path: root/vendor/proptest/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/proptest/src/')
1 files changed, 1637 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/proptest/src/ b/vendor/proptest/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42ba5c194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/proptest/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1637 @@
+// Copyright 2017, 2019 The proptest developers
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+use crate::std_facade::fmt;
+/// Easily define `proptest` tests.
+/// Within `proptest!`, define one or more functions without return type
+/// normally, except instead of putting `: type` after each parameter, write
+/// `in strategy`, where `strategy` is an expression evaluating to some
+/// `Strategy`.
+/// Each function will be wrapped in a function which sets up a `TestRunner`,
+/// and then invokes the function body with inputs generated according to the
+/// strategies.
+/// ### Example
+/// ```
+/// use proptest::prelude::*;
+/// proptest! {
+/// # /*
+/// #[test]
+/// # */
+/// fn test_addition(a in 0..10, b in 0..10) {
+/// prop_assert!(a + b <= 18);
+/// }
+/// # /*
+/// #[test]
+/// # */
+/// fn test_string_concat(a in ".*", b in ".*") {
+/// let cat = format!("{}{}", a, b);
+/// prop_assert_eq!(a.len() + b.len(), cat.len());
+/// }
+/// }
+/// #
+/// # fn main() { test_addition(); test_string_concat(); }
+/// ```
+/// You can also use the normal argument syntax `pattern: type` as in:
+/// ```rust
+/// use proptest::prelude::*;
+/// proptest! {
+/// # /*
+/// #[test]
+/// # */
+/// fn addition_is_commutative(a: u8, b: u8) {
+/// prop_assert_eq!(a as u16 + b as u16, b as u16 + a as u16);
+/// }
+/// # /*
+/// #[test]
+/// # */
+/// fn test_string_concat(a in ".*", b: String) {
+/// let cat = format!("{}{}", a, b);
+/// prop_assert_eq!(a.len() + b.len(), cat.len());
+/// }
+/// }
+/// #
+/// # fn main() { addition_is_commutative(); test_string_concat(); }
+/// ```
+/// As you can see, you can mix `pattern: type` and `pattern in expr`.
+/// Due to limitations in `macro_rules!`, `pattern: type` does not work in
+/// all circumstances. In such a case, use `(pattern): type` instead.
+/// To override the default configuration, you can start the `proptest!` block
+/// with `#![proptest_config(expr)]`, where `expr` is an expression that
+/// evaluates to a `proptest::test_runner::Config` (or a reference to one).
+/// ```
+/// use proptest::prelude::*;
+/// proptest! {
+/// #![proptest_config(ProptestConfig {
+/// cases: 99, .. ProptestConfig::default()
+/// })]
+/// # /*
+/// #[test]
+/// # */
+/// fn test_addition(a in 0..10, b in 0..10) {
+/// prop_assert!(a + b <= 18);
+/// }
+/// }
+/// #
+/// # fn main() { test_addition(); }
+/// ```
+/// ## Closure-Style Invocation
+/// As of proptest 0.8.1, an alternative, "closure-style" invocation is
+/// supported. In this form, `proptest!` is a function-like macro taking a
+/// closure-esque argument. This makes it possible to run multiple tests that
+/// require some expensive setup process. Note that the "fork" and "timeout"
+/// features are _not_ supported in closure style.
+/// To use a custom configuration, pass the `Config` object as a first
+/// argument.
+/// ### Example
+/// ```
+/// use proptest::prelude::*;
+/// #[derive(Debug)]
+/// struct BigStruct { /* Lots of fields ... */ }
+/// fn very_expensive_function() -> BigStruct {
+/// // Lots of code...
+/// BigStruct { /* fields */ }
+/// }
+/// # /*
+/// #[test]
+/// # */
+/// fn my_test() {
+/// // We create just one `BigStruct`
+/// let big_struct = very_expensive_function();
+/// // But now can run multiple tests without needing to build it every time.
+/// // Note the extra parentheses around the arguments are currently
+/// // required.
+/// proptest!(|(x in 0u32..42u32, y in 1000u32..100000u32)| {
+/// // Test stuff
+/// });
+/// // `move` closures are also supported
+/// proptest!(move |(x in 0u32..42u32)| {
+/// // Test other stuff
+/// });
+/// // You can pass a custom configuration as the first argument
+/// proptest!(ProptestConfig::with_cases(1000), |(x: i32)| {
+/// // Test more stuff
+/// });
+/// }
+/// #
+/// # fn main() { my_test(); }
+/// ```
+macro_rules! proptest {
+ (#![proptest_config($config:expr)]
+ $(
+ $(#[$meta:meta])*
+ fn $test_name:ident($($parm:pat in $strategy:expr),+ $(,)?) $body:block
+ )*) => {
+ $(
+ $(#[$meta])*
+ fn $test_name() {
+ let mut config = $config.clone();
+ config.test_name = Some(
+ concat!(module_path!(), "::", stringify!($test_name)));
+ $crate::proptest_helper!(@_BODY config ($($parm in $strategy),+) [] $body);
+ }
+ )*
+ };
+ (#![proptest_config($config:expr)]
+ $(
+ $(#[$meta:meta])*
+ fn $test_name:ident($($arg:tt)+) $body:block
+ )*) => {
+ $(
+ $(#[$meta])*
+ fn $test_name() {
+ let mut config = $config.clone();
+ config.test_name = Some(
+ concat!(module_path!(), "::", stringify!($test_name)));
+ $crate::proptest_helper!(@_BODY2 config ($($arg)+) [] $body);
+ }
+ )*
+ };
+ ($(
+ $(#[$meta:meta])*
+ fn $test_name:ident($($parm:pat in $strategy:expr),+ $(,)?) $body:block
+ )*) => { $crate::proptest! {
+ #![proptest_config($crate::test_runner::Config::default())]
+ $($(#[$meta])*
+ fn $test_name($($parm in $strategy),+) $body)*
+ } };
+ ($(
+ $(#[$meta:meta])*
+ fn $test_name:ident($($arg:tt)+) $body:block
+ )*) => { $crate::proptest! {
+ #![proptest_config($crate::test_runner::Config::default())]
+ $($(#[$meta])*
+ fn $test_name($($arg)+) $body)*
+ } };
+ (|($($parm:pat in $strategy:expr),+ $(,)?)| $body:expr) => {
+ $crate::proptest!(
+ $crate::test_runner::Config::default(),
+ |($($parm in $strategy),+)| $body)
+ };
+ (move |($($parm:pat in $strategy:expr),+ $(,)?)| $body:expr) => {
+ $crate::proptest!(
+ $crate::test_runner::Config::default(),
+ move |($($parm in $strategy),+)| $body)
+ };
+ (|($($arg:tt)+)| $body:expr) => {
+ $crate::proptest!(
+ $crate::test_runner::Config::default(),
+ |($($arg)+)| $body)
+ };
+ (move |($($arg:tt)+)| $body:expr) => {
+ $crate::proptest!(
+ $crate::test_runner::Config::default(),
+ move |($($arg)+)| $body)
+ };
+ ($config:expr, |($($parm:pat in $strategy:expr),+ $(,)?)| $body:expr) => { {
+ let mut config = $config.__sugar_to_owned();
+ $crate::sugar::force_no_fork(&mut config);
+ $crate::proptest_helper!(@_BODY config ($($parm in $strategy),+) [] $body)
+ } };
+ ($config:expr, move |($($parm:pat in $strategy:expr),+ $(,)?)| $body:expr) => { {
+ let mut config = $config.__sugar_to_owned();
+ $crate::sugar::force_no_fork(&mut config);
+ $crate::proptest_helper!(@_BODY config ($($parm in $strategy),+) [move] $body)
+ } };
+ ($config:expr, |($($arg:tt)+)| $body:expr) => { {
+ let mut config = $config.__sugar_to_owned();
+ $crate::sugar::force_no_fork(&mut config);
+ $crate::proptest_helper!(@_BODY2 config ($($arg)+) [] $body);
+ } };
+ ($config:expr, move |($($arg:tt)+)| $body:expr) => { {
+ let mut config = $config.__sugar_to_owned();
+ $crate::sugar::force_no_fork(&mut config);
+ $crate::proptest_helper!(@_BODY2 config ($($arg)+) [move] $body);
+ } };
+/// Rejects the test input if assumptions are not met.
