path: root/vendor/io-lifetimes/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/io-lifetimes/src')
15 files changed, 4871 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f7c238ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+//! This is just a sample of what FFI using this crate can look like.
+#![cfg_attr(not(rustc_attrs), allow(unused_imports))]
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+use crate::{BorrowedFd, OwnedFd};
+use crate::{BorrowedHandle, HandleOrInvalid};
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+use libc::{c_char, c_int, c_void, size_t, ssize_t};
+use {
+ core::ffi::c_void,
+ windows_sys::core::PCWSTR,
+ windows_sys::Win32::Foundation::BOOL,
+ windows_sys::Win32::Security::SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES,
+ windows_sys::Win32::Storage::FileSystem::{
+ },
+ windows_sys::Win32::System::IO::OVERLAPPED,
+// Declare a few FFI functions ourselves, to show off the FFI ergonomics.
+#[cfg(all(rustc_attrs, any(unix, target_os = "wasi")))]
+extern "C" {
+ pub fn open(pathname: *const c_char, flags: c_int, ...) -> Option<OwnedFd>;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+extern "C" {
+ pub fn read(fd: BorrowedFd<'_>, ptr: *mut c_void, size: size_t) -> ssize_t;
+ pub fn write(fd: BorrowedFd<'_>, ptr: *const c_void, size: size_t) -> ssize_t;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+// The Windows analogs of the above. Note the use of [`HandleOrInvalid`] as
+// the return type for `CreateFileW`, since that function is defined to return
+// [`INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE`] on error instead of null.
+extern "system" {
+ pub fn CreateFileW(
+ lpfilename: PCWSTR,
+ dwdesiredaccess: FILE_ACCESS_FLAGS,
+ dwsharemode: FILE_SHARE_MODE,
+ lpsecurityattributes: *const SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES,
+ dwcreationdisposition: FILE_CREATION_DISPOSITION,
+ dwflagsandattributes: FILE_FLAGS_AND_ATTRIBUTES,
+ htemplatefile: HANDLE,
+ ) -> HandleOrInvalid;
+ pub fn ReadFile(
+ hfile: BorrowedHandle<'_>,
+ lpbuffer: *mut c_void,
+ nnumberofbytestoread: u32,
+ lpnumberofbytesread: *mut u32,
+ lpoverlapped: *mut OVERLAPPED,
+ ) -> BOOL;
+ pub fn WriteFile(
+ hfile: BorrowedHandle<'_>,
+ lpbuffer: *const c_void,
+ nnumberofbytestowrite: u32,
+ lpnumberofbyteswritten: *mut u32,
+ lpoverlapped: *mut OVERLAPPED,
+ ) -> BOOL;
+pub use {
+ windows_sys::Win32::Foundation::HANDLE,
+ windows_sys::Win32::Storage::FileSystem::{
+ },
diff --git a/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..534700486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+//! Implementations of io-lifetimes' traits for async-std's types. In the
+//! future, we'll prefer to have crates provide their own impls; this is
+//! just a temporary measure.
+use crate::views::{FilelikeViewType, SocketlikeViewType};
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+use crate::{AsFd, BorrowedFd, FromFd, IntoFd, OwnedFd};
+use crate::{
+ AsHandle, AsSocket, BorrowedHandle, BorrowedSocket, FromHandle, FromSocket, IntoHandle,
+ IntoSocket, OwnedHandle, OwnedSocket,
+use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd};
+#[cfg(target_os = "wasi")]
+use std::os::wasi::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd};
+use std::os::windows::io::{
+ AsRawHandle, AsRawSocket, FromRawHandle, FromRawSocket, IntoRawHandle, IntoRawSocket,
+unsafe impl FilelikeViewType for async_std::fs::File {}
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for async_std::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for async_std::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl IntoFd for async_std::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<async_std::fs::File> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: async_std::fs::File) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoHandle for async_std::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_handle(self) -> OwnedHandle {
+ unsafe { OwnedHandle::from_raw_handle(self.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl From<async_std::fs::File> for OwnedHandle {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: async_std::fs::File) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl FromFd for async_std::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<OwnedFd> for async_std::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromHandle for async_std::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_handle(owned: OwnedHandle) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedHandle> for async_std::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedHandle) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for async_std::net::TcpStream {}
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for async_std::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsSocket for async_std::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedSocket::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl IntoFd for async_std::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<async_std::net::TcpStream> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: async_std::net::TcpStream) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoSocket for async_std::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_socket(self) -> OwnedSocket {
+ unsafe { OwnedSocket::from_raw_socket(self.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<async_std::net::TcpStream> for OwnedSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: async_std::net::TcpStream) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl FromFd for async_std::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<OwnedFd> for async_std::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromSocket for async_std::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_socket(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedSocket> for async_std::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for async_std::net::TcpListener {}
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for async_std::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsSocket for async_std::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedSocket::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl IntoFd for async_std::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<async_std::net::TcpListener> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: async_std::net::TcpListener) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoSocket for async_std::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_socket(self) -> OwnedSocket {
+ unsafe { OwnedSocket::from_raw_socket(self.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<async_std::net::TcpListener> for OwnedSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: async_std::net::TcpListener) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl FromFd for async_std::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<OwnedFd> for async_std::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromSocket for async_std::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_socket(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedSocket> for async_std::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for async_std::net::UdpSocket {}
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for async_std::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsSocket for async_std::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedSocket::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl IntoFd for async_std::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<async_std::net::UdpSocket> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: async_std::net::UdpSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoSocket for async_std::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_socket(self) -> OwnedSocket {
+ unsafe { OwnedSocket::from_raw_socket(self.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<async_std::net::UdpSocket> for OwnedSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: async_std::net::UdpSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl FromFd for async_std::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<OwnedFd> for async_std::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromSocket for async_std::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_socket(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedSocket> for async_std::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for async_std::io::Stdin {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for async_std::io::Stdin {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for async_std::io::Stdout {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for async_std::io::Stdout {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for async_std::io::Stderr {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for async_std::io::Stderr {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for async_std::os::unix::net::UnixStream {}
+impl AsFd for async_std::os::unix::net::UnixStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoFd for async_std::os::unix::net::UnixStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<async_std::os::unix::net::UnixStream> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: async_std::os::unix::net::UnixStream) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromFd for async_std::os::unix::net::UnixStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedFd> for async_std::os::unix::net::UnixStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for async_std::os::unix::net::UnixListener {}
+impl AsFd for async_std::os::unix::net::UnixListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoFd for async_std::os::unix::net::UnixListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<async_std::os::unix::net::UnixListener> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: async_std::os::unix::net::UnixListener) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromFd for async_std::os::unix::net::UnixListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedFd> for async_std::os::unix::net::UnixListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for async_std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram {}
+impl AsFd for async_std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoFd for async_std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<async_std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: async_std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromFd for async_std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedFd> for async_std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6fcef362b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+//! Implementations of io-lifetimes' traits for fs_err's types. In the
+//! future, we'll prefer to have crates provide their own impls; this is
+//! just a temporary measure.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+use crate::{AsFd, BorrowedFd, IntoFd, OwnedFd};
+use crate::{AsHandle, BorrowedHandle, IntoHandle, OwnedHandle};
+use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd};
+#[cfg(target_os = "wasi")]
+use std::os::wasi::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd};
+use std::os::windows::io::{AsRawHandle, FromRawHandle, IntoRawHandle};
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for fs_err::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for fs_err::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl IntoFd for fs_err::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<fs_err::File> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: fs_err::File) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoHandle for fs_err::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_handle(self) -> OwnedHandle {
+ unsafe { OwnedHandle::from_raw_handle(self.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl From<fs_err::File> for OwnedHandle {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: fs_err::File) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..246f3b93f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+//! Implementations of io-lifetimes' traits for mio's types. In the
+//! future, we'll prefer to have crates provide their own impls; this is
+//! just a temporary measure.
+use crate::views::FilelikeViewType;
+use crate::views::SocketlikeViewType;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+use crate::{AsFd, BorrowedFd, FromFd, IntoFd, OwnedFd};
+use crate::{AsSocket, BorrowedSocket, FromSocket, IntoSocket, OwnedSocket};
+use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd};
+#[cfg(target_os = "wasi")]
+use std::os::wasi::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd};
+use std::os::windows::io::{AsRawSocket, FromRawSocket, IntoRawSocket};
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for mio::net::TcpStream {}
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for mio::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsSocket for mio::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedSocket::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl IntoFd for mio::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<mio::net::TcpStream> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: mio::net::TcpStream) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoSocket for mio::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_socket(self) -> OwnedSocket {
+ unsafe { OwnedSocket::from_raw_socket(self.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<mio::net::TcpStream> for OwnedSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: mio::net::TcpStream) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl FromFd for mio::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<OwnedFd> for mio::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromSocket for mio::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_socket(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedSocket> for mio::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for mio::net::TcpListener {}
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for mio::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsSocket for mio::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedSocket::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl IntoFd for mio::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<mio::net::TcpListener> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: mio::net::TcpListener) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoSocket for mio::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_socket(self) -> OwnedSocket {
+ unsafe { OwnedSocket::from_raw_socket(self.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<mio::net::TcpListener> for OwnedSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: mio::net::TcpListener) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl FromFd for mio::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<OwnedFd> for mio::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromSocket for mio::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_socket(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedSocket> for mio::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for mio::net::UdpSocket {}
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for mio::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsSocket for mio::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedSocket::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl IntoFd for mio::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<mio::net::UdpSocket> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: mio::net::UdpSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoSocket for mio::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_socket(self) -> OwnedSocket {
+ unsafe { OwnedSocket::from_raw_socket(self.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<mio::net::UdpSocket> for OwnedSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: mio::net::UdpSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl FromFd for mio::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<OwnedFd> for mio::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromSocket for mio::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_socket(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedSocket> for mio::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for mio::net::UnixDatagram {}
+impl AsFd for mio::net::UnixDatagram {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoFd for mio::net::UnixDatagram {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<mio::net::UnixDatagram> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: mio::net::UnixDatagram) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromFd for mio::net::UnixDatagram {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedFd> for mio::net::UnixDatagram {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for mio::net::UnixListener {}
+impl AsFd for mio::net::UnixListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoFd for mio::net::UnixListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<mio::net::UnixListener> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: mio::net::UnixListener) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromFd for mio::net::UnixListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedFd> for mio::net::UnixListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for mio::net::UnixStream {}
+impl AsFd for mio::net::UnixStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoFd for mio::net::UnixStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<mio::net::UnixStream> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: mio::net::UnixStream) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromFd for mio::net::UnixStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedFd> for mio::net::UnixStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+unsafe impl FilelikeViewType for mio::unix::pipe::Receiver {}
+impl AsFd for mio::unix::pipe::Receiver {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoFd for mio::unix::pipe::Receiver {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<mio::unix::pipe::Receiver> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: mio::unix::pipe::Receiver) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromFd for mio::unix::pipe::Receiver {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedFd> for mio::unix::pipe::Receiver {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+unsafe impl FilelikeViewType for mio::unix::pipe::Sender {}
+impl AsFd for mio::unix::pipe::Sender {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoFd for mio::unix::pipe::Sender {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<mio::unix::pipe::Sender> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: mio::unix::pipe::Sender) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromFd for mio::unix::pipe::Sender {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedFd> for mio::unix::pipe::Sender {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0544873e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+//! Implementations of io-lifetimes' traits for os_pipe's types. In the
+//! future, we'll prefer to have crates provide their own impls; this is
+//! just a temporary measure.
+use crate::views::FilelikeViewType;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+use crate::{AsFd, BorrowedFd, FromFd, IntoFd, OwnedFd};
+use crate::{AsHandle, BorrowedHandle, FromHandle, IntoHandle, OwnedHandle};
+use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd};
+#[cfg(target_os = "wasi")]
+use std::os::wasi::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd};
+use std::os::windows::io::{AsRawHandle, FromRawHandle, IntoRawHandle};
+unsafe impl FilelikeViewType for os_pipe::PipeReader {}
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for os_pipe::PipeReader {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for os_pipe::PipeReader {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl IntoFd for os_pipe::PipeReader {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<os_pipe::PipeReader> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: os_pipe::PipeReader) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoHandle for os_pipe::PipeReader {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_handle(self) -> OwnedHandle {
+ unsafe { OwnedHandle::from_raw_handle(self.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl From<os_pipe::PipeReader> for OwnedHandle {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: os_pipe::PipeReader) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl FromFd for os_pipe::PipeReader {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<OwnedFd> for os_pipe::PipeReader {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromHandle for os_pipe::PipeReader {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_handle(owned: OwnedHandle) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedHandle> for os_pipe::PipeReader {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedHandle) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+unsafe impl FilelikeViewType for os_pipe::PipeWriter {}
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for os_pipe::PipeWriter {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for os_pipe::PipeWriter {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl IntoFd for os_pipe::PipeWriter {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<os_pipe::PipeWriter> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: os_pipe::PipeWriter) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoHandle for os_pipe::PipeWriter {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_handle(self) -> OwnedHandle {
+ unsafe { OwnedHandle::from_raw_handle(self.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl From<os_pipe::PipeWriter> for OwnedHandle {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: os_pipe::PipeWriter) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl FromFd for os_pipe::PipeWriter {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<OwnedFd> for os_pipe::PipeWriter {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromHandle for os_pipe::PipeWriter {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_handle(owned: OwnedHandle) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedHandle> for os_pipe::PipeWriter {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedHandle) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fbfeb67d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+//! Implementations of io-lifetimes' traits for socket2's types. In the
+//! future, we'll prefer to have crates provide their own impls; this is
+//! just a temporary measure.
+use crate::views::SocketlikeViewType;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+use crate::{AsFd, BorrowedFd, FromFd, IntoFd, OwnedFd};
+use crate::{AsSocket, BorrowedSocket, FromSocket, IntoSocket, OwnedSocket};
+use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd};
+#[cfg(target_os = "wasi")]
+use std::os::wasi::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd};
+use std::os::windows::io::{AsRawSocket, FromRawSocket, IntoRawSocket};
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for socket2::Socket {}
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for socket2::Socket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsSocket for socket2::Socket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedSocket::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl IntoFd for socket2::Socket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<socket2::Socket> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: socket2::Socket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoSocket for socket2::Socket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_socket(self) -> OwnedSocket {
+ unsafe { OwnedSocket::from_raw_socket(self.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<socket2::Socket> for OwnedSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: socket2::Socket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl FromFd for socket2::Socket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<OwnedFd> for socket2::Socket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromSocket for socket2::Socket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_socket(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedSocket> for socket2::Socket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27275fa68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+use crate::{AsFd, FromFd, IntoFd};
+use crate::{AsHandle, AsSocket, FromHandle, FromSocket, IntoHandle, IntoSocket};
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+use crate::{BorrowedFd, OwnedFd};
+use crate::{BorrowedHandle, BorrowedSocket, HandleOrInvalid, OwnedHandle, OwnedSocket};
+use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd};
+#[cfg(target_os = "wasi")]
+use std::os::wasi::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd};
+use std::os::windows::io::{
+ AsRawHandle, AsRawSocket, FromRawHandle, FromRawSocket, IntoRawHandle, IntoRawSocket,
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl AsSocket for BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedSocket::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for OwnedHandle {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl AsSocket for OwnedSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedSocket::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl IntoFd for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoHandle for OwnedHandle {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_handle(self) -> OwnedHandle {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(self.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl IntoSocket for OwnedSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_socket(self) -> OwnedSocket {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(self.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl FromFd for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromHandle for OwnedHandle {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_handle(owned: OwnedHandle) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl FromSocket for OwnedSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_socket(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl FromHandle for HandleOrInvalid {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_handle(owned: OwnedHandle) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedHandle> for HandleOrInvalid {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedHandle) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for std::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for std::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl IntoFd for std::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<std::fs::File> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::fs::File) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoHandle for std::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_handle(self) -> OwnedHandle {
+ unsafe { OwnedHandle::from_raw_handle(self.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl From<std::fs::File> for OwnedHandle {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::fs::File) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl FromFd for std::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<OwnedFd> for std::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromHandle for std::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_handle(owned: OwnedHandle) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedHandle> for std::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedHandle) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for std::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsSocket for std::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedSocket::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl IntoFd for std::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<std::net::TcpStream> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::net::TcpStream) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoSocket for std::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_socket(self) -> OwnedSocket {
+ unsafe { OwnedSocket::from_raw_socket(self.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<std::net::TcpStream> for OwnedSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::net::TcpStream) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl FromFd for std::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<OwnedFd> for std::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromSocket for std::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_socket(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedSocket> for std::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for std::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsSocket for std::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedSocket::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl IntoFd for std::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<std::net::TcpListener> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::net::TcpListener) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoSocket for std::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_socket(self) -> OwnedSocket {
+ unsafe { OwnedSocket::from_raw_socket(self.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<std::net::TcpListener> for OwnedSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::net::TcpListener) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl FromFd for std::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<OwnedFd> for std::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromSocket for std::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_socket(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedSocket> for std::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for std::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsSocket for std::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket {
+ unsafe { BorrowedSocket::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl IntoFd for std::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<std::net::UdpSocket> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::net::UdpSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoSocket for std::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_socket(self) -> OwnedSocket {
+ unsafe { OwnedSocket::from_raw_socket(self.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<std::net::UdpSocket> for OwnedSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::net::UdpSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl FromFd for std::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<OwnedFd> for std::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromSocket for std::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_socket(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedSocket> for std::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_socket(owned.into_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for std::io::Stdin {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for std::io::Stdin {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<'a> AsFd for std::io::StdinLock<'a> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl<'a> AsHandle for std::io::StdinLock<'a> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for std::io::Stdout {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for std::io::Stdout {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<'a> AsFd for std::io::StdoutLock<'a> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl<'a> AsHandle for std::io::StdoutLock<'a> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for std::io::Stderr {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for std::io::Stderr {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<'a> AsFd for std::io::StderrLock<'a> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl<'a> AsHandle for std::io::StderrLock<'a> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl AsFd for std::process::ChildStdin {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for std::process::ChildStdin {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl IntoFd for std::process::ChildStdin {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<std::process::ChildStdin> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::process::ChildStdin) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoHandle for std::process::ChildStdin {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_handle(self) -> OwnedHandle {
+ unsafe { OwnedHandle::from_raw_handle(self.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl From<std::process::ChildStdin> for OwnedHandle {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::process::ChildStdin) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl AsFd for std::process::ChildStdout {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for std::process::ChildStdout {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl IntoFd for std::process::ChildStdout {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<std::process::ChildStdout> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::process::ChildStdout) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoHandle for std::process::ChildStdout {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_handle(self) -> OwnedHandle {
+ unsafe { OwnedHandle::from_raw_handle(self.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl From<std::process::ChildStdout> for OwnedHandle {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::process::ChildStdout) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl AsFd for std::process::ChildStderr {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for std::process::ChildStderr {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl IntoFd for std::process::ChildStderr {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<std::process::ChildStderr> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::process::ChildStderr) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoHandle for std::process::ChildStderr {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_handle(self) -> OwnedHandle {
+ unsafe { OwnedHandle::from_raw_handle(self.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl From<std::process::ChildStderr> for OwnedHandle {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::process::ChildStderr) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl FromFd for std::process::Stdio {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedFd> for std::process::Stdio {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromHandle for std::process::Stdio {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_handle(owned: OwnedHandle) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedHandle> for std::process::Stdio {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedHandle) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for std::process::Child {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl IntoHandle for std::process::Child {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_handle(self) -> OwnedHandle {
+ unsafe { OwnedHandle::from_raw_handle(self.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl From<std::process::Child> for OwnedHandle {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::process::Child) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl AsFd for std::os::unix::net::UnixStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoFd for std::os::unix::net::UnixStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<std::os::unix::net::UnixStream> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::os::unix::net::UnixStream) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromFd for std::os::unix::net::UnixStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedFd> for std::os::unix::net::UnixStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsFd for std::os::unix::net::UnixListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoFd for std::os::unix::net::UnixListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<std::os::unix::net::UnixListener> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::os::unix::net::UnixListener) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromFd for std::os::unix::net::UnixListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedFd> for std::os::unix::net::UnixListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsFd for std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl IntoFd for std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(self.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram> for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromFd for std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedFd> for std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl<T> AsHandle for std::thread::JoinHandle<T> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl<T> IntoHandle for std::thread::JoinHandle<T> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_handle(self) -> OwnedHandle {
+ unsafe { OwnedHandle::from_raw_handle(self.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl<T> From<std::thread::JoinHandle<T>> for OwnedHandle {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: std::thread::JoinHandle<T>) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ffa013ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+use crate::views::{FilelikeViewType, SocketlikeViewType};
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+use crate::OwnedFd;
+use crate::{OwnedHandle, OwnedSocket};
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+unsafe impl FilelikeViewType for OwnedFd {}
+unsafe impl FilelikeViewType for OwnedHandle {}
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for OwnedSocket {}
+unsafe impl FilelikeViewType for std::fs::File {}
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for std::net::TcpStream {}
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for std::net::TcpListener {}
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for std::net::UdpSocket {}
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for std::os::unix::net::UnixStream {}
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for std::os::unix::net::UnixListener {}
+unsafe impl SocketlikeViewType for std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram {}
diff --git a/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6dfde9136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+//! Implementations of io-lifetimes' traits for tokio's types. In the
+//! future, we'll prefer to have crates provide their own impls; this is
+//! just a temporary measure.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+use crate::{AsFd, BorrowedFd, FromFd, OwnedFd};
+use crate::{AsHandle, AsSocket, BorrowedHandle, BorrowedSocket, FromHandle, OwnedHandle};
+use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd};
+#[cfg(target_os = "wasi")]
+use std::os::wasi::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd};
+use std::os::windows::io::{AsRawHandle, AsRawSocket, FromRawHandle, IntoRawHandle};
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for tokio::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for tokio::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl FromFd for tokio::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl From<OwnedFd> for tokio::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_fd(owned.into_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl FromHandle for tokio::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_handle(owned: OwnedHandle) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl From<OwnedHandle> for tokio::fs::File {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(owned: OwnedHandle) -> Self {
+ unsafe { Self::from_raw_handle(owned.into_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for tokio::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsSocket for tokio::net::TcpStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedSocket::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for tokio::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsSocket for tokio::net::TcpListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedSocket::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for tokio::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsSocket for tokio::net::UdpSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedSocket::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_socket()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for tokio::io::Stdin {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for tokio::io::Stdin {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for tokio::io::Stdout {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for tokio::io::Stdout {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for tokio::io::Stderr {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for tokio::io::Stderr {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl AsFd for tokio::net::UnixStream {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsFd for tokio::net::UnixListener {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsFd for tokio::net::UnixDatagram {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsFd for tokio::process::ChildStdout {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_fd()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for tokio::process::ChildStdin {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for tokio::process::ChildStdout {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
+impl AsHandle for tokio::process::ChildStderr {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle {
+ unsafe { BorrowedHandle::borrow_raw(self.as_raw_handle()) }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e2a9d19f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+//! Experimental new types and traits to replace the `Raw` family of types and
+//! traits.
+//! This API has much conceptual similarity with the `Raw` API, but introduces
+//! explicit concepts of ownership and borrowing:
+//! | `Raw` API | This experimental API |
+//! | ---------- | ------------------------ |
+//! | `Raw*` | `Borrowed*` and `Owned*` |
+//! | `AsRaw*` | `As*` |
+//! | `IntoRaw*` | `Into*` |
+//! | `FromRaw*` | `From*` |
+//! This gives it several advantages:
+//! - Less `unsafe` in user code!
+//! - Easier to understand ownership.
+//! - It avoids the inconsistency where `AsRawFd` and `IntoRawFd` return
+//! `RawFd` values that users ought to be able to trust, but aren't unsafe,
+//! so it's possible to fail to uphold this trust in purely safe Rust.
+//! - It enables a number of safe and portable convenience features, such as
+//! [safe typed views] and [from+into conversions].
+//! [safe typed views]: AsFilelike::as_filelike_view
+//! [from+into conversions]: FromFilelike::from_into_filelike
+#![cfg_attr(rustc_attrs, feature(rustc_attrs))]
+#![cfg_attr(all(io_lifetimes_use_std, target_os = "wasi"), feature(wasi_ext))]
+#![cfg_attr(io_lifetimes_use_std, feature(io_safety))]
+mod portability;
+mod traits;
+mod types;
+mod impls_std;
+mod impls_std_views;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub use traits::AsFd;
+pub use traits::{AsHandle, AsSocket};
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub use traits::{FromFd, IntoFd};
+pub use traits::{FromHandle, FromSocket, IntoHandle, IntoSocket};
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub use types::{BorrowedFd, OwnedFd};
+pub use types::{
+ BorrowedHandle, BorrowedSocket, HandleOrInvalid, InvalidHandleError, NullHandleError,
+ OwnedHandle, OwnedSocket,
+pub use std::os::unix::io::{AsFd, BorrowedFd, OwnedFd};
+#[cfg(target_os = "wasi")]
+pub use std::os::wasi::io::{AsFd, BorrowedFd, OwnedFd};
+pub use std::os::windows::io::{
+ AsHandle, AsSocket, BorrowedHandle, BorrowedSocket, HandleOrInvalid, InvalidHandleError,
+ NullHandleError, OwnedHandle, OwnedSocket,
+// io-lifetimes defined `FromFd`/`IntoFd` traits instead of just using
+// `From`/`Into` because that allowed it to implement them for foreign types,
+// including std types like File and TcpStream, and popular third-party types.
+// std just uses `From`/`Into`, because it defines those traits itself so it
+// can implement them for std types itself, and std won't be implementing them
+// for third-party types. However, this means that until `OwnedFd` et al are
+// stabilized, there will be no impls for third-party traits.
+// So we define `FromFd`/`IntoFd` traits, and implement them in terms of
+// `From`/`Into`,
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<T: From<OwnedFd>> FromFd for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_fd(owned_fd: OwnedFd) -> Self {
+ owned_fd.into()
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<T> IntoFd for T
+ OwnedFd: From<T>,
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd {
+ self.into()
+ }
+impl<T: From<OwnedHandle>> FromHandle for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_handle(owned_handle: OwnedHandle) -> Self {
+ owned_handle.into()
+ }
+impl<T> IntoHandle for T
+ OwnedHandle: From<T>,
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_handle(self) -> OwnedHandle {
+ self.into()
+ }
+impl<T: From<OwnedSocket>> FromSocket for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_socket(owned_socket: OwnedSocket) -> Self {
+ owned_socket.into()
+ }
+impl<T> IntoSocket for T
+ OwnedSocket: From<T>,
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_socket(self) -> OwnedSocket {
+ self.into()
+ }
+pub use portability::{
+ AsFilelike, AsSocketlike, BorrowedFilelike, BorrowedSocketlike, FromFilelike, FromSocketlike,
+ IntoFilelike, IntoSocketlike, OwnedFilelike, OwnedSocketlike,
+#[cfg(feature = "close")]
+pub mod example_ffi;
+pub mod raw;
+pub mod views;
+// Ideally, we'd want crates to implement our traits themselves. But for now,
+// while we're prototyping, we provide a few impls on foreign types.
+#[cfg(feature = "async-std")]
+mod impls_async_std;
+#[cfg(feature = "fs-err")]
+mod impls_fs_err;
+#[cfg(feature = "mio")]
+mod impls_mio;
+#[cfg(not(target_os = "wasi"))]
+#[cfg(feature = "os_pipe")]
+mod impls_os_pipe;
+#[cfg(feature = "socket2")]
+mod impls_socket2;
+#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
+mod impls_tokio;
diff --git a/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee9057501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+//! Portability abstractions over `Owned*` and `Borrowed*`.
+//! On Unix, "everything is a file descriptor". On Windows, file/pipe/process
+//! handles are distinct from socket descriptors. This file provides a minimal
+//! layer of portability over this difference.
+use crate::views::{FilelikeView, FilelikeViewType, SocketlikeView, SocketlikeViewType};
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+use crate::{AsFd, BorrowedFd, FromFd, IntoFd, OwnedFd};
+use crate::{
+ AsHandle, AsSocket, BorrowedHandle, BorrowedSocket, FromHandle, FromSocket, IntoHandle,
+ IntoSocket, OwnedHandle, OwnedSocket,
+/// A reference to a filelike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`BorrowedFd`] and
+/// Windows' `BorrowedHandle`.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub type BorrowedFilelike<'filelike> = BorrowedFd<'filelike>;
+/// A reference to a filelike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `BorrowedFd` and
+/// Windows' [`BorrowedHandle`].
+pub type BorrowedFilelike<'filelike> = BorrowedHandle<'filelike>;
+/// A reference to a socketlike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`BorrowedFd`] and
+/// Windows' `BorrowedSocket`.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub type BorrowedSocketlike<'socketlike> = BorrowedFd<'socketlike>;
+/// A reference to a socketlike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `BorrowedFd` and
+/// Windows' [`BorrowedSocket`].
+pub type BorrowedSocketlike<'socketlike> = BorrowedSocket<'socketlike>;
+/// An owned filelike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`OwnedFd`] and
+/// Windows' `OwnedHandle`.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub type OwnedFilelike = OwnedFd;
+/// An owned filelike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `OwnedFd` and
+/// Windows' [`OwnedHandle`].
+pub type OwnedFilelike = OwnedHandle;
+/// An owned socketlike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`OwnedFd`] and
+/// Windows' `OwnedSocket`.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub type OwnedSocketlike = OwnedFd;
+/// An owned socketlike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `OwnedFd` and
+/// Windows' [`OwnedSocket`].
+pub type OwnedSocketlike = OwnedSocket;
+/// A portable trait to borrow a reference from an underlying filelike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`AsFd`] and Windows'
+/// `AsHandle`. It also provides the `as_filelike_view` convenience function
+/// providing typed views.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub trait AsFilelike: AsFd {
+ /// Borrows the reference.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// use std::fs::File;
+ /// # use std::io;
+ /// use io_lifetimes::{AsFilelike, BorrowedFilelike};
+ ///
+ /// let mut f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
+ /// let borrowed_filelike: BorrowedFilelike<'_> = f.as_filelike();
+ /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn as_filelike(&self) -> BorrowedFilelike<'_>;
+ /// Return a borrowing view of a resource which dereferences to a `&Target`.
+ ///
+ /// Note that [`Read`] or [`Write`] require `&mut Target`, but in some cases,
+ /// such as [`File`], `Read` and `Write` are implemented for `&Target` in
+ /// addition to `Target`, and you can get a `&mut &Target` by doing `&*` on
+ /// the resuting view, like this:
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,ignore
+ /// let v = f.as_filelike_view::<std::fs::File>();
+ /// (&*v).read(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// [`File`]: std::fs::File
+ fn as_filelike_view<Target: FilelikeViewType>(&self) -> FilelikeView<'_, Target>;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<T: AsFd> AsFilelike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_filelike(&self) -> BorrowedFilelike<'_> {
+ self.as_fd()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_filelike_view<Target: FilelikeViewType>(&self) -> FilelikeView<'_, Target> {
+ FilelikeView::new(self)
+ }
+/// A portable trait to borrow a reference from an underlying filelike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `AsFd` and Windows'
+/// [`AsHandle`]. It also provides the `as_filelike_view` convenience function
+/// providing typed views.
+pub trait AsFilelike: AsHandle {
+ /// Borrows the reference.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// use std::fs::File;
+ /// # use std::io;
+ /// use io_lifetimes::{AsFilelike, BorrowedFilelike};
+ ///
+ /// let mut f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
+ /// let borrowed_filelike: BorrowedFilelike<'_> = f.as_filelike();
+ /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn as_filelike(&self) -> BorrowedFilelike<'_>;
+ /// Return a borrowing view of a resource which dereferences to a `&Target`.
+ ///
+ /// Note that [`Read`] or [`Write`] require `&mut Target`, but in some cases,
+ /// such as [`File`], `Read` and `Write` are implemented for `&Target` in
+ /// addition to `Target`, and you can get a `&mut &Target` by doing `&*` on
+ /// the resuting view, like this:
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,ignore
+ /// let v = f.as_filelike_view::<std::fs::File>();
+ /// (&*v).read(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// [`File`]: std::fs::File
+ fn as_filelike_view<Target: FilelikeViewType>(&self) -> FilelikeView<'_, Target>;
+impl<T: AsHandle> AsFilelike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_filelike(&self) -> BorrowedFilelike<'_> {
+ self.as_handle()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_filelike_view<Target: FilelikeViewType>(&self) -> FilelikeView<'_, Target> {
+ FilelikeView::new(self)
+ }
+/// A portable trait to borrow a reference from an underlying socketlike
+/// object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`AsFd`] and Windows'
+/// `AsSocket`. It also provides the `as_socketlike_view` convenience
+/// function providing typed views.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub trait AsSocketlike: AsFd {
+ /// Borrows the reference.
+ fn as_socketlike(&self) -> BorrowedSocketlike<'_>;
+ /// Return a borrowing view of a resource which dereferences to a `&Target`.
+ ///
+ /// Note that [`Read`] or [`Write`] require `&mut Target`, but in some cases,
+ /// such as [`TcpStream`], `Read` and `Write` are implemented for `&Target` in
+ /// addition to `Target`, and you can get a `&mut &Target` by doing `&*` on
+ /// the resuting view, like this:
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,ignore
+ /// let v = s.as_socketlike_view::<std::net::TcpStream>();
+ /// (&*v).read(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// [`TcpStream`]: std::net::TcpStream
+ fn as_socketlike_view<Target: SocketlikeViewType>(&self) -> SocketlikeView<'_, Target>;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<T: AsFd> AsSocketlike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socketlike(&self) -> BorrowedSocketlike<'_> {
+ self.as_fd()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socketlike_view<Target: SocketlikeViewType>(&self) -> SocketlikeView<'_, Target> {
+ SocketlikeView::new(self)
+ }
+/// A portable trait to borrow a reference from an underlying socketlike
+/// object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `AsFd` and Windows'
+/// [`AsSocket`]. It also provides the `as_socketlike_view` convenience
+/// function providing typed views.
+pub trait AsSocketlike: AsSocket {
+ /// Borrows the reference.
+ fn as_socketlike(&self) -> BorrowedSocketlike;
+ /// Return a borrowing view of a resource which dereferences to a `&Target`.
+ ///
+ /// Note that [`Read`] or [`Write`] require `&mut Target`, but in some cases,
+ /// such as [`TcpStream`], `Read` and `Write` are implemented for `&Target` in
+ /// addition to `Target`, and you can get a `&mut &Target` by doing `&*` on
+ /// the resuting view, like this:
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,ignore
+ /// let v = s.as_socketlike_view::<std::net::TcpStream>();
+ /// (&*v).read(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// [`TcpStream`]: std::net::TcpStream
+ fn as_socketlike_view<Target: SocketlikeViewType>(&self) -> SocketlikeView<'_, Target>;
+impl<T: AsSocket> AsSocketlike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socketlike(&self) -> BorrowedSocketlike<'_> {
+ self.as_socket()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socketlike_view<Target: SocketlikeViewType>(&self) -> SocketlikeView<'_, Target> {
+ SocketlikeView::new(self)
+ }
+/// A portable trait to express the ability to consume an object and acquire
+/// ownership of its filelike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`IntoFd`] and Windows'
+/// `IntoHandle`.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub trait IntoFilelike: IntoFd {
+ /// Consumes this object, returning the underlying filelike object.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// use std::fs::File;
+ /// # use std::io;
+ /// use io_lifetimes::{IntoFilelike, OwnedFilelike};
+ ///
+ /// let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
+ /// let owned_filelike: OwnedFilelike = f.into_filelike();
+ /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn into_filelike(self) -> OwnedFilelike;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<T: IntoFd> IntoFilelike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_filelike(self) -> OwnedFilelike {
+ self.into_fd()
+ }
+/// A portable trait to express the ability to consume an object and acquire
+/// ownership of its filelike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `IntoFd` and Windows'
+/// [`IntoHandle`].
+pub trait IntoFilelike: IntoHandle {
+ /// Consumes this object, returning the underlying filelike object.
+ fn into_filelike(self) -> OwnedFilelike;
+impl<T: IntoHandle> IntoFilelike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_filelike(self) -> OwnedFilelike {
+ self.into_handle()
+ }
+/// A portable trait to express the ability to consume an object and acquire
+/// ownership of its socketlike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`IntoFd`] and Windows'
+/// `IntoSocket`.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub trait IntoSocketlike: IntoFd {
+ /// Consumes this object, returning the underlying socketlike object.
+ fn into_socketlike(self) -> OwnedSocketlike;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<T: IntoFd> IntoSocketlike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_socketlike(self) -> OwnedSocketlike {
+ self.into_fd()
+ }
+/// A portable trait to express the ability to consume an object and acquire
+/// ownership of its socketlike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `IntoFd` and Windows'
+/// [`IntoSocket`].
+pub trait IntoSocketlike: IntoSocket {
+ /// Consumes this object, returning the underlying socketlike object.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// use std::fs::File;
+ /// # use std::io;
+ /// use io_lifetimes::{IntoFilelike, OwnedFilelike};
+ ///
+ /// let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
+ /// let owned_filelike: OwnedFilelike = f.into_filelike();
+ /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn into_socketlike(self) -> OwnedSocketlike;
+impl<T: IntoSocket> IntoSocketlike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_socketlike(self) -> OwnedSocketlike {
+ self.into_socket()
+ }
+/// A portable trait to express the ability to construct an object from a
+/// filelike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`FromFd`] and Windows'
+/// `FromHandle`. It also provides the `from_into_filelike` convenience
+/// function providing simplified from+into conversions.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub trait FromFilelike: FromFd {
+ /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given filelike object.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// use std::fs::File;
+ /// # use std::io;
+ /// use io_lifetimes::{FromFilelike, IntoFilelike, OwnedFilelike};
+ ///
+ /// let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
+ /// let owned_filelike: OwnedFilelike = f.into_filelike();
+ /// let f = File::from_filelike(owned_filelike);
+ /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn from_filelike(owned: OwnedFilelike) -> Self;
+ /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given filelike object
+ /// converted from `into_owned`.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// use std::fs::File;
+ /// # use std::io;
+ /// use io_lifetimes::{FromFilelike, IntoFilelike};
+ ///
+ /// let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
+ /// let f = File::from_into_filelike(f);
+ /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn from_into_filelike<Owned: IntoFilelike>(owned: Owned) -> Self;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<T: FromFd> FromFilelike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_filelike(owned: OwnedFilelike) -> Self {
+ Self::from_fd(owned)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_into_filelike<Owned: IntoFilelike>(owned: Owned) -> Self {
+ Self::from_filelike(owned.into_filelike())
+ }
+/// A portable trait to express the ability to construct an object from a
+/// filelike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `FromFd` and Windows'
+/// [`FromHandle`]. It also provides the `from_into_filelike` convenience
+/// function providing simplified from+into conversions.
+pub trait FromFilelike: FromHandle {
+ /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given filelike object.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// use std::fs::File;
+ /// # use std::io;
+ /// use io_lifetimes::{FromFilelike, IntoFilelike, OwnedFilelike};
+ ///
+ /// let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
+ /// let owned_filelike: OwnedFilelike = f.into_filelike();
+ /// let f = File::from_filelike(owned_filelike);
+ /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn from_filelike(owned: OwnedFilelike) -> Self;
+ /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given filelike object
+ /// converted from `into_owned`.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// use std::fs::File;
+ /// # use std::io;
+ /// use io_lifetimes::{FromFilelike, IntoFilelike};
+ ///
+ /// let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
+ /// let f = File::from_into_filelike(f);
+ /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn from_into_filelike<Owned: IntoFilelike>(owned: Owned) -> Self;
+impl<T: FromHandle> FromFilelike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_filelike(owned: OwnedFilelike) -> Self {
+ Self::from_handle(owned)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_into_filelike<Owned: IntoFilelike>(owned: Owned) -> Self {
+ Self::from_filelike(owned.into_filelike())
+ }
+/// A portable trait to express the ability to construct an object from a
+/// socketlike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`FromFd`] and Windows'
+/// `FromSocket`. It also provides the `from_into_socketlike` convenience
+/// function providing simplified from+into conversions.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub trait FromSocketlike: FromFd {
+ /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given socketlike object.
+ fn from_socketlike(owned: OwnedSocketlike) -> Self;
+ /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given socketlike object
+ /// converted from `into_owned`.
+ fn from_into_socketlike<Owned: IntoSocketlike>(owned: Owned) -> Self;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<T: FromFd> FromSocketlike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_socketlike(owned: OwnedSocketlike) -> Self {
+ Self::from_fd(owned)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_into_socketlike<Owned: IntoSocketlike>(owned: Owned) -> Self {
+ Self::from_socketlike(owned.into_socketlike())
+ }
+/// A portable trait to express the ability to construct an object from a
+/// socketlike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `FromFd` and Windows'
+/// [`FromSocket`]. It also provides the `from_into_socketlike` convenience
+/// function providing simplified from+into conversions.
+pub trait FromSocketlike: FromSocket {
+ /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given socketlike object.
+ fn from_socketlike(owned: OwnedSocketlike) -> Self;
+ /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given socketlike object
+ /// converted from `into_owned`.
+ fn from_into_socketlike<Owned: IntoSocketlike>(owned: Owned) -> Self;
+impl<T: FromSocket> FromSocketlike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_socketlike(owned: OwnedSocketlike) -> Self {
+ Self::from_socket(owned)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_into_socketlike<Owned: IntoSocketlike>(owned: Owned) -> Self {
+ Self::from_socketlike(owned.into_socketlike())
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0264f4084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+//! Portability abstractions over `Raw*`.
+//! On Unix, "everything is a file descriptor". On Windows, file/pipe/process
+//! handles are distinct from socket descriptors. This file provides a minimal
+//! layer of portability over this difference.
+use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd, RawFd};
+#[cfg(target_os = "wasi")]
+use std::os::wasi::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd, RawFd};
+use std::os::windows::io::{
+ AsRawHandle, AsRawSocket, FromRawHandle, FromRawSocket, IntoRawHandle, IntoRawSocket,
+ RawHandle, RawSocket,
+/// A raw filelike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`RawFd`] and
+/// Windows' `RawHandle`.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub type RawFilelike = RawFd;
+/// A raw filelike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `RawFd` and
+/// Windows' [`RawHandle`].
+pub type RawFilelike = RawHandle;
+/// A raw socketlike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`RawFd`] and
+/// Windows' `RawSocket`.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub type RawSocketlike = RawFd;
+/// A raw socketlike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `RawFd` and
+/// Windows' [`RawSocket`].
+pub type RawSocketlike = RawSocket;
+/// A portable trait to obtain the raw value of an underlying filelike object.
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`AsRawFd`] and Windows'
+/// `AsRawHandle`.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub trait AsRawFilelike: AsRawFd {
+ /// Returns the raw value.
