path: root/vendor/gix/src/config/tree/sections/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/gix/src/config/tree/sections/')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/gix/src/config/tree/sections/ b/vendor/gix/src/config/tree/sections/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ea0580e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gix/src/config/tree/sections/
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+use crate::{
+ config,
+ config::tree::{keys, Core, Key, Section},
+impl Core {
+ /// The `core.abbrev` key.
+ pub const ABBREV: Abbrev = Abbrev::new_with_validate("abbrev", &config::Tree::CORE, validate::Abbrev);
+ /// The `core.bare` key.
+ pub const BARE: keys::Boolean = keys::Boolean::new_boolean("bare", &config::Tree::CORE);
+ /// The `core.checkStat` key.
+ pub const CHECK_STAT: CheckStat =
+ CheckStat::new_with_validate("checkStat", &config::Tree::CORE, validate::CheckStat);
+ /// The `core.deltaBaseCacheLimit` key.
+ pub const DELTA_BASE_CACHE_LIMIT: keys::UnsignedInteger =
+ keys::UnsignedInteger::new_unsigned_integer("deltaBaseCacheLimit", &config::Tree::CORE)
+ .with_environment_override("GITOXIDE_PACK_CACHE_MEMORY")
+ .with_note("if unset, we default to a small 64 slot fixed-size cache that holds at most 64 full delta base objects of any size. Set to 0 to deactivate it entirely");
+ /// The `core.disambiguate` key.
+ pub const DISAMBIGUATE: Disambiguate =
+ Disambiguate::new_with_validate("disambiguate", &config::Tree::CORE, validate::Disambiguate);
+ /// The `core.fileMode` key.
+ pub const FILE_MODE: keys::Boolean = keys::Boolean::new_boolean("fileMode", &config::Tree::CORE);
+ /// The `core.ignoreCase` key.
+ pub const IGNORE_CASE: keys::Boolean = keys::Boolean::new_boolean("ignoreCase", &config::Tree::CORE);
+ /// The `core.filesRefLockTimeout` key.
+ pub const FILES_REF_LOCK_TIMEOUT: keys::LockTimeout =
+ keys::LockTimeout::new_lock_timeout("filesRefLockTimeout", &config::Tree::CORE);
+ /// The `core.packedRefsTimeout` key.
+ pub const PACKED_REFS_TIMEOUT: keys::LockTimeout =
+ keys::LockTimeout::new_lock_timeout("packedRefsTimeout", &config::Tree::CORE);
+ /// The `core.multiPackIndex` key.
+ pub const MULTIPACK_INDEX: keys::Boolean = keys::Boolean::new_boolean("multiPackIndex", &config::Tree::CORE);
+ /// The `core.logAllRefUpdates` key.
+ pub const LOG_ALL_REF_UPDATES: LogAllRefUpdates =
+ LogAllRefUpdates::new_with_validate("logAllRefUpdates", &config::Tree::CORE, validate::LogAllRefUpdates);
+ /// The `core.precomposeUnicode` key.
+ ///
+ /// Needs application to use [env::args_os][crate::env::args_os()] to conform all input paths before they are used.
+ pub const PRECOMPOSE_UNICODE: keys::Boolean = keys::Boolean::new_boolean("precomposeUnicode", &config::Tree::CORE)
+ .with_note("application needs to conform all program input by using gix::env::args_os()");
+ /// The `core.repositoryFormatVersion` key.
+ pub const REPOSITORY_FORMAT_VERSION: keys::UnsignedInteger =
+ keys::UnsignedInteger::new_unsigned_integer("repositoryFormatVersion", &config::Tree::CORE);
+ /// The `core.symlinks` key.
+ pub const SYMLINKS: keys::Boolean = keys::Boolean::new_boolean("symlinks", &config::Tree::CORE);
+ /// The `core.trustCTime` key.
+ pub const TRUST_C_TIME: keys::Boolean = keys::Boolean::new_boolean("trustCTime", &config::Tree::CORE);
+ /// The `core.worktree` key.
+ pub const WORKTREE: keys::Any = keys::Any::new("worktree", &config::Tree::CORE)
+ .with_environment_override("GIT_WORK_TREE")
+ .with_deviation("Overriding the worktree with environment variables is supported using `ThreadSafeRepository::open_with_environment_overrides()");
+ /// The `core.askPass` key.
+ pub const ASKPASS: keys::Executable = keys::Executable::new_executable("askPass", &config::Tree::CORE)
+ .with_environment_override("GIT_ASKPASS")
+ .with_note("fallback is 'SSH_ASKPASS'");
+ /// The `core.excludesFile` key.
+ pub const EXCLUDES_FILE: keys::Executable = keys::Executable::new_executable("excludesFile", &config::Tree::CORE);
+ /// The `core.attributesFile` key.
+ pub const ATTRIBUTES_FILE: keys::Executable =
+ keys::Executable::new_executable("attributesFile", &config::Tree::CORE)
+ .with_deviation("for checkout - it's already queried but needs building of attributes group, and of course support during checkout");
+ /// The `core.sshCommand` key.
+ pub const SSH_COMMAND: keys::Executable = keys::Executable::new_executable("sshCommand", &config::Tree::CORE)
+ .with_environment_override("GIT_SSH_COMMAND");
+impl Section for Core {
+ fn name(&self) -> &str {
+ "core"
+ }
+ fn keys(&self) -> &[&dyn Key] {
+ &[
+ &Self::ABBREV,
+ &Self::BARE,
+ &Self::CHECK_STAT,
+ &Self::FILE_MODE,
+ &Self::SYMLINKS,
+ &Self::TRUST_C_TIME,
+ &Self::WORKTREE,
+ &Self::ASKPASS,
+ ]
+ }
+/// The `core.checkStat` key.
+pub type CheckStat = keys::Any<validate::CheckStat>;
+/// The `core.abbrev` key.
+pub type Abbrev = keys::Any<validate::Abbrev>;
+/// The `core.logAllRefUpdates` key.
+pub type LogAllRefUpdates = keys::Any<validate::LogAllRefUpdates>;
+/// The `core.disambiguate` key.
+pub type Disambiguate = keys::Any<validate::Disambiguate>;
+mod disambiguate {
+ use std::borrow::Cow;
+ use crate::{
+ bstr::{BStr, ByteSlice},
+ config,
+ config::tree::core::Disambiguate,
+ revision::spec::parse::ObjectKindHint,
+ };
+ impl Disambiguate {
+ /// Convert a disambiguation marker into the respective enum.
+ pub fn try_into_object_kind_hint(
+ &'static self,
+ value: Cow<'_, BStr>,
+ ) -> Result<Option<ObjectKindHint>, config::key::GenericErrorWithValue> {
+ let hint = match value.as_ref().as_bytes() {
+ b"none" => return Ok(None),
+ b"commit" => ObjectKindHint::Commit,
+ b"committish" => ObjectKindHint::Committish,
+ b"tree" => ObjectKindHint::Tree,
+ b"treeish" => ObjectKindHint::Treeish,
+ b"blob" => ObjectKindHint::Blob,
+ _ => return Err(config::key::GenericErrorWithValue::from_value(self, value.into_owned())),
+ };
+ Ok(Some(hint))
+ }
+ }
+mod log_all_ref_updates {
+ use std::borrow::Cow;
+ use crate::{bstr::BStr, config, config::tree::core::LogAllRefUpdates};
+ impl LogAllRefUpdates {
+ /// Returns the mode for ref-updates as parsed from `value`. If `value` is not a boolean, `string_on_failure` will be called
+ /// to obtain the key `core.logAllRefUpdates` as string instead. For correctness, this two step process is necessary as
+ /// the interpretation of booleans in special in `gix-config`, i.e. we can't just treat it as string.
+ pub fn try_into_ref_updates<'a>(
+ &'static self,
+ value: Option<Result<bool, gix_config::value::Error>>,
+ string_on_failure: impl FnOnce() -> Option<Cow<'a, BStr>>,
+ ) -> Result<Option<gix_ref::store::WriteReflog>, config::key::GenericErrorWithValue> {
+ match value.transpose().ok().flatten() {
+ Some(bool) => Ok(Some(if bool {
+ gix_ref::store::WriteReflog::Normal
+ } else {
+ gix_ref::store::WriteReflog::Disable
+ })),
+ None => match string_on_failure() {
+ Some(val) if val.eq_ignore_ascii_case(b"always") => Ok(Some(gix_ref::store::WriteReflog::Always)),
+ Some(val) => Err(config::key::GenericErrorWithValue::from_value(self, val.into_owned())),
+ None => Ok(None),
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ }
+mod check_stat {
+ use std::borrow::Cow;
+ use crate::{
+ bstr::{BStr, ByteSlice},
+ config,
+ config::tree::core::CheckStat,
+ };
+ impl CheckStat {
+ /// Returns true if the full set of stat entries should be checked, and it's just as lenient as git.
+ pub fn try_into_checkstat(
+ &'static self,
+ value: Cow<'_, BStr>,
+ ) -> Result<bool, config::key::GenericErrorWithValue> {
+ Ok(match value.as_ref().as_bytes() {
+ b"minimal" => false,
+ b"default" => true,
+ _ => {
+ return Err(config::key::GenericErrorWithValue::from_value(self, value.into_owned()));
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+mod abbrev {
+ use std::borrow::Cow;
+ use config::abbrev::Error;
+ use crate::{
+ bstr::{BStr, ByteSlice},
+ config,
+ config::tree::core::Abbrev,
+ };
+ impl Abbrev {
+ /// Convert the given `hex_len_str` into the amount of characters that a short hash should have.
+ /// If `None` is returned, the correct value can be determined based on the amount of objects in the repo.
+ pub fn try_into_abbreviation(
+ &'static self,
+ hex_len_str: Cow<'_, BStr>,
+ object_hash: gix_hash::Kind,
+ ) -> Result<Option<usize>, Error> {
+ let max = object_hash.len_in_hex() as u8;
+ if hex_len_str.trim().is_empty() {
+ return Err(Error {
+ value: hex_len_str.into_owned(),
+ max,
+ });
+ }
+ if hex_len_str.trim().eq_ignore_ascii_case(b"auto") {
+ Ok(None)
+ } else {
+ let value_bytes = hex_len_str.as_ref();
+ if let Ok(false) = gix_config::Boolean::try_from(value_bytes).map(Into::into) {
+ Ok(object_hash.len_in_hex().into())
+ } else {
+ let value = gix_config::Integer::try_from(value_bytes)
+ .map_err(|_| Error {
+ value: hex_len_str.clone().into_owned(),
+ max,
+ })?
+ .to_decimal()
+ .ok_or_else(|| Error {
+ value: hex_len_str.clone().into_owned(),
+ max,
+ })?;
+ if value < 4 || value as usize > object_hash.len_in_hex() {
+ return Err(Error {
+ value: hex_len_str.clone().into_owned(),
+ max,
+ });
+ }
+ Ok(Some(value as usize))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+mod validate {
+ use crate::{bstr::BStr, config::tree::keys};
+ pub struct LockTimeout;
+ impl keys::Validate for LockTimeout {
+ fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
+ let value = gix_config::Integer::try_from(value)?
+ .to_decimal()
+ .ok_or_else(|| format!("integer {value} cannot be represented as integer"));
+ super::Core::FILES_REF_LOCK_TIMEOUT.try_into_lock_timeout(Ok(value?))?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ pub struct Disambiguate;
+ impl keys::Validate for Disambiguate {
+ fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
+ super::Core::DISAMBIGUATE.try_into_object_kind_hint(value.into())?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ pub struct LogAllRefUpdates;
+ impl keys::Validate for LogAllRefUpdates {
+ fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
+ super::Core::LOG_ALL_REF_UPDATES
+ .try_into_ref_updates(Some(gix_config::Boolean::try_from(value).map(|b| b.0)), || {
+ Some(value.into())
+ })?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ pub struct CheckStat;
+ impl keys::Validate for CheckStat {
+ fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
+ super::Core::CHECK_STAT.try_into_checkstat(value.into())?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ pub struct Abbrev;
+ impl keys::Validate for Abbrev {
+ fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
+ // TODO: when there is options, validate against all hashes and assure all fail to trigger a validation failure.
+ super::Core::ABBREV.try_into_abbreviation(value.into(), gix_hash::Kind::Sha1)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }