path: root/vendor/gix/src/config/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/gix/src/config/')
1 files changed, 454 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/gix/src/config/ b/vendor/gix/src/config/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e2566777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gix/src/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+pub use gix_config::*;
+use gix_features::threading::OnceCell;
+use crate::{bstr::BString, repository::identity, revision::spec, Repository};
+pub(crate) mod cache;
+mod snapshot;
+pub use snapshot::credential_helpers;
+pub mod overrides;
+pub mod tree;
+pub use tree::root::Tree;
+/// A platform to access configuration values as read from disk.
+/// Note that these values won't update even if the underlying file(s) change.
+pub struct Snapshot<'repo> {
+ pub(crate) repo: &'repo Repository,
+/// A platform to access configuration values and modify them in memory, while making them available when this platform is dropped
+/// as form of auto-commit.
+/// Note that the values will only affect this instance of the parent repository, and not other clones that may exist.
+/// Note that these values won't update even if the underlying file(s) change.
+/// Use [`forget()`][Self::forget()] to not apply any of the changes.
+// TODO: make it possible to load snapshots with reloading via .config() and write mutated snapshots back to disk which should be the way
+// to affect all instances of a repo, probably via `config_mut()` and `config_mut_at()`.
+pub struct SnapshotMut<'repo> {
+ pub(crate) repo: Option<&'repo mut Repository>,
+ pub(crate) config: gix_config::File<'static>,
+/// A utility structure created by [`SnapshotMut::commit_auto_rollback()`] that restores the previous configuration on drop.
+pub struct CommitAutoRollback<'repo> {
+ pub(crate) repo: Option<&'repo mut Repository>,
+ pub(crate) prev_config: crate::Config,
+pub(crate) mod section {
+ pub fn is_trusted(meta: &gix_config::file::Metadata) -> bool {
+ == gix_sec::Trust::Full || meta.source.kind() != gix_config::source::Kind::Repository
+ }
+/// The error returned when failing to initialize the repository configuration.
+/// This configuration is on the critical path when opening a repository.
+#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
+pub enum Error {
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ ConfigBoolean(#[from] boolean::Error),
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ ConfigUnsigned(#[from] unsigned_integer::Error),
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ ConfigTypedString(#[from] key::GenericErrorWithValue),
+ #[error("Cannot handle objects formatted as {:?}", .name)]
+ UnsupportedObjectFormat { name: BString },
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ CoreAbbrev(#[from] abbrev::Error),
+ #[error("Could not read configuration file")]
+ Io(#[from] std::io::Error),
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ Init(#[from] gix_config::file::init::Error),
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ ResolveIncludes(#[from] gix_config::file::includes::Error),
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ FromEnv(#[from] gix_config::file::init::from_env::Error),
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ PathInterpolation(#[from] gix_config::path::interpolate::Error),
+ #[error("{source:?} configuration overrides at open or init time could not be applied.")]
+ ConfigOverrides {
+ #[source]
+ err: overrides::Error,
+ source: gix_config::Source,
+ },
+pub mod diff {
+ ///
+ pub mod algorithm {
+ use crate::bstr::BString;
+ /// The error produced when obtaining `diff.algorithm`.
+ #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
+ #[allow(missing_docs)]
+ pub enum Error {
+ #[error("Unknown diff algorithm named '{name}'")]
+ Unknown { name: BString },
+ #[error("The '{name}' algorithm is not yet implemented")]
+ Unimplemented { name: BString },
+ }
+ }
+pub mod checkout_options {
+ /// The error produced when collecting all information needed for checking out files into a worktree.
+ #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
+ #[allow(missing_docs)]
+ pub enum Error {
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ ConfigCheckStat(#[from] super::key::GenericErrorWithValue),
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ ConfigBoolean(#[from] super::boolean::Error),
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ CheckoutWorkers(#[from] super::checkout::workers::Error),
+ #[error("Failed to interpolate the attribute file configured at `core.attributesFile`")]
+ AttributesFileInterpolation(#[from] gix_config::path::interpolate::Error),
+ }
+pub mod protocol {
+ ///
+ pub mod allow {
+ use crate::bstr::BString;
+ /// The error returned when obtaining the permission for a particular scheme.
+ #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
+ #[allow(missing_docs)]
+ #[error("The value {value:?} must be allow|deny|user in configuration key protocol{0}.allow", scheme.as_ref().map(|s| format!(".{s}")).unwrap_or_default())]
+ pub struct Error {
+ pub scheme: Option<String>,
+ pub value: BString,
+ }
+ }
+pub mod ssh_connect_options {
+ /// The error produced when obtaining ssh connection configuration.
+ #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
+ #[allow(missing_docs)]
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ pub struct Error(#[from] super::key::GenericErrorWithValue);
+pub mod key {
+ use crate::bstr::BString;
+ const fn prefix(kind: char) -> &'static str {
+ match kind {
+ 'n' => "", // nothing
+ 'k' => "The value of key", // generic key
+ 't' => "The date format at key", // time
+ 'i' => "The timeout at key", // timeout
+ 'd' => "The duration [ms] at key", // duration
+ 'b' => "The boolean at key", // boolean
+ 'v' => "The key", // generic key with value
+ 'r' => "The refspec at", // refspec
+ 's' => "The ssl version at", // ssl-version
+ 'u' => "The url at", // url
+ 'w' => "The utf-8 string at", // string
+ _ => panic!("BUG: invalid prefix kind - add a case for it here"),
+ }
+ }
+ const fn suffix(kind: char) -> &'static str {
+ match kind {
+ 'd' => "could not be decoded", // decoding
+ 'i' => "was invalid", // invalid
+ 'u' => "could not be parsed as unsigned integer", // unsigned integer
+ 'p' => "could not be parsed", // parsing
+ _ => panic!("BUG: invalid suffix kind - add a case for it here"),
+ }
+ }
+ /// A generic error suitable to produce decent messages for all kinds of configuration errors with config-key granularity.
+ ///
+ /// This error is meant to be reusable and help produce uniform error messages related to parsing any configuration key.
+ #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
+ #[error("{} \"{key}{}\"{} {}", prefix(PREFIX), value.as_ref().map(|v| format!("={v}")).unwrap_or_default(), environment_override.as_deref().map(|var| format!(" (possibly from {var})")).unwrap_or_default(), suffix(SUFFIX))]
+ pub struct Error<E: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static, const PREFIX: char, const SUFFIX: char> {
+ /// The configuration key that contained the value.
+ pub key: BString,
+ /// The value that was assigned to `key`.
+ pub value: Option<BString>,
+ /// The associated environment variable that would override this value.
+ pub environment_override: Option<&'static str>,
+ /// The source of the error if there was one.
+ pub source: Option<E>,
+ }
+ /// Initialization
+ /// Instantiate a new error from the given `key`.
+ ///
+ /// Note that specifics of the error message are defined by the `PREFIX` and `SUFFIX` which is usually defined by a typedef.
+ impl<T, E, const PREFIX: char, const SUFFIX: char> From<&'static T> for Error<E, PREFIX, SUFFIX>
+ where
+ E: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static,
+ T: super::tree::Key,
+ {
+ fn from(key: &'static T) -> Self {
+ Error {
+ key: key.logical_name().into(),
+ value: None,
+ environment_override: key.environment_override(),
+ source: None,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Initialization
+ impl<E, const PREFIX: char, const SUFFIX: char> Error<E, PREFIX, SUFFIX>
+ where
+ E: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static,
+ {
+ /// Instantiate an error with all data from `key` along with the `value` of the key.
+ pub fn from_value(key: &'static impl super::tree::Key, value: BString) -> Self {
+ Error::from(key).with_value(value)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Builder
+ impl<E, const PREFIX: char, const SUFFIX: char> Error<E, PREFIX, SUFFIX>
+ where
+ E: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static,
+ {
+ /// Attach the given `err` as source.
+ pub fn with_source(mut self, err: E) -> Self {
+ self.source = Some(err);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Attach the given `value` as value we observed when the error was produced.
+ pub fn with_value(mut self, value: BString) -> Self {
+ self.value = Some(value);
+ self
+ }
+ }
+ /// A generic key error for use when it doesn't seem worth it say more than 'key is invalid' along with meta-data.
