we use floundering to prevent the
-/// trait solver from trying to enumerate very large goals with tons
-/// of answers. For example, we consider a goal like `?T: Sized` to
-/// "flounder", since we can't hope to enumerate all types that are
-/// `Sized`. The same is true for other special traits like `Clone`.
-/// Floundering can also occur indirectly. For example:
-/// ```notrust
-/// trait Foo { }
-/// impl<T> Foo for T { }
-/// ```
-/// trying to solve `?T: Foo` would immediately require solving `?T:
-/// Sized`, and hence would flounder.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
-pub struct FlounderedSubgoal<I: Interner> {
- /// Literal that floundered.
- pub floundered_literal: Literal<I>,
- /// Current value of the strand's clock at the time of
- /// floundering.
- pub floundered_time: TimeStamp,
-/// An "answer" in the on-demand solver corresponds to a fully solved
-/// goal for a particular table (modulo delayed literals). It contains
-/// a substitution
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct Answer<I: Interner> {
- /// Contains values for the unbound inference variables for which
- /// the table is true, along with any delayed subgoals (Which must
- /// still be proven) and region constrained (which must still be
- /// proven, but not by chalk).
- pub subst: Canonical<AnswerSubst<I>>,
- /// If this flag is set, then the answer could be neither proven
- /// nor disproven. This could be the size of the answer exceeded
- /// `max_size` or because of a negative loop (e.g., `P :- not { P }`).
- pub ambiguous: bool,
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct CompleteAnswer<I: Interner> {
- /// Contains values for the unbound inference variables for which
- /// the table is true, along with any region constrained (which must still be
- /// proven, but not by chalk).
- pub subst: Canonical<ConstrainedSubst<I>>,
- /// If this flag is set, then the answer could be neither proven
- /// nor disproven. This could be the size of the answer exceeded
- /// `max_size` or because of a negative loop (e.g., `P :- not { P }`).
- pub ambiguous: bool,
-/// Either `A` or `~A`, where `A` is a `Env |- Goal`.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
-pub enum Literal<I: Interner> {
- // FIXME: pub b/c fold
- Positive(InEnvironment<Goal<I>>),
- Negative(InEnvironment<Goal<I>>),
-/// The `Minimums` structure is used to track the dependencies between
-/// some item E on the evaluation stack. In particular, it tracks
-/// cases where the success of E depends (or may depend) on items
-/// deeper in the stack than E (i.e., with lower DFNs).
-/// `positive` tracks the lowest index on the stack to which we had a
-/// POSITIVE dependency (e.g. `foo(X) :- bar(X)`) -- meaning that in
-/// order for E to succeed, the dependency must succeed. It is
-/// initialized with the index of the predicate on the stack. So
-/// imagine we have a stack like this:
-/// ```notrust
-/// // 0 foo(X) <-- bottom of stack
-/// // 1 bar(X)
-/// // 2 baz(X) <-- top of stack
-/// ```
-/// In this case, `positive` would be initially 0, 1, and 2 for `foo`,
-/// `bar`, and `baz` respectively. This reflects the fact that the
-/// answers for `foo(X)` depend on the answers for `foo(X)`. =)
-/// Now imagine that we had a clause `baz(X) :- foo(X)`, inducing a
-/// cycle. In this case, we would update `positive` for `baz(X)` to be
-/// 0, reflecting the fact that its answers depend on the answers for
-/// `foo(X)`. Similarly, the minimum for `bar` would (eventually) be
-/// updated, since it too transitively depends on `foo`. `foo` is
-/// unaffected.
-/// `negative` tracks the lowest index on the stack to which we had a
-/// NEGATIVE dependency (e.g., `foo(X) :- not { bar(X) }`) -- meaning
-/// that for E to succeed, the dependency must fail. This is initially
-/// `usize::MAX`, reflecting the fact that the answers for `foo(X)` do
-/// not depend on `not(foo(X))`. When negative cycles are encountered,
-/// however, this value must be updated.
-#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
-struct Minimums {
- positive: TimeStamp,
- negative: TimeStamp,
-impl Minimums {
- const MAX: Minimums = Minimums {
- positive: TimeStamp::MAX,
- negative: TimeStamp::MAX,
- };
- /// Update our fields to be the minimum of our current value
- /// and the values from other.
- fn take_minimums(&mut self, other: &Minimums) {
- self.positive = min(self.positive, other.positive);
- self.negative = min(self.negative, other.negative);
- }
- fn minimum_of_pos_and_neg(&self) -> TimeStamp {
- min(self.positive, self.negative)
- }
-#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
-pub(crate) enum AnswerMode {
- Complete,
- Ambiguous,
-macro_rules! index_struct {
- ($(#[$m:meta])* $v:vis struct $n:ident {
- $vf:vis value: usize,
- }) => {
- #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
- $(#[$m])*
- $v struct $n {
- $vf value: usize,
- }
- impl $n {
- // Not all index structs need this, so allow it to be dead
- // code.
- #[allow(dead_code)]
- $v fn get_and_increment(&mut self) -> Self {
- let old_value = *self;
- self.increment();
- old_value
- }
- #[allow(dead_code)]
- $v fn increment(&mut self) {
- self.value += 1;
- }
- // TODO: Once the Step trait is stabilized (, instead implement it and use the Iterator implementation of Range
- #[allow(dead_code)]
- pub fn iterate_range(range: ::std::ops::Range<Self>) -> impl Iterator<Item = $n> {
- (range.start.value..range.end.value).into_iter().map(|i| Self { value: i })
- }
- }
- impl ::std::fmt::Debug for $n {
- fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
- write!(fmt, "{}({})", stringify!($n), self.value)
- }
- }
- impl From<usize> for $n {
- fn from(value: usize) -> Self {
- Self { value }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/vendor/chalk-engine/src/ b/vendor/chalk-engine/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 681f6e7ed..000000000
--- a/vendor/chalk-engine/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1648 +0,0 @@
-use crate::forest::Forest;
-use crate::normalize_deep::DeepNormalizer;
-use crate::slg::{ResolventOps, SlgContext, SlgContextOps};
-use crate::stack::{Stack, StackIndex};
-use crate::strand::{CanonicalStrand, SelectedSubgoal, Strand};
-use crate::table::{AnswerIndex, Table};
-use crate::{
- Answer, AnswerMode, CompleteAnswer, ExClause, FlounderedSubgoal, Literal, Minimums, TableIndex,
- TimeStamp,
-use chalk_ir::could_match::CouldMatch;
-use chalk_ir::interner::Interner;
-use chalk_ir::{
- AnswerSubst, Canonical, ConstrainedSubst, Constraints, FallibleOrFloundered, Floundered, Goal,
- GoalData, InEnvironment, NoSolution, ProgramClause, Substitution, UCanonical, UniverseMap,
-use chalk_solve::clauses::program_clauses_that_could_match;
-use chalk_solve::coinductive_goal::IsCoinductive;
-use chalk_solve::infer::ucanonicalize::UCanonicalized;
-use chalk_solve::infer::InferenceTable;
-use chalk_solve::solve::truncate;
-use tracing::{debug, debug_span, info, instrument};
-type RootSearchResult<T> = Result<T, RootSearchFail>;
-/// The different ways that a *root* search (which potentially pursues
-/// many strands) can fail. A root search is one that begins with an
-/// empty stack.
-pub(super) enum RootSearchFail {
- /// The table we were trying to solve cannot succeed.
- NoMoreSolutions,
- /// The table cannot be solved without more type information.
- Floundered,
- /// We did not find a solution, but we still have things to try.
- /// Repeat the request, and we'll give one of those a spin.
- ///
- /// (In a purely depth-first-based solver, like Prolog, this
- /// doesn't appear.)
- QuantumExceeded,
- /// A negative cycle was found. This is fail-fast, so even if there was
- /// possibly a solution (ambiguous or not), it may not have been found.
- NegativeCycle,
- /// The current answer index is not useful. Currently, this is returned
- /// because the current answer needs refining.
- InvalidAnswer,
-/// This is returned when we try to select a subgoal for a strand.
-enum SubGoalSelection {
- /// A subgoal was successfully selected. It has already been checked
- /// to not be floundering. However, it may have an answer already, be
- /// coinductive, or create a cycle.
- Selected,
- /// This strand has no remaining subgoals, but there may still be
- /// floundered subgoals.
- NotSelected,
-/// This is returned `on_no_remaining_subgoals`
-enum NoRemainingSubgoalsResult {
- /// There is an answer available for the root table
- RootAnswerAvailable,
- /// There was a `RootSearchFail`
- RootSearchFail(RootSearchFail),
- // This was a success
- Success,
-impl<I: Interner> Forest<I> {
- /// Returns an answer with a given index for the given table. This
- /// may require activating a strand and following it. It returns
- /// `Ok(answer)` if they answer is available and otherwise a
- /// `RootSearchFail` result.
- pub(super) fn root_answer(
- &mut self,
- context: &SlgContextOps<I>,
- table: TableIndex,
- answer_index: AnswerIndex,
- ) -> RootSearchResult<CompleteAnswer<I>> {
- let stack = Stack::default();
- let mut state = SolveState {
- forest: self,
- context,
- stack,
- };
- match state.ensure_root_answer(table, answer_index) {
- Ok(()) => {
- assert!(state.stack.is_empty());
- let answer = state.forest.answer(table, answer_index);
- if !answer.subst.value.delayed_subgoals.is_empty() {
- return Err(RootSearchFail::InvalidAnswer);
- }
- Ok(CompleteAnswer {
- subst: Canonical {
- binders: answer.subst.binders.clone(),
- value: ConstrainedSubst {
- subst: answer.subst.value.subst.clone(),
- constraints: answer.subst.value.constraints.clone(),
- },
- },
- ambiguous: answer.ambiguous,
- })
- }
- Err(err) => Err(err),
- }
- }
- pub(super) fn any_future_answer(
- &self,
- table: TableIndex,
- mut answer_index: AnswerIndex,
- mut test: impl FnMut(&Substitution<I>) -> bool,
- ) -> bool {
- // Check any cached answers, starting at `answer_index`.
- while let Some(answer) = self.tables[table].answer(answer_index) {
- info!("answer cached = {:?}", answer);
- if test(&answer.subst.value.subst) {
- return true;
- }
- answer_index.increment();
- }
- // Check any unsolved strands, which may give further answers.
- self.tables[table]
- .strands()
- .any(|strand| test(&strand.value.ex_clause.subst))
- }
- pub(crate) fn answer(&self, table: TableIndex, answer: AnswerIndex) -> &Answer<I> {
- self.tables[table].answer(answer).unwrap()
- }
- fn canonicalize_strand_from(
- context: &SlgContextOps<I>,
- infer: &mut InferenceTable<I>,
- strand: &Strand<I>,
- ) -> CanonicalStrand<I> {
- infer
- .canonicalize(context.program().interner(), strand.clone())
- .quantified
- }
- /// Given a subgoal, converts the literal into u-canonical form
- /// and searches for an existing table. If one is found, it is
- /// returned, but otherwise a new table is created (and populated
- /// with its initial set of strands).
- ///
- /// Returns `None` if the literal cannot be converted into a table
- /// -- for example, this can occur when we have selected a
- /// negative literal with free existential variables, in which
- /// case the execution is said to "flounder".
- ///
- /// In terms of the NFTD paper, creating a new table corresponds
- /// to the *New Subgoal* step as well as the *Program Clause
- /// Resolution* steps.
- #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, context, infer))]
- fn get_or_create_table_for_subgoal(
- &mut self,
- context: &SlgContextOps<I>,
- infer: &mut InferenceTable<I>,
- subgoal: &Literal<I>,
- ) -> Option<(TableIndex, UniverseMap)> {
- // Subgoal abstraction:
- let (ucanonical_subgoal, universe_map) = match subgoal {
- Literal::Positive(subgoal) => {
- Forest::abstract_positive_literal(context, infer, subgoal.clone())?
- }
- Literal::Negative(subgoal) => {
- Forest::abstract_negative_literal(context, infer, subgoal.clone())?
- }
- };
- debug!(?ucanonical_subgoal, ?universe_map);
- let table = self.get_or_create_table_for_ucanonical_goal(context, ucanonical_subgoal);
- Some((table, universe_map))
- }
- /// Given a u-canonical goal, searches for an existing table. If
- /// one is found, it is returned, but otherwise a new table is
- /// created (and populated with its initial set of strands).
- ///
- /// In terms of the NFTD paper, creating a new table corresponds
- /// to the *New Subgoal* step as well as the *Program Clause
- /// Resolution* steps.
- #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, context))]
- pub(crate) fn get_or_create_table_for_ucanonical_goal(
- &mut self,
- context: &SlgContextOps<I>,
- goal: UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
- ) -> TableIndex {
- if let Some(table) = self.tables.index_of(&goal) {
- debug!(?table, "found existing table");
- return table;
- }
- info!(
- table = ?self.tables.next_index(),
- "creating new table with goal = {:#?}",
- goal,
- );
- let table = Self::build_table(context, self.tables.next_index(), goal);
- self.tables.insert(table)
- }
- /// When a table is first created, this function is invoked to
- /// create the initial set of strands. If the table represents a
- /// domain goal, these strands are created from the program
- /// clauses as well as the clauses found in the environment. If
- /// the table represents a non-domain goal, such as `for<T> G`
- /// etc, then `simplify_goal` is invoked to create a strand
- /// that breaks the goal down.
- ///
- /// In terms of the NFTD paper, this corresponds to the *Program
- /// Clause Resolution* step being applied eagerly, as many times
- /// as possible.
- fn build_table(
- context: &SlgContextOps<I>,
- table_idx: TableIndex,
- goal: UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
- ) -> Table<I> {
- let coinductive = goal.is_coinductive(context.program());
- let mut table = Table::new(goal.clone(), coinductive);
- let goal_data =;
- match goal_data {
- GoalData::DomainGoal(domain_goal) => {
- let canon_domain_goal = UCanonical {
- canonical: Canonical {
- binders: goal.canonical.binders,
- value: InEnvironment::new(
- &goal.canonical.value.environment,
- domain_goal.clone(),
- ),
- },
- universes: goal.universes,
- };
- let db = context.program();
- let canon_goal = canon_domain_goal.canonical.value.goal.clone();
- let could_match = |c: &ProgramClause<I>| {
- c.could_match(db.interner(), db.unification_database(), &canon_goal)
- };
- match program_clauses_that_could_match(db, &canon_domain_goal) {
- Ok(mut clauses) => {
- clauses.retain(could_match);
- clauses.extend(db.custom_clauses().into_iter().filter(could_match));
- let (infer, subst, goal) =
- chalk_solve::infer::InferenceTable::from_canonical(
- context.program().interner(),
- canon_domain_goal.universes,
- canon_domain_goal.canonical,
- );
- clauses.extend(
- db.program_clauses_for_env(&goal.environment)
- .iter(db.interner())
- .cloned()
- .filter(could_match),
- );
- let InEnvironment { environment, goal } = goal;
- for clause in clauses {
- info!("program clause = {:#?}", clause);
- let mut infer = infer.clone();
- if let Ok(resolvent) = infer.resolvent_clause(
- context.unification_database(),
- context.program().interner(),
- &environment,
- &goal,
- &subst,
- &clause,
- ) {
- info!("pushing initial strand with ex-clause: {:#?}", &resolvent,);
- let strand = Strand {
- ex_clause: resolvent,
- selected_subgoal: None,
- last_pursued_time: TimeStamp::default(),
- };
- let canonical_strand =
- Self::canonicalize_strand_from(context, &mut infer, &strand);
- table.enqueue_strand(canonical_strand);
- }
- }
- }
- Err(Floundered) => {
- debug!(
- table = ?table_idx,
- "Marking table {:?} as floundered! (failed to create program clauses)",
- table_idx
- );
- table.mark_floundered();
- }
- }
- }
- _ => {
- let (mut infer, subst, InEnvironment { environment, goal }) =
- chalk_solve::infer::InferenceTable::from_canonical(
- context.program().interner(),
- goal.universes,
- goal.canonical,
- );
- // The goal for this table is not a domain goal, so we instead
- // simplify it into a series of *literals*, all of which must be
- // true. Thus, in EWFS terms, we are effectively creating a
- // single child of the `A :- A` goal that is like `A :- B, C, D`
- // where B, C, and D are the simplified subgoals. You can think
- // of this as applying built-in "meta program clauses" that
- // reduce goals into Domain goals.
- match Self::simplify_goal(context, &mut infer, subst, environment, goal) {
- FallibleOrFloundered::Ok(ex_clause) => {
- info!(
- ex_clause = ?DeepNormalizer::normalize_deep(
- &mut infer,
- context.program().interner(),
- ex_clause.clone(),
- ),
- "pushing initial strand"
- );
- let strand = Strand {
- ex_clause,
- selected_subgoal: None,
- last_pursued_time: TimeStamp::default(),
- };
- let canonical_strand =
- Self::canonicalize_strand_from(context, &mut infer, &strand);
- table.enqueue_strand(canonical_strand);
- }
- FallibleOrFloundered::NoSolution => {}
- FallibleOrFloundered::Floundered => table.mark_floundered(),
- }
- }
- }
- table
- }
- /// Given a selected positive subgoal, applies the subgoal
- /// abstraction function to yield the canonical form that will be
- /// used to pick a table. Typically, this abstraction has no
- /// effect, and hence we are simply returning the canonical form
- /// of `subgoal`; but if the subgoal is getting too big, we return
- /// `None`, which causes the subgoal to flounder.
- fn abstract_positive_literal(
- context: &SlgContextOps<I>,
- infer: &mut InferenceTable<I>,
- subgoal: InEnvironment<Goal<I>>,
- ) -> Option<(UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>, UniverseMap)> {
- if truncate::needs_truncation(
- context.program().interner(),
- infer,
- context.max_size(),
- &subgoal,
- ) {
- None
- } else {
- let canonicalized_goal = infer
- .canonicalize(context.program().interner(), subgoal)
- .quantified;
- let UCanonicalized {
- quantified,
- universes,
- } = InferenceTable::u_canonicalize(context.program().interner(), &canonicalized_goal);
- Some((quantified, universes))
- }
- }
- /// Given a selected negative subgoal, the subgoal is "inverted"
- /// (see `InferenceTable<I, C>::invert`) and then potentially truncated
- /// (see `abstract_positive_literal`). The result subgoal is
- /// canonicalized. In some cases, this may return `None` and hence
- /// fail to yield a useful result, for example if free existential
- /// variables appear in `subgoal` (in which case the execution is
- /// said to "flounder").
- fn abstract_negative_literal(
- context: &SlgContextOps<I>,
- infer: &mut InferenceTable<I>,
- subgoal: InEnvironment<Goal<I>>,
- ) -> Option<(UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>, UniverseMap)> {
- // First, we have to check that the selected negative literal
- // is ground, and invert any universally quantified variables.
- //
- // DIVERGENCE -- In the RR paper, to ensure completeness, they
- // permit non-ground negative literals, but only consider
- // them to succeed when the target table has no answers at
- // all. This is equivalent inverting those free existentials
- // into universals, as discussed in the comments of
- // `invert`. This is clearly *sound*, but the completeness is
- // a subtle point. In particular, it can cause **us** to reach
- // false conclusions, because e.g. given a program like
- // (selected left-to-right):
- //
- // not { ?T: Copy }, ?T = Vec<u32>
- //
- // we would select `not { ?T: Copy }` first. For this goal to
- // succeed we would require that -- effectively -- `forall<T>
- // { not { T: Copy } }`, which clearly doesn't hold. (In the
- // terms of RR, we would require that the table for `?T: Copy`
- // has failed before we can continue.)
- //
- // In the RR paper, this is acceptable because they assume all
- // of their input programs are both **normal** (negative
- // literals are selected after positive ones) and **safe**
- // (all free variables in negative literals occur in positive
- // literals). It is plausible for us to guarantee "normal"
- // form, we can reorder clauses as we need. I suspect we can
- // guarantee safety too, but I have to think about it.
- //
- // For now, we opt for the safer route of terming such
- // executions as floundering, because I think our use of
- // negative goals is sufficiently limited we can get away with
- // it. The practical effect is that we will judge more
- // executions as floundering than we ought to (i.e., where we
- // could instead generate an (imprecise) result). As you can
- // see a bit later, we also diverge in some other aspects that
- // affect completeness when it comes to subgoal abstraction.
- let inverted_subgoal = infer.invert(context.program().interner(), subgoal)?;
- if truncate::needs_truncation(
- context.program().interner(),
- infer,
- context.max_size(),
- &inverted_subgoal,
- ) {
- None
- } else {
- let canonicalized_goal = infer
- .canonicalize(context.program().interner(), inverted_subgoal)
- .quantified;
- let UCanonicalized {
- quantified,
- universes,
- } = InferenceTable::u_canonicalize(context.program().interner(), &canonicalized_goal);
- Some((quantified, universes))
- }
- }
-pub(crate) struct SolveState<'forest, I: Interner> {
- forest: &'forest mut Forest<I>,
- context: &'forest SlgContextOps<'forest, I>,
- stack: Stack<I>,
-impl<'forest, I: Interner> Drop for SolveState<'forest, I> {
- fn drop(&mut self) {
- if !self.stack.is_empty() {
- if let Some(active_strand) = {
- let table =;
- self.forest.tables[table].enqueue_strand(active_strand);
- }
- self.unwind_stack();
- }
- }
-impl<'forest, I: Interner> SolveState<'forest, I> {
- /// Ensures that answer with the given index is available from the
- /// given table. Returns `Ok` if there is an answer.
- ///
- /// This function first attempts to fetch answer that is cached in
- /// the table. If none is found, then it will recursively search
- /// to find an answer.
- #[instrument(level = "info", skip(self))]
- fn ensure_root_answer(
- &mut self,
- initial_table: TableIndex,
- initial_answer: AnswerIndex,
- ) -> RootSearchResult<()> {
- info!(
- "table goal = {:#?}",
- self.forest.tables[initial_table].table_goal
- );
- // Check if this table has floundered.
- if self.forest.tables[initial_table].is_floundered() {
- return Err(RootSearchFail::Floundered);
- }
- // Check for a tabled answer.
- if let Some(answer) = self.forest.tables[initial_table].answer(initial_answer) {
- info!("answer cached = {:?}", answer);
- return Ok(());
- }
- // If no tabled answer is present, we ought to be requesting
- // the next available index.
- assert_eq!(
- self.forest.tables[initial_table].next_answer_index(),
- initial_answer
- );
- self.stack
- .push(initial_table, Minimums::MAX, self.forest.increment_clock());
- loop {
- let clock =;
- // If we had an active strand, continue to pursue it
- let table =;
- let table_answer_mode = self.forest.tables[table].answer_mode;
- // We track when we last pursued each strand. If all the strands have been
- // pursued at this depth, then that means they all encountered a cycle.
- // We also know that if the first strand has been pursued at this depth,
- // then all have. Otherwise, an answer to any strand would have provided an
- // answer for the table.
- let forest = &mut self.forest;
- let next_strand =|| {
- forest.tables[table].dequeue_next_strand_that(|strand| {
- let time_eligble = strand.value.last_pursued_time < clock;
- let mode_eligble = match (table_answer_mode, strand.value.ex_clause.ambiguous) {
- (AnswerMode::Complete, false) => true,
- (AnswerMode::Complete, true) => false,
- (AnswerMode::Ambiguous, _) => true,
- };
- time_eligble && mode_eligble
- })
- });
- match next_strand {
- Some(mut canonical_strand) => {
- debug!("starting next strand = {:#?}", canonical_strand);
- canonical_strand.value.last_pursued_time = clock;
- match self.select_subgoal(&mut canonical_strand) {
- SubGoalSelection::Selected => {
- // A subgoal has been selected. We now check this subgoal
- // table for an existing answer or if it's in a cycle.
- // If neither of those are the case, a strand is selected
- // and the next loop iteration happens.
- self.on_subgoal_selected(canonical_strand)?;
- continue;
- }
- SubGoalSelection::NotSelected => {
- match self.on_no_remaining_subgoals(canonical_strand) {
- NoRemainingSubgoalsResult::RootAnswerAvailable => return Ok(()),
- NoRemainingSubgoalsResult::RootSearchFail(e) => return Err(e),
- NoRemainingSubgoalsResult::Success => continue,
- };
- }
- }
- }
- None => {
- self.on_no_strands_left()?;
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /// This is called when an answer is available for the selected subgoal
- /// of the strand. First, if the selected subgoal is a `Positive` subgoal,
- /// it first clones the strand pursuing the next answer. Then, it merges the
- /// answer into the provided `Strand`.
- /// On success, `Ok` is returned and the `Strand` can be continued to process
- /// On failure, `Err` is returned and the `Strand` should be discarded
- fn merge_answer_into_strand(
- &mut self,
- infer: &mut InferenceTable<I>,
- strand: &mut Strand<I>,
- ) -> RootSearchResult<()> {
- // At this point, we know we have an answer for
- // the selected subgoal of the strand.
- // Now, we have to unify that answer onto the strand.
- // If this answer is ambiguous and we don't want ambiguous answers
- // yet, then we act like this is a floundered subgoal.
- let ambiguous = {
- let selected_subgoal = strand.selected_subgoal.as_ref().unwrap();
- let answer = self.forest.answer(
- selected_subgoal.subgoal_table,
- selected_subgoal.answer_index,
- );
- answer.ambiguous
- };
- if let AnswerMode::Complete = self.forest.tables[].answer_mode {
- if ambiguous {
- // FIXME: we could try to be a little bit smarter here. This can
- // really be split into cases:
- // 1) Cases where no amount of solving will cause this ambiguity to change.
- // (e.g. `CannnotProve`)
- // 2) Cases where we may be able to get a better answer if we
- // solve other subgoals first.
- // (e.g. the `non_enumerable_traits_reorder` test)
- // We really only need to delay merging an ambiguous answer for
- // case 2. Do note, though, that even if we *do* merge the answer
- // case 1, we should stop solving this strand when in
- // `AnswerMode::Complete` since we wouldn't use this answer yet
- // *anyways*.
- // The selected subgoal returned an ambiguous answer, but we don't want that.
- // So, we treat this subgoal as floundered.
- let selected_subgoal = strand.selected_subgoal.take().unwrap();
- self.flounder_subgoal(&mut strand.ex_clause, selected_subgoal.subgoal_index);
- return Ok(());
- }
- }
- // If this subgoal was a `Positive` one, whichever way this
- // particular answer turns out, there may yet be *more* answers,
- // if this isn't a trivial substitution.
- // Enqueue that alternative for later.
- // NOTE: this is separate from the match below because we `take` the selected_subgoal
- // below, but here we keep it for the new `Strand`.
- let selected_subgoal = strand.selected_subgoal.as_ref().unwrap();
- if let Literal::Positive(_) = strand.ex_clause.subgoals[selected_subgoal.subgoal_index] {
- let answer = self.forest.answer(
- selected_subgoal.subgoal_table,
- selected_subgoal.answer_index,
- );
- if !self.forest.tables[selected_subgoal.subgoal_table]
- .table_goal
- .is_trivial_substitution(self.context.program().interner(), &answer.subst)
- {
- let mut next_subgoal = selected_subgoal.clone();
- next_subgoal.answer_index.increment();
- let next_strand = Strand {
- ex_clause: strand.ex_clause.clone(),
- selected_subgoal: Some(next_subgoal),
- last_pursued_time: strand.last_pursued_time,
- };
- let table =;
- let canonical_next_strand =
- Forest::canonicalize_strand_from(self.context, infer, &next_strand);
- self.forest.tables[table].enqueue_strand(canonical_next_strand);
- }
- }
- // Deselect and remove the selected subgoal, now that we have an answer for it.
- let selected_subgoal = strand.selected_subgoal.take().unwrap();
- let subgoal = strand
- .ex_clause
- .subgoals
- .remove(selected_subgoal.subgoal_index);
- match subgoal {
- Literal::Positive(subgoal) => {
- let SelectedSubgoal {
- subgoal_index: _,
- subgoal_table,
- answer_index,
- ref universe_map,
- } = selected_subgoal;
- use chalk_solve::infer::ucanonicalize::UniverseMapExt;
- let table_goal = universe_map.map_from_canonical(
- self.context.program().interner(),
- &self.forest.tables[subgoal_table].table_goal.canonical,
- );
- let answer_subst = universe_map.map_from_canonical(
- self.context.program().interner(),
- &self.forest.answer(subgoal_table, answer_index).subst,
- );
- match infer.apply_answer_subst(
- self.context.program().interner(),
- self.context.unification_database(),
- &mut strand.ex_clause,
- &subgoal,
- &table_goal,
- answer_subst,
- ) {
- Ok(()) => {
- let ex_clause = &mut strand.ex_clause;
- // If the answer had was ambiguous, we have to
- // ensure that `ex_clause` is also ambiguous. This is
- // the SLG FACTOR operation, though NFTD just makes it
- // part of computing the SLG resolvent.
- if self.forest.answer(subgoal_table, answer_index).ambiguous {
- debug!("Marking Strand as ambiguous because answer to (positive) subgoal was ambiguous");
- ex_clause.ambiguous = true;
- }
- // Increment the answer time for the `ex_clause`. Floundered
- // subgoals may be eligble to be pursued again.
- ex_clause.answer_time.increment();
- // Ok, we've applied the answer to this Strand.
- Ok(())
- }
- // This answer led nowhere. Give up for now, but of course
- // there may still be other strands to pursue, so return
- // `QuantumExceeded`.
- Err(NoSolution) => {
- info!("answer not unifiable -> NoSolution");
- // This strand as no solution. It is no longer active,
- // so it dropped at the end of this scope.
- // Now we want to propogate back to the up with `QuantumExceeded`
- self.unwind_stack();
- Err(RootSearchFail::QuantumExceeded)
- }
- }
- }
- Literal::Negative(_) => {
- let SelectedSubgoal {
- subgoal_index: _,
- subgoal_table,
- answer_index,
- universe_map: _,
- } = selected_subgoal;
- // We got back an answer. This is bad, because we want
- // to disprove the subgoal, but it may be
- // "conditional" (maybe true, maybe not).
- let answer = self.forest.answer(subgoal_table, answer_index);
- // By construction, we do not expect negative subgoals
- // to have delayed subgoals. This is because we do not
- // need to permit `not { L }` where `L` is a
- // coinductive goal. We could improve this if needed,
- // but it keeps things simple.
- if !answer.subst.value.delayed_subgoals.is_empty() {
- panic!("Negative subgoal had delayed_subgoals");
- }
- if !answer.ambiguous {
- // We want to disproval the subgoal, but we
- // have an unconditional answer for the subgoal,
- // therefore we have failed to disprove it.
- info!("found unconditional answer to neg literal -> NoSolution");
- // This strand as no solution. By returning an Err,
- // the caller should discard this `Strand`.
- // Now we want to propogate back to the up with `QuantumExceeded`
- self.unwind_stack();
- return Err(RootSearchFail::QuantumExceeded);
- }
- // Otherwise, the answer is ambiguous. We can keep going,
- // but we have to mark our strand, too, as ambiguous.
- //
- // We want to disproval the subgoal, but we
- // have an unconditional answer for the subgoal,
- // therefore we have failed to disprove it.
- debug!(?strand, "Marking Strand as ambiguous because answer to (negative) subgoal was ambiguous");
- strand.ex_clause.ambiguous = true;
- // Strand is ambigious.
- Ok(())
- }
- }
- }
- /// This is called when the selected subgoal for a strand has floundered.
- /// We have to decide what this means for the strand.
- /// - If the strand was positively dependent on the subgoal, we flounder,
- /// the subgoal, then return `false`. This strand may be able to be
- /// retried later.
- /// - If the strand was negatively dependent on the subgoal, then strand
- /// has led nowhere of interest and we return `true`. This strand should
- /// be discarded.
- ///
- /// In other words, we return whether this strand flounders.
- fn propagate_floundered_subgoal(&mut self, strand: &mut CanonicalStrand<I>) -> bool {
- // This subgoal selection for the strand is finished, so take it
- let selected_subgoal = strand.value.selected_subgoal.take().unwrap();
- match strand.value.ex_clause.subgoals[selected_subgoal.subgoal_index] {
- Literal::Positive(_) => {
- // If this strand depends on this positively, then we can
- // come back to it later. So, we mark that subgoal as
- // floundered and yield `QuantumExceeded` up the stack
- // If this subgoal floundered, push it onto the
- // floundered list, along with the time that it
- // floundered. We'll try to solve some other subgoals
- // and maybe come back to it.
- self.flounder_subgoal(&mut strand.value.ex_clause, selected_subgoal.subgoal_index);
- false
- }
- Literal::Negative(_) => {
- // Floundering on a negative literal isn't like a
- // positive search: we only pursue negative literals
- // when we already know precisely the type we are
- // looking for. So there's no point waiting for other
- // subgoals, we'll never recover more information.
- //
- // In fact, floundering on negative searches shouldn't
- // normally happen, since there are no uninferred
- // variables in the goal, but it can with forall
- // goals:
- //
- // forall<T> { not { T: Debug } }
- //
- // Here, the table we will be searching for answers is
- // `?T: Debug`, so it could well flounder.
- // This strand has no solution. It is no longer active,
- // so it dropped at the end of this scope.
- true
- }
- }
- }
- /// This is called if the selected subgoal for a `Strand` is
- /// a coinductive cycle.
- fn on_coinductive_subgoal(
- &mut self,
- mut canonical_strand: CanonicalStrand<I>,
- ) -> Result<(), RootSearchFail> {
- // This is a co-inductive cycle. That is, this table
- // appears somewhere higher on the stack, and has now
- // recursively requested an answer for itself. This
- // means that we have to delay this subgoal until we
- // reach a trivial self-cycle.
- // This subgoal selection for the strand is finished, so take it
- let selected_subgoal = canonical_strand.value.selected_subgoal.take().unwrap();
- match canonical_strand
- .value
- .ex_clause
- .subgoals
- .remove(selected_subgoal.subgoal_index)
- {
- Literal::Positive(subgoal) => {
- // We delay this subgoal
- let table =;
- assert!(
- self.forest.tables[table].coinductive_goal
- && self.forest.tables[selected_subgoal.subgoal_table].coinductive_goal
- );
- canonical_strand
- .value
- .ex_clause
- .delayed_subgoals
- .push(subgoal);
- = Some(canonical_strand);
- Ok(())
- }
- Literal::Negative(_) => {
- // We don't allow coinduction for negative literals
- info!("found coinductive answer to negative literal");
- panic!("Coinductive cycle with negative literal");
- }
- }
- }
- /// This is called if the selected subgoal for `strand` is
- /// a positive, non-coinductive cycle.
- ///
- /// # Parameters
- ///
- /// * `strand` the strand from the top of the stack we are pursuing
- /// * `minimums` is the collected minimum clock times
- fn on_positive_cycle(
- &mut self,
- canonical_strand: CanonicalStrand<I>,
- minimums: Minimums,
- ) -> Result<(), RootSearchFail> {
- // We can't take this because we might need it later to clear the cycle
- let selected_subgoal = canonical_strand.value.selected_subgoal.as_ref().unwrap();
- match canonical_strand.value.ex_clause.subgoals[selected_subgoal.subgoal_index] {
- Literal::Positive(_) => {
- }
- Literal::Negative(_) => {
- // We depend on `not(subgoal)`. For us to continue,
- // `subgoal` must be completely evaluated. Therefore,
- // we depend (negatively) on the minimum link of
- // `subgoal` as a whole -- it doesn't matter whether
- // it's pos or neg.
- let mins = Minimums {
- positive:,
- negative: minimums.minimum_of_pos_and_neg(),
- };
- }
- }
- // Ok, we've taken the minimums from this cycle above. Now,
- // we just return the strand to the table. The table only
- // pulls strands if they have not been checked at this
- // depth.
- //
- // We also can't mark these and return early from this
- // because the stack above us might change.
- let table =;
- self.forest.tables[table].enqueue_strand(canonical_strand);
- // The strand isn't active, but the table is, so just continue
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Invoked after we've selected a (new) subgoal for the top-most
- /// strand. Attempts to pursue this selected subgoal.
- ///
- /// Returns:
- ///
- /// * `Ok` if we should keep searching.
- /// * `Err` if the subgoal failed in some way such that the strand can be abandoned.
- fn on_subgoal_selected(
- &mut self,
- mut canonical_strand: CanonicalStrand<I>,
- ) -> Result<(), RootSearchFail> {
- // This may be a newly selected subgoal or an existing selected subgoal.
- let SelectedSubgoal {
- subgoal_index: _,
- subgoal_table,
- answer_index,
- universe_map: _,
- } = *canonical_strand.value.selected_subgoal.as_ref().unwrap();
- debug!(
- ?subgoal_table,
- goal = ?self.forest.tables[subgoal_table].table_goal,
- "table selection {:?} with goal: {:?}",
- subgoal_table, self.forest.tables[subgoal_table].table_goal
- );
- // This is checked inside select_subgoal
- assert!(!self.forest.tables[subgoal_table].is_floundered());
- // Check for a tabled answer.
- if let Some(answer) = self.forest.tables[subgoal_table].answer(answer_index) {
- info!("answer cached = {:?}", answer);
- // There was a previous answer available for this table
- // We need to check if we can merge it into the current `Strand`.
- let num_universes = self.forest.tables[]
- .table_goal
- .universes;
- let (mut infer, _, mut strand) = chalk_solve::infer::InferenceTable::from_canonical(
- self.context.program().interner(),
- num_universes,
- canonical_strand.clone(),
- );
- match self.merge_answer_into_strand(&mut infer, &mut strand) {
- Err(e) => {
- debug!(?strand, "could not merge into current strand");
- drop(strand);
- return Err(e);
- }
- Ok(_) => {
- debug!(?strand, "merged answer into current strand");
- canonical_strand =
- Forest::canonicalize_strand_from(self.context, &mut infer, &strand);
- = Some(canonical_strand);
- return Ok(());
- }
- }
- }
- // If no tabled answer is present, we ought to be requesting
- // the next available index.
- assert_eq!(
- self.forest.tables[subgoal_table].next_answer_index(),
- answer_index
- );
- // Next, check if the table is already active. If so, then we
- // have a recursive attempt.
- if let Some(cyclic_depth) = self.stack.is_active(subgoal_table) {
- info!("cycle detected at depth {:?}", cyclic_depth);
- let minimums = Minimums {
- positive: self.stack[cyclic_depth].clock,
- negative: TimeStamp::MAX,
- };
- if self.top_of_stack_is_coinductive_from(cyclic_depth) {
- debug!("table is coinductive");
- return self.on_coinductive_subgoal(canonical_strand);
- }
- debug!("table encountered a positive cycle");
- return self.on_positive_cycle(canonical_strand, minimums);
- }
- // We don't know anything about the selected subgoal table.
- // Set this strand as active and push it onto the stack.
- = Some(canonical_strand);
- let cyclic_minimums = Minimums::MAX;
- self.stack.push(
- subgoal_table,
- cyclic_minimums,
- self.forest.increment_clock(),
- );
- Ok(())
- }
- /// This is called when there are no remaining subgoals for a strand, so
- /// it represents an answer. If the strand is ambiguous and we don't want
- /// it yet, we just enqueue it again to pick it up later. Otherwise, we
- /// add the answer from the strand onto the table.
- fn on_no_remaining_subgoals(
- &mut self,
- canonical_strand: CanonicalStrand<I>,
- ) -> NoRemainingSubgoalsResult {
- let ambiguous = canonical_strand.value.ex_clause.ambiguous;
- if let AnswerMode::Complete = self.forest.tables[].answer_mode {
- if ambiguous {
- // The strand can only return an ambiguous answer, but we don't
- // want that right now, so requeue and we'll deal with it later.
- self.forest.tables[].enqueue_strand(canonical_strand);
- return NoRemainingSubgoalsResult::RootSearchFail(RootSearchFail::QuantumExceeded);
- }
- }
- let floundered = !canonical_strand
- .value
- .ex_clause
- .floundered_subgoals
- .is_empty();
- if floundered {
- debug!("all remaining subgoals floundered for the table");
- } else {
- debug!("no remaining subgoals for the table");
- };
- match self.pursue_answer(canonical_strand) {
- Some(answer_index) => {
- debug!("answer is available");
- // We found an answer for this strand, and therefore an
- // answer for this table. Now, this table was either a
- // subgoal for another strand, or was the root table.
- let table =;
- match self.stack.pop_and_take_caller_strand() {
- Some(caller_strand) => {
- = Some(caller_strand);
- NoRemainingSubgoalsResult::Success
- }
- None => {
- // That was the root table, so we are done --
- // *well*, unless there were delayed
- // subgoals. In that case, we want to evaluate
- // those delayed subgoals to completion, so we
- // have to create a fresh strand that will
- // take them as goals. Note that we *still
- // need the original answer in place*, because
- // we might have to build on it (see the
- // Delayed Trivial Self Cycle, Variant 3
- // example).
- let answer = self.forest.answer(table, answer_index);
- if let Some(strand) = self.create_refinement_strand(table, answer) {
- self.forest.tables[table].enqueue_strand(strand);
- }
- NoRemainingSubgoalsResult::RootAnswerAvailable
- }
- }
- }
- None => {
- debug!("answer is not available (or not new)");
- // This strand led nowhere of interest. There might be *other*
- // answers on this table, but we don't care right now, we'll
- // try again at another time.
- // Now we yield with `QuantumExceeded`
- self.unwind_stack();
- NoRemainingSubgoalsResult::RootSearchFail(RootSearchFail::QuantumExceeded)
- }
- }
- }
- /// A "refinement" strand is used in coinduction. When the root
- /// table on the stack publishes an answer has delayed subgoals,
- /// we create a new strand that will attempt to prove out those
- /// delayed subgoals (the root answer here is not *special* except
- /// in so far as that there is nothing above it, and hence we know
- /// that the delayed subgoals (which resulted in some cycle) must
- /// be referring to a table that now has completed).
- ///
- /// Note that it is important for this to be a *refinement* strand
- /// -- meaning that the answer with delayed subgoals has been
- /// published. This is necessary because sometimes the strand must
- /// build on that very answer that it is refining. See Delayed
- /// Trivial Self Cycle, Variant 3.
- fn create_refinement_strand(
- &self,
- table: TableIndex,
- answer: &Answer<I>,
- ) -> Option<CanonicalStrand<I>> {
- // If there are no delayed subgoals, then there is no need for
- // a refinement strand.
- if answer.subst.value.delayed_subgoals.is_empty() {
- return None;
- }
- let num_universes = self.forest.tables[table].table_goal.universes;
- let (
- mut infer,
- _,
- AnswerSubst {
- subst,
- constraints,
- delayed_subgoals,
- },
- ) = chalk_solve::infer::InferenceTable::from_canonical(
- self.context.program().interner(),
- num_universes,
- answer.subst.clone(),
- );
- let delayed_subgoals = delayed_subgoals
- .into_iter()
- .map(Literal::Positive)
- .collect();
- let strand = Strand {
- ex_clause: ExClause {
- subst,
- ambiguous: answer.ambiguous,
- constraints: constraints
- .as_slice(self.context.program().interner())
- .to_vec(),
- subgoals: delayed_subgoals,
- delayed_subgoals: Vec::new(),
- answer_time: TimeStamp::default(),
- floundered_subgoals: Vec::new(),
- },
- selected_subgoal: None,
- last_pursued_time: TimeStamp::default(),
- };
- Some(Forest::canonicalize_strand_from(
- self.context,
- &mut infer,
- &strand,
- ))
- }
- fn on_no_strands_left(&mut self) -> Result<(), RootSearchFail> {
- let table =;
- debug!("no more strands available (or all cycles) for {:?}", table);
- // No more strands left to try! This is either because all
- // strands have failed, because all strands encountered a
- // cycle, or all strands have would give ambiguous answers.
- if self.forest.tables[table].strands_mut().count() == 0 {
- // All strands for the table T on the top of the stack
- // have **failed**. Hence we can pop it off the stack and
- // check what this means for the table T' that was just
- // below T on the stack (if any).
- debug!("no more strands available");
- let caller_strand = match self.stack.pop_and_borrow_caller_strand() {
- Some(s) => s,
- None => {
- // T was the root table, so we are done.
- debug!("no more solutions");
- return Err(RootSearchFail::NoMoreSolutions);
- }
- };
- // This subgoal selection for the strand is finished, so take it
- let caller_selected_subgoal = caller_strand.value.selected_subgoal.take().unwrap();
- return match caller_strand.value.ex_clause.subgoals
- [caller_selected_subgoal.subgoal_index]
- {
- // T' wanted an answer from T, but none is
- // forthcoming. Therefore, the active strand from T'
- // has failed and can be discarded.
- Literal::Positive(_) => {
- debug!("discarding strand because positive literal");
- self.unwind_stack();
- Err(RootSearchFail::QuantumExceeded)
- }
- // T' wanted there to be no answer from T, but none is forthcoming.
- Literal::Negative(_) => {
- debug!("subgoal was proven because negative literal");
- // There is no solution for this strand. But, this
- // is what we want, so can remove this subgoal and
- // keep going.
- caller_strand
- .value
- .ex_clause
- .subgoals
- .remove(caller_selected_subgoal.subgoal_index);
- // This strand is still active, so continue
- Ok(())
- }
- };
- }
- // We can't consider this table as part of a cycle unless we've handled
- // all strands, not just non-ambiguous ones. See chalk#571.
- if let AnswerMode::Complete = self.forest.tables[table].answer_mode {
- debug!("Allowing ambiguous answers.");
- self.forest.tables[table].answer_mode = AnswerMode::Ambiguous;
- return Err(RootSearchFail::QuantumExceeded);
- }
- let clock =;
- let cyclic_minimums =;
- if cyclic_minimums.positive >= clock && cyclic_minimums.negative >= clock {
- debug!("cycle with no new answers");
- if cyclic_minimums.negative < TimeStamp::MAX {
- // This is a negative cycle.
- self.unwind_stack();
- return Err(RootSearchFail::NegativeCycle);
- }
- // If all the things that we recursively depend on have
- // positive dependencies on things below us in the stack,
- // then no more answers are forthcoming. We can clear all
- // the strands for those things recursively.
- let table =;
- let cyclic_strands = self.forest.tables[table].take_strands();
- self.clear_strands_after_cycle(cyclic_strands);
- // Now we yield with `QuantumExceeded`
- self.unwind_stack();
- Err(RootSearchFail::QuantumExceeded)
- } else {
- debug!("table part of a cycle");
- // This table resulted in a positive cycle, so we have
- // to check what this means for the subgoal containing
- // this strand
- let caller_strand = match self.stack.pop_and_borrow_caller_strand() {
- Some(s) => s,
- None => {
- panic!("nothing on the stack but cyclic result");
- }
- };
- // We can't take this because we might need it later to clear the cycle
- let caller_selected_subgoal = caller_strand.value.selected_subgoal.as_ref().unwrap();
- match caller_strand.value.ex_clause.subgoals[caller_selected_subgoal.subgoal_index] {
- Literal::Positive(_) => {
- self.stack
- .top()
- .cyclic_minimums
- .take_minimums(&cyclic_minimums);
- }
- Literal::Negative(_) => {
- // We depend on `not(subgoal)`. For us to continue,
- // `subgoal` must be completely evaluated. Therefore,
- // we depend (negatively) on the minimum link of
- // `subgoal` as a whole -- it doesn't matter whether
- // it's pos or neg.
- let mins = Minimums {
- positive:,
- negative: cyclic_minimums.minimum_of_pos_and_neg(),
- };
- }
- }
- // We can't pursue this strand anymore, so push it back onto the table
- let active_strand =;
- let table =;
- self.forest.tables[table].enqueue_strand(active_strand);
- // The strand isn't active, but the table is, so just continue
- Ok(())
- }
- }
- /// Unwinds the entire stack, returning all active strands back to
- /// their tables (this time at the end of the queue).
- fn unwind_stack(&mut self) {
- loop {
- match self.stack.pop_and_take_caller_strand() {
- Some(active_strand) => {
- let table =;
- self.forest.tables[table].enqueue_strand(active_strand);
- }
- None => return,
- }
- }
- }
- /// Invoked after we have determined that every strand in `table`
- /// encounters a cycle; `strands` is the set of strands (which
- /// have been moved out of the table). This method then
- /// recursively clears the active strands from the tables
- /// referenced in `strands`, since all of them must encounter
- /// cycles too.
- fn clear_strands_after_cycle(&mut self, strands: impl IntoIterator<Item = CanonicalStrand<I>>) {
- for strand in strands {
- let selected_subgoal = strand.value.selected_subgoal;
- let ex_clause = strand.value.ex_clause;
- let selected_subgoal = selected_subgoal.unwrap_or_else(|| {
- panic!(
- "clear_strands_after_cycle invoked on strand in table \
- without a selected subgoal: {:?}",
- ex_clause,
- )
- });
- let strand_table = selected_subgoal.subgoal_table;
- let strands = self.forest.tables[strand_table].take_strands();
- self.clear_strands_after_cycle(strands);
- }
- }
- fn select_subgoal(
- &mut self,
- mut canonical_strand: &mut CanonicalStrand<I>,
- ) -> SubGoalSelection {
- loop {
- while canonical_strand.value.selected_subgoal.is_none() {
- if canonical_strand.value.ex_clause.subgoals.is_empty() {
- if canonical_strand
- .value
- .ex_clause
- .floundered_subgoals
- .is_empty()
- {
- return SubGoalSelection::NotSelected;
- }
- self.reconsider_floundered_subgoals(&mut canonical_strand.value.ex_clause);
- if canonical_strand.value.ex_clause.subgoals.is_empty() {
- // All the subgoals of this strand floundered. We may be able
- // to get helpful information from this strand still, but it
- // will *always* be ambiguous, so mark it as so.
- assert!(!canonical_strand
- .value
- .ex_clause
- .floundered_subgoals
- .is_empty());
- canonical_strand.value.ex_clause.ambiguous = true;
- return SubGoalSelection::NotSelected;
- }
- continue;
- }
- let subgoal_index =
- SlgContext::next_subgoal_index(&canonical_strand.value.ex_clause);
- // Get or create table for this subgoal.
- let num_universes = self.forest.tables[]
- .table_goal
- .universes;
- let (mut infer, _, strand) = chalk_solve::infer::InferenceTable::from_canonical(
- self.context.program().interner(),
- num_universes,
- canonical_strand.clone(),
- );
- match self.forest.get_or_create_table_for_subgoal(
- self.context,
- &mut infer,
- &strand.ex_clause.subgoals[subgoal_index],
- ) {
- Some((subgoal_table, universe_map)) => {
- canonical_strand.value.selected_subgoal = Some(SelectedSubgoal {
- subgoal_index,
- subgoal_table,
- universe_map,
- answer_index: AnswerIndex::ZERO,
- });
- }
- None => {
- // If we failed to create a table for the subgoal,
- // that is because we have a floundered negative
- // literal.
- self.flounder_subgoal(&mut canonical_strand.value.ex_clause, subgoal_index);
- }
- }
- }
- let selected_subgoal_table = canonical_strand
- .value
- .selected_subgoal
- .as_ref()
- .unwrap()
- .subgoal_table;
- if self.forest.tables[selected_subgoal_table].is_floundered() {
- if self.propagate_floundered_subgoal(canonical_strand) {
- // This strand will never lead anywhere of interest.
- return SubGoalSelection::NotSelected;
- } else {
- // This subgoal has floundered and has been marked.
- // We previously would immediately mark the table as
- // floundered too, and maybe come back to it. Now, we
- // try to see if any other subgoals can be pursued first.
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- return SubGoalSelection::Selected;
- }
- }
- }
- /// Invoked when a strand represents an **answer**. This means
- /// that the strand has no subgoals left. There are two possibilities:
- ///
- /// - the strand may represent an answer we have already found; in
- /// that case, we can return `None`, as this
- /// strand led nowhere of interest.
- /// - the strand may represent a new answer, in which case it is
- /// added to the table and `Some(())` is returned.
- fn pursue_answer(&mut self, canonical_strand: CanonicalStrand<I>) -> Option<AnswerIndex> {
- let table =;
- let Canonical {
- binders,
- value: strand,
- } = canonical_strand;
- let ExClause {
- subst,
- constraints,
- ambiguous,
- subgoals,
- delayed_subgoals,
- answer_time: _,
- floundered_subgoals,
- } = strand.ex_clause;
- // If there are subgoals left, they should be followed
- assert!(subgoals.is_empty());
- // We can still try to get an ambiguous answer if there are floundered subgoals
- let floundered = !floundered_subgoals.is_empty();
- // So let's make sure that it *really* is an ambiguous answer (this should be set previously)
- assert!(!floundered || ambiguous);
- // FIXME: If there are floundered subgoals, we *could* potentially
- // actually check if the partial answers to any of these subgoals
- // conflict. But this requires that we think about whether they are
- // positive or negative subgoals. This duplicates some of the logic
- // in `merge_answer_into_strand`, so a bit of refactoring is needed.
- // If the answer gets too large, mark the table as floundered.
- // This is the *most conservative* course. There are a few alternatives:
- // 1) Replace the answer with a truncated version of it. (This was done
- // previously, but turned out to be more complicated than we wanted and
- // and a source of multiple bugs.)
- // 2) Mark this *strand* as floundered. We don't currently have a mechanism
- // for this (only floundered subgoals), so implementing this is more
- // difficult because we don't want to just *remove* this strand from the
- // table, because that might make the table give `NoMoreSolutions`, which
- // is *wrong*.
- // 3) Do something fancy with delayed subgoals, effectively delayed the
- // truncated bits to a different strand (and a more "refined" answer).
- // (This one probably needs more thought, but is here for "completeness")
- //
- // Ultimately, the current decision to flounder the entire table mostly boils
- // down to "it works as we expect for the current tests". And, we likely don't
- // even *need* the added complexity just for potentially more answers.
- if truncate::needs_truncation(
- self.context.program().interner(),
- &mut InferenceTable::new(),
- self.context.max_size(),
- &subst,
- ) {
- self.forest.tables[table].mark_floundered();
- return None;
- }
- let table_goal = &self.forest.tables[table].table_goal;
- let filtered_delayed_subgoals = delayed_subgoals
- .into_iter()
- .filter(|delayed_subgoal| {
- let canonicalized = InferenceTable::u_canonicalize(
- self.context.program().interner(),
- &chalk_ir::Canonical {
- binders: binders.clone(),
- value: delayed_subgoal.clone(),
- },
- )
- .quantified;
- *table_goal != canonicalized
- })
- .collect();
- let subst = Canonical {
- binders,
- value: AnswerSubst {
- subst,
- constraints: Constraints::from_iter(self.context.program().interner(), constraints),
- delayed_subgoals: filtered_delayed_subgoals,
- },
- };
- debug!(?table, ?subst, ?floundered, "found answer");
- let answer = Answer { subst, ambiguous };
- // A "trivial" answer is one that is 'just true for all cases'
- // -- in other words, it gives no information back to the
- // caller. For example, `Vec<u32>: Sized` is "just true".
