path: root/vendor/petgraph/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/petgraph/src/')
1 files changed, 985 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/petgraph/src/ b/vendor/petgraph/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50a9ce290
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+++ b/vendor/petgraph/src/
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+//! Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) is a sparse adjacency matrix graph.
+use std::cmp::{max, Ordering};
+use std::iter::{Enumerate, Zip};
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut, Range};
+use std::slice::Windows;
+use crate::visit::{Data, GraphProp, IntoEdgeReferences, NodeCount};
+use crate::visit::{EdgeRef, GraphBase, IntoEdges, IntoNeighbors, NodeIndexable};
+use crate::visit::{IntoNodeIdentifiers, NodeCompactIndexable, Visitable};
+use crate::util::zip;
+pub use crate::graph::{DefaultIx, IndexType};
+use crate::{Directed, EdgeType, IntoWeightedEdge};
+/// Csr node index type, a plain integer.
+pub type NodeIndex<Ix = DefaultIx> = Ix;
+/// Csr edge index type, a plain integer.
+pub type EdgeIndex = usize;
+const BINARY_SEARCH_CUTOFF: usize = 32;
+/// Compressed Sparse Row ([`CSR`]) is a sparse adjacency matrix graph.
+/// `CSR` is parameterized over:
+/// - Associated data `N` for nodes and `E` for edges, called *weights*.
+/// The associated data can be of arbitrary type.
+/// - Edge type `Ty` that determines whether the graph edges are directed or undirected.
+/// - Index type `Ix`, which determines the maximum size of the graph.
+/// Using **O(|E| + |V|)** space.
+/// Self loops are allowed, no parallel edges.
+/// Fast iteration of the outgoing edges of a vertex.
+/// [`CSR`]:,_CRS_or_Yale_format)
+pub struct Csr<N = (), E = (), Ty = Directed, Ix = DefaultIx> {
+ /// Column of next edge
+ column: Vec<NodeIndex<Ix>>,
+ /// weight of each edge; lock step with column
+ edges: Vec<E>,
+ /// Index of start of row Always node_count + 1 long.
+ /// Last element is always equal to column.len()
+ row: Vec<usize>,
+ node_weights: Vec<N>,
+ edge_count: usize,
+ ty: PhantomData<Ty>,
+impl<N, E, Ty, Ix> Default for Csr<N, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self::new()
+ }
+impl<N: Clone, E: Clone, Ty, Ix: Clone> Clone for Csr<N, E, Ty, Ix> {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ Csr {
+ column: self.column.clone(),
+ edges: self.edges.clone(),
+ row: self.row.clone(),
+ node_weights: self.node_weights.clone(),
+ edge_count: self.edge_count,
+ ty: self.ty,
+ }
+ }
+impl<N, E, Ty, Ix> Csr<N, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ /// Create an empty `Csr`.
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ Csr {
+ column: vec![],
+ edges: vec![],
+ row: vec![0; 1],
+ node_weights: vec![],
+ edge_count: 0,
+ ty: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Create a new [`Csr`] with `n` nodes. `N` must implement [`Default`] for the weight of each node.
+ ///
+ /// [`Default`]:
+ /// [`Csr`]: #struct.Csr.html
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ /// ```rust
+ /// use petgraph::csr::Csr;
+ /// use petgraph::prelude::*;
+ ///
+ /// let graph = Csr::<u8,()>::with_nodes(5);
+ /// assert_eq!(graph.node_count(),5);
+ /// assert_eq!(graph.edge_count(),0);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(graph[0],0);
+ /// assert_eq!(graph[4],0);
+ /// ```
+ pub fn with_nodes(n: usize) -> Self
+ where
+ N: Default,
+ {
+ Csr {
+ column: Vec::new(),
+ edges: Vec::new(),
+ row: vec![0; n + 1],
+ node_weights: (0..n).map(|_| N::default()).collect(),
+ edge_count: 0,
+ ty: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+/// Csr creation error: edges were not in sorted order.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct EdgesNotSorted {
+ first_error: (usize, usize),
+impl<N, E, Ix> Csr<N, E, Directed, Ix>
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ /// Create a new `Csr` from a sorted sequence of edges
+ ///
+ /// Edges **must** be sorted and unique, where the sort order is the default
+ /// order for the pair *(u, v)* in Rust (*u* has priority).
+ ///
+ /// Computes in **O(|E| + |V|)** time.
+ /// # Example
+ /// ```rust
+ /// use petgraph::csr::Csr;
+ /// use petgraph::prelude::*;
+ ///
+ /// let graph = Csr::<(),()>::from_sorted_edges(&[
+ /// (0, 1), (0, 2),
+ /// (1, 0), (1, 2), (1, 3),
+ /// (2, 0),
+ /// (3, 1),
+ /// ]);
+ /// ```
+ pub fn from_sorted_edges<Edge>(edges: &[Edge]) -> Result<Self, EdgesNotSorted>
+ where
+ Edge: Clone + IntoWeightedEdge<E, NodeId = NodeIndex<Ix>>,
+ N: Default,
+ {
+ let max_node_id = match edges
+ .iter()
+ .map(|edge| {
+ let (x, y, _) = edge.clone().into_weighted_edge();
+ max(x.index(), y.index())
+ })
+ .max()
+ {
+ None => return Ok(Self::with_nodes(0)),
+ Some(x) => x,
+ };
+ let mut self_ = Self::with_nodes(max_node_id + 1);
+ let mut iter = edges.iter().cloned().peekable();
+ {
+ let mut rows = self_.row.iter_mut();
+ let mut node = 0;
+ let mut rstart = 0;
+ let mut last_target;
+ 'outer: for r in &mut rows {
+ *r = rstart;
+ last_target = None;
+ 'inner: loop {
+ if let Some(edge) = iter.peek() {
+ let (n, m, weight) = edge.clone().into_weighted_edge();
+ // check that the edges are in increasing sequence
+ if node > n.index() {
+ return Err(EdgesNotSorted {
+ first_error: (n.index(), m.index()),
+ });
+ }
+ /*
+ debug_assert!(node <= n.index(),
+ concat!("edges are not sorted, ",
+ "failed assertion source {:?} <= {:?} ",
+ "for edge {:?}"),
+ node, n, (n, m));
+ */
+ if n.index() != node {
+ break 'inner;
+ }
+ // check that the edges are in increasing sequence
+ /*
+ debug_assert!(last_target.map_or(true, |x| m > x),
+ "edges are not sorted, failed assertion {:?} < {:?}",
+ last_target, m);
+ */
+ if !last_target.map_or(true, |x| m > x) {
+ return Err(EdgesNotSorted {
+ first_error: (n.index(), m.index()),
+ });
+ }
+ last_target = Some(m);
+ self_.column.push(m);
+ self_.edges.push(weight);
+ rstart += 1;
+ } else {
+ break 'outer;
+ }
+ }
+ node += 1;
+ }
+ for r in rows {
+ *r = rstart;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(self_)
+ }
+impl<N, E, Ty, Ix> Csr<N, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ pub fn node_count(&self) -> usize {
+ self.row.len() - 1
+ }
+ pub fn edge_count(&self) -> usize {
+ if self.is_directed() {
+ self.column.len()
+ } else {
+ self.edge_count
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn is_directed(&self) -> bool {
+ Ty::is_directed()
+ }
+ /// Remove all edges
+ pub fn clear_edges(&mut self) {
+ self.column.clear();
+ self.edges.clear();
+ for r in &mut self.row {
+ *r = 0;
+ }
+ if !self.is_directed() {
+ self.edge_count = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /// Adds a new node with the given weight, returning the corresponding node index.
+ pub fn add_node(&mut self, weight: N) -> NodeIndex<Ix> {
+ let i = self.row.len() - 1;
+ self.row.insert(i, self.column.len());
+ self.node_weights.insert(i, weight);
+ Ix::new(i)
+ }
+ /// Return `true` if the edge was added
+ ///
+ /// If you add all edges in row-major order, the time complexity
+ /// is **O(|V|·|E|)** for the whole operation.
+ ///
+ /// **Panics** if `a` or `b` are out of bounds.
+ pub fn add_edge(&mut self, a: NodeIndex<Ix>, b: NodeIndex<Ix>, weight: E) -> bool
+ where
+ E: Clone,
+ {
+ let ret = self.add_edge_(a, b, weight.clone());
+ if ret && !self.is_directed() {
+ self.edge_count += 1;
+ }
+ if ret && !self.is_directed() && a != b {
+ let _ret2 = self.add_edge_(b, a, weight);
+ debug_assert_eq!(ret, _ret2);
+ }
+ ret
+ }
+ // Return false if the edge already exists
+ fn add_edge_(&mut self, a: NodeIndex<Ix>, b: NodeIndex<Ix>, weight: E) -> bool {
+ assert!(a.index() < self.node_count() && b.index() < self.node_count());
+ // a x b is at (a, b) in the matrix
+ // find current range of edges from a
+ let pos = match self.find_edge_pos(a, b) {
+ Ok(_) => return false, /* already exists */
+ Err(i) => i,
+ };
+ self.column.insert(pos, b);
+ self.edges.insert(pos, weight);
+ // update row vector
+ for r in &mut self.row[a.index() + 1..] {
+ *r += 1;
+ }
+ true
+ }
+ fn find_edge_pos(&self, a: NodeIndex<Ix>, b: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Result<usize, usize> {
+ let (index, neighbors) = self.neighbors_of(a);
+ if neighbors.len() < BINARY_SEARCH_CUTOFF {
+ for (i, elt) in neighbors.iter().enumerate() {
+ match elt.cmp(&b) {
+ Ordering::Equal => return Ok(i + index),
+ Ordering::Greater => return Err(i + index),
+ Ordering::Less => {}
+ }
+ }
+ Err(neighbors.len() + index)
+ } else {
+ match neighbors.binary_search(&b) {
+ Ok(i) => Ok(i + index),
+ Err(i) => Err(i + index),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Computes in **O(log |V|)** time.
+ ///
+ /// **Panics** if the node `a` does not exist.
+ pub fn contains_edge(&self, a: NodeIndex<Ix>, b: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> bool {
+ self.find_edge_pos(a, b).is_ok()
+ }
+ fn neighbors_range(&self, a: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Range<usize> {
+ let index = self.row[a.index()];
+ let end = self
+ .row
+ .get(a.index() + 1)
+ .cloned()
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| self.column.len());
+ index..end
+ }
+ fn neighbors_of(&self, a: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> (usize, &[Ix]) {
+ let r = self.neighbors_range(a);
+ (r.start, &self.column[r])
+ }
+ /// Computes in **O(1)** time.
+ ///
+ /// **Panics** if the node `a` does not exist.
+ pub fn out_degree(&self, a: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> usize {
+ let r = self.neighbors_range(a);
+ r.end - r.start
+ }
+ /// Computes in **O(1)** time.
+ ///
+ /// **Panics** if the node `a` does not exist.
+ pub fn neighbors_slice(&self, a: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> &[NodeIndex<Ix>] {
+ self.neighbors_of(a).1
+ }
+ /// Computes in **O(1)** time.
+ ///
+ /// **Panics** if the node `a` does not exist.
+ pub fn edges_slice(&self, a: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> &[E] {
+ &self.edges[self.neighbors_range(a)]
+ }
+ /// Return an iterator of all edges of `a`.
+ ///
+ /// - `Directed`: Outgoing edges from `a`.
+ /// - `Undirected`: All edges connected to `a`.
+ ///
+ /// **Panics** if the node `a` does not exist.<br>
+ /// Iterator element type is `EdgeReference<E, Ty, Ix>`.
