path: root/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa
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diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dbfeb7932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+// This module defines some core types for dealing with accelerated DFA states.
+// Briefly, a DFA state can be "accelerated" if all of its transitions except
+// for a few loop back to itself. This directly implies that the only way out
+// of such a state is if a byte corresponding to one of those non-loopback
+// transitions is found. Such states are often found in simple repetitions in
+// non-Unicode regexes. For example, consider '(?-u)[^a]+a'. We can look at its
+// DFA with regex-cli:
+// $ regex-cli debug dfa dense '(?-u)[^a]+a' -BbC
+// dense::DFA(
+// D 000000:
+// Q 000001:
+// *000002:
+// A 000003: \x00-` => 3, a => 5, b-\xFF => 3
+// >000004: \x00-` => 3, a => 4, b-\xFF => 3
+// 000005: \x00-\xFF => 2, EOI => 2
+// )
+// In particular, state 3 is accelerated (shown via the 'A' indicator) since
+// the only way to leave that state once entered is to see an 'a' byte. If
+// there is a long run of non-'a' bytes, then using something like 'memchr'
+// to find the next 'a' byte can be significantly faster than just using the
+// standard byte-at-a-time state machine.
+// Unfortunately, this optimization rarely applies when Unicode is enabled.
+// For example, patterns like '[^a]' don't actually match any byte that isn't
+// 'a', but rather, any UTF-8 encoding of a Unicode scalar value that isn't
+// 'a'. This makes the state machine much more complex---far beyond a single
+// state---and removes the ability to easily accelerate it. (Because if the
+// machine sees a non-UTF-8 sequence, then the machine won't match through it.)
+// In practice, we only consider accelerating states that have 3 or fewer
+// non-loop transitions. At a certain point, you get diminishing returns, but
+// also because that's what the memchr crate supports. The structures below
+// hard-code this assumption and provide (de)serialization APIs for use inside
+// a DFA.
+// And finally, note that there is some trickery involved in making it very
+// fast to not only check whether a state is accelerated at search time, but
+// also to access the bytes to search for to implement the acceleration itself.
+// dfa/ provides more detail, but the short story is that all
+// accelerated states appear contiguously in a DFA. This means we can represent
+// the ID space of all accelerated DFA states with a single range. So given
+// a state ID, we can determine whether it's accelerated via
+// min_accel_id <= id <= max_accel_id
+// And find its corresponding accelerator with:
+// accels.get((id - min_accel_id) / dfa_stride)
+use core::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+use alloc::{vec, vec::Vec};
+use crate::util::bytes::{self, DeserializeError, Endian, SerializeError};
+/// The base type used to represent a collection of accelerators.
+/// While an `Accel` is represented as a fixed size array of bytes, a
+/// *collection* of `Accel`s (called `Accels`) is represented internally as a
+/// slice of u32. While it's a bit unnatural to do this and costs us a bit of
+/// fairly low-risk not-safe code, it lets us remove the need for a second type
+/// parameter in the definition of dense::DFA. (Which really wants everything
+/// to be a slice of u32.)
+type AccelTy = u32;
+/// The size of the unit of representation for accelerators.
+/// ACCEL_CAP *must* be a multiple of this size.
+const ACCEL_TY_SIZE: usize = core::mem::size_of::<AccelTy>();
+/// The maximum length in bytes that a single Accel can be. This is distinct
+/// from the capacity of an accelerator in that the length represents only the
+/// bytes that should be read.
+const ACCEL_LEN: usize = 4;
+/// The capacity of each accelerator, in bytes. We set this to 8 since it's a
+/// multiple of 4 (our ID size) and because it gives us a little wiggle room
+/// if we want to support more accel bytes in the future without a breaking
+/// change.
+/// This MUST be a multiple of ACCEL_TY_SIZE.
+const ACCEL_CAP: usize = 8;
+/// Search for between 1 and 3 needle bytes in the given haystack, starting the
+/// search at the given position. If `needles` has a length other than 1-3,
+/// then this panics.
+pub(crate) fn find_fwd(
+ needles: &[u8],
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ at: usize,
+) -> Option<usize> {
+ let bs = needles;
+ let i = match needles.len() {
+ 1 => memchr::memchr(bs[0], &haystack[at..])?,
+ 2 => memchr::memchr2(bs[0], bs[1], &haystack[at..])?,
+ 3 => memchr::memchr3(bs[0], bs[1], bs[2], &haystack[at..])?,
+ 0 => panic!("cannot find with empty needles"),
+ n => panic!("invalid needles length: {}", n),
+ };
+ Some(at + i)
+/// Search for between 1 and 3 needle bytes in the given haystack in reverse,
+/// starting the search at the given position. If `needles` has a length other
+/// than 1-3, then this panics.
+pub(crate) fn find_rev(
+ needles: &[u8],
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ at: usize,
+) -> Option<usize> {
+ let bs = needles;
+ match needles.len() {
+ 1 => memchr::memrchr(bs[0], &haystack[]),
+ 2 => memchr::memrchr2(bs[0], bs[1], &haystack[]),
+ 3 => memchr::memrchr3(bs[0], bs[1], bs[2], &haystack[]),
+ 0 => panic!("cannot find with empty needles"),
+ n => panic!("invalid needles length: {}", n),
+ }
+/// Represents the accelerators for all accelerated states in a dense DFA.
+/// The `A` type parameter represents the type of the underlying bytes.
+/// Generally, this is either `&[AccelTy]` or `Vec<AccelTy>`.
+pub(crate) struct Accels<A> {
+ /// A length prefixed slice of contiguous accelerators. See the top comment
+ /// in this module for more details on how we can jump from a DFA's state
+ /// ID to an accelerator in this list.
+ ///
+ /// The first 4 bytes always correspond to the number of accelerators
+ /// that follow.
+ accels: A,
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl Accels<Vec<AccelTy>> {
+ /// Create an empty sequence of accelerators for a DFA.
+ pub fn empty() -> Accels<Vec<AccelTy>> {
+ Accels { accels: vec![0] }
+ }
+ /// Add an accelerator to this sequence.
+ ///
+ /// This adds to the accelerator to the end of the sequence and therefore
+ /// should be done in correspondence with its state in the DFA.
+ ///
+ /// This panics if this results in more accelerators than AccelTy::MAX.
+ pub fn add(&mut self, accel: Accel) {
+ self.accels.extend_from_slice(&accel.as_accel_tys());
+ let len = self.len();
+ self.set_len(len + 1);
+ }
+ /// Set the number of accelerators in this sequence, which is encoded in
+ /// the first 4 bytes of the underlying bytes.
+ fn set_len(&mut self, new_len: usize) {
+ // The only way an accelerator gets added is if a state exists for
+ // it, and if a state exists, then its index is guaranteed to be
+ // representable by a AccelTy by virtue of the guarantees provided by
+ // StateID.
+ let new_len = AccelTy::try_from(new_len).unwrap();
+ self.accels[0] = new_len;
+ }
+impl<'a> Accels<&'a [AccelTy]> {
+ /// Deserialize a sequence of accelerators from the given bytes. If there
+ /// was a problem deserializing, then an error is returned.
+ ///
+ /// This is guaranteed to run in constant time. This does not guarantee
+ /// that every accelerator in the returned collection is valid. Thus,
+ /// accessing one may panic, or not-safe code that relies on accelerators
+ /// being correct my result in UB.
+ ///
+ /// Callers may check the validity of every accelerator with the `validate`
+ /// method.
+ pub unsafe fn from_bytes_unchecked(
+ mut slice: &'a [u8],
+ ) -> Result<(Accels<&'a [AccelTy]>, usize), DeserializeError> {
+ let slice_start = slice.as_ptr() as usize;
+ let (count, _) =
+ bytes::try_read_u32_as_usize(slice, "accelerators count")?;
+ // The accelerator count is part of the accel_tys slice that
+ // we deserialize. This is perhaps a bit idiosyncratic. It would
+ // probably be better to split out the count into a real field.
+ let accel_tys_count = bytes::add(
+ bytes::mul(count, 2, "total number of accelerator accel_tys")?,
+ 1,
+ "total number of accel_tys",
+ )?;
+ let accel_tys_len = bytes::mul(
+ accel_tys_count,
+ "total number of bytes in accelerators",
+ )?;
+ bytes::check_slice_len(slice, accel_tys_len, "accelerators")?;
+ bytes::check_alignment::<AccelTy>(slice)?;
+ let accel_tys = &slice[..accel_tys_len];
+ slice = &slice[accel_tys_len..];
+ // SAFETY: We've checked the length and alignment above, and since
+ // slice is just bytes, we can safely cast to a slice of &[AccelTy].
+ #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+ let accels = unsafe {
+ core::slice::from_raw_parts(
+ accel_tys.as_ptr() as *const AccelTy,
+ accel_tys_count,
+ )
+ };
+ Ok((Accels { accels }, slice.as_ptr() as usize - slice_start))
+ }
+impl<A: AsRef<[AccelTy]>> Accels<A> {
+ /// Return an owned version of the accelerators.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub fn to_owned(&self) -> Accels<Vec<AccelTy>> {
+ Accels { accels: self.accels.as_ref().to_vec() }
+ }
+ /// Return a borrowed version of the accelerators.
+ pub fn as_ref(&self) -> Accels<&[AccelTy]> {
+ Accels { accels: self.accels.as_ref() }
+ }
+ /// Return the bytes representing the serialization of the accelerators.
+ pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
+ let accels = self.accels.as_ref();
+ // SAFETY: This is safe because accels is a just a slice of AccelTy,
+ // and u8 always has a smaller alignment.
+ unsafe {
+ core::slice::from_raw_parts(
+ accels.as_ptr() as *const u8,
+ accels.len() * ACCEL_TY_SIZE,
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the memory usage, in bytes, of these accelerators.
+ ///
+ /// The memory usage is computed based on the number of bytes used to
+ /// represent all of the accelerators.
+ ///
+ /// This does **not** include the stack size used by this value.
+ pub fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
+ self.as_bytes().len()
+ }
+ /// Return the bytes to search for corresponding to the accelerator in this
+ /// sequence at index `i`. If no such accelerator exists, then this panics.
+ ///
+ /// The significance of the index is that it should be in correspondence
+ /// with the index of the corresponding DFA. That is, accelerated DFA
+ /// states are stored contiguously in the DFA and have an ordering implied
+ /// by their respective state IDs. The state's index in that sequence
+ /// corresponds to the index of its corresponding accelerator.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ pub fn needles(&self, i: usize) -> &[u8] {
+ if i >= self.len() {
+ panic!("invalid accelerator index {}", i);
+ }
+ let bytes = self.as_bytes();
+ let offset = ACCEL_TY_SIZE + i * ACCEL_CAP;
+ let len = bytes[offset] as usize;
+ &bytes[offset + 1..offset + 1 + len]
+ }
+ /// Return the total number of accelerators in this sequence.
+ pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ // This should never panic since deserialization checks that the
+ // length can fit into a usize.
+ usize::try_from(self.accels.as_ref()[0]).unwrap()
+ }
+ /// Return the accelerator in this sequence at index `i`. If no such
+ /// accelerator exists, then this returns None.
+ ///
+ /// See the docs for `needles` on the significance of the index.
+ fn get(&self, i: usize) -> Option<Accel> {
+ if i >= self.len() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let offset = ACCEL_TY_SIZE + i * ACCEL_CAP;
+ let accel = Accel::from_slice(&self.as_bytes()[offset..])
+ .expect("Accels must contain valid accelerators");
+ Some(accel)
+ }
+ /// Returns an iterator of accelerators in this sequence.
+ fn iter(&self) -> IterAccels<'_, A> {
+ IterAccels { accels: self, i: 0 }
+ }
+ /// Writes these accelerators to the given byte buffer using the indicated
+ /// endianness. If the given buffer is too small, then an error is
+ /// returned. Upon success, the total number of bytes written is returned.
+ /// The number of bytes written is guaranteed to be a multiple of 8.
+ pub fn write_to<E: Endian>(
+ &self,
+ dst: &mut [u8],
+ ) -> Result<usize, SerializeError> {
+ let nwrite = self.write_to_len();
+ assert_eq!(
+ nwrite % ACCEL_TY_SIZE,
+ 0,
+ "expected accelerator bytes written to be a multiple of {}",
+ );
+ if dst.len() < nwrite {
+ return Err(SerializeError::buffer_too_small("accelerators"));
+ }
+ // The number of accelerators can never exceed AccelTy::MAX.
+ E::write_u32(AccelTy::try_from(self.len()).unwrap(), dst);
+ // The actual accelerators are just raw bytes and thus their endianness
+ // is irrelevant. So we can copy them as bytes.
+ dst[ACCEL_TY_SIZE..nwrite]
+ .copy_from_slice(&self.as_bytes()[ACCEL_TY_SIZE..nwrite]);
+ Ok(nwrite)
+ }
+ /// Validates that every accelerator in this collection can be successfully
+ /// deserialized as a valid accelerator.
+ pub fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), DeserializeError> {
+ for chunk in self.as_bytes()[ACCEL_TY_SIZE..].chunks(ACCEL_CAP) {
+ let _ = Accel::from_slice(chunk)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Returns the total number of bytes written by `write_to`.
+ pub fn write_to_len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.as_bytes().len()
+ }
+impl<A: AsRef<[AccelTy]>> core::fmt::Debug for Accels<A> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "Accels(")?;
+ let mut list = f.debug_list();
+ for a in self.iter() {
+ list.entry(&a);
+ }
+ list.finish()?;
+ write!(f, ")")
+ }
+struct IterAccels<'a, A: AsRef<[AccelTy]>> {
+ accels: &'a Accels<A>,
+ i: usize,
+impl<'a, A: AsRef<[AccelTy]>> Iterator for IterAccels<'a, A> {
+ type Item = Accel;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Accel> {
+ let accel = self.accels.get(self.i)?;
+ self.i += 1;
+ Some(accel)
+ }
+/// Accel represents a structure for determining how to "accelerate" a DFA
+/// state.
+/// Namely, it contains zero or more bytes that must be seen in order for the
+/// DFA to leave the state it is associated with. In practice, the actual range
+/// is 1 to 3 bytes.
+/// The purpose of acceleration is to identify states whose vast majority
+/// of transitions are just loops back to the same state. For example,
+/// in the regex `(?-u)^[^a]+b`, the corresponding DFA will have a state
+/// (corresponding to `[^a]+`) where all transitions *except* for `a` and
+/// `b` loop back to itself. Thus, this state can be "accelerated" by simply
+/// looking for the next occurrence of either `a` or `b` instead of explicitly
+/// following transitions. (In this case, `b` transitions to the next state
+/// where as `a` would transition to the dead state.)
+pub(crate) struct Accel {
+ /// The first byte is the length. Subsequent bytes are the accelerated
+ /// bytes.
+ ///
+ /// Note that we make every accelerator 8 bytes as a slightly wasteful
+ /// way of making sure alignment is always correct for state ID sizes of
+ /// 1, 2, 4 and 8. This should be okay since accelerated states aren't
+ /// particularly common, especially when Unicode is enabled.
+ bytes: [u8; ACCEL_CAP],
+impl Accel {
+ /// Returns an empty accel, where no bytes are accelerated.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub fn new() -> Accel {
+ Accel { bytes: [0; ACCEL_CAP] }
+ }
+ /// Returns a verified accelerator derived from the beginning of the given
+ /// slice.
+ ///
+ /// If the slice is not long enough or contains invalid bytes for an
+ /// accelerator, then this returns an error.
+ pub fn from_slice(mut slice: &[u8]) -> Result<Accel, DeserializeError> {
+ slice = &slice[..core::cmp::min(ACCEL_LEN, slice.len())];
+ let bytes = slice
+ .try_into()
+ .map_err(|_| DeserializeError::buffer_too_small("accelerator"))?;
+ Accel::from_bytes(bytes)
+ }
+ /// Returns a verified accelerator derived from raw bytes.
+ ///
+ /// If the given bytes are invalid, then this returns an error.
+ fn from_bytes(bytes: [u8; 4]) -> Result<Accel, DeserializeError> {
+ if bytes[0] as usize >= ACCEL_LEN {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic(
+ "accelerator bytes cannot have length more than 3",
+ ));
+ }
+ Ok(Accel::from_bytes_unchecked(bytes))
+ }
+ /// Returns an accelerator derived from raw bytes.
+ ///
+ /// This does not check whether the given bytes are valid. Invalid bytes
+ /// cannot sacrifice memory safety, but may result in panics or silent
+ /// logic bugs.
+ fn from_bytes_unchecked(bytes: [u8; 4]) -> Accel {
+ Accel { bytes: [bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3], 0, 0, 0, 0] }
+ }
+ /// Attempts to add the given byte to this accelerator. If the accelerator
+ /// is already full then this returns false. Otherwise, returns true.
+ ///
+ /// If the given byte is already in this accelerator, then it panics.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub fn add(&mut self, byte: u8) -> bool {
+ if self.len() >= 3 {
+ return false;
+ }
+ assert!(
+ !self.contains(byte),
+ "accelerator already contains {:?}",
+ crate::util::DebugByte(byte)
+ );
+ self.bytes[self.len() + 1] = byte;
+ self.bytes[0] += 1;
+ true
+ }
+ /// Return the number of bytes in this accelerator.
+ pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.bytes[0] as usize
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if there are no bytes in this accelerator.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+ self.len() == 0
+ }
+ /// Returns the slice of bytes to accelerate.
+ ///
+ /// If this accelerator is empty, then this returns an empty slice.
+ fn needles(&self) -> &[u8] {
+ &self.bytes[1..1 + self.len()]
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if this accelerator will accelerate the given
+ /// byte.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ fn contains(&self, byte: u8) -> bool {
+ self.needles().iter().position(|&b| b == byte).is_some()
+ }
+ /// Returns the accelerator bytes as an array of AccelTys.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ fn as_accel_tys(&self) -> [AccelTy; 2] {
+ assert_eq!(ACCEL_CAP, 8);
+ // These unwraps are OK since ACCEL_CAP is set to 8.
+ let first =
+ AccelTy::from_ne_bytes(self.bytes[0..4].try_into().unwrap());
+ let second =
+ AccelTy::from_ne_bytes(self.bytes[4..8].try_into().unwrap());
+ [first, second]
+ }
+impl core::fmt::Debug for Accel {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "Accel(")?;
+ let mut set = f.debug_set();
+ for &b in self.needles() {
+ set.entry(&crate::util::DebugByte(b));
+ }
+ set.finish()?;
+ write!(f, ")")
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08bd6722a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
@@ -0,0 +1,1903 @@
+use crate::{
+ dfa::search,
+ util::{
+ id::{PatternID, StateID},
+ matchtypes::{HalfMatch, MatchError},
+ prefilter,
+ },
+/// A trait describing the interface of a deterministic finite automaton (DFA).
+/// The complexity of this trait probably means that it's unlikely for others
+/// to implement it. The primary purpose of the trait is to provide for a way
+/// of abstracting over different types of DFAs. In this crate, that means
+/// dense DFAs and sparse DFAs. (Dense DFAs are fast but memory hungry, where
+/// as sparse DFAs are slower but come with a smaller memory footprint. But
+/// they otherwise provide exactly equivalent expressive power.) For example, a
+/// [`dfa::regex::Regex`](crate::dfa::regex::Regex) is generic over this trait.
+/// Normally, a DFA's execution model is very simple. You might have a single
+/// start state, zero or more final or "match" states and a function that
+/// transitions from one state to the next given the next byte of input.
+/// Unfortunately, the interface described by this trait is significantly
+/// more complicated than this. The complexity has a number of different
+/// reasons, mostly motivated by performance, functionality or space savings:
+/// * A DFA can search for multiple patterns simultaneously. This
+/// means extra information is returned when a match occurs. Namely,
+/// a match is not just an offset, but an offset plus a pattern ID.
+/// [`Automaton::pattern_count`] returns the number of patterns compiled into
+/// the DFA, [`Automaton::match_count`] returns the total number of patterns
+/// that match in a particular state and [`Automaton::match_pattern`] permits
+/// iterating over the patterns that match in a particular state.
+/// * A DFA can have multiple start states, and the choice of which start
+/// state to use depends on the content of the string being searched and
+/// position of the search, as well as whether the search is an anchored
+/// search for a specific pattern in the DFA. Moreover, computing the start
+/// state also depends on whether you're doing a forward or a reverse search.
+/// [`Automaton::start_state_forward`] and [`Automaton::start_state_reverse`]
+/// are used to compute the start state for forward and reverse searches,
+/// respectively.
+/// * All matches are delayed by one byte to support things like `$` and `\b`
+/// at the end of a pattern. Therefore, every use of a DFA is required to use
+/// [`Automaton::next_eoi_state`]
+/// at the end of the search to compute the final transition.
+/// * For optimization reasons, some states are treated specially. Every
+/// state is either special or not, which can be determined via the
+/// [`Automaton::is_special_state`] method. If it's special, then the state
+/// must be at least one of a few possible types of states. (Note that some
+/// types can overlap, for example, a match state can also be an accel state.
+/// But some types can't. If a state is a dead state, then it can never be any
+/// other type of state.) Those types are:
+/// * A dead state. A dead state means the DFA will never enter a match
+/// state. This can be queried via the [`Automaton::is_dead_state`] method.
+/// * A quit state. A quit state occurs if the DFA had to stop the search
+/// prematurely for some reason. This can be queried via the
+/// [`Automaton::is_quit_state`] method.
+/// * A match state. A match state occurs when a match is found. When a DFA
+/// enters a match state, the search may stop immediately (when looking
+/// for the earliest match), or it may continue to find the leftmost-first
+/// match. This can be queried via the [`Automaton::is_match_state`]
+/// method.
+/// * A start state. A start state is where a search begins. For every
+/// search, there is exactly one start state that is used, however, a
+/// DFA may contain many start states. When the search is in a start
+/// state, it may use a prefilter to quickly skip to candidate matches
+/// without executing the DFA on every byte. This can be queried via the
+/// [`Automaton::is_start_state`] method.
+/// * An accel state. An accel state is a state that is accelerated.
+/// That is, it is a state where _most_ of its transitions loop back to
+/// itself and only a small number of transitions lead to other states.
+/// This kind of state is said to be accelerated because a search routine
+/// can quickly look for the bytes leading out of the state instead of
+/// continuing to execute the DFA on each byte. This can be queried via the
+/// [`Automaton::is_accel_state`] method. And the bytes that lead out of
+/// the state can be queried via the [`Automaton::accelerator`] method.
+/// There are a number of provided methods on this trait that implement
+/// efficient searching (for forwards and backwards) with a DFA using all of
+/// the above features of this trait. In particular, given the complexity of
+/// all these features, implementing a search routine in this trait is not
+/// straight forward. If you need to do this for specialized reasons, then
+/// it's recommended to look at the source of this crate. It is intentionally
+/// well commented to help with this. With that said, it is possible to
+/// somewhat simplify the search routine. For example, handling accelerated
+/// states is strictly optional, since it is always correct to assume that
+/// `Automaton::is_accel_state` returns false. However, one complex part of
+/// writing a search routine using this trait is handling the 1-byte delay of a
+/// match. That is not optional.
+/// # Safety
+/// This trait is unsafe to implement because DFA searching may rely on the
+/// correctness of the implementation for memory safety. For example, DFA
+/// searching may use explicit bounds check elision, which will in turn rely
+/// on the correctness of every function that returns a state ID.
+/// When implementing this trait, one must uphold the documented correctness
+/// guarantees. Otherwise, undefined behavior may occur.
+pub unsafe trait Automaton {
+ /// Transitions from the current state to the next state, given the next
+ /// byte of input.
+ ///
+ /// Implementations must guarantee that the returned ID is always a valid
+ /// ID when `current` refers to a valid ID. Moreover, the transition
+ /// function must be defined for all possible values of `input`.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// If the given ID does not refer to a valid state, then this routine
+ /// may panic but it also may not panic and instead return an invalid ID.
