path: root/vendor/gix/src/config/tree/sections/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/gix/src/config/tree/sections/')
1 files changed, 363 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/gix/src/config/tree/sections/ b/vendor/gix/src/config/tree/sections/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c3defd0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gix/src/config/tree/sections/
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+use crate::config::tree::{keys, Gitoxide, Key, Section};
+impl Gitoxide {
+ /// The `gitoxide.allow` section.
+ pub const ALLOW: Allow = Allow;
+ /// The `` section.
+ pub const AUTHOR: Author = Author;
+ /// The `gitoxide.commit` section.
+ pub const COMMIT: Commit = Commit;
+ /// The `gitoxide.committer` section.
+ pub const COMMITTER: Committer = Committer;
+ /// The `gitoxide.http` section.
+ pub const HTTP: Http = Http;
+ /// The `gitoxide.https` section.
+ pub const HTTPS: Https = Https;
+ /// The `gitoxide.objects` section.
+ pub const OBJECTS: Objects = Objects;
+ /// The `gitoxide.ssh` section.
+ pub const SSH: Ssh = Ssh;
+ /// The `gitoxide.user` section.
+ pub const USER: User = User;
+ /// The `gitoxide.userAgent` Key.
+ pub const USER_AGENT: keys::Any = keys::Any::new("userAgent", &config::Tree::GITOXIDE).with_note(
+ "The user agent presented on the git protocol layer, serving as fallback for when no `http.userAgent` is set",
+ );
+impl Section for Gitoxide {
+ fn name(&self) -> &str {
+ "gitoxide"
+ }
+ fn keys(&self) -> &[&dyn Key] {
+ &[&Self::USER_AGENT]
+ }
+ fn sub_sections(&self) -> &[&dyn Section] {
+ &[
+ &Self::ALLOW,
+ &Self::AUTHOR,
+ &Self::COMMIT,
+ &Self::HTTP,
+ &Self::HTTPS,
+ &Self::OBJECTS,
+ &Self::SSH,
+ &Self::USER,
+ ]
+ }
+mod subsections {
+ use crate::config::{
+ tree::{http, keys, Gitoxide, Key, Section},
+ Tree,
+ };
+ /// The `Http` sub-section.
+ #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
+ pub struct Http;
+ impl Http {
+ /// The `gitoxide.http.proxy` key.
+ pub const PROXY: keys::String =
+ keys::String::new_string("proxy", &Gitoxide::HTTP).with_environment_override("http_proxy");
+ /// The `gitoxide.http.allProxy` key.
+ pub const ALL_PROXY: keys::String = keys::String::new_string("allProxy", &Gitoxide::HTTP)
+ .with_environment_override("all_proxy")
+ .with_note("fallback environment is `ALL_PROXY`");
+ /// The `gitoxide.http.verbose` key.
+ ///
+ /// If set, curl will be configured to log verbosely.
+ pub const VERBOSE: keys::Boolean = keys::Boolean::new_boolean("verbose", &Gitoxide::HTTP)
+ .with_environment_override("GIT_CURL_VERBOSE")
+ .with_deviation("we parse it as boolean for convenience (infallible) but git only checks the presence");
+ /// The `gitoxide.http.noProxy` key.
+ pub const NO_PROXY: keys::String = keys::String::new_string("noProxy", &Gitoxide::HTTP)
+ .with_environment_override("no_proxy")
+ .with_note("fallback environment is `NO_PROXY`");
+ /// The `gitoxide.http.connectTimeout` key.
+ pub const CONNECT_TIMEOUT: keys::DurationInMilliseconds =
+ keys::DurationInMilliseconds::new_duration("connectTimeout", &Gitoxide::HTTP).with_note(
+ "entirely new, and in milliseconds, to describe how long to wait until a connection attempt is aborted",
+ );
+ /// The `gitoxide.http.sslVersionMin` key.
+ pub const SSL_VERSION_MIN: http::SslVersion =
+ http::SslVersion::new_ssl_version("sslVersionMin", &Gitoxide::HTTP).with_note(
+ "entirely new to set the lower bound for the allowed ssl version range. Overwrites the min bound of `http.sslVersion` if set. Min and Max must be set to become effective.",
+ );
+ /// The `gitoxide.http.sslVersionMax` key.