- // Such answers are important because they are the most
- // general case, and after we provide a trivial answer, no
- // further answers are useful -- therefore we can clear any
- // further pending strands (this is a "green cut", in
- // Prolog parlance).
- //
- // This optimization is *crucial* for performance: for
- // example, `projection_from_env_slow` fails miserably without
- // it. The reason is that we wind up (thanks to implied bounds)
- // with a clause like this:
- //
- // ```ignore
- // forall<T> { (<T as SliceExt>::Item: Clone) :- WF(T: SliceExt) }
- // ```
- //
- // we then apply that clause to `!1: Clone`, resulting in the
- // table goal `!1: Clone :- <?0 as SliceExt>::Item = !1,
- // WF(?0: SliceExt)`. This causes us to **enumerate all types
- // `?0` that where `Slice<?0>` normalizes to `!1` -- this is
- // an infinite set of types, effectively. Interestingly,
- // though, we only need one and we are done, because (if you
- // look) our goal (`!1: Clone`) doesn't have any output
- // parameters.
- //
- // This is actually a kind of general case. Due to Rust's rule
- // about constrained impl type parameters, generally speaking
- // when we have some free inference variable (like `?0`)
- // within our clause, it must appear in the head of the
- // clause. This means that the values we create for it will
- // propagate up to the caller, and they will quickly surmise
- // that there is ambiguity and stop requesting more answers.
- // Indeed, the only exception to this rule about constrained
- // type parameters if with associated type projections, as in
- // the case above!
- //
- // (Actually, because of the trivial answer cut off rule, we
- // never even get to the point of asking the query above in
- // `projection_from_env_slow`.)
- //
- // However, there is one fly in the ointment: answers include
- // region constraints, and you might imagine that we could
- // find future answers that are also trivial but with distinct
- // sets of region constraints. **For this reason, we only
- // apply this green cut rule if the set of generated
- // constraints is empty.**
- //
- // The limitation on region constraints is quite a drag! We
- // can probably do better, though: for example, coherence
- // guarantees that, for any given set of types, only a single
- // impl ought to be applicable, and that impl can only impose
- // one set of region constraints. However, it's not quite that
- // simple, thanks to specialization as well as the possibility
- // of proving things from the environment (though the latter
- // is a *bit* suspect; e.g., those things in the environment
- // must be backed by an impl *eventually*).
- let is_trivial_answer = {
- self.forest.tables[table]
- .table_goal
- .is_trivial_substitution(self.context.program().interner(), &answer.subst)
- && answer
- .subst
- .value
- .constraints
- .is_empty(self.context.program().interner())
- };
- if let Some(answer_index) = self.forest.tables[table].push_answer(answer) {
- // See above, if we have a *complete* and trivial answer, we don't
- // want to follow any more strands
- if !ambiguous && is_trivial_answer {
- self.forest.tables[table].take_strands();
- }
- Some(answer_index)
- } else {
- info!("answer: not a new answer, returning None");
- None
- }
- }
- fn reconsider_floundered_subgoals(&mut self, ex_clause: &mut ExClause<I>) {
- info!("reconsider_floundered_subgoals(ex_clause={:#?})", ex_clause,);
- let ExClause {
- answer_time,
- subgoals,
- floundered_subgoals,
- ..
- } = ex_clause;
- for i in (0..floundered_subgoals.len()).rev() {
- if floundered_subgoals[i].floundered_time < *answer_time {
- let floundered_subgoal = floundered_subgoals.swap_remove(i);
- subgoals.push(floundered_subgoal.floundered_literal);
- }
- }
- }
- /// Removes the subgoal at `subgoal_index` from the strand's
- /// subgoal list and adds it to the strand's floundered subgoal
- /// list.
- fn flounder_subgoal(&self, ex_clause: &mut ExClause<I>, subgoal_index: usize) {
- let _s = debug_span!(
- "flounder_subgoal",
- answer_time = ?ex_clause.answer_time,
- subgoal = ?ex_clause.subgoals[subgoal_index],
- );
- let _s = _s.enter();
- let floundered_time = ex_clause.answer_time;
- let floundered_literal = ex_clause.subgoals.remove(subgoal_index);
- ex_clause.floundered_subgoals.push(FlounderedSubgoal {
- floundered_literal,
- floundered_time,
- });
- debug!(?ex_clause);
- }
- /// True if all the tables on the stack starting from `depth` and
- /// continuing until the top of the stack are coinductive.
- ///
- /// Example: Given a program like:
- ///
- /// ```notrust
- /// struct Foo { a: Option<Box<Bar>> }
- /// struct Bar { a: Option<Box<Foo>> }
- /// trait XXX { }
- /// impl<T: Send> XXX for T { }
- /// ```
- ///
- /// and then a goal of `Foo: XXX`, we would eventually wind up
- /// with a stack like this:
- ///
- /// | StackIndex | Table Goal |
- /// | ---------- | ----------- |
- /// | 0 | `Foo: XXX` |
- /// | 1 | `Foo: Send` |
- /// | 2 | `Bar: Send` |
- ///
- /// Here, the top of the stack is `Bar: Send`. And now we are
- /// asking `top_of_stack_is_coinductive_from(1)` -- the answer
- /// would be true, since `Send` is an auto trait, which yields a
- /// coinductive goal. But `top_of_stack_is_coinductive_from(0)` is
- /// false, since `XXX` is not an auto trait.
- pub(super) fn top_of_stack_is_coinductive_from(&self, depth: StackIndex) -> bool {
- StackIndex::iterate_range(self.stack.top_of_stack_from(depth)).all(|d| {
- let table = self.stack[d].table;
- self.forest.tables[table].coinductive_goal
- })
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9f36f3ce5..000000000
--- a/vendor/chalk-engine/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-use chalk_derive::FallibleTypeFolder;
-use chalk_ir::fold::shift::Shift;
-use chalk_ir::fold::{TypeFoldable, TypeFolder};
-use chalk_ir::interner::Interner;
-use chalk_ir::*;
-use chalk_solve::infer::InferenceTable;
-pub(crate) struct DeepNormalizer<'table, I: Interner> {
- table: &'table mut InferenceTable<I>,
- interner: I,
-impl<I: Interner> DeepNormalizer<'_, I> {
- /// Given a value `value` with variables in it, replaces those variables
- /// with their instantiated values (if any). Uninstantiated variables are
- /// left as-is.
- ///
- /// This is mainly intended for getting final values to dump to
- /// the user and its use should otherwise be avoided, particularly
- /// given the possibility of snapshots and rollbacks.
- ///
- /// See also `InferenceTable::canonicalize`, which -- during real
- /// processing -- is often used to capture the "current state" of
- /// variables.
- pub fn normalize_deep<T: TypeFoldable<I>>(
- table: &mut InferenceTable<I>,
- interner: I,
- value: T,
- ) -> T {
- value
- .try_fold_with(
- &mut DeepNormalizer { interner, table },
- DebruijnIndex::INNERMOST,
- )
- .unwrap()
- }
-impl<I: Interner> TypeFolder<I> for DeepNormalizer<'_, I> {
- fn as_dyn(&mut self) -> &mut dyn TypeFolder<I> {
- self
- }
- fn fold_inference_ty(
- &mut self,
- var: InferenceVar,
- kind: TyVariableKind,
- _outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
- ) -> Ty<I> {
- let interner = self.interner;
- match self.table.probe_var(var) {
- Some(ty) => ty
- .assert_ty_ref(interner)
- .clone()
- .fold_with(self, DebruijnIndex::INNERMOST)
- .shifted_in(interner), // FIXME shift
- None => {
- // Normalize all inference vars which have been unified into a
- // single variable. Ena calls this the "root" variable.
- self.table.inference_var_root(var).to_ty(interner, kind)
- }
- }
- }
- fn fold_inference_lifetime(
- &mut self,
- var: InferenceVar,
- _outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
- ) -> Lifetime<I> {
- let interner = self.interner;
- match self.table.probe_var(var) {
- Some(l) => l
- .assert_lifetime_ref(interner)
- .clone()
- .fold_with(self, DebruijnIndex::INNERMOST)
- .shifted_in(interner),
- None => var.to_lifetime(interner), // FIXME shift
- }
- }
- fn fold_inference_const(
- &mut self,
- ty: Ty<I>,
- var: InferenceVar,
- _outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
- ) -> Const<I> {
- let interner = self.interner;
- match self.table.probe_var(var) {
- Some(c) => c
- .assert_const_ref(interner)
- .clone()
- .fold_with(self, DebruijnIndex::INNERMOST)
- .shifted_in(interner),
- None => var.to_const(interner, ty), // FIXME shift
- }
- }
- fn forbid_free_vars(&self) -> bool {
- true
- }
- fn interner(&self) -> I {
- self.interner
- }
-mod test {
- use super::*;
- use chalk_integration::interner::ChalkIr;
- use chalk_integration::{arg, ty};
- const U0: UniverseIndex = UniverseIndex { counter: 0 };
- // We just use a vec of 20 `Invariant`, since this is zipped and no substs are
- // longer than this
- #[derive(Debug)]
- struct TestDatabase;
- impl UnificationDatabase<ChalkIr> for TestDatabase {
- fn fn_def_variance(&self, _fn_def_id: FnDefId<ChalkIr>) -> Variances<ChalkIr> {
- Variances::from_iter(ChalkIr, [Variance::Invariant; 20].iter().copied())
- }
- fn adt_variance(&self, _adt_id: AdtId<ChalkIr>) -> Variances<ChalkIr> {
- Variances::from_iter(ChalkIr, [Variance::Invariant; 20].iter().copied())
- }
- }
- #[test]
- fn infer() {
- let interner = ChalkIr;
- let mut table: InferenceTable<ChalkIr> = InferenceTable::new();
- let environment0 = Environment::new(interner);
- let a = table.new_variable(U0).to_ty(interner);
- let b = table.new_variable(U0).to_ty(interner);
- table
- .relate(
- interner,
- &TestDatabase,
- &environment0,
- Variance::Invariant,
- &a,
- &ty!(apply (item 0) (expr b)),
- )
- .unwrap();
- // a is unified to Adt<#0>(c), where 'c' is a new inference var
- // created by the generalizer to generalize 'b'. It then unifies 'b'
- // and 'c', and when we normalize them, they'll both be output as
- // the same "root" variable. However, there are no guarantees for
- // _which_ of 'b' and 'c' becomes the root. We need to normalize
- // "b" too, then, to ensure we get a consistent result.
- assert_eq!(
- DeepNormalizer::normalize_deep(&mut table, interner, a.clone()),
- ty!(apply (item 0) (expr DeepNormalizer::normalize_deep(&mut table, interner, b.clone()))),
- );
- table
- .relate(
- interner,
- &TestDatabase,
- &environment0,
- Variance::Invariant,
- &b,
- &ty!(apply (item 1)),
- )
- .unwrap();
- assert_eq!(
- DeepNormalizer::normalize_deep(&mut table, interner, a),
- ty!(apply (item 0) (apply (item 1)))
- );
- }
diff --git a/vendor/chalk-engine/src/ b/vendor/chalk-engine/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c594af01..000000000
--- a/vendor/chalk-engine/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-use crate::forest::Forest;
-use crate::slg::SlgContextOps;
-use crate::{ExClause, Literal, TimeStamp};
-use chalk_ir::cast::{Cast, Caster};
-use chalk_ir::interner::Interner;
-use chalk_ir::{
- Environment, FallibleOrFloundered, Goal, GoalData, InEnvironment, QuantifierKind, Substitution,
- TyKind, TyVariableKind, Variance,
-use chalk_solve::infer::InferenceTable;
-use tracing::debug;
-impl<I: Interner> Forest<I> {
- /// Simplifies a goal into a series of positive domain goals
- /// and negative goals. This operation may fail if the goal
- /// includes unifications that cannot be completed.
- pub(super) fn simplify_goal(
- context: &SlgContextOps<I>,
- infer: &mut InferenceTable<I>,
- subst: Substitution<I>,
- initial_environment: Environment<I>,
- initial_goal: Goal<I>,
- ) -> FallibleOrFloundered<ExClause<I>> {
- let mut ex_clause = ExClause {
- subst,
- ambiguous: false,
- constraints: vec![],
- subgoals: vec![],
- delayed_subgoals: vec![],
- answer_time: TimeStamp::default(),
- floundered_subgoals: vec![],
- };
- // A stack of higher-level goals to process.
- let mut pending_goals = vec![(initial_environment, initial_goal)];
- while let Some((environment, goal)) = pending_goals.pop() {
- match {
- GoalData::Quantified(QuantifierKind::ForAll, subgoal) => {
- let subgoal = infer.instantiate_binders_universally(
- context.program().interner(),
- subgoal.clone(),
- );
- pending_goals.push((environment, subgoal.clone()));
- }
- GoalData::Quantified(QuantifierKind::Exists, subgoal) => {
- let subgoal = infer.instantiate_binders_existentially(
- context.program().interner(),
- subgoal.clone(),
- );
- pending_goals.push((environment, subgoal.clone()));
- }
- GoalData::Implies(wc, subgoal) => {
- let new_environment = environment.add_clauses(
- context.program().interner(),
- wc.iter(context.program().interner()).cloned(),
- );
- pending_goals.push((new_environment, subgoal.clone()));
- }
- GoalData::All(subgoals) => {
- for subgoal in subgoals.iter(context.program().interner()) {
- pending_goals.push((environment.clone(), subgoal.clone()));
- }
- }
- GoalData::Not(subgoal) => {
- ex_clause
- .subgoals
- .push(Literal::Negative(InEnvironment::new(
- &environment,
- subgoal.clone(),
- )));
- }
- GoalData::EqGoal(goal) => {
- let interner = context.program().interner();
- let db = context.unification_database();
- let a = &goal.a;
- let b = &goal.b;
- let result =
- match infer.relate(interner, db, &environment, Variance::Invariant, a, b) {
- Ok(r) => r,
- Err(_) => return FallibleOrFloundered::NoSolution,
- };
- ex_clause.subgoals.extend(
- result
- .goals
- .into_iter()
- .casted(interner)
- .map(Literal::Positive),
- );
- }
- GoalData::SubtypeGoal(goal) => {
- let interner = context.program().interner();
- let db = context.unification_database();
- let a_norm = infer.normalize_ty_shallow(interner, &goal.a);
- let a = a_norm.as_ref().unwrap_or(&goal.a);
- let b_norm = infer.normalize_ty_shallow(interner, &goal.b);
- let b = b_norm.as_ref().unwrap_or(&goal.b);
- if matches!(
- a.kind(interner),
- TyKind::InferenceVar(_, TyVariableKind::General)
- ) && matches!(
- b.kind(interner),
- TyKind::InferenceVar(_, TyVariableKind::General)
- ) {
- return FallibleOrFloundered::Floundered;
- }
- let result =
- match infer.relate(interner, db, &environment, Variance::Covariant, a, b) {
- Ok(r) => r,
- Err(_) => return FallibleOrFloundered::Floundered,
- };
- ex_clause.subgoals.extend(
- result
- .goals
- .into_iter()
- .casted(interner)
- .map(Literal::Positive),
- );
- }
- GoalData::DomainGoal(domain_goal) => {
- ex_clause
- .subgoals
- .push(Literal::Positive(InEnvironment::new(
- &environment,
- domain_goal.clone().cast(context.program().interner()),
- )));
- }
- GoalData::CannotProve => {
- debug!("Marking Strand as ambiguous because of a `CannotProve` subgoal");
- ex_clause.ambiguous = true;
- }
- }
- }
- FallibleOrFloundered::Ok(ex_clause)
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index f3522e777..000000000
--- a/vendor/chalk-engine/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
-use crate::ExClause;
-use chalk_derive::HasInterner;
-use chalk_ir::interner::Interner;
-use chalk_ir::*;
-use chalk_solve::infer::InferenceTable;
-use chalk_solve::RustIrDatabase;
-use std::fmt::Debug;
-use std::marker::PhantomData;
-pub(crate) mod aggregate;
-mod resolvent;
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, HasInterner)]
-pub(crate) struct SlgContext<I: Interner> {
- phantom: PhantomData<I>,
-impl<I: Interner> SlgContext<I> {
- pub(crate) fn next_subgoal_index(ex_clause: &ExClause<I>) -> usize {
- // For now, we always pick the last subgoal in the
- // list.
- //
- // FIXME(rust-lang-nursery/chalk#80) -- we should be more
- // selective. For example, we don't want to pick a
- // negative literal that will flounder, and we don't want
- // to pick things like `?T: Sized` if we can help it.
- ex_clause.subgoals.len() - 1
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub(crate) struct SlgContextOps<'me, I: Interner> {
- program: &'me dyn RustIrDatabase<I>,
- max_size: usize,
- expected_answers: Option<usize>,
-impl<I: Interner> SlgContextOps<'_, I> {
- pub(crate) fn new(
- program: &dyn RustIrDatabase<I>,
- max_size: usize,
- expected_answers: Option<usize>,
- ) -> SlgContextOps<'_, I> {
- SlgContextOps {
- program,
- max_size,
- expected_answers,
- }
- }
- fn identity_constrained_subst(
- &self,
- goal: &UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
- ) -> Canonical<ConstrainedSubst<I>> {
- let (mut infer, subst, _) = InferenceTable::from_canonical(
- self.program.interner(),
- goal.universes,
- goal.canonical.clone(),
- );
- infer
- .canonicalize(
- self.program.interner(),
- ConstrainedSubst {
- subst,
- constraints: Constraints::empty(self.program.interner()),
- },
- )
- .quantified
- }
- pub(crate) fn program(&self) -> &dyn RustIrDatabase<I> {
- self.program
- }
- pub(crate) fn max_size(&self) -> usize {
- self.max_size
- }
- pub(crate) fn unification_database(&self) -> &dyn UnificationDatabase<I> {
- self.program.unification_database()
- }
-pub trait ResolventOps<I: Interner> {
- /// Combines the `goal` (instantiated within `infer`) with the
- /// given program clause to yield the start of a new strand (a
- /// canonical ex-clause).
- ///
- /// The bindings in `infer` are unaffected by this operation.
- fn resolvent_clause(
- &mut self,
- ops: &dyn UnificationDatabase<I>,
- interner: I,
- environment: &Environment<I>,
- goal: &DomainGoal<I>,
- subst: &Substitution<I>,
- clause: &ProgramClause<I>,
- ) -> Fallible<ExClause<I>>;
- fn apply_answer_subst(
- &mut self,
- interner: I,
- unification_database: &dyn UnificationDatabase<I>,
- ex_clause: &mut ExClause<I>,
- selected_goal: &InEnvironment<Goal<I>>,
- answer_table_goal: &Canonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
- canonical_answer_subst: Canonical<AnswerSubst<I>>,
- ) -> Fallible<()>;
-trait SubstitutionExt<I: Interner> {
- fn may_invalidate(&self, interner: I, subst: &Canonical<Substitution<I>>) -> bool;
-impl<I: Interner> SubstitutionExt<I> for Substitution<I> {
- fn may_invalidate(&self, interner: I, subst: &Canonical<Substitution<I>>) -> bool {
- self.iter(interner)
- .zip(subst.value.iter(interner))
- .any(|(new, current)| MayInvalidate { interner }.aggregate_generic_args(new, current))
- }
-// This is a struct in case we need to add state at any point like in AntiUnifier
-struct MayInvalidate<I> {
- interner: I,
-impl<I: Interner> MayInvalidate<I> {
- fn aggregate_generic_args(&mut self, new: &GenericArg<I>, current: &GenericArg<I>) -> bool {
- let interner = self.interner;
- match (, {
- (GenericArgData::Ty(ty1), GenericArgData::Ty(ty2)) => self.aggregate_tys(ty1, ty2),
- (GenericArgData::Lifetime(l1), GenericArgData::Lifetime(l2)) => {
- self.aggregate_lifetimes(l1, l2)
- }
- (GenericArgData::Const(c1), GenericArgData::Const(c2)) => self.aggregate_consts(c1, c2),
- (GenericArgData::Ty(_), _)
- | (GenericArgData::Lifetime(_), _)
- | (GenericArgData::Const(_), _) => panic!(
- "mismatched parameter kinds: new={:?} current={:?}",
- new, current
- ),
- }
- }
- /// Returns true if the two types could be unequal.
- fn aggregate_tys(&mut self, new: &Ty<I>, current: &Ty<I>) -> bool {
- let interner = self.interner;
- match (new.kind(interner), current.kind(interner)) {
- (_, TyKind::BoundVar(_)) => {
- // If the aggregate solution already has an inference
- // variable here, then no matter what type we produce,
- // the aggregate cannot get 'more generalized' than it
- // already is. So return false, we cannot invalidate.
- //
- // (Note that "inference variables" show up as *bound
- // variables* here, because we are looking at the
- // canonical form.)
- false
- }
- (TyKind::BoundVar(_), _) => {
- // If we see a type variable in the potential future
- // solution, we have to be conservative. We don't know
- // what type variable will wind up being! Remember
- // that the future solution could be any instantiation
- // of `ty0` -- or it could leave this variable
- // unbound, if the result is true for all types.
- //
- // (Note that "inference variables" show up as *bound
- // variables* here, because we are looking at the
- // canonical form.)
- true
- }
- (TyKind::InferenceVar(_, _), _) | (_, TyKind::InferenceVar(_, _)) => {
- panic!(
- "unexpected free inference variable in may-invalidate: {:?} vs {:?}",
- new, current,
- );
- }
- (TyKind::Placeholder(p1), TyKind::Placeholder(p2)) => {
- self.aggregate_placeholders(p1, p2)
- }
- (
- TyKind::Alias(AliasTy::Projection(proj1)),
- TyKind::Alias(AliasTy::Projection(proj2)),
- ) => self.aggregate_projection_tys(proj1, proj2),
- (
- TyKind::Alias(AliasTy::Opaque(opaque_ty1)),
- TyKind::Alias(AliasTy::Opaque(opaque_ty2)),
- ) => self.aggregate_opaque_ty_tys(opaque_ty1, opaque_ty2),
- (TyKind::Adt(id_a, substitution_a), TyKind::Adt(id_b, substitution_b)) => {
- self.aggregate_name_and_substs(id_a, substitution_a, id_b, substitution_b)
- }
- (
- TyKind::AssociatedType(id_a, substitution_a),
- TyKind::AssociatedType(id_b, substitution_b),
- ) => self.aggregate_name_and_substs(id_a, substitution_a, id_b, substitution_b),
- (TyKind::Scalar(scalar_a), TyKind::Scalar(scalar_b)) => scalar_a != scalar_b,
- (TyKind::Str, TyKind::Str) => false,
- (TyKind::Tuple(arity_a, substitution_a), TyKind::Tuple(arity_b, substitution_b)) => {
- self.aggregate_name_and_substs(arity_a, substitution_a, arity_b, substitution_b)
- }
- (
- TyKind::OpaqueType(id_a, substitution_a),
- TyKind::OpaqueType(id_b, substitution_b),
- ) => self.aggregate_name_and_substs(id_a, substitution_a, id_b, substitution_b),
- (TyKind::Slice(ty_a), TyKind::Slice(ty_b)) => self.aggregate_tys(ty_a, ty_b),
- (TyKind::FnDef(id_a, substitution_a), TyKind::FnDef(id_b, substitution_b)) => {
- self.aggregate_name_and_substs(id_a, substitution_a, id_b, substitution_b)
- }
- (TyKind::Ref(id_a, lifetime_a, ty_a), TyKind::Ref(id_b, lifetime_b, ty_b)) => {
- id_a != id_b
- || self.aggregate_lifetimes(lifetime_a, lifetime_b)
- || self.aggregate_tys(ty_a, ty_b)
- }
- (TyKind::Raw(id_a, ty_a), TyKind::Raw(id_b, ty_b)) => {
- id_a != id_b || self.aggregate_tys(ty_a, ty_b)
- }
- (TyKind::Never, TyKind::Never) => false,
- (TyKind::Array(ty_a, const_a), TyKind::Array(ty_b, const_b)) => {
- self.aggregate_tys(ty_a, ty_b) || self.aggregate_consts(const_a, const_b)
- }
- (TyKind::Closure(id_a, substitution_a), TyKind::Closure(id_b, substitution_b)) => {
- self.aggregate_name_and_substs(id_a, substitution_a, id_b, substitution_b)
- }
- (TyKind::Generator(id_a, substitution_a), TyKind::Generator(id_b, substitution_b)) => {
- self.aggregate_name_and_substs(id_a, substitution_a, id_b, substitution_b)
- }
- (
- TyKind::GeneratorWitness(id_a, substitution_a),
- TyKind::GeneratorWitness(id_b, substitution_b),
- ) => self.aggregate_name_and_substs(id_a, substitution_a, id_b, substitution_b),
- (TyKind::Foreign(id_a), TyKind::Foreign(id_b)) => id_a != id_b,
- (TyKind::Error, TyKind::Error) => false,
- (_, _) => true,
- }
- }
- /// Returns true if the two consts could be unequal.
- fn aggregate_lifetimes(&mut self, _: &Lifetime<I>, _: &Lifetime<I>) -> bool {
- true
- }
- /// Returns true if the two consts could be unequal.
- fn aggregate_consts(&mut self, new: &Const<I>, current: &Const<I>) -> bool {
- let interner = self.interner;
- let ConstData {
- ty: new_ty,
- value: new_value,
- } =;
- let ConstData {
- ty: current_ty,
- value: current_value,
- } =;
- if self.aggregate_tys(new_ty, current_ty) {
- return true;
- }
- match (new_value, current_value) {
- (_, ConstValue::BoundVar(_)) => {
- // see comment in aggregate_tys
- false
- }
- (ConstValue::BoundVar(_), _) => {
- // see comment in aggregate_tys
- true
- }
- (ConstValue::InferenceVar(_), _) | (_, ConstValue::InferenceVar(_)) => {
- panic!(
- "unexpected free inference variable in may-invalidate: {:?} vs {:?}",
- new, current,
- );
- }
- (ConstValue::Placeholder(p1), ConstValue::Placeholder(p2)) => {
- self.aggregate_placeholders(p1, p2)
- }
- (ConstValue::Concrete(c1), ConstValue::Concrete(c2)) => {
- !c1.const_eq(new_ty, c2, interner)
- }
- // Only variants left are placeholder = concrete, which always fails
- (ConstValue::Placeholder(_), _) | (ConstValue::Concrete(_), _) => true,
- }
- }
- fn aggregate_placeholders(
- &mut self,
- new: &PlaceholderIndex,
- current: &PlaceholderIndex,
- ) -> bool {
- new != current
- }
- fn aggregate_projection_tys(
- &mut self,
- new: &ProjectionTy<I>,
- current: &ProjectionTy<I>,
- ) -> bool {
- let ProjectionTy {
- associated_ty_id: new_name,
- substitution: new_substitution,
- } = new;
- let ProjectionTy {
- associated_ty_id: current_name,
- substitution: current_substitution,
- } = current;
- self.aggregate_name_and_substs(
- new_name,
- new_substitution,
- current_name,
- current_substitution,
- )
- }
- fn aggregate_opaque_ty_tys(&mut self, new: &OpaqueTy<I>, current: &OpaqueTy<I>) -> bool {
- let OpaqueTy {
- opaque_ty_id: new_name,
- substitution: new_substitution,
- } = new;
- let OpaqueTy {
- opaque_ty_id: current_name,
- substitution: current_substitution,
- } = current;
- self.aggregate_name_and_substs(
- new_name,
- new_substitution,
- current_name,
- current_substitution,
- )
- }
- fn aggregate_name_and_substs<N>(
- &mut self,
- new_name: N,
- new_substitution: &Substitution<I>,
- current_name: N,
- current_substitution: &Substitution<I>,
- ) -> bool
- where
- N: Copy + Eq + Debug,
- {
- let interner = self.interner;
- if new_name != current_name {
- return true;
- }
- let name = new_name;
- assert_eq!(
- new_substitution.len(interner),
- current_substitution.len(interner),
- "does {:?} take {} substitution or {}? can't both be right",
- name,
- new_substitution.len(interner),
- current_substitution.len(interner)
- );
- new_substitution
- .iter(interner)
- .zip(current_substitution.iter(interner))
- .any(|(new, current)| self.aggregate_generic_args(new, current))
- }
diff --git a/vendor/chalk-engine/src/slg/ b/vendor/chalk-engine/src/slg/
deleted file mode 100644
index cce4e14dd..000000000
--- a/vendor/chalk-engine/src/slg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,642 +0,0 @@
-use crate::context::{self, AnswerResult};
-use crate::slg::SlgContextOps;
-use crate::slg::SubstitutionExt;
-use crate::CompleteAnswer;
-use chalk_ir::cast::Cast;
-use chalk_ir::interner::Interner;
-use chalk_ir::*;
-use chalk_solve::ext::*;
-use chalk_solve::infer::InferenceTable;
-use chalk_solve::solve::{Guidance, Solution};
-use std::fmt::Debug;
-/// Methods for combining solutions to yield an aggregate solution.
-pub trait AggregateOps<I: Interner> {
- fn make_solution(
- &self,
- root_goal: &UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
- answers: impl context::AnswerStream<I>,
- should_continue: impl std::ops::Fn() -> bool,
- ) -> Option<Solution<I>>;
-/// Draws as many answers as it needs from `answers` (but
-/// no more!) in order to come up with a solution.
-impl<I: Interner> AggregateOps<I> for SlgContextOps<'_, I> {
- fn make_solution(
- &self,
- root_goal: &UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
- mut answers: impl context::AnswerStream<I>,
- should_continue: impl std::ops::Fn() -> bool,
- ) -> Option<Solution<I>> {
- let interner = self.program.interner();
- let CompleteAnswer { subst, ambiguous } = match answers.next_answer(&should_continue) {
- AnswerResult::NoMoreSolutions => {
- // No answers at all
- return None;
- }
- AnswerResult::Answer(answer) => answer,
- AnswerResult::Floundered => CompleteAnswer {
- subst: self.identity_constrained_subst(root_goal),
- ambiguous: true,
- },
- AnswerResult::QuantumExceeded => {
- return Some(Solution::Ambig(Guidance::Unknown));
- }
- };
- // Exactly 1 unconditional answer?
- let next_answer = answers.peek_answer(&should_continue);
- if next_answer.is_quantum_exceeded() {
- if subst.value.subst.is_identity_subst(interner) {
- return Some(Solution::Ambig(Guidance::Unknown));
- } else {
- return Some(Solution::Ambig(Guidance::Suggested(
-, |cs| cs.subst),
- )));
- }
- }
- if next_answer.is_no_more_solutions() && !ambiguous {
- return Some(Solution::Unique(subst));
- }
- // Otherwise, we either have >1 answer, or else we have
- // ambiguity. Either way, we are only going to be giving back
- // **guidance**, and with guidance, the caller doesn't get
- // back any region constraints. So drop them from our `subst`
- // variable.
- //
- // FIXME-- there is actually a 3rd possibility. We could have
- // >1 answer where all the answers have the same substitution,
- // but different region constraints. We should collapse those
- // cases into an `OR` region constraint at some point, but I
- // leave that for future work. This is basically
- // rust-lang/rust#21974.
- let mut subst =, |cs| cs.subst);
- // Extract answers and merge them into `subst`. Stop once we have
- // a trivial subst (or run out of answers).
- let mut num_answers = 1;
- let guidance = loop {
- if subst.value.is_empty(interner) || is_trivial(interner, &subst) {
- break Guidance::Unknown;
- }
- if !answers
- .any_future_answer(|ref mut new_subst| new_subst.may_invalidate(interner, &subst))
- {
- break Guidance::Definite(subst);
- }
- if let Some(expected_answers) = self.expected_answers {
- if num_answers >= expected_answers {
- panic!("Too many answers for solution.");
- }
- }
- let new_subst = match answers.next_answer(&should_continue) {
- AnswerResult::Answer(answer1) => answer1.subst,
- AnswerResult::Floundered => {
- // FIXME: this doesn't trigger for any current tests
- self.identity_constrained_subst(root_goal)
- }
- AnswerResult::NoMoreSolutions => {
- break Guidance::Definite(subst);
- }
- AnswerResult::QuantumExceeded => {
- break Guidance::Suggested(subst);
- }
- };
- subst = merge_into_guidance(interner, &root_goal.canonical, subst, &new_subst);
- num_answers += 1;
- };
- if let Some(expected_answers) = self.expected_answers {
- assert_eq!(
- expected_answers, num_answers,
- "Not enough answers for solution."
- );
- }
- Some(Solution::Ambig(guidance))
- }
-/// Given a current substitution used as guidance for `root_goal`, and
-/// a new possible answer to `root_goal`, returns a new set of
-/// guidance that encompasses both of them. This is often more general
-/// than the old guidance. For example, if we had a guidance of `?0 =
-/// u32` and the new answer is `?0 = i32`, then the guidance would
-/// become `?0 = ?X` (where `?X` is some fresh variable).
-fn merge_into_guidance<I: Interner>(
- interner: I,
- root_goal: &Canonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
- guidance: Canonical<Substitution<I>>,
- answer: &Canonical<ConstrainedSubst<I>>,
-) -> Canonical<Substitution<I>> {
- let mut infer = InferenceTable::new();
- let Canonical {
- value: ConstrainedSubst {
- subst: subst1,
- constraints: _,
- },
- binders: _,
- } = answer;
- // Collect the types that the two substitutions have in
- // common.
- let aggr_generic_args: Vec<_> = guidance
- .value
- .iter(interner)
- .zip(subst1.iter(interner))
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(index, (p1, p2))| {
- // We have two values for some variable X that
- // appears in the root goal. Find out the universe
- // of X.
- let universe = *root_goal.binders.as_slice(interner)[index].skip_kind();
- match {
- GenericArgData::Ty(_) => (),
- GenericArgData::Lifetime(_) => {
- // Ignore the lifetimes from the substitution: we're just
- // creating guidance here anyway.
- return infer
- .new_variable(universe)
- .to_lifetime(interner)
- .cast(interner);
- }
- GenericArgData::Const(_) => (),
- };
- // Combine the two types into a new type.
- let mut aggr = AntiUnifier {
- infer: &mut infer,
- universe,
- interner,
- };
- aggr.aggregate_generic_args(p1, p2)
- })
- .collect();
- let aggr_subst = Substitution::from_iter(interner, aggr_generic_args);
- infer.canonicalize(interner, aggr_subst).quantified
-fn is_trivial<I: Interner>(interner: I, subst: &Canonical<Substitution<I>>) -> bool {
- // A subst is trivial if..
- subst
- .value
- .iter(interner)
- .enumerate()
- .all(|(index, parameter)| {
- let is_trivial = |b: Option<BoundVar>| match b {
- None => false,
- Some(bound_var) => {
- if let Some(index1) = bound_var.index_if_innermost() {
- index == index1
- } else {
- false
- }
- }
- };
- match {
- // All types and consts are mapped to distinct variables. Since this
- // has been canonicalized, those will also be the first N
- // variables.
- GenericArgData::Ty(t) => is_trivial(t.bound_var(interner)),
- GenericArgData::Const(t) => is_trivial(t.bound_var(interner)),
- // And no lifetime mappings. (This is too strict, but we never
- // product substs with lifetimes.)
- GenericArgData::Lifetime(_) => false,
- }
- })
-/// [Anti-unification] is the act of taking two things that do not
-/// unify and finding a minimal generalization of them. So for
-/// example `Vec<u32>` anti-unified with `Vec<i32>` might be
-/// `Vec<?X>`. This is a **very simplistic** anti-unifier.
-/// NOTE: The values here are canonicalized, but output is not, this means
-/// that any escaping bound variables that we see have to be replaced with
-/// inference variables.
-/// [Anti-unification]:
-struct AntiUnifier<'infer, I: Interner> {
- infer: &'infer mut InferenceTable<I>,
- universe: UniverseIndex,
- interner: I,
-impl<I: Interner> AntiUnifier<'_, I> {
- fn aggregate_tys(&mut self, ty0: &Ty<I>, ty1: &Ty<I>) -> Ty<I> {
- let interner = self.interner;
- match (ty0.kind(interner), ty1.kind(interner)) {
- // If we see bound things on either side, just drop in a
- // fresh variable. This means we will sometimes
- // overgeneralize. So for example if we have two
- // solutions that are both `(X, X)`, we just produce `(Y,
- // Z)` in all cases.
- (TyKind::InferenceVar(_, _), TyKind::InferenceVar(_, _)) => self.new_ty_variable(),
- // Ugh. Aggregating two types like `for<'a> fn(&'a u32,
- // &'a u32)` and `for<'a, 'b> fn(&'a u32, &'b u32)` seems
- // kinda hard. Don't try to be smart for now, just plop a
- // variable in there and be done with it.
