path: root/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
18 files changed, 1198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61cc3432d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// Note: this requires the `cargo` feature
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+use clap::{arg, command, value_parser, ArgAction, Command};
+fn main() {
+ let matches = command!()
+ .arg(arg!([name] "Optional name to operate on"))
+ .arg(
+ arg!(
+ -c --config <FILE> "Sets a custom config file"
+ )
+ // We don't have syntax yet for optional options, so manually calling `required`
+ .required(false)
+ .value_parser(value_parser!(PathBuf)),
+ )
+ .arg(
+ arg!(
+ -d --debug "Turn debugging information on"
+ )
+ .action(ArgAction::Count),
+ )
+ .subcommand(
+ Command::new("test")
+ .about("does testing things")
+ .arg(arg!(-l --list "lists test values").action(ArgAction::SetTrue)),
+ )
+ .get_matches();
+ // You can check the value provided by positional arguments, or option arguments
+ if let Some(name) = matches.get_one::<String>("name") {
+ println!("Value for name: {}", name);
+ }
+ if let Some(config_path) = matches.get_one::<PathBuf>("config") {
+ println!("Value for config: {}", config_path.display());
+ }
+ // You can see how many times a particular flag or argument occurred
+ // Note, only flags can have multiple occurrences
+ match matches
+ .get_one::<u8>("debug")
+ .expect("Count's are defaulted")
+ {
+ 0 => println!("Debug mode is off"),
+ 1 => println!("Debug mode is kind of on"),
+ 2 => println!("Debug mode is on"),
+ _ => println!("Don't be crazy"),
+ }
+ // You can check for the existence of subcommands, and if found use their
+ // matches just as you would the top level cmd
+ if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("test") {
+ // "$ myapp test" was run
+ if *matches.get_one::<bool>("list").expect("defaulted by clap") {
+ // "$ myapp test -l" was run
+ println!("Printing testing lists...");
+ } else {
+ println!("Not printing testing lists...");
+ }
+ }
+ // Continued program logic goes here...
diff --git a/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7bbedd3eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Note: this requires the `cargo` feature
+use clap::{arg, command, AppSettings, ArgAction};
+fn main() {
+ let matches = command!()
+ .global_setting(AppSettings::DeriveDisplayOrder)
+ .allow_negative_numbers(true)
+ .arg(arg!(--two <VALUE>).action(ArgAction::Set))
+ .arg(arg!(--one <VALUE>).action(ArgAction::Set))
+ .get_matches();
+ println!(
+ "two: {:?}",
+ matches.get_one::<String>("two").expect("required")
+ );
+ println!(
+ "one: {:?}",
+ matches.get_one::<String>("one").expect("required")
+ );
diff --git a/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db9da18f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+use clap::{arg, Command};
+fn main() {
+ let matches = Command::new("MyApp")
+ .version("1.0")
+ .author("Kevin K. <>")
+ .about("Does awesome things")
+ .arg(arg!(--two <VALUE>))
+ .arg(arg!(--one <VALUE>))
+ .get_matches();
+ println!(
+ "two: {:?}",
+ matches.get_one::<String>("two").expect("required")
+ );
+ println!(
+ "one: {:?}",
+ matches.get_one::<String>("one").expect("required")
+ );
diff --git a/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..16b7e7ee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Note: this requires the `cargo` feature
+use clap::{arg, command};
+fn main() {
+ let matches = command!()
+ .arg(arg!(--two <VALUE>))
+ .arg(arg!(--one <VALUE>))
+ .get_matches();
+ println!(
+ "two: {:?}",
+ matches.get_one::<String>("two").expect("required")
+ );
+ println!(
+ "one: {:?}",
+ matches.get_one::<String>("one").expect("required")
+ );
diff --git a/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..41ecbb1d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Note: this requires the `cargo` feature
+use clap::{command, Arg, ArgAction};
+fn main() {
+ let matches = command!()
+ .arg(
+ Arg::new("verbose")
+ .short('v')
+ .long("verbose")
+ .action(ArgAction::SetTrue),
+ )
+ .get_matches();
+ println!(
+ "verbose: {:?}",
+ *matches
+ .get_one::<bool>("verbose")