+ fn as_raw_filelike(&self) -> RawFilelike;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<T: AsRawFd> AsRawFilelike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_raw_filelike(&self) -> RawFilelike {
+ self.as_raw_fd()
+ }
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `AsRawFd` and Windows'
+/// [`AsRawHandle`].
+pub trait AsRawFilelike: AsRawHandle {
+ /// Returns the raw value.
+ fn as_raw_filelike(&self) -> RawFilelike;
+impl<T: AsRawHandle> AsRawFilelike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_raw_filelike(&self) -> RawFilelike {
+ self.as_raw_handle()
+ }
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`AsRawFd`] and Windows'
+/// `AsRawSocket`.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub trait AsRawSocketlike: AsRawFd {
+ /// Returns the raw value.
+ fn as_raw_socketlike(&self) -> RawSocketlike;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<T: AsRawFd> AsRawSocketlike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_raw_socketlike(&self) -> RawSocketlike {
+ self.as_raw_fd()
+ }
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `AsRawFd` and Windows'
+/// [`AsRawSocket`].
+pub trait AsRawSocketlike: AsRawSocket {
+ /// Returns the raw value.
+ fn as_raw_socketlike(&self) -> RawSocketlike;
+impl<T: AsRawSocket> AsRawSocketlike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_raw_socketlike(&self) -> RawSocketlike {
+ self.as_raw_socket()
+ }
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`IntoRawFd`] and Windows'
+/// `IntoRawHandle`.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub trait IntoRawFilelike: IntoRawFd {
+ /// Returns the raw value.
+ fn into_raw_filelike(self) -> RawFilelike;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<T: IntoRawFd> IntoRawFilelike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_raw_filelike(self) -> RawFilelike {
+ self.into_raw_fd()
+ }
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `IntoRawFd` and Windows'
+/// [`IntoRawHandle`].
+pub trait IntoRawFilelike: IntoRawHandle {
+ /// Returns the raw value.
+ fn into_raw_filelike(self) -> RawFilelike;
+impl<T: IntoRawHandle> IntoRawFilelike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_raw_filelike(self) -> RawFilelike {
+ self.into_raw_handle()
+ }
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`IntoRawFd`] and Windows'
+/// `IntoRawSocket`.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub trait IntoRawSocketlike: IntoRawFd {
+ /// Returns the raw value.
+ fn into_raw_socketlike(self) -> RawSocketlike;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<T: IntoRawFd> IntoRawSocketlike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_raw_socketlike(self) -> RawSocketlike {
+ self.into_raw_fd()
+ }
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `IntoRawFd` and Windows'
+/// [`IntoRawSocket`].
+pub trait IntoRawSocketlike: IntoRawSocket {
+ /// Returns the raw value.
+ fn into_raw_socketlike(self) -> RawSocketlike;
+impl<T: IntoRawSocket> IntoRawSocketlike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_raw_socketlike(self) -> RawSocketlike {
+ self.into_raw_socket()
+ }
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`FromRawFd`] and Windows'
+/// `FromRawHandle`.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub trait FromRawFilelike: FromRawFd {
+ /// Constructs `Self` from the raw value.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// This is `unsafe` for the same reason as [`from_raw_fd`] and
+ /// [`from_raw_handle`].
+ ///
+ /// [`from_raw_fd`]:
+ /// [`from_raw_handle`]:
+ unsafe fn from_raw_filelike(raw: RawFilelike) -> Self;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<T: FromRawFd> FromRawFilelike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ unsafe fn from_raw_filelike(raw: RawFilelike) -> Self {
+ Self::from_raw_fd(raw)
+ }
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `FromRawFd` and Windows'
+/// [`FromRawHandle`].
+pub trait FromRawFilelike: FromRawHandle {
+ /// Constructs `Self` from the raw value.
+ unsafe fn from_raw_filelike(raw: RawFilelike) -> Self;
+impl<T: FromRawHandle> FromRawFilelike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ unsafe fn from_raw_filelike(raw: RawFilelike) -> Self {
+ Self::from_raw_handle(raw)
+ }
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like [`FromRawFd`] and Windows'
+/// `FromRawSocket`.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub trait FromRawSocketlike: FromRawFd {
+ /// Constructs `Self` from the raw value.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// This is `unsafe` for the same reason as [`from_raw_fd`] and
+ /// [`from_raw_socket`].
+ ///
+ /// [`from_raw_fd`]:
+ /// [`from_raw_socket`]:
+ unsafe fn from_raw_socketlike(raw: RawSocketlike) -> Self;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<T: FromRawFd> FromRawSocketlike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ unsafe fn from_raw_socketlike(raw: RawSocketlike) -> Self {
+ Self::from_raw_fd(raw)
+ }
+/// This is a portability abstraction over Unix-like `FromRawFd` and Windows'
+/// [`FromRawSocket`].
+pub trait FromRawSocketlike: FromRawSocket {
+ /// Constructs `Self` from the raw value.
+ unsafe fn from_raw_socketlike(raw: RawSocketlike) -> Self;
+impl<T: FromRawSocket> FromRawSocketlike for T {
+ #[inline]
+ unsafe fn from_raw_socketlike(raw: RawSocketlike) -> Self {
+ Self::from_raw_socket(raw)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..788045208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+use crate::BorrowedFd;
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+use crate::OwnedFd;
+use crate::{BorrowedHandle, BorrowedSocket};
+use crate::{OwnedHandle, OwnedSocket};
+/// A trait to borrow the file descriptor from an underlying object.
+/// This is only available on unix platforms and must be imported in order to
+/// call the method. Windows platforms have a corresponding `AsHandle` and
+/// `AsSocket` set of traits.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub trait AsFd {
+ /// Borrows the file descriptor.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # #![cfg_attr(io_lifetimes_use_std, feature(io_safety))]
+ /// use std::fs::File;
+ /// # use std::io;
+ /// use io_lifetimes::{AsFd, BorrowedFd};
+ ///
+ /// let mut f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
+ /// let borrowed_fd: BorrowedFd<'_> = f.as_fd();
+ /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_>;
+/// A trait to borrow the handle from an underlying object.
+pub trait AsHandle {
+ /// Borrows the handle.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # #![cfg_attr(io_lifetimes_use_std, feature(io_safety))]
+ /// use std::fs::File;
+ /// # use std::io;
+ /// use io_lifetimes::{AsHandle, BorrowedHandle};
+ ///
+ /// let mut f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
+ /// let borrowed_handle: BorrowedHandle<'_> = f.as_handle();
+ /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_>;
+/// A trait to borrow the socket from an underlying object.
+pub trait AsSocket {
+ /// Borrows the socket.
+ fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_>;
+/// A trait to express the ability to consume an object and acquire ownership
+/// of its file descriptor.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub trait IntoFd {
+ /// Consumes this object, returning the underlying file descriptor.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # #![cfg_attr(io_lifetimes_use_std, feature(io_safety))]
+ /// use std::fs::File;
+ /// # use std::io;
+ /// use io_lifetimes::{IntoFd, OwnedFd};
+ ///
+ /// let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
+ /// let owned_fd: OwnedFd = f.into_fd();
+ /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn into_fd(self) -> OwnedFd;
+/// A trait to express the ability to consume an object and acquire ownership
+/// of its handle.
+pub trait IntoHandle {
+ /// Consumes this object, returning the underlying handle.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # #![cfg_attr(io_lifetimes_use_std, feature(io_safety))]
+ /// use std::fs::File;
+ /// # use std::io;
+ /// use io_lifetimes::{IntoHandle, OwnedHandle};
+ ///
+ /// let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
+ /// let owned_handle: OwnedHandle = f.into_handle();
+ /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn into_handle(self) -> OwnedHandle;
+/// A trait to express the ability to consume an object and acquire ownership
+/// of its socket.
+pub trait IntoSocket {
+ /// Consumes this object, returning the underlying socket.
+ fn into_socket(self) -> OwnedSocket;
+/// A trait to express the ability to construct an object from a file
+/// descriptor.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+pub trait FromFd {
+ /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given file descriptor.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # #![cfg_attr(io_lifetimes_use_std, feature(io_safety))]
+ /// use std::fs::File;
+ /// # use std::io;
+ /// use io_lifetimes::{FromFd, IntoFd, OwnedFd};
+ ///
+ /// let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
+ /// let owned_fd: OwnedFd = f.into_fd();
+ /// let f = File::from_fd(owned_fd);
+ /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn from_fd(owned: OwnedFd) -> Self;
+ /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given file descriptor
+ /// converted from `into_owned`.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # #![cfg_attr(io_lifetimes_use_std, feature(io_safety))]
+ /// use std::fs::File;
+ /// # use std::io;
+ /// use io_lifetimes::{FromFd, IntoFd};
+ ///
+ /// let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
+ /// let f = File::from_into_fd(f);
+ /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_into_fd<Owned: IntoFd>(into_owned: Owned) -> Self
+ where
+ Self: Sized,
+ {
+ Self::from_fd(into_owned.into_fd())
+ }
+/// A trait to express the ability to construct an object from a handle.
+pub trait FromHandle {
+ /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given handle.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # #![cfg_attr(io_lifetimes_use_std, feature(io_safety))]
+ /// use std::fs::File;
+ /// # use std::io;
+ /// use io_lifetimes::{FromHandle, IntoHandle, OwnedHandle};
+ ///
+ /// let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
+ /// let owned_handle: OwnedHandle = f.into_handle();
+ /// let f = File::from_handle(owned_handle);
+ /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn from_handle(owned: OwnedHandle) -> Self;
+ /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given handle converted
+ /// from `into_owned`.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # #![cfg_attr(io_lifetimes_use_std, feature(io_safety))]
+ /// use std::fs::File;
+ /// # use std::io;
+ /// use io_lifetimes::{FromHandle, IntoHandle};
+ ///
+ /// let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
+ /// let f = File::from_into_handle(f);
+ /// # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_into_handle<Owned: IntoHandle>(into_owned: Owned) -> Self
+ where
+ Self: Sized,
+ {
+ Self::from_handle(into_owned.into_handle())
+ }
+/// A trait to express the ability to construct an object from a socket.
+pub trait FromSocket {
+ /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given socket.
+ fn from_socket(owned: OwnedSocket) -> Self;
+ /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given socket converted
+ /// from `into_owned`.
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_into_socket<Owned: IntoSocket>(into_owned: Owned) -> Self
+ where
+ Self: Sized,
+ {
+ Self::from_socket(into_owned.into_socket())
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<T: AsFd> AsFd for &T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ T::as_fd(self)
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl<T: AsFd> AsFd for &mut T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ T::as_fd(self)
+ }
+impl<T: AsHandle> AsHandle for &T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ T::as_handle(self)
+ }
+impl<T: AsHandle> AsHandle for &mut T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_handle(&self) -> BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ T::as_handle(self)
+ }
+impl<T: AsSocket> AsSocket for &T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ T::as_socket(self)
+ }
+impl<T: AsSocket> AsSocket for &mut T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_socket(&self) -> BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ T::as_socket(self)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..695ae513c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,894 @@
+use std::fmt;
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use std::mem::forget;
+use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd, RawFd};
+#[cfg(target_os = "wasi")]
+use std::os::wasi::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd, RawFd};
+use std::{
+ convert::TryFrom,
+ os::windows::io::{
+ AsRawHandle, AsRawSocket, FromRawHandle, FromRawSocket, IntoRawHandle, IntoRawSocket,
+ RawHandle, RawSocket,
+ },
+#[cfg(all(windows, feature = "close"))]
+use {
+ windows_sys::Win32::Foundation::{
+ CloseHandle, DuplicateHandle, SetHandleInformation, BOOL, DUPLICATE_HANDLE_OPTIONS,
+ },
+ windows_sys::Win32::Networking::WinSock::{
+ closesocket, WSADuplicateSocketW, WSAGetLastError, WSASocketW, INVALID_SOCKET, SOCKET,
+ },
+ windows_sys::Win32::System::Threading::{GetCurrentProcess, GetCurrentProcessId},
+#[cfg(all(windows, not(feature = "close")))]
+type HANDLE = isize;
+#[cfg(all(windows, not(feature = "close")))]
+#[cfg(all(windows, not(feature = "close")))]
+const INVALID_SOCKET: usize = !0 as _;
+/// A borrowed file descriptor.
+/// This has a lifetime parameter to tie it to the lifetime of something that
+/// owns the file descriptor.
+/// This uses `repr(transparent)` and has the representation of a host file
+/// descriptor, so it can be used in FFI in places where a file descriptor is
+/// passed as an argument, it is not captured or consumed, and it never has the
+/// value `-1`.
+/// This type's `.to_owned()` implementation returns another `BorrowedFd`
+/// rather than an `OwnedFd`. It just makes a trivial copy of the raw file
+/// descriptor, which is then borrowed under the same lifetime.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+#[cfg_attr(rustc_attrs, rustc_nonnull_optimization_guaranteed)]
+#[cfg_attr(rustc_attrs, rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_start(0))]
+// libstd/os/raw/ assures me that every libstd-supported platform has a
+// 32-bit c_int. Below is -2, in two's complement, but that only works out
+// because c_int is 32 bits.
+#[cfg_attr(rustc_attrs, rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_end(0xFF_FF_FF_FE))]
+pub struct BorrowedFd<'fd> {
+ fd: RawFd,
+ _phantom: PhantomData<&'fd OwnedFd>,
+/// A borrowed handle.
+/// This has a lifetime parameter to tie it to the lifetime of something that
+/// owns the handle.
+/// This uses `repr(transparent)` and has the representation of a host handle,
+/// so it can be used in FFI in places where a handle is passed as an argument,
+/// it is not captured or consumed, and it is never null.
+/// Note that it *may* have the value `-1`, which in `BorrowedHandle` always
+/// represents a valid handle value, such as [the current process handle], and
+/// not `INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE`, despite the two having the same value. See
+/// [here] for the full story.
+/// This type's `.to_owned()` implementation returns another `BorrowedHandle`
+/// rather than an `OwnedHandle`. It just makes a trivial copy of the raw
+/// handle, which is then borrowed under the same lifetime.
+/// [here]:
+/// [the current process handle]:
+#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct BorrowedHandle<'handle> {
+ handle: RawHandle,
+ _phantom: PhantomData<&'handle OwnedHandle>,
+/// A borrowed socket.
+/// This has a lifetime parameter to tie it to the lifetime of something that
+/// owns the socket.
+/// This uses `repr(transparent)` and has the representation of a host socket,
+/// so it can be used in FFI in places where a socket is passed as an argument,
+/// it is not captured or consumed, and it never has the value
+/// This type's `.to_owned()` implementation returns another `BorrowedSocket`
+/// rather than an `OwnedSocket`. It just makes a trivial copy of the raw
+/// socket, which is then borrowed under the same lifetime.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+#[cfg_attr(rustc_attrs, rustc_nonnull_optimization_guaranteed)]
+#[cfg_attr(rustc_attrs, rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_start(0))]
+// This is -2, in two's complement. -1 is `INVALID_SOCKET`.
+ all(rustc_attrs, target_pointer_width = "32"),
+ rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_end(0xFF_FF_FF_FE)
+ all(rustc_attrs, target_pointer_width = "64"),
+ rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_end(0xFF_FF_FF_FF_FF_FF_FF_FE)
+pub struct BorrowedSocket<'socket> {
+ socket: RawSocket,
+ _phantom: PhantomData<&'socket OwnedSocket>,
+/// An owned file descriptor.
+/// This closes the file descriptor on drop.
+/// This uses `repr(transparent)` and has the representation of a host file
+/// descriptor, so it can be used in FFI in places where a file descriptor is
+/// passed as a consumed argument or returned as an owned value, and it never
+/// has the value `-1`.
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+#[cfg_attr(rustc_attrs, rustc_nonnull_optimization_guaranteed)]
+#[cfg_attr(rustc_attrs, rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_start(0))]
+// libstd/os/raw/ assures me that every libstd-supported platform has a
+// 32-bit c_int. Below is -2, in two's complement, but that only works out
+// because c_int is 32 bits.
+#[cfg_attr(rustc_attrs, rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_end(0xFF_FF_FF_FE))]
+pub struct OwnedFd {
+ fd: RawFd,
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl OwnedFd {
+ /// Creates a new `OwnedFd` instance that shares the same underlying file
+ /// description as the existing `OwnedFd` instance.
+ pub fn try_clone(&self) -> std::io::Result<Self> {
+ crate::AsFd::as_fd(self).try_clone_to_owned()
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ /// Creates a new `OwnedFd` instance that shares the same underlying file
+ /// description as the existing `BorrowedFd` instance.
+ pub fn try_clone_to_owned(&self) -> std::io::Result<OwnedFd> {
+ #[cfg(feature = "close")]
+ {
+ #[cfg(unix)]
+ {
+ // We want to atomically duplicate this file descriptor and set the
+ // CLOEXEC flag, and currently that's done via F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC. This
+ // is a POSIX flag that was added to Linux in 2.6.24.
+ #[cfg(not(target_os = "espidf"))]
+ let cmd = libc::F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC;
+ // For ESP-IDF, F_DUPFD is used instead, because the CLOEXEC semantics
+ // will never be supported, as this is a bare metal framework with
+ // no capabilities for multi-process execution. While F_DUPFD is also
+ // not supported yet, it might be (currently it returns ENOSYS).
+ #[cfg(target_os = "espidf")]
+ let cmd = libc::F_DUPFD;
+ let fd = match unsafe { libc::fcntl(self.as_raw_fd(), cmd, 0) } {
+ -1 => return Err(std::io::Error::last_os_error()),
+ fd => fd,
+ };
+ Ok(unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(fd) })
+ }
+ #[cfg(target_os = "wasi")]
+ {
+ unreachable!("try_clone is not yet suppported on wasi");
+ }
+ }
+ // If the `close` feature is disabled, we expect users to avoid cloning
+ // `OwnedFd` instances, so that we don't have to call `fcntl`.
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "close"))]
+ {
+ unreachable!("try_clone called without the \"close\" feature in io-lifetimes");
+ }
+ }
+/// An owned handle.
+/// This closes the handle on drop.
+/// Note that it *may* have the value `-1`, which in `OwnedHandle` always
+/// represents a valid handle value, such as [the current process handle], and
+/// not `INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE`, despite the two having the same value. See
+/// [here] for the full story.
+/// And, it *may* have the value `NULL` (0), which can occur when consoles are
+/// detached from processes, or when `windows_subsystem` is used.
+/// `OwnedHandle` uses [`CloseHandle`] to close its handle on drop. As such,
+/// it must not be used with handles to open registry keys which need to be
+/// closed with [`RegCloseKey`] instead.
+/// [`CloseHandle`]:
+/// [`RegCloseKey`]:
+/// [here]:
+/// [the current process handle]:
+pub struct OwnedHandle {
+ handle: RawHandle,
+impl OwnedHandle {
+ /// Creates a new `OwnedHandle` instance that shares the same underlying
+ /// object as the existing `OwnedHandle` instance.
+ pub fn try_clone(&self) -> std::io::Result<Self> {
+ crate::AsHandle::as_handle(self).try_clone_to_owned()
+ }
+impl BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ /// Creates a new `OwnedHandle` instance that shares the same underlying
+ /// object as the existing `BorrowedHandle` instance.
+ pub fn try_clone_to_owned(&self) -> std::io::Result<OwnedHandle> {
+ #[cfg(feature = "close")]
+ {
+ self.duplicate(0, false, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)
+ }
+ // If the `close` feature is disabled, we expect users to avoid cloning
+ // `OwnedHandle` instances, so that we don't have to call `fcntl`.
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "close"))]
+ {
+ unreachable!("try_clone called without the \"close\" feature in io-lifetimes");
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "close")]
+ pub(crate) fn duplicate(
+ &self,
+ access: u32,
+ inherit: bool,
+ ) -> std::io::Result<OwnedHandle> {
+ let mut ret = 0 as HANDLE;
+ match unsafe {
+ let cur_proc = GetCurrentProcess();
+ DuplicateHandle(
+ cur_proc,
+ self.as_raw_handle() as HANDLE,
+ cur_proc,
+ &mut ret,
+ access,
+ inherit as BOOL,
+ options,
+ )
+ } {
+ 0 => return Err(std::io::Error::last_os_error()),
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ unsafe { Ok(OwnedHandle::from_raw_handle(ret as RawHandle)) }
+ }
+/// An owned socket.
+/// This closes the socket on drop.
+/// This uses `repr(transparent)` and has the representation of a host socket,
+/// so it can be used in FFI in places where a socket is passed as a consumed
+/// argument or returned as an owned value, and it never has the value
+#[cfg_attr(rustc_attrs, rustc_nonnull_optimization_guaranteed)]
+#[cfg_attr(rustc_attrs, rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_start(0))]
+// This is -2, in two's complement. -1 is `INVALID_SOCKET`.
+ all(rustc_attrs, target_pointer_width = "32"),
+ rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_end(0xFF_FF_FF_FE)
+ all(rustc_attrs, target_pointer_width = "64"),
+ rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_end(0xFF_FF_FF_FF_FF_FF_FF_FE)
+pub struct OwnedSocket {
+ socket: RawSocket,
+impl OwnedSocket {
+ /// Creates a new `OwnedSocket` instance that shares the same underlying
+ /// object as the existing `OwnedSocket` instance.
+ pub fn try_clone(&self) -> std::io::Result<Self> {
+ crate::AsSocket::as_socket(self).try_clone_to_owned()
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "close")]
+ #[cfg(not(target_vendor = "uwp"))]
+ fn set_no_inherit(&self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
+ match unsafe {
+ SetHandleInformation(self.as_raw_socket() as HANDLE, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)
+ } {
+ 0 => return Err(std::io::Error::last_os_error()),
+ _ => Ok(()),
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "close")]
+ #[cfg(target_vendor = "uwp")]
+ fn set_no_inherit(&self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
+ Err(io::Error::new_const(
+ std::io::ErrorKind::Unsupported,
+ &"Unavailable on UWP",
+ ))
+ }
+impl BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ /// Creates a new `OwnedSocket` instance that shares the same underlying
+ /// object as the existing `BorrowedSocket` instance.
+ pub fn try_clone_to_owned(&self) -> std::io::Result<OwnedSocket> {
+ #[cfg(feature = "close")]
+ {
+ let mut info = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed::<WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW>() };
+ let result = unsafe {
+ WSADuplicateSocketW(self.as_raw_socket() as _, GetCurrentProcessId(), &mut info)
+ };
+ match result {
+ SOCKET_ERROR => return Err(std::io::Error::last_os_error()),
+ 0 => (),
+ _ => panic!(),
+ }
+ let socket = unsafe {
+ WSASocketW(
+ info.iAddressFamily,
+ info.iSocketType,
+ info.iProtocol,
+ &mut info,
+ 0,
+ )
+ };
+ if socket != INVALID_SOCKET {
+ unsafe { Ok(OwnedSocket::from_raw_socket(socket as _)) }
+ } else {
+ let error = unsafe { WSAGetLastError() };
+ if error != WSAEPROTOTYPE && error != WSAEINVAL {
+ return Err(std::io::Error::from_raw_os_error(error));
+ }
+ let socket = unsafe {
+ WSASocketW(
+ info.iAddressFamily,
+ info.iSocketType,
+ info.iProtocol,
+ &mut info,
+ 0,
+ )
+ };
+ if socket == INVALID_SOCKET {
+ return Err(std::io::Error::last_os_error());
+ }
+ unsafe {
+ let socket = OwnedSocket::from_raw_socket(socket as _);
+ socket.set_no_inherit()?;
+ Ok(socket)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If the `close` feature is disabled, we expect users to avoid cloning
+ // `OwnedSocket` instances, so that we don't have to call `fcntl`.
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "close"))]
+ {
+ unreachable!("try_clone called without the \"close\" feature in io-lifetimes");
+ }
+ }
+/// FFI type for handles in return values or out parameters, where `INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE` is used
+/// as a sentry value to indicate errors, such as in the return value of `CreateFileW`. This uses
+/// `repr(transparent)` and has the representation of a host handle, so that it can be used in such
+/// FFI declarations.
+/// The only thing you can usefully do with a `HandleOrInvalid` is to convert it into an
+/// `OwnedHandle` using its [`TryFrom`] implementation; this conversion takes care of the check for
+/// `INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE`. This ensures that such FFI calls cannot start using the handle without
+/// checking for `INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE` first.
+/// This type may hold any handle value that [`OwnedHandle`] may hold, except that when it holds
+/// `-1`, that value is interpreted to mean `INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE`.
+/// If holds a handle other than `INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE`, it will close the handle on drop.
+pub struct HandleOrInvalid(RawHandle);
+/// FFI type for handles in return values or out parameters, where `NULL` is used
+/// as a sentry value to indicate errors, such as in the return value of `CreateThread`. This uses
+/// `repr(transparent)` and has the representation of a host handle, so that it can be used in such
+/// FFI declarations.
+/// The only thing you can usefully do with a `HandleOrNull` is to convert it into an
+/// `OwnedHandle` using its [`TryFrom`] implementation; this conversion takes care of the check for
+/// `NULL`. This ensures that such FFI calls cannot start using the handle without
+/// checking for `NULL` first.
+/// This type may hold any handle value that [`OwnedHandle`] may hold. As with `OwnedHandle`, when
+/// it holds `-1`, that value is interpreted as a valid handle value, such as
+/// [the current process handle], and not `INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE`.
+/// If this holds a non-null handle, it will close the handle on drop.
+/// [the current process handle]:
+pub struct HandleOrNull(RawHandle);
+// The Windows [`HANDLE`] type may be transferred across and shared between
+// thread boundaries (despite containing a `*mut void`, which in general isn't
+// `Send` or `Sync`).
+// [`HANDLE`]: std::os::windows::raw::HANDLE
+unsafe impl Send for OwnedHandle {}
+unsafe impl Send for HandleOrInvalid {}
+unsafe impl Send for HandleOrNull {}
+unsafe impl Send for BorrowedHandle<'_> {}
+unsafe impl Sync for OwnedHandle {}
+unsafe impl Sync for HandleOrInvalid {}
+unsafe impl Sync for HandleOrNull {}
+unsafe impl Sync for BorrowedHandle<'_> {}
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ /// Return a `BorrowedFd` holding the given raw file descriptor.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// The resource pointed to by `raw` must remain open for the duration of
+ /// the returned `BorrowedFd`, and it must not have the value `-1`.
+ #[inline]
+ pub const unsafe fn borrow_raw(fd: RawFd) -> Self {
+ #[cfg(panic_in_const_fn)]
+ debug_assert!(fd != -1_i32 as RawFd);
+ Self {
+ fd,
+ _phantom: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+impl BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ /// Return a `BorrowedHandle` holding the given raw handle.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// The resource pointed to by `handle` must be a valid open handle, it
+ /// must remain open for the duration of the returned `BorrowedHandle`.
+ ///
+ /// Note that it *may* have the value `INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE` (-1), which is
+ /// sometimes a valid handle value. See [here] for the full story.
+ ///
+ /// And, it *may* have the value `NULL` (0), which can occur when consoles are
+ /// detached from processes, or when `windows_subsystem` is used.
+ ///
+ /// [here]:
+ #[inline]
+ pub const unsafe fn borrow_raw(handle: RawHandle) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ handle,
+ _phantom: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+impl BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ /// Return a `BorrowedSocket` holding the given raw socket.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// The resource pointed to by `raw` must remain open for the duration of
+ /// the returned `BorrowedSocket`, and it must not have the value
+ #[inline]
+ pub const unsafe fn borrow_raw(socket: RawSocket) -> Self {
+ #[cfg(panic_in_const_fn)]
+ debug_assert!(socket != INVALID_SOCKET as RawSocket);
+ Self {
+ socket,
+ _phantom: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+impl TryFrom<HandleOrInvalid> for OwnedHandle {
+ type Error = InvalidHandleError;
+ #[inline]
+ fn try_from(handle_or_invalid: HandleOrInvalid) -> Result<Self, InvalidHandleError> {
+ let raw = handle_or_invalid.0;
+ // Don't call `CloseHandle`; it'd be harmless, except that it could
+ // overwrite the `GetLastError` error.
+ forget(handle_or_invalid);
+ Err(InvalidHandleError(()))
+ } else {
+ Ok(OwnedHandle { handle: raw })
+ }
+ }
+impl TryFrom<HandleOrNull> for OwnedHandle {
+ type Error = NullHandleError;
+ #[inline]
+ fn try_from(handle_or_null: HandleOrNull) -> Result<Self, NullHandleError> {
+ let raw = handle_or_null.0;
+ if raw.is_null() {
+ // Don't call `CloseHandle`; it'd be harmless, except that it could
+ // overwrite the `GetLastError` error.
+ forget(handle_or_null);
+ Err(NullHandleError(()))
+ } else {
+ Ok(OwnedHandle { handle: raw })
+ }
+ }
+/// This is the error type used by [`HandleOrNull`] when attempting to convert
+/// into a handle, to indicate that the value is null.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct NullHandleError(());
+impl fmt::Display for NullHandleError {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ "A HandleOrNull could not be converted to a handle because it was null".fmt(fmt)
+ }
+impl std::error::Error for NullHandleError {}
+/// This is the error type used by [`HandleOrInvalid`] when attempting to
+/// convert into a handle, to indicate that the value is
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct InvalidHandleError(());
+impl fmt::Display for InvalidHandleError {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ "A HandleOrInvalid could not be converted to a handle because it was INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE"
+ .fmt(fmt)
+ }
+impl std::error::Error for InvalidHandleError {}
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsRawFd for BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {
+ self.fd
+ }
+impl AsRawHandle for BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_raw_handle(&self) -> RawHandle {
+ self.handle
+ }
+impl AsRawSocket for BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_raw_socket(&self) -> RawSocket {
+ self.socket
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl AsRawFd for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {
+ self.fd
+ }
+impl AsRawHandle for OwnedHandle {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_raw_handle(&self) -> RawHandle {
+ self.handle
+ }
+impl AsRawSocket for OwnedSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn as_raw_socket(&self) -> RawSocket {
+ self.socket
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl IntoRawFd for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_raw_fd(self) -> RawFd {
+ let fd = self.fd;
+ forget(self);
+ fd
+ }
+impl IntoRawHandle for OwnedHandle {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_raw_handle(self) -> RawHandle {
+ let handle = self.handle;
+ forget(self);
+ handle
+ }
+impl IntoRawSocket for OwnedSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_raw_socket(self) -> RawSocket {
+ let socket = self.socket;
+ forget(self);
+ socket
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl FromRawFd for OwnedFd {
+ /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given raw file descriptor.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// The resource pointed to by `raw` must be open and suitable for assuming
+ /// ownership.
+ #[inline]
+ unsafe fn from_raw_fd(fd: RawFd) -> Self {
+ debug_assert_ne!(fd, -1_i32 as RawFd);
+ Self { fd }
+ }
+impl FromRawHandle for OwnedHandle {
+ #[inline]
+ unsafe fn from_raw_handle(handle: RawHandle) -> Self {
+ Self { handle }
+ }
+impl FromRawSocket for OwnedSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ unsafe fn from_raw_socket(socket: RawSocket) -> Self {
+ debug_assert_ne!(socket, INVALID_SOCKET as RawSocket);
+ Self { socket }
+ }
+impl HandleOrInvalid {
+ /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given `RawHandle` returned
+ /// from a Windows API that uses `INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE` to indicate
+ /// failure, such as `CreateFileW`.
+ ///
+ /// Use `HandleOrNull` instead of `HandleOrInvalid` for APIs that
+ /// use null to indicate failure.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// The passed `handle` value must either satisfy the safety requirements
+ /// of [`FromRawHandle::from_raw_handle`], or be
+ /// `INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE` (-1). Note that not all Windows APIs use
+ /// `INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE` for errors; see [here] for the full story.
+ ///
+ /// [here]:
+ #[inline]
+ pub unsafe fn from_raw_handle(handle: RawHandle) -> Self {
+ Self(handle)
+ }
+impl HandleOrNull {
+ /// Constructs a new instance of `Self` from the given `RawHandle` returned
+ /// from a Windows API that uses null to indicate failure, such as
+ /// `CreateThread`.
+ ///
+ /// Use `HandleOrInvalid` instead of `HandleOrNull` for APIs that
+ /// use `INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE` to indicate failure.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// The passed `handle` value must either satisfy the safety requirements
+ /// of [`FromRawHandle::from_raw_handle`], or be null. Note that not all
+ /// Windows APIs use null for errors; see [here] for the full story.
+ ///
+ /// [here]:
+ #[inline]
+ pub unsafe fn from_raw_handle(handle: RawHandle) -> Self {
+ Self(handle)
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl Drop for OwnedFd {
+ #[inline]
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ #[cfg(feature = "close")]
+ unsafe {
+ let _ = libc::close(self.fd as std::os::raw::c_int);
+ }
+ // If the `close` feature is disabled, we expect users to avoid letting
+ // `OwnedFd` instances drop, so that we don't have to call `close`.
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "close"))]
+ {
+ unreachable!("drop called without the \"close\" feature in io-lifetimes");
+ }
+ }
+impl Drop for OwnedHandle {
+ #[inline]
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ #[cfg(feature = "close")]
+ unsafe {
+ let _ = CloseHandle(self.handle as HANDLE);
+ }
+ // If the `close` feature is disabled, we expect users to avoid letting
+ // `OwnedHandle` instances drop, so that we don't have to call `close`.
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "close"))]
+ {
+ unreachable!("drop called without the \"close\" feature in io-lifetimes");
+ }
+ }
+impl Drop for HandleOrInvalid {
+ #[inline]
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ #[cfg(feature = "close")]
+ unsafe {
+ let _ = CloseHandle(self.0 as HANDLE);
+ }
+ // If the `close` feature is disabled, we expect users to avoid letting
+ // `HandleOrInvalid` instances drop, so that we don't have to call `close`.
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "close"))]
+ {
+ unreachable!("drop called without the \"close\" feature in io-lifetimes");
+ }
+ }
+impl Drop for HandleOrNull {
+ #[inline]
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ #[cfg(feature = "close")]
+ unsafe {
+ let _ = CloseHandle(self.0 as HANDLE);
+ }
+ // If the `close` feature is disabled, we expect users to avoid letting
+ // `HandleOrNull` instances drop, so that we don't have to call `close`.
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "close"))]
+ {
+ unreachable!("drop called without the \"close\" feature in io-lifetimes");
+ }
+ }
+impl Drop for OwnedSocket {
+ #[inline]
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ #[cfg(feature = "close")]
+ unsafe {
+ let _ = closesocket(self.socket as SOCKET);
+ }
+ // If the `close` feature is disabled, we expect users to avoid letting
+ // `OwnedSocket` instances drop, so that we don't have to call `close`.
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "close"))]
+ {
+ unreachable!("drop called without the \"close\" feature in io-lifetimes");
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl fmt::Debug for BorrowedFd<'_> {
+ #[allow(clippy::missing_inline_in_public_items)]
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("BorrowedFd").field("fd", &self.fd).finish()
+ }
+impl fmt::Debug for BorrowedHandle<'_> {
+ #[allow(clippy::missing_inline_in_public_items)]
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("BorrowedHandle")
+ .field("handle", &self.handle)
+ .finish()
+ }
+impl fmt::Debug for BorrowedSocket<'_> {
+ #[allow(clippy::missing_inline_in_public_items)]
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("BorrowedSocket")
+ .field("socket", &self.socket)
+ .finish()
+ }
+#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))]
+impl fmt::Debug for OwnedFd {
+ #[allow(clippy::missing_inline_in_public_items)]
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("OwnedFd").field("fd", &self.fd).finish()
+ }
+impl fmt::Debug for OwnedHandle {
+ #[allow(clippy::missing_inline_in_public_items)]
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("OwnedHandle")
+ .field("handle", &self.handle)
+ .finish()
+ }
+impl fmt::Debug for OwnedSocket {
+ #[allow(clippy::missing_inline_in_public_items)]
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("OwnedSocket")
+ .field("socket", &self.socket)
+ .finish()
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aec3750a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/io-lifetimes/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+//! Typed views using temporary objects.
+//! This module defines the return types for [`AsFilelike::as_filelike_view`]
+//! and [`AsSocketlike::as_socketlike_view`].
+//! [`AsSocketlike::as_socketlike_view`]: crate::AsSocketlike::as_socketlike_view
+use crate::raw::{
+ AsRawFilelike, AsRawSocketlike, FromRawFilelike, FromRawSocketlike, IntoRawFilelike,
+ IntoRawSocketlike, RawFilelike, RawSocketlike,
+use crate::{
+ AsFilelike, AsSocketlike, FromFilelike, FromSocketlike, IntoFilelike, IntoSocketlike,
+ OwnedFilelike, OwnedSocketlike,
+use std::fmt;
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
+use std::ops::Deref;
+/// Declare that a type is safe to use in a [`FilelikeView`].
+/// # Safety
+/// Types implementing this trait declare that if they are constructed with
+/// [`FromFilelike`] and consumed with [`IntoFilelike`], their `IntoFilelike`
+/// will return the same `OwnedFd` value that was passed to their
+/// `FromFilelike`.
+pub unsafe trait FilelikeViewType: FromFilelike + IntoFilelike {}
+/// Declare that a type is safe to use in a [`SocketlikeView`].
+/// # Safety
+/// Types implementing this trait declare that if they are constructed with
+/// [`FromSocketlike`] and consumed with [`IntoSocketlike`], their
+/// `IntoSocketlike` will return the same `OwnedFd` value that was passed to
+/// their `FromSocketlike`.
+pub unsafe trait SocketlikeViewType: FromSocketlike + IntoSocketlike {}
+/// A non-owning view of a resource which dereferences to a `&Target` or
+/// `&mut Target`. These are returned by [`AsFilelike::as_filelike_view`].
+pub struct FilelikeView<'filelike, Target: FilelikeViewType> {
+ /// The value to dereference to. This is a `ManuallyDrop` so that we can
+ /// consume it in our `Drop` impl.
+ target: ManuallyDrop<Target>,
+ /// `FilelikeViewType` implementors guarantee that their `Into<OwnedFd>`
+ /// returns the same fd as their `From<OwnedFd>` gave them. This field
+ /// allows us to verify this.
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+ orig: RawFilelike,
+ /// This field exists because we don't otherwise explicitly use
+ /// `'filelike`.
+ _phantom: PhantomData<&'filelike OwnedFilelike>,
+/// A non-owning view of a resource which dereferences to a `&Target` or
+/// `&mut Target`. These are returned by [`AsSocketlike::as_socketlike_view`].
+pub struct SocketlikeView<'socketlike, Target: SocketlikeViewType> {
+ /// The value to dereference to. This is a `ManuallyDrop` so that we can
+ /// consume it in our `Drop` impl.
+ target: ManuallyDrop<Target>,
+ /// `SocketlikeViewType` implementors guarantee that their `Into<OwnedFd>`
+ /// returns the same fd as their `From<OwnedFd>` gave them. This field
+ /// allows us to verify this.
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+ orig: RawSocketlike,
+ /// This field exists because we don't otherwise explicitly use
+ /// `'socketlike`.
+ _phantom: PhantomData<&'socketlike OwnedSocketlike>,
+impl<Target: FilelikeViewType> FilelikeView<'_, Target> {
+ /// Construct a temporary `Target` and wrap it in a `FilelikeView` object.
+ #[inline]
+ pub(crate) fn new<T: AsFilelike>(filelike: &T) -> Self {
+ // Safety: The returned `FilelikeView` is scoped to the lifetime of
+ // `filelike`, which we've borrowed here, so the view won't outlive
+ // the object it's borrowed from.
+ unsafe { Self::view_raw(filelike.as_filelike().as_raw_filelike()) }
+ }
+ /// Construct a temporary `Target` from raw and wrap it in a `FilelikeView`
+ /// object.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// `raw` must be a valid raw filelike referencing a resource that outlives
+ /// the resulting view.
+ #[inline]
+ pub unsafe fn view_raw(raw: RawFilelike) -> Self {
+ let owned = OwnedFilelike::from_raw_filelike(raw);
+ Self {
+ target: ManuallyDrop::new(Target::from_filelike(owned)),
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+ orig: raw,
+ _phantom: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+impl<Target: SocketlikeViewType> SocketlikeView<'_, Target> {
+ /// Construct a temporary `Target` and wrap it in a `SocketlikeView`
+ /// object.
+ #[inline]
+ pub(crate) fn new<T: AsSocketlike>(socketlike: &T) -> Self {
+ // Safety: The returned `SocketlikeView` is scoped to the lifetime of
+ // `socketlike`, which we've borrowed here, so the view won't outlive
+ // the object it's borrowed from.
+ unsafe { Self::view_raw(socketlike.as_socketlike().as_raw_socketlike()) }
+ }
+ /// Construct a temporary `Target` from raw and wrap it in a
+ /// `SocketlikeView` object.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// `raw` must be a valid raw socketlike referencing a resource that
+ /// outlives the resulting view.
+ #[inline]
+ pub unsafe fn view_raw(raw: RawSocketlike) -> Self {
+ let owned = OwnedSocketlike::from_raw_socketlike(raw);
+ Self {
+ target: ManuallyDrop::new(Target::from_socketlike(owned)),
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+ orig: raw,
+ _phantom: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+impl<Target: FilelikeViewType> Deref for FilelikeView<'_, Target> {
+ type Target = Target;
+ #[inline]
+ fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
+ &
+ }
+impl<Target: SocketlikeViewType> Deref for SocketlikeView<'_, Target> {
+ type Target = Target;
+ #[inline]
+ fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
+ &
+ }
+impl<Target: FilelikeViewType> Drop for FilelikeView<'_, Target> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ // Use `Into*` to consume `` without freeing its resource.
+ //
+ // Safety: Using `ManuallyDrop::take` requires us to ensure that
+ // `` is not used again. We don't use it again here, and
+ // this is the `drop` function, so we know it's not used afterward.
+ let _raw = unsafe { ManuallyDrop::take(&mut }
+ .into_filelike()
+ .into_raw_filelike();
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+ debug_assert_eq!(self.orig, _raw);
+ }
+impl<Target: SocketlikeViewType> Drop for SocketlikeView<'_, Target> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ // Use `Into*` to consume `` without freeing its resource.
+ //
+ // Safety: Using `ManuallyDrop::take` requires us to ensure that
+ // `` is not used again. We don't use it again here, and
+ // this is the `drop` function, so we know it's not used afterward.
+ let _raw = unsafe { ManuallyDrop::take(&mut }
+ .into_socketlike()
+ .into_raw_socketlike();
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+ debug_assert_eq!(self.orig, _raw);
+ }
+impl<Target: FilelikeViewType> fmt::Debug for FilelikeView<'_, Target> {
+ #[allow(clippy::missing_inline_in_public_items)]
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("FilelikeView")
+ .field("target", &*self)
+ .finish()
+ }
+impl<Target: SocketlikeViewType> fmt::Debug for SocketlikeView<'_, Target> {
+ #[allow(clippy::missing_inline_in_public_items)]
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("SocketlikeView")
+ .field("target", &*self)
+ .finish()
+ }