- // This also ensures that any bound variables we do see
- // were bound by `Canonical`.
- (TyKind::BoundVar(_), TyKind::BoundVar(_))
- | (TyKind::Function(_), TyKind::Function(_))
- | (TyKind::Dyn(_), TyKind::Dyn(_)) => self.new_ty_variable(),
- (
- TyKind::Alias(AliasTy::Projection(proj1)),
- TyKind::Alias(AliasTy::Projection(proj2)),
- ) => self.aggregate_projection_tys(proj1, proj2),
- (
- TyKind::Alias(AliasTy::Opaque(opaque_ty1)),
- TyKind::Alias(AliasTy::Opaque(opaque_ty2)),
- ) => self.aggregate_opaque_ty_tys(opaque_ty1, opaque_ty2),
- (TyKind::Placeholder(placeholder1), TyKind::Placeholder(placeholder2)) => {
- self.aggregate_placeholder_tys(placeholder1, placeholder2)
- }
- (TyKind::Adt(id_a, substitution_a), TyKind::Adt(id_b, substitution_b)) => self
- .aggregate_name_and_substs(id_a, substitution_a, id_b, substitution_b)
- .map(|(&name, substitution)| TyKind::Adt(name, substitution).intern(interner))
- .unwrap_or_else(|| self.new_ty_variable()),
- (
- TyKind::AssociatedType(id_a, substitution_a),
- TyKind::AssociatedType(id_b, substitution_b),
- ) => self
- .aggregate_name_and_substs(id_a, substitution_a, id_b, substitution_b)
- .map(|(&name, substitution)| {
- TyKind::AssociatedType(name, substitution).intern(interner)
- })
- .unwrap_or_else(|| self.new_ty_variable()),
- (TyKind::Scalar(scalar_a), TyKind::Scalar(scalar_b)) => {
- if scalar_a == scalar_b {
- TyKind::Scalar(*scalar_a).intern(interner)
- } else {
- self.new_ty_variable()
- }
- }
- (TyKind::Str, TyKind::Str) => TyKind::Str.intern(interner),
- (TyKind::Tuple(arity_a, substitution_a), TyKind::Tuple(arity_b, substitution_b)) => {
- self.aggregate_name_and_substs(arity_a, substitution_a, arity_b, substitution_b)
- .map(|(&name, substitution)| TyKind::Tuple(name, substitution).intern(interner))
- .unwrap_or_else(|| self.new_ty_variable())
- }
- (
- TyKind::OpaqueType(id_a, substitution_a),
- TyKind::OpaqueType(id_b, substitution_b),
- ) => self
- .aggregate_name_and_substs(id_a, substitution_a, id_b, substitution_b)
- .map(|(&name, substitution)| {
- TyKind::OpaqueType(name, substitution).intern(interner)
- })
- .unwrap_or_else(|| self.new_ty_variable()),
- (TyKind::Slice(ty_a), TyKind::Slice(ty_b)) => {
- TyKind::Slice(self.aggregate_tys(ty_a, ty_b)).intern(interner)
- }
- (TyKind::FnDef(id_a, substitution_a), TyKind::FnDef(id_b, substitution_b)) => self
- .aggregate_name_and_substs(id_a, substitution_a, id_b, substitution_b)
- .map(|(&name, substitution)| TyKind::FnDef(name, substitution).intern(interner))
- .unwrap_or_else(|| self.new_ty_variable()),
- (TyKind::Ref(id_a, lifetime_a, ty_a), TyKind::Ref(id_b, lifetime_b, ty_b)) => {
- if id_a == id_b {
- TyKind::Ref(
- *id_a,
- self.aggregate_lifetimes(lifetime_a, lifetime_b),
- self.aggregate_tys(ty_a, ty_b),
- )
- .intern(interner)
- } else {
- self.new_ty_variable()
- }
- }
- (TyKind::Raw(id_a, ty_a), TyKind::Raw(id_b, ty_b)) => {
- if id_a == id_b {
- TyKind::Raw(*id_a, self.aggregate_tys(ty_a, ty_b)).intern(interner)
- } else {
- self.new_ty_variable()
- }
- }
- (TyKind::Never, TyKind::Never) => TyKind::Never.intern(interner),
- (TyKind::Array(ty_a, const_a), TyKind::Array(ty_b, const_b)) => TyKind::Array(
- self.aggregate_tys(ty_a, ty_b),
- self.aggregate_consts(const_a, const_b),
- )
- .intern(interner),
- (TyKind::Closure(id_a, substitution_a), TyKind::Closure(id_b, substitution_b)) => self
- .aggregate_name_and_substs(id_a, substitution_a, id_b, substitution_b)
- .map(|(&name, substitution)| TyKind::Closure(name, substitution).intern(interner))
- .unwrap_or_else(|| self.new_ty_variable()),
- (TyKind::Generator(id_a, substitution_a), TyKind::Generator(id_b, substitution_b)) => {
- self.aggregate_name_and_substs(id_a, substitution_a, id_b, substitution_b)
- .map(|(&name, substitution)| {
- TyKind::Generator(name, substitution).intern(interner)
- })
- .unwrap_or_else(|| self.new_ty_variable())
- }
- (
- TyKind::GeneratorWitness(id_a, substitution_a),
- TyKind::GeneratorWitness(id_b, substitution_b),
- ) => self
- .aggregate_name_and_substs(id_a, substitution_a, id_b, substitution_b)
- .map(|(&name, substitution)| {
- TyKind::GeneratorWitness(name, substitution).intern(interner)
- })
- .unwrap_or_else(|| self.new_ty_variable()),
- (TyKind::Foreign(id_a), TyKind::Foreign(id_b)) => {
- if id_a == id_b {
- TyKind::Foreign(*id_a).intern(interner)
- } else {
- self.new_ty_variable()
- }
- }
- (TyKind::Error, TyKind::Error) => TyKind::Error.intern(interner),
- (_, _) => self.new_ty_variable(),
- }
- }
- fn aggregate_placeholder_tys(
- &mut self,
- index1: &PlaceholderIndex,
- index2: &PlaceholderIndex,
- ) -> Ty<I> {
- let interner = self.interner;
- if index1 != index2 {
- self.new_ty_variable()
- } else {
- TyKind::Placeholder(*index1).intern(interner)
- }
- }
- fn aggregate_projection_tys(
- &mut self,
- proj1: &ProjectionTy<I>,
- proj2: &ProjectionTy<I>,
- ) -> Ty<I> {
- let interner = self.interner;
- let ProjectionTy {
- associated_ty_id: name1,
- substitution: substitution1,
- } = proj1;
- let ProjectionTy {
- associated_ty_id: name2,
- substitution: substitution2,
- } = proj2;
- self.aggregate_name_and_substs(name1, substitution1, name2, substitution2)
- .map(|(&associated_ty_id, substitution)| {
- TyKind::Alias(AliasTy::Projection(ProjectionTy {
- associated_ty_id,
- substitution,
- }))
- .intern(interner)
- })
- .unwrap_or_else(|| self.new_ty_variable())
- }
- fn aggregate_opaque_ty_tys(
- &mut self,
- opaque_ty1: &OpaqueTy<I>,
- opaque_ty2: &OpaqueTy<I>,
- ) -> Ty<I> {
- let OpaqueTy {
- opaque_ty_id: name1,
- substitution: substitution1,
- } = opaque_ty1;
- let OpaqueTy {
- opaque_ty_id: name2,
- substitution: substitution2,
- } = opaque_ty2;
- self.aggregate_name_and_substs(name1, substitution1, name2, substitution2)
- .map(|(&opaque_ty_id, substitution)| {
- TyKind::Alias(AliasTy::Opaque(OpaqueTy {
- opaque_ty_id,
- substitution,
- }))
- .intern(self.interner)
- })
- .unwrap_or_else(|| self.new_ty_variable())
- }
- fn aggregate_name_and_substs<N>(
- &mut self,
- name1: N,
- substitution1: &Substitution<I>,
- name2: N,
- substitution2: &Substitution<I>,
- ) -> Option<(N, Substitution<I>)>
- where
- N: Copy + Eq + Debug,
- {
- let interner = self.interner;
- if name1 != name2 {
- return None;
- }
- let name = name1;
- assert_eq!(
- substitution1.len(interner),
- substitution2.len(interner),
- "does {:?} take {} substitution or {}? can't both be right",
- name,
- substitution1.len(interner),
- substitution2.len(interner)
- );
- let substitution = Substitution::from_iter(
- interner,
- substitution1
- .iter(interner)
- .zip(substitution2.iter(interner))
- .map(|(p1, p2)| self.aggregate_generic_args(p1, p2)),
- );
- Some((name, substitution))
- }
- fn aggregate_generic_args(&mut self, p1: &GenericArg<I>, p2: &GenericArg<I>) -> GenericArg<I> {
- let interner = self.interner;
- match (, {
- (GenericArgData::Ty(ty1), GenericArgData::Ty(ty2)) => {
- self.aggregate_tys(ty1, ty2).cast(interner)
- }
- (GenericArgData::Lifetime(l1), GenericArgData::Lifetime(l2)) => {
- self.aggregate_lifetimes(l1, l2).cast(interner)
- }
- (GenericArgData::Const(c1), GenericArgData::Const(c2)) => {
- self.aggregate_consts(c1, c2).cast(interner)
- }
- (GenericArgData::Ty(_), _)
- | (GenericArgData::Lifetime(_), _)
- | (GenericArgData::Const(_), _) => {
- panic!("mismatched parameter kinds: p1={:?} p2={:?}", p1, p2)
- }
- }
- }
- fn aggregate_lifetimes(&mut self, l1: &Lifetime<I>, l2: &Lifetime<I>) -> Lifetime<I> {
- let interner = self.interner;
- match (, {
- (LifetimeData::Phantom(void, ..), _) | (_, LifetimeData::Phantom(void, ..)) => {
- match *void {}
- }
- (LifetimeData::BoundVar(..), _) | (_, LifetimeData::BoundVar(..)) => {
- self.new_lifetime_variable()
- }
- _ => {
- if l1 == l2 {
- l1.clone()
- } else {
- self.new_lifetime_variable()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fn aggregate_consts(&mut self, c1: &Const<I>, c2: &Const<I>) -> Const<I> {
- let interner = self.interner;
- // It would be nice to check that c1 and c2 have the same type, even though
- // on this stage of solving they should already have the same type.
- let ConstData {
- ty: c1_ty,
- value: c1_value,
- } =;
- let ConstData {
- ty: _c2_ty,
- value: c2_value,
- } =;
- let ty = c1_ty.clone();
- match (c1_value, c2_value) {
- (ConstValue::InferenceVar(_), _) | (_, ConstValue::InferenceVar(_)) => {
- self.new_const_variable(ty)
- }
- (ConstValue::BoundVar(_), _) | (_, ConstValue::BoundVar(_)) => {
- self.new_const_variable(ty)
- }
- (ConstValue::Placeholder(_), ConstValue::Placeholder(_)) => {
- if c1 == c2 {
- c1.clone()
- } else {
- self.new_const_variable(ty)
- }
- }
- (ConstValue::Concrete(e1), ConstValue::Concrete(e2)) => {
- if e1.const_eq(&ty, e2, interner) {
- c1.clone()
- } else {
- self.new_const_variable(ty)
- }
- }
- (ConstValue::Placeholder(_), _) | (_, ConstValue::Placeholder(_)) => {
- self.new_const_variable(ty)
- }
- }
- }
- fn new_ty_variable(&mut self) -> Ty<I> {
- let interner = self.interner;
- self.infer.new_variable(self.universe).to_ty(interner)
- }
- fn new_lifetime_variable(&mut self) -> Lifetime<I> {
- let interner = self.interner;
- self.infer.new_variable(self.universe).to_lifetime(interner)
- }
- fn new_const_variable(&mut self, ty: Ty<I>) -> Const<I> {
- let interner = self.interner;
- self.infer
- .new_variable(self.universe)
- .to_const(interner, ty)
- }
-mod test {
- use crate::slg::aggregate::AntiUnifier;
- use chalk_integration::{arg, ty};
- use chalk_ir::UniverseIndex;
- use chalk_solve::infer::InferenceTable;
- /// Test the equivalent of `Vec<i32>` vs `Vec<u32>`
- #[test]
- fn vec_i32_vs_vec_u32() {
- use chalk_integration::interner::ChalkIr;
- let mut infer: InferenceTable<ChalkIr> = InferenceTable::new();
- let mut anti_unifier = AntiUnifier {
- infer: &mut infer,
- universe: UniverseIndex::root(),
- interner: ChalkIr,
- };
- let ty = anti_unifier.aggregate_tys(
- &ty!(apply (item 0) (apply (item 1))),
- &ty!(apply (item 0) (apply (item 2))),
- );
- assert_eq!(ty!(apply (item 0) (infer 0)), ty);
- }
- /// Test the equivalent of `Vec<i32>` vs `Vec<i32>`
- #[test]
- fn vec_i32_vs_vec_i32() {
- use chalk_integration::interner::ChalkIr;
- let interner = ChalkIr;
- let mut infer: InferenceTable<ChalkIr> = InferenceTable::new();
- let mut anti_unifier = AntiUnifier {
- interner,
- infer: &mut infer,
- universe: UniverseIndex::root(),
- };
- let ty = anti_unifier.aggregate_tys(
- &ty!(apply (item 0) (apply (item 1))),
- &ty!(apply (item 0) (apply (item 1))),
- );
- assert_eq!(ty!(apply (item 0) (apply (item 1))), ty);
- }
- /// Test the equivalent of `Vec<X>` vs `Vec<Y>`
- #[test]
- fn vec_x_vs_vec_y() {
- use chalk_integration::interner::ChalkIr;
- let interner = ChalkIr;
- let mut infer: InferenceTable<ChalkIr> = InferenceTable::new();
- let mut anti_unifier = AntiUnifier {
- interner,
- infer: &mut infer,
- universe: UniverseIndex::root(),
- };
- // Note that the `var 0` and `var 1` in these types would be
- // referring to canonicalized free variables, not variables in
- // `infer`.
- let ty = anti_unifier.aggregate_tys(
- &ty!(apply (item 0) (infer 0)),
- &ty!(apply (item 0) (infer 1)),
- );
- // But this `var 0` is from `infer.
- assert_eq!(ty!(apply (item 0) (infer 0)), ty);
- }
diff --git a/vendor/chalk-engine/src/slg/ b/vendor/chalk-engine/src/slg/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3863fc429..000000000
--- a/vendor/chalk-engine/src/slg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,729 +0,0 @@
-use crate::normalize_deep::DeepNormalizer;
-use crate::slg::ResolventOps;
-use crate::{ExClause, Literal, TimeStamp};
-use chalk_ir::cast::Caster;
-use chalk_ir::fold::shift::Shift;
-use chalk_ir::fold::TypeFoldable;
-use chalk_ir::interner::{HasInterner, Interner};
-use chalk_ir::zip::{Zip, Zipper};
-use chalk_ir::*;
-use chalk_solve::infer::InferenceTable;
-use tracing::{debug, instrument};
-// The "SLG Resolvent" is used to combine a *goal* G with some
-// clause or answer *C*. It unifies the goal's selected literal
-// with the clause and then inserts the clause's conditions into
-// the goal's list of things to prove, basically. Although this is
-// one operation in EWFS, we have specialized variants for merging
-// a program clause and an answer (though they share some code in
-// common).
-// Terminology note: The NFTD and RR papers use the term
-// "resolvent" to mean both the factor and the resolvent, but EWFS
-// distinguishes the two. We follow EWFS here since -- in the code
-// -- we tend to know whether there are delayed literals or not,
-// and hence to know which code path we actually want.
-// From EWFS:
-// Let G be an X-clause A :- D | L1,...Ln, where N > 0, and Li be selected atom.
-// Let C be an X-clause with no delayed literals. Let
-// C' = A' :- L'1...L'm
-// be a variant of C such that G and C' have no variables in
-// common.
-// Let Li and A' be unified with MGU S.
-// Then:
-// S(A :- D | L1...Li-1, L1'...L'm, Li+1...Ln)
-// is the SLG resolvent of G with C.
-impl<I: Interner> ResolventOps<I> for InferenceTable<I> {
- /// Applies the SLG resolvent algorithm to incorporate a program
- /// clause into the main X-clause, producing a new X-clause that
- /// must be solved.
- ///
- /// # Parameters
- ///
- /// - `goal` is the goal G that we are trying to solve
- /// - `clause` is the program clause that may be useful to that end
- #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, interner, environment, subst))]
- fn resolvent_clause(
- &mut self,
- db: &dyn UnificationDatabase<I>,
- interner: I,
- environment: &Environment<I>,
- goal: &DomainGoal<I>,
- subst: &Substitution<I>,
- clause: &ProgramClause<I>,
- ) -> Fallible<ExClause<I>> {
- // Relating the above description to our situation:
- //
- // - `goal` G, except with binders for any existential variables.
- // - Also, we always select the first literal in `ex_clause.literals`, so `i` is 0.
- // - `clause` is C, except with binders for any existential variables.
- // C' in the description above is `consequence :- conditions`.
- //
- // Note that G and C' have no variables in common.
- let ProgramClauseImplication {
- consequence,
- conditions,
- constraints,
- priority: _,
- } = {
- let ProgramClauseData(implication) =;
- self.instantiate_binders_existentially(interner, implication.clone())
- };
- debug!(?consequence, ?conditions, ?constraints);
- // Unify the selected literal Li with C'.
- let unification_result = self.relate(
- interner,
- db,
- environment,
- Variance::Invariant,
- goal,
- &consequence,
- )?;
- // Final X-clause that we will return.
- let mut ex_clause = ExClause {
- subst: subst.clone(),
- ambiguous: false,
- constraints: vec![],
- subgoals: vec![],
- delayed_subgoals: vec![],
- answer_time: TimeStamp::default(),
- floundered_subgoals: vec![],
- };
- // Add the subgoals/region-constraints that unification gave us.
- ex_clause.subgoals.extend(
- unification_result
- .goals
- .into_iter()
- .casted(interner)
- .map(Literal::Positive),
- );
- ex_clause
- .constraints
- .extend(constraints.as_slice(interner).to_owned());
- // Add the `conditions` from the program clause into the result too.
