path: root/vendor/compiler_builtins/src/int/specialized_div_rem/
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diff --git a/vendor/compiler_builtins/src/int/specialized_div_rem/ b/vendor/compiler_builtins/src/int/specialized_div_rem/
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index 000000000..0d7822882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/compiler_builtins/src/int/specialized_div_rem/
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+/// Creates an unsigned division function that uses binary long division, designed for
+/// computer architectures without division instructions. These functions have good performance for
+/// microarchitectures with large branch miss penalties and architectures without the ability to
+/// predicate instructions. For architectures with predicated instructions, one of the algorithms
+/// described in the documentation of these functions probably has higher performance, and a custom
+/// assembly routine should be used instead.
+macro_rules! impl_binary_long {
+ (
+ $fn:ident, // name of the unsigned division function
+ $zero_div_fn:ident, // function called when division by zero is attempted
+ $normalization_shift:ident, // function for finding the normalization shift
+ $n:tt, // the number of bits in a $iX or $uX
+ $uX:ident, // unsigned integer type for the inputs and outputs of `$fn`
+ $iX:ident // signed integer type with same bitwidth as `$uX`
+ ) => {
+ /// Computes the quotient and remainder of `duo` divided by `div` and returns them as a
+ /// tuple.
+ pub fn $fn(duo: $uX, div: $uX) -> ($uX, $uX) {
+ let mut duo = duo;
+ // handle edge cases before calling `$normalization_shift`
+ if div == 0 {
+ $zero_div_fn()
+ }
+ if duo < div {
+ return (0, duo);
+ }
+ // There are many variations of binary division algorithm that could be used. This
+ // documentation gives a tour of different methods so that future readers wanting to
+ // optimize further do not have to painstakingly derive them. The SWAR variation is
+ // especially hard to understand without reading the less convoluted methods first.
+ // You may notice that a `duo < div_original` check is included in many these
+ // algorithms. A critical optimization that many algorithms miss is handling of
+ // quotients that will turn out to have many trailing zeros or many leading zeros. This
+ // happens in cases of exact or close-to-exact divisions, divisions by power of two, and
+ // in cases where the quotient is small. The `duo < div_original` check handles these
+ // cases of early returns and ends up replacing other kinds of mundane checks that
+ // normally terminate a binary division algorithm.
+ //
+ // Something you may see in other algorithms that is not special-cased here is checks
+ // for division by powers of two. The `duo < div_original` check handles this case and
+ // more, however it can be checked up front before the bisection using the
+ // `((div > 0) && ((div & (div - 1)) == 0))` trick. This is not special-cased because
+ // compilers should handle most cases where divisions by power of two occur, and we do
+ // not want to add on a few cycles for every division operation just to save a few
+ // cycles rarely.
+ // The following example is the most straightforward translation from the way binary
+ // long division is typically visualized:
+ // Dividing 178u8 (0b10110010) by 6u8 (0b110). `div` is shifted left by 5, according to
+ // the result from `$normalization_shift(duo, div, false)`.
+ //
+ // Step 0: `sub` is negative, so there is not full normalization, so no `quo` bit is set
+ // and `duo` is kept unchanged.
+ // duo:10110010, div_shifted:11000000, sub:11110010, quo:00000000, shl:5
+ //
+ // Step 1: `sub` is positive, set a `quo` bit and update `duo` for next step.
+ // duo:10110010, div_shifted:01100000, sub:01010010, quo:00010000, shl:4
+ //
+ // Step 2: Continue based on `sub`. The `quo` bits start accumulating.
+ // duo:01010010, div_shifted:00110000, sub:00100010, quo:00011000, shl:3
+ // duo:00100010, div_shifted:00011000, sub:00001010, quo:00011100, shl:2
+ // duo:00001010, div_shifted:00001100, sub:11111110, quo:00011100, shl:1
+ // duo:00001010, div_shifted:00000110, sub:00000100, quo:00011100, shl:0
+ // The `duo < div_original` check terminates the algorithm with the correct quotient of
+ // 29u8 and remainder of 4u8
+ /*
+ let div_original = div;
+ let mut shl = $normalization_shift(duo, div, false);
+ let mut quo = 0;
+ loop {
+ let div_shifted = div << shl;
+ let sub = duo.wrapping_sub(div_shifted);
+ // it is recommended to use `println!`s like this if functionality is unclear
+ /*
+ println!("duo:{:08b}, div_shifted:{:08b}, sub:{:08b}, quo:{:08b}, shl:{}",
+ duo,
+ div_shifted,
+ sub,
+ quo,
+ shl
+ );
+ */
+ if 0 <= (sub as $iX) {
+ duo = sub;
+ quo += 1 << shl;
+ if duo < div_original {
+ // this branch is optional
+ return (quo, duo)
+ }
+ }
+ if shl == 0 {
+ return (quo, duo)
+ }
+ shl -= 1;
+ }
+ */
+ // This restoring binary long division algorithm reduces the number of operations
+ // overall via:
+ // - `pow` can be shifted right instead of recalculating from `shl`
+ // - starting `div` shifted left and shifting it right for each step instead of
+ // recalculating from `shl`
+ // - The `duo < div_original` branch is used to terminate the algorithm instead of the
+ // `shl == 0` branch. This check is strong enough to prevent set bits of `pow` and
+ // `div` from being shifted off the end. This check also only occurs on half of steps
+ // on average, since it is behind the `(sub as $iX) >= 0` branch.
+ // - `shl` is now not needed by any aspect of of the loop and thus only 3 variables are
+ // being updated between steps
+ //
+ // There are many variations of this algorithm, but this encompases the largest number
+ // of architectures and does not rely on carry flags, add-with-carry, or SWAR
+ // complications to be decently fast.
+ /*
+ let div_original = div;
+ let shl = $normalization_shift(duo, div, false);
+ let mut div: $uX = div << shl;
+ let mut pow: $uX = 1 << shl;
+ let mut quo: $uX = 0;
+ loop {
+ let sub = duo.wrapping_sub(div);
+ if 0 <= (sub as $iX) {
+ duo = sub;
+ quo |= pow;
+ if duo < div_original {
+ return (quo, duo)
+ }
+ }
+ div >>= 1;
+ pow >>= 1;
+ }
+ */
+ // If the architecture has flags and predicated arithmetic instructions, it is possible
+ // to do binary long division without branching and in only 3 or 4 instructions. This is
+ // a variation of a 3 instruction central loop from
+ //
+ //
+ // What allows doing division in only 3 instructions is realizing that instead of
+ // keeping `duo` in place and shifting `div` right to align bits, `div` can be kept in
+ // place and `duo` can be shifted left. This means `div` does not have to be updated,
+ // but causes edge case problems and makes `duo < div_original` tests harder. Some
+ // architectures have an option to shift an argument in an arithmetic operation, which
+ // means `duo` can be shifted left and subtracted from in one instruction. The other two
+ // instructions are updating `quo` and undoing the subtraction if it turns out things
+ // were not normalized.
+ /*
+ // Perform one binary long division step on the already normalized arguments, because
+ // the main. Note that this does a full normalization since the central loop needs
+ // `duo.leading_zeros()` to be at least 1 more than `div.leading_zeros()`. The original
+ // variation only did normalization to the nearest 4 steps, but this makes handling edge
+ // cases much harder. We do a full normalization and perform a binary long division
+ // step. In the edge case where the msbs of `duo` and `div` are set, it clears the msb
+ // of `duo`, then the edge case handler shifts `div` right and does another long
+ // division step to always insure `duo.leading_zeros() + 1 >= div.leading_zeros()`.
+ let div_original = div;
+ let mut shl = $normalization_shift(duo, div, true);
+ let mut div: $uX = (div << shl);
+ let mut quo: $uX = 1;
+ duo = duo.wrapping_sub(div);
+ if duo < div_original {
+ return (1 << shl, duo);
+ }
+ let div_neg: $uX;
+ if (div as $iX) < 0 {
+ // A very ugly edge case where the most significant bit of `div` is set (after
+ // shifting to match `duo` when its most significant bit is at the sign bit), which
+ // leads to the sign bit of `div_neg` being cut off and carries not happening when
+ // they should. This branch performs a long division step that keeps `duo` in place
+ // and shifts `div` down.
+ div >>= 1;
+ div_neg = div.wrapping_neg();
+ let (sub, carry) = duo.overflowing_add(div_neg);
+ duo = sub;
+ quo = quo.wrapping_add(quo).wrapping_add(carry as $uX);
+ if !carry {
+ duo = duo.wrapping_add(div);
+ }
+ shl -= 1;
+ } else {
+ div_neg = div.wrapping_neg();
+ }
+ // The add-with-carry that updates `quo` needs to have the carry set when a normalized
+ // subtract happens. Using `duo.wrapping_shl(1).overflowing_sub(div)` to do the
+ // subtraction generates a carry when an unnormalized subtract happens, which is the
+ // opposite of what we want. Instead, we use
+ // `duo.wrapping_shl(1).overflowing_add(div_neg)`, where `div_neg` is negative `div`.
+ let mut i = shl;
+ loop {
+ if i == 0 {
+ break;
+ }
+ i -= 1;
+ // `ADDS duo, div, duo, LSL #1`
+ // (add `div` to `duo << 1` and set flags)
+ let (sub, carry) = duo.wrapping_shl(1).overflowing_add(div_neg);
+ duo = sub;
+ // `ADC quo, quo, quo`
+ // (add with carry). Effectively shifts `quo` left by 1 and sets the least
+ // significant bit to the carry.
+ quo = quo.wrapping_add(quo).wrapping_add(carry as $uX);
+ // `ADDCC duo, duo, div`
+ // (add if carry clear). Undoes the subtraction if no carry was generated.
+ if !carry {
+ duo = duo.wrapping_add(div);
+ }
+ }
+ return (quo, duo >> shl);
+ */
+ // This is the SWAR (SIMD within in a register) restoring division algorithm.
+ // This combines several ideas of the above algorithms:
+ // - If `duo` is shifted left instead of shifting `div` right like in the 3 instruction
+ // restoring division algorithm, some architectures can do the shifting and
+ // subtraction step in one instruction.
+ // - `quo` can be constructed by adding powers-of-two to it or shifting it left by one
+ // and adding one.
+ // - Every time `duo` is shifted left, there is another unused 0 bit shifted into the
+ // LSB, so what if we use those bits to store `quo`?
+ // Through a complex setup, it is possible to manage `duo` and `quo` in the same
+ // register, and perform one step with 2 or 3 instructions. The only major downsides are
+ // that there is significant setup (it is only saves instructions if `shl` is
+ // approximately more than 4), `duo < div_original` checks are impractical once SWAR is
+ // initiated, and the number of division steps taken has to be exact (we cannot do more
+ // division steps than `shl`, because it introduces edge cases where quotient bits in
+ // `duo` start to collide with the real part of `div`.
+ /*
+ // first step. The quotient bit is stored in `quo` for now
+ let div_original = div;
+ let mut shl = $normalization_shift(duo, div, true);
+ let mut div: $uX = (div << shl);
+ duo = duo.wrapping_sub(div);
+ let mut quo: $uX = 1 << shl;
+ if duo < div_original {
+ return (quo, duo);
+ }
+ let mask: $uX;
+ if (div as $iX) < 0 {
+ // deal with same edge case as the 3 instruction restoring division algorithm, but
+ // the quotient bit from this step also has to be stored in `quo`
+ div >>= 1;
+ shl -= 1;
+ let tmp = 1 << shl;
+ mask = tmp - 1;
+ let sub = duo.wrapping_sub(div);
+ if (sub as $iX) >= 0 {
+ // restore
+ duo = sub;
+ quo |= tmp;
+ }
+ if duo < div_original {
+ return (quo, duo);
+ }
+ } else {
+ mask = quo - 1;
+ }
+ // There is now room for quotient bits in `duo`.
+ // Note that `div` is already shifted left and has `shl` unset bits. We subtract 1 from
+ // `div` and end up with the subset of `shl` bits being all being set. This subset acts
+ // just like a two's complement negative one. The subset of `div` containing the divisor
+ // had 1 subtracted from it, but a carry will always be generated from the `shl` subset
+ // as long as the quotient stays positive.
+ //
+ // When the modified `div` is subtracted from `duo.wrapping_shl(1)`, the `shl` subset
+ // adds a quotient bit to the least significant bit.
+ // For example, 89 (0b01011001) divided by 3 (0b11):
+ //
+ // shl:4, div:0b00110000
+ // first step:
+ // duo:0b01011001
+ // + div_neg:0b11010000
+ // ____________________
+ // 0b00101001
+ // quo is set to 0b00010000 and mask is set to 0b00001111 for later
+ //
+ // 1 is subtracted from `div`. I will differentiate the `shl` part of `div` and the
+ // quotient part of `duo` with `^`s.
+ // chars.
+ // div:0b00110000
+ // ^^^^
+ // + 0b11111111
+ // ________________
+ // 0b00101111
+ // ^^^^
+ // div_neg:0b11010001
+ //
+ // first SWAR step:
+ // duo_shl1:0b01010010
+ // ^
+ // + div_neg:0b11010001
+ // ____________________
+ // 0b00100011
+ // ^
+ // second:
+ // duo_shl1:0b01000110
+ // ^^
+ // + div_neg:0b11010001
+ // ____________________
+ // 0b00010111
+ // ^^
+ // third:
+ // duo_shl1:0b00101110
+ // ^^^
+ // + div_neg:0b11010001
+ // ____________________
+ // 0b11111111
+ // ^^^
+ // 3 steps resulted in the quotient with 3 set bits as expected, but currently the real
+ // part of `duo` is negative and the third step was an unnormalized step. The restore
+ // branch then restores `duo`. Note that the restore branch does not shift `duo` left.
+ //
+ // duo:0b11111111
+ // ^^^
+ // + div:0b00101111
+ // ^^^^
+ // ________________
+ // 0b00101110
+ // ^^^
+ // `duo` is now back in the `duo_shl1` state it was at in the the third step, with an
+ // unset quotient bit.
+ //
+ // final step (`shl` was 4, so exactly 4 steps must be taken)
+ // duo_shl1:0b01011100
+ // ^^^^
+ // + div_neg:0b11010001
+ // ____________________
+ // 0b00101101
+ // ^^^^
+ // The quotient includes the `^` bits added with the `quo` bits from the beginning that
+ // contained the first step and potential edge case step,
+ // `quo:0b00010000 + (duo:0b00101101 & mask:0b00001111) == 0b00011101 == 29u8`.
+ // The remainder is the bits remaining in `duo` that are not part of the quotient bits,
+ // `duo:0b00101101 >> shl == 0b0010 == 2u8`.
+ let div: $uX = div.wrapping_sub(1);
+ let mut i = shl;
+ loop {
+ if i == 0 {
+ break;
+ }
+ i -= 1;
+ duo = duo.wrapping_shl(1).wrapping_sub(div);
+ if (duo as $iX) < 0 {
+ // restore
+ duo = duo.wrapping_add(div);
+ }
+ }
+ // unpack the results of SWAR
+ return ((duo & mask) | quo, duo >> shl);
+ */
+ // The problem with the conditional restoring SWAR algorithm above is that, in practice,
+ // it requires assembly code to bring out its full unrolled potential (It seems that
+ // LLVM can't use unrolled conditionals optimally and ends up erasing all the benefit
+ // that my algorithm intends. On architectures without predicated instructions, the code
+ // gen is especially bad. We need a default software division algorithm that is
+ // guaranteed to get decent code gen for the central loop.
+ // For non-SWAR algorithms, there is a way to do binary long division without
+ // predication or even branching. This involves creating a mask from the sign bit and
+ // performing different kinds of steps using that.
+ /*
+ let shl = $normalization_shift(duo, div, true);
+ let mut div: $uX = div << shl;
+ let mut pow: $uX = 1 << shl;
+ let mut quo: $uX = 0;
+ loop {
+ let sub = duo.wrapping_sub(div);
+ let sign_mask = !((sub as $iX).wrapping_shr($n - 1) as $uX);
+ duo -= div & sign_mask;
+ quo |= pow & sign_mask;
+ div >>= 1;
+ pow >>= 1;
+ if pow == 0 {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return (quo, duo);
+ */
+ // However, it requires about 4 extra operations (smearing the sign bit, negating the
+ // mask, and applying the mask twice) on top of the operations done by the actual
+ // algorithm. With SWAR however, just 2 extra operations are needed, making it
+ // practical and even the most optimal algorithm for some architectures.
+ // What we do is use custom assembly for predicated architectures that need software
+ // division, and for the default algorithm use a mask based restoring SWAR algorithm
+ // without conditionals or branches. On almost all architectures, this Rust code is
+ // guaranteed to compile down to 5 assembly instructions or less for each step, and LLVM
+ // will unroll it in a decent way.
+ // standard opening for SWAR algorithm with first step and edge case handling
+ let div_original = div;
+ let mut shl = $normalization_shift(duo, div, true);
+ let mut div: $uX = (div << shl);
+ duo = duo.wrapping_sub(div);
+ let mut quo: $uX = 1 << shl;
+ if duo < div_original {
+ return (quo, duo);
+ }
+ let mask: $uX;
+ if (div as $iX) < 0 {
+ div >>= 1;
+ shl -= 1;
+ let tmp = 1 << shl;
+ mask = tmp - 1;
+ let sub = duo.wrapping_sub(div);
+ if (sub as $iX) >= 0 {
+ duo = sub;
+ quo |= tmp;
+ }
+ if duo < div_original {
+ return (quo, duo);
+ }
+ } else {
+ mask = quo - 1;
+ }
+ // central loop
+ div = div.wrapping_sub(1);
+ let mut i = shl;
+ loop {
+ if i == 0 {
+ break;
+ }
+ i -= 1;
+ // shift left 1 and subtract
+ duo = duo.wrapping_shl(1).wrapping_sub(div);
+ // create mask
+ let mask = (duo as $iX).wrapping_shr($n - 1) as $uX;
+ // restore
+ duo = duo.wrapping_add(div & mask);
+ }
+ // unpack
+ return ((duo & mask) | quo, duo >> shl);
+ // miscellanious binary long division algorithms that might be better for specific
+ // architectures
+ // Another kind of long division uses an interesting fact that `div` and `pow` can be
+ // negated when `duo` is negative to perform a "negated" division step that works in
+ // place of any normalization mechanism. This is a non-restoring division algorithm that
+ // is very similar to the non-restoring division algorithms that can be found on the
+ // internet, except there is only one test for `duo < 0`. The subtraction from `quo` can
+ // be viewed as shifting the least significant set bit right (e.x. if we enter a series
+ // of negated binary long division steps starting with `quo == 0b1011_0000` and
+ // `pow == 0b0000_1000`, `quo` will progress like this: 0b1010_1000, 0b1010_0100,
+ // 0b1010_0010, 0b1010_0001).
+ /*
+ let div_original = div;
+ let shl = $normalization_shift(duo, div, true);
+ let mut div: $uX = (div << shl);
+ let mut pow: $uX = 1 << shl;
+ let mut quo: $uX = pow;
+ duo = duo.wrapping_sub(div);
+ if duo < div_original {
+ return (quo, duo);
+ }
+ div >>= 1;
+ pow >>= 1;
+ loop {
+ if (duo as $iX) < 0 {
+ // Negated binary long division step.
+ duo = duo.wrapping_add(div);
+ quo = quo.wrapping_sub(pow);
+ } else {
+ // Normal long division step.
+ if duo < div_original {
+ return (quo, duo)
+ }
+ duo = duo.wrapping_sub(div);
+ quo = quo.wrapping_add(pow);
+ }
+ pow >>= 1;
+ div >>= 1;
+ }
+ */
+ // This is the Nonrestoring SWAR algorithm, combining the nonrestoring algorithm with
+ // SWAR techniques that makes the only difference between steps be negation of `div`.
+ // If there was an architecture with an instruction that negated inputs to an adder
+ // based on conditionals, and in place shifting (or a three input addition operation
+ // that can have `duo` as two of the inputs to effectively shift it left by 1), then a
+ // single instruction central loop is possible. Microarchitectures often have inputs to
+ // their ALU that can invert the arguments and carry in of adders, but the architectures
+ // unfortunately do not have an instruction to dynamically invert this input based on
+ // conditionals.
+ /*
+ // SWAR opening
+ let div_original = div;
+ let mut shl = $normalization_shift(duo, div, true);
+ let mut div: $uX = (div << shl);
+ duo = duo.wrapping_sub(div);
+ let mut quo: $uX = 1 << shl;
+ if duo < div_original {
+ return (quo, duo);
+ }
+ let mask: $uX;
+ if (div as $iX) < 0 {
+ div >>= 1;
+ shl -= 1;
+ let tmp = 1 << shl;
+ let sub = duo.wrapping_sub(div);
+ if (sub as $iX) >= 0 {
+ // restore
+ duo = sub;
+ quo |= tmp;
+ }
+ if duo < div_original {
+ return (quo, duo);
+ }
+ mask = tmp - 1;
+ } else {
+ mask = quo - 1;
+ }
+ // central loop
+ let div: $uX = div.wrapping_sub(1);
+ let mut i = shl;
+ loop {
+ if i == 0 {
+ break;
+ }
+ i -= 1;
+ // note: the `wrapping_shl(1)` can be factored out, but would require another
+ // restoring division step to prevent `(duo as $iX)` from overflowing
+ if (duo as $iX) < 0 {
+ // Negated binary long division step.
+ duo = duo.wrapping_shl(1).wrapping_add(div);
+ } else {
+ // Normal long division step.
+ duo = duo.wrapping_shl(1).wrapping_sub(div);
+ }
+ }
+ if (duo as $iX) < 0 {
+ // Restore. This was not needed in the original nonrestoring algorithm because of
+ // the `duo < div_original` checks.
+ duo = duo.wrapping_add(div);
+ }
+ // unpack
+ return ((duo & mask) | quo, duo >> shl);
+ */
+ }
+ };