+ pub fn edges(&self, a: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Edges<E, Ty, Ix> {
+ let r = self.neighbors_range(a);
+ Edges {
+ index: r.start,
+ source: a,
+ iter: zip(&self.column[r.clone()], &self.edges[r]),
+ ty: self.ty,
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct Edges<'a, E: 'a, Ty = Directed, Ix: 'a = DefaultIx> {
+ index: usize,
+ source: NodeIndex<Ix>,
+ iter: Zip<SliceIter<'a, NodeIndex<Ix>>, SliceIter<'a, E>>,
+ ty: PhantomData<Ty>,
+pub struct EdgeReference<'a, E: 'a, Ty, Ix: 'a = DefaultIx> {
+ index: EdgeIndex,
+ source: NodeIndex<Ix>,
+ target: NodeIndex<Ix>,
+ weight: &'a E,
+ ty: PhantomData<Ty>,
+impl<'a, E, Ty, Ix: Copy> Clone for EdgeReference<'a, E, Ty, Ix> {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ *self
+ }
+impl<'a, E, Ty, Ix: Copy> Copy for EdgeReference<'a, E, Ty, Ix> {}
+impl<'a, Ty, E, Ix> EdgeReference<'a, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ /// Access the edge’s weight.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE** that this method offers a longer lifetime
+ /// than the trait (unfortunately they don't match yet).
+ pub fn weight(&self) -> &'a E {
+ self.weight
+ }
+impl<'a, E, Ty, Ix> EdgeRef for EdgeReference<'a, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ type NodeId = NodeIndex<Ix>;
+ type EdgeId = EdgeIndex;
+ type Weight = E;
+ fn source(&self) -> Self::NodeId {
+ self.source
+ }
+ fn target(&self) -> Self::NodeId {
+ }
+ fn weight(&self) -> &E {
+ self.weight
+ }
+ fn id(&self) -> Self::EdgeId {
+ self.index
+ }
+impl<'a, E, Ty, Ix> Iterator for Edges<'a, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ type Item = EdgeReference<'a, E, Ty, Ix>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ |(&j, w)| {
+ let index = self.index;
+ self.index += 1;
+ EdgeReference {
+ index,
+ source: self.source,
+ target: j,
+ weight: w,
+ ty: PhantomData,
+ }
+ })
+ }
+impl<N, E, Ty, Ix> Data for Csr<N, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ type NodeWeight = N;
+ type EdgeWeight = E;
+impl<'a, N, E, Ty, Ix> IntoEdgeReferences for &'a Csr<N, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ type EdgeRef = EdgeReference<'a, E, Ty, Ix>;
+ type EdgeReferences = EdgeReferences<'a, E, Ty, Ix>;
+ fn edge_references(self) -> Self::EdgeReferences {
+ EdgeReferences {
+ index: 0,
+ source_index: Ix::new(0),
+ edge_ranges:,
+ column: &self.column,
+ edges: &self.edges,
+ iter: zip(&[], &[]),
+ ty: self.ty,
+ }
+ }
+pub struct EdgeReferences<'a, E: 'a, Ty, Ix: 'a> {
+ source_index: NodeIndex<Ix>,
+ index: usize,
+ edge_ranges: Enumerate<Windows<'a, usize>>,
+ column: &'a [NodeIndex<Ix>],
+ edges: &'a [E],
+ iter: Zip<SliceIter<'a, NodeIndex<Ix>>, SliceIter<'a, E>>,
+ ty: PhantomData<Ty>,
+impl<'a, E, Ty, Ix> Iterator for EdgeReferences<'a, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ type Item = EdgeReference<'a, E, Ty, Ix>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ loop {
+ if let Some((&j, w)) = {
+ let index = self.index;
+ self.index += 1;
+ return Some(EdgeReference {
+ index,
+ source: self.source_index,
+ target: j,
+ weight: w,
+ ty: PhantomData,
+ });
+ }
+ if let Some((i, w)) = {
+ let a = w[0];
+ let b = w[1];
+ self.iter = zip(&self.column[a..b], &self.edges[a..b]);
+ self.source_index = Ix::new(i);
+ } else {
+ return None;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl<'a, N, E, Ty, Ix> IntoEdges for &'a Csr<N, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ type Edges = Edges<'a, E, Ty, Ix>;
+ fn edges(self, a: Self::NodeId) -> Self::Edges {
+ self.edges(a)
+ }
+impl<N, E, Ty, Ix> GraphBase for Csr<N, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ type NodeId = NodeIndex<Ix>;
+ type EdgeId = EdgeIndex; // index into edges vector
+use fixedbitset::FixedBitSet;
+impl<N, E, Ty, Ix> Visitable for Csr<N, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ type Map = FixedBitSet;
+ fn visit_map(&self) -> FixedBitSet {
+ FixedBitSet::with_capacity(self.node_count())
+ }
+ fn reset_map(&self, map: &mut Self::Map) {
+ map.clear();
+ map.grow(self.node_count());
+ }
+use std::slice::Iter as SliceIter;
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct Neighbors<'a, Ix: 'a = DefaultIx> {
+ iter: SliceIter<'a, NodeIndex<Ix>>,
+impl<'a, Ix> Iterator for Neighbors<'a, Ix>
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ type Item = NodeIndex<Ix>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ }
+ fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
+ self.iter.size_hint()
+ }
+impl<'a, N, E, Ty, Ix> IntoNeighbors for &'a Csr<N, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ type Neighbors = Neighbors<'a, Ix>;
+ /// Return an iterator of all neighbors of `a`.
+ ///
+ /// - `Directed`: Targets of outgoing edges from `a`.
+ /// - `Undirected`: Opposing endpoints of all edges connected to `a`.
+ ///
+ /// **Panics** if the node `a` does not exist.<br>
+ /// Iterator element type is `NodeIndex<Ix>`.
+ fn neighbors(self, a: Self::NodeId) -> Self::Neighbors {
+ Neighbors {
+ iter: self.neighbors_slice(a).iter(),
+ }
+ }
+impl<N, E, Ty, Ix> NodeIndexable for Csr<N, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ fn node_bound(&self) -> usize {
+ self.node_count()
+ }
+ fn to_index(&self, a: Self::NodeId) -> usize {
+ a.index()
+ }
+ fn from_index(&self, ix: usize) -> Self::NodeId {
+ Ix::new(ix)
+ }
+impl<N, E, Ty, Ix> NodeCompactIndexable for Csr<N, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+impl<N, E, Ty, Ix> Index<NodeIndex<Ix>> for Csr<N, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ type Output = N;
+ fn index(&self, ix: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> &N {
+ &self.node_weights[ix.index()]
+ }
+impl<N, E, Ty, Ix> IndexMut<NodeIndex<Ix>> for Csr<N, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ fn index_mut(&mut self, ix: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> &mut N {
+ &mut self.node_weights[ix.index()]
+ }
+pub struct NodeIdentifiers<Ix = DefaultIx> {
+ r: Range<usize>,
+ ty: PhantomData<Ix>,
+impl<Ix> Iterator for NodeIdentifiers<Ix>
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ type Item = NodeIndex<Ix>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ }
+ fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
+ self.r.size_hint()
+ }
+impl<'a, N, E, Ty, Ix> IntoNodeIdentifiers for &'a Csr<N, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ type NodeIdentifiers = NodeIdentifiers<Ix>;
+ fn node_identifiers(self) -> Self::NodeIdentifiers {
+ NodeIdentifiers {
+ r: 0..self.node_count(),
+ ty: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+impl<N, E, Ty, Ix> NodeCount for Csr<N, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ fn node_count(&self) -> usize {
+ (*self).node_count()
+ }
+impl<N, E, Ty, Ix> GraphProp for Csr<N, E, Ty, Ix>
+ Ty: EdgeType,
+ Ix: IndexType,
+ type EdgeType = Ty;
+ *
+[ a 0 b
+ c d e
+ 0 0 f ]
+Values: [a, b, c, d, e, f]
+Column: [0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2]
+Row : [0, 2, 5] <- value index of row start
+ * */
+mod tests {
+ use super::Csr;
+ use crate::algo::bellman_ford;
+ use crate::algo::tarjan_scc;
+ use crate::visit::Dfs;
+ use crate::visit::VisitMap;
+ use crate::Undirected;
+ #[test]
+ fn csr1() {
+ let mut m: Csr = Csr::with_nodes(3);
+ m.add_edge(0, 0, ());
+ m.add_edge(1, 2, ());
+ m.add_edge(2, 2, ());
+ m.add_edge(0, 2, ());
+ m.add_edge(1, 0, ());
+ m.add_edge(1, 1, ());
+ println!("{:?}", m);
+ assert_eq!(&m.column, &[0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2]);
+ assert_eq!(&m.row, &[0, 2, 5, 6]);
+ let added = m.add_edge(1, 2, ());
+ assert!(!added);
+ assert_eq!(&m.column, &[0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2]);
+ assert_eq!(&m.row, &[0, 2, 5, 6]);
+ assert_eq!(m.neighbors_slice(1), &[0, 1, 2]);
+ assert_eq!(m.node_count(), 3);
+ assert_eq!(m.edge_count(), 6);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn csr_undirected() {
+ /*
+ [ 1 . 1
+ . . 1
+ 1 1 1 ]
+ */
+ let mut m: Csr<(), (), Undirected> = Csr::with_nodes(3);
+ m.add_edge(0, 0, ());
+ m.add_edge(0, 2, ());
+ m.add_edge(1, 2, ());
+ m.add_edge(2, 2, ());
+ println!("{:?}", m);
+ assert_eq!(&m.column, &[0, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2]);
+ assert_eq!(&m.row, &[0, 2, 3, 6]);
+ assert_eq!(m.node_count(), 3);
+ assert_eq!(m.edge_count(), 4);
+ }
+ #[should_panic]
+ #[test]
+ fn csr_from_error_1() {
+ // not sorted in source
+ let m: Csr = Csr::from_sorted_edges(&[(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, 2)]).unwrap();
+ println!("{:?}", m);
+ }
+ #[should_panic]
+ #[test]
+ fn csr_from_error_2() {
+ // not sorted in target
+ let m: Csr = Csr::from_sorted_edges(&[(0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 2), (1, 1)]).unwrap();
+ println!("{:?}", m);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn csr_from() {
+ let m: Csr =
+ Csr::from_sorted_edges(&[(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (2, 4)]).unwrap();
+ println!("{:?}", m);
+ assert_eq!(m.neighbors_slice(0), &[1, 2]);
+ assert_eq!(m.neighbors_slice(1), &[0, 1]);
+ assert_eq!(m.neighbors_slice(2), &[2, 4]);
+ assert_eq!(m.node_count(), 5);
+ assert_eq!(m.edge_count(), 6);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn csr_dfs() {
+ let mut m: Csr = Csr::from_sorted_edges(&[
+ (0, 1),
+ (0, 2),
+ (1, 0),
+ (1, 1),
+ (1, 3),
+ (2, 2),
+ // disconnected subgraph
+ (4, 4),
+ (4, 5),
+ ])
+ .unwrap();
+ println!("{:?}", m);
+ let mut dfs = Dfs::new(&m, 0);