- ex_clause
- .subgoals
- .extend(conditions.iter(interner).map(|c| match {
- GoalData::Not(c1) => {
- Literal::Negative(InEnvironment::new(environment, Goal::clone(c1)))
- }
- _ => Literal::Positive(InEnvironment::new(environment, Goal::clone(c))),
- }));
- Ok(ex_clause)
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // apply_answer_subst
- //
- // Apply answer subst has the job of "plugging in" the answer to a
- // query into the pending ex-clause. To see how it works, it's worth stepping
- // up one level. Imagine that first we are trying to prove a goal A:
- //
- // A :- T: Foo<Vec<?U>>, ?U: Bar
- //
- // this spawns a subgoal `T: Foo<Vec<?0>>`, and it's this subgoal that
- // has now produced an answer `?0 = u32`. When the goal A spawned the
- // subgoal, it will also have registered a `PendingExClause` with its
- // current state. At the point where *this* method has been invoked,
- // that pending ex-clause has been instantiated with fresh variables and setup,
- // so we have four bits of incoming information:
- //
- // - `ex_clause`, which is the remaining stuff to prove for the goal A.
- // Here, the inference variable `?U` has been instantiated with a fresh variable
- // `?X`.
- // - `A :- ?X: Bar`
- // - `selected_goal`, which is the thing we were trying to prove when we
- // spawned the subgoal. It shares inference variables with `ex_clause`.
- // - `T: Foo<Vec<?X>>`
- // - `answer_table_goal`, which is the subgoal in canonical form:
- // - `for<type> T: Foo<Vec<?0>>`
- // - `canonical_answer_subst`, which is an answer to `answer_table_goal`.
- // - `[?0 = u32]`
- //
- // In this case, this function will (a) unify `u32` and `?X` and then
- // (b) return `ex_clause` (extended possibly with new region constraints
- // and subgoals).
- //
- // One way to do this would be to (a) substitute
- // `canonical_answer_subst` into `answer_table_goal` (yielding `T:
- // Foo<Vec<u32>>`) and then (b) instantiate the result with fresh
- // variables (no effect in this instance) and then (c) unify that with
- // `selected_goal` (yielding, indirectly, that `?X = u32`). But that
- // is not what we do: it's inefficient, to start, but it also causes
- // problems because unification of projections can make new
- // sub-goals. That is, even if the answers don't involve any
- // projections, the table goals might, and this can create an infinite
- // loop (see also #74).
- //
- // What we do instead is to (a) instantiate the substitution, which
- // may have free variables in it (in this case, it would not, and the
- // instantiation would have no effect) and then (b) zip
- // `answer_table_goal` and `selected_goal` without having done any
- // substitution. After all, these ought to be basically the same,
- // since `answer_table_goal` was created by canonicalizing (and
- // possibly truncating, but we'll get to that later)
- // `selected_goal`. Then, whenever we reach a "free variable" in
- // `answer_table_goal`, say `?0`, we go to the instantiated answer
- // substitution and lookup the result (in this case, `u32`). We take
- // that result and unify it with whatever we find in `selected_goal`
- // (in this case, `?X`).
- //
- // Let's cover then some corner cases. First off, what is this
- // business of instantiating the answer? Well, the answer may not be a
- // simple type like `u32`, it could be a "family" of types, like
- // `for<type> Vec<?0>` -- i.e., `Vec<X>: Bar` for *any* `X`. In that
- // case, the instantiation would produce a substitution `[?0 :=
- // Vec<?Y>]` (note that the key is not affected, just the value). So
- // when we do the unification, instead of unifying `?X = u32`, we
- // would unify `?X = Vec<?Y>`.
- //
- // Next, truncation. One key thing is that the `answer_table_goal` may
- // not be *exactly* the same as the `selected_goal` -- we will
- // truncate it if it gets too deep. so, in our example, it may be that
- // instead of `answer_table_goal` being `for<type> T: Foo<Vec<?0>>`,
- // it could have been truncated to `for<type> T: Foo<?0>` (which is a
- // more general goal). In that case, let's say that the answer is
- // still `[?0 = u32]`, meaning that `T: Foo<u32>` is true (which isn't
- // actually interesting to our original goal). When we do the zip
- // then, we will encounter `?0` in the `answer_table_goal` and pair
- // that with `Vec<?X>` from the pending goal. We will attempt to unify
- // `Vec<?X>` with `u32` (from the substitution), which will fail. That
- // failure will get propagated back up.
- #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, interner))]
- fn apply_answer_subst(
- &mut self,
- interner: I,
- unification_database: &dyn UnificationDatabase<I>,
- ex_clause: &mut ExClause<I>,
- selected_goal: &InEnvironment<Goal<I>>,
- answer_table_goal: &Canonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
- canonical_answer_subst: Canonical<AnswerSubst<I>>,
- ) -> Fallible<()> {
- debug!(selected_goal = ?DeepNormalizer::normalize_deep(self, interner, selected_goal.clone()));
- // C' is now `answer`. No variables in common with G.
- let AnswerSubst {
- subst: answer_subst,
- // Assuming unification succeeds, we incorporate the
- // region constraints from the answer into the result;
- // we'll need them if this answer (which is not yet known
- // to be true) winds up being true, and otherwise (if the
- // answer is false or unknown) it doesn't matter.
- constraints: answer_constraints,
- delayed_subgoals,
- } = self.instantiate_canonical(interner, canonical_answer_subst);
- AnswerSubstitutor::substitute(
- interner,
- unification_database,
- self,
- &selected_goal.environment,
- &answer_subst,
- ex_clause,
- &answer_table_goal.value,
- selected_goal,
- )?;
- ex_clause
- .constraints
- .extend(answer_constraints.as_slice(interner).to_vec());
- // at that point we should only have goals that stemmed
- // from non trivial self cycles
- ex_clause.delayed_subgoals.extend(delayed_subgoals);
- Ok(())
- }
-struct AnswerSubstitutor<'t, I: Interner> {
- table: &'t mut InferenceTable<I>,
- environment: &'t Environment<I>,
- answer_subst: &'t Substitution<I>,
- /// Tracks the debrujn index of the first binder that is outside
- /// the term we are traversing. This starts as `DebruijnIndex::INNERMOST`,
- /// since we have not yet traversed *any* binders, but when we visit
- /// the inside of a binder, it would be incremented.
- ///
- /// Example: If we are visiting `(for<type> A, B, C, for<type> for<type> D)`,
- /// then this would be:
- ///
- /// * `1`, when visiting `A`,
- /// * `0`, when visiting `B` and `C`,
- /// * `2`, when visiting `D`.
- outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
- ex_clause: &'t mut ExClause<I>,
- interner: I,
- unification_database: &'t dyn UnificationDatabase<I>,
-impl<I: Interner> AnswerSubstitutor<'_, I> {
- fn substitute<T: Zip<I>>(
- interner: I,
- unification_database: &dyn UnificationDatabase<I>,
- table: &mut InferenceTable<I>,
- environment: &Environment<I>,
- answer_subst: &Substitution<I>,
- ex_clause: &mut ExClause<I>,
- answer: &T,
- pending: &T,
- ) -> Fallible<()> {
- let mut this = AnswerSubstitutor {
- interner,
- unification_database,
- table,
- environment,
- answer_subst,
- ex_clause,
- outer_binder: DebruijnIndex::INNERMOST,
- };
- Zip::zip_with(&mut this, Variance::Invariant, answer, pending)?;
- Ok(())
- }
- fn unify_free_answer_var(
- &mut self,
- interner: I,
- db: &dyn UnificationDatabase<I>,
- variance: Variance,
- answer_var: BoundVar,
- pending: GenericArgData<I>,
- ) -> Fallible<bool> {
- let answer_index = match answer_var.index_if_bound_at(self.outer_binder) {
- Some(index) => index,
- // This variable is bound in the answer, not free, so it
- // doesn't represent a reference into the answer substitution.
- None => return Ok(false),
- };
- let answer_param =, answer_index);
- let pending_shifted = pending
- .shifted_out_to(interner, self.outer_binder)
- .expect("truncate extracted a pending value that references internal binder");
- let result = self.table.relate(
- interner,
- db,
- self.environment,
- variance,
- answer_param,
- &GenericArg::new(interner, pending_shifted),
- )?;
- self.ex_clause.subgoals.extend(
- result
- .goals
- .into_iter()
- .casted(interner)
- .map(Literal::Positive),
- );
- Ok(true)
- }
- /// When we encounter a variable in the answer goal, we first try
- /// `unify_free_answer_var`. Assuming that this fails, the
- /// variable must be a bound variable in the answer goal -- in
- /// that case, there should be a corresponding bound variable in
- /// the pending goal. This bit of code just checks that latter
- /// case.
- fn assert_matching_vars(
- &mut self,
- answer_var: BoundVar,
- pending_var: BoundVar,
- ) -> Fallible<()> {
- let BoundVar {
- debruijn: answer_depth,
- index: answer_index,
- } = answer_var;
- let BoundVar {
- debruijn: pending_depth,
- index: pending_index,
- } = pending_var;
- // Both bound variables are bound within the term we are matching
- assert!(answer_depth.within(self.outer_binder));
- // They are bound at the same (relative) depth
- assert_eq!(answer_depth, pending_depth);
- // They are bound at the same index within the binder
- assert_eq!(answer_index, pending_index,);
- Ok(())
- }
-impl<'i, I: Interner> Zipper<I> for AnswerSubstitutor<'i, I> {
- fn zip_tys(&mut self, variance: Variance, answer: &Ty<I>, pending: &Ty<I>) -> Fallible<()> {
- let interner = self.interner;
- if let Some(pending) = self.table.normalize_ty_shallow(interner, pending) {
- return Zip::zip_with(self, variance, answer, &pending);
- }
- // If the answer has a variable here, then this is one of the
- // "inputs" to the subgoal table. We need to extract the
- // resulting answer that the subgoal found and unify it with
- // the value from our "pending subgoal".
- if let TyKind::BoundVar(answer_depth) = answer.kind(interner) {
- if self.unify_free_answer_var(
- interner,
- self.unification_database,
- variance,
- *answer_depth,
- GenericArgData::Ty(pending.clone()),
- )? {
- return Ok(());
- }
- }
- // Otherwise, the answer and the selected subgoal ought to be a perfect match for
- // one another.
- match (answer.kind(interner), pending.kind(interner)) {
- (TyKind::BoundVar(answer_depth), TyKind::BoundVar(pending_depth)) => {
- self.assert_matching_vars(*answer_depth, *pending_depth)
- }
- (TyKind::Dyn(answer), TyKind::Dyn(pending)) => {
- Zip::zip_with(self, variance, answer, pending)
- }
- (TyKind::Alias(answer), TyKind::Alias(pending)) => {
- Zip::zip_with(self, variance, answer, pending)
- }
- (TyKind::Placeholder(answer), TyKind::Placeholder(pending)) => {
- Zip::zip_with(self, variance, answer, pending)
- }
- (TyKind::Function(answer), TyKind::Function(pending)) => Zip::zip_with(
- self,
- variance,
- &answer.clone().into_binders(interner),
- &pending.clone().into_binders(interner),
- ),
- (TyKind::InferenceVar(_, _), _) | (_, TyKind::InferenceVar(_, _)) => panic!(
- "unexpected inference var in answer `{:?}` or pending goal `{:?}`",
- answer, pending,
- ),
- (TyKind::Adt(id_a, substitution_a), TyKind::Adt(id_b, substitution_b)) => {
- if id_a != id_b {
- return Err(NoSolution);
- }
- self.zip_substs(
- variance,
- Some(self.unification_database().adt_variance(*id_a)),
- substitution_a.as_slice(interner),
- substitution_b.as_slice(interner),
- )
- }
- (
- TyKind::AssociatedType(id_a, substitution_a),
- TyKind::AssociatedType(id_b, substitution_b),
- ) => {
- if id_a != id_b {
- return Err(NoSolution);
- }
- self.zip_substs(
- variance,
- None,
- substitution_a.as_slice(interner),
- substitution_b.as_slice(interner),
- )
- }
- (TyKind::Scalar(scalar_a), TyKind::Scalar(scalar_b)) => {
- Zip::zip_with(self, variance, scalar_a, scalar_b)
- }
- (TyKind::Str, TyKind::Str) => Ok(()),
- (TyKind::Tuple(arity_a, substitution_a), TyKind::Tuple(arity_b, substitution_b)) => {
- if arity_a != arity_b {
- return Err(NoSolution);
- }
- self.zip_substs(
- variance,
- None,
- substitution_a.as_slice(interner),
- substitution_b.as_slice(interner),
- )
- }
- (
- TyKind::OpaqueType(id_a, substitution_a),
- TyKind::OpaqueType(id_b, substitution_b),
- ) => {
- if id_a != id_b {
- return Err(NoSolution);
- }
- self.zip_substs(
- variance,
- None,
- substitution_a.as_slice(interner),
- substitution_b.as_slice(interner),
- )
- }
- (TyKind::Slice(ty_a), TyKind::Slice(ty_b)) => Zip::zip_with(self, variance, ty_a, ty_b),
- (TyKind::FnDef(id_a, substitution_a), TyKind::FnDef(id_b, substitution_b)) => {
- if id_a != id_b {
- return Err(NoSolution);
- }
- self.zip_substs(
- variance,
- Some(self.unification_database().fn_def_variance(*id_a)),
- substitution_a.as_slice(interner),
- substitution_b.as_slice(interner),
- )
- }
- (
- TyKind::Ref(mutability_a, lifetime_a, ty_a),
- TyKind::Ref(mutability_b, lifetime_b, ty_b),
- ) => {
- if mutability_a != mutability_b {
- return Err(NoSolution);
- }
- // The lifetime is `Contravariant`
- Zip::zip_with(
- self,
- variance.xform(Variance::Contravariant),
- lifetime_a,
- lifetime_b,
- )?;
- // The type is `Covariant` when not mut, `Invariant` otherwise
- let output_variance = match mutability_a {
- Mutability::Not => Variance::Covariant,
- Mutability::Mut => Variance::Invariant,
- };
- Zip::zip_with(self, variance.xform(output_variance), ty_a, ty_b)
- }
- (TyKind::Raw(mutability_a, ty_a), TyKind::Raw(mutability_b, ty_b)) => {
- if mutability_a != mutability_b {
- return Err(NoSolution);
- }
- let ty_variance = match mutability_a {
- Mutability::Not => Variance::Covariant,
- Mutability::Mut => Variance::Invariant,
- };
- Zip::zip_with(self, variance.xform(ty_variance), ty_a, ty_b)
- }
- (TyKind::Never, TyKind::Never) => Ok(()),
- (TyKind::Array(ty_a, const_a), TyKind::Array(ty_b, const_b)) => {
- Zip::zip_with(self, variance, ty_a, ty_b)?;
- Zip::zip_with(self, variance, const_a, const_b)
- }
- (TyKind::Closure(id_a, substitution_a), TyKind::Closure(id_b, substitution_b)) => {
- if id_a != id_b {
- return Err(NoSolution);
- }
- self.zip_substs(
- variance,
- None,
- substitution_a.as_slice(interner),
- substitution_b.as_slice(interner),
- )
- }
- (TyKind::Generator(id_a, substitution_a), TyKind::Generator(id_b, substitution_b)) => {
- if id_a != id_b {
- return Err(NoSolution);
- }
- self.zip_substs(
- variance,
- None,
- substitution_a.as_slice(interner),
- substitution_b.as_slice(interner),
- )
- }
- (
- TyKind::GeneratorWitness(id_a, substitution_a),
- TyKind::GeneratorWitness(id_b, substitution_b),
- ) => {
- if id_a != id_b {
- return Err(NoSolution);
- }
- self.zip_substs(
- variance,
- None,
- substitution_a.as_slice(interner),
- substitution_b.as_slice(interner),
- )
- }
- (TyKind::Foreign(id_a), TyKind::Foreign(id_b)) => {
- Zip::zip_with(self, variance, id_a, id_b)
- }
- (TyKind::Error, TyKind::Error) => Ok(()),
- (_, _) => panic!(
- "structural mismatch between answer `{:?}` and pending goal `{:?}`",
- answer, pending,
- ),
- }
- }
- fn zip_lifetimes(
- &mut self,
- variance: Variance,
- answer: &Lifetime<I>,
- pending: &Lifetime<I>,
- ) -> Fallible<()> {
- let interner = self.interner;
- if let Some(pending) = self.table.normalize_lifetime_shallow(interner, pending) {
- return Zip::zip_with(self, variance, answer, &pending);
- }
- if let LifetimeData::BoundVar(answer_depth) = {
- if self.unify_free_answer_var(
- interner,
- self.unification_database,
- variance,
- *answer_depth,
- GenericArgData::Lifetime(pending.clone()),
- )? {
- return Ok(());
- }
- }
- match (, {
- (LifetimeData::BoundVar(answer_depth), LifetimeData::BoundVar(pending_depth)) => {
- self.assert_matching_vars(*answer_depth, *pending_depth)
- }
- (LifetimeData::Static, LifetimeData::Static)
- | (LifetimeData::Placeholder(_), LifetimeData::Placeholder(_))
- | (LifetimeData::Erased, LifetimeData::Erased) => {
- assert_eq!(answer, pending);
- Ok(())
- }
- (LifetimeData::InferenceVar(_), _) | (_, LifetimeData::InferenceVar(_)) => panic!(
- "unexpected inference var in answer `{:?}` or pending goal `{:?}`",
- answer, pending,
- ),
- (LifetimeData::Static, _)
- | (LifetimeData::BoundVar(_), _)
- | (LifetimeData::Placeholder(_), _)
- | (LifetimeData::Erased, _) => panic!(
- "structural mismatch between answer `{:?}` and pending goal `{:?}`",
- answer, pending,
- ),
- (LifetimeData::Phantom(void, _), _) => match *void {},
- }
- }
- fn zip_consts(
- &mut self,
- variance: Variance,
- answer: &Const<I>,
- pending: &Const<I>,
- ) -> Fallible<()> {
- let interner = self.interner;
- if let Some(pending) = self.table.normalize_const_shallow(interner, pending) {
- return Zip::zip_with(self, variance, answer, &pending);
- }
- let ConstData {
- ty: answer_ty,
- value: answer_value,
- } =;
- let ConstData {
- ty: pending_ty,
- value: pending_value,
- } =;
- self.zip_tys(variance, answer_ty, pending_ty)?;
- if let ConstValue::BoundVar(answer_depth) = answer_value {
- if self.unify_free_answer_var(
- interner,
- self.unification_database,
- variance,
- *answer_depth,
- GenericArgData::Const(pending.clone()),
- )? {
- return Ok(());
- }
- }
- match (answer_value, pending_value) {
- (ConstValue::BoundVar(answer_depth), ConstValue::BoundVar(pending_depth)) => {
- self.assert_matching_vars(*answer_depth, *pending_depth)
- }
- (ConstValue::Placeholder(_), ConstValue::Placeholder(_)) => {
- assert_eq!(answer, pending);
- Ok(())
- }
- (ConstValue::Concrete(c1), ConstValue::Concrete(c2)) => {
- assert!(c1.const_eq(answer_ty, c2, interner));
- Ok(())
- }
- (ConstValue::InferenceVar(_), _) | (_, ConstValue::InferenceVar(_)) => panic!(
- "unexpected inference var in answer `{:?}` or pending goal `{:?}`",
- answer, pending,
- ),
- (ConstValue::BoundVar(_), _)
- | (ConstValue::Placeholder(_), _)
- | (ConstValue::Concrete(_), _) => panic!(
- "structural mismatch between answer `{:?}` and pending goal `{:?}`",
- answer, pending,
- ),
- }
- }
- fn zip_binders<T>(
- &mut self,
- variance: Variance,
- answer: &Binders<T>,
- pending: &Binders<T>,
- ) -> Fallible<()>
- where
- T: HasInterner<Interner = I> + Zip<I> + TypeFoldable<I>,
- {
- self.outer_binder.shift_in();
- Zip::zip_with(
- self,
- variance,
- answer.skip_binders(),
- pending.skip_binders(),
- )?;
- self.outer_binder.shift_out();
- Ok(())
- }
- fn interner(&self) -> I {
- self.interner
- }
- fn unification_database(&self) -> &dyn UnificationDatabase<I> {
- self.unification_database
- }
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-use crate::context::{AnswerResult, AnswerStream};
-use crate::forest::Forest;
-use crate::slg::aggregate::AggregateOps;
-use crate::slg::SlgContextOps;
-use chalk_ir::interner::Interner;
-use chalk_ir::{Canonical, ConstrainedSubst, Goal, InEnvironment, UCanonical};
-use chalk_solve::{RustIrDatabase, Solution, Solver, SubstitutionResult};
-use std::fmt;
-pub struct SLGSolver<I: Interner> {
- pub(crate) forest: Forest<I>,
- pub(crate) max_size: usize,
- pub(crate) expected_answers: Option<usize>,
-impl<I: Interner> SLGSolver<I> {
- pub fn new(max_size: usize, expected_answers: Option<usize>) -> Self {
- Self {
- forest: Forest::new(),
- max_size,
- expected_answers,
- }
- }
-impl<I: Interner> fmt::Debug for SLGSolver<I> {
- fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
- write!(fmt, "SLGSolver")
- }
-impl<I: Interner> Solver<I> for SLGSolver<I> {
- fn solve(
- &mut self,
- program: &dyn RustIrDatabase<I>,
- goal: &UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
- ) -> Option<Solution<I>> {
- let ops = SlgContextOps::new(program, self.max_size, self.expected_answers);
- ops.make_solution(goal, self.forest.iter_answers(&ops, goal), || true)
- }
- fn solve_limited(
- &mut self,
- program: &dyn RustIrDatabase<I>,
- goal: &UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
- should_continue: &dyn std::ops::Fn() -> bool,
- ) -> Option<Solution<I>> {
- let ops = SlgContextOps::new(program, self.max_size, self.expected_answers);
- ops.make_solution(goal, self.forest.iter_answers(&ops, goal), should_continue)
- }
- fn solve_multiple(
- &mut self,
- program: &dyn RustIrDatabase<I>,
- goal: &UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
- f: &mut dyn FnMut(SubstitutionResult<Canonical<ConstrainedSubst<I>>>, bool) -> bool,
- ) -> bool {
- let ops = SlgContextOps::new(program, self.max_size, self.expected_answers);
- let mut answers = self.forest.iter_answers(&ops, goal);
- loop {
- let subst = match answers.next_answer(|| true) {
- AnswerResult::Answer(answer) => {
- if !answer.ambiguous {
- SubstitutionResult::Definite(answer.subst)
- } else if answer
- .subst
- .value
- .subst
- .is_identity_subst(ops.program().interner())
- {
- SubstitutionResult::Floundered
- } else {
- SubstitutionResult::Ambiguous(answer.subst)
- }
- }
- AnswerResult::Floundered => SubstitutionResult::Floundered,
- AnswerResult::NoMoreSolutions => {
- return true;
- }
- AnswerResult::QuantumExceeded => continue,
- };
- if !f(subst, !answers.peek_answer(|| true).is_no_more_solutions()) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
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-use crate::index_struct;
-use crate::strand::CanonicalStrand;
-use crate::tables::Tables;
-use crate::{Minimums, TableIndex, TimeStamp};
-use std::fmt;
-use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut, Range};
-use chalk_ir::interner::Interner;
-/// See `Forest`.
