path: root/vendor/regex-automata-0.1.10/src/
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+A low level regular expression library that uses deterministic finite automata.
+It supports a rich syntax with Unicode support, has extensive options for
+configuring the best space vs time trade off for your use case and provides
+support for cheap deserialization of automata for use in `no_std` environments.
+# Overview
+This section gives a brief overview of the primary types in this crate:
+* A [`Regex`](struct.Regex.html) provides a way to search for matches of a
+ regular expression. This includes iterating over matches with both the start
+ and end positions of each match.
+* A [`RegexBuilder`](struct.RegexBuilder.html) provides a way configure many
+ compilation options for a regex.
+* A [`DenseDFA`](enum.DenseDFA.html) provides low level access to a DFA that
+ uses a dense representation (uses lots of space, but fast searching).
+* A [`SparseDFA`](enum.SparseDFA.html) provides the same API as a `DenseDFA`,
+ but uses a sparse representation (uses less space, but slower matching).
+* A [`DFA`](trait.DFA.html) trait that defines an interface that all DFAs must
+ implement.
+* Both dense DFAs and sparse DFAs support
+ [serialization to raw bytes](enum.DenseDFA.html#method.to_bytes_little_endian)
+ and
+ [cheap deserialization](enum.DenseDFA.html#method.from_bytes).
+# Example: basic regex searching
+This example shows how to compile a regex using the default configuration
+and then use it to find matches in a byte string:
+use regex_automata::Regex;
+let re = Regex::new(r"[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}").unwrap();
+let text = b"2018-12-24 2016-10-08";
+let matches: Vec<(usize, usize)> = re.find_iter(text).collect();
+assert_eq!(matches, vec![(0, 10), (11, 21)]);
+# Example: use sparse DFAs
+By default, compiling a regex will use dense DFAs internally. This uses more
+memory, but executes searches more quickly. If you can abide slower searches
+(somewhere around 3-5x), then sparse DFAs might make more sense since they can
+use significantly less space.
+Using sparse DFAs is as easy as using `Regex::new_sparse` instead of
+use regex_automata::Regex;
+# fn example() -> Result<(), regex_automata::Error> {
+let re = Regex::new_sparse(r"[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}").unwrap();
+let text = b"2018-12-24 2016-10-08";
+let matches: Vec<(usize, usize)> = re.find_iter(text).collect();
+assert_eq!(matches, vec![(0, 10), (11, 21)]);
+# Ok(()) }; example().unwrap()
+If you already have dense DFAs for some reason, they can be converted to sparse
+DFAs and used to build a new `Regex`. For example:
+use regex_automata::Regex;
+# fn example() -> Result<(), regex_automata::Error> {
+let dense_re = Regex::new(r"[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}").unwrap();
+let sparse_re = Regex::from_dfas(
+ dense_re.forward().to_sparse()?,
+ dense_re.reverse().to_sparse()?,
+let text = b"2018-12-24 2016-10-08";
+let matches: Vec<(usize, usize)> = sparse_re.find_iter(text).collect();
+assert_eq!(matches, vec![(0, 10), (11, 21)]);
+# Ok(()) }; example().unwrap()
+# Example: deserialize a DFA
+This shows how to first serialize a DFA into raw bytes, and then deserialize
+those raw bytes back into a DFA. While this particular example is a bit
+contrived, this same technique can be used in your program to deserialize a
+DFA at start up time or by memory mapping a file. In particular,
+deserialization is guaranteed to be cheap because it will always be a constant
+time operation.
+use regex_automata::{DenseDFA, Regex};
+# fn example() -> Result<(), regex_automata::Error> {
+let re1 = Regex::new(r"[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}").unwrap();
+// serialize both the forward and reverse DFAs, see note below
+let fwd_bytes = re1.forward().to_u16()?.to_bytes_native_endian()?;
+let rev_bytes = re1.reverse().to_u16()?.to_bytes_native_endian()?;
+// now deserialize both---we need to specify the correct type!
+let fwd: DenseDFA<&[u16], u16> = unsafe { DenseDFA::from_bytes(&fwd_bytes) };
+let rev: DenseDFA<&[u16], u16> = unsafe { DenseDFA::from_bytes(&rev_bytes) };
+// finally, reconstruct our regex
+let re2 = Regex::from_dfas(fwd, rev);
+// we can use it like normal
+let text = b"2018-12-24 2016-10-08";
+let matches: Vec<(usize, usize)> = re2.find_iter(text).collect();
+assert_eq!(matches, vec![(0, 10), (11, 21)]);
+# Ok(()) }; example().unwrap()
+There are a few points worth noting here:
+* We need to extract the raw DFAs used by the regex and serialize those. You
+ can build the DFAs manually yourself using
+ [`dense::Builder`](dense/struct.Builder.html), but using the DFAs from a
+ `Regex` guarantees that the DFAs are built correctly.
+* We specifically convert the dense DFA to a representation that uses `u16`
+ for its state identifiers using
+ [`DenseDFA::to_u16`](enum.DenseDFA.html#method.to_u16). While this isn't
+ strictly necessary, if we skipped this step, then the serialized bytes would
+ use `usize` for state identifiers, which does not have a fixed size. Using
+ `u16` ensures that we can deserialize this DFA even on platforms with a
+ smaller pointer size. If our DFA is too big for `u16` state identifiers, then
+ one can use `u32` or `u64`.
+* To convert the DFA to raw bytes, we use the `to_bytes_native_endian`
+ method. In practice, you'll want to use either
+ [`DenseDFA::to_bytes_little_endian`](enum.DenseDFA.html#method.to_bytes_little_endian)
+ or
+ [`DenseDFA::to_bytes_big_endian`](enum.DenseDFA.html#method.to_bytes_big_endian),
+ depending on which platform you're deserializing your DFA from. If you intend
+ to deserialize on either platform, then you'll need to serialize both and
+ deserialize the right one depending on your target's endianness.
+* Deserializing a DFA requires the use of `unsafe` because the raw bytes must
+ be *trusted*. In particular, while some degree of sanity checks are
+ performed, nothing guarantees the integrity of the DFA's transition table
+ since deserialization is a constant time operation. Since searching with a
+ DFA must be able to follow transitions blindly for performance reasons,
+ giving incorrect bytes to the deserialization API can result in memory
+ unsafety.
+The same process can be achieved with sparse DFAs as well:
+use regex_automata::{SparseDFA, Regex};
+# fn example() -> Result<(), regex_automata::Error> {
+let re1 = Regex::new(r"[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}").unwrap();
+// serialize both
+let fwd_bytes = re1.forward().to_u16()?.to_sparse()?.to_bytes_native_endian()?;
+let rev_bytes = re1.reverse().to_u16()?.to_sparse()?.to_bytes_native_endian()?;
+// now deserialize both---we need to specify the correct type!
+let fwd: SparseDFA<&[u8], u16> = unsafe { SparseDFA::from_bytes(&fwd_bytes) };
+let rev: SparseDFA<&[u8], u16> = unsafe { SparseDFA::from_bytes(&rev_bytes) };
+// finally, reconstruct our regex
+let re2 = Regex::from_dfas(fwd, rev);
+// we can use it like normal
+let text = b"2018-12-24 2016-10-08";
+let matches: Vec<(usize, usize)> = re2.find_iter(text).collect();
+assert_eq!(matches, vec![(0, 10), (11, 21)]);
+# Ok(()) }; example().unwrap()
+Note that unlike dense DFAs, sparse DFAs have no alignment requirements.
+Conversely, dense DFAs must be be aligned to the same alignment as their
+state identifier representation.
+# Support for `no_std`
+This crate comes with a `std` feature that is enabled by default. When the
+`std` feature is enabled, the API of this crate will include the facilities
+necessary for compiling, serializing, deserializing and searching with regular
+expressions. When the `std` feature is disabled, the API of this crate will
+shrink such that it only includes the facilities necessary for deserializing
+and searching with regular expressions.
+The intended workflow for `no_std` environments is thus as follows:
+* Write a program with the `std` feature that compiles and serializes a
+ regular expression. Serialization should only happen after first converting
+ the DFAs to use a fixed size state identifier instead of the default `usize`.
+ You may also need to serialize both little and big endian versions of each
+ DFA. (So that's 4 DFAs in total for each regex.)
+* In your `no_std` environment, follow the examples above for deserializing
+ your previously serialized DFAs into regexes. You can then search with them
+ as you would any regex.
+Deserialization can happen anywhere. For example, with bytes embedded into a
+binary or with a file memory mapped at runtime.
+Note that the
+tool will do the first step for you with its `dfa` or `regex` sub-commands.
+# Syntax
+This crate supports the same syntax as the `regex` crate, since they share the
+same parser. You can find an exhaustive list of supported syntax in the
+[documentation for the `regex` crate](
+Currently, there are a couple limitations. In general, this crate does not
+support zero-width assertions, although they may be added in the future. This
+* Anchors such as `^`, `$`, `\A` and `\z`.
+* Word boundary assertions such as `\b` and `\B`.
+It is possible to run a search that is anchored at the beginning of the input.
+To do that, set the
+option when building a regex. By default, all searches are unanchored.
+# Differences with the regex crate
+The main goal of the [`regex`]( crate is to serve as a
+general purpose regular expression engine. It aims to automatically balance low
+compile times, fast search times and low memory usage, while also providing
+a convenient API for users. In contrast, this crate provides a lower level
+regular expression interface that is a bit less convenient while providing more
+explicit control over memory usage and search times.
+Here are some specific negative differences:
+* **Compilation can take an exponential amount of time and space** in the size
+ of the regex pattern. While most patterns do not exhibit worst case
+ exponential time, such patterns do exist. For example, `[01]*1[01]{N}` will
+ build a DFA with `2^(N+1)` states. For this reason, untrusted patterns should
+ not be compiled with this library. (In the future, the API may expose an
+ option to return an error if the DFA gets too big.)
+* This crate does not support sub-match extraction, which can be achieved with
+ the regex crate's "captures" API. This may be added in the future, but is
+ unlikely.
+* While the regex crate doesn't necessarily sport fast compilation times, the
+ regexes in this crate are almost universally slow to compile, especially when
+ they contain large Unicode character classes. For example, on my system,
+ compiling `\w{3}` with byte classes enabled takes just over 1 second and
+ almost 5MB of memory! (Compiling a sparse regex takes about the same time
+ but only uses about 500KB of memory.) Conversly, compiling the same regex
+ without Unicode support, e.g., `(?-u)\w{3}`, takes under 1 millisecond and
+ less than 5KB of memory. For this reason, you should only use Unicode
+ character classes if you absolutely need them!
+* This crate does not support regex sets.
+* This crate does not support zero-width assertions such as `^`, `$`, `\b` or
+ `\B`.
+* As a lower level crate, this library does not do literal optimizations. In
+ exchange, you get predictable performance regardless of input. The
+ philosophy here is that literal optimizations should be applied at a higher
+ level, although there is no easy support for this in the ecosystem yet.
+* There is no `&str` API like in the regex crate. In this crate, all APIs
+ operate on `&[u8]`. By default, match indices are guaranteed to fall on
+ UTF-8 boundaries, unless
+ [`RegexBuilder::allow_invalid_utf8`](struct.RegexBuilder.html#method.allow_invalid_utf8)
+ is enabled.
+With some of the downsides out of the way, here are some positive differences:
+* Both dense and sparse DFAs can be serialized to raw bytes, and then cheaply
+ deserialized. Deserialization always takes constant time since searching can
+ be performed directly on the raw serialized bytes of a DFA.
+* This crate was specifically designed so that the searching phase of a DFA has
+ minimal runtime requirements, and can therefore be used in `no_std`
+ environments. While `no_std` environments cannot compile regexes, they can
+ deserialize pre-compiled regexes.
+* Since this crate builds DFAs ahead of time, it will generally out-perform
+ the `regex` crate on equivalent tasks. The performance difference is likely
+ not large. However, because of a complex set of optimizations in the regex
+ crate (like literal optimizations), an accurate performance comparison may be
+ difficult to do.
+* Sparse DFAs provide a way to build a DFA ahead of time that sacrifices search
+ performance a small amount, but uses much less storage space. Potentially
+ even less than what the regex crate uses.
+* This crate exposes DFAs directly, such as
+ [`DenseDFA`](enum.DenseDFA.html) and [`SparseDFA`](enum.SparseDFA.html),
+ which enables one to do less work in some cases. For example, if you only
+ need the end of a match and not the start of a match, then you can use a DFA
+ directly without building a `Regex`, which always requires a second DFA to
+ find the start of a match.
+* Aside from choosing between dense and sparse DFAs, there are several options
+ for configuring the space usage vs search time trade off. These include
+ things like choosing a smaller state identifier representation, to
+ premultiplying state identifiers and splitting a DFA's alphabet into
+ equivalence classes. Finally, DFA minimization is also provided, but can
+ increase compilation times dramatically.
+#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+extern crate core;
+#[cfg(all(test, feature = "transducer"))]
+extern crate bstr;
+#[cfg(feature = "transducer")]
+extern crate fst;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+extern crate regex_syntax;
+pub use dense::DenseDFA;
+pub use dfa::DFA;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+pub use error::{Error, ErrorKind};
+pub use regex::Regex;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+pub use regex::RegexBuilder;
+pub use sparse::SparseDFA;
+pub use state_id::StateID;
+mod byteorder;
+mod classes;
+#[path = ""]
+mod dense_imp;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+mod determinize;
+mod dfa;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+mod error;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+mod minimize;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+pub mod nfa;
+mod regex;
+#[path = ""]
+mod sparse_imp;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+mod sparse_set;
+mod state_id;
+#[cfg(feature = "transducer")]
+mod transducer;
+/// Types and routines specific to dense DFAs.
+/// This module is the home of [`DenseDFA`](enum.DenseDFA.html) and each of its
+/// corresponding variant DFA types, such as [`Standard`](struct.Standard.html)
+/// and [`ByteClass`](struct.ByteClass.html).
+/// This module also contains a [builder](struct.Builder.html) for
+/// configuring the construction of a dense DFA.
+pub mod dense {
+ pub use dense_imp::*;
+/// Types and routines specific to sparse DFAs.
+/// This module is the home of [`SparseDFA`](enum.SparseDFA.html) and each of
+/// its corresponding variant DFA types, such as
+/// [`Standard`](struct.Standard.html) and
+/// [`ByteClass`](struct.ByteClass.html).
+/// Unlike the [`dense`](../dense/index.html) module, this module does not
+/// contain a builder specific for sparse DFAs. Instead, the intended way to
+/// build a sparse DFA is either by using a default configuration with its
+/// [constructor](,
+/// or by first
+/// [configuring the construction of a dense DFA](../dense/struct.Builder.html)
+/// and then calling
+/// [`DenseDFA::to_sparse`](../enum.DenseDFA.html#method.to_sparse).
+pub mod sparse {
+ pub use sparse_imp::*;