+ /// However, if the caller provides an invalid ID then this must never
+ /// sacrifice memory safety.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This shows a simplistic example for walking a DFA for a given haystack
+ /// by using the `next_state` method.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::dfa::{Automaton, dense};
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::DFA::new(r"[a-z]+r")?;
+ /// let haystack = "bar".as_bytes();
+ ///
+ /// // The start state is determined by inspecting the position and the
+ /// // initial bytes of the haystack.
+ /// let mut state = dfa.start_state_forward(
+ /// None, haystack, 0, haystack.len(),
+ /// );
+ /// // Walk all the bytes in the haystack.
+ /// for &b in haystack {
+ /// state = dfa.next_state(state, b);
+ /// }
+ /// // Matches are always delayed by 1 byte, so we must explicitly walk the
+ /// // special "EOI" transition at the end of the search.
+ /// state = dfa.next_eoi_state(state);
+ /// assert!(dfa.is_match_state(state));
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn next_state(&self, current: StateID, input: u8) -> StateID;
+ /// Transitions from the current state to the next state, given the next
+ /// byte of input.
+ ///
+ /// Unlike [`Automaton::next_state`], implementations may implement this
+ /// more efficiently by assuming that the `current` state ID is valid.
+ /// Typically, this manifests by eliding bounds checks.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// Callers of this method must guarantee that `current` refers to a valid
+ /// state ID. If `current` is not a valid state ID for this automaton, then
+ /// calling this routine may result in undefined behavior.
+ ///
+ /// If `current` is valid, then implementations must guarantee that the ID
+ /// returned is valid for all possible values of `input`.
+ unsafe fn next_state_unchecked(
+ &self,
+ current: StateID,
+ input: u8,
+ ) -> StateID;
+ /// Transitions from the current state to the next state for the special
+ /// EOI symbol.
+ ///
+ /// Implementations must guarantee that the returned ID is always a valid
+ /// ID when `current` refers to a valid ID.
+ ///
+ /// This routine must be called at the end of every search in a correct
+ /// implementation of search. Namely, DFAs in this crate delay matches
+ /// by one byte in order to support look-around operators. Thus, after
+ /// reaching the end of a haystack, a search implementation must follow one
+ /// last EOI transition.
+ ///
+ /// It is best to think of EOI as an additional symbol in the alphabet of
+ /// a DFA that is distinct from every other symbol. That is, the alphabet
+ /// of DFAs in this crate has a logical size of 257 instead of 256, where
+ /// 256 corresponds to every possible inhabitant of `u8`. (In practice, the
+ /// physical alphabet size may be smaller because of alphabet compression
+ /// via equivalence classes, but EOI is always represented somehow in the
+ /// alphabet.)
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// If the given ID does not refer to a valid state, then this routine
+ /// may panic but it also may not panic and instead return an invalid ID.
+ /// However, if the caller provides an invalid ID then this must never
+ /// sacrifice memory safety.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This shows a simplistic example for walking a DFA for a given haystack,
+ /// and then finishing the search with the final EOI transition.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::dfa::{Automaton, dense};
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::DFA::new(r"[a-z]+r")?;
+ /// let haystack = "bar".as_bytes();
+ ///
+ /// // The start state is determined by inspecting the position and the
+ /// // initial bytes of the haystack.
+ /// let mut state = dfa.start_state_forward(
+ /// None, haystack, 0, haystack.len(),
+ /// );
+ /// // Walk all the bytes in the haystack.
+ /// for &b in haystack {
+ /// state = dfa.next_state(state, b);
+ /// }
+ /// // Matches are always delayed by 1 byte, so we must explicitly walk
+ /// // the special "EOI" transition at the end of the search. Without this
+ /// // final transition, the assert below will fail since the DFA will not
+ /// // have entered a match state yet!
+ /// state = dfa.next_eoi_state(state);
+ /// assert!(dfa.is_match_state(state));
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn next_eoi_state(&self, current: StateID) -> StateID;
+ /// Return the ID of the start state for this DFA when executing a forward
+ /// search.
+ ///
+ /// Unlike typical DFA implementations, the start state for DFAs in this
+ /// crate is dependent on a few different factors:
+ ///
+ /// * The pattern ID, if present. When the underlying DFA has been compiled
+ /// with multiple patterns _and_ the DFA has been configured to compile
+ /// an anchored start state for each pattern, then a pattern ID may be
+ /// specified to execute an anchored search for that specific pattern.
+ /// If `pattern_id` is invalid or if the DFA doesn't have start states
+ /// compiled for each pattern, then implementations must panic. DFAs in
+ /// this crate can be configured to compile start states for each pattern
+ /// via
+ /// [`dense::Config::starts_for_each_pattern`](crate::dfa::dense::Config::starts_for_each_pattern).
+ /// * When `start > 0`, the byte at index `start - 1` may influence the
+ /// start state if the regex uses `^` or `\b`.
+ /// * Similarly, when `start == 0`, it may influence the start state when
+ /// the regex uses `^` or `\A`.
+ /// * Currently, `end` is unused.
+ /// * Whether the search is a forward or reverse search. This routine can
+ /// only be used for forward searches.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// Implementations must panic if `start..end` is not a valid sub-slice of
+ /// `bytes`. Implementations must also panic if `pattern_id` is non-None
+ /// and does not refer to a valid pattern, or if the DFA was not compiled
+ /// with anchored start states for each pattern.
+ fn start_state_forward(
+ &self,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> StateID;
+ /// Return the ID of the start state for this DFA when executing a reverse
+ /// search.
+ ///
+ /// Unlike typical DFA implementations, the start state for DFAs in this
+ /// crate is dependent on a few different factors:
+ ///
+ /// * The pattern ID, if present. When the underlying DFA has been compiled
+ /// with multiple patterns _and_ the DFA has been configured to compile an
+ /// anchored start state for each pattern, then a pattern ID may be
+ /// specified to execute an anchored search for that specific pattern. If
+ /// `pattern_id` is invalid or if the DFA doesn't have start states compiled
+ /// for each pattern, then implementations must panic. DFAs in this crate
+ /// can be configured to compile start states for each pattern via
+ /// [`dense::Config::starts_for_each_pattern`](crate::dfa::dense::Config::starts_for_each_pattern).
+ /// * When `end < bytes.len()`, the byte at index `end` may influence the
+ /// start state if the regex uses `$` or `\b`.
+ /// * Similarly, when `end == bytes.len()`, it may influence the start
+ /// state when the regex uses `$` or `\z`.
+ /// * Currently, `start` is unused.
+ /// * Whether the search is a forward or reverse search. This routine can
+ /// only be used for reverse searches.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// Implementations must panic if `start..end` is not a valid sub-slice of
+ /// `bytes`. Implementations must also panic if `pattern_id` is non-None
+ /// and does not refer to a valid pattern, or if the DFA was not compiled
+ /// with anchored start states for each pattern.
+ fn start_state_reverse(
+ &self,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> StateID;
+ /// Returns true if and only if the given identifier corresponds to a
+ /// "special" state. A special state is one or more of the following:
+ /// a dead state, a quit state, a match state, a start state or an
+ /// accelerated state.
+ ///
+ /// A correct implementation _may_ always return false for states that
+ /// are either start states or accelerated states, since that information
+ /// is only intended to be used for optimization purposes. Correct
+ /// implementations must return true if the state is a dead, quit or match
+ /// state. This is because search routines using this trait must be able
+ /// to rely on `is_special_state` as an indicator that a state may need
+ /// special treatment. (For example, when a search routine sees a dead
+ /// state, it must terminate.)
+ ///
+ /// This routine permits search implementations to use a single branch to
+ /// check whether a state needs special attention before executing the next
+ /// transition. The example below shows how to do this.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how `is_special_state` can be used to implement a
+ /// correct search routine with minimal branching. In particular, this
+ /// search routine implements "leftmost" matching, which means that it
+ /// doesn't immediately stop once a match is found. Instead, it continues
+ /// until it reaches a dead state.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, dense},
+ /// HalfMatch, MatchError, PatternID,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// fn find_leftmost_first<A: Automaton>(
+ /// dfa: &A,
+ /// haystack: &[u8],
+ /// ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ /// // The start state is determined by inspecting the position and the
+ /// // initial bytes of the haystack. Note that start states can never
+ /// // be match states (since DFAs in this crate delay matches by 1
+ /// // byte), so we don't need to check if the start state is a match.
+ /// let mut state = dfa.start_state_forward(
+ /// None, haystack, 0, haystack.len(),
+ /// );
+ /// let mut last_match = None;
+ /// // Walk all the bytes in the haystack. We can quit early if we see
+ /// // a dead or a quit state. The former means the automaton will
+ /// // never transition to any other state. The latter means that the
+ /// // automaton entered a condition in which its search failed.
+ /// for (i, &b) in haystack.iter().enumerate() {
+ /// state = dfa.next_state(state, b);
+ /// if dfa.is_special_state(state) {
+ /// if dfa.is_match_state(state) {
+ /// last_match = Some(HalfMatch::new(
+ /// dfa.match_pattern(state, 0),
+ /// i,
+ /// ));
+ /// } else if dfa.is_dead_state(state) {
+ /// return Ok(last_match);
+ /// } else if dfa.is_quit_state(state) {
+ /// // It is possible to enter into a quit state after
+ /// // observing a match has occurred. In that case, we
+ /// // should return the match instead of an error.
+ /// if last_match.is_some() {
+ /// return Ok(last_match);
+ /// }
+ /// return Err(MatchError::Quit { byte: b, offset: i });
+ /// }
+ /// // Implementors may also want to check for start or accel
+ /// // states and handle them differently for performance
+ /// // reasons. But it is not necessary for correctness.
+ /// }
+ /// }
+ /// // Matches are always delayed by 1 byte, so we must explicitly walk
+ /// // the special "EOI" transition at the end of the search.
+ /// state = dfa.next_eoi_state(state);
+ /// if dfa.is_match_state(state) {
+ /// last_match = Some(HalfMatch::new(
+ /// dfa.match_pattern(state, 0),
+ /// haystack.len(),
+ /// ));
+ /// }
+ /// Ok(last_match)
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// // We use a greedy '+' operator to show how the search doesn't just
+ /// // stop once a match is detected. It continues extending the match.
+ /// // Using '[a-z]+?' would also work as expected and stop the search
+ /// // early. Greediness is built into the automaton.
+ /// let dfa = dense::DFA::new(r"[a-z]+")?;
+ /// let haystack = "123 foobar 4567".as_bytes();
+ /// let mat = find_leftmost_first(&dfa, haystack)?.unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(mat.pattern().as_usize(), 0);
+ /// assert_eq!(mat.offset(), 10);
+ ///
+ /// // Here's another example that tests our handling of the special EOI
+ /// // transition. This will fail to find a match if we don't call
+ /// // 'next_eoi_state' at the end of the search since the match isn't
+ /// // found until the final byte in the haystack.
+ /// let dfa = dense::DFA::new(r"[0-9]{4}")?;
+ /// let haystack = "123 foobar 4567".as_bytes();
+ /// let mat = find_leftmost_first(&dfa, haystack)?.unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(mat.pattern().as_usize(), 0);
+ /// assert_eq!(mat.offset(), 15);
+ ///
+ /// // And note that our search implementation above automatically works
+ /// // with multi-DFAs. Namely, `dfa.match_pattern(match_state, 0)` selects
+ /// // the appropriate pattern ID for us.
+ /// let dfa = dense::DFA::new_many(&[r"[a-z]+", r"[0-9]+"])?;
+ /// let haystack = "123 foobar 4567".as_bytes();
+ /// let mat = find_leftmost_first(&dfa, haystack)?.unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(mat.pattern().as_usize(), 1);
+ /// assert_eq!(mat.offset(), 3);
+ /// let mat = find_leftmost_first(&dfa, &haystack[3..])?.unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(mat.pattern().as_usize(), 0);
+ /// assert_eq!(mat.offset(), 7);
+ /// let mat = find_leftmost_first(&dfa, &haystack[10..])?.unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(mat.pattern().as_usize(), 1);
+ /// assert_eq!(mat.offset(), 5);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn is_special_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool;
+ /// Returns true if and only if the given identifier corresponds to a dead
+ /// state. When a DFA enters a dead state, it is impossible to leave. That
+ /// is, every transition on a dead state by definition leads back to the
+ /// same dead state.
+ ///
+ /// In practice, the dead state always corresponds to the identifier `0`.
+ /// Moreover, in practice, there is only one dead state.
+ ///
+ /// The existence of a dead state is not strictly required in the classical
+ /// model of finite state machines, where one generally only cares about
+ /// the question of whether an input sequence matches or not. Dead states
+ /// are not needed to answer that question, since one can immediately quit
+ /// as soon as one enters a final or "match" state. However, we don't just
+ /// care about matches but also care about the location of matches, and
+ /// more specifically, care about semantics like "greedy" matching.
+ ///
+ /// For example, given the pattern `a+` and the input `aaaz`, the dead
+ /// state won't be entered until the state machine reaches `z` in the
+ /// input, at which point, the search routine can quit. But without the
+ /// dead state, the search routine wouldn't know when to quit. In a
+ /// classical representation, the search routine would stop after seeing
+ /// the first `a` (which is when the search would enter a match state). But
+ /// this wouldn't implement "greedy" matching where `a+` matches as many
+ /// `a`'s as possible.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// See the example for [`Automaton::is_special_state`] for how to use this
+ /// method correctly.
+ fn is_dead_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool;
+ /// Returns true if and only if the given identifier corresponds to a quit
+ /// state. A quit state is like a dead state (it has no transitions other
+ /// than to itself), except it indicates that the DFA failed to complete
+ /// the search. When this occurs, callers can neither accept or reject that
+ /// a match occurred.
+ ///
+ /// In practice, the quit state always corresponds to the state immediately
+ /// following the dead state. (Which is not usually represented by `1`,
+ /// since state identifiers are pre-multiplied by the state machine's
+ /// alphabet stride, and the alphabet stride varies between DFAs.)
+ ///
+ /// By default, state machines created by this crate will never enter a
+ /// quit state. Since entering a quit state is the only way for a DFA
+ /// in this crate to fail at search time, it follows that the default
+ /// configuration can never produce a match error. Nevertheless, handling
+ /// quit states is necessary to correctly support all configurations in
+ /// this crate.
+ ///
+ /// The typical way in which a quit state can occur is when heuristic
+ /// support for Unicode word boundaries is enabled via the
+ /// [`dense::Config::unicode_word_boundary`](crate::dfa::dense::Config::unicode_word_boundary)
+ /// option. But other options, like the lower level
+ /// [`dense::Config::quit`](crate::dfa::dense::Config::quit)
+ /// configuration, can also result in a quit state being entered. The
+ /// purpose of the quit state is to provide a way to execute a fast DFA
+ /// in common cases while delegating to slower routines when the DFA quits.
+ ///
+ /// The default search implementations provided by this crate will return
+ /// a [`MatchError::Quit`](crate::MatchError::Quit) error when a quit state
+ /// is entered.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// See the example for [`Automaton::is_special_state`] for how to use this
+ /// method correctly.
+ fn is_quit_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool;
+ /// Returns true if and only if the given identifier corresponds to a
+ /// match state. A match state is also referred to as a "final" state and
+ /// indicates that a match has been found.
+ ///
+ /// If all you care about is whether a particular pattern matches in the
+ /// input sequence, then a search routine can quit early as soon as the
+ /// machine enters a match state. However, if you're looking for the
+ /// standard "leftmost-first" match location, then search _must_ continue
+ /// until either the end of the input or until the machine enters a dead
+ /// state. (Since either condition implies that no other useful work can
+ /// be done.) Namely, when looking for the location of a match, then
+ /// search implementations should record the most recent location in
+ /// which a match state was entered, but otherwise continue executing the
+ /// search as normal. (The search may even leave the match state.) Once
+ /// the termination condition is reached, the most recently recorded match
+ /// location should be returned.
+ ///
+ /// Finally, one additional power given to match states in this crate
+ /// is that they are always associated with a specific pattern in order
+ /// to support multi-DFAs. See [`Automaton::match_pattern`] for more
+ /// details and an example for how to query the pattern associated with a
+ /// particular match state.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// See the example for [`Automaton::is_special_state`] for how to use this
+ /// method correctly.
+ fn is_match_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool;
+ /// Returns true if and only if the given identifier corresponds to a
+ /// start state. A start state is a state in which a DFA begins a search.
+ /// All searches begin in a start state. Moreover, since all matches are
+ /// delayed by one byte, a start state can never be a match state.
+ ///
+ /// The main role of a start state is, as mentioned, to be a starting
+ /// point for a DFA. This starting point is determined via one of
+ /// [`Automaton::start_state_forward`] or
+ /// [`Automaton::start_state_reverse`], depending on whether one is doing
+ /// a forward or a reverse search, respectively.
+ ///
+ /// A secondary use of start states is for prefix acceleration. Namely,
+ /// while executing a search, if one detects that you're in a start state,
+ /// then it may be faster to look for the next match of a prefix of the
+ /// pattern, if one exists. If a prefix exists and since all matches must
+ /// begin with that prefix, then skipping ahead to occurrences of that
+ /// prefix may be much faster than executing the DFA.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to implement your own search routine that does
+ /// a prefix search whenever the search enters a start state.
+ ///
+ /// Note that you do not need to implement your own search routine to
+ /// make use of prefilters like this. The search routines provided
+ /// by this crate already implement prefilter support via the
+ /// [`Prefilter`](crate::util::prefilter::Prefilter) trait. The various
+ /// `find_*_at` routines on this trait support the `Prefilter` trait
+ /// through [`Scanner`](crate::util::prefilter::Scanner)s. This example is
+ /// meant to show how you might deal with prefilters in a simplified case
+ /// if you are implementing your own search routine.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// MatchError, PatternID,
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, dense},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// fn find_byte(slice: &[u8], at: usize, byte: u8) -> Option<usize> {
+ /// // Would be faster to use the memchr crate, but this is still
+ /// // faster than running through the DFA.
+ /// slice[at..].iter().position(|&b| b == byte).map(|i| at + i)
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// fn find_leftmost_first<A: Automaton>(
+ /// dfa: &A,
+ /// haystack: &[u8],
+ /// prefix_byte: Option<u8>,
+ /// ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ /// // See the Automaton::is_special_state example for similar code
+ /// // with more comments.
+ ///
+ /// let mut state = dfa.start_state_forward(
+ /// None, haystack, 0, haystack.len(),
+ /// );
+ /// let mut last_match = None;
+ /// let mut pos = 0;
+ /// while pos < haystack.len() {
+ /// let b = haystack[pos];
+ /// state = dfa.next_state(state, b);
+ /// pos += 1;
+ /// if dfa.is_special_state(state) {
+ /// if dfa.is_match_state(state) {
+ /// last_match = Some(HalfMatch::new(
+ /// dfa.match_pattern(state, 0),
+ /// pos - 1,
+ /// ));
+ /// } else if dfa.is_dead_state(state) {
+ /// return Ok(last_match);
+ /// } else if dfa.is_quit_state(state) {
+ /// // It is possible to enter into a quit state after
+ /// // observing a match has occurred. In that case, we
+ /// // should return the match instead of an error.
+ /// if last_match.is_some() {
+ /// return Ok(last_match);
+ /// }
+ /// return Err(MatchError::Quit {
+ /// byte: b, offset: pos - 1,
+ /// });
+ /// } else if dfa.is_start_state(state) {
+ /// // If we're in a start state and know all matches begin
+ /// // with a particular byte, then we can quickly skip to
+ /// // candidate matches without running the DFA through
+ /// // every byte inbetween.
+ /// if let Some(prefix_byte) = prefix_byte {
+ /// pos = match find_byte(haystack, pos, prefix_byte) {
+ /// Some(pos) => pos,
+ /// None => break,
+ /// };
+ /// }
+ /// }
+ /// }
+ /// }
+ /// // Matches are always delayed by 1 byte, so we must explicitly walk
+ /// // the special "EOI" transition at the end of the search.
+ /// state = dfa.next_eoi_state(state);
+ /// if dfa.is_match_state(state) {
+ /// last_match = Some(HalfMatch::new(
+ /// dfa.match_pattern(state, 0),
+ /// haystack.len(),
+ /// ));
+ /// }
+ /// Ok(last_match)
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// // In this example, it's obvious that all occurrences of our pattern
+ /// // begin with 'Z', so we pass in 'Z'.
+ /// let dfa = dense::DFA::new(r"Z[a-z]+")?;
+ /// let haystack = "123 foobar Zbaz quux".as_bytes();
+ /// let mat = find_leftmost_first(&dfa, haystack, Some(b'Z'))?.unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(mat.pattern().as_usize(), 0);
+ /// assert_eq!(mat.offset(), 15);
+ ///
+ /// // But note that we don't need to pass in a prefix byte. If we don't,
+ /// // then the search routine does no acceleration.
+ /// let mat = find_leftmost_first(&dfa, haystack, None)?.unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(mat.pattern().as_usize(), 0);
+ /// assert_eq!(mat.offset(), 15);
+ ///
+ /// // However, if we pass an incorrect byte, then the prefix search will
+ /// // result in incorrect results.
+ /// assert_eq!(find_leftmost_first(&dfa, haystack, Some(b'X'))?, None);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn is_start_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool;
+ /// Returns true if and only if the given identifier corresponds to an
+ /// accelerated state.
+ ///
+ /// An accelerated state is a special optimization
+ /// trick implemented by this crate. Namely, if
+ /// [`dense::Config::accelerate`](crate::dfa::dense::Config::accelerate) is
+ /// enabled (and it is by default), then DFAs generated by this crate will
+ /// tag states meeting certain characteristics as accelerated. States meet
+ /// this criteria whenever most of their transitions are self-transitions.
+ /// That is, transitions that loop back to the same state. When a small
+ /// number of transitions aren't self-transitions, then it follows that
+ /// there are only a small number of bytes that can cause the DFA to leave
+ /// that state. Thus, there is an opportunity to look for those bytes
+ /// using more optimized routines rather than continuing to run through
+ /// the DFA. This trick is similar to the prefilter idea described in
+ /// the documentation of [`Automaton::is_start_state`] with two main
+ /// differences:
+ ///
+ /// 1. It is more limited since acceleration only applies to single bytes.
+ /// This means states are rarely accelerated when Unicode mode is enabled
+ /// (which is enabled by default).
+ /// 2. It can occur anywhere in the DFA, which increases optimization
+ /// opportunities.
+ ///
+ /// Like the prefilter idea, the main downside (and a possible reason to
+ /// disable it) is that it can lead to worse performance in some cases.
+ /// Namely, if a state is accelerated for very common bytes, then the
+ /// overhead of checking for acceleration and using the more optimized
+ /// routines to look for those bytes can cause overall performance to be
+ /// worse than if acceleration wasn't enabled at all.
+ ///
+ /// A simple example of a regex that has an accelerated state is
+ /// `(?-u)[^a]+a`. Namely, the `[^a]+` sub-expression gets compiled down
+ /// into a single state where all transitions except for `a` loop back to
+ /// itself, and where `a` is the only transition (other than the special
+ /// EOI transition) that goes to some other state. Thus, this state can
+ /// be accelerated and implemented more efficiently by calling an
+ /// optimized routine like `memchr` with `a` as the needle. Notice that
+ /// the `(?-u)` to disable Unicode is necessary here, as without it,
+ /// `[^a]` will match any UTF-8 encoding of any Unicode scalar value other
+ /// than `a`. This more complicated expression compiles down to many DFA
+ /// states and the simple acceleration optimization is no longer available.
+ ///
+ /// Typically, this routine is used to guard calls to
+ /// [`Automaton::accelerator`], which returns the accelerated bytes for
+ /// the specified state.