-pub(crate) struct Stack<I: Interner> {
- /// Stack: as described above, stores the in-progress goals.
- stack: Vec<StackEntry<I>>,
-impl<I: Interner> Stack<I> {
- // This isn't actually used, but it can be helpful when debugging stack issues
- #[allow(dead_code)]
- pub(crate) fn debug_with<'a>(&'a self, tables: &'a Tables<I>) -> StackDebug<'_, I> {
- StackDebug {
- stack: self,
- tables,
- }
- }
-pub(crate) struct StackDebug<'a, I: Interner> {
- stack: &'a Stack<I>,
- tables: &'a Tables<I>,
-impl<I: Interner> fmt::Debug for StackDebug<'_, I> {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
- writeln!(f, "---- Stack ----")?;
- for entry in self.stack.stack.iter() {
- writeln!(f, " --- StackEntry ---")?;
- writeln!(
- f,
- " Table {:?} with goal {:?}",
- entry.table, self.tables[entry.table].table_goal
- )?;
- writeln!(f, " Active strand: {:#?}", entry.active_strand)?;
- writeln!(
- f,
- " Additional strands: {:#?}",
- self.tables[entry.table].strands().collect::<Vec<_>>()
- )?;
- }
- write!(f, "---- End Stack ----")?;
- Ok(())
- }
-impl<I: Interner> Default for Stack<I> {
- fn default() -> Self {
- Stack { stack: vec![] }
- }
-index_struct! {
- /// The StackIndex identifies the position of a table's goal in the
- /// stack of goals that are actively being processed. Note that once a
- /// table is completely evaluated, it may be popped from the stack,
- /// and hence no longer have a stack index.
- pub(crate) struct StackIndex {
- value: usize,
- }
-pub(crate) struct StackEntry<I: Interner> {
- /// The goal G from the stack entry `A :- G` represented here.
- pub(super) table: TableIndex,
- /// The clock TimeStamp of this stack entry.
- pub(super) clock: TimeStamp,
- pub(super) cyclic_minimums: Minimums,
- // FIXME: should store this as an index.
- // This would mean that if we unwind,
- // we don't need to worry about losing a strand
- pub(super) active_strand: Option<CanonicalStrand<I>>,
-impl<I: Interner> Stack<I> {
- pub(super) fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
- self.stack.is_empty()
- }
- /// Searches the stack to see if `table` is active. If so, returns
- /// its stack index.
- pub(super) fn is_active(&self, table: TableIndex) -> Option<StackIndex> {
- self.stack
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .filter_map(|(index, stack_entry)| {
- if stack_entry.table == table {
- Some(StackIndex::from(index))
- } else {
- None
- }
- })
- .next()
- }
- pub(super) fn top_of_stack_from(&self, depth: StackIndex) -> Range<StackIndex> {
- depth..StackIndex::from(self.stack.len())
- }
- pub(super) fn push(
- &mut self,
- table: TableIndex,
- cyclic_minimums: Minimums,
- clock: TimeStamp,
- ) -> StackIndex {
- let old_len = self.stack.len();
- self.stack.push(StackEntry {
- table,
- clock,
- cyclic_minimums,
- active_strand: None,
- });
- StackIndex::from(old_len)
- }
- /// Pops the top-most entry from the stack:
- /// * If the stack is now empty, returns false.
- /// * Otherwise, returns true.
- fn pop_and_adjust_depth(&mut self) -> bool {
- self.stack.pop();
- !self.stack.is_empty()
- }
- /// Pops the top-most entry from the stack, which should have the depth `*depth`:
- /// * If the stack is now empty, returns None.
- /// * Otherwise, `take`s the active strand from the new top and returns it.
- pub(super) fn pop_and_take_caller_strand(&mut self) -> Option<CanonicalStrand<I>> {
- if self.pop_and_adjust_depth() {
- Some(
- } else {
- None
- }
- }
- /// Pops the top-most entry from the stack, which should have the depth `*depth`:
- /// * If the stack is now empty, returns None.
- /// * Otherwise, borrows the active strand (mutably) from the new top and returns it.
- pub(super) fn pop_and_borrow_caller_strand(&mut self) -> Option<&mut CanonicalStrand<I>> {
- if self.pop_and_adjust_depth() {
- Some(
- } else {
- None
- }
- }
- pub(super) fn top(&mut self) -> &mut StackEntry<I> {
- self.stack.last_mut().unwrap()
- }
-impl<I: Interner> Index<StackIndex> for Stack<I> {
- type Output = StackEntry<I>;
- fn index(&self, index: StackIndex) -> &StackEntry<I> {
- &self.stack[index.value]
- }
-impl<I: Interner> IndexMut<StackIndex> for Stack<I> {
- fn index_mut(&mut self, index: StackIndex) -> &mut StackEntry<I> {
- &mut self.stack[index.value]
- }
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-use crate::table::AnswerIndex;
-use crate::{ExClause, TableIndex, TimeStamp};
-use std::fmt::Debug;
-use chalk_derive::HasInterner;
-use chalk_ir::fold::{FallibleTypeFolder, TypeFoldable};
-use chalk_ir::interner::Interner;
-use chalk_ir::{Canonical, DebruijnIndex, UniverseMap};
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, HasInterner)]
-pub(crate) struct Strand<I: Interner> {
- pub(super) ex_clause: ExClause<I>,
- /// Index into `ex_clause.subgoals`.
- pub(crate) selected_subgoal: Option<SelectedSubgoal>,
- pub(crate) last_pursued_time: TimeStamp,
-pub(crate) type CanonicalStrand<I> = Canonical<Strand<I>>;
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub(crate) struct SelectedSubgoal {
- /// The index of the subgoal in `ex_clause.subgoals`
- pub(crate) subgoal_index: usize,
- /// The index of the table that we created or found for this subgoal
- pub(super) subgoal_table: TableIndex,
- /// Index of the answer we should request next from the table
- pub(crate) answer_index: AnswerIndex,
- /// Maps the universes of the subgoal to the canonical universes
- /// used in the table
- pub(crate) universe_map: UniverseMap,
-impl<I: Interner> TypeFoldable<I> for Strand<I> {
- fn try_fold_with<E>(
- self,
- folder: &mut dyn FallibleTypeFolder<I, Error = E>,
- outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
- ) -> Result<Self, E> {
- Ok(Strand {
- ex_clause: self.ex_clause.try_fold_with(folder, outer_binder)?,
- last_pursued_time: self.last_pursued_time,
- selected_subgoal: self.selected_subgoal,
- })
- }
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index e883cad32..000000000
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-use crate::index_struct;
-use crate::strand::CanonicalStrand;
-use crate::{Answer, AnswerMode};
-use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
-use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
-use std::collections::VecDeque;
-use std::mem;
-use chalk_ir::interner::Interner;
-use chalk_ir::{AnswerSubst, Canonical, Goal, InEnvironment, UCanonical};
-use tracing::{debug, info, instrument};
-pub(crate) struct Table<I: Interner> {
- /// The goal this table is trying to solve (also the key to look
- /// it up).
- pub(crate) table_goal: UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
- /// A goal is coinductive if it can assume itself to be true, more
- /// or less. This is true for auto traits.
- pub(crate) coinductive_goal: bool,
- /// True if this table is floundered, meaning that it doesn't have
- /// enough types specified for us to solve.
- floundered: bool,
- /// Stores the answers that we have found thus far. When we get a request
- /// for an answer N, we will first check this vector.
- answers: Vec<Answer<I>>,
- /// An alternative storage for the answers we have so far, used to
- /// detect duplicates. Not every answer in `answers` will be
- /// represented here -- we discard answers from `answers_hash`
- /// (but not `answers`) when better answers arrive (in particular,
- /// answers with no ambiguity).
- ///
- /// FIXME -- Ideally we would exclude the region constraints and
- /// delayed subgoals from the hash, but that's a bit tricky to do
- /// with the current canonicalization setup. It should be ok not
- /// to do so though it can result in more answers than we need.
- answers_hash: FxHashMap<Canonical<AnswerSubst<I>>, bool>,
- /// Stores the active strands that we can "pull on" to find more
- /// answers.
- strands: VecDeque<CanonicalStrand<I>>,
- pub(crate) answer_mode: AnswerMode,
-index_struct! {
- pub(crate) struct AnswerIndex {
- value: usize,
- }
-impl<I: Interner> Table<I> {
- pub(crate) fn new(
- table_goal: UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
- coinductive_goal: bool,
- ) -> Table<I> {
- Table {
- table_goal,
- coinductive_goal,
- answers: Vec::new(),
- floundered: false,
- answers_hash: FxHashMap::default(),
- strands: VecDeque::new(),
- answer_mode: AnswerMode::Complete,
- }
- }
- /// Push a strand to the back of the queue of strands to be processed.
- pub(crate) fn enqueue_strand(&mut self, strand: CanonicalStrand<I>) {
- self.strands.push_back(strand);
- }
- pub(crate) fn strands_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &mut CanonicalStrand<I>> {
- self.strands.iter_mut()
- }
- pub(crate) fn strands(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &CanonicalStrand<I>> {
- self.strands.iter()
- }
- pub(crate) fn take_strands(&mut self) -> VecDeque<CanonicalStrand<I>> {
- mem::take(&mut self.strands)
- }
- /// Remove the next strand from the queue that meets the given criteria
- pub(crate) fn dequeue_next_strand_that(
- &mut self,
- test: impl Fn(&CanonicalStrand<I>) -> bool,
- ) -> Option<CanonicalStrand<I>> {
- let first = self.strands.iter().position(test);
- if let Some(first) = first {
- self.strands.rotate_left(first);
- self.strands.pop_front()
- } else {
- None
- }
- }
- /// Mark the table as floundered -- this also discards all pre-existing answers,
- /// as they are no longer relevant.
- pub(crate) fn mark_floundered(&mut self) {
- self.floundered = true;
- self.strands = Default::default();
- self.answers = Default::default();
- }
- /// Returns true if the table is floundered.
- pub(crate) fn is_floundered(&self) -> bool {
- self.floundered
- }
- /// Adds `answer` to our list of answers, unless it is already present.
- ///
- /// Returns true if `answer` was added.
- ///
- /// # Panics
- /// This will panic if a previous answer with the same substitution
- /// was marked as ambgiuous, but the new answer is not. No current
- /// tests trigger this case, and assumptions upstream assume that when
- /// `true` is returned here, that a *new* answer was added (instead of an)
- /// existing answer replaced.
- #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
- pub(super) fn push_answer(&mut self, answer: Answer<I>) -> Option<AnswerIndex> {
- assert!(!self.floundered);
- debug!(
- "pre-existing entry: {:?}",
- self.answers_hash.get(&answer.subst)
- );
- let added = match self.answers_hash.entry(answer.subst.clone()) {
- Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
- entry.insert(answer.ambiguous);
- true
- }
- Entry::Occupied(entry) => {
- let was_ambiguous = entry.get();
- if *was_ambiguous && !answer.ambiguous {
- panic!("New answer was not ambiguous whereas previous answer was.");
- }
- false
- }
- };
- info!(
- goal = ?self.table_goal, ?answer,
- "new answer to table",
- );
- if !added {
- return None;
- }
- let index = self.answers.len();
- self.answers.push(answer);
- Some(AnswerIndex::from(index))
- }
- pub(super) fn answer(&self, index: AnswerIndex) -> Option<&Answer<I>> {
- self.answers.get(index.value)
- }
- pub(super) fn next_answer_index(&self) -> AnswerIndex {
- AnswerIndex::from(self.answers.len())
- }
-impl AnswerIndex {
- pub(crate) const ZERO: AnswerIndex = AnswerIndex { value: 0 };
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index 76508eaa8..000000000
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@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-use crate::table::Table;
-use crate::TableIndex;
-use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
-use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
-use chalk_ir::interner::Interner;
-use chalk_ir::{Goal, InEnvironment, UCanonical};
-/// See `Forest`.
-pub(crate) struct Tables<I: Interner> {
- /// Maps from a canonical goal to the index of its table.
- table_indices: FxHashMap<UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>, TableIndex>,
- /// Table: as described above, stores the key information for each
- /// tree in the forest.
- tables: Vec<Table<I>>,
-impl<I: Interner> Tables<I> {
- pub(crate) fn new() -> Tables<I> {
- Tables {
- table_indices: FxHashMap::default(),
- tables: Vec::default(),
- }
- }
- /// The index that will be given to the next table to be inserted.
- pub(super) fn next_index(&self) -> TableIndex {
- TableIndex {
- value: self.tables.len(),
- }
- }
- pub(super) fn insert(&mut self, table: Table<I>) -> TableIndex {
- let goal = table.table_goal.clone();
- let index = self.next_index();
- self.tables.push(table);
- self.table_indices.insert(goal, index);
- index
- }
- pub(super) fn index_of(
- &self,
- literal: &UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
- ) -> Option<TableIndex> {
- self.table_indices.get(literal).cloned()
- }
-impl<I: Interner> Index<TableIndex> for Tables<I> {
- type Output = Table<I>;
- fn index(&self, index: TableIndex) -> &Table<I> {
- &self.tables[index.value]
- }
-impl<I: Interner> IndexMut<TableIndex> for Tables<I> {
- fn index_mut(&mut self, index: TableIndex) -> &mut Table<I> {
- &mut self.tables[index.value]
- }
-impl<'a, I: Interner> IntoIterator for &'a mut Tables<I> {
- type IntoIter = <&'a mut Vec<Table<I>> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter;
- type Item = <&'a mut Vec<Table<I>> as IntoIterator>::Item;
- fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
- IntoIterator::into_iter(&mut self.tables)
- }