+ .expect("defaulted by clap")
+ );
diff --git a/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..764affbd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// Note: this requires the `cargo` feature
+use clap::{arg, command, ArgAction};
+fn main() {
+ let matches = command!()
+ .arg(arg!(-v - -verbose).action(ArgAction::Count))
+ .get_matches();
+ println!(
+ "verbose: {:?}",
+ matches
+ .get_one::<u8>("verbose")
+ .expect("Count always defaulted")
+ );
diff --git a/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80e2b9159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// Note: this requires the `cargo` feature
+use clap::{arg, command};
+fn main() {
+ let matches = command!()
+ .arg(arg!(-n --name <NAME>).required(false))
+ .get_matches();
+ println!("name: {:?}", matches.get_one::<String>("name"));
diff --git a/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6579409a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// Note: this requires the `cargo` feature
+use clap::{arg, command};
+fn main() {
+ let matches = command!().arg(arg!([NAME])).get_matches();
+ println!("NAME: {:?}", matches.get_one::<String>("NAME"));
diff --git a/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1dd1cbf09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Note: this requires the `cargo` feature
+use clap::{arg, command, Command};
+fn main() {
+ let matches = command!()
+ .propagate_version(true)
+ .subcommand_required(true)
+ .arg_required_else_help(true)
+ .subcommand(
+ Command::new("add")
+ .about("Adds files to myapp")
+ .arg(arg!([NAME])),
+ )
+ .get_matches();
+ match matches.subcommand() {
+ Some(("add", sub_matches)) => println!(
+ "'myapp add' was used, name is: {:?}",
+ sub_matches.get_one::<String>("NAME")
+ ),
+ _ => unreachable!("Exhausted list of subcommands and subcommand_required prevents `None`"),
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c68e87973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// Note: this requires the `cargo` feature
+use clap::{arg, command};
+fn main() {
+ let matches = command!()
+ .arg(arg!([NAME]).default_value("alice"))
+ .get_matches();
+ println!(
+ "NAME: {:?}",
+ matches
+ .get_one::<String>("NAME")
+ .expect("default ensures there is always a value")
+ );
diff --git a/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad2177c23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Note: this requires the `cargo` feature
+use clap::{arg, command, value_parser, ValueEnum};
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, ValueEnum)]
+enum Mode {
+ Fast,
+ Slow,
+fn main() {
+ let matches = command!()
+ .arg(
+ arg!(<MODE>)
+ .help("What mode to run the program in")
+ .value_parser(value_parser!(Mode)),
+ )
+ .get_matches();
+ // Note, it's safe to call unwrap() because the arg is required
+ match matches
+ .get_one::<Mode>("MODE")
+ .expect("'MODE' is required and parsing will fail if its missing")
+ {
+ Mode::Fast => {
+ println!("Hare");
+ }
+ Mode::Slow => {
+ println!("Tortoise");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f7b0cfb34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Note: this requires the `cargo` feature
+use clap::{arg, command};
+fn main() {
+ let matches = command!()
+ .arg(
+ arg!(<MODE>)
+ .help("What mode to run the program in")
+ .value_parser(["fast", "slow"]),
+ )
+ .get_matches();
+ // Note, it's safe to call unwrap() because the arg is required
+ match matches
+ .get_one::<String>("MODE")
+ .expect("'MODE' is required and parsing will fail if its missing")
+ .as_str()
+ {
+ "fast" => {
+ println!("Hare");
+ }
+ "slow" => {
+ println!("Tortoise");
+ }
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2f3cc533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Note: this requires the `cargo` feature
+use clap::{arg, command, value_parser};
+fn main() {
+ let matches = command!()
+ .arg(
+ arg!(<PORT>)
+ .help("Network port to use")
+ .value_parser(value_parser!(u16).range(1..)),
+ )
+ .get_matches();
+ // Note, it's safe to call unwrap() because the arg is required
+ let port: u16 = *matches
+ .get_one::<u16>("PORT")