+ fn is_accel_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool;
+ /// Returns the total number of patterns compiled into this DFA.
+ ///
+ /// In the case of a DFA that contains no patterns, this must return `0`.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows the pattern count for a DFA that never matches:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::dfa::{Automaton, dense::DFA};
+ ///
+ /// let dfa: DFA<Vec<u32>> = DFA::never_match()?;
+ /// assert_eq!(dfa.pattern_count(), 0);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// And another example for a DFA that matches at every position:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::dfa::{Automaton, dense::DFA};
+ ///
+ /// let dfa: DFA<Vec<u32>> = DFA::always_match()?;
+ /// assert_eq!(dfa.pattern_count(), 1);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// And finally, a DFA that was constructed from multiple patterns:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::dfa::{Automaton, dense::DFA};
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = DFA::new_many(&["[0-9]+", "[a-z]+", "[A-Z]+"])?;
+ /// assert_eq!(dfa.pattern_count(), 3);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn pattern_count(&self) -> usize;
+ /// Returns the total number of patterns that match in this state.
+ ///
+ /// If the given state is not a match state, then implementations may
+ /// panic.
+ ///
+ /// If the DFA was compiled with one pattern, then this must necessarily
+ /// always return `1` for all match states.
+ ///
+ /// Implementations must guarantee that [`Automaton::match_pattern`] can
+ /// be called with indices up to (but not including) the count returned by
+ /// this routine without panicking.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// Implementations are permitted to panic if the provided state ID does
+ /// not correspond to a match state.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows a simple instance of implementing overlapping
+ /// matches. In particular, it shows not only how to determine how many
+ /// patterns have matched in a particular state, but also how to access
+ /// which specific patterns have matched.
+ ///
+ /// Notice that we must use [`MatchKind::All`](crate::MatchKind::All)
+ /// when building the DFA. If we used
+ /// [`MatchKind::LeftmostFirst`](crate::MatchKind::LeftmostFirst)
+ /// instead, then the DFA would not be constructed in a way that supports
+ /// overlapping matches. (It would only report a single pattern that
+ /// matches at any particular point in time.)
+ ///
+ /// Another thing to take note of is the patterns used and the order in
+ /// which the pattern IDs are reported. In the example below, pattern `3`
+ /// is yielded first. Why? Because it corresponds to the match that
+ /// appears first. Namely, the `@` symbol is part of `\S+` but not part
+ /// of any of the other patterns. Since the `\S+` pattern has a match that
+ /// starts to the left of any other pattern, its ID is returned before any
+ /// other.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, dense},
+ /// MatchKind,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .configure(dense::Config::new().match_kind(MatchKind::All))
+ /// .build_many(&[
+ /// r"\w+", r"[a-z]+", r"[A-Z]+", r"\S+",
+ /// ])?;
+ /// let haystack = "@bar".as_bytes();
+ ///
+ /// // The start state is determined by inspecting the position and the
+ /// // initial bytes of the haystack.
+ /// let mut state = dfa.start_state_forward(
+ /// None, haystack, 0, haystack.len(),
+ /// );
+ /// // Walk all the bytes in the haystack.
+ /// for &b in haystack {
+ /// state = dfa.next_state(state, b);
+ /// }
+ /// state = dfa.next_eoi_state(state);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(dfa.is_match_state(state));
+ /// assert_eq!(dfa.match_count(state), 3);
+ /// // The following calls are guaranteed to not panic since `match_count`
+ /// // returned `3` above.
+ /// assert_eq!(dfa.match_pattern(state, 0).as_usize(), 3);
+ /// assert_eq!(dfa.match_pattern(state, 1).as_usize(), 0);
+ /// assert_eq!(dfa.match_pattern(state, 2).as_usize(), 1);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn match_count(&self, id: StateID) -> usize;
+ /// Returns the pattern ID corresponding to the given match index in the
+ /// given state.
+ ///
+ /// See [`Automaton::match_count`] for an example of how to use this
+ /// method correctly. Note that if you know your DFA is compiled with a
+ /// single pattern, then this routine is never necessary since it will
+ /// always return a pattern ID of `0` for an index of `0` when `id`
+ /// corresponds to a match state.
+ ///
+ /// Typically, this routine is used when implementing an overlapping
+ /// search, as the example for `Automaton::match_count` does.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// If the state ID is not a match state or if the match index is out
+ /// of bounds for the given state, then this routine may either panic
+ /// or produce an incorrect result. If the state ID is correct and the
+ /// match index is correct, then this routine must always produce a valid
+ /// `PatternID`.
+ fn match_pattern(&self, id: StateID, index: usize) -> PatternID;
+ /// Return a slice of bytes to accelerate for the given state, if possible.
+ ///
+ /// If the given state has no accelerator, then an empty slice must be
+ /// returned. If `Automaton::is_accel_state` returns true for the given
+ /// ID, then this routine _must_ return a non-empty slice, but it is not
+ /// required to do so.
+ ///
+ /// If the given ID is not a valid state ID for this automaton, then
+ /// implementations may panic or produce incorrect results.
+ ///
+ /// See [`Automaton::is_accel_state`] for more details on state
+ /// acceleration.
+ ///
+ /// By default, this method will always return an empty slice.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows a contrived case in which we build a regex that we
+ /// know is accelerated and extract the accelerator from a state.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// nfa::thompson,
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, dense},
+ /// util::id::StateID,
+ /// SyntaxConfig,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// // We disable Unicode everywhere and permit the regex to match
+ /// // invalid UTF-8. e.g., `[^abc]` matches `\xFF`, which is not valid
+ /// // UTF-8.
+ /// .syntax(SyntaxConfig::new().unicode(false).utf8(false))
+ /// // This makes the implicit `(?s:.)*?` prefix added to the regex
+ /// // match through arbitrary bytes instead of being UTF-8 aware. This
+ /// // isn't necessary to get acceleration to work in this case, but
+ /// // it does make the DFA substantially simpler.
+ /// .thompson(thompson::Config::new().utf8(false))
+ /// .build("[^abc]+a")?;
+ ///
+ /// // Here we just pluck out the state that we know is accelerated.
+ /// // While the stride calculations are something that can be relied
+ /// // on by callers, the specific position of the accelerated state is
+ /// // implementation defined.
+ /// //
+ /// // N.B. We get '3' by inspecting the state machine using 'regex-cli'.
+ /// // e.g., try `regex-cli debug dfa dense '[^abc]+a' -BbUC`.
+ /// let id = StateID::new(3 * dfa.stride()).unwrap();
+ /// let accelerator = dfa.accelerator(id);
+ /// // The `[^abc]+` sub-expression permits [a, b, c] to be accelerated.
+ /// assert_eq!(accelerator, &[b'a', b'b', b'c']);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn accelerator(&self, _id: StateID) -> &[u8] {
+ &[]
+ }
+ /// Executes a forward search and returns the end position of the first
+ /// match that is found as early as possible. If no match exists, then
+ /// `None` is returned.
+ ///
+ /// This routine stops scanning input as soon as the search observes a
+ /// match state. This is useful for implementing boolean `is_match`-like
+ /// routines, where as little work is done as possible.
+ ///
+ /// See [`Automaton::find_earliest_fwd_at`] for additional functionality,
+ /// such as providing a prefilter, a specific pattern to match and the
+ /// bounds of the search within the haystack. This routine is meant as
+ /// a convenience for common cases where the additional functionality is
+ /// not needed.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This routine only errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFAs generated by this crate, this only occurs in a non-default
+ /// configuration where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are
+ /// heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to use this method with a
+ /// [`dense::DFA`](crate::dfa::dense::DFA). In particular, it demonstrates
+ /// how the position returned might differ from what one might expect when
+ /// executing a traditional leftmost search.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, dense},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ /// // Normally, the end of the leftmost first match here would be 8,
+ /// // corresponding to the end of the input. But the "earliest" semantics
+ /// // this routine cause it to stop as soon as a match is known, which
+ /// // occurs once 'foo[0-9]' has matched.
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 4);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_earliest_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::DFA::new("abc|a")?;
+ /// // Normally, the end of the leftmost first match here would be 3,
+ /// // but the shortest match semantics detect a match earlier.
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 1);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_earliest_fwd(b"abc")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_earliest_fwd(
+ &self,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ self.find_earliest_fwd_at(None, None, bytes, 0, bytes.len())
+ }
+ /// Executes a reverse search and returns the start position of the first
+ /// match that is found as early as possible. If no match exists, then
+ /// `None` is returned.
+ ///
+ /// This routine stops scanning input as soon as the search observes a
+ /// match state.
+ ///
+ /// Note that while it is not technically necessary to build a reverse
+ /// automaton to use a reverse search, it is likely that you'll want to do
+ /// so. Namely, the typical use of a reverse search is to find the starting
+ /// location of a match once its end is discovered from a forward search. A
+ /// reverse DFA automaton can be built by configuring the intermediate NFA
+ /// to be reversed via
+ /// [`nfa::thompson::Config::reverse`](crate::nfa::thompson::Config::reverse).
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This routine only errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFAs generated by this crate, this only occurs in a non-default
+ /// configuration where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are
+ /// heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to use this method with a
+ /// [`dense::DFA`](crate::dfa::dense::DFA). In particular, it demonstrates
+ /// how the position returned might differ from what one might expect when
+ /// executing a traditional leftmost reverse search.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// nfa::thompson,
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, dense},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .thompson(thompson::Config::new().reverse(true))
+ /// .build("[a-z]+[0-9]+")?;
+ /// // Normally, the end of the leftmost first match here would be 0,
+ /// // corresponding to the beginning of the input. But the "earliest"
+ /// // semantics of this routine cause it to stop as soon as a match is
+ /// // known, which occurs once '[a-z][0-9]+' has matched.
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 2);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_earliest_rev(b"foo12345")?);
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .thompson(thompson::Config::new().reverse(true))
+ /// .build("abc|c")?;
+ /// // Normally, the end of the leftmost first match here would be 0,
+ /// // but the shortest match semantics detect a match earlier.
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 2);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_earliest_rev(b"abc")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_earliest_rev(
+ &self,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ self.find_earliest_rev_at(None, bytes, 0, bytes.len())
+ }
+ /// Executes a forward search and returns the end position of the leftmost
+ /// match that is found. If no match exists, then `None` is returned.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This routine only errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFAs generated by this crate, this only occurs in a non-default
+ /// configuration where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are
+ /// heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// # Notes for implementors
+ ///
+ /// Implementors of this trait are not required to implement any particular
+ /// match semantics (such as leftmost-first), which are instead manifest in
+ /// the DFA's transitions.
+ ///
+ /// In particular, this method must continue searching even after it enters
+ /// a match state. The search should only terminate once it has reached
+ /// the end of the input or when it has entered a dead or quit state. Upon
+ /// termination, the position of the last byte seen while still in a match
+ /// state is returned.
+ ///
+ /// Since this trait provides an implementation for this method by default,
+ /// it's unlikely that one will need to implement this.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to use this method with a
+ /// [`dense::DFA`](crate::dfa::dense::DFA). By default, a dense DFA uses
+ /// "leftmost first" match semantics.
+ ///
+ /// Leftmost first match semantics corresponds to the match with the
+ /// smallest starting offset, but where the end offset is determined by
+ /// preferring earlier branches in the original regular expression. For
+ /// example, `Sam|Samwise` will match `Sam` in `Samwise`, but `Samwise|Sam`
+ /// will match `Samwise` in `Samwise`.
+ ///
+ /// Generally speaking, the "leftmost first" match is how most backtracking
+ /// regular expressions tend to work. This is in contrast to POSIX-style
+ /// regular expressions that yield "leftmost longest" matches. Namely,
+ /// both `Sam|Samwise` and `Samwise|Sam` match `Samwise` when using
+ /// leftmost longest semantics. (This crate does not currently support
+ /// leftmost longest semantics.)
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, dense},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ ///
+ /// // Even though a match is found after reading the first byte (`a`),
+ /// // the leftmost first match semantics demand that we find the earliest
+ /// // match that prefers earlier parts of the pattern over latter parts.
+ /// let dfa = dense::DFA::new("abc|a")?;
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 3);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"abc")?);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_leftmost_fwd(
+ &self,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ self.find_leftmost_fwd_at(None, None, bytes, 0, bytes.len())
+ }
+ /// Executes a reverse search and returns the start of the position of the
+ /// leftmost match that is found. If no match exists, then `None` is
+ /// returned.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This routine only errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFAs generated by this crate, this only occurs in a non-default
+ /// configuration where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are
+ /// heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// # Notes for implementors
+ ///
+ /// Implementors of this trait are not required to implement any particular
+ /// match semantics (such as leftmost-first), which are instead manifest in
+ /// the DFA's transitions.
+ ///
+ /// In particular, this method must continue searching even after it enters
+ /// a match state. The search should only terminate once it has reached
+ /// the end of the input or when it has entered a dead or quit state. Upon
+ /// termination, the position of the last byte seen while still in a match
+ /// state is returned.
+ ///
+ /// Since this trait provides an implementation for this method by default,
+ /// it's unlikely that one will need to implement this.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to use this method with a
+ /// [`dense::DFA`](crate::dfa::dense::DFA). In particular, this routine
+ /// is principally useful when used in conjunction with the
+ /// [`nfa::thompson::Config::reverse`](crate::nfa::thompson::Config::reverse)
+ /// configuration. In general, it's unlikely to be correct to use both
+ /// `find_leftmost_fwd` and `find_leftmost_rev` with the same DFA since any
+ /// particular DFA will only support searching in one direction with
+ /// respect to the pattern.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// nfa::thompson,
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, dense},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .thompson(thompson::Config::new().reverse(true))
+ /// .build("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 0);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_rev(b"foo12345")?);
+ ///
+ /// // Even though a match is found after reading the last byte (`c`),
+ /// // the leftmost first match semantics demand that we find the earliest
+ /// // match that prefers earlier parts of the pattern over latter parts.
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .thompson(thompson::Config::new().reverse(true))
+ /// .build("abc|c")?;
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 0);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_rev(b"abc")?);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_leftmost_rev(
+ &self,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ self.find_leftmost_rev_at(None, bytes, 0, bytes.len())
+ }
+ /// Executes an overlapping forward search and returns the end position of
+ /// matches as they are found. If no match exists, then `None` is returned.
+ ///
+ /// This routine is principally only useful when searching for multiple
+ /// patterns on inputs where multiple patterns may match the same regions
+ /// of text. In particular, callers must preserve the automaton's search
+ /// state from prior calls so that the implementation knows where the last
+ /// match occurred.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This routine only errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFAs generated by this crate, this only occurs in a non-default
+ /// configuration where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are
+ /// heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to run a basic overlapping search with a
+ /// [`dense::DFA`](crate::dfa::dense::DFA). Notice that we build the
+ /// automaton with a `MatchKind::All` configuration. Overlapping searches
+ /// are unlikely to work as one would expect when using the default
+ /// `MatchKind::LeftmostFirst` match semantics, since leftmost-first
+ /// matching is fundamentally incompatible with overlapping searches.
+ /// Namely, overlapping searches need to report matches as they are seen,
+ /// where as leftmost-first searches will continue searching even after a
+ /// match has been observed in order to find the conventional end position
+ /// of the match. More concretely, leftmost-first searches use dead states
+ /// to terminate a search after a specific match can no longer be extended.
+ /// Overlapping searches instead do the opposite by continuing the search
+ /// to find totally new matches (potentially of other patterns).
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, OverlappingState, dense},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// MatchKind,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .configure(dense::Config::new().match_kind(MatchKind::All))
+ /// .build_many(&[r"\w+$", r"\S+$"])?;
+ /// let haystack = "@foo".as_bytes();
+ /// let mut state = OverlappingState::start();
+ ///
+ /// let expected = Some(HalfMatch::must(1, 4));
+ /// let got = dfa.find_overlapping_fwd(haystack, &mut state)?;
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// // The first pattern also matches at the same position, so re-running
+ /// // the search will yield another match. Notice also that the first
+ /// // pattern is returned after the second. This is because the second
+ /// // pattern begins its match before the first, is therefore an earlier
+ /// // match and is thus reported first.
+ /// let expected = Some(HalfMatch::must(0, 4));
+ /// let got = dfa.find_overlapping_fwd(haystack, &mut state)?;
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_overlapping_fwd(
+ &self,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ state: &mut OverlappingState,
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ self.find_overlapping_fwd_at(None, None, bytes, 0, bytes.len(), state)
+ }
+ /// Executes a forward search and returns the end position of the first
+ /// match that is found as early as possible. If no match exists, then
+ /// `None` is returned.
+ ///
+ /// This routine stops scanning input as soon as the search observes a
+ /// match state. This is useful for implementing boolean `is_match`-like
+ /// routines, where as little work is done as possible.
+ ///
+ /// This is like [`Automaton::find_earliest_fwd`], except it provides some
+ /// additional control over how the search is executed:
+ ///
+ /// * `pre` is a prefilter scanner that, when given, is used whenever the
+ /// DFA enters its starting state. This is meant to speed up searches where
+ /// one or a small number of literal prefixes are known.
+ /// * `pattern_id` specifies a specific pattern in the DFA to run an
+ /// anchored search for. If not given, then a search for any pattern is
+ /// performed. For DFAs built by this crate,
+ /// [`dense::Config::starts_for_each_pattern`](crate::dfa::dense::Config::starts_for_each_pattern)
+ /// must be enabled to use this functionality.
+ /// * `start` and `end` permit searching a specific region of the haystack
+ /// `bytes`. This is useful when implementing an iterator over matches
+ /// within the same haystack, which cannot be done correctly by simply
+ /// providing a subslice of `bytes`. (Because the existence of look-around
+ /// operations such as `\b`, `^` and `$` need to take the surrounding
+ /// context into account. This cannot be done if the haystack doesn't
+ /// contain it.)
+ ///
+ /// The examples below demonstrate each of these additional parameters.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This routine only errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFAs generated by this crate, this only occurs in a non-default
+ /// configuration where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are
+ /// heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This routine must panic if a `pattern_id` is given and the underlying
+ /// DFA does not support specific pattern searches.
+ ///
+ /// It must also panic if the given haystack range is not valid.
+ ///
+ /// # Example: prefilter
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to provide a prefilter for a pattern where all
+ /// matches start with a `z` byte.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, dense},
+ /// util::prefilter::{Candidate, Prefilter, Scanner, State},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// #[derive(Debug)]
+ /// pub struct ZPrefilter;
+ ///
+ /// impl Prefilter for ZPrefilter {
+ /// fn next_candidate(
+ /// &self,
+ /// _: &mut State,
+ /// haystack: &[u8],
+ /// at: usize,
+ /// ) -> Candidate {
+ /// // Try changing b'z' to b'q' and observe this test fail since
+ /// // the prefilter will skip right over the match.
+ /// match haystack.iter().position(|&b| b == b'z') {
+ /// None => Candidate::None,
+ /// Some(i) => Candidate::PossibleStartOfMatch(at + i),
+ /// }
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// fn heap_bytes(&self) -> usize {
+ /// 0
+ /// }
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::DFA::new("z[0-9]{3}")?;
+ /// let haystack = "foobar z123 q123".as_bytes();
+ /// // A scanner executes a prefilter while tracking some state that helps
+ /// // determine whether a prefilter is still "effective" or not.
+ /// let mut scanner = Scanner::new(&ZPrefilter);
+ ///
+ /// let expected = Some(HalfMatch::must(0, 11));
+ /// let got = dfa.find_earliest_fwd_at(
+ /// Some(&mut scanner),
+ /// None,
+ /// haystack,
+ /// 0,
+ /// haystack.len(),
+ /// )?;
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Example: specific pattern search
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to build a multi-DFA that permits searching for
+ /// specific patterns.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, dense},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// PatternID,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .configure(dense::Config::new().starts_for_each_pattern(true))
+ /// .build_many(&["[a-z0-9]{6}", "[a-z][a-z0-9]{5}"])?;
+ /// let haystack = "foo123".as_bytes();
+ ///
+ /// // Since we are using the default leftmost-first match and both
+ /// // patterns match at the same starting position, only the first pattern
+ /// // will be returned in this case when doing a search for any of the
+ /// // patterns.
+ /// let expected = Some(HalfMatch::must(0, 6));
+ /// let got = dfa.find_earliest_fwd_at(
+ /// None,
+ /// None,
+ /// haystack,
+ /// 0,
+ /// haystack.len(),
+ /// )?;
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// // But if we want to check whether some other pattern matches, then we
+ /// // can provide its pattern ID.
+ /// let expected = Some(HalfMatch::must(1, 6));
+ /// let got = dfa.find_earliest_fwd_at(
+ /// None,
+ /// Some(PatternID::must(1)),
+ /// haystack,
+ /// 0,
+ /// haystack.len(),
+ /// )?;
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Example: specifying the bounds of a search
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how providing the bounds of a search can produce
+ /// different results than simply sub-slicing the haystack.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, dense},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// // N.B. We disable Unicode here so that we use a simple ASCII word
+ /// // boundary. Alternatively, we could enable heuristic support for
+ /// // Unicode word boundaries.
+ /// let dfa = dense::DFA::new(r"(?-u)\b[0-9]{3}\b")?;
+ /// let haystack = "foo123bar".as_bytes();
+ ///
+ /// // Since we sub-slice the haystack, the search doesn't know about the
+ /// // larger context and assumes that `123` is surrounded by word
+ /// // boundaries. And of course, the match position is reported relative
+ /// // to the sub-slice as well, which means we get `3` instead of `6`.
+ /// let expected = Some(HalfMatch::must(0, 3));
+ /// let got = dfa.find_earliest_fwd_at(
+ /// None,
+ /// None,
+ /// &haystack[3..6],
+ /// 0,
+ /// haystack[3..6].len(),
+ /// )?;
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// // But if we provide the bounds of the search within the context of the
+ /// // entire haystack, then the search can take the surrounding context
+ /// // into account. (And if we did find a match, it would be reported
+ /// // as a valid offset into `haystack` instead of its sub-slice.)
+ /// let expected = None;
+ /// let got = dfa.find_earliest_fwd_at(
+ /// None,
+ /// None,
+ /// haystack,
+ /// 3,
+ /// 6,
+ /// )?;
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_earliest_fwd_at(
+ &self,
+ pre: Option<&mut prefilter::Scanner>,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ search::find_earliest_fwd(pre, self, pattern_id, bytes, start, end)
+ }
+ /// Executes a reverse search and returns the start position of the first
+ /// match that is found as early as possible. If no match exists, then
+ /// `None` is returned.
+ ///
+ /// This routine stops scanning input as soon as the search observes a
+ /// match state.
+ ///
+ /// This is like [`Automaton::find_earliest_rev`], except it provides some
+ /// additional control over how the search is executed. See the
+ /// documentation of [`Automaton::find_earliest_fwd_at`] for more details
+ /// on the additional parameters along with examples of their usage.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This routine only errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFAs generated by this crate, this only occurs in a non-default
+ /// configuration where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are
+ /// heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This routine must panic if a `pattern_id` is given and the underlying
+ /// DFA does not support specific pattern searches.
+ ///
+ /// It must also panic if the given haystack range is not valid.
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_earliest_rev_at(
+ &self,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ search::find_earliest_rev(self, pattern_id, bytes, start, end)
+ }
+ /// Executes a forward search and returns the end position of the leftmost
+ /// match that is found. If no match exists, then `None` is returned.
+ ///
+ /// This is like [`Automaton::find_leftmost_fwd`], except it provides some
+ /// additional control over how the search is executed. See the
+ /// documentation of [`Automaton::find_earliest_fwd_at`] for more details
+ /// on the additional parameters along with examples of their usage.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This routine only errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFAs generated by this crate, this only occurs in a non-default
+ /// configuration where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are
+ /// heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This routine must panic if a `pattern_id` is given and the underlying
+ /// DFA does not support specific pattern searches.
+ ///
+ /// It must also panic if the given haystack range is not valid.
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_leftmost_fwd_at(
+ &self,
+ pre: Option<&mut prefilter::Scanner>,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ search::find_leftmost_fwd(pre, self, pattern_id, bytes, start, end)
+ }
+ /// Executes a reverse search and returns the start of the position of the
+ /// leftmost match that is found. If no match exists, then `None` is
+ /// returned.
+ ///
+ /// This is like [`Automaton::find_leftmost_rev`], except it provides some
+ /// additional control over how the search is executed. See the
+ /// documentation of [`Automaton::find_earliest_fwd_at`] for more details
+ /// on the additional parameters along with examples of their usage.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This routine only errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFAs generated by this crate, this only occurs in a non-default
+ /// configuration where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are
+ /// heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This routine must panic if a `pattern_id` is given and the underlying
+ /// DFA does not support specific pattern searches.
+ ///
+ /// It must also panic if the given haystack range is not valid.
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_leftmost_rev_at(
+ &self,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ search::find_leftmost_rev(self, pattern_id, bytes, start, end)
+ }
+ /// Executes an overlapping forward search and returns the end position of
+ /// matches as they are found. If no match exists, then `None` is returned.
+ ///
+ /// This routine is principally only useful when searching for multiple
+ /// patterns on inputs where multiple patterns may match the same regions
+ /// of text. In particular, callers must preserve the automaton's search
+ /// state from prior calls so that the implementation knows where the last
+ /// match occurred.
+ ///
+ /// This is like [`Automaton::find_overlapping_fwd`], except it provides
+ /// some additional control over how the search is executed. See the
+ /// documentation of [`Automaton::find_earliest_fwd_at`] for more details
+ /// on the additional parameters along with examples of their usage.
+ ///
+ /// When using this routine to implement an iterator of overlapping
+ /// matches, the `start` of the search should always be set to the end
+ /// of the last match. If more patterns match at the previous location,
+ /// then they will be immediately returned. (This is tracked by the given
+ /// overlapping state.) Otherwise, the search continues at the starting
+ /// position given.
+ ///
+ /// If for some reason you want the search to forget about its previous
+ /// state and restart the search at a particular position, then setting the
+ /// state to [`OverlappingState::start`] will accomplish that.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This routine only errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFAs generated by this crate, this only occurs in a non-default
+ /// configuration where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are
+ /// heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This routine must panic if a `pattern_id` is given and the underlying
+ /// DFA does not support specific pattern searches.
+ ///
+ /// It must also panic if the given haystack range is not valid.
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_overlapping_fwd_at(
+ &self,
+ pre: Option<&mut prefilter::Scanner>,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ state: &mut OverlappingState,
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ search::find_overlapping_fwd(
+ pre, self, pattern_id, bytes, start, end, state,
+ )
+ }
+unsafe impl<'a, T: Automaton> Automaton for &'a T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn next_state(&self, current: StateID, input: u8) -> StateID {
+ (**self).next_state(current, input)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ unsafe fn next_state_unchecked(
+ &self,
+ current: StateID,
+ input: u8,
+ ) -> StateID {
+ (**self).next_state_unchecked(current, input)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn next_eoi_state(&self, current: StateID) -> StateID {
+ (**self).next_eoi_state(current)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn start_state_forward(
+ &self,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> StateID {
+ (**self).start_state_forward(pattern_id, bytes, start, end)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn start_state_reverse(
+ &self,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> StateID {
+ (**self).start_state_reverse(pattern_id, bytes, start, end)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_special_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ (**self).is_special_state(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_dead_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ (**self).is_dead_state(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_quit_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ (**self).is_quit_state(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_match_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ (**self).is_match_state(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_start_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ (**self).is_start_state(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_accel_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ (**self).is_accel_state(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn pattern_count(&self) -> usize {
+ (**self).pattern_count()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn match_count(&self, id: StateID) -> usize {
+ (**self).match_count(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn match_pattern(&self, id: StateID, index: usize) -> PatternID {
+ (**self).match_pattern(id, index)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn accelerator(&self, id: StateID) -> &[u8] {
+ (**self).accelerator(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_earliest_fwd(
+ &self,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ (**self).find_earliest_fwd(bytes)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_earliest_rev(
+ &self,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ (**self).find_earliest_rev(bytes)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_leftmost_fwd(
+ &self,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ (**self).find_leftmost_fwd(bytes)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_leftmost_rev(
+ &self,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ (**self).find_leftmost_rev(bytes)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_overlapping_fwd(
+ &self,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ state: &mut OverlappingState,
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ (**self).find_overlapping_fwd(bytes, state)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_earliest_fwd_at(
+ &self,
+ pre: Option<&mut prefilter::Scanner>,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ (**self).find_earliest_fwd_at(pre, pattern_id, bytes, start, end)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_earliest_rev_at(
+ &self,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ (**self).find_earliest_rev_at(pattern_id, bytes, start, end)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_leftmost_fwd_at(
+ &self,
+ pre: Option<&mut prefilter::Scanner>,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ (**self).find_leftmost_fwd_at(pre, pattern_id, bytes, start, end)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_leftmost_rev_at(
+ &self,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ (**self).find_leftmost_rev_at(pattern_id, bytes, start, end)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn find_overlapping_fwd_at(
+ &self,
+ pre: Option<&mut prefilter::Scanner>,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ state: &mut OverlappingState,
+ ) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ (**self)
+ .find_overlapping_fwd_at(pre, pattern_id, bytes, start, end, state)
+ }
+/// Represents the current state of an overlapping search.
+/// This is used for overlapping searches since they need to know something
+/// about the previous search. For example, when multiple patterns match at the
+/// same position, this state tracks the last reported pattern so that the next
+/// search knows whether to report another matching pattern or continue with
+/// the search at the next position. Additionally, it also tracks which state
+/// the last search call terminated in.
+/// This type provides no introspection capabilities. The only thing a caller
+/// can do is construct it and pass it around to permit search routines to use
+/// it to track state.
+/// Callers should always provide a fresh state constructed via
+/// [`OverlappingState::start`] when starting a new search. Reusing state from
+/// a previous search may result in incorrect results.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub struct OverlappingState {
+ /// The state ID of the state at which the search was in when the call
+ /// terminated. When this is a match state, `last_match` must be set to a
+ /// non-None value.
+ ///
+ /// A `None` value indicates the start state of the corresponding
+ /// automaton. We cannot use the actual ID, since any one automaton may
+ /// have many start states, and which one is in use depends on several
+ /// search-time factors.
+ id: Option<StateID>,
+ /// Information associated with a match when `id` corresponds to a match
+ /// state.
+ last_match: Option<StateMatch>,
+/// Internal state about the last match that occurred. This records both the
+/// offset of the match and the match index.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub(crate) struct StateMatch {
+ /// The index into the matching patterns for the current match state.
+ pub(crate) match_index: usize,
+ /// The offset in the haystack at which the match occurred. This is used
+ /// when reporting multiple matches at the same offset. That is, when
+ /// an overlapping search runs, the first thing it checks is whether it's
+ /// already in a match state, and if so, whether there are more patterns
+ /// to report as matches in that state. If so, it increments `match_index`
+ /// and returns the pattern and this offset. Once `match_index` exceeds the
+ /// number of matching patterns in the current state, the search continues.
+ pub(crate) offset: usize,
+impl OverlappingState {
+ /// Create a new overlapping state that begins at the start state of any
+ /// automaton.
+ pub fn start() -> OverlappingState {
+ OverlappingState { id: None, last_match: None }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn id(&self) -> Option<StateID> {
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn set_id(&mut self, id: StateID) {
+ = Some(id);
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn last_match(&mut self) -> Option<&mut StateMatch> {
+ self.last_match.as_mut()
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn set_last_match(&mut self, last_match: StateMatch) {
+ self.last_match = Some(last_match);
+ }
+/// Write a prefix "state" indicator for fmt::Debug impls.
+/// Specifically, this tries to succinctly distinguish the different types of
+/// states: dead states, quit states, accelerated states, start states and
+/// match states. It even accounts for the possible overlappings of different
+/// state types.
+pub(crate) fn fmt_state_indicator<A: Automaton>(
+ f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>,
+ dfa: A,
+ id: StateID,
+) -> core::fmt::Result {
+ if dfa.is_dead_state(id) {
+ write!(f, "D")?;
+ if dfa.is_start_state(id) {
+ write!(f, ">")?;
+ } else {
+ write!(f, " ")?;
+ }
+ } else if dfa.is_quit_state(id) {
+ write!(f, "Q ")?;
+ } else if dfa.is_start_state(id) {
+ if dfa.is_accel_state(id) {
+ write!(f, "A>")?;
+ } else {
+ write!(f, " >")?;
+ }
+ } else if dfa.is_match_state(id) {
+ if dfa.is_accel_state(id) {
+ write!(f, "A*")?;
+ } else {
+ write!(f, " *")?;
+ }
+ } else if dfa.is_accel_state(id) {
+ write!(f, "A ")?;
+ } else {
+ write!(f, " ")?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07c135098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
@@ -0,0 +1,4470 @@
+Types and routines specific to dense DFAs.
+This module is the home of [`dense::DFA`](DFA).
+This module also contains a [`dense::Builder`](Builder) and a
+[`dense::Config`](Config) for configuring and building a dense DFA.
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+use core::cmp;
+use core::{convert::TryFrom, fmt, iter, mem::size_of, slice};
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+use alloc::{
+ collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet},
+ vec,
+ vec::Vec,
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+use crate::{
+ dfa::{
+ accel::Accel, determinize, error::Error, minimize::Minimizer, sparse,
+ },
+ nfa::thompson,
+ util::alphabet::ByteSet,
+ MatchKind,
+use crate::{
+ dfa::{
+ accel::Accels,
+ automaton::{fmt_state_indicator, Automaton},
+ special::Special,
+ },
+ util::{
+ alphabet::{self, ByteClasses},
+ bytes::{self, DeserializeError, Endian, SerializeError},
+ id::{PatternID, StateID},
+ start::Start,
+ },
+/// The label that is pre-pended to a serialized DFA.
+const LABEL: &str = "rust-regex-automata-dfa-dense";
+/// The format version of dense regexes. This version gets incremented when a
+/// change occurs. A change may not necessarily be a breaking change, but the
+/// version does permit good error messages in the case where a breaking change
+/// is made.
+const VERSION: u32 = 2;
+/// The configuration used for compiling a dense DFA.
+/// A dense DFA configuration is a simple data object that is typically used
+/// with [`dense::Builder::configure`](self::Builder::configure).
+/// The default configuration guarantees that a search will _never_ return a
+/// [`MatchError`](crate::MatchError) for any haystack or pattern. Setting a
+/// quit byte with [`Config::quit`] or enabling heuristic support for Unicode
+/// word boundaries with [`Config::unicode_word_boundary`] can in turn cause a
+/// search to return an error. See the corresponding configuration options for
+/// more details on when those error conditions arise.
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default)]
+pub struct Config {
+ // As with other configuration types in this crate, we put all our knobs
+ // in options so that we can distinguish between "default" and "not set."
+ // This makes it possible to easily combine multiple configurations
+ // without default values overwriting explicitly specified values. See the
+ // 'overwrite' method.
+ //
+ // For docs on the fields below, see the corresponding method setters.
+ anchored: Option<bool>,
+ accelerate: Option<bool>,
+ minimize: Option<bool>,
+ match_kind: Option<MatchKind>,
+ starts_for_each_pattern: Option<bool>,
+ byte_classes: Option<bool>,
+ unicode_word_boundary: Option<bool>,
+ quit: Option<ByteSet>,
+ dfa_size_limit: Option<Option<usize>>,
+ determinize_size_limit: Option<Option<usize>>,
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl Config {
+ /// Return a new default dense DFA compiler configuration.
+ pub fn new() -> Config {
+ Config::default()
+ }
+ /// Set whether matching must be anchored at the beginning of the input.
+ ///
+ /// When enabled, a match must begin at the start of a search. When
+ /// disabled, the DFA will act as if the pattern started with a `(?s:.)*?`,
+ /// which enables a match to appear anywhere.
+ ///
+ /// Note that if you want to run both anchored and unanchored
+ /// searches without building multiple automatons, you can enable the
+ /// [`Config::starts_for_each_pattern`] configuration instead. This will
+ /// permit unanchored any-pattern searches and pattern-specific anchored
+ /// searches. See the documentation for that configuration for an example.
+ ///
+ /// By default this is disabled.
+ ///
+ /// **WARNING:** this is subtly different than using a `^` at the start of
+ /// your regex. A `^` forces a regex to match exclusively at the start of
+ /// input, regardless of where you begin your search. In contrast, enabling
+ /// this option will allow your regex to match anywhere in your input,
+ /// but the match must start at the beginning of a search. (Most of the
+ /// higher level convenience search routines make "start of input" and
+ /// "start of search" equivalent, but some routines allow treating these as
+ /// orthogonal.)
+ ///
+ /// For example, consider the haystack `aba` and the following searches:
+ ///
+ /// 1. The regex `^a` is compiled with `anchored=false` and searches
+ /// `aba` starting at position `2`. Since `^` requires the match to
+ /// start at the beginning of the input and `2 > 0`, no match is found.
+ /// 2. The regex `a` is compiled with `anchored=true` and searches `aba`
+ /// starting at position `2`. This reports a match at `[2, 3]` since
+ /// the match starts where the search started. Since there is no `^`,
+ /// there is no requirement for the match to start at the beginning of
+ /// the input.
+ /// 3. The regex `a` is compiled with `anchored=true` and searches `aba`
+ /// starting at position `1`. Since `b` corresponds to position `1` and
+ /// since the regex is anchored, it finds no match.
+ /// 4. The regex `a` is compiled with `anchored=false` and searches `aba`
+ /// startting at position `1`. Since the regex is neither anchored nor
+ /// starts with `^`, the regex is compiled with an implicit `(?s:.)*?`
+ /// prefix that permits it to match anywhere. Thus, it reports a match
+ /// at `[2, 3]`.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This demonstrates the differences between an anchored search and
+ /// a pattern that begins with `^` (as described in the above warning
+ /// message).
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{Automaton, dense}, HalfMatch};
+ ///
+ /// let haystack = "aba".as_bytes();
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .configure(dense::Config::new().anchored(false)) // default
+ /// .build(r"^a")?;
+ /// let got = dfa.find_leftmost_fwd_at(None, None, haystack, 2, 3)?;
+ /// // No match is found because 2 is not the beginning of the haystack,
+ /// // which is what ^ requires.
+ /// let expected = None;
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .configure(dense::Config::new().anchored(true))
+ /// .build(r"a")?;
+ /// let got = dfa.find_leftmost_fwd_at(None, None, haystack, 2, 3)?;
+ /// // An anchored search can still match anywhere in the haystack, it just
+ /// // must begin at the start of the search which is '2' in this case.
+ /// let expected = Some(HalfMatch::must(0, 3));
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .configure(dense::Config::new().anchored(true))
+ /// .build(r"a")?;
+ /// let got = dfa.find_leftmost_fwd_at(None, None, haystack, 1, 3)?;
+ /// // No match is found since we start searching at offset 1 which
+ /// // corresponds to 'b'. Since there is no '(?s:.)*?' prefix, no match
+ /// // is found.
+ /// let expected = None;
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .configure(dense::Config::new().anchored(false)) // default
+ /// .build(r"a")?;
+ /// let got = dfa.find_leftmost_fwd_at(None, None, haystack, 1, 3)?;
+ /// // Since anchored=false, an implicit '(?s:.)*?' prefix was added to the
+ /// // pattern. Even though the search starts at 'b', the 'match anything'
+ /// // prefix allows the search to match 'a'.
+ /// let expected = Some(HalfMatch::must(0, 3));
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn anchored(mut self, yes: bool) -> Config {
+ self.anchored = Some(yes);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Enable state acceleration.
+ ///
+ /// When enabled, DFA construction will analyze each state to determine
+ /// whether it is eligible for simple acceleration. Acceleration typically
+ /// occurs when most of a state's transitions loop back to itself, leaving
+ /// only a select few bytes that will exit the state. When this occurs,
+ /// other routines like `memchr` can be used to look for those bytes which
+ /// may be much faster than traversing the DFA.
+ ///
+ /// Callers may elect to disable this if consistent performance is more
+ /// desirable than variable performance. Namely, acceleration can sometimes
+ /// make searching slower than it otherwise would be if the transitions
+ /// that leave accelerated states are traversed frequently.
+ ///
+ /// See [`Automaton::accelerator`](crate::dfa::Automaton::accelerator) for
+ /// an example.
+ ///
+ /// This is enabled by default.
+ pub fn accelerate(mut self, yes: bool) -> Config {
+ self.accelerate = Some(yes);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Minimize the DFA.
+ ///
+ /// When enabled, the DFA built will be minimized such that it is as small
+ /// as possible.
+ ///
+ /// Whether one enables minimization or not depends on the types of costs
+ /// you're willing to pay and how much you care about its benefits. In
+ /// particular, minimization has worst case `O(n*k*logn)` time and `O(k*n)`
+ /// space, where `n` is the number of DFA states and `k` is the alphabet
+ /// size. In practice, minimization can be quite costly in terms of both
+ /// space and time, so it should only be done if you're willing to wait
+ /// longer to produce a DFA. In general, you might want a minimal DFA in
+ /// the following circumstances:
+ ///
+ /// 1. You would like to optimize for the size of the automaton. This can
+ /// manifest in one of two ways. Firstly, if you're converting the
+ /// DFA into Rust code (or a table embedded in the code), then a minimal
+ /// DFA will translate into a corresponding reduction in code size, and
+ /// thus, also the final compiled binary size. Secondly, if you are
+ /// building many DFAs and putting them on the heap, you'll be able to
+ /// fit more if they are smaller. Note though that building a minimal
+ /// DFA itself requires additional space; you only realize the space
+ /// savings once the minimal DFA is constructed (at which point, the
+ /// space used for minimization is freed).
+ /// 2. You've observed that a smaller DFA results in faster match
+ /// performance. Naively, this isn't guaranteed since there is no
+ /// inherent difference between matching with a bigger-than-minimal
+ /// DFA and a minimal DFA. However, a smaller DFA may make use of your
+ /// CPU's cache more efficiently.
+ /// 3. You are trying to establish an equivalence between regular
+ /// languages. The standard method for this is to build a minimal DFA
+ /// for each language and then compare them. If the DFAs are equivalent
+ /// (up to state renaming), then the languages are equivalent.
+ ///
+ /// Typically, minimization only makes sense as an offline process. That
+ /// is, one might minimize a DFA before serializing it to persistent
+ /// storage. In practical terms, minimization can take around an order of
+ /// magnitude more time than compiling the initial DFA via determinization.
+ ///
+ /// This option is disabled by default.
+ pub fn minimize(mut self, yes: bool) -> Config {
+ self.minimize = Some(yes);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Set the desired match semantics.
+ ///
+ /// The default is [`MatchKind::LeftmostFirst`], which corresponds to the
+ /// match semantics of Perl-like regex engines. That is, when multiple
+ /// patterns would match at the same leftmost position, the pattern that
+ /// appears first in the concrete syntax is chosen.
+ ///
+ /// Currently, the only other kind of match semantics supported is
+ /// [`MatchKind::All`]. This corresponds to classical DFA construction
+ /// where all possible matches are added to the DFA.
+ ///
+ /// Typically, `All` is used when one wants to execute an overlapping
+ /// search and `LeftmostFirst` otherwise. In particular, it rarely makes
+ /// sense to use `All` with the various "leftmost" find routines, since the
+ /// leftmost routines depend on the `LeftmostFirst` automata construction
+ /// strategy. Specifically, `LeftmostFirst` adds dead states to the DFA
+ /// as a way to terminate the search and report a match. `LeftmostFirst`
+ /// also supports non-greedy matches using this strategy where as `All`
+ /// does not.
+ ///
+ /// # Example: overlapping search
+ ///
+ /// This example shows the typical use of `MatchKind::All`, which is to
+ /// report overlapping matches.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, OverlappingState, dense},
+ /// HalfMatch, MatchKind,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .configure(dense::Config::new().match_kind(MatchKind::All))
+ /// .build_many(&[r"\w+$", r"\S+$"])?;
+ /// let haystack = "@foo".as_bytes();
+ /// let mut state = OverlappingState::start();
+ ///
+ /// let expected = Some(HalfMatch::must(1, 4));
+ /// let got = dfa.find_overlapping_fwd(haystack, &mut state)?;
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// // The first pattern also matches at the same position, so re-running
+ /// // the search will yield another match. Notice also that the first
+ /// // pattern is returned after the second. This is because the second
+ /// // pattern begins its match before the first, is therefore an earlier
+ /// // match and is thus reported first.
+ /// let expected = Some(HalfMatch::must(0, 4));
+ /// let got = dfa.find_overlapping_fwd(haystack, &mut state)?;
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Example: reverse automaton to find start of match
+ ///
+ /// Another example for using `MatchKind::All` is for constructing a
+ /// reverse automaton to find the start of a match. `All` semantics are
+ /// used for this in order to find the longest possible match, which
+ /// corresponds to the leftmost starting position.
+ ///
+ /// Note that if you need the starting position then
+ /// [`dfa::regex::Regex`](crate::dfa::regex::Regex) will handle this for
+ /// you, so it's usually not necessary to do this yourself.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{Automaton, dense}, HalfMatch, MatchKind};
+ ///
+ /// let haystack = "123foobar456".as_bytes();
+ /// let pattern = r"[a-z]+";
+ ///
+ /// let dfa_fwd = dense::DFA::new(pattern)?;
+ /// let dfa_rev = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .configure(dense::Config::new()
+ /// .anchored(true)
+ /// .match_kind(MatchKind::All)
+ /// )
+ /// .build(pattern)?;
+ /// let expected_fwd = HalfMatch::must(0, 9);
+ /// let expected_rev = HalfMatch::must(0, 3);
+ /// let got_fwd = dfa_fwd.find_leftmost_fwd(haystack)?.unwrap();
+ /// // Here we don't specify the pattern to search for since there's only
+ /// // one pattern and we're doing a leftmost search. But if this were an
+ /// // overlapping search, you'd need to specify the pattern that matched
+ /// // in the forward direction. (Otherwise, you might wind up finding the
+ /// // starting position of a match of some other pattern.) That in turn
+ /// // requires building the reverse automaton with starts_for_each_pattern
+ /// // enabled. Indeed, this is what Regex does internally.
+ /// let got_rev = dfa_rev.find_leftmost_rev_at(
+ /// None, haystack, 0, got_fwd.offset(),
+ /// )?.unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(expected_fwd, got_fwd);
+ /// assert_eq!(expected_rev, got_rev);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn match_kind(mut self, kind: MatchKind) -> Config {
+ self.match_kind = Some(kind);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Whether to compile a separate start state for each pattern in the
+ /// automaton.
+ ///
+ /// When enabled, a separate **anchored** start state is added for each
+ /// pattern in the DFA. When this start state is used, then the DFA will
+ /// only search for matches for the pattern specified, even if there are
+ /// other patterns in the DFA.
+ ///
+ /// The main downside of this option is that it can potentially increase
+ /// the size of the DFA and/or increase the time it takes to build the DFA.
+ ///
+ /// There are a few reasons one might want to enable this (it's disabled
+ /// by default):
+ ///
+ /// 1. When looking for the start of an overlapping match (using a
+ /// reverse DFA), doing it correctly requires starting the reverse search
+ /// using the starting state of the pattern that matched in the forward
+ /// direction. Indeed, when building a [`Regex`](crate::dfa::regex::Regex),
+ /// it will automatically enable this option when building the reverse DFA
+ /// internally.
+ /// 2. When you want to use a DFA with multiple patterns to both search
+ /// for matches of any pattern or to search for anchored matches of one
+ /// particular pattern while using the same DFA. (Otherwise, you would need
+ /// to compile a new DFA for each pattern.)
+ /// 3. Since the start states added for each pattern are anchored, if you
+ /// compile an unanchored DFA with one pattern while also enabling this
+ /// option, then you can use the same DFA to perform anchored or unanchored
+ /// searches. The latter you get with the standard search APIs. The former
+ /// you get from the various `_at` search methods that allow you specify a
+ /// pattern ID to search for.
+ ///
+ /// By default this is disabled.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to use this option to permit the same DFA to
+ /// run both anchored and unanchored searches for a single pattern.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, dense},
+ /// HalfMatch, PatternID,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .configure(dense::Config::new().starts_for_each_pattern(true))
+ /// .build(r"foo[0-9]+")?;
+ /// let haystack = b"quux foo123";
+ ///
+ /// // Here's a normal unanchored search. Notice that we use 'None' for the
+ /// // pattern ID. Since the DFA was built as an unanchored machine, it
+ /// // use its default unanchored starting state.
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 11);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd_at(
+ /// None, None, haystack, 0, haystack.len(),
+ /// )?);
+ /// // But now if we explicitly specify the pattern to search ('0' being
+ /// // the only pattern in the DFA), then it will use the starting state
+ /// // for that specific pattern which is always anchored. Since the
+ /// // pattern doesn't have a match at the beginning of the haystack, we
+ /// // find nothing.
+ /// assert_eq!(None, dfa.find_leftmost_fwd_at(
+ /// None, Some(PatternID::must(0)), haystack, 0, haystack.len(),
+ /// )?);
+ /// // And finally, an anchored search is not the same as putting a '^' at
+ /// // beginning of the pattern. An anchored search can only match at the
+ /// // beginning of the *search*, which we can change:
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd_at(
+ /// None, Some(PatternID::must(0)), haystack, 5, haystack.len(),
+ /// )?);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn starts_for_each_pattern(mut self, yes: bool) -> Config {
+ self.starts_for_each_pattern = Some(yes);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Whether to attempt to shrink the size of the DFA's alphabet or not.
+ ///
+ /// This option is enabled by default and should never be disabled unless
+ /// one is debugging a generated DFA.
+ ///
+ /// When enabled, the DFA will use a map from all possible bytes to their
+ /// corresponding equivalence class. Each equivalence class represents a
+ /// set of bytes that does not discriminate between a match and a non-match
+ /// in the DFA. For example, the pattern `[ab]+` has at least two
+ /// equivalence classes: a set containing `a` and `b` and a set containing
+ /// every byte except for `a` and `b`. `a` and `b` are in the same
+ /// equivalence classes because they never discriminate between a match
+ /// and a non-match.
+ ///
+ /// The advantage of this map is that the size of the transition table
+ /// can be reduced drastically from `#states * 256 * sizeof(StateID)` to
+ /// `#states * k * sizeof(StateID)` where `k` is the number of equivalence
+ /// classes (rounded up to the nearest power of 2). As a result, total
+ /// space usage can decrease substantially. Moreover, since a smaller
+ /// alphabet is used, DFA compilation becomes faster as well.
+ ///
+ /// **WARNING:** This is only useful for debugging DFAs. Disabling this
+ /// does not yield any speed advantages. Namely, even when this is
+ /// disabled, a byte class map is still used while searching. The only
+ /// difference is that every byte will be forced into its own distinct
+ /// equivalence class. This is useful for debugging the actual generated
+ /// transitions because it lets one see the transitions defined on actual
+ /// bytes instead of the equivalence classes.
+ pub fn byte_classes(mut self, yes: bool) -> Config {
+ self.byte_classes = Some(yes);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Heuristically enable Unicode word boundaries.
+ ///
+ /// When set, this will attempt to implement Unicode word boundaries as if
+ /// they were ASCII word boundaries. This only works when the search input
+ /// is ASCII only. If a non-ASCII byte is observed while searching, then a
+ /// [`MatchError::Quit`](crate::MatchError::Quit) error is returned.
+ ///
+ /// A possible alternative to enabling this option is to simply use an
+ /// ASCII word boundary, e.g., via `(?-u:\b)`. The main reason to use this
+ /// option is if you absolutely need Unicode support. This option lets one
+ /// use a fast search implementation (a DFA) for some potentially very
+ /// common cases, while providing the option to fall back to some other
+ /// regex engine to handle the general case when an error is returned.
+ ///
+ /// If the pattern provided has no Unicode word boundary in it, then this
+ /// option has no effect. (That is, quitting on a non-ASCII byte only
+ /// occurs when this option is enabled _and_ a Unicode word boundary is
+ /// present in the pattern.)
+ ///
+ /// This is almost equivalent to setting all non-ASCII bytes to be quit
+ /// bytes. The only difference is that this will cause non-ASCII bytes to
+ /// be quit bytes _only_ when a Unicode word boundary is present in the
+ /// pattern.
+ ///
+ /// When enabling this option, callers _must_ be prepared to handle
+ /// a [`MatchError`](crate::MatchError) error during search.
+ /// When using a [`Regex`](crate::dfa::regex::Regex), this corresponds
+ /// to using the `try_` suite of methods. Alternatively, if
+ /// callers can guarantee that their input is ASCII only, then a
+ /// [`MatchError::Quit`](crate::MatchError::Quit) error will never be
+ /// returned while searching.
+ ///
+ /// This is disabled by default.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to heuristically enable Unicode word boundaries
+ /// in a pattern. It also shows what happens when a search comes across a
+ /// non-ASCII byte.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, dense},
+ /// HalfMatch, MatchError, MatchKind,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .configure(dense::Config::new().unicode_word_boundary(true))
+ /// .build(r"\b[0-9]+\b")?;
+ ///
+ /// // The match occurs before the search ever observes the snowman
+ /// // character, so no error occurs.
+ /// let haystack = "foo 123 ☃".as_bytes();
+ /// let expected = Some(HalfMatch::must(0, 7));
+ /// let got = dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(haystack)?;
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// // Notice that this search fails, even though the snowman character
+ /// // occurs after the ending match offset. This is because search
+ /// // routines read one byte past the end of the search to account for
+ /// // look-around, and indeed, this is required here to determine whether
+ /// // the trailing \b matches.
+ /// let haystack = "foo 123☃".as_bytes();
+ /// let expected = MatchError::Quit { byte: 0xE2, offset: 7 };
+ /// let got = dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(haystack);
+ /// assert_eq!(Err(expected), got);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn unicode_word_boundary(mut self, yes: bool) -> Config {
+ // We have a separate option for this instead of just setting the
+ // appropriate quit bytes here because we don't want to set quit bytes
+ // for every regex. We only want to set them when the regex contains a
+ // Unicode word boundary.
+ self.unicode_word_boundary = Some(yes);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Add a "quit" byte to the DFA.
+ ///
+ /// When a quit byte is seen during search time, then search will return
+ /// a [`MatchError::Quit`](crate::MatchError::Quit) error indicating the
+ /// offset at which the search stopped.
+ ///
+ /// A quit byte will always overrule any other aspects of a regex. For
+ /// example, if the `x` byte is added as a quit byte and the regex `\w` is
+ /// used, then observing `x` will cause the search to quit immediately
+ /// despite the fact that `x` is in the `\w` class.
+ ///
+ /// This mechanism is primarily useful for heuristically enabling certain
+ /// features like Unicode word boundaries in a DFA. Namely, if the input
+ /// to search is ASCII, then a Unicode word boundary can be implemented
+ /// via an ASCII word boundary with no change in semantics. Thus, a DFA
+ /// can attempt to match a Unicode word boundary but give up as soon as it
+ /// observes a non-ASCII byte. Indeed, if callers set all non-ASCII bytes
+ /// to be quit bytes, then Unicode word boundaries will be permitted when
+ /// building DFAs. Of course, callers should enable
+ /// [`Config::unicode_word_boundary`] if they want this behavior instead.
+ /// (The advantage being that non-ASCII quit bytes will only be added if a
+ /// Unicode word boundary is in the pattern.)
+ ///
+ /// When enabling this option, callers _must_ be prepared to handle a
+ /// [`MatchError`](crate::MatchError) error during search. When using a
+ /// [`Regex`](crate::dfa::regex::Regex), this corresponds to using the
+ /// `try_` suite of methods.
+ ///
+ /// By default, there are no quit bytes set.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This panics if heuristic Unicode word boundaries are enabled and any
+ /// non-ASCII byte is removed from the set of quit bytes. Namely, enabling
+ /// Unicode word boundaries requires setting every non-ASCII byte to a quit
+ /// byte. So if the caller attempts to undo any of that, then this will
+ /// panic.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to cause a search to terminate if it sees a
+ /// `\n` byte. This could be useful if, for example, you wanted to prevent
+ /// a user supplied pattern from matching across a line boundary.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, dense},
+ /// HalfMatch, MatchError,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .configure(dense::Config::new().quit(b'\n', true))
+ /// .build(r"foo\p{any}+bar")?;
+ ///
+ /// let haystack = "foo\nbar".as_bytes();
+ /// // Normally this would produce a match, since \p{any} contains '\n'.
+ /// // But since we instructed the automaton to enter a quit state if a
+ /// // '\n' is observed, this produces a match error instead.
+ /// let expected = MatchError::Quit { byte: 0x0A, offset: 3 };
+ /// let got = dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(haystack).unwrap_err();
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn quit(mut self, byte: u8, yes: bool) -> Config {
+ if self.get_unicode_word_boundary() && !byte.is_ascii() && !yes {
+ panic!(
+ "cannot set non-ASCII byte to be non-quit when \
+ Unicode word boundaries are enabled"
+ );
+ }
+ if self.quit.is_none() {
+ self.quit = Some(ByteSet::empty());
+ }
+ if yes {
+ self.quit.as_mut().unwrap().add(byte);
+ } else {
+ self.quit.as_mut().unwrap().remove(byte);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Set a size limit on the total heap used by a DFA.
+ ///
+ /// This size limit is expressed in bytes and is applied during
+ /// determinization of an NFA into a DFA. If the DFA's heap usage, and only
+ /// the DFA, exceeds this configured limit, then determinization is stopped
+ /// and an error is returned.
+ ///
+ /// This limit does not apply to auxiliary storage used during
+ /// determinization that isn't part of the generated DFA.
+ ///
+ /// This limit is only applied during determinization. Currently, there is
+ /// no way to post-pone this check to after minimization if minimization
+ /// was enabled.
+ ///
+ /// The total limit on heap used during determinization is the sum of the
+ /// DFA and determinization size limits.
+ ///
+ /// The default is no limit.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows a DFA that fails to build because of a configured
+ /// size limit. This particular example also serves as a cautionary tale
+ /// demonstrating just how big DFAs with large Unicode character classes
+ /// can get.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::dfa::{dense, Automaton};
+ ///
+ /// // 3MB isn't enough!
+ /// dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .configure(dense::Config::new().dfa_size_limit(Some(3_000_000)))
+ /// .build(r"\w{20}")
+ /// .unwrap_err();
+ ///
+ /// // ... but 4MB probably is!
+ /// // (Note that DFA sizes aren't necessarily stable between releases.)
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .configure(dense::Config::new().dfa_size_limit(Some(4_000_000)))
+ /// .build(r"\w{20}")?;
+ /// let haystack = "A".repeat(20).into_bytes();
+ /// assert!(dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(&haystack)?.is_some());
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// While one needs a little more than 3MB to represent `\w{20}`, it
+ /// turns out that you only need a little more than 4KB to represent
+ /// `(?-u:\w{20})`. So only use Unicode if you need it!
+ pub fn dfa_size_limit(mut self, bytes: Option<usize>) -> Config {
+ self.dfa_size_limit = Some(bytes);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Set a size limit on the total heap used by determinization.
+ ///
+ /// This size limit is expressed in bytes and is applied during
+ /// determinization of an NFA into a DFA. If the heap used for auxiliary
+ /// storage during determinization (memory that is not in the DFA but
+ /// necessary for building the DFA) exceeds this configured limit, then
+ /// determinization is stopped and an error is returned.
+ ///
+ /// This limit does not apply to heap used by the DFA itself.
+ ///
+ /// The total limit on heap used during determinization is the sum of the
+ /// DFA and determinization size limits.
+ ///
+ /// The default is no limit.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows a DFA that fails to build because of a
+ /// configured size limit on the amount of heap space used by
+ /// determinization. This particular example complements the example for
+ /// [`Config::dfa_size_limit`] by demonstrating that not only does Unicode
+ /// potentially make DFAs themselves big, but it also results in more
+ /// auxiliary storage during determinization. (Although, auxiliary storage
+ /// is still not as much as the DFA itself.)
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::dfa::{dense, Automaton};
+ ///
+ /// // 300KB isn't enough!
+ /// dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .configure(dense::Config::new()
+ /// .determinize_size_limit(Some(300_000))
+ /// )
+ /// .build(r"\w{20}")
+ /// .unwrap_err();
+ ///
+ /// // ... but 400KB probably is!
+ /// // (Note that auxiliary storage sizes aren't necessarily stable between
+ /// // releases.)
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ /// .configure(dense::Config::new()
+ /// .determinize_size_limit(Some(400_000))
+ /// )
+ /// .build(r"\w{20}")?;
+ /// let haystack = "A".repeat(20).into_bytes();
+ /// assert!(dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(&haystack)?.is_some());
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn determinize_size_limit(mut self, bytes: Option<usize>) -> Config {
+ self.determinize_size_limit = Some(bytes);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Returns whether this configuration has enabled anchored searches.
+ pub fn get_anchored(&self) -> bool {
+ self.anchored.unwrap_or(false)
+ }
+ /// Returns whether this configuration has enabled simple state
+ /// acceleration.
+ pub fn get_accelerate(&self) -> bool {
+ self.accelerate.unwrap_or(true)
+ }
+ /// Returns whether this configuration has enabled the expensive process
+ /// of minimizing a DFA.
+ pub fn get_minimize(&self) -> bool {
+ self.minimize.unwrap_or(false)
+ }
+ /// Returns the match semantics set in this configuration.
+ pub fn get_match_kind(&self) -> MatchKind {
+ self.match_kind.unwrap_or(MatchKind::LeftmostFirst)
+ }
+ /// Returns whether this configuration has enabled anchored starting states
+ /// for every pattern in the DFA.
+ pub fn get_starts_for_each_pattern(&self) -> bool {
+ self.starts_for_each_pattern.unwrap_or(false)
+ }
+ /// Returns whether this configuration has enabled byte classes or not.
+ /// This is typically a debugging oriented option, as disabling it confers
+ /// no speed benefit.
+ pub fn get_byte_classes(&self) -> bool {
+ self.byte_classes.unwrap_or(true)
+ }
+ /// Returns whether this configuration has enabled heuristic Unicode word
+ /// boundary support. When enabled, it is possible for a search to return
+ /// an error.
+ pub fn get_unicode_word_boundary(&self) -> bool {
+ self.unicode_word_boundary.unwrap_or(false)
+ }
+ /// Returns whether this configuration will instruct the DFA to enter a
+ /// quit state whenever the given byte is seen during a search. When at
+ /// least one byte has this enabled, it is possible for a search to return
+ /// an error.
+ pub fn get_quit(&self, byte: u8) -> bool {
+ self.quit.map_or(false, |q| q.contains(byte))
+ }
+ /// Returns the DFA size limit of this configuration if one was set.
+ /// The size limit is total number of bytes on the heap that a DFA is
+ /// permitted to use. If the DFA exceeds this limit during construction,
+ /// then construction is stopped and an error is returned.
+ pub fn get_dfa_size_limit(&self) -> Option<usize> {
+ self.dfa_size_limit.unwrap_or(None)
+ }
+ /// Returns the determinization size limit of this configuration if one
+ /// was set. The size limit is total number of bytes on the heap that
+ /// determinization is permitted to use. If determinization exceeds this
+ /// limit during construction, then construction is stopped and an error is
+ /// returned.
+ ///
+ /// This is different from the DFA size limit in that this only applies to
+ /// the auxiliary storage used during determinization. Once determinization
+ /// is complete, this memory is freed.
+ ///
+ /// The limit on the total heap memory used is the sum of the DFA and
+ /// determinization size limits.
+ pub fn get_determinize_size_limit(&self) -> Option<usize> {
+ self.determinize_size_limit.unwrap_or(None)
+ }
+ /// Overwrite the default configuration such that the options in `o` are
+ /// always used. If an option in `o` is not set, then the corresponding
+ /// option in `self` is used. If it's not set in `self` either, then it
+ /// remains not set.
+ pub(crate) fn overwrite(self, o: Config) -> Config {
+ Config {
+ anchored: o.anchored.or(self.anchored),
+ accelerate: o.accelerate.or(self.accelerate),
+ minimize: o.minimize.or(self.minimize),
+ match_kind: o.match_kind.or(self.match_kind),
+ starts_for_each_pattern: o
+ .starts_for_each_pattern
+ .or(self.starts_for_each_pattern),
+ byte_classes: o.byte_classes.or(self.byte_classes),
+ unicode_word_boundary: o
+ .unicode_word_boundary
+ .or(self.unicode_word_boundary),
+ quit: o.quit.or(self.quit),
+ dfa_size_limit: o.dfa_size_limit.or(self.dfa_size_limit),
+ determinize_size_limit: o
+ .determinize_size_limit
+ .or(self.determinize_size_limit),
+ }
+ }
+/// A builder for constructing a deterministic finite automaton from regular
+/// expressions.
+/// This builder provides two main things:
+/// 1. It provides a few different `build` routines for actually constructing
+/// a DFA from different kinds of inputs. The most convenient is
+/// [`Builder::build`], which builds a DFA directly from a pattern string. The
+/// most flexible is [`Builder::build_from_nfa`], which builds a DFA straight
+/// from an NFA.
+/// 2. The builder permits configuring a number of things.
+/// [`Builder::configure`] is used with [`Config`] to configure aspects of
+/// the DFA and the construction process itself. [`Builder::syntax`] and
+/// [`Builder::thompson`] permit configuring the regex parser and Thompson NFA
+/// construction, respectively. The syntax and thompson configurations only
+/// apply when building from a pattern string.
+/// This builder always constructs a *single* DFA. As such, this builder
+/// can only be used to construct regexes that either detect the presence
+/// of a match or find the end location of a match. A single DFA cannot
+/// produce both the start and end of a match. For that information, use a
+/// [`Regex`](crate::dfa::regex::Regex), which can be similarly configured
+/// using [`regex::Builder`](crate::dfa::regex::Builder). The main reason to
+/// use a DFA directly is if the end location of a match is enough for your use
+/// case. Namely, a `Regex` will construct two DFAs instead of one, since a
+/// second reverse DFA is needed to find the start of a match.
+/// Note that if one wants to build a sparse DFA, you must first build a dense
+/// DFA and convert that to a sparse DFA. There is no way to build a sparse
+/// DFA without first building a dense DFA.
+/// # Example
+/// This example shows how to build a minimized DFA that completely disables
+/// Unicode. That is:
+/// * Things such as `\w`, `.` and `\b` are no longer Unicode-aware. `\w`
+/// and `\b` are ASCII-only while `.` matches any byte except for `\n`
+/// (instead of any UTF-8 encoding of a Unicode scalar value except for
+/// `\n`). Things that are Unicode only, such as `\pL`, are not allowed.
+/// * The pattern itself is permitted to match invalid UTF-8. For example,
+/// things like `[^a]` that match any byte except for `a` are permitted.
+/// * Unanchored patterns can search through invalid UTF-8. That is, for
+/// unanchored patterns, the implicit prefix is `(?s-u:.)*?` instead of
+/// `(?s:.)*?`.
+/// ```
+/// use regex_automata::{
+/// dfa::{Automaton, dense},
+/// nfa::thompson,
+/// HalfMatch, SyntaxConfig,
+/// };
+/// let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+/// .configure(dense::Config::new().minimize(false))
+/// .syntax(SyntaxConfig::new().unicode(false).utf8(false))
+/// .thompson(thompson::Config::new().utf8(false))
+/// .build(r"foo[^b]ar.*")?;
+/// let haystack = b"\xFEfoo\xFFar\xE2\x98\xFF\n";
+/// let expected = Some(HalfMatch::must(0, 10));
+/// let got = dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(haystack)?;
+/// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+/// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+/// ```
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct Builder {
+ config: Config,
+ thompson: thompson::Builder,
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl Builder {
+ /// Create a new dense DFA builder with the default configuration.
+ pub fn new() -> Builder {
+ Builder {
+ config: Config::default(),
+ thompson: thompson::Builder::new(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Build a DFA from the given pattern.
+ ///
+ /// If there was a problem parsing or compiling the pattern, then an error
+ /// is returned.
+ pub fn build(&self, pattern: &str) -> Result<OwnedDFA, Error> {
+ self.build_many(&[pattern])
+ }
+ /// Build a DFA from the given patterns.
+ ///
+ /// When matches are returned, the pattern ID corresponds to the index of
+ /// the pattern in the slice given.
+ pub fn build_many<P: AsRef<str>>(
+ &self,
+ patterns: &[P],
+ ) -> Result<OwnedDFA, Error> {
+ let nfa = self.thompson.build_many(patterns).map_err(Error::nfa)?;
+ self.build_from_nfa(&nfa)
+ }
+ /// Build a DFA from the given NFA.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to build a DFA if you already have an NFA in
+ /// hand.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, dense},
+ /// nfa::thompson,
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let haystack = "foo123bar".as_bytes();
+ ///
+ /// // This shows how to set non-default options for building an NFA.
+ /// let nfa = thompson::Builder::new()
+ /// .configure(thompson::Config::new().shrink(false))
+ /// .build(r"[0-9]+")?;
+ /// let dfa = dense::Builder::new().build_from_nfa(&nfa)?;
+ /// let expected = Some(HalfMatch::must(0, 6));
+ /// let got = dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(haystack)?;
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn build_from_nfa(
+ &self,
+ nfa: &thompson::NFA,
+ ) -> Result<OwnedDFA, Error> {
+ let mut quit = self.config.quit.unwrap_or(ByteSet::empty());
+ if self.config.get_unicode_word_boundary()
+ && nfa.has_word_boundary_unicode()
+ {
+ for b in 0x80..=0xFF {
+ quit.add(b);
+ }
+ }
+ let classes = if !self.config.get_byte_classes() {
+ // DFAs will always use the equivalence class map, but enabling
+ // this option is useful for debugging. Namely, this will cause all
+ // transitions to be defined over their actual bytes instead of an
+ // opaque equivalence class identifier. The former is much easier
+ // to grok as a human.
+ ByteClasses::singletons()
+ } else {
+ let mut set = nfa.byte_class_set().clone();
+ // It is important to distinguish any "quit" bytes from all other
+ // bytes. Otherwise, a non-quit byte may end up in the same class
+ // as a quit byte, and thus cause the DFA stop when it shouldn't.
+ if !quit.is_empty() {
+ set.add_set(&quit);
+ }
+ set.byte_classes()
+ };
+ let mut dfa = DFA::initial(
+ classes,
+ nfa.pattern_len(),
+ self.config.get_starts_for_each_pattern(),
+ )?;
+ determinize::Config::new()
+ .anchored(self.config.get_anchored())
+ .match_kind(self.config.get_match_kind())
+ .quit(quit)
+ .dfa_size_limit(self.config.get_dfa_size_limit())
+ .determinize_size_limit(self.config.get_determinize_size_limit())
+ .run(nfa, &mut dfa)?;
+ if self.config.get_minimize() {
+ dfa.minimize();
+ }
+ if self.config.get_accelerate() {
+ dfa.accelerate();
+ }
+ Ok(dfa)
+ }
+ /// Apply the given dense DFA configuration options to this builder.
+ pub fn configure(&mut self, config: Config) -> &mut Builder {
+ self.config = self.config.overwrite(config);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Set the syntax configuration for this builder using
+ /// [`SyntaxConfig`](crate::SyntaxConfig).
+ ///
+ /// This permits setting things like case insensitivity, Unicode and multi
+ /// line mode.
+ ///
+ /// These settings only apply when constructing a DFA directly from a
+ /// pattern.
+ pub fn syntax(
+ &mut self,
+ config: crate::util::syntax::SyntaxConfig,
+ ) -> &mut Builder {
+ self.thompson.syntax(config);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Set the Thompson NFA configuration for this builder using
+ /// [`nfa::thompson::Config`](crate::nfa::thompson::Config).
+ ///
+ /// This permits setting things like whether the DFA should match the regex
+ /// in reverse or if additional time should be spent shrinking the size of
+ /// the NFA.
+ ///
+ /// These settings only apply when constructing a DFA directly from a
+ /// pattern.
+ pub fn thompson(&mut self, config: thompson::Config) -> &mut Builder {
+ self.thompson.configure(config);
+ self
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl Default for Builder {
+ fn default() -> Builder {
+ Builder::new()
+ }
+/// A convenience alias for an owned DFA. We use this particular instantiation
+/// a lot in this crate, so it's worth giving it a name. This instantiation
+/// is commonly used for mutable APIs on the DFA while building it. The main
+/// reason for making DFAs generic is no_std support, and more generally,
+/// making it possible to load a DFA from an arbitrary slice of bytes.
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+pub(crate) type OwnedDFA = DFA<Vec<u32>>;
+/// A dense table-based deterministic finite automaton (DFA).
+/// All dense DFAs have one or more start states, zero or more match states
+/// and a transition table that maps the current state and the current byte
+/// of input to the next state. A DFA can use this information to implement
+/// fast searching. In particular, the use of a dense DFA generally makes the
+/// trade off that match speed is the most valuable characteristic, even if
+/// building the DFA may take significant time *and* space. (More concretely,
+/// building a DFA takes time and space that is exponential in the size of the
+/// pattern in the worst case.) As such, the processing of every byte of input
+/// is done with a small constant number of operations that does not vary with
+/// the pattern, its size or the size of the alphabet. If your needs don't line
+/// up with this trade off, then a dense DFA may not be an adequate solution to
+/// your problem.
+/// In contrast, a [`sparse::DFA`] makes the opposite
+/// trade off: it uses less space but will execute a variable number of
+/// instructions per byte at match time, which makes it slower for matching.
+/// (Note that space usage is still exponential in the size of the pattern in
+/// the worst case.)
+/// A DFA can be built using the default configuration via the
+/// [`DFA::new`] constructor. Otherwise, one can
+/// configure various aspects via [`dense::Builder`](Builder).
+/// A single DFA fundamentally supports the following operations:
+/// 1. Detection of a match.
+/// 2. Location of the end of a match.
+/// 3. In the case of a DFA with multiple patterns, which pattern matched is
+/// reported as well.
+/// A notable absence from the above list of capabilities is the location of
+/// the *start* of a match. In order to provide both the start and end of
+/// a match, *two* DFAs are required. This functionality is provided by a
+/// [`Regex`](crate::dfa::regex::Regex).
+/// # Type parameters
+/// A `DFA` has one type parameter, `T`, which is used to represent state IDs,
+/// pattern IDs and accelerators. `T` is typically a `Vec<u32>` or a `&[u32]`.
+/// # The `Automaton` trait
+/// This type implements the [`Automaton`] trait, which means it can be used
+/// for searching. For example:
+/// ```
+/// use regex_automata::{dfa::{Automaton, dense::DFA}, HalfMatch};
+/// let dfa = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+/// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+/// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+/// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+/// ```
+pub struct DFA<T> {
+ /// The transition table for this DFA. This includes the transitions
+ /// themselves, along with the stride, number of states and the equivalence
+ /// class mapping.
+ tt: TransitionTable<T>,
+ /// The set of starting state identifiers for this DFA. The starting state
+ /// IDs act as pointers into the transition table. The specific starting
+ /// state chosen for each search is dependent on the context at which the
+ /// search begins.
+ st: StartTable<T>,
+ /// The set of match states and the patterns that match for each
+ /// corresponding match state.
+ ///
+ /// This structure is technically only needed because of support for
+ /// multi-regexes. Namely, multi-regexes require answering not just whether
+ /// a match exists, but _which_ patterns match. So we need to store the
+ /// matching pattern IDs for each match state. We do this even when there
+ /// is only one pattern for the sake of simplicity. In practice, this uses
+ /// up very little space for the case of on pattern.
+ ms: MatchStates<T>,
+ /// Information about which states are "special." Special states are states
+ /// that are dead, quit, matching, starting or accelerated. For more info,
+ /// see the docs for `Special`.
+ special: Special,
+ /// The accelerators for this DFA.
+ ///
+ /// If a state is accelerated, then there exist only a small number of
+ /// bytes that can cause the DFA to leave the state. This permits searching
+ /// to use optimized routines to find those specific bytes instead of using
+ /// the transition table.
+ ///
+ /// All accelerated states exist in a contiguous range in the DFA's
+ /// transition table. See dfa/ for more details on how states are
+ /// arranged.
+ accels: Accels<T>,
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl OwnedDFA {
+ /// Parse the given regular expression using a default configuration and
+ /// return the corresponding DFA.
+ ///
+ /// If you want a non-default configuration, then use the
+ /// [`dense::Builder`](Builder) to set your own configuration.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{Automaton, dense}, HalfMatch};
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::DFA::new("foo[0-9]+bar")?;
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 11);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345bar")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn new(pattern: &str) -> Result<OwnedDFA, Error> {
+ Builder::new().build(pattern)
+ }
+ /// Parse the given regular expressions using a default configuration and
+ /// return the corresponding multi-DFA.
+ ///
+ /// If you want a non-default configuration, then use the
+ /// [`dense::Builder`](Builder) to set your own configuration.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{Automaton, dense}, HalfMatch};
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::DFA::new_many(&["[0-9]+", "[a-z]+"])?;
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(1, 3);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345bar")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn new_many<P: AsRef<str>>(patterns: &[P]) -> Result<OwnedDFA, Error> {
+ Builder::new().build_many(patterns)
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl OwnedDFA {
+ /// Create a new DFA that matches every input.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{Automaton, dense}, HalfMatch};
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::DFA::always_match()?;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 0);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"")?);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn always_match() -> Result<OwnedDFA, Error> {
+ let nfa = thompson::NFA::always_match();
+ Builder::new().build_from_nfa(&nfa)
+ }
+ /// Create a new DFA that never matches any input.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::dfa::{Automaton, dense};
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = dense::DFA::never_match()?;
+ /// assert_eq!(None, dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"")?);
+ /// assert_eq!(None, dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn never_match() -> Result<OwnedDFA, Error> {
+ let nfa = thompson::NFA::never_match();
+ Builder::new().build_from_nfa(&nfa)
+ }
+ /// Create an initial DFA with the given equivalence classes, pattern count
+ /// and whether anchored starting states are enabled for each pattern. An
+ /// initial DFA can be further mutated via determinization.
+ fn initial(
+ classes: ByteClasses,
+ pattern_count: usize,
+ starts_for_each_pattern: bool,
+ ) -> Result<OwnedDFA, Error> {
+ let start_pattern_count =
+ if starts_for_each_pattern { pattern_count } else { 0 };
+ Ok(DFA {
+ tt: TransitionTable::minimal(classes),
+ st: StartTable::dead(start_pattern_count)?,
+ ms: MatchStates::empty(pattern_count),
+ special: Special::new(),
+ accels: Accels::empty(),
+ })
+ }
+impl<T: AsRef<[u32]>> DFA<T> {
+ /// Cheaply return a borrowed version of this dense DFA. Specifically,
+ /// the DFA returned always uses `&[u32]` for its transition table.
+ pub fn as_ref(&self) -> DFA<&'_ [u32]> {
+ DFA {
+ tt:,
+ st:,
+ ms:,
+ special: self.special,
+ accels: self.accels(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return an owned version of this sparse DFA. Specifically, the DFA
+ /// returned always uses `Vec<u32>` for its transition table.
+ ///
+ /// Effectively, this returns a dense DFA whose transition table lives on
+ /// the heap.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub fn to_owned(&self) -> OwnedDFA {
+ DFA {
+ tt:,
+ st:,
+ ms:,
+ special: self.special,
+ accels: self.accels().to_owned(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns true only if this DFA has starting states for each pattern.
+ ///
+ /// When a DFA has starting states for each pattern, then a search with the
+ /// DFA can be configured to only look for anchored matches of a specific
+ /// pattern. Specifically, APIs like [`Automaton::find_earliest_fwd_at`]
+ /// can accept a non-None `pattern_id` if and only if this method returns
+ /// true. Otherwise, calling `find_earliest_fwd_at` will panic.
+ ///
+ /// Note that if the DFA has no patterns, this always returns false.
+ pub fn has_starts_for_each_pattern(&self) -> bool {
+ > 0
+ }
+ /// Returns the total number of elements in the alphabet for this DFA.
+ ///
+ /// That is, this returns the total number of transitions that each state
+ /// in this DFA must have. Typically, a normal byte oriented DFA would
+ /// always have an alphabet size of 256, corresponding to the number of
+ /// unique values in a single byte. However, this implementation has two
+ /// peculiarities that impact the alphabet length:
+ ///
+ /// * Every state has a special "EOI" transition that is only followed
+ /// after the end of some haystack is reached. This EOI transition is
+ /// necessary to account for one byte of look-ahead when implementing
+ /// things like `\b` and `$`.
+ /// * Bytes are grouped into equivalence classes such that no two bytes in
+ /// the same class can distinguish a match from a non-match. For example,
+ /// in the regex `^[a-z]+$`, the ASCII bytes `a-z` could all be in the
+ /// same equivalence class. This leads to a massive space savings.
+ ///
+ /// Note though that the alphabet length does _not_ necessarily equal the
+ /// total stride space taken up by a single DFA state in the transition
+ /// table. Namely, for performance reasons, the stride is always the
+ /// smallest power of two that is greater than or equal to the alphabet
+ /// length. For this reason, [`DFA::stride`] or [`DFA::stride2`] are
+ /// often more useful. The alphabet length is typically useful only for
+ /// informational purposes.
+ pub fn alphabet_len(&self) -> usize {
+ }
+ /// Returns the total stride for every state in this DFA, expressed as the
+ /// exponent of a power of 2. The stride is the amount of space each state
+ /// takes up in the transition table, expressed as a number of transitions.
+ /// (Unused transitions map to dead states.)
+ ///
+ /// The stride of a DFA is always equivalent to the smallest power of 2
+ /// that is greater than or equal to the DFA's alphabet length. This
+ /// definition uses extra space, but permits faster translation between
+ /// premultiplied state identifiers and contiguous indices (by using shifts
+ /// instead of relying on integer division).
+ ///
+ /// For example, if the DFA's stride is 16 transitions, then its `stride2`
+ /// is `4` since `2^4 = 16`.
+ ///
+ /// The minimum `stride2` value is `1` (corresponding to a stride of `2`)
+ /// while the maximum `stride2` value is `9` (corresponding to a stride of
+ /// `512`). The maximum is not `8` since the maximum alphabet size is `257`
+ /// when accounting for the special EOI transition. However, an alphabet
+ /// length of that size is exceptionally rare since the alphabet is shrunk
+ /// into equivalence classes.
+ pub fn stride2(&self) -> usize {
+ }
+ /// Returns the total stride for every state in this DFA. This corresponds
+ /// to the total number of transitions used by each state in this DFA's
+ /// transition table.
+ ///
+ /// Please see [`DFA::stride2`] for more information. In particular, this
+ /// returns the stride as the number of transitions, where as `stride2`
+ /// returns it as the exponent of a power of 2.
+ pub fn stride(&self) -> usize {
+ }
+ /// Returns the "universal" start state for this DFA.
+ ///
+ /// A universal start state occurs only when all of the starting states
+ /// for this DFA are precisely the same. This occurs when there are no
+ /// look-around assertions at the beginning (or end for a reverse DFA) of
+ /// the pattern.
+ ///
+ /// Using this as a starting state for a DFA without a universal starting
+ /// state has unspecified behavior. This condition is not checked, so the
+ /// caller must guarantee it themselves.
+ pub(crate) fn universal_start_state(&self) -> StateID {
+ // We choose 'NonWordByte' for no particular reason, other than
+ // the fact that this is the 'main' starting configuration used in
+ // determinization. But in essence, it doesn't really matter.
+ //
+ // Also, we might consider exposing this routine, but it seems
+ // a little tricky to use correctly. Maybe if we also expose a
+ // 'has_universal_start_state' method?
+, None)
+ }
+ /// Returns the memory usage, in bytes, of this DFA.
+ ///
+ /// The memory usage is computed based on the number of bytes used to
+ /// represent this DFA.
+ ///
+ /// This does **not** include the stack size used up by this DFA. To
+ /// compute that, use `std::mem::size_of::<dense::DFA>()`.
+ pub fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
+ +
+ +
+ + self.accels.memory_usage()
+ }
+/// Routines for converting a dense DFA to other representations, such as
+/// sparse DFAs or raw bytes suitable for persistent storage.
+impl<T: AsRef<[u32]>> DFA<T> {
+ /// Convert this dense DFA to a sparse DFA.
+ ///
+ /// If a `StateID` is too small to represent all states in the sparse
+ /// DFA, then this returns an error. In most cases, if a dense DFA is
+ /// constructable with `StateID` then a sparse DFA will be as well.
+ /// However, it is not guaranteed.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{Automaton, dense}, HalfMatch};
+ ///
+ /// let dense = dense::DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ /// let sparse = dense.to_sparse()?;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), sparse.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub fn to_sparse(&self) -> Result<sparse::DFA<Vec<u8>>, Error> {
+ sparse::DFA::from_dense(self)
+ }
+ /// Serialize this DFA as raw bytes to a `Vec<u8>` in little endian
+ /// format. Upon success, the `Vec<u8>` and the initial padding length are
+ /// returned.
+ ///
+ /// The written bytes are guaranteed to be deserialized correctly and
+ /// without errors in a semver compatible release of this crate by a
+ /// `DFA`'s deserialization APIs (assuming all other criteria for the
+ /// deserialization APIs has been satisfied):
+ ///
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes`]
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes_unchecked`]
+ ///
+ /// The padding returned is non-zero if the returned `Vec<u8>` starts at
+ /// an address that does not have the same alignment as `u32`. The padding
+ /// corresponds to the number of leading bytes written to the returned
+ /// `Vec<u8>`.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to serialize and deserialize a DFA:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{Automaton, dense::DFA}, HalfMatch};
+ ///
+ /// // Compile our original DFA.
+ /// let original_dfa = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ ///
+ /// // N.B. We use native endianness here to make the example work, but
+ /// // using to_bytes_little_endian would work on a little endian target.
+ /// let (buf, _) = original_dfa.to_bytes_native_endian();
+ /// // Even if buf has initial padding, DFA::from_bytes will automatically
+ /// // ignore it.
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u32]> = DFA::from_bytes(&buf)?.0;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub fn to_bytes_little_endian(&self) -> (Vec<u8>, usize) {
+ self.to_bytes::<bytes::LE>()
+ }
+ /// Serialize this DFA as raw bytes to a `Vec<u8>` in big endian
+ /// format. Upon success, the `Vec<u8>` and the initial padding length are
+ /// returned.
+ ///
+ /// The written bytes are guaranteed to be deserialized correctly and
+ /// without errors in a semver compatible release of this crate by a
+ /// `DFA`'s deserialization APIs (assuming all other criteria for the
+ /// deserialization APIs has been satisfied):
+ ///
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes`]
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes_unchecked`]
+ ///
+ /// The padding returned is non-zero if the returned `Vec<u8>` starts at
+ /// an address that does not have the same alignment as `u32`. The padding
+ /// corresponds to the number of leading bytes written to the returned
+ /// `Vec<u8>`.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to serialize and deserialize a DFA:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{Automaton, dense::DFA}, HalfMatch};
+ ///
+ /// // Compile our original DFA.
+ /// let original_dfa = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ ///
+ /// // N.B. We use native endianness here to make the example work, but
+ /// // using to_bytes_big_endian would work on a big endian target.
+ /// let (buf, _) = original_dfa.to_bytes_native_endian();
+ /// // Even if buf has initial padding, DFA::from_bytes will automatically
+ /// // ignore it.
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u32]> = DFA::from_bytes(&buf)?.0;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub fn to_bytes_big_endian(&self) -> (Vec<u8>, usize) {
+ self.to_bytes::<bytes::BE>()
+ }
+ /// Serialize this DFA as raw bytes to a `Vec<u8>` in native endian
+ /// format. Upon success, the `Vec<u8>` and the initial padding length are
+ /// returned.
+ ///
+ /// The written bytes are guaranteed to be deserialized correctly and
+ /// without errors in a semver compatible release of this crate by a
+ /// `DFA`'s deserialization APIs (assuming all other criteria for the
+ /// deserialization APIs has been satisfied):
+ ///
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes`]
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes_unchecked`]
+ ///
+ /// The padding returned is non-zero if the returned `Vec<u8>` starts at
+ /// an address that does not have the same alignment as `u32`. The padding
+ /// corresponds to the number of leading bytes written to the returned
+ /// `Vec<u8>`.
+ ///
+ /// Generally speaking, native endian format should only be used when
+ /// you know that the target you're compiling the DFA for matches the
+ /// endianness of the target on which you're compiling DFA. For example,
+ /// if serialization and deserialization happen in the same process or on
+ /// the same machine. Otherwise, when serializing a DFA for use in a
+ /// portable environment, you'll almost certainly want to serialize _both_
+ /// a little endian and a big endian version and then load the correct one
+ /// based on the target's configuration.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to serialize and deserialize a DFA:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{Automaton, dense::DFA}, HalfMatch};
+ ///
+ /// // Compile our original DFA.
+ /// let original_dfa = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ ///
+ /// let (buf, _) = original_dfa.to_bytes_native_endian();
+ /// // Even if buf has initial padding, DFA::from_bytes will automatically
+ /// // ignore it.
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u32]> = DFA::from_bytes(&buf)?.0;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub fn to_bytes_native_endian(&self) -> (Vec<u8>, usize) {
+ self.to_bytes::<bytes::NE>()
+ }
+ /// The implementation of the public `to_bytes` serialization methods,
+ /// which is generic over endianness.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ fn to_bytes<E: Endian>(&self) -> (Vec<u8>, usize) {
+ let len = self.write_to_len();
+ let (mut buf, padding) = bytes::alloc_aligned_buffer::<u32>(len);
+ // This should always succeed since the only possible serialization
+ // error is providing a buffer that's too small, but we've ensured that
+ // `buf` is big enough here.
+ self.as_ref().write_to::<E>(&mut buf[padding..]).unwrap();
+ (buf, padding)
+ }
+ /// Serialize this DFA as raw bytes to the given slice, in little endian
+ /// format. Upon success, the total number of bytes written to `dst` is
+ /// returned.
+ ///
+ /// The written bytes are guaranteed to be deserialized correctly and
+ /// without errors in a semver compatible release of this crate by a
+ /// `DFA`'s deserialization APIs (assuming all other criteria for the
+ /// deserialization APIs has been satisfied):
+ ///
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes`]
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes_unchecked`]
+ ///
+ /// Note that unlike the various `to_byte_*` routines, this does not write
+ /// any padding. Callers are responsible for handling alignment correctly.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This returns an error if the given destination slice is not big enough
+ /// to contain the full serialized DFA. If an error occurs, then nothing
+ /// is written to `dst`.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to serialize and deserialize a DFA without
+ /// dynamic memory allocation.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{Automaton, dense::DFA}, HalfMatch};
+ ///
+ /// // Compile our original DFA.
+ /// let original_dfa = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ ///
+ /// // Create a 4KB buffer on the stack to store our serialized DFA.
+ /// let mut buf = [0u8; 4 * (1<<10)];
+ /// // N.B. We use native endianness here to make the example work, but
+ /// // using write_to_little_endian would work on a little endian target.
+ /// let written = original_dfa.write_to_native_endian(&mut buf)?;
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u32]> = DFA::from_bytes(&buf[..written])?.0;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn write_to_little_endian(
+ &self,
+ dst: &mut [u8],
+ ) -> Result<usize, SerializeError> {
+ self.as_ref().write_to::<bytes::LE>(dst)
+ }
+ /// Serialize this DFA as raw bytes to the given slice, in big endian
+ /// format. Upon success, the total number of bytes written to `dst` is
+ /// returned.
+ ///
+ /// The written bytes are guaranteed to be deserialized correctly and
+ /// without errors in a semver compatible release of this crate by a
+ /// `DFA`'s deserialization APIs (assuming all other criteria for the
+ /// deserialization APIs has been satisfied):
+ ///
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes`]
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes_unchecked`]
+ ///
+ /// Note that unlike the various `to_byte_*` routines, this does not write
+ /// any padding. Callers are responsible for handling alignment correctly.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This returns an error if the given destination slice is not big enough
+ /// to contain the full serialized DFA. If an error occurs, then nothing
+ /// is written to `dst`.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to serialize and deserialize a DFA without
+ /// dynamic memory allocation.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{Automaton, dense::DFA}, HalfMatch};
+ ///
+ /// // Compile our original DFA.
+ /// let original_dfa = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ ///
+ /// // Create a 4KB buffer on the stack to store our serialized DFA.
+ /// let mut buf = [0u8; 4 * (1<<10)];
+ /// // N.B. We use native endianness here to make the example work, but
+ /// // using write_to_big_endian would work on a big endian target.
+ /// let written = original_dfa.write_to_native_endian(&mut buf)?;
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u32]> = DFA::from_bytes(&buf[..written])?.0;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn write_to_big_endian(
+ &self,
+ dst: &mut [u8],
+ ) -> Result<usize, SerializeError> {
+ self.as_ref().write_to::<bytes::BE>(dst)
+ }
+ /// Serialize this DFA as raw bytes to the given slice, in native endian
+ /// format. Upon success, the total number of bytes written to `dst` is
+ /// returned.
+ ///
+ /// The written bytes are guaranteed to be deserialized correctly and
+ /// without errors in a semver compatible release of this crate by a
+ /// `DFA`'s deserialization APIs (assuming all other criteria for the
+ /// deserialization APIs has been satisfied):
+ ///
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes`]
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes_unchecked`]
+ ///
+ /// Generally speaking, native endian format should only be used when
+ /// you know that the target you're compiling the DFA for matches the
+ /// endianness of the target on which you're compiling DFA. For example,
+ /// if serialization and deserialization happen in the same process or on
+ /// the same machine. Otherwise, when serializing a DFA for use in a
+ /// portable environment, you'll almost certainly want to serialize _both_
+ /// a little endian and a big endian version and then load the correct one
+ /// based on the target's configuration.
+ ///
+ /// Note that unlike the various `to_byte_*` routines, this does not write
+ /// any padding. Callers are responsible for handling alignment correctly.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This returns an error if the given destination slice is not big enough
+ /// to contain the full serialized DFA. If an error occurs, then nothing
+ /// is written to `dst`.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to serialize and deserialize a DFA without
+ /// dynamic memory allocation.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{Automaton, dense::DFA}, HalfMatch};
+ ///
+ /// // Compile our original DFA.
+ /// let original_dfa = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ ///
+ /// // Create a 4KB buffer on the stack to store our serialized DFA.
+ /// let mut buf = [0u8; 4 * (1<<10)];
+ /// let written = original_dfa.write_to_native_endian(&mut buf)?;
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u32]> = DFA::from_bytes(&buf[..written])?.0;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn write_to_native_endian(
+ &self,
+ dst: &mut [u8],
+ ) -> Result<usize, SerializeError> {
+ self.as_ref().write_to::<bytes::NE>(dst)
+ }
+ /// Return the total number of bytes required to serialize this DFA.