+/// Used directly within a function defined with `proptest!` or in any function
+/// returning `Result<_, TestCaseError>`.
+/// This is invoked as `prop_assume!(condition, format, args...)`. `condition`
+/// is evaluated; if it is false, `Err(TestCaseError::Reject)` is returned. The
+/// message includes the point of invocation and the format message. `format`
+/// and `args` may be omitted to simply use the condition itself as the
+/// message.
+macro_rules! prop_assume {
+ ($expr:expr) => {
+ $crate::prop_assume!($expr, "{}", stringify!($expr))
+ };
+ ($expr:expr, $fmt:tt $(, $fmt_arg:expr),* $(,)?) => {
+ if !$expr {
+ return ::core::result::Result::Err(
+ $crate::test_runner::TestCaseError::reject(
+ format!(concat!("{}:{}:{}: ", $fmt),
+ file!(), line!(), column!()
+ $(, $fmt_arg)*)));
+ }
+ };
+/// Produce a strategy which picks one of the listed choices.
+/// This is conceptually equivalent to calling `prop_union` on the first two
+/// elements and then chaining `.or()` onto the rest after implicitly boxing
+/// all of them. As with `Union`, values shrink across elements on the
+/// assumption that earlier ones are "simpler", so they should be listed in
+/// order of ascending complexity when possible.
+/// The macro invocation has two forms. The first is to simply list the
+/// strategies separated by commas; this will cause value generation to pick
+/// from the strategies uniformly. The other form is to provide a weight in the
+/// form of a `u32` before each strategy, separated from the strategy with
+/// `=>`.
+/// Note that the exact type returned by the macro varies depending on how many
+/// inputs there are. In particular, if given exactly one option, it will
+/// return it unmodified. It is not recommended to depend on the particular
+/// type produced by this macro.
+/// ## Example
+/// ```rust,no_run
+/// use proptest::prelude::*;
+/// #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+/// enum MyEnum {
+/// Big(u64),
+/// Medium(u32),
+/// Little(i16),
+/// }
+/// # #[allow(unused_variables)]
+/// # fn main() {
+/// let my_enum_strategy = prop_oneof![
+/// prop::num::i16::ANY.prop_map(MyEnum::Little),
+/// prop::num::u32::ANY.prop_map(MyEnum::Medium),
+/// prop::num::u64::ANY.prop_map(MyEnum::Big),
+/// ];
+/// let my_weighted_strategy = prop_oneof![
+/// 1 => prop::num::i16::ANY.prop_map(MyEnum::Little),
+/// // Chose `Medium` twice as frequently as either `Little` or `Big`; i.e.,
+/// // around 50% of values will be `Medium`, and 25% for each of `Little`
+/// // and `Big`.
+/// 2 => prop::num::u32::ANY.prop_map(MyEnum::Medium),
+/// 1 => prop::num::u64::ANY.prop_map(MyEnum::Big),
+/// ];
+/// # }
+/// ```
+macro_rules! prop_oneof {
+ ($($item:expr),+ $(,)?) => {
+ $crate::prop_oneof![
+ $(1 => $item),*
+ ]
+ };
+ ($_weight0:expr => $item0:expr $(,)?) => { $item0 };
+ ($weight0:expr => $item0:expr,
+ $weight1:expr => $item1:expr $(,)?) => {
+ $crate::strategy::TupleUnion::new(
+ (($weight0, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item0)),
+ ($weight1, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item1))))
+ };
+ ($weight0:expr => $item0:expr,
+ $weight1:expr => $item1:expr,
+ $weight2:expr => $item2:expr $(,)?) => {
+ $crate::strategy::TupleUnion::new(
+ (($weight0, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item0)),
+ ($weight1, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item1)),
+ ($weight2, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item2))))
+ };
+ ($weight0:expr => $item0:expr,
+ $weight1:expr => $item1:expr,
+ $weight2:expr => $item2:expr,
+ $weight3:expr => $item3:expr $(,)?) => {
+ $crate::strategy::TupleUnion::new(
+ (($weight0, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item0)),
+ ($weight1, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item1)),
+ ($weight2, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item2)),
+ ($weight3, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item3))))
+ };
+ ($weight0:expr => $item0:expr,
+ $weight1:expr => $item1:expr,
+ $weight2:expr => $item2:expr,
+ $weight3:expr => $item3:expr,
+ $weight4:expr => $item4:expr $(,)?) => {
+ $crate::strategy::TupleUnion::new(
+ (($weight0, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item0)),
+ ($weight1, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item1)),
+ ($weight2, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item2)),
+ ($weight3, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item3)),
+ ($weight4, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item4))))
+ };
+ ($weight0:expr => $item0:expr,
+ $weight1:expr => $item1:expr,
+ $weight2:expr => $item2:expr,
+ $weight3:expr => $item3:expr,
+ $weight4:expr => $item4:expr,
+ $weight5:expr => $item5:expr $(,)?) => {
+ $crate::strategy::TupleUnion::new(
+ (($weight0, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item0)),
+ ($weight1, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item1)),
+ ($weight2, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item2)),
+ ($weight3, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item3)),
+ ($weight4, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item4)),
+ ($weight5, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item5))))
+ };
+ ($weight0:expr => $item0:expr,
+ $weight1:expr => $item1:expr,
+ $weight2:expr => $item2:expr,
+ $weight3:expr => $item3:expr,
+ $weight4:expr => $item4:expr,
+ $weight5:expr => $item5:expr,
+ $weight6:expr => $item6:expr $(,)?) => {
+ $crate::strategy::TupleUnion::new(
+ (($weight0, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item0)),
+ ($weight1, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item1)),
+ ($weight2, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item2)),
+ ($weight3, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item3)),
+ ($weight4, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item4)),
+ ($weight5, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item5)),
+ ($weight6, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item6))))
+ };
+ ($weight0:expr => $item0:expr,
+ $weight1:expr => $item1:expr,
+ $weight2:expr => $item2:expr,
+ $weight3:expr => $item3:expr,
+ $weight4:expr => $item4:expr,
+ $weight5:expr => $item5:expr,
+ $weight6:expr => $item6:expr,
+ $weight7:expr => $item7:expr $(,)?) => {
+ $crate::strategy::TupleUnion::new(
+ (($weight0, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item0)),
+ ($weight1, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item1)),
+ ($weight2, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item2)),
+ ($weight3, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item3)),
+ ($weight4, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item4)),
+ ($weight5, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item5)),
+ ($weight6, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item6)),
+ ($weight7, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item7))))
+ };
+ ($weight0:expr => $item0:expr,
+ $weight1:expr => $item1:expr,
+ $weight2:expr => $item2:expr,
+ $weight3:expr => $item3:expr,
+ $weight4:expr => $item4:expr,
+ $weight5:expr => $item5:expr,
+ $weight6:expr => $item6:expr,
+ $weight7:expr => $item7:expr,
+ $weight8:expr => $item8:expr $(,)?) => {
+ $crate::strategy::TupleUnion::new(
+ (($weight0, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item0)),
+ ($weight1, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item1)),
+ ($weight2, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item2)),
+ ($weight3, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item3)),
+ ($weight4, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item4)),
+ ($weight5, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item5)),
+ ($weight6, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item6)),
+ ($weight7, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item7)),
+ ($weight8, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item8))))
+ };
+ ($weight0:expr => $item0:expr,
+ $weight1:expr => $item1:expr,
+ $weight2:expr => $item2:expr,
+ $weight3:expr => $item3:expr,
+ $weight4:expr => $item4:expr,
+ $weight5:expr => $item5:expr,
+ $weight6:expr => $item6:expr,
+ $weight7:expr => $item7:expr,
+ $weight8:expr => $item8:expr,
+ $weight9:expr => $item9:expr $(,)?) => {
+ $crate::strategy::TupleUnion::new(
+ (($weight0, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item0)),
+ ($weight1, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item1)),
+ ($weight2, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item2)),
+ ($weight3, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item3)),
+ ($weight4, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item4)),
+ ($weight5, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item5)),
+ ($weight6, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item6)),
+ ($weight7, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item7)),
+ ($weight8, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item8)),
+ ($weight9, $crate::std_facade::Arc::new($item9))))
+ };
+ ($($weight:expr => $item:expr),+ $(,)?) => {
+ $crate::strategy::Union::new_weighted(vec![
+ $(($weight, $crate::strategy::Strategy::boxed($item))),*
+ ])
+ };
+/// Convenience to define functions which produce new strategies.
