path: root/vendor/clap_derive-3.2.18/src/derives/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/clap_derive-3.2.18/src/derives/')
1 files changed, 796 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/clap_derive-3.2.18/src/derives/ b/vendor/clap_derive-3.2.18/src/derives/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4195a0810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/clap_derive-3.2.18/src/derives/
@@ -0,0 +1,796 @@
+// Copyright 2018 Guillaume Pinot (@TeXitoi) <>,
+// Kevin Knapp (@kbknapp) <>, and
+// Ana Hobden (@hoverbear) <>
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+// This work was derived from Structopt (
+// commit#ea76fa1b1b273e65e3b0b1046643715b49bec51f which is licensed under the
+// MIT/Apache 2.0 license.
+use crate::{
+ attrs::{Attrs, Kind, Name, ParserKind, DEFAULT_CASING, DEFAULT_ENV_CASING},
+ dummies,
+ utils::{inner_type, is_simple_ty, sub_type, Sp, Ty},
+use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
+use proc_macro_error::{abort, abort_call_site};
+use quote::{format_ident, quote, quote_spanned};
+use syn::{
+ punctuated::Punctuated, spanned::Spanned, token::Comma, Attribute, Data, DataStruct,
+ DeriveInput, Field, Fields, Generics, Type,
+pub fn derive_args(input: &DeriveInput) -> TokenStream {
+ let ident = &input.ident;
+ dummies::args(ident);
+ match {
+ Data::Struct(DataStruct {
+ fields: Fields::Named(ref fields),
+ ..
+ }) => gen_for_struct(ident, &input.generics, &fields.named, &input.attrs),
+ Data::Struct(DataStruct {
+ fields: Fields::Unit,
+ ..
+ }) => gen_for_struct(
+ ident,
+ &input.generics,
+ &Punctuated::<Field, Comma>::new(),
+ &input.attrs,
+ ),
+ _ => abort_call_site!("`#[derive(Args)]` only supports non-tuple structs"),
+ }
+pub fn gen_for_struct(
+ struct_name: &Ident,
+ generics: &Generics,
+ fields: &Punctuated<Field, Comma>,
+ attrs: &[Attribute],
+) -> TokenStream {
+ let from_arg_matches = gen_from_arg_matches_for_struct(struct_name, generics, fields, attrs);
+ let attrs = Attrs::from_struct(
+ Span::call_site(),
+ attrs,
+ Name::Derived(struct_name.clone()),
+ Sp::call_site(DEFAULT_CASING),
+ Sp::call_site(DEFAULT_ENV_CASING),
+ );
+ let app_var = Ident::new("__clap_app", Span::call_site());
+ let augmentation = gen_augment(fields, &app_var, &attrs, false);
+ let augmentation_update = gen_augment(fields, &app_var, &attrs, true);
+ let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = generics.split_for_impl();
+ quote! {
+ #from_arg_matches
+ #[allow(dead_code, unreachable_code, unused_variables, unused_braces)]
+ #[allow(
+ clippy::style,
+ clippy::complexity,
+ clippy::pedantic,
+ clippy::restriction,
+ clippy::perf,
+ clippy::deprecated,
+ clippy::nursery,
+ clippy::cargo,
+ clippy::suspicious_else_formatting,
+ )]
+ #[deny(clippy::correctness)]
+ impl #impl_generics clap::Args for #struct_name #ty_generics #where_clause {
+ fn augment_args<'b>(#app_var: clap::Command<'b>) -> clap::Command<'b> {
+ #augmentation
+ }
+ fn augment_args_for_update<'b>(#app_var: clap::Command<'b>) -> clap::Command<'b> {
+ #augmentation_update
+ }
+ }
+ }
+pub fn gen_from_arg_matches_for_struct(
+ struct_name: &Ident,
+ generics: &Generics,
+ fields: &Punctuated<Field, Comma>,
+ attrs: &[Attribute],
+) -> TokenStream {
+ let attrs = Attrs::from_struct(
+ Span::call_site(),
+ attrs,
+ Name::Derived(struct_name.clone()),
+ Sp::call_site(DEFAULT_CASING),
+ Sp::call_site(DEFAULT_ENV_CASING),
+ );
+ let constructor = gen_constructor(fields, &attrs);
+ let updater = gen_updater(fields, &attrs, true);
+ let raw_deprecated = raw_deprecated();
+ let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = generics.split_for_impl();
+ quote! {
+ #[allow(dead_code, unreachable_code, unused_variables, unused_braces)]
+ #[allow(
+ clippy::style,
+ clippy::complexity,
+ clippy::pedantic,
+ clippy::restriction,
+ clippy::perf,
+ clippy::deprecated,
+ clippy::nursery,
+ clippy::cargo,
+ clippy::suspicious_else_formatting,
+ )]
+ #[deny(clippy::correctness)]
+ impl #impl_generics clap::FromArgMatches for #struct_name #ty_generics #where_clause {
+ fn from_arg_matches(__clap_arg_matches: &clap::ArgMatches) -> ::std::result::Result<Self, clap::Error> {
+ Self::from_arg_matches_mut(&mut __clap_arg_matches.clone())
+ }
+ fn from_arg_matches_mut(__clap_arg_matches: &mut clap::ArgMatches) -> ::std::result::Result<Self, clap::Error> {
+ #raw_deprecated
+ let v = #struct_name #constructor;
+ ::std::result::Result::Ok(v)
+ }
+ fn update_from_arg_matches(&mut self, __clap_arg_matches: &clap::ArgMatches) -> ::std::result::Result<(), clap::Error> {
+ self.update_from_arg_matches_mut(&mut __clap_arg_matches.clone())
+ }
+ fn update_from_arg_matches_mut(&mut self, __clap_arg_matches: &mut clap::ArgMatches) -> ::std::result::Result<(), clap::Error> {
+ #raw_deprecated
+ #updater
+ ::std::result::Result::Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// Generate a block of code to add arguments/subcommands corresponding to
+/// the `fields` to an cmd.
+pub fn gen_augment(
+ fields: &Punctuated<Field, Comma>,
+ app_var: &Ident,
+ parent_attribute: &Attrs,
+ override_required: bool,
+) -> TokenStream {
+ let mut subcmds = fields.iter().filter_map(|field| {
+ let attrs = Attrs::from_field(
+ field,
+ parent_attribute.casing(),
+ parent_attribute.env_casing(),
+ );
+ let kind = attrs.kind();
+ if let Kind::Subcommand(ty) = &*kind {
+ let subcmd_type = match (**ty, sub_type(&field.ty)) {
+ (Ty::Option, Some(sub_type)) => sub_type,
+ _ => &field.ty,
+ };
+ let required = if **ty == Ty::Option {
+ quote!()
+ } else {
+ quote_spanned! { kind.span()=>
+ #[allow(deprecated)]
+ let #app_var = #app_var.setting(
+ clap::AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ let span = field.span();
+ let ts = if override_required {
+ quote! {
+ let #app_var = <#subcmd_type as clap::Subcommand>::augment_subcommands_for_update( #app_var );
+ }
+ } else{
+ quote! {
+ let #app_var = <#subcmd_type as clap::Subcommand>::augment_subcommands( #app_var );
+ #required
+ }
+ };
+ Some((span, ts))
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ });
+ let subcmd =|(_, ts)| ts);
+ if let Some((span, _)) = {
+ abort!(
+ span,
+ "multiple subcommand sets are not allowed, that's the second"
+ );
+ }
+ let args = fields.iter().filter_map(|field| {
+ let attrs = Attrs::from_field(
+ field,
+ parent_attribute.casing(),
+ parent_attribute.env_casing(),
+ );
+ let kind = attrs.kind();
+ match &*kind {
+ Kind::Subcommand(_)
+ | Kind::Skip(_)
+ | Kind::FromGlobal(_)
+ | Kind::ExternalSubcommand => None,
+ Kind::Flatten => {
+ let ty = &field.ty;
+ let old_heading_var = format_ident!("__clap_old_heading");
+ let next_help_heading = attrs.next_help_heading();
+ let next_display_order = attrs.next_display_order();
+ if override_required {
+ Some(quote_spanned! { kind.span()=>
+ let #old_heading_var = #app_var.get_next_help_heading();
+ let #app_var = #app_var #next_help_heading #next_display_order;
+ let #app_var = <#ty as clap::Args>::augment_args_for_update(#app_var);
+ let #app_var = #app_var.next_help_heading(#old_heading_var);
+ })
+ } else {
+ Some(quote_spanned! { kind.span()=>
+ let #old_heading_var = #app_var.get_next_help_heading();
+ let #app_var = #app_var #next_help_heading #next_display_order;
+ let #app_var = <#ty as clap::Args>::augment_args(#app_var);
+ let #app_var = #app_var.next_help_heading(#old_heading_var);
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ Kind::Arg(ty) => {
+ let convert_type = inner_type(&field.ty);
+ let parser = attrs.parser(&field.ty);
+ let value_parser = attrs.value_parser(&field.ty);
+ let action = attrs.action(&field.ty);
+ let func = &parser.func;
+ let mut occurrences = false;
+ let mut flag = false;
+ let validator = match *parser.kind {
+ _ if attrs.ignore_parser() || attrs.is_enum() => quote!(),
+ ParserKind::TryFromStr => quote_spanned! { func.span()=>
+ .validator(|s| {
+ #func(s)
+ .map(|_: #convert_type| ())
+ })
+ },
+ ParserKind::TryFromOsStr => quote_spanned! { func.span()=>
+ .validator_os(|s| #func(s).map(|_: #convert_type| ()))
+ },
+ ParserKind::FromStr | ParserKind::FromOsStr => quote!(),
+ ParserKind::FromFlag => {
+ flag = true;
+ quote!()
+ }
+ ParserKind::FromOccurrences => {
+ occurrences = true;
+ quote!()
+ }
+ };
+ let parse_deprecation = match *parser.kind {
+ _ if !attrs.explicit_parser() || cfg!(not(feature = "deprecated")) => quote!(),
+ ParserKind::FromStr => quote_spanned! { func.span()=>
+ #[deprecated(since = "3.2.0", note = "Replaced with `#[clap(value_parser = ...)]`")]
+ fn parse_from_str() {
+ }
+ parse_from_str();
+ },
+ ParserKind::TryFromStr => quote_spanned! { func.span()=>
+ #[deprecated(since = "3.2.0", note = "Replaced with `#[clap(value_parser = ...)]`")]
+ fn parse_try_from_str() {
+ }
+ parse_try_from_str();
+ },
+ ParserKind::FromOsStr => quote_spanned! { func.span()=>
+ #[deprecated(since = "3.2.0", note = "Replaced with `#[clap(value_parser)]` for `PathBuf` or `#[clap(value_parser = ...)]` with a custom `TypedValueParser`")]
+ fn parse_from_os_str() {
+ }
+ parse_from_os_str();
+ },
+ ParserKind::TryFromOsStr => quote_spanned! { func.span()=>
+ #[deprecated(since = "3.2.0", note = "Replaced with `#[clap(value_parser = ...)]` with a custom `TypedValueParser`")]
+ fn parse_try_from_os_str() {
+ }
+ parse_try_from_os_str();
+ },
+ ParserKind::FromFlag => quote_spanned! { func.span()=>
+ #[deprecated(since = "3.2.0", note = "Replaced with `#[clap(action = ArgAction::SetTrue)]`")]
+ fn parse_from_flag() {
+ }
+ parse_from_flag();
+ },
+ ParserKind::FromOccurrences => quote_spanned! { func.span()=>
+ #[deprecated(since = "3.2.0", note = "Replaced with `#[clap(action = ArgAction::Count)]` with a field type of `u8`")]
+ fn parse_from_occurrences() {
+ }
+ parse_from_occurrences();
+ },
+ };
+ let value_name = attrs.value_name();
+ let possible_values = if attrs.is_enum() && !attrs.ignore_parser() {
+ gen_value_enum_possible_values(convert_type)
+ } else {
+ quote!()
+ };
+ let implicit_methods = match **ty {
+ Ty::Option => {
+ quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .value_name(#value_name)
+ #possible_values
+ #validator
+ #value_parser
+ #action
+ }
+ }
+ Ty::OptionOption => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .value_name(#value_name)
+ .min_values(0)
+ .max_values(1)
+ .multiple_values(false)
+ #possible_values
+ #validator
+ #value_parser
+ #action
+ },
+ Ty::OptionVec => {
+ if attrs.ignore_parser() {
+ if attrs.is_positional() {
+ quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .value_name(#value_name)
+ .multiple_values(true) // action won't be sufficient for getting multiple
+ #possible_values
+ #validator
+ #value_parser
+ #action
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .value_name(#value_name)
+ #possible_values
+ #validator
+ #value_parser
+ #action
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .value_name(#value_name)
+ .multiple_occurrences(true)
+ #possible_values
+ #validator
+ #value_parser
+ #action
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ty::Vec => {
+ if attrs.ignore_parser() {
+ if attrs.is_positional() {
+ quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .value_name(#value_name)
+ .multiple_values(true) // action won't be sufficient for getting multiple
+ #possible_values
+ #validator
+ #value_parser
+ #action
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .value_name(#value_name)
+ #possible_values
+ #validator
+ #value_parser
+ #action
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .value_name(#value_name)
+ .multiple_occurrences(true)
+ #possible_values
+ #validator
+ #value_parser
+ #action
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ty::Other if occurrences => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .multiple_occurrences(true)
+ },
+ Ty::Other if flag => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .takes_value(false)
+ },
+ Ty::Other => {
+ let required = attrs.find_default_method().is_none() && !override_required;
+ // `ArgAction::takes_values` is assuming `ArgAction::default_value` will be
+ // set though that won't always be true but this should be good enough,
+ // otherwise we'll report an "arg required" error when unwrapping.
+ let action_value = action.args();
+ quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .value_name(#value_name)
+ .required(#required && #action_value.takes_values())
+ #possible_values
+ #validator
+ #value_parser
+ #action
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ let id =;
+ let explicit_methods = attrs.field_methods(true);
+ Some(quote_spanned! { field.span()=>
+ let #app_var = #app_var.arg({
+ #parse_deprecation
+ #[allow(deprecated)]
+ let arg = clap::Arg::new(#id)
+ #implicit_methods;
+ let arg = arg
+ #explicit_methods;
+ arg
+ });
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ let initial_app_methods = parent_attribute.initial_top_level_methods();
+ let final_app_methods = parent_attribute.final_top_level_methods();
+ quote! {{
+ let #app_var = #app_var #initial_app_methods;
+ #( #args )*
+ #subcmd
+ #app_var #final_app_methods
+ }}
+fn gen_value_enum_possible_values(ty: &Type) -> TokenStream {
+ quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .possible_values(<#ty as clap::ValueEnum>::value_variants().iter().filter_map(clap::ValueEnum::to_possible_value))
+ }
+pub fn gen_constructor(fields: &Punctuated<Field, Comma>, parent_attribute: &Attrs) -> TokenStream {
+ let fields = fields.iter().map(|field| {
+ let attrs = Attrs::from_field(
+ field,
+ parent_attribute.casing(),
+ parent_attribute.env_casing(),
+ );
+ let field_name = field.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
+ let kind = attrs.kind();
+ let arg_matches = format_ident!("__clap_arg_matches");
+ match &*kind {
+ Kind::ExternalSubcommand => {
+ abort! { kind.span(),
+ "`external_subcommand` can be used only on enum variants"
+ }
+ }
+ Kind::Subcommand(ty) => {
+ let subcmd_type = match (**ty, sub_type(&field.ty)) {
+ (Ty::Option, Some(sub_type)) => sub_type,
+ _ => &field.ty,
+ };
+ match **ty {
+ Ty::Option => {
+ quote_spanned! { kind.span()=>
+ #field_name: {
+ if #arg_matches.subcommand_name().map(<#subcmd_type as clap::Subcommand>::has_subcommand).unwrap_or(false) {
+ Some(<#subcmd_type as clap::FromArgMatches>::from_arg_matches_mut(#arg_matches)?)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _ => {
+ quote_spanned! { kind.span()=>
+ #field_name: {
+ <#subcmd_type as clap::FromArgMatches>::from_arg_matches_mut(#arg_matches)?
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ Kind::Flatten => quote_spanned! { kind.span()=>
+ #field_name: clap::FromArgMatches::from_arg_matches_mut(#arg_matches)?