+ pub const SSL_VERSION_MAX: http::SslVersion =
+ http::SslVersion::new_ssl_version("sslVersionMax", &Gitoxide::HTTP).with_note(
+ "entirely new to set the upper bound for the allowed ssl version range. Overwrites the max bound of `http.sslVersion` if set. Min and Max must be set to become effective.",
+ );
+ /// The `gitoxide.http.proxyAuthMethod` key.
+ pub const PROXY_AUTH_METHOD: http::ProxyAuthMethod =
+ http::ProxyAuthMethod::new_proxy_auth_method("proxyAuthMethod", &Gitoxide::HTTP)
+ .with_environment_override("GIT_HTTP_PROXY_AUTHMETHOD");
+ }
+ impl Section for Http {
+ fn name(&self) -> &str {
+ "http"
+ }
+ fn keys(&self) -> &[&dyn Key] {
+ &[
+ &Self::PROXY,
+ &Self::ALL_PROXY,
+ &Self::VERBOSE,
+ &Self::NO_PROXY,
+ ]
+ }
+ fn parent(&self) -> Option<&dyn Section> {
+ Some(&Tree::GITOXIDE)
+ }
+ }
+ /// The `Https` sub-section.
+ #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
+ pub struct Https;
+ impl Https {
+ /// The `gitoxide.https.proxy` key.
+ pub const PROXY: keys::String = keys::String::new_string("proxy", &Gitoxide::HTTPS)
+ .with_environment_override("HTTPS_PROXY")
+ .with_note("fallback environment variable is `https_proxy`");
+ }
+ impl Section for Https {
+ fn name(&self) -> &str {
+ "https"
+ }
+ fn keys(&self) -> &[&dyn Key] {
+ &[&Self::PROXY]
+ }
+ fn parent(&self) -> Option<&dyn Section> {
+ Some(&Tree::GITOXIDE)
+ }
+ }
+ /// The `allow` sub-section.
+ #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
+ pub struct Allow;
+ /// The `gitoxide.allow.protocolFromUser` key.
+ pub type ProtocolFromUser = keys::Any<super::validate::ProtocolFromUser>;
+ impl Allow {
+ /// The `gitoxide.allow.protocolFromUser` key.
+ pub const PROTOCOL_FROM_USER: ProtocolFromUser = ProtocolFromUser::new_with_validate(
+ "protocolFromUser",
+ &Gitoxide::ALLOW,
+ super::validate::ProtocolFromUser,
+ )
+ .with_environment_override("GIT_PROTOCOL_FROM_USER");
+ }
+ impl Section for Allow {
+ fn name(&self) -> &str {
+ "allow"
+ }
+ fn keys(&self) -> &[&dyn Key] {
+ }
+ fn parent(&self) -> Option<&dyn Section> {
+ Some(&Tree::GITOXIDE)
+ }
+ }
+ /// The `author` sub-section.
+ #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
+ pub struct Author;
+ impl Author {
+ /// The `` key.
+ pub const NAME_FALLBACK: keys::Any =
+ keys::Any::new("nameFallback", &Gitoxide::AUTHOR).with_environment_override("GIT_AUTHOR_NAME");
+ /// The `` key.
+ pub const EMAIL_FALLBACK: keys::Any =
+ keys::Any::new("emailFallback", &Gitoxide::AUTHOR).with_environment_override("GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL");
+ }
+ impl Section for Author {
+ fn name(&self) -> &str {
+ "author"
+ }
+ fn keys(&self) -> &[&dyn Key] {
+ }
+ fn parent(&self) -> Option<&dyn Section> {
+ Some(&Tree::GITOXIDE)
+ }
+ }
+ /// The `user` sub-section.
+ #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
+ pub struct User;
+ impl User {
+ /// The `gitoxide.user.emailFallback` key.
+ pub const EMAIL_FALLBACK: keys::Any =
+ keys::Any::new("emailFallback", &Gitoxide::USER).with_environment_override("EMAIL");
+ }
+ impl Section for User {
+ fn name(&self) -> &str {
+ "user"
+ }
+ fn keys(&self) -> &[&dyn Key] {
+ }
+ fn parent(&self) -> Option<&dyn Section> {
+ Some(&Tree::GITOXIDE)
+ }
+ }
+ /// The `ssh` sub-section.
+ #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
+ pub struct Ssh;
+ impl Ssh {
+ /// The `gitoxide.ssh.commandWithoutShellFallback` key.
+ pub const COMMAND_WITHOUT_SHELL_FALLBACK: keys::Executable =
+ keys::Executable::new_executable("commandWithoutShellFallback", &Gitoxide::SSH)
+ .with_environment_override("GIT_SSH")
+ .with_note("is always executed without shell and treated as fallback");
+ }
+ impl Section for Ssh {
+ fn name(&self) -> &str {
+ "ssh"
+ }
+ fn keys(&self) -> &[&dyn Key] {
+ }
+ fn parent(&self) -> Option<&dyn Section> {
+ Some(&Tree::GITOXIDE)
+ }
+ }
+ /// The `objects` sub-section.
+ #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
+ pub struct Objects;
+ impl Objects {
+ /// The `gitoxide.objects.cacheLimit` key.
+ pub const CACHE_LIMIT: keys::UnsignedInteger =
+ keys::UnsignedInteger::new_unsigned_integer("cacheLimit", &Gitoxide::OBJECTS)
+ .with_note("If unset or 0, there is no object cache")
+ .with_environment_override("GITOXIDE_OBJECT_CACHE_MEMORY");
+ /// The `gitoxide.objects.noReplace` key.
+ pub const NO_REPLACE: keys::Boolean = keys::Boolean::new_boolean("noReplace", &Gitoxide::OBJECTS)
+ .with_environment_override("GIT_NO_REPLACE_OBJECTS");
+ /// The `gitoxide.objects.replaceRefBase` key.
+ pub const REPLACE_REF_BASE: keys::Any =
+ keys::Any::new("replaceRefBase", &Gitoxide::OBJECTS).with_environment_override("GIT_REPLACE_REF_BASE");
+ }
+ impl Section for Objects {
+ fn name(&self) -> &str {
+ "objects"
+ }
+ fn keys(&self) -> &[&dyn Key] {
+ }
+ fn parent(&self) -> Option<&dyn Section> {
+ Some(&Tree::GITOXIDE)
+ }
+ }
+ /// The `committer` sub-section.
+ #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
+ pub struct Committer;
+ impl Committer {
+ /// The `gitoxide.committer.nameFallback` key.
+ pub const NAME_FALLBACK: keys::Any =
+ keys::Any::new("nameFallback", &Gitoxide::COMMITTER).with_environment_override("GIT_COMMITTER_NAME");
+ /// The `gitoxide.committer.emailFallback` key.
+ pub const EMAIL_FALLBACK: keys::Any =
+ keys::Any::new("emailFallback", &Gitoxide::COMMITTER).with_environment_override("GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL");
+ }
+ impl Section for Committer {
+ fn name(&self) -> &str {
+ "committer"
+ }
+ fn keys(&self) -> &[&dyn Key] {
+ }
+ fn parent(&self) -> Option<&dyn Section> {
+ Some(&Tree::GITOXIDE)
+ }
+ }
+ /// The `commit` sub-section.
+ #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
+ pub struct Commit;
+ impl Commit {
+ /// The `gitoxide.commit.authorDate` key.
+ pub const AUTHOR_DATE: keys::Time =
+ keys::Time::new_time("authorDate", &Gitoxide::COMMIT).with_environment_override("GIT_AUTHOR_DATE");
+ /// The `gitoxide.commit.committerDate` key.
+ pub const COMMITTER_DATE: keys::Time =
+ keys::Time::new_time("committerDate", &Gitoxide::COMMIT).with_environment_override("GIT_COMMITTER_DATE");
+ }
+ impl Section for Commit {
+ fn name(&self) -> &str {
+ "commit"
+ }
+ fn keys(&self) -> &[&dyn Key] {
+ &[]
+ }
+ fn parent(&self) -> Option<&dyn Section> {
+ Some(&Tree::GITOXIDE)
+ }
+ }
+pub mod validate {
+ use std::error::Error;
+ use crate::{bstr::BStr, config::tree::keys::Validate};
+ pub struct ProtocolFromUser;
+ impl Validate for ProtocolFromUser {
+ fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
+ if value != "1" {
+ return Err("GIT_PROTOCOL_FROM_USER is either unset or as the value '1'".into());
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+pub use subsections::{Allow, Author, Commit, Committer, Http, Https, Objects, Ssh, User};
+use crate::config;