path: root/vendor/lsp-types/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/lsp-types/src/')
1 files changed, 361 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/lsp-types/src/ b/vendor/lsp-types/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6417707b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/lsp-types/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+use super::*;
+use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize};
+pub trait Notification {
+ type Params: DeserializeOwned + Serialize;
+ const METHOD: &'static str;
+macro_rules! lsp_notification {
+ ("$/cancelRequest") => {
+ $crate::notification::Cancel
+ };
+ ("$/setTrace") => {
+ $crate::notification::SetTrace
+ };
+ ("$/logTrace") => {
+ $crate::notification::LogTrace
+ };
+ ("initialized") => {
+ $crate::notification::Initialized
+ };
+ ("exit") => {
+ $crate::notification::Exit
+ };
+ ("window/showMessage") => {
+ $crate::notification::ShowMessage
+ };
+ ("window/logMessage") => {
+ $crate::notification::LogMessage
+ };
+ ("window/workDoneProgress/cancel") => {
+ $crate::notification::WorkDoneProgressCancel
+ };
+ ("telemetry/event") => {
+ $crate::notification::TelemetryEvent
+ };
+ ("textDocument/didOpen") => {
+ $crate::notification::DidOpenTextDocument
+ };
+ ("textDocument/didChange") => {
+ $crate::notification::DidChangeTextDocument
+ };
+ ("textDocument/willSave") => {
+ $crate::notification::WillSaveTextDocument
+ };
+ ("textDocument/didSave") => {
+ $crate::notification::DidSaveTextDocument
+ };
+ ("textDocument/didClose") => {
+ $crate::notification::DidCloseTextDocument
+ };
+ ("textDocument/publishDiagnostics") => {
+ $crate::notification::PublishDiagnostics
+ };
+ ("workspace/didChangeConfiguration") => {
+ $crate::notification::DidChangeConfiguration
+ };
+ ("workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles") => {
+ $crate::notification::DidChangeWatchedFiles
+ };
+ ("workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders") => {
+ $crate::notification::DidChangeWorkspaceFolders
+ };
+ ("$/progress") => {
+ $crate::notification::Progress
+ };
+ ("workspace/didCreateFiles") => {
+ $crate::notification::DidCreateFiles
+ };
+ ("workspace/didRenameFiles") => {
+ $crate::notification::DidRenameFiles
+ };
+ ("workspace/didDeleteFiles") => {
+ $crate::notification::DidDeleteFiles
+ };
+/// The base protocol now offers support for request cancellation. To cancel a request,
+/// a notification message with the following properties is sent:
+/// A request that got canceled still needs to return from the server and send a response back.
+/// It can not be left open / hanging. This is in line with the JSON RPC protocol that requires
+/// that every request sends a response back. In addition it allows for returning partial results on cancel.
+pub enum Cancel {}
+impl Notification for Cancel {
+ type Params = CancelParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "$/cancelRequest";
+/// A notification that should be used by the client to modify the trace
+/// setting of the server.
+pub enum SetTrace {}
+impl Notification for SetTrace {
+ type Params = SetTraceParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "$/setTrace";
+/// A notification to log the trace of the server’s execution.
+/// The amount and content of these notifications depends on the current trace configuration.
+/// `LogTrace` should be used for systematic trace reporting. For single debugging messages,
+/// the server should send `LogMessage` notifications.
+pub enum LogTrace {}
+impl Notification for LogTrace {
+ type Params = LogTraceParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "$/logTrace";
+/// The initialized notification is sent from the client to the server after the client received
+/// the result of the initialize request but before the client is sending any other request or
+/// notification to the server. The server can use the initialized notification for example to
+/// dynamically register capabilities.
+pub enum Initialized {}
+impl Notification for Initialized {
+ type Params = InitializedParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "initialized";
+/// A notification to ask the server to exit its process.
+/// The server should exit with success code 0 if the shutdown request has been received before;
+/// otherwise with error code 1.
+pub enum Exit {}
+impl Notification for Exit {
+ type Params = ();
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "exit";
+/// The show message notification is sent from a server to a client to ask the client to display a particular message
+/// in the user interface.
+pub enum ShowMessage {}
+impl Notification for ShowMessage {
+ type Params = ShowMessageParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "window/showMessage";
+/// The log message notification is sent from the server to the client to ask the client to log a particular message.
+pub enum LogMessage {}
+impl Notification for LogMessage {
+ type Params = LogMessageParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "window/logMessage";
+/// The telemetry notification is sent from the server to the client to ask the client to log a telemetry event.
+/// The protocol doesn't specify the payload since no interpretation of the data happens in the protocol. Most clients even don't handle
+/// the event directly but forward them to the extensions owning the corresponding server issuing the event.
+pub enum TelemetryEvent {}
+impl Notification for TelemetryEvent {
+ type Params = serde_json::Value;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "telemetry/event";
+/// A notification sent from the client to the server to signal the change of configuration settings.
+pub enum DidChangeConfiguration {}
+impl Notification for DidChangeConfiguration {
+ type Params = DidChangeConfigurationParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "workspace/didChangeConfiguration";
+/// The document open notification is sent from the client to the server to signal newly opened text documents.
+/// The document's truth is now managed by the client and the server must not try to read the document's truth
+/// using the document's uri.
+pub enum DidOpenTextDocument {}
+impl Notification for DidOpenTextDocument {
+ type Params = DidOpenTextDocumentParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "textDocument/didOpen";
+/// The document change notification is sent from the client to the server to signal changes to a text document.
+/// In 2.0 the shape of the params has changed to include proper version numbers and language ids.
+pub enum DidChangeTextDocument {}
+impl Notification for DidChangeTextDocument {
+ type Params = DidChangeTextDocumentParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "textDocument/didChange";
+/// The document will save notification is sent from the client to the server before the document
+/// is actually saved.
+pub enum WillSaveTextDocument {}
+impl Notification for WillSaveTextDocument {
+ type Params = WillSaveTextDocumentParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "textDocument/willSave";
+/// The document close notification is sent from the client to the server when the document got closed in the client.
+/// The document's truth now exists where the document's uri points to (e.g. if the document's uri is a file uri
+/// the truth now exists on disk).
+pub enum DidCloseTextDocument {}
+impl Notification for DidCloseTextDocument {
+ type Params = DidCloseTextDocumentParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "textDocument/didClose";
+/// The document save notification is sent from the client to the server when the document was saved in the client.
+pub enum DidSaveTextDocument {}
+impl Notification for DidSaveTextDocument {
+ type Params = DidSaveTextDocumentParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "textDocument/didSave";
+/// The watched files notification is sent from the client to the server when the client detects changes to files and folders
+/// watched by the language client (note although the name suggest that only file events are sent it is about file system events which include folders as well).
+/// It is recommended that servers register for these file system events using the registration mechanism.
+/// In former implementations clients pushed file events without the server actively asking for it.
+pub enum DidChangeWatchedFiles {}
+impl Notification for DidChangeWatchedFiles {
+ type Params = DidChangeWatchedFilesParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles";
+/// The workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders notification is sent from the client to the server to inform the server
+/// about workspace folder configuration changes
+pub enum DidChangeWorkspaceFolders {}
+impl Notification for DidChangeWorkspaceFolders {
+ type Params = DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders";
+/// Diagnostics notification are sent from the server to the client to signal results of validation runs.
+pub enum PublishDiagnostics {}
+impl Notification for PublishDiagnostics {
+ type Params = PublishDiagnosticsParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "textDocument/publishDiagnostics";
+/// The progress notification is sent from the server to the client to ask
+/// the client to indicate progress.
+pub enum Progress {}
+impl Notification for Progress {
+ type Params = ProgressParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "$/progress";
+/// The `window/workDoneProgress/cancel` notification is sent from the client
+/// to the server to cancel a progress initiated on the server side using the `window/workDoneProgress/create`.
+pub enum WorkDoneProgressCancel {}
+impl Notification for WorkDoneProgressCancel {
+ type Params = WorkDoneProgressCancelParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "window/workDoneProgress/cancel";
+/// The did create files notification is sent from the client to the server when files were created from within the client.
+pub enum DidCreateFiles {}
+impl Notification for DidCreateFiles {
+ type Params = CreateFilesParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "workspace/didCreateFiles";
+/// The did rename files notification is sent from the client to the server when files were renamed from within the client.
+pub enum DidRenameFiles {}
+impl Notification for DidRenameFiles {
+ type Params = RenameFilesParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "workspace/didRenameFiles";
+/// The did delete files notification is sent from the client to the server when files were deleted from within the client.
+pub enum DidDeleteFiles {}
+impl Notification for DidDeleteFiles {
+ type Params = DeleteFilesParams;
+ const METHOD: &'static str = "workspace/didDeleteFiles";
+mod test {
+ use super::*;
+ fn fake_call<N>()
+ where
+ N: Notification,
+ N::Params: serde::Serialize,
+ {
+ }
+ macro_rules! check_macro {
+ ($name:tt) => {
+ // check whether the macro name matches the method
+ assert_eq!(<lsp_notification!($name) as Notification>::METHOD, $name);
+ // test whether type checking passes for each component
+ fake_call::<lsp_notification!($name)>();
+ };
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn check_macro_definitions() {
+ check_macro!("$/cancelRequest");
+ check_macro!("$/progress");
+ check_macro!("$/logTrace");
+ check_macro!("$/setTrace");
+ check_macro!("initialized");
+ check_macro!("exit");
+ check_macro!("window/showMessage");
+ check_macro!("window/logMessage");
+ check_macro!("window/workDoneProgress/cancel");
+ check_macro!("telemetry/event");
+ check_macro!("textDocument/didOpen");
+ check_macro!("textDocument/didChange");
+ check_macro!("textDocument/willSave");
+ check_macro!("textDocument/didSave");
+ check_macro!("textDocument/didClose");
+ check_macro!("textDocument/publishDiagnostics");
+ check_macro!("workspace/didChangeConfiguration");
+ check_macro!("workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles");
+ check_macro!("workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders");
+ check_macro!("workspace/didCreateFiles");
+ check_macro!("workspace/didRenameFiles");
+ check_macro!("workspace/didDeleteFiles");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[cfg(feature = "proposed")]
+ fn check_proposed_macro_definitions() {}