+ },
+ Kind::Skip(val) => match val {
+ None => quote_spanned!(kind.span()=> #field_name: Default::default()),
+ Some(val) => quote_spanned!(kind.span()=> #field_name: (#val).into()),
+ },
+ Kind::Arg(ty) | Kind::FromGlobal(ty) => {
+ gen_parsers(&attrs, ty, field_name, field, None)
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ quote! {{
+ #( #fields ),*
+ }}
+pub fn gen_updater(
+ fields: &Punctuated<Field, Comma>,
+ parent_attribute: &Attrs,
+ use_self: bool,
+) -> TokenStream {
+ let fields = fields.iter().map(|field| {
+ let attrs = Attrs::from_field(
+ field,
+ parent_attribute.casing(),
+ parent_attribute.env_casing(),
+ );
+ let field_name = field.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
+ let kind = attrs.kind();
+ let access = if use_self {
+ quote! {
+ #[allow(non_snake_case)]
+ let #field_name = &mut self.#field_name;
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote!()
+ };
+ let arg_matches = format_ident!("__clap_arg_matches");
+ match &*kind {
+ Kind::ExternalSubcommand => {
+ abort! { kind.span(),
+ "`external_subcommand` can be used only on enum variants"
+ }
+ }
+ Kind::Subcommand(ty) => {
+ let subcmd_type = match (**ty, sub_type(&field.ty)) {
+ (Ty::Option, Some(sub_type)) => sub_type,
+ _ => &field.ty,
+ };
+ let updater = quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ <#subcmd_type as clap::FromArgMatches>::update_from_arg_matches_mut(#field_name, #arg_matches)?;
+ };
+ let updater = match **ty {
+ Ty::Option => quote_spanned! { kind.span()=>
+ if let Some(#field_name) = #field_name.as_mut() {
+ #updater
+ } else {
+ *#field_name = Some(<#subcmd_type as clap::FromArgMatches>::from_arg_matches_mut(
+ #arg_matches
+ )?);
+ }
+ },
+ _ => quote_spanned! { kind.span()=>
+ #updater
+ },
+ };
+ quote_spanned! { kind.span()=>
+ {
+ #access
+ #updater
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Kind::Flatten => quote_spanned! { kind.span()=> {
+ #access
+ clap::FromArgMatches::update_from_arg_matches_mut(#field_name, #arg_matches)?;
+ }
+ },
+ Kind::Skip(_) => quote!(),
+ Kind::Arg(ty) | Kind::FromGlobal(ty) => gen_parsers(&attrs, ty, field_name, field, Some(&access)),
+ }
+ });
+ quote! {
+ #( #fields )*
+ }
+fn gen_parsers(
+ attrs: &Attrs,
+ ty: &Sp<Ty>,
+ field_name: &Ident,
+ field: &Field,
+ update: Option<&TokenStream>,
+) -> TokenStream {
+ use self::ParserKind::*;
+ let parser = attrs.parser(&field.ty);
+ let func = &parser.func;
+ let span = parser.kind.span();
+ let convert_type = inner_type(&field.ty);
+ let id =;
+ let mut flag = false;
+ let mut occurrences = false;
+ let (get_one, get_many, deref, mut parse) = match *parser.kind {
+ _ if attrs.ignore_parser() => (
+ quote_spanned!(span=> remove_one::<#convert_type>),
+ quote_spanned!(span=> remove_many::<#convert_type>),
+ quote!(|s| s),
+ quote_spanned!(func.span()=> |s| ::std::result::Result::Ok::<_, clap::Error>(s)),
+ ),
+ FromOccurrences => {
+ occurrences = true;
+ (
+ quote_spanned!(span=> occurrences_of),
+ quote!(),
+ quote!(|s| ::std::ops::Deref::deref(s)),
+ func.clone(),
+ )
+ }
+ FromFlag => {
+ flag = true;
+ (
+ quote!(),
+ quote!(),
+ quote!(|s| ::std::ops::Deref::deref(s)),
+ func.clone(),
+ )
+ }
+ FromStr => (
+ quote_spanned!(span=> get_one::<String>),
+ quote_spanned!(span=> get_many::<String>),
+ quote!(|s| ::std::ops::Deref::deref(s)),
+ quote_spanned!(func.span()=> |s| ::std::result::Result::Ok::<_, clap::Error>(#func(s))),
+ ),
+ TryFromStr => (
+ quote_spanned!(span=> get_one::<String>),
+ quote_spanned!(span=> get_many::<String>),
+ quote!(|s| ::std::ops::Deref::deref(s)),
+ quote_spanned!(func.span()=> |s| #func(s).map_err(|err| clap::Error::raw(clap::ErrorKind::ValueValidation, format!("Invalid value for {}: {}", #id, err)))),
+ ),
+ FromOsStr => (
+ quote_spanned!(span=> get_one::<::std::ffi::OsString>),
+ quote_spanned!(span=> get_many::<::std::ffi::OsString>),
+ quote!(|s| ::std::ops::Deref::deref(s)),
+ quote_spanned!(func.span()=> |s| ::std::result::Result::Ok::<_, clap::Error>(#func(s))),
+ ),
+ TryFromOsStr => (
+ quote_spanned!(span=> get_one::<::std::ffi::OsString>),
+ quote_spanned!(span=> get_many::<::std::ffi::OsString>),
+ quote!(|s| ::std::ops::Deref::deref(s)),
+ quote_spanned!(func.span()=> |s| #func(s).map_err(|err| clap::Error::raw(clap::ErrorKind::ValueValidation, format!("Invalid value for {}: {}", #id, err)))),
+ ),
+ };
+ if attrs.is_enum() && !attrs.ignore_parser() {
+ let ci = attrs.ignore_case();
+ parse = quote_spanned! { convert_type.span()=>
+ |s| <#convert_type as clap::ValueEnum>::from_str(s, #ci).map_err(|err| clap::Error::raw(clap::ErrorKind::ValueValidation, format!("Invalid value for {}: {}", #id, err)))
+ }
+ }
+ // Give this identifier the same hygiene
+ // as the `arg_matches` parameter definition. This
+ // allows us to refer to `arg_matches` within a `quote_spanned` block
+ let arg_matches = format_ident!("__clap_arg_matches");
+ let field_value = match **ty {
+ Ty::Option => {
+ quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ #arg_matches.#get_one(#id)
+ .map(#deref)
+ .map(#parse)
+ .transpose()?
+ }
+ }
+ Ty::OptionOption => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ if #arg_matches.contains_id(#id) {
+ Some(
+ #arg_matches.#get_one(#id)
+ .map(#deref)
+ .map(#parse).transpose()?
+ )
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ },
+ Ty::OptionVec => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ if #arg_matches.contains_id(#id) {
+ Some(#arg_matches.#get_many(#id)
+ .map(|v|<::std::result::Result<#convert_type, clap::Error>, _>(#parse).collect::<::std::result::Result<Vec<_>, clap::Error>>())
+ .transpose()?
+ .unwrap_or_else(Vec::new))
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ },
+ Ty::Vec => {
+ quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ #arg_matches.#get_many(#id)
+ .map(|v|<::std::result::Result<#convert_type, clap::Error>, _>(#parse).collect::<::std::result::Result<Vec<_>, clap::Error>>())
+ .transpose()?
+ .unwrap_or_else(Vec::new)
+ }
+ }
+ Ty::Other if occurrences => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ #parse(
+ #arg_matches.#get_one(#id)
+ )
+ },
+ Ty::Other if flag => {
+ if update.is_some() && is_simple_ty(&field.ty, "bool") {
+ quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ *#field_name || #arg_matches.is_present(#id)
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ #parse(#arg_matches.is_present(#id))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ty::Other => {
+ quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ #arg_matches.#get_one(#id)
+ .map(#deref)
+ .ok_or_else(|| clap::Error::raw(clap::ErrorKind::MissingRequiredArgument, format!("The following required argument was not provided: {}", #id)))
+ .and_then(#parse)?
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if let Some(access) = update {
+ quote_spanned! { field.span()=>
+ if #arg_matches.contains_id(#id) {
+ #access
+ *#field_name = #field_value
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote_spanned!(field.span()=> #field_name: #field_value )
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "raw-deprecated")]
+pub fn raw_deprecated() -> TokenStream {
+ quote! {}
+#[cfg(not(feature = "raw-deprecated"))]
+pub fn raw_deprecated() -> TokenStream {
+ quote! {
+ #![allow(deprecated)] // Assuming any deprecation in here will be related to a deprecation in `Args`
+ }