path: root/vendor/gix/src/config/tree/sections/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/gix/src/config/tree/sections/')
1 files changed, 317 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/gix/src/config/tree/sections/ b/vendor/gix/src/config/tree/sections/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f45c37076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gix/src/config/tree/sections/
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+use crate::{
+ config,
+ config::tree::{keys, Http, Key, Section},
+impl Http {
+ /// The `http.sslVersion` key.
+ pub const SSL_VERSION: SslVersion = SslVersion::new_ssl_version("sslVersion", &config::Tree::HTTP)
+ .with_environment_override("GIT_SSL_VERSION")
+ .with_deviation(
+ "accepts the new 'default' value which means to use the curl default just like the empty string does",
+ );
+ /// The `http.proxy` key.
+ pub const PROXY: keys::String =
+ keys::String::new_string("proxy", &config::Tree::HTTP).with_deviation("fails on strings with illformed UTF-8");
+ /// The `http.proxyAuthMethod` key.
+ pub const PROXY_AUTH_METHOD: ProxyAuthMethod =
+ ProxyAuthMethod::new_proxy_auth_method("proxyAuthMethod", &config::Tree::HTTP)
+ .with_deviation("implemented like git, but never actually tried");
+ /// The `http.version` key.
+ pub const VERSION: Version = Version::new_with_validate("version", &config::Tree::HTTP, validate::Version)
+ .with_deviation("fails on illformed UTF-8");
+ /// The `http.userAgent` key.
+ pub const USER_AGENT: keys::String =
+ keys::String::new_string("userAgent", &config::Tree::HTTP).with_deviation("fails on illformed UTF-8");
+ /// The `http.extraHeader` key.
+ pub const EXTRA_HEADER: ExtraHeader =
+ ExtraHeader::new_with_validate("extraHeader", &config::Tree::HTTP, validate::ExtraHeader)
+ .with_deviation("fails on illformed UTF-8, without leniency");
+ /// The `http.followRedirects` key.
+ pub const FOLLOW_REDIRECTS: FollowRedirects =
+ FollowRedirects::new_with_validate("followRedirects", &config::Tree::HTTP, validate::FollowRedirects);
+ /// The `http.lowSpeedTime` key.
+ pub const LOW_SPEED_TIME: keys::UnsignedInteger =
+ keys::UnsignedInteger::new_unsigned_integer("lowSpeedTime", &config::Tree::HTTP)
+ .with_deviation("fails on negative values");
+ /// The `http.lowSpeedLimit` key.
+ pub const LOW_SPEED_LIMIT: keys::UnsignedInteger =
+ keys::UnsignedInteger::new_unsigned_integer("lowSpeedLimit", &config::Tree::HTTP)
+ .with_deviation("fails on negative values");
+ /// The `http.schannelUseSSLCAInfo` key.
+ pub const SCHANNEL_USE_SSL_CA_INFO: keys::Boolean =
+ keys::Boolean::new_boolean("schannelUseSSLCAInfo", &config::Tree::HTTP)
+ .with_deviation("only used as switch internally to turn off using the sslCAInfo, unconditionally. If unset, it has no effect, whereas in `git` it defaults to false.");
+ /// The `http.sslCAInfo` key.
+ pub const SSL_CA_INFO: keys::Path =
+ keys::Path::new_path("sslCAInfo", &config::Tree::HTTP).with_environment_override("GIT_SSL_CAINFO");
+ /// The `http.schannelCheckRevoke` key.
+ pub const SCHANNEL_CHECK_REVOKE: keys::Boolean =
+ keys::Boolean::new_boolean("schannelCheckRevoke", &config::Tree::HTTP);
+impl Section for Http {
+ fn name(&self) -> &str {
+ "http"
+ }
+ fn keys(&self) -> &[&dyn Key] {
+ &[
+ &Self::PROXY,
+ &Self::VERSION,
+ &Self::USER_AGENT,
+ &Self::SSL_CA_INFO,
+ ]
+ }
+/// The `http.followRedirects` key.
+pub type FollowRedirects = keys::Any<validate::FollowRedirects>;
+/// The `http.extraHeader` key.
+pub type ExtraHeader = keys::Any<validate::ExtraHeader>;
+/// The `http.sslVersion` key, as well as others of the same type.
+pub type SslVersion = keys::Any<validate::SslVersion>;
+/// The `http.proxyAuthMethod` key, as well as others of the same type.
+pub type ProxyAuthMethod = keys::Any<validate::ProxyAuthMethod>;
+/// The `http.version` key.
+pub type Version = keys::Any<validate::Version>;
+mod key_impls {
+ use crate::config::tree::{
+ http::{ProxyAuthMethod, SslVersion},
+ keys, Section,
+ };
+ impl SslVersion {
+ pub const fn new_ssl_version(name: &'static str, section: &'static dyn Section) -> Self {
+ keys::Any::new_with_validate(name, section, super::validate::SslVersion)
+ }
+ }
+ impl ProxyAuthMethod {
+ pub const fn new_proxy_auth_method(name: &'static str, section: &'static dyn Section) -> Self {
+ keys::Any::new_with_validate(name, section, super::validate::ProxyAuthMethod)
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg(any(
+ feature = "blocking-http-transport-reqwest",
+ feature = "blocking-http-transport-curl"
+ ))]
+ impl crate::config::tree::http::FollowRedirects {
+ /// Convert `value` into the redirect specification, or query the same value as `boolean`
+ /// for additional possible input values.
+ ///
+ /// Note that `boolean` only queries the underlying key as boolean, which is a necessity to handle
+ /// empty booleans correctly, that is those without a value separator.
+ pub fn try_into_follow_redirects(
+ &'static self,
+ value: std::borrow::Cow<'_, crate::bstr::BStr>,
+ boolean: impl FnOnce() -> Result<Option<bool>, gix_config::value::Error>,
+ ) -> Result<
+ crate::protocol::transport::client::http::options::FollowRedirects,
+ crate::config::key::GenericErrorWithValue,
+ > {
+ use crate::{bstr::ByteSlice, protocol::transport::client::http::options::FollowRedirects};
+ Ok(if value.as_ref().as_bytes() == b"initial" {
+ FollowRedirects::Initial
+ } else if let Some(value) = boolean().map_err(|err| {
+ crate::config::key::GenericErrorWithValue::from_value(self, value.into_owned()).with_source(err)
+ })? {
+ if value {
+ FollowRedirects::All
+ } else {
+ FollowRedirects::None
+ }
+ } else {
+ FollowRedirects::Initial
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ impl super::ExtraHeader {
+ /// Convert a list of values into extra-headers, while failing entirely on illformed UTF-8.
+ pub fn try_into_extra_header(
+ &'static self,
+ values: Vec<std::borrow::Cow<'_, crate::bstr::BStr>>,
+ ) -> Result<Vec<String>, crate::config::string::Error> {
+ let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(values.len());
+ for value in values {
+ if value.is_empty() {
+ out.clear();
+ } else {
+ out.push(self.try_into_string(value)?);
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(out)
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg(any(
+ feature = "blocking-http-transport-reqwest",
+ feature = "blocking-http-transport-curl"
+ ))]
+ impl super::Version {
+ pub fn try_into_http_version(
+ &'static self,
+ value: std::borrow::Cow<'_, crate::bstr::BStr>,
+ ) -> Result<
+ gix_protocol::transport::client::http::options::HttpVersion,
+ crate::config::key::GenericErrorWithValue,
+ > {
+ use gix_protocol::transport::client::http::options::HttpVersion;
+ use crate::bstr::ByteSlice;
+ Ok(match value.as_ref().as_bytes() {
+ b"HTTP/1.1" => HttpVersion::V1_1,
+ b"HTTP/2" => HttpVersion::V2,
+ _ => {
+ return Err(crate::config::key::GenericErrorWithValue::from_value(
+ self,
+ value.into_owned(),
+ ))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg(any(
+ feature = "blocking-http-transport-reqwest",
+ feature = "blocking-http-transport-curl"
+ ))]
+ impl ProxyAuthMethod {
+ pub fn try_into_proxy_auth_method(
+ &'static self,
+ value: std::borrow::Cow<'_, crate::bstr::BStr>,
+ ) -> Result<
+ gix_protocol::transport::client::http::options::ProxyAuthMethod,
+ crate::config::key::GenericErrorWithValue,
+ > {
+ use gix_protocol::transport::client::http::options::ProxyAuthMethod;
+ use crate::bstr::ByteSlice;
+ Ok(match value.as_ref().as_bytes() {
+ b"anyauth" => ProxyAuthMethod::AnyAuth,
+ b"basic" => ProxyAuthMethod::Basic,
+ b"digest" => ProxyAuthMethod::Digest,
+ b"negotiate" => ProxyAuthMethod::Negotiate,
+ b"ntlm" => ProxyAuthMethod::Ntlm,
+ _ => {
+ return Err(crate::config::key::GenericErrorWithValue::from_value(
+ self,
+ value.into_owned(),
+ ))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg(any(
+ feature = "blocking-http-transport-reqwest",
+ feature = "blocking-http-transport-curl"
+ ))]
+ impl SslVersion {
+ pub fn try_into_ssl_version(
+ &'static self,
+ value: std::borrow::Cow<'_, crate::bstr::BStr>,
+ ) -> Result<gix_protocol::transport::client::http::options::SslVersion, crate::config::ssl_version::Error>
+ {
+ use gix_protocol::transport::client::http::options::SslVersion::*;
+ use crate::bstr::ByteSlice;
+ Ok(match value.as_ref().as_bytes() {
+ b"default" | b"" => Default,
+ b"tlsv1" => TlsV1,
+ b"sslv2" => SslV2,
+ b"sslv3" => SslV3,
+ b"tlsv1.0" => TlsV1_0,
+ b"tlsv1.1" => TlsV1_1,
+ b"tlsv1.2" => TlsV1_2,
+ b"tlsv1.3" => TlsV1_3,
+ _ => return Err(crate::config::ssl_version::Error::from_value(self, value.into_owned())),
+ })
+ }
+ }
+pub mod validate {
+ use std::error::Error;
+ use crate::{
+ bstr::{BStr, ByteSlice},
+ config::tree::keys::Validate,
+ };
+ pub struct SslVersion;
+ impl Validate for SslVersion {
+ fn validate(&self, _value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
+ #[cfg(any(
+ feature = "blocking-http-transport-reqwest",
+ feature = "blocking-http-transport-curl"
+ ))]
+ super::Http::SSL_VERSION.try_into_ssl_version(std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(_value))?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ pub struct ProxyAuthMethod;
+ impl Validate for ProxyAuthMethod {
+ fn validate(&self, _value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
+ #[cfg(any(
+ feature = "blocking-http-transport-reqwest",
+ feature = "blocking-http-transport-curl"
+ ))]
+ super::Http::PROXY_AUTH_METHOD.try_into_proxy_auth_method(std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(_value))?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ pub struct Version;
+ impl Validate for Version {
+ fn validate(&self, _value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
+ #[cfg(any(
+ feature = "blocking-http-transport-reqwest",
+ feature = "blocking-http-transport-curl"
+ ))]
+ super::Http::VERSION.try_into_http_version(std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(_value))?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ pub struct ExtraHeader;
+ impl Validate for ExtraHeader {
+ fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
+ value.to_str()?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ pub struct FollowRedirects;
+ impl Validate for FollowRedirects {
+ fn validate(&self, _value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
+ #[cfg(any(
+ feature = "blocking-http-transport-reqwest",
+ feature = "blocking-http-transport-curl"
+ ))]
+ super::Http::FOLLOW_REDIRECTS.try_into_follow_redirects(std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(_value), || {
+ gix_config::Boolean::try_from(_value).map(|b| Some(b.0))
+ })?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }