path: root/vendor/proptest/src/arbitrary/_alloc/
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1 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/proptest/src/arbitrary/_alloc/ b/vendor/proptest/src/arbitrary/_alloc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20f3a9292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/proptest/src/arbitrary/_alloc/
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+// Copyright 2017, 2018 The proptest developers
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+//! Arbitrary implementations for `std::collections`.
+//#![cfg_attr(feature="cargo-clippy", allow(implicit_hasher))]
+// Imports:
+use crate::std_facade::{
+ binary_heap, btree_map, btree_set, fmt, linked_list, vec, vec_deque, Arc,
+ BTreeMap, BTreeSet, BinaryHeap, Box, LinkedList, Rc, Vec, VecDeque,
+use core::hash::Hash;
+use core::ops::{Bound, RangeInclusive};
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+use crate::std_facade::{hash_map, hash_set, HashMap, HashSet};
+use crate::arbitrary::*;
+use crate::collection::*;
+use crate::strategy::statics::static_map;
+use crate::strategy::*;
+// Macros:
+/// Parameters for configuring the generation of `StrategyFor<...<A>>`.
+type RangedParams1<A> = product_type![SizeRange, A];
+/// Parameters for configuring the generation of `StrategyFor<...<A, B>>`.
+type RangedParams2<A, B> = product_type![SizeRange, A, B];
+macro_rules! impl_1 {
+ ($typ: ident, $strat: ident, $($bound : path),* => $fun: ident) => {
+ arbitrary!([A: Arbitrary $(+ $bound)*] $typ<A>,
+ $strat<A::Strategy>, RangedParams1<A::Parameters>;
+ args => {
+ let product_unpack![range, a] = args;
+ $fun(any_with::<A>(a), range)
+ });
+ lift1!([$($bound+)*] $typ<A>, SizeRange;
+ base, args => $fun(base, args));
+ };
+arbitrary!(SizeRange, MapInto<StrategyFor<RangeInclusive<usize>>, Self>;
+ any::<RangeInclusive<usize>>().prop_map_into()
+// Vec, VecDeque, LinkedList, BTreeSet, BinaryHeap, HashSet, HashMap:
+macro_rules! dst_wrapped {
+ ($($w: ident),*) => {
+ $(arbitrary!([A: Arbitrary] $w<[A]>,
+ MapInto<StrategyFor<Vec<A>>, Self>,
+ <Vec<A> as Arbitrary>::Parameters;
+ a => any_with::<Vec<A>>(a).prop_map_into()
+ );)*
+ };
+impl_1!(Vec, VecStrategy, => vec);
+dst_wrapped!(Box, Rc, Arc);
+impl_1!(VecDeque, VecDequeStrategy, => vec_deque);
+impl_1!(LinkedList, LinkedListStrategy, => linked_list);
+impl_1!(BTreeSet, BTreeSetStrategy, Ord => btree_set);
+impl_1!(BinaryHeap, BinaryHeapStrategy, Ord => binary_heap);
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+impl_1!(HashSet, HashSetStrategy, Hash, Eq => hash_set);
+// IntoIterator:
+macro_rules! into_iter_1 {
+ ($module: ident, $type: ident $(, $bound : path)*) => {
+ arbitrary!([A: Arbitrary $(+ $bound)*]
+ $module::IntoIter<A>,
+ SMapped<$type<A>, Self>,
+ <$type<A> as Arbitrary>::Parameters;
+ args => static_map(any_with::<$type<A>>(args), $type::into_iter));
+ lift1!(['static + $($bound+)*] $module::IntoIter<A>, SizeRange;
+ base, args =>
+ $module(base, args).prop_map($type::into_iter));
+ };
+into_iter_1!(vec, Vec);
+into_iter_1!(vec_deque, VecDeque);
+into_iter_1!(linked_list, LinkedList);
+into_iter_1!(btree_set, BTreeSet, Ord);
+into_iter_1!(binary_heap, BinaryHeap, Ord);
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+into_iter_1!(hash_set, HashSet, Hash, Eq);
+// HashMap:
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+arbitrary!([A: Arbitrary + Hash + Eq, B: Arbitrary] HashMap<A, B>,
+HashMapStrategy<A::Strategy, B::Strategy>,
+RangedParams2<A::Parameters, B::Parameters>;
+args => {
+ let product_unpack![range, a, b] = args;
+ hash_map(any_with::<A>(a), any_with::<B>(b), range)
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+arbitrary!([A: Arbitrary + Hash + Eq, B: Arbitrary] hash_map::IntoIter<A, B>,
+ SMapped<HashMap<A, B>, Self>,
+ <HashMap<A, B> as Arbitrary>::Parameters;
+ args => static_map(any_with::<HashMap<A, B>>(args), HashMap::into_iter));
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+lift1!([, K: Hash + Eq + Arbitrary + 'static] HashMap<K, A>,
+ RangedParams1<K::Parameters>;
+ base, args => {
+ let product_unpack![range, k] = args;
+ hash_map(any_with::<K>(k), base, range)
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+lift1!(['static, K: Hash + Eq + Arbitrary + 'static] hash_map::IntoIter<K, A>,
+ RangedParams1<K::Parameters>;
+ base, args => {
+ let product_unpack![range, k] = args;
+ static_map(hash_map(any_with::<K>(k), base, range), HashMap::into_iter)
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+impl<A: fmt::Debug + Eq + Hash, B: fmt::Debug> functor::ArbitraryF2<A, B>
+ for HashMap<A, B>
+ type Parameters = SizeRange;
+ fn lift2_with<AS, BS>(
+ fst: AS,
+ snd: BS,
+ args: Self::Parameters,
+ ) -> BoxedStrategy<Self>
+ where
+ AS: Strategy<Value = A> + 'static,
+ BS: Strategy<Value = B> + 'static,
+ {
+ hash_map(fst, snd, args).boxed()
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+impl<A: fmt::Debug + Eq + Hash + 'static, B: fmt::Debug + 'static>
+ functor::ArbitraryF2<A, B> for hash_map::IntoIter<A, B>
+ type Parameters = SizeRange;
+ fn lift2_with<AS, BS>(
+ fst: AS,
+ snd: BS,
+ args: Self::Parameters,
+ ) -> BoxedStrategy<Self>
+ where
+ AS: Strategy<Value = A> + 'static,
+ BS: Strategy<Value = B> + 'static,
+ {
+ static_map(hash_map(fst, snd, args), HashMap::into_iter).boxed()
+ }
+// BTreeMap:
+arbitrary!([A: Arbitrary + Ord, B: Arbitrary] BTreeMap<A, B>,
+BTreeMapStrategy<A::Strategy, B::Strategy>,
+RangedParams2<A::Parameters, B::Parameters>;
+args => {
+ let product_unpack![range, a, b] = args;
+ btree_map(any_with::<A>(a), any_with::<B>(b), range)
+lift1!([, K: Ord + Arbitrary + 'static] BTreeMap<K, A>,
+ RangedParams1<K::Parameters>;
+ base, args => {
+ let product_unpack![range, k] = args;
+ btree_map(any_with::<K>(k), base, range)
+ }
+impl<A: fmt::Debug + Ord, B: fmt::Debug> functor::ArbitraryF2<A, B>
+ for BTreeMap<A, B>
+ type Parameters = SizeRange;
+ fn lift2_with<AS, BS>(
+ fst: AS,
+ snd: BS,
+ args: Self::Parameters,
+ ) -> BoxedStrategy<Self>
+ where
+ AS: Strategy<Value = A> + 'static,
+ BS: Strategy<Value = B> + 'static,
+ {
+ btree_map(fst, snd, args).boxed()
+ }
+arbitrary!([A: Arbitrary + Ord, B: Arbitrary] btree_map::IntoIter<A, B>,
+ SMapped<BTreeMap<A, B>, Self>,
+ <BTreeMap<A, B> as Arbitrary>::Parameters;
+ args => static_map(any_with::<BTreeMap<A, B>>(args), BTreeMap::into_iter));
+impl<A: fmt::Debug + Ord + 'static, B: fmt::Debug + 'static>
+ functor::ArbitraryF2<A, B> for btree_map::IntoIter<A, B>
+ type Parameters = SizeRange;
+ fn lift2_with<AS, BS>(
+ fst: AS,
+ snd: BS,
+ args: Self::Parameters,
+ ) -> BoxedStrategy<Self>
+ where
+ AS: Strategy<Value = A> + 'static,
+ BS: Strategy<Value = B> + 'static,
+ {
+ static_map(btree_map(fst, snd, args), BTreeMap::into_iter).boxed()
+ }
+// Bound:
+arbitrary!([A: Arbitrary] Bound<A>,
+ TupleUnion<(
+ WA<SFnPtrMap<Arc<A::Strategy>, Self>>,
+ WA<SFnPtrMap<Arc<A::Strategy>, Self>>,
+ WA<LazyJustFn<Self>>
+ )>,
+ A::Parameters;
+ args => {
+ let base = Arc::new(any_with::<A>(args));
+ prop_oneof![
+ 2 => static_map(base.clone(), Bound::Included),
+ 2 => static_map(base, Bound::Excluded),
+ 1 => LazyJust::new(|| Bound::Unbounded),
+ ]
+ }
+lift1!(['static] Bound<A>; base => {
+ let base = Rc::new(base);
+ prop_oneof![
+ 2 => base.clone().prop_map(Bound::Included),
+ 2 => base.prop_map(Bound::Excluded),
+ 1 => LazyJustFn::new(|| Bound::Unbounded),
+ ]
+mod test {
+ no_panic_test!(
+ size_bounds => SizeRange,
+ vec => Vec<u8>,
+ box_slice => Box<[u8]>,
+ rc_slice => Rc<[u8]>,
+ arc_slice => Arc<[u8]>,
+ vec_deque => VecDeque<u8>,
+ linked_list => LinkedList<u8>,
+ btree_set => BTreeSet<u8>,
+ btree_map => BTreeMap<u8, u8>,
+ bound => Bound<u8>,
+ binary_heap => BinaryHeap<u8>,
+ into_iter_vec => vec::IntoIter<u8>,
+ into_iter_vec_deque => vec_deque::IntoIter<u8>,
+ into_iter_linked_list => linked_list::IntoIter<u8>,
+ into_iter_binary_heap => binary_heap::IntoIter<u8>,
+ into_iter_btree_set => btree_set::IntoIter<u8>,
+ into_iter_btree_map => btree_map::IntoIter<u8, u8>
+ );
+ #[cfg(feature = "std")]
+ no_panic_test!(
+ hash_set => HashSet<u8>,
+ hash_map => HashMap<u8, u8>,
+ into_iter_hash_set => hash_set::IntoIter<u8>,
+ into_iter_hash_map => hash_map::IntoIter<u8, u8>
+ );