path: root/vendor/rand-0.7.3/benches/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/rand-0.7.3/benches/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/rand-0.7.3/benches/ b/vendor/rand-0.7.3/benches/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e264083d..000000000
--- a/vendor/rand-0.7.3/benches/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 Developers of the Rand project.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-//> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
-extern crate test;
-const RAND_BENCH_N: u64 = 1000;
-const BYTES_LEN: usize = 1024;
-use std::mem::size_of;
-use test::{black_box, Bencher};
-use rand::prelude::*;
-use rand::rngs::adapter::ReseedingRng;
-use rand::rngs::{mock::StepRng, OsRng};
-use rand_chacha::{ChaCha12Rng, ChaCha20Core, ChaCha20Rng, ChaCha8Rng};
-use rand_hc::Hc128Rng;
-use rand_pcg::{Pcg32, Pcg64, Pcg64Mcg};
-macro_rules! gen_bytes {
- ($fnn:ident, $gen:expr) => {
- #[bench]
- fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let mut rng = $gen;
- let mut buf = [0u8; BYTES_LEN];
- b.iter(|| {
- for _ in 0..RAND_BENCH_N {
- rng.fill_bytes(&mut buf);
- black_box(buf);
- }
- });
- b.bytes = BYTES_LEN as u64 * RAND_BENCH_N;
- }
- };
-gen_bytes!(gen_bytes_step, StepRng::new(0, 1));
-gen_bytes!(gen_bytes_pcg32, Pcg32::from_entropy());
-gen_bytes!(gen_bytes_pcg64, Pcg64::from_entropy());
-gen_bytes!(gen_bytes_pcg64mcg, Pcg64Mcg::from_entropy());
-gen_bytes!(gen_bytes_chacha8, ChaCha8Rng::from_entropy());
-gen_bytes!(gen_bytes_chacha12, ChaCha12Rng::from_entropy());
-gen_bytes!(gen_bytes_chacha20, ChaCha20Rng::from_entropy());
-gen_bytes!(gen_bytes_hc128, Hc128Rng::from_entropy());
-gen_bytes!(gen_bytes_std, StdRng::from_entropy());
-#[cfg(feature = "small_rng")]
-gen_bytes!(gen_bytes_small, SmallRng::from_entropy());
-gen_bytes!(gen_bytes_os, OsRng);
-macro_rules! gen_uint {
- ($fnn:ident, $ty:ty, $gen:expr) => {
- #[bench]
- fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let mut rng = $gen;
- b.iter(|| {
- let mut accum: $ty = 0;
- for _ in 0..RAND_BENCH_N {
- accum = accum.wrapping_add(rng.gen::<$ty>());
- }
- accum
- });
- b.bytes = size_of::<$ty>() as u64 * RAND_BENCH_N;
- }
- };
-gen_uint!(gen_u32_step, u32, StepRng::new(0, 1));
-gen_uint!(gen_u32_pcg32, u32, Pcg32::from_entropy());
-gen_uint!(gen_u32_pcg64, u32, Pcg64::from_entropy());
-gen_uint!(gen_u32_pcg64mcg, u32, Pcg64Mcg::from_entropy());
-gen_uint!(gen_u32_chacha8, u32, ChaCha8Rng::from_entropy());
-gen_uint!(gen_u32_chacha12, u32, ChaCha12Rng::from_entropy());
-gen_uint!(gen_u32_chacha20, u32, ChaCha20Rng::from_entropy());
-gen_uint!(gen_u32_hc128, u32, Hc128Rng::from_entropy());
-gen_uint!(gen_u32_std, u32, StdRng::from_entropy());
-#[cfg(feature = "small_rng")]
-gen_uint!(gen_u32_small, u32, SmallRng::from_entropy());
-gen_uint!(gen_u32_os, u32, OsRng);
-gen_uint!(gen_u64_step, u64, StepRng::new(0, 1));
-gen_uint!(gen_u64_pcg32, u64, Pcg32::from_entropy());
-gen_uint!(gen_u64_pcg64, u64, Pcg64::from_entropy());
-gen_uint!(gen_u64_pcg64mcg, u64, Pcg64Mcg::from_entropy());
-gen_uint!(gen_u64_chacha8, u64, ChaCha8Rng::from_entropy());
-gen_uint!(gen_u64_chacha12, u64, ChaCha12Rng::from_entropy());
-gen_uint!(gen_u64_chacha20, u64, ChaCha20Rng::from_entropy());
-gen_uint!(gen_u64_hc128, u64, Hc128Rng::from_entropy());
-gen_uint!(gen_u64_std, u64, StdRng::from_entropy());
-#[cfg(feature = "small_rng")]
-gen_uint!(gen_u64_small, u64, SmallRng::from_entropy());
-gen_uint!(gen_u64_os, u64, OsRng);
-macro_rules! init_gen {
- ($fnn:ident, $gen:ident) => {
- #[bench]
- fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let mut rng = Pcg32::from_entropy();
- b.iter(|| {
- let r2 = $gen::from_rng(&mut rng).unwrap();
- r2
- });
- }
- };
-init_gen!(init_pcg32, Pcg32);
-init_gen!(init_pcg64, Pcg64);
-init_gen!(init_pcg64mcg, Pcg64Mcg);
-init_gen!(init_hc128, Hc128Rng);
-init_gen!(init_chacha, ChaCha20Rng);
-const RESEEDING_BYTES_LEN: usize = 1024 * 1024;
-const RESEEDING_BENCH_N: u64 = 16;
-macro_rules! reseeding_bytes {
- ($fnn:ident, $thresh:expr) => {
- #[bench]
- fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let mut rng = ReseedingRng::new(ChaCha20Core::from_entropy(), $thresh * 1024, OsRng);
- let mut buf = [0u8; RESEEDING_BYTES_LEN];
- b.iter(|| {
- for _ in 0..RESEEDING_BENCH_N {
- rng.fill_bytes(&mut buf);
- black_box(&buf);
- }
- });
- }
- };
-reseeding_bytes!(reseeding_chacha20_4k, 4);
-reseeding_bytes!(reseeding_chacha20_16k, 16);
-reseeding_bytes!(reseeding_chacha20_32k, 32);
-reseeding_bytes!(reseeding_chacha20_64k, 64);
-reseeding_bytes!(reseeding_chacha20_256k, 256);
-reseeding_bytes!(reseeding_chacha20_1M, 1024);
-macro_rules! threadrng_uint {
- ($fnn:ident, $ty:ty) => {
- #[bench]
- fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let mut rng = thread_rng();
- b.iter(|| {
- let mut accum: $ty = 0;
- for _ in 0..RAND_BENCH_N {
- accum = accum.wrapping_add(rng.gen::<$ty>());
- }
- accum
- });
- b.bytes = size_of::<$ty>() as u64 * RAND_BENCH_N;
- }
- };
-threadrng_uint!(thread_rng_u32, u32);
-threadrng_uint!(thread_rng_u64, u64);