+/// The macro has two general forms. In the first, you define a function with
+/// two argument lists. The first argument list uses the usual syntax and
+/// becomes exactly the argument list of the defined function. The second
+/// argument list uses the `in strategy` syntax as with `proptest!`, and is
+/// used to generate the other inputs for the function. The second argument
+/// list has access to all arguments in the first. The return type indicates
+/// the type of value being generated; the final return type of the function is
+/// `impl Strategy<Value = $type>`.
+/// ```rust,no_run
+/// # #![allow(dead_code)]
+/// use proptest::prelude::*;
+/// #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+/// struct MyStruct {
+/// integer: u32,
+/// string: String,
+/// }
+/// prop_compose! {
+/// fn my_struct_strategy(max_integer: u32)
+/// (integer in 0..max_integer, string in ".*")
+/// -> MyStruct {
+/// MyStruct { integer, string }
+/// }
+/// }
+/// #
+/// # fn main() { }
+/// ```
+/// This form is simply sugar around making a tuple and then calling `prop_map`
+/// on it. You can also use `arg: type` as in `proptest! { .. }`:
+/// ```rust,no_run
+/// # #![allow(dead_code)]
+/// # use proptest::prelude::*;
+/// #
+/// # #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+/// # struct MyStruct {
+/// # integer: u32,
+/// # string: String,
+/// # }
+/// prop_compose! {
+/// fn my_struct_strategy(max_integer: u32)
+/// (integer in 0..max_integer, string: String)
+/// -> MyStruct {
+/// MyStruct { integer, string }
+/// }
+/// }
+/// #
+/// # fn main() { }
+/// ```
+/// The second form is mostly the same, except that it takes _three_ argument
+/// lists. The third argument list can see all values in both prior, which
+/// permits producing strategies based on other strategies.
+/// ```rust,no_run
+/// # #![allow(dead_code)]
+/// use proptest::prelude::*;
+/// prop_compose! {
+/// fn nearby_numbers()(centre in -1000..1000)
+/// (a in centre-10..centre+10,
+/// b in centre-10..centre+10)
+/// -> (i32, i32) {
+/// (a, b)
+/// }
+/// }
+/// #
+/// # fn main() { }
+/// ```
+/// However, the body of the function does _not_ have access to the second
+/// argument list. If the body needs access to those values, they must be
+/// passed through explicitly.
+/// ```rust,no_run
+/// # #![allow(dead_code)]
+/// use proptest::prelude::*;
+/// prop_compose! {
+/// fn vec_and_index
+/// (max_length: usize)
+/// (vec in prop::collection::vec(1..10, 1..max_length))
+/// (index in 0..vec.len(), vec in Just(vec))
+/// -> (Vec<i32>, usize)
+/// {
+/// (vec, index)
+/// }
+/// }
+/// # fn main() { }
+/// ```
+/// The second form is sugar around making a strategy tuple, calling
+/// `prop_flat_map()`, then `prop_map()`.
+/// To give the function any modifier which isn't a visibility modifier, put it
+/// in brackets before the `fn` token but after any visibility modifier.
+/// ```rust,no_run
+/// # #![allow(dead_code)]
+/// use proptest::prelude::*;
+/// prop_compose! {
+/// pub(crate) [unsafe] fn pointer()(v in prop::num::usize::ANY)
+/// -> *const () {
+/// v as *const ()
+/// }
+/// }
+/// # fn main() { }
+/// ```
+/// ## Comparison with Hypothesis' `@composite`
+/// `prop_compose!` makes it easy to do a lot of things you can do with
+/// [Hypothesis' `@composite`](,
+/// but not everything.
+/// - You can't filter via this macro. For filtering, you need to make the
+/// strategy the "normal" way and use `prop_filter()`.
+/// - More than two layers of strategies or arbitrary logic between the two
+/// layers. If you need either of these, you can achieve them by calling
+/// `prop_flat_map()` by hand.
+macro_rules! prop_compose {
+ ($(#[$meta:meta])*
+ $vis:vis
+ $([$($modi:tt)*])? fn $name:ident $params:tt
+ ($($var:pat in $strategy:expr),+ $(,)?)
+ -> $return_type:ty $body:block) =>
+ {
+ #[must_use = "strategies do nothing unless used"]
+ $(#[$meta])*
+ $vis
+ $($($modi)*)? fn $name $params
+ -> impl $crate::strategy::Strategy<Value = $return_type> {
+ let strat = $crate::proptest_helper!(@_WRAP ($($strategy)*));
+ $crate::strategy::Strategy::prop_map(strat,
+ move |$crate::proptest_helper!(@_WRAPPAT ($($var),*))| $body)
+ }
+ };
+ ($(#[$meta:meta])*
+ $vis:vis
+ $([$($modi:tt)*])? fn $name:ident $params:tt
+ ($($var:pat in $strategy:expr),+ $(,)?)
+ ($($var2:pat in $strategy2:expr),+ $(,)?)