+ .expect("'PORT' is required and parsing will fail if its missing");
+ println!("PORT = {}", port);
diff --git a/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e60018a46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Note: this requires the `cargo` feature
+use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
+use clap::{arg, command};
+fn main() {
+ let matches = command!()
+ .arg(
+ arg!(<PORT>)
+ .help("Network port to use")
+ .value_parser(port_in_range),
+ )
+ .get_matches();
+ // Note, it's safe to call unwrap() because the arg is required
+ let port: u16 = *matches
+ .get_one::<u16>("PORT")
+ .expect("'PORT' is required and parsing will fail if its missing");
+ println!("PORT = {}", port);
+const PORT_RANGE: RangeInclusive<usize> = 1..=65535;
+fn port_in_range(s: &str) -> Result<u16, String> {
+ let port: usize = s
+ .parse()
+ .map_err(|_| format!("`{}` isn't a port number", s))?;
+ if PORT_RANGE.contains(&port) {
+ Ok(port as u16)
+ } else {
+ Err(format!(
+ "Port not in range {}-{}",
+ PORT_RANGE.start(),
+ PORT_RANGE.end()
+ ))
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..605e5b48e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// Note: this requires the `cargo` feature
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+use clap::{arg, command, value_parser, ArgAction, ArgGroup};
+fn main() {
+ // Create application like normal
+ let matches = command!()
+ // Add the version arguments
+ .arg(arg!(--"set-ver" <VER> "set version manually").required(false))
+ .arg(arg!(--major "auto inc major").action(ArgAction::SetTrue))
+ .arg(arg!(--minor "auto inc minor").action(ArgAction::SetTrue))
+ .arg(arg!(--patch "auto inc patch").action(ArgAction::SetTrue))
+ // Create a group, make it required, and add the above arguments
+ .group(
+ ArgGroup::new("vers")
+ .required(true)
+ .args(&["set-ver", "major", "minor", "patch"]),
+ )
+ // Arguments can also be added to a group individually, these two arguments
+ // are part of the "input" group which is not required
+ .arg(
+ arg!([INPUT_FILE] "some regular input")
+ .value_parser(value_parser!(PathBuf))
+ .group("input"),
+ )
+ .arg(
+ arg!(--"spec-in" <SPEC_IN> "some special input argument")
+ .required(false)
+ .value_parser(value_parser!(PathBuf))
+ .group("input"),
+ )
+ // Now let's assume we have a -c [config] argument which requires one of
+ // (but **not** both) the "input" arguments
+ .arg(
+ arg!(config: -c <CONFIG>)
+ .required(false)
+ .value_parser(value_parser!(PathBuf))
+ .requires("input"),
+ )
+ .get_matches();
+ // Let's assume the old version 1.2.3
+ let mut major = 1;
+ let mut minor = 2;
+ let mut patch = 3;
+ // See if --set-ver was used to set the version manually
+ let version = if let Some(ver) = matches.get_one::<String>("set-ver") {
+ ver.to_owned()
+ } else {
+ // Increment the one requested (in a real program, we'd reset the lower numbers)
+ let (maj, min, pat) = (
+ *matches.get_one::<bool>("major").expect("defaulted by clap"),
+ *matches.get_one::<bool>("minor").expect("defaulted by clap"),
+ *matches.get_one::<bool>("patch").expect("defaulted by clap"),
+ );
+ match (maj, min, pat) {
+ (true, _, _) => major += 1,
+ (_, true, _) => minor += 1,
+ (_, _, true) => patch += 1,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ format!("{}.{}.{}", major, minor, patch)
+ };
+ println!("Version: {}", version);
+ // Check for usage of -c
+ if matches.contains_id("config") {
+ let input = matches
+ .get_one::<PathBuf>("INPUT_FILE")
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| matches.get_one::<PathBuf>("spec-in").unwrap())
+ .display();
+ println!(
+ "Doing work using input {} and config {}",
+ input,
+ matches.get_one::<PathBuf>("config").unwrap().display()
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3dc080505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// Note: this requires the `cargo` feature
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+use clap::{arg, command, value_parser, ArgAction, ErrorKind};
+fn main() {
+ // Create application like normal
+ let mut cmd = command!()
+ // Add the version arguments
+ .arg(arg!(--"set-ver" <VER> "set version manually").required(false))
