path: root/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/io-lifetimes/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 526 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f6183df7..000000000
--- a/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
-//! Portability abstractions over `Owned*` and `Borrowed*`.
-//! On Unix, "everything is a file descriptor". On Windows, file/pipe/process
-//! handles are distinct from socket descriptors. This file provides a minimal
-//! layer of portability over this difference.
-use crate::views::{FilelikeView, FilelikeViewType, SocketlikeView, SocketlikeViewType};
-#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi", target_os = "hermit"))]
-use crate::{AsFd, BorrowedFd, OwnedFd};
-use crate::{AsHandle, AsSocket, BorrowedHandle, BorrowedSocket, OwnedHandle, OwnedSocket};
-/// A reference to a filelike object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`BorrowedFd`] and
-/// Windows' `BorrowedHandle`.
-#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi", target_os = "hermit"))]
-pub type BorrowedFilelike<'filelike> = BorrowedFd<'filelike>;
-/// A reference to a filelike object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `BorrowedFd` and
-/// Windows' [`BorrowedHandle`].
-pub type BorrowedFilelike<'filelike> = BorrowedHandle<'filelike>;
-/// A reference to a socketlike object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`BorrowedFd`] and
-/// Windows' `BorrowedSocket`.
-#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi", target_os = "hermit"))]
-pub type BorrowedSocketlike<'socketlike> = BorrowedFd<'socketlike>;
-/// A reference to a socketlike object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `BorrowedFd` and
-/// Windows' [`BorrowedSocket`].
-pub type BorrowedSocketlike<'socketlike> = BorrowedSocket<'socketlike>;
-/// An owned filelike object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`OwnedFd`] and
-/// Windows' `OwnedHandle`.
-#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi", target_os = "hermit"))]
-pub type OwnedFilelike = OwnedFd;
-/// An owned filelike object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `OwnedFd` and
-/// Windows' [`OwnedHandle`].
-pub type OwnedFilelike = OwnedHandle;
-/// An owned socketlike object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`OwnedFd`] and
-/// Windows' `OwnedSocket`.
-#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi", target_os = "hermit"))]
-pub type OwnedSocketlike = OwnedFd;
-/// An owned socketlike object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `OwnedFd` and
-/// Windows' [`OwnedSocket`].
-pub type OwnedSocketlike = OwnedSocket;
-/// A portable trait to borrow a reference from an underlying filelike object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`AsFd`] and Windows'
-/// `AsHandle`. It also provides the `as_filelike_view` convenience function
-/// providing typed views.
-#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi", target_os = "hermit"))]
-pub trait AsFilelike: AsFd {
- /// Borrows the reference.
- ///
- /// # Example
- ///
- /// ```rust,no_run
- /// use std::fs::File;
- /// # use std::io;
- /// use io_lifetimes::{AsFilelike, BorrowedFilelike};
- ///
- /// let mut f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
- /// let borrowed_filelike: BorrowedFilelike<'_> = f.as_filelike();
- /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
- /// ```
- fn as_filelike(&self) -> BorrowedFilelike<'_>;
- /// Return a borrowing view of a resource which dereferences to a
- /// `&Target`.
- ///
- /// Note that [`Read`] or [`Write`] require `&mut Target`, but in some
- /// cases, such as [`File`], `Read` and `Write` are implemented for
- /// `&Target` in addition to `Target`, and you can get a `&mut &Target`
- /// by doing `&*` on the resuting view, like this:
- ///
- /// ```rust,ignore
- /// let v = f.as_filelike_view::<std::fs::File>();
- /// (&*v).read(&mut buf).unwrap();
- /// ```
- ///
- /// [`File`]: std::fs::File
- /// [`Read`]: std::io::Read
- /// [`Write`]: std::io::Write
- fn as_filelike_view<Target: FilelikeViewType>(&self) -> FilelikeView<'_, Target>;
-#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi", target_os = "hermit"))]
-impl<T: AsFd> AsFilelike for T {
- #[inline]
- fn as_filelike(&self) -> BorrowedFilelike<'_> {
- self.as_fd()
- }
- #[inline]
- fn as_filelike_view<Target: FilelikeViewType>(&self) -> FilelikeView<'_, Target> {
- FilelikeView::new(self)
- }
-/// A portable trait to borrow a reference from an underlying filelike object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `AsFd` and Windows'
-/// [`AsHandle`]. It also provides the `as_filelike_view` convenience function
-/// providing typed views.
-pub trait AsFilelike: AsHandle {
- /// Borrows the reference.
- ///
- /// # Example
- ///
- /// ```rust,no_run
- /// use std::fs::File;
- /// # use std::io;
- /// use io_lifetimes::{AsFilelike, BorrowedFilelike};
- ///
- /// let mut f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
- /// let borrowed_filelike: BorrowedFilelike<'_> = f.as_filelike();
- /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
- /// ```
- fn as_filelike(&self) -> BorrowedFilelike<'_>;
- /// Return a borrowing view of a resource which dereferences to a
- /// `&Target`.
- ///
- /// Note that [`Read`] or [`Write`] require `&mut Target`, but in some
- /// cases, such as [`File`], `Read` and `Write` are implemented for
- /// `&Target` in addition to `Target`, and you can get a `&mut &Target`
- /// by doing `&*` on the resuting view, like this:
- ///
- /// ```rust,ignore
- /// let v = f.as_filelike_view::<std::fs::File>();
- /// (&*v).read(&mut buf).unwrap();
- /// ```
- ///
- /// [`File`]: std::fs::File
- /// [`Read`]: std::io::Read
- /// [`Write`]: std::io::Write
- fn as_filelike_view<Target: FilelikeViewType>(&self) -> FilelikeView<'_, Target>;
-impl<T: AsHandle> AsFilelike for T {
- #[inline]
- fn as_filelike(&self) -> BorrowedFilelike<'_> {
- self.as_handle()
- }
- #[inline]
- fn as_filelike_view<Target: FilelikeViewType>(&self) -> FilelikeView<'_, Target> {
- FilelikeView::new(self)
- }
-/// A portable trait to borrow a reference from an underlying socketlike
-/// object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`AsFd`] and Windows'
-/// `AsSocket`. It also provides the `as_socketlike_view` convenience
-/// function providing typed views.
-#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi", target_os = "hermit"))]
-pub trait AsSocketlike: AsFd {
- /// Borrows the reference.
- fn as_socketlike(&self) -> BorrowedSocketlike<'_>;
- /// Return a borrowing view of a resource which dereferences to a
- /// `&Target`.
- ///
- /// Note that [`Read`] or [`Write`] require `&mut Target`, but in some
- /// cases, such as [`TcpStream`], `Read` and `Write` are implemented
- /// for `&Target` in addition to `Target`, and you can get a `&mut
- /// &Target` by doing `&*` on the resuting view, like this:
- ///
- /// ```rust,ignore
- /// let v = s.as_socketlike_view::<std::net::TcpStream>();
- /// (&*v).read(&mut buf).unwrap();
- /// ```
- ///
- /// [`TcpStream`]: std::net::TcpStream
- /// [`Read`]: std::io::Read
- /// [`Write`]: std::io::Write
- fn as_socketlike_view<Target: SocketlikeViewType>(&self) -> SocketlikeView<'_, Target>;
-#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi", target_os = "hermit"))]
-impl<T: AsFd> AsSocketlike for T {
- #[inline]
- fn as_socketlike(&self) -> BorrowedSocketlike<'_> {
- self.as_fd()
- }
- #[inline]
- fn as_socketlike_view<Target: SocketlikeViewType>(&self) -> SocketlikeView<'_, Target> {
- SocketlikeView::new(self)
- }
-/// A portable trait to borrow a reference from an underlying socketlike
-/// object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `AsFd` and Windows'
-/// [`AsSocket`]. It also provides the `as_socketlike_view` convenience
-/// function providing typed views.
-pub trait AsSocketlike: AsSocket {
- /// Borrows the reference.
- fn as_socketlike(&self) -> BorrowedSocketlike;
- /// Return a borrowing view of a resource which dereferences to a
- /// `&Target`.
- ///
- /// Note that [`Read`] or [`Write`] require `&mut Target`, but in some
- /// cases, such as [`TcpStream`], `Read` and `Write` are implemented
- /// for `&Target` in addition to `Target`, and you can get a `&mut
- /// &Target` by doing `&*` on the resuting view, like this:
- ///
- /// ```rust,ignore
- /// let v = s.as_socketlike_view::<std::net::TcpStream>();
- /// (&*v).read(&mut buf).unwrap();
- /// ```
- ///
- /// [`TcpStream`]: std::net::TcpStream
- fn as_socketlike_view<Target: SocketlikeViewType>(&self) -> SocketlikeView<'_, Target>;
-impl<T: AsSocket> AsSocketlike for T {
- #[inline]
- fn as_socketlike(&self) -> BorrowedSocketlike<'_> {
- self.as_socket()
- }
- #[inline]
- fn as_socketlike_view<Target: SocketlikeViewType>(&self) -> SocketlikeView<'_, Target> {
- SocketlikeView::new(self)
- }
-/// A portable trait to express the ability to consume an object and acquire
-/// ownership of its filelike object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`Into<OwnedFd>`] and
-/// Windows' `Into<OwnedHandle>`.
-#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi", target_os = "hermit"))]
-pub trait IntoFilelike: Into<OwnedFd> {
- /// Consumes this object, returning the underlying filelike object.
- ///
- /// # Example
- ///
- /// ```rust,no_run
- /// use std::fs::File;
- /// # use std::io;
- /// use io_lifetimes::{IntoFilelike, OwnedFilelike};
- ///
- /// let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
- /// let owned_filelike: OwnedFilelike = f.into_filelike();
- /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
- /// ```
- fn into_filelike(self) -> OwnedFilelike;
-#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi", target_os = "hermit"))]
-impl<T: Into<OwnedFd>> IntoFilelike for T {
- #[inline]
- fn into_filelike(self) -> OwnedFilelike {
- self.into()
- }
-/// A portable trait to express the ability to consume an object and acquire
-/// ownership of its filelike object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `Into<OwnedFd>` and
-/// Windows' [`Into<OwnedHandle>`].
-pub trait IntoFilelike: Into<OwnedHandle> {
- /// Consumes this object, returning the underlying filelike object.
- fn into_filelike(self) -> OwnedFilelike;
-impl<T: Into<OwnedHandle>> IntoFilelike for T {
- #[inline]
- fn into_filelike(self) -> OwnedFilelike {
- self.into()
- }
-/// A portable trait to express the ability to consume an object and acquire
-/// ownership of its socketlike object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`Into<OwnedFd>`] and
-/// Windows' `Into<OwnedSocket>`.
-#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi", target_os = "hermit"))]
-pub trait IntoSocketlike: Into<OwnedFd> {
- /// Consumes this object, returning the underlying socketlike object.
- fn into_socketlike(self) -> OwnedSocketlike;
-#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi", target_os = "hermit"))]
-impl<T: Into<OwnedFd>> IntoSocketlike for T {
- #[inline]
- fn into_socketlike(self) -> OwnedSocketlike {
- self.into()
- }
-/// A portable trait to express the ability to consume an object and acquire
-/// ownership of its socketlike object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `Into<OwnedFd>` and
-/// Windows' [`Into<OwnedSocket>`].
-pub trait IntoSocketlike: Into<OwnedSocket> {
- /// Consumes this object, returning the underlying socketlike object.
- ///
- /// # Example
- ///
- /// ```rust,no_run
- /// use std::fs::File;
- /// # use std::io;
- /// use io_lifetimes::{IntoFilelike, OwnedFilelike};
- ///
- /// let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
- /// let owned_filelike: OwnedFilelike = f.into_filelike();
- /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
- /// ```
- fn into_socketlike(self) -> OwnedSocketlike;
-impl<T: Into<OwnedSocket>> IntoSocketlike for T {
- #[inline]
- fn into_socketlike(self) -> OwnedSocketlike {
- self.into()
- }
-/// A portable trait to express the ability to construct an object from a
-/// filelike object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`From<OwnedFd>`] and
-/// Windows' `From<OwnedHandle>`. It also provides the `from_into_filelike`
-/// convenience function providing simplified from+into conversions.
-#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi", target_os = "hermit"))]
-pub trait FromFilelike: From<OwnedFd> {
- /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given filelike object.
- ///
- /// # Example
- ///
- /// ```rust,no_run
- /// use std::fs::File;
- /// # use std::io;
- /// use io_lifetimes::{FromFilelike, IntoFilelike, OwnedFilelike};
- ///
- /// let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
- /// let owned_filelike: OwnedFilelike = f.into_filelike();
- /// let f = File::from_filelike(owned_filelike);
- /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
- /// ```
- fn from_filelike(owned: OwnedFilelike) -> Self;
- /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given filelike object
- /// converted from `into_owned`.
- ///
- /// # Example
- ///
- /// ```rust,no_run
- /// use std::fs::File;
- /// # use std::io;
- /// use io_lifetimes::{FromFilelike, IntoFilelike};
- ///
- /// let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
- /// let f = File::from_into_filelike(f);
- /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
- /// ```
- fn from_into_filelike<Owned: IntoFilelike>(owned: Owned) -> Self;
-#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi", target_os = "hermit"))]
-impl<T: From<OwnedFd>> FromFilelike for T {
- #[inline]
- fn from_filelike(owned: OwnedFilelike) -> Self {
- Self::from(owned)
- }
- #[inline]
- fn from_into_filelike<Owned: IntoFilelike>(owned: Owned) -> Self {
- Self::from_filelike(owned.into_filelike())
- }
-/// A portable trait to express the ability to construct an object from a
-/// filelike object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `From<OwnedFd>` and
-/// Windows' [`From<OwnedHandle>`]. It also provides the `from_into_filelike`
-/// convenience function providing simplified from+into conversions.
-pub trait FromFilelike: From<OwnedHandle> {
- /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given filelike object.
- ///
- /// # Example
- ///
- /// ```rust,no_run
- /// use std::fs::File;
- /// # use std::io;
- /// use io_lifetimes::{FromFilelike, IntoFilelike, OwnedFilelike};
- ///
- /// let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
- /// let owned_filelike: OwnedFilelike = f.into_filelike();
- /// let f = File::from_filelike(owned_filelike);
- /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
- /// ```
- fn from_filelike(owned: OwnedFilelike) -> Self;
- /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given filelike object
- /// converted from `into_owned`.
- ///
- /// # Example
- ///
- /// ```rust,no_run
- /// use std::fs::File;
- /// # use std::io;
- /// use io_lifetimes::{FromFilelike, IntoFilelike};
- ///
- /// let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
- /// let f = File::from_into_filelike(f);
- /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
- /// ```
- fn from_into_filelike<Owned: IntoFilelike>(owned: Owned) -> Self;
-impl<T: From<OwnedHandle>> FromFilelike for T {
- #[inline]
- fn from_filelike(owned: OwnedFilelike) -> Self {
- Self::from(owned)
- }
- #[inline]
- fn from_into_filelike<Owned: IntoFilelike>(owned: Owned) -> Self {
- Self::from_filelike(owned.into_filelike())
- }
-/// A portable trait to express the ability to construct an object from a
-/// socketlike object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`From<OwnedFd>`] and
-/// Windows' `From<OwnedSocketFrom<OwnedSocket>` It also provides the
-/// `from_into_socketlike` convenience function providing simplified from+into
-/// conversions.
-#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi", target_os = "hermit"))]
-pub trait FromSocketlike: From<OwnedFd> {
- /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given socketlike object.
- fn from_socketlike(owned: OwnedSocketlike) -> Self;
- /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given socketlike object
- /// converted from `into_owned`.
- fn from_into_socketlike<Owned: IntoSocketlike>(owned: Owned) -> Self;
-#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi", target_os = "hermit"))]
-impl<T: From<OwnedFd>> FromSocketlike for T {
- #[inline]
- fn from_socketlike(owned: OwnedSocketlike) -> Self {
- Self::from(owned)
- }
- #[inline]
- fn from_into_socketlike<Owned: IntoSocketlike>(owned: Owned) -> Self {
- Self::from_socketlike(owned.into_socketlike())
- }
-/// A portable trait to express the ability to construct an object from a
-/// socketlike object.
-/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `From<OwnedFd>` and
-/// Windows' [`From<OwnedSocket>`]. It also provides the `from_into_socketlike`
-/// convenience function providing simplified from+into conversions.
-pub trait FromSocketlike: From<OwnedSocket> {
- /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given socketlike object.
- fn from_socketlike(owned: OwnedSocketlike) -> Self;
- /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given socketlike object
- /// converted from `into_owned`.
- fn from_into_socketlike<Owned: IntoSocketlike>(owned: Owned) -> Self;
-impl<T: From<OwnedSocket>> FromSocketlike for T {
- #[inline]
- fn from_socketlike(owned: OwnedSocketlike) -> Self {
- Self::from(owned)
- }
- #[inline]
- fn from_into_socketlike<Owned: IntoSocketlike>(owned: Owned) -> Self {
- Self::from_socketlike(owned.into_socketlike())
- }