+ -> $return_type:ty $body:block) =>
+ {
+ #[must_use = "strategies do nothing unless used"]
+ $(#[$meta])*
+ $vis
+ $($($modi)*)? fn $name $params
+ -> impl $crate::strategy::Strategy<Value = $return_type> {
+ let strat = $crate::proptest_helper!(@_WRAP ($($strategy)*));
+ let strat = $crate::strategy::Strategy::prop_flat_map(
+ strat,
+ move |$crate::proptest_helper!(@_WRAPPAT ($($var),*))|
+ $crate::proptest_helper!(@_WRAP ($($strategy2)*)));
+ $crate::strategy::Strategy::prop_map(strat,
+ move |$crate::proptest_helper!(@_WRAPPAT ($($var2),*))| $body)
+ }
+ };
+ ($(#[$meta:meta])*
+ $vis:vis
+ $([$($modi:tt)*])? fn $name:ident $params:tt
+ ($($arg:tt)+)
+ -> $return_type:ty $body:block) =>
+ {
+ #[must_use = "strategies do nothing unless used"]
+ $(#[$meta])*
+ $vis
+ $($($modi)*)? fn $name $params
+ -> impl $crate::strategy::Strategy<Value = $return_type> {
+ let strat = $crate::proptest_helper!(@_EXT _STRAT ($($arg)+));
+ $crate::strategy::Strategy::prop_map(strat,
+ move |$crate::proptest_helper!(@_EXT _PAT ($($arg)+))| $body)
+ }
+ };
+ ($(#[$meta:meta])*
+ $vis:vis
+ $([$($modi:tt)*])? fn $name:ident $params:tt
+ ($($arg:tt)+ $(,)?)
+ ($($arg2:tt)+ $(,)?)
+ -> $return_type:ty $body:block) =>
+ {
+ #[must_use = "strategies do nothing unless used"]
+ $(#[$meta])*
+ $vis
+ $($($modi)*)? fn $name $params
+ -> impl $crate::strategy::Strategy<Value = $return_type> {
+ let strat = $crate::proptest_helper!(@_WRAP ($($strategy)*));
+ let strat = $crate::strategy::Strategy::prop_flat_map(
+ strat,
+ move |$crate::proptest_helper!(@_EXT _PAT ($($arg)+))|
+ $crate::proptest_helper!(@_EXT _STRAT ($($arg2)*)));
+ $crate::strategy::Strategy::prop_map(strat,
+ move |$crate::proptest_helper!(@_EXT _PAT ($($arg2)*))| $body)
+ }
+ };
+/// Similar to `assert!` from std, but returns a test failure instead of
+/// panicking if the condition fails.
+/// This can be used in any function that returns a `Result<_, TestCaseError>`,
+/// including the top-level function inside `proptest!`.
+/// Both panicking via `assert!` and returning a test case failure have the
+/// same effect as far as proptest is concerned; however, the Rust runtime
+/// implicitly prints every panic to stderr by default (including a backtrace
+/// if enabled), which can make test failures unnecessarily noisy. By using
+/// `prop_assert!` instead, the only output on a failing test case is the final
+/// panic including the minimal test case.
+/// ## Example
+/// ```
+/// use proptest::prelude::*;
+/// proptest! {
+/// # /*
+/// #[test]
+/// # */
+/// fn triangle_inequality(a in 0.0f64..10.0, b in 0.0f64..10.0) {
+/// // Called with just a condition will print the condition on failure
+/// prop_assert!((a*a + b*b).sqrt() <= a + b);
+/// // You can also provide a custom failure message
+/// prop_assert!((a*a + b*b).sqrt() <= a + b,
+/// "Triangle inequality didn't hold for ({}, {})", a, b);
+/// // If calling another function that can return failure, don't forget
+/// // the `?` to propagate the failure.
+/// assert_from_other_function(a, b)?;
+/// }
+/// }
+/// // The macro can be used from another function provided it has a compatible
+/// // return type.
+/// fn assert_from_other_function(a: f64, b: f64) -> Result<(), TestCaseError> {
+/// prop_assert!((a*a + b*b).sqrt() <= a + b);
+/// Ok(())
+/// }
+/// #
+/// # fn main() { triangle_inequality(); }
+/// ```
+macro_rules! prop_assert {
+ ($cond:expr) => {
+ $crate::prop_assert!($cond, concat!("assertion failed: ", stringify!($cond)))
+ };
+ ($cond:expr, $($fmt:tt)*) => {
+ if !$cond {
+ let message = format!($($fmt)*);
+ let message = format!("{} at {}:{}", message, file!(), line!());
+ return ::core::result::Result::Err(
+ $crate::test_runner::TestCaseError::fail(message));
+ }
+ };
+/// Similar to `assert_eq!` from std, but returns a test failure instead of
+/// panicking if the condition fails.
+/// See `prop_assert!` for a more in-depth discussion.
+/// ## Example
+/// ```
+/// use proptest::prelude::*;
+/// proptest! {
+/// # /*
+/// #[test]
+/// # */
+/// fn concat_string_length(ref a in ".*", ref b in ".*") {
+/// let cat = format!("{}{}", a, b);
+/// // Use with default message
+/// prop_assert_eq!(a.len() + b.len(), cat.len());
+/// // Can also provide custom message (added after the normal
+/// // assertion message)
+/// prop_assert_eq!(a.len() + b.len(), cat.len(),
+/// "a = {:?}, b = {:?}", a, b);
+/// }
+/// }
+/// #
+/// # fn main() { concat_string_length(); }
+/// ```
+macro_rules! prop_assert_eq {
+ ($left:expr, $right:expr) => {{
+ let left = $left;
+ let right = $right;
+ $crate::prop_assert!(
+ left == right,
+ "assertion failed: `(left == right)` \
+ \n left: `{:?}`,\n right: `{:?}`",
+ left, right);
+ }};
+ ($left:expr, $right:expr, $fmt:tt $($args:tt)*) => {{
+ let left = $left;
+ let right = $right;
+ $crate::prop_assert!(
+ left == right,
+ concat!(
+ "assertion failed: `(left == right)` \
+ \n left: `{:?}`, \n right: `{:?}`: ", $fmt),
+ left, right $($args)*);
+ }};
+/// Similar to `assert_ne!` from std, but returns a test failure instead of
+/// panicking if the condition fails.
+/// See `prop_assert!` for a more in-depth discussion.
+/// ## Example
+/// ```
+/// use proptest::prelude::*;
+/// proptest! {
+/// # /*
+/// #[test]
+/// # */
+/// fn test_addition(a in 0i32..100i32, b in 1i32..100i32) {
+/// // Use with default message
+/// prop_assert_ne!(a, a + b);
+/// // Can also provide custom message added after the common message
+/// prop_assert_ne!(a, a + b, "a = {}, b = {}", a, b);
+/// }
+/// }
+/// #
+/// # fn main() { test_addition(); }
+/// ```
+macro_rules! prop_assert_ne {
+ ($left:expr, $right:expr) => {{
+ let left = $left;
+ let right = $right;
+ $crate::prop_assert!(
+ left != right,
+ "assertion failed: `(left != right)`\
+ \n left: `{:?}`,\n right: `{:?}`",
+ left, right);
+ }};
+ ($left:expr, $right:expr, $fmt:tt $($args:tt)*) => {{
+ let left = $left;
+ let right = $right;
+ $crate::prop_assert!(left != right, concat!(
+ "assertion failed: `(left != right)`\
+ \n left: `{:?}`,\n right: `{:?}`: ", $fmt),
+ left, right $($args)*);
+ }};
+macro_rules! proptest_helper {
+ (@_WRAP ($a:tt)) => { $a };
+ (@_WRAP ($a0:tt $a1:tt)) => { ($a0, $a1) };
+ (@_WRAP ($a0:tt $a1:tt $a2:tt)) => { ($a0, $a1, $a2) };
+ (@_WRAP ($a0:tt $a1:tt $a2:tt $a3:tt)) => { ($a0, $a1, $a2, $a3) };
+ (@_WRAP ($a0:tt $a1:tt $a2:tt $a3:tt $a4:tt)) => {
+ ($a0, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4)
+ };
+ (@_WRAP ($a0:tt $a1:tt $a2:tt $a3:tt $a4:tt $a5:tt)) => {
+ ($a0, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5)
+ };
+ (@_WRAP ($a0:tt $a1:tt $a2:tt $a3:tt $a4:tt $a5:tt $a6:tt)) => {
+ ($a0, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5, $a6)
+ };
+ (@_WRAP ($a0:tt $a1:tt $a2:tt $a3:tt
+ $a4:tt $a5:tt $a6:tt $a7:tt)) => {
+ ($a0, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5, $a6, $a7)
+ };
+ (@_WRAP ($a0:tt $a1:tt $a2:tt $a3:tt $a4:tt
+ $a5:tt $a6:tt $a7:tt $a8:tt)) => {
+ ($a0, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5, $a6, $a7, $a8)
+ };
+ (@_WRAP ($a0:tt $a1:tt $a2:tt $a3:tt $a4:tt
+ $a5:tt $a6:tt $a7:tt $a8:tt $a9:tt)) => {
+ ($a0, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5, $a6, $a7, $a8, $a9)
+ };
+ (@_WRAP ($a:tt $($rest:tt)*)) => {
+ ($a, $crate::proptest_helper!(@_WRAP ($($rest)*)))
+ };
+ (@_WRAPPAT ($item:pat)) => { $item };
+ (@_WRAPPAT ($a0:pat, $a1:pat)) => { ($a0, $a1) };
+ (@_WRAPPAT ($a0:pat, $a1:pat, $a2:pat)) => { ($a0, $a1, $a2) };
+ (@_WRAPPAT ($a0:pat, $a1:pat, $a2:pat, $a3:pat)) => {
+ ($a0, $a1, $a2, $a3)
+ };
+ (@_WRAPPAT ($a0:pat, $a1:pat, $a2:pat, $a3:pat, $a4:pat)) => {
+ ($a0, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4)
+ };
+ (@_WRAPPAT ($a0:pat, $a1:pat, $a2:pat, $a3:pat, $a4:pat, $a5:pat)) => {
+ ($a0, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5)
+ };
+ (@_WRAPPAT ($a0:pat, $a1:pat, $a2:pat, $a3:pat,
+ $a4:pat, $a5:pat, $a6:pat)) => {
+ ($a0, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5, $a6)
+ };
+ (@_WRAPPAT ($a0:pat, $a1:pat, $a2:pat, $a3:pat,
+ $a4:pat, $a5:pat, $a6:pat, $a7:pat)) => {
+ ($a0, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5, $a6, $a7)
+ };
+ (@_WRAPPAT ($a0:pat, $a1:pat, $a2:pat, $a3:pat, $a4:pat,
+ $a5:pat, $a6:pat, $a7:pat, $a8:pat)) => {
+ ($a0, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5, $a6, $a7, $a8)
+ };
+ (@_WRAPPAT ($a0:pat, $a1:pat, $a2:pat, $a3:pat, $a4:pat,
+ $a5:pat, $a6:pat, $a7:pat, $a8:pat, $a9:pat)) => {
+ ($a0, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5, $a6, $a7, $a8, $a9)
+ };
+ (@_WRAPPAT ($a:pat, $($rest:pat),*)) => {
+ ($a, $crate::proptest_helper!(@_WRAPPAT ($($rest),*)))
+ };
+ (@_WRAPSTR ($item:pat)) => { stringify!($item) };
+ (@_WRAPSTR ($a0:pat, $a1:pat)) => { (stringify!($a0), stringify!($a1)) };
+ (@_WRAPSTR ($a0:pat, $a1:pat, $a2:pat)) => {
+ (stringify!($a0), stringify!($a1), stringify!($a2))
+ };
+ (@_WRAPSTR ($a0:pat, $a1:pat, $a2:pat, $a3:pat)) => {
+ (stringify!($a0), stringify!($a1), stringify!($a2), stringify!($a3))
+ };
+ (@_WRAPSTR ($a0:pat, $a1:pat, $a2:pat, $a3:pat, $a4:pat)) => {
+ (stringify!($a0), stringify!($a1), stringify!($a2),
+ stringify!($a3), stringify!($a4))
+ };
+ (@_WRAPSTR ($a0:pat, $a1:pat, $a2:pat, $a3:pat, $a4:pat, $a5:pat)) => {
+ (stringify!($a0), stringify!($a1), stringify!($a2), stringify!($a3),
+ stringify!($a4), stringify!($a5))
+ };
+ (@_WRAPSTR ($a0:pat, $a1:pat, $a2:pat, $a3:pat,
+ $a4:pat, $a5:pat, $a6:pat)) => {
+ (stringify!($a0), stringify!($a1), stringify!($a2), stringify!($a3),
+ stringify!($a4), stringify!($a5), stringify!($a6))
+ };
+ (@_WRAPSTR ($a0:pat, $a1:pat, $a2:pat, $a3:pat,
+ $a4:pat, $a5:pat, $a6:pat, $a7:pat)) => {
+ (stringify!($a0), stringify!($a1), stringify!($a2), stringify!($a3),
+ stringify!($a4), stringify!($a5), stringify!($a6), stringify!($a7))
+ };
+ (@_WRAPSTR ($a0:pat, $a1:pat, $a2:pat, $a3:pat, $a4:pat,
+ $a5:pat, $a6:pat, $a7:pat, $a8:pat)) => {
+ (stringify!($a0), stringify!($a1), stringify!($a2), stringify!($a3),
+ stringify!($a4), stringify!($a5), stringify!($a6), stringify!($a7),
+ stringify!($a8))
+ };
+ (@_WRAPSTR ($a0:pat, $a1:pat, $a2:pat, $a3:pat, $a4:pat,
+ $a5:pat, $a6:pat, $a7:pat, $a8:pat, $a9:pat)) => {
+ (stringify!($a0), stringify!($a1), stringify!($a2), stringify!($a3),
+ stringify!($a4), stringify!($a5), stringify!($a6), stringify!($a7),
+ stringify!($a8), stringify!($a9))
+ };
+ (@_WRAPSTR ($a:pat, $($rest:pat),*)) => {
+ (stringify!($a), $crate::proptest_helper!(@_WRAPSTR ($($rest),*)))
+ };
+ // build a property testing block that when executed, executes the full property test.
+ (@_BODY $config:ident ($($parm:pat in $strategy:expr),+) [$($mod:tt)*] $body:expr) => {{
+ $config.source_file = Some(file!());
+ let mut runner = $crate::test_runner::TestRunner::new($config);
+ let names = $crate::proptest_helper!(@_WRAPSTR ($($parm),*));
+ match
+ &$crate::strategy::Strategy::prop_map(
+ $crate::proptest_helper!(@_WRAP ($($strategy)*)),
+ |values| $crate::sugar::NamedArguments(names, values)),
+ $($mod)* |$crate::sugar::NamedArguments(
+ _, $crate::proptest_helper!(@_WRAPPAT ($($parm),*)))|
+ {
+ let _: () = $body;
+ Ok(())
+ })
+ {
+ Ok(_) => (),
+ Err(e) => panic!("{}\n{}", e, runner),
+ }
+ }};
+ // build a property testing block that when executed, executes the full property test.