+ while let Some(_) = {}
+ for i in 0..m.node_count() - 2 {
+ assert!(dfs.discovered.is_visited(&i), "visited {}", i)
+ }
+ assert!(!dfs.discovered[4]);
+ assert!(!dfs.discovered[5]);
+ m.add_edge(1, 4, ());
+ println!("{:?}", m);
+ dfs.reset(&m);
+ dfs.move_to(0);
+ while let Some(_) = {}
+ for i in 0..m.node_count() {
+ assert!(dfs.discovered[i], "visited {}", i)
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn csr_tarjan() {
+ let m: Csr = Csr::from_sorted_edges(&[
+ (0, 1),
+ (0, 2),
+ (1, 0),
+ (1, 1),
+ (1, 3),
+ (2, 2),
+ (2, 4),
+ (4, 4),
+ (4, 5),
+ (5, 2),
+ ])
+ .unwrap();
+ println!("{:?}", m);
+ println!("{:?}", tarjan_scc(&m));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_bellman_ford() {
+ let m: Csr<(), _> = Csr::from_sorted_edges(&[
+ (0, 1, 0.5),
+ (0, 2, 2.),
+ (1, 0, 1.),
+ (1, 1, 1.),
+ (1, 2, 1.),
+ (1, 3, 1.),
+ (2, 3, 3.),
+ (4, 5, 1.),
+ (5, 7, 2.),
+ (6, 7, 1.),
+ (7, 8, 3.),
+ ])
+ .unwrap();
+ println!("{:?}", m);
+ let result = bellman_ford(&m, 0).unwrap();
+ println!("{:?}", result);
+ let answer = [0., 0.5, 1.5, 1.5];
+ assert_eq!(&answer, &result.0[..4]);
+ assert!(answer[4..].iter().all(|&x| f64::is_infinite(x)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_bellman_ford_neg_cycle() {
+ let m: Csr<(), _> = Csr::from_sorted_edges(&[
+ (0, 1, 0.5),
+ (0, 2, 2.),
+ (1, 0, 1.),
+ (1, 1, -1.),
+ (1, 2, 1.),
+ (1, 3, 1.),
+ (2, 3, 3.),
+ ])
+ .unwrap();
+ let result = bellman_ford(&m, 0);
+ assert!(result.is_err());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_edge_references() {
+ use crate::visit::EdgeRef;
+ use crate::visit::IntoEdgeReferences;
+ let m: Csr<(), _> = Csr::from_sorted_edges(&[
+ (0, 1, 0.5),
+ (0, 2, 2.),
+ (1, 0, 1.),
+ (1, 1, 1.),
+ (1, 2, 1.),
+ (1, 3, 1.),
+ (2, 3, 3.),
+ (4, 5, 1.),
+ (5, 7, 2.),
+ (6, 7, 1.),
+ (7, 8, 3.),
+ ])
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut copy = Vec::new();
+ for e in m.edge_references() {
+ copy.push((e.source(),, *e.weight()));
+ println!("{:?}", e);
+ }
+ let m2: Csr<(), _> = Csr::from_sorted_edges(&copy).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(&m.row, &m2.row);
+ assert_eq!(&m.column, &m2.column);
+ assert_eq!(&m.edges, &m2.edges);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_add_node() {
+ let mut g: Csr = Csr::new();
+ let a = g.add_node(());
+ let b = g.add_node(());
+ let c = g.add_node(());
+ assert!(g.add_edge(a, b, ()));
+ assert!(g.add_edge(b, c, ()));
+ assert!(g.add_edge(c, a, ()));
+ println!("{:?}", g);
+ assert_eq!(g.node_count(), 3);
+ assert_eq!(g.neighbors_slice(a), &[b]);
+ assert_eq!(g.neighbors_slice(b), &[c]);
+ assert_eq!(g.neighbors_slice(c), &[a]);
+ assert_eq!(g.edge_count(), 3);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_add_node_with_existing_edges() {
+ let mut g: Csr = Csr::new();
+ let a = g.add_node(());
+ let b = g.add_node(());
+ assert!(g.add_edge(a, b, ()));
+ let c = g.add_node(());
+ println!("{:?}", g);
+ assert_eq!(g.node_count(), 3);
+ assert_eq!(g.neighbors_slice(a), &[b]);
+ assert_eq!(g.neighbors_slice(b), &[]);
+ assert_eq!(g.neighbors_slice(c), &[]);
+ assert_eq!(g.edge_count(), 1);
+ }