path: root/vendor/gix-negotiate/tests/baseline
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/gix-negotiate/tests/baseline')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 226 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/gix-negotiate/tests/baseline/ b/vendor/gix-negotiate/tests/baseline/
deleted file mode 100644
index f4ba0449f..000000000
--- a/vendor/gix-negotiate/tests/baseline/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-use std::cell::RefCell;
-use gix_negotiate::Algorithm;
-use gix_object::{bstr, bstr::ByteSlice};
-use gix_odb::{Find, FindExt};
-use gix_ref::{file::ReferenceExt, store::WriteReflog};
-fn run() -> crate::Result {
- let root = gix_testtools::scripted_fixture_read_only("")?;
- for case in [
- "no_parents",
- "clock_skew",
- "two_colliding_skips",
- "multi_round",
- "advertisement_as_filter",
- ] {
- let base = root.join(case);
- for (algo_name, algo) in [
- ("noop", Algorithm::Noop),
- ("consecutive", Algorithm::Consecutive),
- ("skipping", Algorithm::Skipping),
- ] {
- let obj_buf = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
- let buf = std::fs::read(base.join(format!("baseline.{algo_name}")))?;
- let store = gix_odb::at(base.join("client").join(".git/objects"))?;
- let refs = gix_ref::file::Store::at(
- base.join("client").join(".git"),
- WriteReflog::Disable,
- gix_hash::Kind::Sha1,
- );
- let lookup_names = |names: &[&str]| -> Vec<gix_hash::ObjectId> {
- names
- .iter()
- .filter_map(|name| {
- refs.try_find(*name).expect("one tag per commit").map(|mut r| {
- r.peel_to_id_in_place(&refs, &mut |id, buf| {
- store.try_find(&id, buf).map(|d||d| (d.kind,
- })
- .expect("works");
- })
- })
- .collect()
- };
- let message = |id: gix_hash::ObjectId| {
- store
- .find_commit(&id, obj_buf.borrow_mut().as_mut())
- .expect("present")
- .message
- .trim()
- .as_bstr()
- .to_owned()
- };
- let debug = false;
- for use_cache in [false, true] {
- let cache = use_cache
- .then(|| gix_commitgraph::at(store.store_ref().path().join("info")).ok())
- .flatten();
- let mut graph = gix_revwalk::Graph::new(
- |id, buf| {
- store
- .try_find(id, buf)
- .map(|r| r.and_then(gix_object::Data::try_into_commit_iter))
- },
- cache,
- );
- let mut negotiator = algo.into_negotiator();
- if debug {
- eprintln!("ALGO {algo_name} CASE {case}");
- }
- // // In --negotiate-only mode, which seems to be the only thing that's working after trying --dry-run, we unfortunately
- // // don't get to see what happens if known-common commits are added as git itself doesn't do that in this mode
- // // for some reason.
- // for common in lookup_names(&["origin/main"]) {
- // eprintln!("COMMON {name} {common}", name = message(common));
- // negotiator.known_common(common)?;
- // }
- for tip in lookup_names(&["HEAD"]).into_iter().chain(
- refs.iter()?
- .prefixed("refs/heads".as_ref())?
- .filter_map(Result::ok)
- .map(|r|,
- ) {
- if debug {
- eprintln!("TIP {name} {tip}", name = message(tip));
- }
- negotiator.add_tip(tip, &mut graph)?;
- }
- for (round, Round { mut haves, common }) in ParseRounds::new(buf.lines()).enumerate() {
- if algo == Algorithm::Skipping {
- if case == "clock_skew" {
- // Here for some reason the prio-queue of git manages to not sort the parent of C2, which is in the future, to be
- // ahead of old4 that is in the past. In the git version of this test, they say to expect exactly this sequence
- // as well even though it's not actually happening (but that they can't see due to the way they are testing).
- haves = lookup_names(&["c2", "c1", "old4", "old2", "old1"]);
- } else if case == "two_colliding_skips" {
- // The same thing, we actually get exactly the right order, whereas git for some reason doesn't.
- // This is the order expected in the git tests.
- haves = lookup_names(&["c5side", "c11", "c9", "c6", "c1"]);
- } else if case == "multi_round" && round == 1 {
- // Here, probably also because of priority queue quirks, `git` emits the commits out of order, with only one
- // branch, b5 I think, being out of place. This list puts the expectation in the right order, which is ordered
- // by commit date.
- haves = lookup_names(&[
- "b8.c14", "b7.c14", "b6.c14", "b5.c14", "b4.c14", "b3.c14", "b2.c14", "b8.c9", "b7.c9",
- "b6.c9", "b5.c9", "b4.c9", "b3.c9", "b2.c9", "b8.c1", "b7.c1", "b6.c1", "b5.c1",
- "b4.c1", "b3.c1", "b2.c1", "b8.c0", "b7.c0", "b6.c0", "b5.c0", "b4.c0", "b3.c0",
- "b2.c0",
- ]);
- } else if case == "advertisement_as_filter" {
- haves = lookup_names(&["c2side", "c5", "origin/main"])
- .into_iter()
- .chain(Some(
- gix_hash::ObjectId::from_hex(b"f36cefa0be2ac180d360a54b1cc4214985cea60a").unwrap(),
- ))
- .collect();
- }
- }
- for have in haves {
- let actual = negotiator.next_have(&mut graph).unwrap_or_else(|| {
- panic!("{algo_name}:cache={use_cache}: one have per baseline: {have} missing or in wrong order", have = message(have))
- })?;
- assert_eq!(
- actual,
- have,
- "{algo_name}:cache={use_cache}: order and commit matches exactly, wanted {expected}, got {actual}, commits left: {:?}",
- std::iter::from_fn(|| negotiator.next_have(&mut graph)).map(|id| message(id.unwrap())).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
- actual = message(actual),
- expected = message(have)
- );
- if debug {
- eprintln!("have {}", message(actual));
- }
- }
- for common_revision in common {
- if debug {
- eprintln!("ACK {}", message(common_revision));
- }
- negotiator.in_common_with_remote(common_revision, &mut graph)?;
- }
- }
- assert!(
- negotiator.next_have(&mut graph).is_none(),
- "{algo_name}:cache={use_cache}: negotiator should be depleted after all recorded baseline rounds"
- );
- }
- }
- }
- Ok(())
-struct ParseRounds<'a> {
- lines: bstr::Lines<'a>,
-impl<'a> ParseRounds<'a> {
- pub fn new(mut lines: bstr::Lines<'a>) -> Self {
- parse::command(&mut lines, parse::Command::Incoming).expect("handshake");
- Self { lines }
- }
-impl<'a> Iterator for ParseRounds<'a> {
- type Item = Round;
- fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
- let haves = parse::object_ids("have", parse::command(&mut self.lines, parse::Command::Outgoing)?);
- let common = parse::object_ids("ACK", parse::command(&mut self.lines, parse::Command::Incoming)?);
- if haves.is_empty() {
- assert!(common.is_empty(), "cannot ack what's not there");
- return None;
- }
- Round { haves, common }.into()
- }
-struct Round {
- pub haves: Vec<gix_hash::ObjectId>,
- pub common: Vec<gix_hash::ObjectId>,
-mod parse {
- use gix_object::{
- bstr,
- bstr::{BStr, ByteSlice},
- };
- #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
- pub enum Command {
- Incoming,
- Outgoing,
- }
- pub fn object_ids(prefix: &str, lines: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl AsRef<[u8]>>) -> Vec<gix_hash::ObjectId> {
- lines
- .into_iter()
- .filter_map(|line| {
- line.as_ref()
- .strip_prefix(prefix.as_bytes())
- .map(|id| gix_hash::ObjectId::from_hex(id.trim()).expect("valid hash"))
- })
- .collect()
- }
- pub fn command<'a>(lines: &mut bstr::Lines<'a>, wanted: Command) -> Option<Vec<&'a BStr>> {
- let mut out = Vec::new();
- for line in lines {
- let pos = line.find(b"fetch").expect("fetch token");
- let line_mode = match &line[pos + 5..][..2] {
- b"< " => Command::Incoming,
- b"> " => Command::Outgoing,
- invalid => unreachable!("invalid fetch token: {:?}", invalid.as_bstr()),
- };
- assert_eq!(line_mode, wanted, "command with unexpected mode");
- let line = line[pos + 7..].as_bstr();
- if line == "0000" {
- break;
- }
- out.push(line);
- }
- (!out.is_empty()).then_some(out)
- }