path: root/vendor/mdbook/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/mdbook/')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/mdbook/ b/vendor/mdbook/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72010ad2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/mdbook/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# Contributing
+Welcome stranger!
+If you have come here to learn how to contribute to mdBook, we have some tips for you!
+First of all, don't hesitate to ask questions!
+Use the [issue tracker](, no question is too simple.
+### Issues to work on
+Any issue is up for the grabbing, but if you are starting out, you might be interested in the
+[E-Easy issues](
+Those are issues that are considered more straightforward for beginners to Rust or the codebase itself.
+These issues can be a good launching pad for more involved issues. Easy tasks for a first time contribution
+include documentation improvements, new tests, examples, updating dependencies, etc.
+If you come from a web development background, you might be interested in issues related to web technologies tagged
+[A-HTML]( or
+When you decide you want to work on a specific issue, ping us on that issue so that we can assign it to you.
+Again, do not hesitate to ask questions. We will gladly mentor anyone that want to tackle an issue.
+Issues on the issue tracker are categorized with the following labels:
+- **A**-prefixed labels state which area of the project an issue relates to.
+- **E**-prefixed labels show an estimate of the experience necessary to fix the issue.
+- **M**-prefixed labels are meta-issues used for questions, discussions, or tracking issues
+- **S**-prefixed labels show the status of the issue
+- **T**-prefixed labels show the type of issue
+### Building mdBook
+mdBook builds on stable Rust, if you want to build mdBook from source, here are the steps to follow:
+1. Navigate to the directory of your choice
+0. Clone this repository with git.
+ ```
+ git clone
+ ```
+0. Navigate into the newly created `mdBook` directory
+0. Run `cargo build`
+The resulting binary can be found in `mdBook/target/debug/` under the name `mdbook` or `mdbook.exe`.
+### Code Quality
+We love code quality and Rust has some excellent tools to assist you with contributions.
+#### Formatting Code with rustfmt
+Before you make your Pull Request to the project, please run it through the `rustfmt` utility.
+This will ensure we have good quality source code that is better for us all to maintain.
+[rustfmt]( has a lot more information on the project.
+The quick guide is
+1. Install it
+ ```
+ rustup component add rustfmt
+ ```
+1. You can now run `rustfmt` on a single file simply by...
+ ```
+ rustfmt src/path/to/your/
+ ```
+ ... or you can format the entire project with
+ ```
+ cargo fmt
+ ```
+ When run through `cargo` it will format all bin and lib files in the current crate.
+For more information, such as running it from your favourite editor, please see the `rustfmt` project. [rustfmt](
+#### Finding Issues with Clippy
+Clippy is a code analyser/linter detecting mistakes, and therefore helps to improve your code.
+Like formatting your code with `rustfmt`, running clippy regularly and before your Pull Request will
+help us maintain awesome code.
+The best documentation can be found over at [rust-clippy](
+1. To install
+ ```
+ rustup component add clippy
+ ```
+2. Running clippy
+ ```
+ cargo clippy
+ ```
+Clippy has an ever growing list of checks, that are managed in [lint files](
+### Making a pull-request
+When you feel comfortable that your changes could be integrated into mdBook, you can create a pull-request on GitHub.
+One of the core maintainers will then approve the changes or request some changes before it gets merged.
+If you want to make your pull-request even better, you might want to run [Clippy](
+and [rustfmt]( on the code first.
+This is not a requirement though and will never block a pull-request from being merged.
+That's it, happy contributions! :tada: :tada: :tada:
+## Browser compatibility and testing
+Currently we don't have a strict browser compatibility matrix due to our limited resources.
+We generally strive to keep mdBook compatible with a relatively recent browser on all of the most major platforms.
+That is, supporting Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android.
+If possible, do your best to avoid breaking older browser releases.
+Any change to the HTML or styling is encouraged to manually check on as many browsers and platforms that you can.
+Unfortunately at this time we don't have any automated UI or browser testing, so your assistance in testing is appreciated.
+## Updating higlight.js
+The following are instructions for updating [highlight.js](
+1. Clone the repository at <>
+1. Check out a tagged release (like `10.1.1`).
+1. Run `npm install`
+1. Run `node tools/build.js :common apache armasm coffeescript d handlebars haskell http julia nginx properties r scala x86asm yaml`
+1. Compare the language list that it spits out to the one in [``]( If any are missing, add them to the list and rebuild (and update these docs). If any are added to the common set, add them to ``.
+1. Copy `build/highlight.min.js` to mdbook's directory [`highlight.js`](
+1. Be sure to check the highlight.js [CHANGES]( for any breaking changes. Breaking changes that would affect users will need to wait until the next major release.
+1. Build mdbook with the new file and build some books with the new version and compare the output with a variety of languages to see if anything changes. The [test_book]( contains a chapter with many languages to examine.