+ .arg(arg!(--major "auto inc major").action(ArgAction::SetTrue))
+ .arg(arg!(--minor "auto inc minor").action(ArgAction::SetTrue))
+ .arg(arg!(--patch "auto inc patch").action(ArgAction::SetTrue))
+ // Arguments can also be added to a group individually, these two arguments
+ // are part of the "input" group which is not required
+ .arg(arg!([INPUT_FILE] "some regular input").value_parser(value_parser!(PathBuf)))
+ .arg(
+ arg!(--"spec-in" <SPEC_IN> "some special input argument")
+ .required(false)
+ .value_parser(value_parser!(PathBuf)),
+ )
+ // Now let's assume we have a -c [config] argument which requires one of
+ // (but **not** both) the "input" arguments
+ .arg(
+ arg!(config: -c <CONFIG>)
+ .required(false)
+ .value_parser(value_parser!(PathBuf)),
+ );
+ let matches = cmd.get_matches_mut();
+ // Let's assume the old version 1.2.3
+ let mut major = 1;
+ let mut minor = 2;
+ let mut patch = 3;
+ // See if --set-ver was used to set the version manually
+ let version = if let Some(ver) = matches.get_one::<String>("set-ver") {
+ if *matches.get_one::<bool>("major").expect("defaulted by clap")
+ || *matches.get_one::<bool>("minor").expect("defaulted by clap")
+ || *matches.get_one::<bool>("patch").expect("defaulted by clap")
+ {
+ cmd.error(
+ ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict,
+ "Can't do relative and absolute version change",
+ )
+ .exit();
+ }
+ ver.to_string()
+ } else {
+ // Increment the one requested (in a real program, we'd reset the lower numbers)
+ let (maj, min, pat) = (
+ *matches.get_one::<bool>("major").expect("defaulted by clap"),
+ *matches.get_one::<bool>("minor").expect("defaulted by clap"),
+ *matches.get_one::<bool>("patch").expect("defaulted by clap"),
+ );
+ match (maj, min, pat) {
+ (true, false, false) => major += 1,
+ (false, true, false) => minor += 1,
+ (false, false, true) => patch += 1,
+ _ => {
+ cmd.error(
+ ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict,
+ "Can only modify one version field",
+ )
+ .exit();
+ }
+ };
+ format!("{}.{}.{}", major, minor, patch)
+ };
+ println!("Version: {}", version);
+ // Check for usage of -c
+ if matches.contains_id("config") {
+ let input = matches
+ .get_one::<PathBuf>("INPUT_FILE")
+ .or_else(|| matches.get_one::<PathBuf>("spec-in"))
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ cmd.error(
+ ErrorKind::MissingRequiredArgument,
+ "INPUT_FILE or --spec-in is required when using --config",
+ )
+ .exit()
+ })
+ .display();
+ println!(
+ "Doing work using input {} and config {}",
+ input,
+ matches.get_one::<PathBuf>("config").unwrap().display()
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6f19ffe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// Note: this requires the `cargo` feature
+use clap::{arg, command, value_parser};
+fn main() {
+ let matches = cmd().get_matches();
+ // Note, it's safe to call unwrap() because the arg is required
+ let port: usize = *matches
+ .get_one::<usize>("PORT")
+ .expect("'PORT' is required and parsing will fail if its missing");
+ println!("PORT = {}", port);
+fn cmd() -> clap::Command<'static> {
+ command!().arg(
+ arg!(<PORT>)
+ .help("Network port to use")
+ .value_parser(value_parser!(usize)),
+ )
+fn verify_app() {
+ cmd().debug_assert();
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..945b01e72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap/examples/tutorial_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+# Tutorial
+*Jump to [derive tutorial](../tutorial_derive/*
+1. [Quick Start](#quick-start)
+2. [Configuring the Parser](#configuring-the-parser)
+3. [Adding Arguments](#adding-arguments)
+ 1. [Positionals](#positionals)
+ 2. [Options](#options)
+ 3. [Flags](#flags)
+ 4. [Subcommands](#subcommands)
+ 5. [Defaults](#defaults)
+4. Validation
+ 1. [Enumerated values](#enumerated-values)
+ 2. [Validated values](#validated-values)
+ 3. [Argument Relations](#argument-relations)
+ 4. [Custom Validation](#custom-validation)
+5. [Tips](#tips)
+6. [Contributing](#contributing)
+## Quick Start
+You can create an application with several arguments using usage strings.
+$ 01_quick --help
+clap [..]
+A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser
+ 01_quick[EXE] [OPTIONS] [name] [SUBCOMMAND]
+ <name> Optional name to operate on
+ -c, --config <FILE> Sets a custom config file
+ -d, --debug Turn debugging information on
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ -V, --version Print version information
+ help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
+ test does testing things
+By default, the program does nothing:
+$ 01_quick
+Debug mode is off
+But you can mix and match the various features
+$ 01_quick -dd test
+Debug mode is on
+Not printing testing lists...
+## Configuring the Parser
+You use the `Command` the start building a parser.
+$ 02_apps --help
+MyApp 1.0
+Kevin K. <>
+Does awesome things
+ 02_apps[EXE] --two <VALUE> --one <VALUE>
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ --one <VALUE>
+ --two <VALUE>
+ -V, --version Print version information
+$ 02_apps --version
+MyApp 1.0
+You can use `command!()` to fill these fields in from your `Cargo.toml`
+file. **This requires the `cargo` feature flag.**
+$ 02_crate --help
+clap [..]
+A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser
+ 02_crate[EXE] --two <VALUE> --one <VALUE>
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ --one <VALUE>
+ --two <VALUE>
+ -V, --version Print version information
+$ 02_crate --version
+clap [..]
+You can use `Command` methods to change the application level behavior of clap.
+$ 02_app_settings --help
+clap [..]
+A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser
+ 02_app_settings[EXE] --two <VALUE> --one <VALUE>
+ --two <VALUE>
+ --one <VALUE>
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ -V, --version Print version information
+$ 02_app_settings --one -1 --one -3 --two 10
+two: "10"
+one: "-3"
+## Adding Arguments
+### Positionals
+You can have users specify values by their position on the command-line:
+$ 03_03_positional --help
+clap [..]
+A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser
+ 03_03_positional[EXE] [NAME]
+ <NAME>
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ -V, --version Print version information
+$ 03_03_positional
+NAME: None
+$ 03_03_positional bob
+NAME: Some("bob")
+### Options
+You can name your arguments with a flag:
+- Order doesn't matter
+- They can be optional
+- Intent is clearer
+$ 03_02_option --help
+clap [..]
+A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser
+ 03_02_option[EXE] [OPTIONS]
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ -n, --name <NAME>
+ -V, --version Print version information
+$ 03_02_option
+name: None
+$ 03_02_option --name bob
+name: Some("bob")
+$ 03_02_option --name=bob
+name: Some("bob")
+$ 03_02_option -n bob
+name: Some("bob")
+$ 03_02_option -n=bob
+name: Some("bob")
+$ 03_02_option -nbob
+name: Some("bob")
+### Flags
+Flags can also be switches that can be on/off:
+$ 03_01_flag_bool --help
+clap [..]
+A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser
+ 03_01_flag_bool[EXE] [OPTIONS]
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ -v, --verbose
+ -V, --version Print version information
+$ 03_01_flag_bool
+verbose: false
+$ 03_01_flag_bool --verbose
+verbose: true
+$ 03_01_flag_bool --verbose --verbose
+verbose: true
+Or counted.
+$ 03_01_flag_count --help
+clap [..]
+A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser
+ 03_01_flag_count[EXE] [OPTIONS]
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ -v, --verbose
+ -V, --version Print version information
+$ 03_01_flag_count
+verbose: 0
+$ 03_01_flag_count --verbose
+verbose: 1
+$ 03_01_flag_count --verbose --verbose
+verbose: 2
+### Subcommands
+Subcommands are defined as `Command`s that get added via `Command::subcommand`. Each
+instance of a Subcommand can have its own version, author(s), Args, and even its own
+$ 03_04_subcommands help
+clap [..]
+A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser
+ 03_04_subcommands[EXE] <SUBCOMMAND>
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ -V, --version Print version information
+ add Adds files to myapp
+ help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
+$ 03_04_subcommands help add
+03_04_subcommands[EXE]-add [..]
+Adds files to myapp
+ 03_04_subcommands[EXE] add [NAME]
+ <NAME>
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ -V, --version Print version information
+$ 03_04_subcommands add bob
+'myapp add' was used, name is: Some("bob")
+Because we set `Command::arg_required_else_help`:
+$ 03_04_subcommands
+? failed
+clap [..]
+A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser
+ 03_04_subcommands[EXE] <SUBCOMMAND>
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ -V, --version Print version information
+ add Adds files to myapp
+ help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
+Because we set `Command::propagate_version`:
+$ 03_04_subcommands --version
+clap [..]
+$ 03_04_subcommands add --version
+03_04_subcommands[EXE]-add [..]
+### Defaults
+We've previously showed that arguments can be `required` or optional. When
+optional, you work with a `Option` and can `unwrap_or`. Alternatively, you can
+set `Arg::default_value`.
+$ 03_05_default_values --help
+clap [..]
+A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser
+ 03_05_default_values[EXE] [NAME]
+ <NAME> [default: alice]
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ -V, --version Print version information
+$ 03_05_default_values
+NAME: "alice"
+$ 03_05_default_values bob
+NAME: "bob"
+## Validation
+### Enumerated values
+If you have arguments of specific values you want to test for, you can use the
+`PossibleValuesParser` or `Arg::value_parser(["val1", ...])` for short.
+This allows you specify the valid values for that argument. If the user does not use one of
+those specific values, they will receive a graceful exit with error message informing them
+of the mistake, and what the possible valid values are
+$ 04_01_possible --help
+clap [..]
+A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser
+ 04_01_possible[EXE] <MODE>
+ <MODE> What mode to run the program in [possible values: fast, slow]
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ -V, --version Print version information
+$ 04_01_possible fast
+$ 04_01_possible slow
+$ 04_01_possible medium
+? failed
+error: "medium" isn't a valid value for '<MODE>'
+ [possible values: fast, slow]
+For more information try --help
+When enabling the `derive` feature, you can use `ValueEnum` to take care of the boiler plate for you, giving the same results.
+$ 04_01_enum --help
+clap [..]
+A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser
+ 04_01_enum[EXE] <MODE>
+ <MODE> What mode to run the program in [possible values: fast, slow]
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ -V, --version Print version information
+$ 04_01_enum fast
+$ 04_01_enum slow
+$ 04_01_enum medium
+? failed
+error: "medium" isn't a valid value for '<MODE>'
+ [possible values: fast, slow]
+For more information try --help
+### Validated values
+More generally, you can validate and parse into any data type.
+$ 04_02_parse --help
+clap [..]
+A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser
+ 04_02_parse[EXE] <PORT>
+ <PORT> Network port to use
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ -V, --version Print version information
+$ 04_02_parse 22
+PORT = 22
+$ 04_02_parse foobar
+? failed
+error: Invalid value "foobar" for '<PORT>': invalid digit found in string
+For more information try --help
+$ 04_02_parse_derive 0
+? failed
+error: Invalid value "0" for '<PORT>': 0 is not in 1..=65535
+For more information try --help
+A custom parser can be used to improve the error messages or provide additional validation:
+$ 04_02_validate --help
+clap [..]
+A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser
+ 04_02_validate[EXE] <PORT>
+ <PORT> Network port to use
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ -V, --version Print version information
+$ 04_02_validate 22
+PORT = 22
+$ 04_02_validate foobar
+? failed
+error: Invalid value "foobar" for '<PORT>': `foobar` isn't a port number
+For more information try --help
+$ 04_02_validate 0
+? failed
+error: Invalid value "0" for '<PORT>': Port not in range 1-65535
+For more information try --help
+### Argument Relations
+You can declare dependencies or conflicts between `Arg`s or even `ArgGroup`s.
+`ArgGroup`s make it easier to declare relations instead of having to list each
+individually, or when you want a rule to apply "any but not all" arguments.
+Perhaps the most common use of `ArgGroup`s is to require one and *only* one argument to be
+present out of a given set. Imagine that you had multiple arguments, and you want one of them to
+be required, but making all of them required isn't feasible because perhaps they conflict with
+each other.
+$ 04_03_relations --help
+clap [..]
+A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser
+ 04_03_relations[EXE] [OPTIONS] <--set-ver <VER>|--major|--minor|--patch> [INPUT_FILE]
+ <INPUT_FILE> some regular input
+ -c <CONFIG>
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ --major auto inc major
+ --minor auto inc minor
+ --patch auto inc patch
+ --set-ver <VER> set version manually
+ --spec-in <SPEC_IN> some special input argument
+ -V, --version Print version information
+$ 04_03_relations
+? failed
+error: The following required arguments were not provided:
+ <--set-ver <VER>|--major|--minor|--patch>
+ 04_03_relations[EXE] [OPTIONS] <--set-ver <VER>|--major|--minor|--patch> [INPUT_FILE]
+For more information try --help
+$ 04_03_relations --major
+Version: 2.2.3
+$ 04_03_relations --major --minor
+? failed
+error: The argument '--major' cannot be used with '--minor'
+ 04_03_relations[EXE] <--set-ver <VER>|--major|--minor|--patch>
+For more information try --help
+$ 04_03_relations --major -c config.toml
+? failed
+error: The following required arguments were not provided:
+ <INPUT_FILE|--spec-in <SPEC_IN>>
+ 04_03_relations[EXE] -c <CONFIG> <--set-ver <VER>|--major|--minor|--patch> <INPUT_FILE|--spec-in <SPEC_IN>>
+For more information try --help
+$ 04_03_relations --major -c config.toml --spec-in input.txt
+Version: 2.2.3
+Doing work using input input.txt and config config.toml
+### Custom Validation
+As a last resort, you can create custom errors with the basics of clap's formatting.
+$ 04_04_custom --help
+clap [..]
+A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser
+ 04_04_custom[EXE] [OPTIONS] [INPUT_FILE]
+ <INPUT_FILE> some regular input
+ -c <CONFIG>
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ --major auto inc major
+ --minor auto inc minor
+ --patch auto inc patch
+ --set-ver <VER> set version manually
+ --spec-in <SPEC_IN> some special input argument
+ -V, --version Print version information
+$ 04_04_custom
+? failed
+error: Can only modify one version field
+ 04_04_custom[EXE] [OPTIONS] [INPUT_FILE]
+For more information try --help
+$ 04_04_custom --major
+Version: 2.2.3
+$ 04_04_custom --major --minor
+? failed
+error: Can only modify one version field
+ 04_04_custom[EXE] [OPTIONS] [INPUT_FILE]
+For more information try --help
+$ 04_04_custom --major -c config.toml
+? failed
+Version: 2.2.3
+error: INPUT_FILE or --spec-in is required when using --config
+ 04_04_custom[EXE] [OPTIONS] [INPUT_FILE]
+For more information try --help
+$ 04_04_custom --major -c config.toml --spec-in input.txt
+Version: 2.2.3
+Doing work using input input.txt and config config.toml
+## Tips
+- For more complex demonstration of features, see our [examples](../
+- Proactively check for bad `Command` configurations by calling `Command::debug_assert` in a test ([example](
+## Contributing
+New example code:
+- Please update the corresponding section in the [derive tutorial](../tutorial_derive/
+- Building: They must be added to [Cargo.toml](../../Cargo.toml) with the appropriate `required-features`.
+- Testing: Ensure there is a markdown file with [trycmd]( syntax (generally they'll go in here).
+See also the general [CONTRIBUTING](../../