+ pub type GenericError<E = gix_config::value::Error> = Error<E, 'k', 'i'>;
+ /// A generic key error which will also contain a value.
+ pub type GenericErrorWithValue<E = gix_config::value::Error> = Error<E, 'v', 'i'>;
+pub mod checkout {
+ ///
+ pub mod workers {
+ use crate::config;
+ /// The error produced when failing to parse the the `checkout.workers` key.
+ pub type Error = config::key::Error<gix_config::value::Error, 'n', 'd'>;
+ }
+pub mod abbrev {
+ use crate::bstr::BString;
+ /// The error describing an incorrect `core.abbrev` value.
+ #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
+ #[error("Invalid value for 'core.abbrev' = '{}'. It must be between 4 and {}", .value, .max)]
+ pub struct Error {
+ /// The value found in the git configuration
+ pub value: BString,
+ /// The maximum abbreviation length, the length of an object hash.
+ pub max: u8,
+ }
+pub mod remote {
+ ///
+ pub mod symbolic_name {
+ /// The error produced when failing to produce a symbolic remote name from configuration.
+ pub type Error = super::super::key::Error<crate::remote::name::Error, 'v', 'i'>;
+ }
+pub mod time {
+ /// The error produced when failing to parse time from configuration.
+ pub type Error = super::key::Error<gix_date::parse::Error, 't', 'i'>;
+pub mod lock_timeout {
+ /// The error produced when failing to parse timeout for locks.
+ pub type Error = super::key::Error<gix_config::value::Error, 'i', 'i'>;
+pub mod duration {
+ /// The error produced when failing to parse durations (in milliseconds).
+ pub type Error = super::key::Error<gix_config::value::Error, 'd', 'i'>;
+pub mod boolean {
+ /// The error produced when failing to parse time from configuration.
+ pub type Error = super::key::Error<gix_config::value::Error, 'b', 'i'>;
+pub mod unsigned_integer {
+ /// The error produced when failing to parse a signed integer from configuration.
+ pub type Error = super::key::Error<gix_config::value::Error, 'k', 'u'>;
+pub mod url {
+ /// The error produced when failing to parse a url from the configuration.
+ pub type Error = super::key::Error<gix_url::parse::Error, 'u', 'p'>;
+pub mod string {
+ /// The error produced when failing to interpret configuration as UTF-8 encoded string.
+ pub type Error = super::key::Error<crate::bstr::Utf8Error, 'w', 'd'>;
+pub mod refspec {
+ /// The error produced when failing to parse a refspec from the configuration.
+ pub type Error = super::key::Error<gix_refspec::parse::Error, 'r', 'p'>;
+pub mod ssl_version {
+ /// The error produced when failing to parse a refspec from the configuration.
+ pub type Error = super::key::Error<std::convert::Infallible, 's', 'i'>;
+pub mod transport {
+ use std::borrow::Cow;
+ use crate::bstr::BStr;
+ /// The error produced when configuring a transport for a particular protocol.
+ #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
+ #[allow(missing_docs)]
+ pub enum Error {
+ #[error(
+ "Could not interpret configuration key {key:?} as {kind} integer of desired range with value: {actual}"
+ )]
+ InvalidInteger {
+ key: &'static str,
+ kind: &'static str,
+ actual: i64,
+ },
+ #[error("Could not interpret configuration key {key:?}")]
+ ConfigValue {
+ source: gix_config::value::Error,
+ key: &'static str,
+ },
+ #[error("Could not interpolate path at key {key:?}")]
+ InterpolatePath {
+ source: gix_config::path::interpolate::Error,
+ key: &'static str,
+ },
+ #[error("Could not decode value at key {key:?} as UTF-8 string")]
+ IllformedUtf8 {
+ key: Cow<'static, BStr>,
+ source: crate::config::string::Error,
+ },
+ #[error("Invalid URL passed for configuration")]
+ ParseUrl(#[from] gix_url::parse::Error),
+ #[error("Could obtain configuration for an HTTP url")]
+ Http(#[from] http::Error),
+ }
+ ///
+ pub mod http {
+ use std::borrow::Cow;
+ use crate::bstr::BStr;
+ /// The error produced when configuring a HTTP transport.
+ #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
+ #[allow(missing_docs)]
+ pub enum Error {
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ Boolean(#[from] crate::config::boolean::Error),
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ UnsignedInteger(#[from] crate::config::unsigned_integer::Error),
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ ConnectTimeout(#[from] crate::config::duration::Error),
+ #[error("The proxy authentication at key `{key}` is invalid")]
+ InvalidProxyAuthMethod {
+ source: crate::config::key::GenericErrorWithValue,
+ key: Cow<'static, BStr>,
+ },
+ #[error("Could not configure the credential helpers for the authenticated proxy url")]
+ ConfigureProxyAuthenticate(#[from] crate::config::snapshot::credential_helpers::Error),
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ InvalidSslVersion(#[from] crate::config::ssl_version::Error),
+ #[error("The HTTP version must be 'HTTP/2' or 'HTTP/1.1'")]
+ InvalidHttpVersion(#[from] crate::config::key::GenericErrorWithValue),
+ #[error("The follow redirects value 'initial', or boolean true or false")]
+ InvalidFollowRedirects(#[source] crate::config::key::GenericErrorWithValue),
+ }
+ }
+/// Utility type to keep pre-obtained configuration values, only for those required during initial setup
+/// and other basic operations that are common enough to warrant a permanent cache.
+/// All other values are obtained lazily using OnceCell.
+pub(crate) struct Cache {
+ pub resolved: crate::Config,
+ /// The hex-length to assume when shortening object ids. If `None`, it should be computed based on the approximate object count.
+ pub hex_len: Option<usize>,
+ /// true if the repository is designated as 'bare', without work tree.
+ pub is_bare: bool,
+ /// The type of hash to use.
+ pub object_hash: gix_hash::Kind,
+ /// If true, multi-pack indices, whether present or not, may be used by the object database.
+ pub use_multi_pack_index: bool,
+ /// The representation of `core.logallrefupdates`, or `None` if the variable wasn't set.
+ pub reflog: Option<gix_ref::store::WriteReflog>,
+ /// The configured user agent for presentation to servers.
+ pub(crate) user_agent: OnceCell<String>,
+ /// identities for later use, lazy initialization.
+ pub(crate) personas: OnceCell<identity::Personas>,
+ /// A lazily loaded rewrite list for remote urls
+ pub(crate) url_rewrite: OnceCell<crate::remote::url::Rewrite>,
+ /// The lazy-loaded rename information for diffs.
+ pub(crate) diff_renames: OnceCell<Option<crate::object::tree::diff::Rewrites>>,
+ /// A lazily loaded mapping to know which url schemes to allow
+ #[cfg(any(feature = "blocking-network-client", feature = "async-network-client"))]
+ pub(crate) url_scheme: OnceCell<crate::remote::url::SchemePermission>,
+ /// The algorithm to use when diffing blobs
+ pub(crate) diff_algorithm: OnceCell<gix_diff::blob::Algorithm>,
+ /// The amount of bytes to use for a memory backed delta pack cache. If `Some(0)`, no cache is used, if `None`
+ /// a standard cache is used which costs near to nothing and always pays for itself.
+ pub(crate) pack_cache_bytes: Option<usize>,
+ /// The amount of bytes to use for caching whole objects, or 0 to turn it off entirely.
+ pub(crate) object_cache_bytes: usize,
+ /// The config section filter from the options used to initialize this instance. Keep these in sync!
+ filter_config_section: fn(&gix_config::file::Metadata) -> bool,
+ /// The object kind to pick if a prefix is ambiguous.
+ pub object_kind_hint: Option<spec::parse::ObjectKindHint>,
+ /// If true, we are on a case-insensitive file system.
+ pub ignore_case: bool,
+ /// If true, we should default what's possible if something is misconfigured, on case by case basis, to be more resilient.
+ /// Also available in options! Keep in sync!
+ pub lenient_config: bool,
+ /// Define how we can use values obtained with `xdg_config(…)` and its `XDG_CONFIG_HOME` variable.
+ xdg_config_home_env: gix_sec::Permission,
+ /// Define how we can use values obtained with `xdg_config(…)`. and its `HOME` variable.
+ home_env: gix_sec::Permission,
+ // TODO: make core.precomposeUnicode available as well.