+ (@_BODY2 $config:ident ($($arg:tt)+) [$($mod:tt)*] $body:expr) => {{
+ $config.source_file = Some(file!());
+ let mut runner = $crate::test_runner::TestRunner::new($config);
+ let names = $crate::proptest_helper!(@_EXT _STR ($($arg)*));
+ match
+ &$crate::strategy::Strategy::prop_map(
+ $crate::proptest_helper!(@_EXT _STRAT ($($arg)*)),
+ |values| $crate::sugar::NamedArguments(names, values)),
+ $($mod)* |$crate::sugar::NamedArguments(
+ _, $crate::proptest_helper!(@_EXT _PAT ($($arg)*)))|
+ {
+ let _: () = $body;
+ Ok(())
+ })
+ {
+ Ok(_) => (),
+ Err(e) => panic!("{}\n{}", e, runner),
+ }
+ }};
+ // The logic below helps support `pat: type` in the proptest! macro.
+ // These matchers define the actual logic:
+ (@_STRAT [$s:ty] [$p:pat]) => { $crate::arbitrary::any::<$s>() };
+ (@_PAT [$s:ty] [$p:pat]) => { $p };
+ (@_STR [$s:ty] [$p:pat]) => { stringify!($p) };
+ (@_STRAT in [$s:expr] [$p:pat]) => { $s };
+ (@_PAT in [$s:expr] [$p:pat]) => { $p };
+ (@_STR in [$s:expr] [$p:pat]) => { stringify!($p) };
+ // These matchers rewrite into the above extractors.
+ // We have to do this because `:` can't FOLLOW(pat).
+ // Note that this is not the full `pat` grammar...
+ // See for that.
+ (@_EXT $cmd:ident ($p:pat in $s:expr $(,)?)) => {
+ $crate::proptest_helper!(@$cmd in [$s] [$p])
+ };
+ (@_EXT $cmd:ident (($p:pat) : $s:ty $(,)?)) => {
+ // Users can wrap in parens as a last resort.
+ $crate::proptest_helper!(@$cmd [$s] [$p])
+ };
+ (@_EXT $cmd:ident (_ : $s:ty $(,)?)) => {
+ $crate::proptest_helper!(@$cmd [$s] [_])
+ };
+ (@_EXT $cmd:ident (ref mut $p:ident : $s:ty $(,)?)) => {
+ $crate::proptest_helper!(@$cmd [$s] [ref mut $p])
+ };
+ (@_EXT $cmd:ident (ref $p:ident : $s:ty $(,)?)) => {
+ $crate::proptest_helper!(@$cmd [$s] [ref $p])
+ };
+ (@_EXT $cmd:ident (mut $p:ident : $s:ty $(,)?)) => {
+ $crate::proptest_helper!(@$cmd [$s] [mut $p])
+ };
+ (@_EXT $cmd:ident ($p:ident : $s:ty $(,)?)) => {
+ $crate::proptest_helper!(@$cmd [$s] [$p])
+ };
+ (@_EXT $cmd:ident ([$($p:tt)*] : $s:ty $(,)?)) => {
+ $crate::proptest_helper!(@$cmd [$s] [[$($p)*]])
+ };
+ // Rewrite, Inductive case:
+ (@_EXT $cmd:ident ($p:pat in $s:expr, $($r:tt)*)) => {
+ ($crate::proptest_helper!(@$cmd in [$s] [$p]), $crate::proptest_helper!(@_EXT $cmd ($($r)*)))
+ };
+ (@_EXT $cmd:ident (($p:pat) : $s:ty, $($r:tt)*)) => {
+ ($crate::proptest_helper!(@$cmd [$s] [$p]), $crate::proptest_helper!(@_EXT $cmd ($($r)*)))
+ };
+ (@_EXT $cmd:ident (_ : $s:ty, $($r:tt)*)) => {
+ ($crate::proptest_helper!(@$cmd [$s] [_]), $crate::proptest_helper!(@_EXT $cmd ($($r)*)))
+ };
+ (@_EXT $cmd:ident (ref mut $p:ident : $s:ty, $($r:tt)*)) => {
+ ($crate::proptest_helper!(@$cmd [$s] [ref mut $p]), $crate::proptest_helper!(@_EXT $cmd ($($r)*)))
+ };
+ (@_EXT $cmd:ident (ref $p:ident : $s:ty, $($r:tt)*)) => {
+ ($crate::proptest_helper!(@$cmd [$s] [ref $p]), $crate::proptest_helper!(@_EXT $cmd ($($r)*)))
+ };
+ (@_EXT $cmd:ident (mut $p:ident : $s:ty, $($r:tt)*)) => {
+ ($crate::proptest_helper!(@$cmd [$s] [mut $p]), $crate::proptest_helper!(@_EXT $cmd ($($r)*)))
+ };
+ (@_EXT $cmd:ident ($p:ident : $s:ty, $($r:tt)*)) => {
+ ($crate::proptest_helper!(@$cmd [$s] [$p]), $crate::proptest_helper!(@_EXT $cmd ($($r)*)))
+ };
+ (@_EXT $cmd:ident ([$($p:tt)*] : $s:ty, $($r:tt)*)) => {
+ ($crate::proptest_helper!(@$cmd [$s] [[$($p)*]]), $crate::proptest_helper!(@_EXT $cmd ($($r)*)))
+ };
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct NamedArguments<N, V>(#[doc(hidden)] pub N, #[doc(hidden)] pub V);
+impl<V: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for NamedArguments<&'static str, V> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "{} = ", self.0)?;
+ self.1.fmt(f)
+ }
+macro_rules! named_arguments_tuple {
+ ($($ix:tt $argn:ident $argv:ident)*) => {
+ impl<'a, $($argn : Copy),*, $($argv),*> fmt::Debug
+ for NamedArguments<($($argn,)*),&'a ($($argv,)*)>
+ where $(NamedArguments<$argn, &'a $argv> : fmt::Debug),*,
+ $($argv : 'a),*
+ {
+ #[allow(unused_assignments)]
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ let mut first = true;
+ $(
+ if !first {
+ write!(f, ", ")?;
+ }
+ first = false;
+ fmt::Debug::fmt(
+ &NamedArguments((self.0).$ix, &(self.1).$ix), f)?;
+ )*
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ impl<$($argn : Copy),*, $($argv),*> fmt::Debug
+ for NamedArguments<($($argn,)*), ($($argv,)*)>
+ where $(for<'a> NamedArguments<$argn, &'a $argv> : fmt::Debug),*
+ {
+ #[allow(unused_assignments)]
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ let mut first = true;
+ $(
+ if !first {
+ write!(f, ", ")?;
+ }
+ first = false;
+ fmt::Debug::fmt(
+ &NamedArguments((self.0).$ix, &(self.1).$ix), f)?;
+ )*
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+named_arguments_tuple!(0 AN AV);
+named_arguments_tuple!(0 AN AV 1 BN BV);
+named_arguments_tuple!(0 AN AV 1 BN BV 2 CN CV);
+named_arguments_tuple!(0 AN AV 1 BN BV 2 CN CV 3 DN DV);
+named_arguments_tuple!(0 AN AV 1 BN BV 2 CN CV 3 DN DV 4 EN EV);
+named_arguments_tuple!(0 AN AV 1 BN BV 2 CN CV 3 DN DV 4 EN EV
+ 5 FN FV);
+named_arguments_tuple!(0 AN AV 1 BN BV 2 CN CV 3 DN DV 4 EN EV
+ 5 FN FV 6 GN GV);
+named_arguments_tuple!(0 AN AV 1 BN BV 2 CN CV 3 DN DV 4 EN EV
+ 5 FN FV 6 GN GV 7 HN HV);
+named_arguments_tuple!(0 AN AV 1 BN BV 2 CN CV 3 DN DV 4 EN EV
+ 5 FN FV 6 GN GV 7 HN HV 8 IN IV);
+named_arguments_tuple!(0 AN AV 1 BN BV 2 CN CV 3 DN DV 4 EN EV
+ 5 FN FV 6 GN GV 7 HN HV 8 IN IV 9 JN JV);
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+pub fn force_no_fork(config: &mut crate::test_runner::Config) {
+ if config.fork() {
+ eprintln!(
+ "proptest: Forking/timeout not supported in closure-style \
+ invocations; ignoring"
+ );
+ #[cfg(feature = "fork")]
+ {
+ config.fork = false;
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "timeout")]
+ {
+ config.timeout = 0;
+ }
+ assert!(!config.fork());
+ }
+#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
+pub fn force_no_fork(_: &mut crate::test_runner::Config) {}
+mod test {
+ use crate::strategy::Just;
+ prop_compose! {
+ /// These are docs!
