path: root/vendor/generic-array-0.12.4/src/
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1 files changed, 126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/generic-array-0.12.4/src/ b/vendor/generic-array-0.12.4/src/
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index 000000000..ebe687500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/generic-array-0.12.4/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+//! Implementation for `arr!` macro.
+use super::ArrayLength;
+use core::ops::Add;
+use typenum::U1;
+/// Helper trait for `arr!` macro
+pub trait AddLength<T, N: ArrayLength<T>>: ArrayLength<T> {
+ /// Resulting length
+ type Output: ArrayLength<T>;
+impl<T, N1, N2> AddLength<T, N2> for N1
+ N1: ArrayLength<T> + Add<N2>,
+ N2: ArrayLength<T>,
+ <N1 as Add<N2>>::Output: ArrayLength<T>,
+ type Output = <N1 as Add<N2>>::Output;
+/// Helper type for `arr!` macro
+pub type Inc<T, U> = <U as AddLength<T, U1>>::Output;
+macro_rules! arr_impl {
+ (@replace_expr $e:expr)=>{
+ 1
+ };
+ ($T:ty; $N:ty, [$($x:expr),*], []) => ({
+ const __ARR_LENGTH:usize=0 $(+ $crate::arr_impl!(@replace_expr $x) )*;
+ fn __do_transmute<'a, T, N: $crate::ArrayLength<T>>(arr: [T; __ARR_LENGTH]) -> $crate::GenericArray<T, N> {
+ unsafe { $crate::transmute(arr) }
+ }
+ let _:[();<$N as $crate::typenum::Unsigned>::USIZE]=[();__ARR_LENGTH];
+ __do_transmute::<$T,$N>([$($x),*])
+ });
+ ($T:ty; $N:ty, [], [$x1:expr]) => (
+ $crate::arr_impl!($T; $crate::arr::Inc<$T, $N>, [$x1], [])
+ );
+ ($T:ty; $N:ty, [], [$x1:expr, $($x:expr),+]) => (
+ $crate::arr_impl!($T; $crate::arr::Inc<$T, $N>, [$x1], [$($x),+])
+ );
+ ($T:ty; $N:ty, [$($y:expr),+], [$x1:expr]) => (
+ $crate::arr_impl!($T; $crate::arr::Inc<$T, $N>, [$($y),+, $x1], [])
+ );
+ ($T:ty; $N:ty, [$($y:expr),+], [$x1:expr, $($x:expr),+]) => (
+ $crate::arr_impl!($T; $crate::arr::Inc<$T, $N>, [$($y),+, $x1], [$($x),+])
+ );
+/// Macro allowing for easy generation of Generic Arrays.
+/// Example: `let test = arr![u32; 1, 2, 3];`
+macro_rules! arr {
+ ($T:ty; $(,)*) => ({
+ unsafe { $crate::transmute::<[$T; 0], $crate::GenericArray<$T, $crate::typenum::U0>>([]) }
+ });
+ ($T:ty; $($x:expr),* $(,)*) => (
+ arr_impl!($T; $crate::typenum::U0, [], [$($x),*])
+ );
+ ($($x:expr,)+) => (arr![$($x),*]);
+ () => ("""Macro requires a type, e.g. `let array = arr![u32; 1, 2, 3];`")
+mod doctests_only{
+ ///
+ /// # With ellision
+ ///
+ /// Testing that lifetimes aren't transmuted when they're ellided.
+ ///
+ /// ```compile_fail
+ /// #[macro_use] extern crate generic_array;
+ /// fn main() {
+ /// fn unsound_lifetime_extension<'a, A>(a: &'a A) -> &'static A {
+ /// arr![&A; a][0]
+ /// }
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// #[macro_use] extern crate generic_array;
+ /// fn main() {
+ /// fn unsound_lifetime_extension<'a, A>(a: &'a A) -> &'a A {
+ /// arr![&A; a][0]
+ /// }
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Without ellision
+ ///
+ /// Testing that lifetimes aren't transmuted when they're specified explicitly.
+ ///
+ /// ```compile_fail
+ /// #[macro_use] extern crate generic_array;
+ /// fn main() {
+ /// fn unsound_lifetime_extension<'a, A>(a: &'a A) -> &'static A {
+ /// arr![&'a A; a][0]
+ /// }
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ```compile_fail
+ /// #[macro_use] extern crate generic_array;
+ /// fn main() {
+ /// fn unsound_lifetime_extension<'a, A>(a: &'a A) -> &'static A {
+ /// arr![&'static A; a][0]
+ /// }
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// #[macro_use] extern crate generic_array;
+ /// fn main() {
+ /// fn unsound_lifetime_extension<'a, A>(a: &'a A) -> &'a A {
+ /// arr![&'a A; a][0]
+ /// }
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ pub enum DocTests{}