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ fn two_ints(relative: i32)(a in 0..relative, b in relative..)
+ -> (i32, i32) {
+ (a, b)
+ }
+ }
+ prop_compose! {
+ /// These are docs!
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ pub fn two_ints_pub(relative: i32)(a in 0..relative, b in relative..)
+ -> (i32, i32) {
+ (a, b)
+ }
+ }
+ prop_compose! {
+ /// These are docs!
+ #[allow(dead_code, improper_ctypes_definitions)]
+ pub [extern "C"] fn two_ints_pub_with_attrs
+ (relative: i32)(a in 0..relative, b in relative..)
+ -> (i32, i32)
+ {
+ (a, b)
+ }
+ }
+ prop_compose! {
+ // The only modifier we can usefully put here is "unsafe", but we want
+ // to keep this crate unsafe-free, even nominally. "const" may
+ // eventually work, but is not allowed right now since the generated
+ // code contains local variables. `extern "C"` is accepted, even though
+ // the result is useless since the return type isn't C-compatible.
+ #[allow(dead_code, improper_ctypes_definitions)]
+ [extern "C"] fn with_modifier(relative: i32)(a in 0..relative) -> i32 {
+ a
+ }
+ }
+ prop_compose! {
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ fn a_less_than_b()(b in 0..1000)(a in 0..b, b in Just(b))
+ -> (i32, i32) {
+ (a, b)
+ }
+ }
+ proptest! {
+ #[test]
+ fn test_something(a in 0u32..42u32, b in 1u32..10u32) {
+ prop_assume!(a != 41 || b != 9);
+ assert!(a + b < 50);
+ }
+ }
+ prop_compose! {
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ fn single_closure_is_move(base: u64)(off in 0..10u64) -> u64 {
+ base + off
+ }
+ }
+ prop_compose! {
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ fn double_closure_is_move
+ (base: u64)
+ (off1 in 0..10u64)
+ (off2 in off1..off1+10)
+ -> u64
+ {
+ base + off2
+ }
+ }
+ #[allow(unused_variables)]
+ mod test_arg_counts {
+ use crate::strategy::Just;
+ proptest! {
+ #[test]
+ fn test_1_arg(a in Just(0)) { }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_2_arg(a in Just(0), b in Just(0)) { }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_3_arg(a in Just(0), b in Just(0), c in Just(0)) { }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_4_arg(a in Just(0), b in Just(0), c in Just(0),
+ d in Just(0)) { }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_5_arg(a in Just(0), b in Just(0), c in Just(0),
+ d in Just(0), e in Just(0)) { }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_6_arg(a in Just(0), b in Just(0), c in Just(0),
+ d in Just(0), e in Just(0), f in Just(0)) { }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_7_arg(a in Just(0), b in Just(0), c in Just(0),
+ d in Just(0), e in Just(0), f in Just(0),
+ g in Just(0)) { }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_8_arg(a in Just(0), b in Just(0), c in Just(0),
+ d in Just(0), e in Just(0), f in Just(0),
+ g in Just(0), h in Just(0)) { }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_9_arg(a in Just(0), b in Just(0), c in Just(0),
+ d in Just(0), e in Just(0), f in Just(0),
+ g in Just(0), h in Just(0), i in Just(0)) { }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_a_arg(a in Just(0), b in Just(0), c in Just(0),
+ d in Just(0), e in Just(0), f in Just(0),
+ g in Just(0), h in Just(0), i in Just(0),
+ j in Just(0)) { }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_b_arg(a in Just(0), b in Just(0), c in Just(0),
+ d in Just(0), e in Just(0), f in Just(0),
+ g in Just(0), h in Just(0), i in Just(0),
+ j in Just(0), k in Just(0)) { }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_c_arg(a in Just(0), b in Just(0), c in Just(0),
+ d in Just(0), e in Just(0), f in Just(0),
+ g in Just(0), h in Just(0), i in Just(0),
+ j in Just(0), k in Just(0), l in Just(0)) { }
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn named_arguments_is_debug_for_needed_cases() {
+ use super::NamedArguments;
+ println!("{:?}", NamedArguments("foo", &"bar"));
+ println!("{:?}", NamedArguments(("foo",), &(1,)));
+ println!("{:?}", NamedArguments(("foo", "bar"), &(1, 2)));
+ println!("{:?}", NamedArguments(("a", "b", "c"), &(1, 2, 3)));
+ println!("{:?}", NamedArguments(("a", "b", "c", "d"), &(1, 2, 3, 4)));
+ println!(
+ "{:?}",
+ NamedArguments(("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"), &(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
+ );
+ println!(
+ "{:?}",
+ NamedArguments(("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"), &(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))
+ );
+ println!(
+ "{:?}",
+ NamedArguments(
+ ("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"),
+ &(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
+ )
+ );
+ println!(
+ "{:?}",
+ NamedArguments(
+ ("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"),
+ &(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
+ )
+ );
+ println!(
+ "{:?}",
+ NamedArguments(
+ ("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"),
+ &(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
+ )
+ );
+ println!(
+ "{:?}",
+ NamedArguments(
+ ("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"),
+ &(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
+ )
+ );
+ println!(
+ "{:?}",
+ NamedArguments((("a", "b"), "c", "d"), &((1, 2), 3, 4))
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn oneof_all_counts() {
+ use crate::strategy::{Just as J, Strategy, TupleUnion, Union};
+ fn expect_count(n: usize, s: impl Strategy<Value = i32>) {
+ use crate::strategy::*;
+ use crate::test_runner::*;
+ use std::collections::HashSet;
+ let mut runner = TestRunner::default();
+ let mut seen = HashSet::new();
+ for _ in 0..1024 {
+ seen.insert(s.new_tree(&mut runner).unwrap().current());
+ }
+ assert_eq!(n, seen.len());
+ }
+ fn assert_static<T>(v: TupleUnion<T>) -> TupleUnion<T> {
+ v
+ }
+ fn assert_dynamic<T: Strategy>(v: Union<T>) -> Union<T> {
+ v
+ }
+ expect_count(1, prop_oneof![J(0i32)]);
+ expect_count(2, assert_static(prop_oneof![J(0i32), J(1i32),]));
+ expect_count(3, assert_static(prop_oneof![J(0i32), J(1i32), J(2i32),]));
+ expect_count(
+ 4,
+ assert_static(prop_oneof![J(0i32), J(1i32), J(2i32), J(3i32),]),
+ );
+ expect_count(
+ 5,
+ assert_static(prop_oneof![
+ J(0i32),
+ J(1i32),
+ J(2i32),
+ J(3i32),
+ J(4i32),
+ ]),
+ );
+ expect_count(
+ 6,
+ assert_static(prop_oneof![
+ J(0i32),
+ J(1i32),
+ J(2i32),
+ J(3i32),
+ J(4i32),
+ J(5i32),
+ ]),
+ );
+ expect_count(
+ 7,
+ assert_static(prop_oneof![
+ J(0i32),
+ J(1i32),
+ J(2i32),
+ J(3i32),
+ J(4i32),
+ J(5i32),
+ J(6i32),
+ ]),
+ );
+ expect_count(
+ 8,
+ assert_static(prop_oneof![
+ J(0i32),
+ J(1i32),
+ J(2i32),
+ J(3i32),
+ J(4i32),
+ J(5i32),
+ J(6i32),
+ J(7i32),
+ ]),
+ );
+ expect_count(
+ 9,
+ assert_static(prop_oneof![
+ J(0i32),
+ J(1i32),
+ J(2i32),
+ J(3i32),
+ J(4i32),
+ J(5i32),
+ J(6i32),
+ J(7i32),
+ J(8i32),
+ ]),
+ );
+ expect_count(
+ 10,
+ assert_static(prop_oneof![
+ J(0i32),
+ J(1i32),
+ J(2i32),
+ J(3i32),
+ J(4i32),
+ J(5i32),
+ J(6i32),
+ J(7i32),
+ J(8i32),
+ J(9i32),
+ ]),
+ );
+ expect_count(
+ 11,
+ assert_dynamic(prop_oneof![
+ J(0i32),
+ J(1i32),
+ J(2i32),
+ J(3i32),
+ J(4i32),
+ J(5i32),
+ J(6i32),
+ J(7i32),
+ J(8i32),
+ J(9i32),
+ J(10i32),
+ ]),
+ );
+ }
+#[cfg(all(test, feature = "timeout"))]
+mod test_timeout {
+ proptest! {
+ #![proptest_config(crate::test_runner::Config {
+ fork: true,
+ .. crate::test_runner::Config::default()
+ })]
+ // Ensure that the macro sets the test name properly. If it doesn't,
+ // this test will fail to run correctly.
+ #[test]
+ fn test_name_set_correctly_for_fork(_ in 0u32..1u32) { }
+ }
+mod another_test {
+ use crate::sugar;
+ // Ensure that we can access the `[pub]` composed function above.
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ fn can_access_pub_compose() {
+ let _ = sugar::test::two_ints_pub(42);
+ let _ = sugar::test::two_ints_pub_with_attrs(42);
+ }
+mod ownership_tests {
+ #[cfg(feature = "std")]
+ proptest! {
+ #[test]
+ fn accept_ref_arg(ref s in "[0-9]") {
+ use crate::std_facade::String;
+ fn assert_string(_s: &String) {}
+ assert_string(s);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn accept_move_arg(s in "[0-9]") {
+ use crate::std_facade::String;
+ fn assert_string(_s: String) {}
+ assert_string(s);
+ }
+ }
+ #[derive(Debug)]
+ struct NotClone();
+ const MK: fn() -> NotClone = NotClone;
+ proptest! {
+ #[test]
+ fn accept_noclone_arg(nc in MK) {
+ let _nc2: NotClone = nc;
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn accept_noclone_ref_arg(ref nc in MK) {
+ let _nc2: &NotClone = nc;
+ }
+ }
+mod closure_tests {
+ #[test]
+ fn test_simple() {
+ let x = 420;
+ proptest!(|(y: i32)| {
+ assert!(x != y);
+ });
+ proptest!(|(y in 0..100)| {
+ println!("{}", y);
+ assert!(x != y);
+ });
+ proptest!(|(y: i32,)| {
+ assert!(x != y);
+ });
+ proptest!(|(y in 0..100,)| {
+ println!("{}", y);
+ assert!(x != y);
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_move() {
+ let foo = Foo;
+ proptest!(move |(x in 1..100, y in 0..100)| {
+ assert!(x + y > 0, "foo: {:?}", foo);
+ });
+ let foo = Foo;
+ proptest!(move |(x: (), y: ())| {
+ assert!(x == y, "foo: {:?}", foo);
+ });
+ #[derive(Debug)]
+ struct Foo;
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic]
+ #[allow(unreachable_code)]
+ fn fails_if_closure_panics() {
+ proptest!(|(_ in 0..1)| {
+ panic!()
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn accepts_unblocked_syntax() {
+ proptest!(|(x in 0u32..10, y in 10u32..20)| assert!(x < y));
+ proptest!(|(x in 0u32..10, y in 10u32..20,)| assert!(x < y));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn accepts_custom_config() {
+ let conf = crate::test_runner::Config::default();
+ proptest!(conf, |(x in 0u32..10, y in 10u32..20)| assert!(x < y));
+ proptest!(&conf, |(x in 0u32..10, y in 10u32..20)| assert!(x < y));
+ proptest!(conf, move |(x in 0u32..10, y in 10u32..20)| assert!(x < y));
+ proptest!(conf, |(_x: u32, _y: u32)| { });
+ proptest!(conf, move |(_x: u32, _y: u32)| { });
+ // Same as above, but with extra trailing comma
+ proptest!(conf, |(x in 0u32..10, y in 10u32..20,)| assert!(x < y));
+ proptest!(&conf, |(x in 0u32..10, y in 10u32..20,)| assert!(x < y));
+ proptest!(conf, move |(x in 0u32..10, y in 10u32..20,)| assert!(x < y));
+ proptest!(conf, |(_x: u32, _y: u32,)| { });
+ proptest!(conf, move |(_x: u32, _y: u32,)| { });
+ }
+mod any_tests {
+ proptest! {
+ #[test]
+ fn test_something
+ (
+ a: bool,
+ b in 25u8..,
+ c in 25u8..,
+ _d: (),
+ mut _e: (),
+ ref _f: (),
+ ref mut _g: (),
+ [_, _]: [(); 2],
+ ) {
+ if a {} // Assert bool.
+ assert!(b as usize + c as usize >= 50);
+ }
+ }
+ // Test that the macro accepts some of the inputs we expect it to:
+ #[test]
+ fn proptest_ext_test() {
+ struct Y(pub u8);
+ let _ = proptest_helper!(@_EXT _STRAT( _ : u8 ));
+ let _ = proptest_helper!(@_EXT _STRAT( x : u8 ));
+ let _ = proptest_helper!(@_EXT _STRAT( ref x : u8 ));
+ let _ = proptest_helper!(@_EXT _STRAT( mut x : u8 ));
+ let _ = proptest_helper!(@_EXT _STRAT( ref mut x : u8 ));
+ let _ = proptest_helper!(@_EXT _STRAT( [_, _] : u8 ));
+ let _ = proptest_helper!(@_EXT _STRAT( (&mut &Y(ref x)) : u8 ));
+ let _ = proptest_helper!(@_EXT _STRAT( x in 1..2 ));
+ let proptest_helper!(@_EXT _PAT( _ : u8 )) = 1;
+ let proptest_helper!(@_EXT _PAT( _x : u8 )) = 1;
+ let proptest_helper!(@_EXT _PAT( mut _x : u8 )) = 1;
+ let proptest_helper!(@_EXT _PAT( ref _x : u8 )) = 1;
+ let proptest_helper!(@_EXT _PAT( ref mut _x : u8 )) = 1;
+ let proptest_helper!(@_EXT _PAT( [_, _] : u8 )) = [1, 2];
+ let proptest_helper!(@_EXT _PAT( (&mut &Y(ref _x)) : u8 )) = &mut &Y(1);
+ let proptest_helper!(@_EXT _PAT( _x in 1..2 )) = 1;
+ }