+ ///
+ /// This is useful for determining the size of the buffer required to pass
+ /// to one of the serialization routines:
+ ///
+ /// * [`DFA::write_to_little_endian`]
+ /// * [`DFA::write_to_big_endian`]
+ /// * [`DFA::write_to_native_endian`]
+ ///
+ /// Passing a buffer smaller than the size returned by this method will
+ /// result in a serialization error. Serialization routines are guaranteed
+ /// to succeed when the buffer is big enough.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to dynamically allocate enough room to serialize
+ /// a DFA.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{Automaton, dense::DFA}, HalfMatch};
+ ///
+ /// // Compile our original DFA.
+ /// let original_dfa = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ ///
+ /// let mut buf = vec![0; original_dfa.write_to_len()];
+ /// let written = original_dfa.write_to_native_endian(&mut buf)?;
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u32]> = DFA::from_bytes(&buf[..written])?.0;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Note that this example isn't actually guaranteed to work! In
+ /// particular, if `buf` is not aligned to a 4-byte boundary, then the
+ /// `DFA::from_bytes` call will fail. If you need this to work, then you
+ /// either need to deal with adding some initial padding yourself, or use
+ /// one of the `to_bytes` methods, which will do it for you.
+ pub fn write_to_len(&self) -> usize {
+ bytes::write_label_len(LABEL)
+ + bytes::write_endianness_check_len()
+ + bytes::write_version_len()
+ + size_of::<u32>() // unused, intended for future flexibility
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + self.special.write_to_len()
+ + self.accels.write_to_len()
+ }
+impl<'a> DFA<&'a [u32]> {
+ /// Safely deserialize a DFA with a specific state identifier
+ /// representation. Upon success, this returns both the deserialized DFA
+ /// and the number of bytes read from the given slice. Namely, the contents
+ /// of the slice beyond the DFA are not read.
+ ///
+ /// Deserializing a DFA using this routine will never allocate heap memory.
+ /// For safety purposes, the DFA's transition table will be verified such
+ /// that every transition points to a valid state. If this verification is
+ /// too costly, then a [`DFA::from_bytes_unchecked`] API is provided, which
+ /// will always execute in constant time.
+ ///
+ /// The bytes given must be generated by one of the serialization APIs
+ /// of a `DFA` using a semver compatible release of this crate. Those
+ /// include:
+ ///
+ /// * [`DFA::to_bytes_little_endian`]
+ /// * [`DFA::to_bytes_big_endian`]
+ /// * [`DFA::to_bytes_native_endian`]
+ /// * [`DFA::write_to_little_endian`]
+ /// * [`DFA::write_to_big_endian`]
+ /// * [`DFA::write_to_native_endian`]
+ ///
+ /// The `to_bytes` methods allocate and return a `Vec<u8>` for you, along
+ /// with handling alignment correctly. The `write_to` methods do not
+ /// allocate and write to an existing slice (which may be on the stack).
+ /// Since deserialization always uses the native endianness of the target
+ /// platform, the serialization API you use should match the endianness of
+ /// the target platform. (It's often a good idea to generate serialized
+ /// DFAs for both forms of endianness and then load the correct one based
+ /// on endianness.)
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// Generally speaking, it's easier to state the conditions in which an
+ /// error is _not_ returned. All of the following must be true:
+ ///
+ /// * The bytes given must be produced by one of the serialization APIs
+ /// on this DFA, as mentioned above.
+ /// * The endianness of the target platform matches the endianness used to
+ /// serialized the provided DFA.
+ /// * The slice given must have the same alignment as `u32`.
+ ///
+ /// If any of the above are not true, then an error will be returned.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This routine will never panic for any input.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to serialize a DFA to raw bytes, deserialize it
+ /// and then use it for searching.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{Automaton, dense::DFA}, HalfMatch};
+ ///
+ /// let initial = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ /// let (bytes, _) = initial.to_bytes_native_endian();
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u32]> = DFA::from_bytes(&bytes)?.0;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Example: dealing with alignment and padding
+ ///
+ /// In the above example, we used the `to_bytes_native_endian` method to
+ /// serialize a DFA, but we ignored part of its return value corresponding
+ /// to padding added to the beginning of the serialized DFA. This is OK
+ /// because deserialization will skip this initial padding. What matters
+ /// is that the address immediately following the padding has an alignment
+ /// that matches `u32`. That is, the following is an equivalent but
+ /// alternative way to write the above example:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{Automaton, dense::DFA}, HalfMatch};
+ ///
+ /// let initial = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ /// // Serialization returns the number of leading padding bytes added to
+ /// // the returned Vec<u8>.
+ /// let (bytes, pad) = initial.to_bytes_native_endian();
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u32]> = DFA::from_bytes(&bytes[pad..])?.0;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// This padding is necessary because Rust's standard library does
+ /// not expose any safe and robust way of creating a `Vec<u8>` with a
+ /// guaranteed alignment other than 1. Now, in practice, the underlying
+ /// allocator is likely to provide a `Vec<u8>` that meets our alignment
+ /// requirements, which means `pad` is zero in practice most of the time.
+ ///
+ /// The purpose of exposing the padding like this is flexibility for the
+ /// caller. For example, if one wants to embed a serialized DFA into a
+ /// compiled program, then it's important to guarantee that it starts at a
+ /// `u32`-aligned address. The simplest way to do this is to discard the
+ /// padding bytes and set it up so that the serialized DFA itself begins at
+ /// a properly aligned address. We can show this in two parts. The first
+ /// part is serializing the DFA to a file:
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use regex_automata::dfa::{Automaton, dense::DFA};
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ ///
+ /// let (bytes, pad) = dfa.to_bytes_big_endian();
+ /// // Write the contents of the DFA *without* the initial padding.
+ /// std::fs::write("foo.bigendian.dfa", &bytes[pad..])?;
+ ///
+ /// // Do it again, but this time for little endian.
+ /// let (bytes, pad) = dfa.to_bytes_little_endian();
+ /// std::fs::write("foo.littleendian.dfa", &bytes[pad..])?;
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// And now the second part is embedding the DFA into the compiled program
+ /// and deserializing it at runtime on first use. We use conditional
+ /// compilation to choose the correct endianness.
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{Automaton, dense}, HalfMatch};
+ ///
+ /// type S = u32;
+ /// type DFA = dense::DFA<&'static [S]>;
+ ///
+ /// fn get_foo() -> &'static DFA {
+ /// use std::cell::Cell;
+ /// use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
+ /// use std::sync::Once;
+ ///
+ /// // This struct with a generic B is used to permit unsizing
+ /// // coercions, specifically, where B winds up being a [u8]. We also
+ /// // need repr(C) to guarantee that _align comes first, which forces
+ /// // a correct alignment.
+ /// #[repr(C)]
+ /// struct Aligned<B: ?Sized> {
+ /// _align: [S; 0],
+ /// bytes: B,
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// # const _: &str = stringify! {
+ /// // This assignment is made possible (implicitly) via the
+ /// // CoerceUnsized trait.
+ /// static ALIGNED: &Aligned<[u8]> = &Aligned {
+ /// _align: [],
+ /// #[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
+ /// bytes: *include_bytes!("foo.bigendian.dfa"),
+ /// #[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
+ /// bytes: *include_bytes!("foo.littleendian.dfa"),
+ /// };
+ /// # };
+ /// # static ALIGNED: &Aligned<[u8]> = &Aligned {
+ /// # _align: [],
+ /// # bytes: [],
+ /// # };
+ ///
+ /// struct Lazy(Cell<MaybeUninit<DFA>>);
+ /// // SAFETY: This is safe because DFA impls Sync.
+ /// unsafe impl Sync for Lazy {}
+ ///
+ /// static INIT: Once = Once::new();
+ /// static DFA: Lazy = Lazy(Cell::new(MaybeUninit::uninit()));
+ ///
+ /// INIT.call_once(|| {
+ /// let (dfa, _) = DFA::from_bytes(&ALIGNED.bytes)
+ /// .expect("serialized DFA should be valid");
+ /// // SAFETY: This is guaranteed to only execute once, and all
+ /// // we do with the pointer is write the DFA to it.
+ /// unsafe {
+ /// (*DFA.0.as_ptr()).as_mut_ptr().write(dfa);
+ /// }
+ /// });
+ /// // SAFETY: DFA is guaranteed to by initialized via INIT and is
+ /// // stored in static memory.
+ /// unsafe {
+ /// let dfa = (*DFA.0.as_ptr()).as_ptr();
+ /// std::mem::transmute::<*const DFA, &'static DFA>(dfa)
+ /// }
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = get_foo();
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Ok(Some(expected)), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345"));
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Alternatively, consider using
+ /// [`lazy_static`](
+ /// or
+ /// [`once_cell`](,
+ /// which will guarantee safety for you. You will still need to use the
+ /// `Aligned` trick above to force correct alignment, but this is safe to
+ /// do and `from_bytes` will return an error if you get it wrong.
+ pub fn from_bytes(
+ slice: &'a [u8],
+ ) -> Result<(DFA<&'a [u32]>, usize), DeserializeError> {
+ // SAFETY: This is safe because we validate both the transition table,
+ // start state ID list and the match states below. If either validation
+ // fails, then we return an error.
+ let (dfa, nread) = unsafe { DFA::from_bytes_unchecked(slice)? };
+ dfa.accels.validate()?;
+ // N.B. dfa.special doesn't have a way to do unchecked deserialization,
+ // so it has already been validated.
+ Ok((dfa, nread))
+ }
+ /// Deserialize a DFA with a specific state identifier representation in
+ /// constant time by omitting the verification of the validity of the
+ /// transition table and other data inside the DFA.
+ ///
+ /// This is just like [`DFA::from_bytes`], except it can potentially return
+ /// a DFA that exhibits undefined behavior if its transition table contains
+ /// invalid state identifiers.
+ ///
+ /// This routine is useful if you need to deserialize a DFA cheaply
+ /// and cannot afford the transition table validation performed by
+ /// `from_bytes`.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{Automaton, dense::DFA}, HalfMatch};
+ ///
+ /// let initial = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ /// let (bytes, _) = initial.to_bytes_native_endian();
+ /// // SAFETY: This is guaranteed to be safe since the bytes given come
+ /// // directly from a compatible serialization routine.
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u32]> = unsafe { DFA::from_bytes_unchecked(&bytes)?.0 };
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub unsafe fn from_bytes_unchecked(
+ slice: &'a [u8],
+ ) -> Result<(DFA<&'a [u32]>, usize), DeserializeError> {
+ let mut nr = 0;
+ nr += bytes::skip_initial_padding(slice);
+ bytes::check_alignment::<StateID>(&slice[nr..])?;
+ nr += bytes::read_label(&slice[nr..], LABEL)?;
+ nr += bytes::read_endianness_check(&slice[nr..])?;
+ nr += bytes::read_version(&slice[nr..], VERSION)?;
+ let _unused = bytes::try_read_u32(&slice[nr..], "unused space")?;
+ nr += size_of::<u32>();
+ let (tt, nread) = TransitionTable::from_bytes_unchecked(&slice[nr..])?;
+ nr += nread;
+ let (st, nread) = StartTable::from_bytes_unchecked(&slice[nr..])?;
+ nr += nread;
+ let (ms, nread) = MatchStates::from_bytes_unchecked(&slice[nr..])?;
+ nr += nread;
+ let (special, nread) = Special::from_bytes(&slice[nr..])?;
+ nr += nread;
+ special.validate_state_count(tt.count(), tt.stride2)?;
+ let (accels, nread) = Accels::from_bytes_unchecked(&slice[nr..])?;
+ nr += nread;
+ Ok((DFA { tt, st, ms, special, accels }, nr))
+ }
+ /// The implementation of the public `write_to` serialization methods,
+ /// which is generic over endianness.
+ ///
+ /// This is defined only for &[u32] to reduce binary size/compilation time.
+ fn write_to<E: Endian>(
+ &self,
+ mut dst: &mut [u8],
+ ) -> Result<usize, SerializeError> {
+ let nwrite = self.write_to_len();
+ if dst.len() < nwrite {
+ return Err(SerializeError::buffer_too_small("dense DFA"));
+ }
+ dst = &mut dst[..nwrite];
+ let mut nw = 0;
+ nw += bytes::write_label(LABEL, &mut dst[nw..])?;
+ nw += bytes::write_endianness_check::<E>(&mut dst[nw..])?;
+ nw += bytes::write_version::<E>(VERSION, &mut dst[nw..])?;
+ nw += {
+ // Currently unused, intended for future flexibility
+ E::write_u32(0, &mut dst[nw..]);
+ size_of::<u32>()
+ };
+ nw +=<E>(&mut dst[nw..])?;
+ nw +=<E>(&mut dst[nw..])?;
+ nw +=<E>(&mut dst[nw..])?;
+ nw += self.special.write_to::<E>(&mut dst[nw..])?;
+ nw += self.accels.write_to::<E>(&mut dst[nw..])?;
+ Ok(nw)
+ }
+/// The following methods implement mutable routines on the internal
+/// representation of a DFA. As such, we must fix the first type parameter to a
+/// `Vec<u32>` since a generic `T: AsRef<[u32]>` does not permit mutation. We
+/// can get away with this because these methods are internal to the crate and
+/// are exclusively used during construction of the DFA.
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl OwnedDFA {
+ /// Add a start state of this DFA.
+ pub(crate) fn set_start_state(
+ &mut self,
+ index: Start,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ id: StateID,
+ ) {
+ assert!(, "invalid start state");
+, pattern_id, id);
+ }
+ /// Set the given transition to this DFA. Both the `from` and `to` states
+ /// must already exist.
+ pub(crate) fn set_transition(
+ &mut self,
+ from: StateID,
+ byte: alphabet::Unit,
+ to: StateID,
+ ) {
+, byte, to);
+ }
+ /// An an empty state (a state where all transitions lead to a dead state)
+ /// and return its identifier. The identifier returned is guaranteed to
+ /// not point to any other existing state.
+ ///
+ /// If adding a state would exceed `StateID::LIMIT`, then this returns an
+ /// error.
+ pub(crate) fn add_empty_state(&mut self) -> Result<StateID, Error> {
+ }
+ /// Swap the two states given in the transition table.
+ ///
+ /// This routine does not do anything to check the correctness of this
+ /// swap. Callers must ensure that other states pointing to id1 and id2 are
+ /// updated appropriately.
+ pub(crate) fn swap_states(&mut self, id1: StateID, id2: StateID) {
+, id2);
+ }
+ /// Truncate the states in this DFA to the given count.
+ ///
+ /// This routine does not do anything to check the correctness of this
+ /// truncation. Callers must ensure that other states pointing to truncated
+ /// states are updated appropriately.
+ pub(crate) fn truncate_states(&mut self, count: usize) {
+ }
+ /// Return a mutable representation of the state corresponding to the given
+ /// id. This is useful for implementing routines that manipulate DFA states
+ /// (e.g., swapping states).
+ pub(crate) fn state_mut(&mut self, id: StateID) -> StateMut<'_> {
+ }
+ /// Minimize this DFA in place using Hopcroft's algorithm.
+ pub(crate) fn minimize(&mut self) {
+ Minimizer::new(self).run();
+ }
+ /// Updates the match state pattern ID map to use the one provided.
+ ///
+ /// This is useful when it's convenient to manipulate matching states
+ /// (and their corresponding pattern IDs) as a map. In particular, the
+ /// representation used by a DFA for this map is not amenable to mutation,
+ /// so if things need to be changed (like when shuffling states), it's
+ /// often easier to work with the map form.
+ pub(crate) fn set_pattern_map(
+ &mut self,
+ map: &BTreeMap<StateID, Vec<PatternID>>,
+ ) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ =;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Find states that have a small number of non-loop transitions and mark
+ /// them as candidates for acceleration during search.
+ pub(crate) fn accelerate(&mut self) {
+ // dead and quit states can never be accelerated.
+ if self.state_count() <= 2 {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Go through every state and record their accelerator, if possible.
+ let mut accels = BTreeMap::new();
+ // Count the number of accelerated match, start and non-match/start
+ // states.
+ let (mut cmatch, mut cstart, mut cnormal) = (0, 0, 0);
+ for state in self.states() {
+ if let Some(accel) = state.accelerate(self.byte_classes()) {
+ accels.insert(, accel);
+ if self.is_match_state( {
+ cmatch += 1;
+ } else if self.is_start_state( {
+ cstart += 1;
+ } else {
+ assert!(!self.is_dead_state(;
+ assert!(!self.is_quit_state(;
+ cnormal += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If no states were able to be accelerated, then we're done.
+ if accels.is_empty() {
+ return;
+ }
+ let original_accels_len = accels.len();
+ // A remapper keeps track of state ID changes. Once we're done
+ // shuffling, the remapper is used to rewrite all transitions in the
+ // DFA based on the new positions of states.
+ let mut remapper = Remapper::from_dfa(self);
+ // As we swap states, if they are match states, we need to swap their
+ // pattern ID lists too (for multi-regexes). We do this by converting
+ // the lists to an easily swappable map, and then convert back to
+ // MatchStates once we're done.
+ let mut new_matches =;
+ // There is at least one state that gets accelerated, so these are
+ // guaranteed to get set to sensible values below.
+ self.special.min_accel = StateID::MAX;
+ self.special.max_accel = StateID::ZERO;
+ let update_special_accel =
+ |special: &mut Special, accel_id: StateID| {
+ special.min_accel = cmp::min(special.min_accel, accel_id);
+ special.max_accel = cmp::max(special.max_accel, accel_id);
+ };
+ // Start by shuffling match states. Any match states that are
+ // accelerated get moved to the end of the match state range.
+ if cmatch > 0 && self.special.matches() {
+ // N.B. special.{min,max}_match do not need updating, since the
+ // range/number of match states does not change. Only the ordering
+ // of match states may change.
+ let mut next_id = self.special.max_match;
+ let mut cur_id = next_id;
+ while cur_id >= self.special.min_match {
+ if let Some(accel) = accels.remove(&cur_id) {
+ accels.insert(next_id, accel);
+ update_special_accel(&mut self.special, next_id);
+ // No need to do any actual swapping for equivalent IDs.
+ if cur_id != next_id {
+ remapper.swap(self, cur_id, next_id);
+ // Swap pattern IDs for match states.
+ let cur_pids = new_matches.remove(&cur_id).unwrap();
+ let next_pids = new_matches.remove(&next_id).unwrap();
+ new_matches.insert(cur_id, next_pids);
+ new_matches.insert(next_id, cur_pids);
+ }
+ next_id =;
+ }
+ cur_id =;
+ }
+ }
+ // This is where it gets tricky. Without acceleration, start states
+ // normally come right after match states. But we want accelerated
+ // states to be a single contiguous range (to make it very fast
+ // to determine whether a state *is* accelerated), while also keeping
+ // match and starting states as contiguous ranges for the same reason.
+ // So what we do here is shuffle states such that it looks like this:
+ //
+ // | |
+ // |---------|
+ // accelerated states
+ //
+ // Where:
+ // D - dead state
+ // Q - quit state
+ // M - match state (may be accelerated)
+ // A - normal state that is accelerated
+ // S - start state (may be accelerated)
+ // N - normal state that is NOT accelerated
+ //
+ // We implement this by shuffling states, which is done by a sequence
+ // of pairwise swaps. We start by looking at all normal states to be
+ // accelerated. When we find one, we swap it with the earliest starting
+ // state, and then swap that with the earliest normal state. This
+ // preserves the contiguous property.
+ //
+ // Once we're done looking for accelerated normal states, now we look
+ // for accelerated starting states by moving them to the beginning
+ // of the starting state range (just like we moved accelerated match
+ // states to the end of the matching state range).
+ //
+ // For a more detailed/different perspective on this, see the docs
+ // in dfa/
+ if cnormal > 0 {
+ // our next available starting and normal states for swapping.
+ let mut next_start_id = self.special.min_start;
+ let mut cur_id = self.from_index(self.state_count() - 1);
+ // This is guaranteed to exist since cnormal > 0.
+ let mut next_norm_id =
+ while cur_id >= next_norm_id {
+ if let Some(accel) = accels.remove(&cur_id) {
+ remapper.swap(self, next_start_id, cur_id);
+ remapper.swap(self, next_norm_id, cur_id);
+ // Keep our accelerator map updated with new IDs if the
+ // states we swapped were also accelerated.
+ if let Some(accel2) = accels.remove(&next_norm_id) {
+ accels.insert(cur_id, accel2);
+ }
+ if let Some(accel2) = accels.remove(&next_start_id) {
+ accels.insert(next_norm_id, accel2);
+ }
+ accels.insert(next_start_id, accel);
+ update_special_accel(&mut self.special, next_start_id);
+ // Our start range shifts one to the right now.
+ self.special.min_start =
+ self.special.max_start =
+ next_start_id =;
+ next_norm_id =;
+ }
+ // This is pretty tricky, but if our 'next_norm_id' state also
+ // happened to be accelerated, then the result is that it is
+ // now in the position of cur_id, so we need to consider it
+ // again. This loop is still guaranteed to terminate though,
+ // because when accels contains cur_id, we're guaranteed to
+ // increment next_norm_id even if cur_id remains unchanged.
+ if !accels.contains_key(&cur_id) {
+ cur_id =;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Just like we did for match states, but we want to move accelerated
+ // start states to the beginning of the range instead of the end.
+ if cstart > 0 {
+ // N.B. special.{min,max}_start do not need updating, since the
+ // range/number of start states does not change at this point. Only
+ // the ordering of start states may change.
+ let mut next_id = self.special.min_start;
+ let mut cur_id = next_id;
+ while cur_id <= self.special.max_start {
+ if let Some(accel) = accels.remove(&cur_id) {
+ remapper.swap(self, cur_id, next_id);
+ accels.insert(next_id, accel);
+ update_special_accel(&mut self.special, next_id);
+ next_id =;
+ }
+ cur_id =;
+ }
+ }
+ // Remap all transitions in our DFA and assert some things.
+ remapper.remap(self);
+ // This unwrap is OK because acceleration never changes the number of
+ // match states or patterns in those match states. Since acceleration
+ // runs after the pattern map has been set at least once, we know that
+ // our match states cannot error.
+ self.set_pattern_map(&new_matches).unwrap();
+ self.special.set_max();
+ self.special.validate().expect("special state ranges should validate");
+ self.special
+ .validate_state_count(self.state_count(), self.stride2())
+ .expect(
+ "special state ranges should be consistent with state count",
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ self.special.accel_len(self.stride()),
+ // We record the number of accelerated states initially detected
+ // since the accels map is itself mutated in the process above.
+ // If mutated incorrectly, its size may change, and thus can't be
+ // trusted as a source of truth of how many accelerated states we
+ // expected there to be.
+ original_accels_len,
+ "mismatch with expected number of accelerated states",
+ );
+ // And finally record our accelerators. We kept our accels map updated
+ // as we shuffled states above, so the accelerators should now
+ // correspond to a contiguous range in the state ID space. (Which we
+ // assert.)
+ let mut prev: Option<StateID> = None;
+ for (id, accel) in accels {
+ assert!(prev.map_or(true, |p| == id));
+ prev = Some(id);
+ self.accels.add(accel);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Shuffle the states in this DFA so that starting states, match
+ /// states and accelerated states are all contiguous.
+ ///
+ /// See dfa/ for more details.
+ pub(crate) fn shuffle(
+ &mut self,
+ mut matches: BTreeMap<StateID, Vec<PatternID>>,
+ ) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ // The determinizer always adds a quit state and it is always second.
+ self.special.quit_id = self.from_index(1);
+ // If all we have are the dead and quit states, then we're done and
+ // the DFA will never produce a match.
+ if self.state_count() <= 2 {
+ self.special.set_max();
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ // Collect all our start states into a convenient set and confirm there
+ // is no overlap with match states. In the classicl DFA construction,
+ // start states can be match states. But because of look-around, we
+ // delay all matches by a byte, which prevents start states from being
+ // match states.
+ let mut is_start: BTreeSet<StateID> = BTreeSet::new();
+ for (start_id, _, _) in self.starts() {
+ // While there's nothing theoretically wrong with setting a start
+ // state to a dead ID (indeed, it could be an optimization!), the
+ // shuffling code below assumes that start states aren't dead. If
+ // this assumption is violated, the dead state could be shuffled
+ // to a new location, which must never happen. So if we do want
+ // to allow start states to be dead, then this assert should be
+ // removed and the code below fixed.
+ //
+ // N.B. Minimization can cause start states to be dead, but that
+ // happens after states are shuffled, so it's OK. Also, start
+ // states are dead for the DFA that never matches anything, but
+ // in that case, there are no states to shuffle.
+ assert_ne!(start_id, DEAD, "start state cannot be dead");
+ assert!(
+ !matches.contains_key(&start_id),
+ "{:?} is both a start and a match state, which is not allowed",
+ start_id,
+ );
+ is_start.insert(start_id);
+ }
+ // We implement shuffling by a sequence of pairwise swaps of states.
+ // Since we have a number of things referencing states via their
+ // IDs and swapping them changes their IDs, we need to record every
+ // swap we make so that we can remap IDs. The remapper handles this
+ // book-keeping for us.
+ let mut remapper = Remapper::from_dfa(self);
+ // Shuffle matching states.
+ if matches.is_empty() {
+ self.special.min_match = DEAD;
+ self.special.max_match = DEAD;
+ } else {
+ // The determinizer guarantees that the first two states are the
+ // dead and quit states, respectively. We want our match states to
+ // come right after quit.
+ let mut next_id = self.from_index(2);
+ let mut new_matches = BTreeMap::new();
+ self.special.min_match = next_id;
+ for (id, pids) in matches {
+ remapper.swap(self, next_id, id);
+ new_matches.insert(next_id, pids);
+ // If we swapped a start state, then update our set.
+ if is_start.contains(&next_id) {
+ is_start.remove(&next_id);
+ is_start.insert(id);
+ }
+ next_id =;
+ }
+ matches = new_matches;
+ self.special.max_match = cmp::max(
+ self.special.min_match,
+ );
+ }
+ // Shuffle starting states.
+ {
+ let mut next_id = self.from_index(2);
+ if self.special.matches() {
+ next_id =;
+ }
+ self.special.min_start = next_id;
+ for id in is_start {
+ remapper.swap(self, next_id, id);
+ next_id =;
+ }
+ self.special.max_start = cmp::max(
+ self.special.min_start,
+ );
+ }
+ // Finally remap all transitions in our DFA.
+ remapper.remap(self);
+ self.set_pattern_map(&matches)?;
+ self.special.set_max();
+ self.special.validate().expect("special state ranges should validate");
+ self.special
+ .validate_state_count(self.state_count(), self.stride2())
+ .expect(
+ "special state ranges should be consistent with state count",
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+/// A variety of generic internal methods for accessing DFA internals.
+impl<T: AsRef<[u32]>> DFA<T> {
+ /// Return the byte classes used by this DFA.
+ pub(crate) fn byte_classes(&self) -> &ByteClasses {
+ &
+ }
+ /// Return the info about special states.
+ pub(crate) fn special(&self) -> &Special {
+ &self.special
+ }
+ /// Return the info about special states as a mutable borrow.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub(crate) fn special_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Special {
+ &mut self.special
+ }
+ /// Returns an iterator over all states in this DFA.
+ ///
+ /// This iterator yields a tuple for each state. The first element of the
+ /// tuple corresponds to a state's identifier, and the second element
+ /// corresponds to the state itself (comprised of its transitions).
+ pub(crate) fn states(&self) -> StateIter<'_, T> {
+ }
+ /// Return the total number of states in this DFA. Every DFA has at least
+ /// 1 state, even the empty DFA.
+ pub(crate) fn state_count(&self) -> usize {
+ }
+ /// Return an iterator over all pattern IDs for the given match state.
+ ///
+ /// If the given state is not a match state, then this panics.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub(crate) fn pattern_id_slice(&self, id: StateID) -> &[PatternID] {
+ assert!(self.is_match_state(id));
+ }
+ /// Return the total number of pattern IDs for the given match state.
+ ///
+ /// If the given state is not a match state, then this panics.
+ pub(crate) fn match_pattern_len(&self, id: StateID) -> usize {
+ assert!(self.is_match_state(id));
+ }
+ /// Returns the total number of patterns matched by this DFA.
+ pub(crate) fn pattern_count(&self) -> usize {
+ }
+ /// Returns a map from match state ID to a list of pattern IDs that match
+ /// in that state.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub(crate) fn pattern_map(&self) -> BTreeMap<StateID, Vec<PatternID>> {
+ }
+ /// Returns the ID of the quit state for this DFA.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub(crate) fn quit_id(&self) -> StateID {
+ self.from_index(1)
+ }
+ /// Convert the given state identifier to the state's index. The state's
+ /// index corresponds to the position in which it appears in the transition
+ /// table. When a DFA is NOT premultiplied, then a state's identifier is
+ /// also its index. When a DFA is premultiplied, then a state's identifier
+ /// is equal to `index * alphabet_len`. This routine reverses that.
+ pub(crate) fn to_index(&self, id: StateID) -> usize {
+ }
+ /// Convert an index to a state (in the range 0..self.state_count()) to an
+ /// actual state identifier.
+ ///
+ /// This is useful when using a `Vec<T>` as an efficient map keyed by state
+ /// to some other information (such as a remapped state ID).
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub(crate) fn from_index(&self, index: usize) -> StateID {
+ }
+ /// Return the table of state IDs for this DFA's start states.
+ pub(crate) fn starts(&self) -> StartStateIter<'_> {
+ }
+ /// Returns the index of the match state for the given ID. If the
+ /// given ID does not correspond to a match state, then this may
+ /// panic or produce an incorrect result.
+ fn match_state_index(&self, id: StateID) -> usize {
+ debug_assert!(self.is_match_state(id));
+ // This is one of the places where we rely on the fact that match
+ // states are contiguous in the transition table. Namely, that the
+ // first match state ID always corresponds to dfa.special.min_start.
+ // From there, since we know the stride, we can compute the overall
+ // index of any match state given the match state's ID.
+ let min = self.special().min_match.as_usize();
+ // CORRECTNESS: We're allowed to produce an incorrect result or panic,
+ // so both the subtraction and the unchecked StateID construction is
+ // OK.
+ self.to_index(StateID::new_unchecked(id.as_usize() - min))
+ }
+ /// Returns the index of the accelerator state for the given ID. If the
+ /// given ID does not correspond to an accelerator state, then this may
+ /// panic or produce an incorrect result.
+ fn accelerator_index(&self, id: StateID) -> usize {
+ let min = self.special().min_accel.as_usize();
+ // CORRECTNESS: We're allowed to produce an incorrect result or panic,
+ // so both the subtraction and the unchecked StateID construction is
+ // OK.
+ self.to_index(StateID::new_unchecked(id.as_usize() - min))
+ }
+ /// Return the accelerators for this DFA.
+ fn accels(&self) -> Accels<&[u32]> {
+ self.accels.as_ref()
+ }
+ /// Return this DFA's transition table as a slice.
+ fn trans(&self) -> &[StateID] {
+ }
+impl<T: AsRef<[u32]>> fmt::Debug for DFA<T> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ writeln!(f, "dense::DFA(")?;
+ for state in self.states() {
+ fmt_state_indicator(f, self,;
+ let id = if f.alternate() {
+ } else {
+ self.to_index(
+ };
+ write!(f, "{:06?}: ", id)?;
+ state.fmt(f)?;
+ write!(f, "\n")?;
+ }
+ writeln!(f, "")?;
+ for (i, (start_id, sty, pid)) in self.starts().enumerate() {
+ let id = if f.alternate() {
+ start_id.as_usize()
+ } else {
+ self.to_index(start_id)
+ };
+ if i % == 0 {
+ match pid {
+ None => writeln!(f, "START-GROUP(ALL)")?,
+ Some(pid) => {
+ writeln!(f, "START_GROUP(pattern: {:?})", pid)?
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ writeln!(f, " {:?} => {:06?}", sty, id)?;
+ }
+ if self.pattern_count() > 1 {
+ writeln!(f, "")?;
+ for i in {
+ let id =, i);
+ let id = if f.alternate() {
+ id.as_usize()
+ } else {
+ self.to_index(id)
+ };
+ write!(f, "MATCH({:06?}): ", id)?;
+ for (i, &pid) in
+ {
+ if i > 0 {
+ write!(f, ", ")?;
+ }
+ write!(f, "{:?}", pid)?;
+ }
+ writeln!(f, "")?;
+ }
+ }
+ writeln!(f, "state count: {:?}", self.state_count())?;
+ writeln!(f, "pattern count: {:?}", self.pattern_count())?;
+ writeln!(f, ")")?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+unsafe impl<T: AsRef<[u32]>> Automaton for DFA<T> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_special_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ self.special.is_special_state(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_dead_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ self.special.is_dead_state(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_quit_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ self.special.is_quit_state(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_match_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ self.special.is_match_state(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_start_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ self.special.is_start_state(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_accel_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ self.special.is_accel_state(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn next_state(&self, current: StateID, input: u8) -> StateID {
+ let input = self.byte_classes().get(input);
+ let o = current.as_usize() + usize::from(input);
+ self.trans()[o]
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ unsafe fn next_state_unchecked(
+ &self,
+ current: StateID,
+ input: u8,
+ ) -> StateID {
+ let input = self.byte_classes().get_unchecked(input);
+ let o = current.as_usize() + usize::from(input);
+ *self.trans().get_unchecked(o)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn next_eoi_state(&self, current: StateID) -> StateID {
+ let eoi = self.byte_classes().eoi().as_usize();
+ let o = current.as_usize() + eoi;
+ self.trans()[o]
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn pattern_count(&self) -> usize {
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn match_count(&self, id: StateID) -> usize {
+ self.match_pattern_len(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn match_pattern(&self, id: StateID, match_index: usize) -> PatternID {
+ // This is an optimization for the very common case of a DFA with a
+ // single pattern. This conditional avoids a somewhat more costly path
+ // that finds the pattern ID from the state machine, which requires
+ // a bit of slicing/pointer-chasing. This optimization tends to only
+ // matter when matches are frequent.
+ if == 1 {
+ return PatternID::ZERO;
+ }
+ let state_index = self.match_state_index(id);
+, match_index)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn start_state_forward(
+ &self,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> StateID {
+ let index = Start::from_position_fwd(bytes, start, end);
+, pattern_id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn start_state_reverse(
+ &self,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> StateID {
+ let index = Start::from_position_rev(bytes, start, end);
+, pattern_id)
+ }
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn accelerator(&self, id: StateID) -> &[u8] {
+ if !self.is_accel_state(id) {
+ return &[];
+ }
+ self.accels.needles(self.accelerator_index(id))
+ }
+/// The transition table portion of a dense DFA.
+/// The transition table is the core part of the DFA in that it describes how
+/// to move from one state to another based on the input sequence observed.
+pub(crate) struct TransitionTable<T> {
+ /// A contiguous region of memory representing the transition table in
+ /// row-major order. The representation is dense. That is, every state
+ /// has precisely the same number of transitions. The maximum number of
+ /// transitions per state is 257 (256 for each possible byte value, plus 1
+ /// for the special EOI transition). If a DFA has been instructed to use
+ /// byte classes (the default), then the number of transitions is usually
+ /// substantially fewer.
+ ///
+ /// In practice, T is either `Vec<u32>` or `&[u32]`.
+ table: T,
+ /// A set of equivalence classes, where a single equivalence class
+ /// represents a set of bytes that never discriminate between a match
+ /// and a non-match in the DFA. Each equivalence class corresponds to a
+ /// single character in this DFA's alphabet, where the maximum number of
+ /// characters is 257 (each possible value of a byte plus the special
+ /// EOI transition). Consequently, the number of equivalence classes
+ /// corresponds to the number of transitions for each DFA state. Note
+ /// though that the *space* used by each DFA state in the transition table
+ /// may be larger. The total space used by each DFA state is known as the
+ /// stride.
+ ///
+ /// The only time the number of equivalence classes is fewer than 257 is if
+ /// the DFA's kind uses byte classes (which is the default). Equivalence
+ /// classes should generally only be disabled when debugging, so that
+ /// the transitions themselves aren't obscured. Disabling them has no
+ /// other benefit, since the equivalence class map is always used while
+ /// searching. In the vast majority of cases, the number of equivalence
+ /// classes is substantially smaller than 257, particularly when large
+ /// Unicode classes aren't used.
+ classes: ByteClasses,
+ /// The stride of each DFA state, expressed as a power-of-two exponent.
+ ///
+ /// The stride of a DFA corresponds to the total amount of space used by
+ /// each DFA state in the transition table. This may be bigger than the
+ /// size of a DFA's alphabet, since the stride is always the smallest
+ /// power of two greater than or equal to the alphabet size.
+ ///
+ /// While this wastes space, this avoids the need for integer division
+ /// to convert between premultiplied state IDs and their corresponding
+ /// indices. Instead, we can use simple bit-shifts.
+ ///
+ /// See the docs for the `stride2` method for more details.
+ ///
+ /// The minimum `stride2` value is `1` (corresponding to a stride of `2`)
+ /// while the maximum `stride2` value is `9` (corresponding to a stride of
+ /// `512`). The maximum is not `8` since the maximum alphabet size is `257`
+ /// when accounting for the special EOI transition. However, an alphabet
+ /// length of that size is exceptionally rare since the alphabet is shrunk
+ /// into equivalence classes.
+ stride2: usize,
+impl<'a> TransitionTable<&'a [u32]> {
+ /// Deserialize a transition table starting at the beginning of `slice`.
+ /// Upon success, return the total number of bytes read along with the
+ /// transition table.
+ ///
+ /// If there was a problem deserializing any part of the transition table,
+ /// then this returns an error. Notably, if the given slice does not have
+ /// the same alignment as `StateID`, then this will return an error (among
+ /// other possible errors).
+ ///
+ /// This is guaranteed to execute in constant time.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// This routine is not safe because it does not check the valdity of the
+ /// transition table itself. In particular, the transition table can be
+ /// quite large, so checking its validity can be somewhat expensive. An
+ /// invalid transition table is not safe because other code may rely on the
+ /// transition table being correct (such as explicit bounds check elision).
+ /// Therefore, an invalid transition table can lead to undefined behavior.
+ ///
+ /// Callers that use this function must either pass on the safety invariant
+ /// or guarantee that the bytes given contain a valid transition table.
+ /// This guarantee is upheld by the bytes written by `write_to`.
+ unsafe fn from_bytes_unchecked(
+ mut slice: &'a [u8],
+ ) -> Result<(TransitionTable<&'a [u32]>, usize), DeserializeError> {
+ let slice_start = slice.as_ptr() as usize;
+ let (count, nr) = bytes::try_read_u32_as_usize(slice, "state count")?;
+ slice = &slice[nr..];
+ let (stride2, nr) = bytes::try_read_u32_as_usize(slice, "stride2")?;
+ slice = &slice[nr..];
+ let (classes, nr) = ByteClasses::from_bytes(slice)?;
+ slice = &slice[nr..];
+ // The alphabet length (determined by the byte class map) cannot be
+ // bigger than the stride (total space used by each DFA state).
+ if stride2 > 9 {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic(
+ "dense DFA has invalid stride2 (too big)",
+ ));
+ }
+ // It also cannot be zero, since even a DFA that never matches anything
+ // has a non-zero number of states with at least two equivalence
+ // classes: one for all 256 byte values and another for the EOI
+ // sentinel.
+ if stride2 < 1 {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic(
+ "dense DFA has invalid stride2 (too small)",
+ ));
+ }
+ // This is OK since 1 <= stride2 <= 9.
+ let stride =
+ 1usize.checked_shl(u32::try_from(stride2).unwrap()).unwrap();
+ if classes.alphabet_len() > stride {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic(
+ "alphabet size cannot be bigger than transition table stride",
+ ));
+ }
+ let trans_count =
+ bytes::shl(count, stride2, "dense table transition count")?;
+ let table_bytes_len = bytes::mul(
+ trans_count,
+ StateID::SIZE,
+ "dense table state byte count",
+ )?;
+ bytes::check_slice_len(slice, table_bytes_len, "transition table")?;
+ bytes::check_alignment::<StateID>(slice)?;
+ let table_bytes = &slice[..table_bytes_len];
+ slice = &slice[table_bytes_len..];
+ // SAFETY: Since StateID is always representable as a u32, all we need
+ // to do is ensure that we have the proper length and alignment. We've
+ // checked both above, so the cast below is safe.
+ //
+ // N.B. This is the only not-safe code in this function, so we mark
+ // it explicitly to call it out, even though it is technically
+ // superfluous.
+ #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+ let table = unsafe {
+ core::slice::from_raw_parts(
+ table_bytes.as_ptr() as *const u32,
+ trans_count,
+ )
+ };
+ let tt = TransitionTable { table, classes, stride2 };
+ Ok((tt, slice.as_ptr() as usize - slice_start))
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl TransitionTable<Vec<u32>> {
+ /// Create a minimal transition table with just two states: a dead state
+ /// and a quit state. The alphabet length and stride of the transition
+ /// table is determined by the given set of equivalence classes.
+ fn minimal(classes: ByteClasses) -> TransitionTable<Vec<u32>> {
+ let mut tt = TransitionTable {
+ table: vec![],
+ classes,
+ stride2: classes.stride2(),
+ };
+ // Two states, regardless of alphabet size, can always fit into u32.
+ tt.add_empty_state().unwrap(); // dead state
+ tt.add_empty_state().unwrap(); // quit state
+ tt
+ }
+ /// Set a transition in this table. Both the `from` and `to` states must
+ /// already exist, otherwise this panics. `unit` should correspond to the
+ /// transition out of `from` to set to `to`.
+ fn set(&mut self, from: StateID, unit: alphabet::Unit, to: StateID) {
+ assert!(self.is_valid(from), "invalid 'from' state");
+ assert!(self.is_valid(to), "invalid 'to' state");
+ self.table[from.as_usize() + self.classes.get_by_unit(unit)] =
+ to.as_u32();
+ }
+ /// Add an empty state (a state where all transitions lead to a dead state)
+ /// and return its identifier. The identifier returned is guaranteed to
+ /// not point to any other existing state.
+ ///
+ /// If adding a state would exhaust the state identifier space, then this
+ /// returns an error.
+ fn add_empty_state(&mut self) -> Result<StateID, Error> {
+ // Normally, to get a fresh state identifier, we would just
+ // take the index of the next state added to the transition
+ // table. However, we actually perform an optimization here
+ // that premultiplies state IDs by the stride, such that they
+ // point immediately at the beginning of their transitions in
+ // the transition table. This avoids an extra multiplication
+ // instruction for state lookup at search time.
+ //
+ // Premultiplied identifiers means that instead of your matching
+ // loop looking something like this:
+ //
+ // state = dfa.start
+ // for byte in haystack:
+ // next = dfa.transitions[state * stride + byte]
+ // if dfa.is_match(next):
+ // return true
+ // return false
+ //
+ // it can instead look like this:
+ //
+ // state = dfa.start
+ // for byte in haystack:
+ // next = dfa.transitions[state + byte]
+ // if dfa.is_match(next):
+ // return true
+ // return false
+ //
+ // In other words, we save a multiplication instruction in the
+ // critical path. This turns out to be a decent performance win.
+ // The cost of using premultiplied state ids is that they can
+ // require a bigger state id representation. (And they also make
+ // the code a bit more complex, especially during minimization and
+ // when reshuffling states, as one needs to convert back and forth
+ // between state IDs and state indices.)
+ //
+ // To do this, we simply take the index of the state into the
+ // entire transition table, rather than the index of the state
+ // itself. e.g., If the stride is 64, then the ID of the 3rd state
+ // is 192, not 2.
+ let next = self.table.len();
+ let id = StateID::new(next).map_err(|_| Error::too_many_states())?;
+ self.table.extend(iter::repeat(0).take(self.stride()));
+ Ok(id)
+ }
+ /// Swap the two states given in this transition table.
+ ///
+ /// This routine does not do anything to check the correctness of this
+ /// swap. Callers must ensure that other states pointing to id1 and id2 are
+ /// updated appropriately.
+ ///
+ /// Both id1 and id2 must point to valid states, otherwise this panics.
+ fn swap(&mut self, id1: StateID, id2: StateID) {
+ assert!(self.is_valid(id1), "invalid 'id1' state: {:?}", id1);
+ assert!(self.is_valid(id2), "invalid 'id2' state: {:?}", id2);
+ // We only need to swap the parts of the state that are used. So if the
+ // stride is 64, but the alphabet length is only 33, then we save a lot
+ // of work.
+ for b in 0..self.classes.alphabet_len() {
+ self.table.swap(id1.as_usize() + b, id2.as_usize() + b);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Truncate the states in this transition table to the given count.
+ ///
+ /// This routine does not do anything to check the correctness of this
+ /// truncation. Callers must ensure that other states pointing to truncated
+ /// states are updated appropriately.
+ fn truncate(&mut self, count: usize) {
+ self.table.truncate(count << self.stride2);
+ }
+ /// Return a mutable representation of the state corresponding to the given
+ /// id. This is useful for implementing routines that manipulate DFA states
+ /// (e.g., swapping states).
+ fn state_mut(&mut self, id: StateID) -> StateMut<'_> {
+ let alphabet_len = self.alphabet_len();
+ let i = id.as_usize();
+ StateMut {
+ id,
+ stride2: self.stride2,
+ transitions: &mut self.table_mut()[i..i + alphabet_len],
+ }
+ }
+impl<T: AsRef<[u32]>> TransitionTable<T> {
+ /// Writes a serialized form of this transition table to the buffer given.
+ /// If the buffer is too small, then an error is returned. To determine
+ /// how big the buffer must be, use `write_to_len`.
+ fn write_to<E: Endian>(
+ &self,
+ mut dst: &mut [u8],
+ ) -> Result<usize, SerializeError> {
+ let nwrite = self.write_to_len();
+ if dst.len() < nwrite {
+ return Err(SerializeError::buffer_too_small("transition table"));
+ }
+ dst = &mut dst[..nwrite];
+ // write state count
+ // Unwrap is OK since number of states is guaranteed to fit in a u32.
+ E::write_u32(u32::try_from(self.count()).unwrap(), dst);
+ dst = &mut dst[size_of::<u32>()..];
+ // write state stride (as power of 2)
+ // Unwrap is OK since stride2 is guaranteed to be <= 9.
+ E::write_u32(u32::try_from(self.stride2).unwrap(), dst);
+ dst = &mut dst[size_of::<u32>()..];
+ // write byte class map
+ let n = self.classes.write_to(dst)?;
+ dst = &mut dst[n..];
+ // write actual transitions
+ for &sid in self.table() {
+ let n = bytes::write_state_id::<E>(sid, &mut dst);
+ dst = &mut dst[n..];
+ }
+ Ok(nwrite)
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of bytes the serialized form of this transition
+ /// table will use.
+ fn write_to_len(&self) -> usize {
+ size_of::<u32>() // state count
+ + size_of::<u32>() // stride2
+ + self.classes.write_to_len()
+ + (self.table().len() * StateID::SIZE)
+ }
+ /// Validates that every state ID in this transition table is valid.
+ ///
+ /// That is, every state ID can be used to correctly index a state in this
+ /// table.
+ fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), DeserializeError> {
+ for state in self.states() {
+ for (_, to) in state.transitions() {
+ if !self.is_valid(to) {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic(
+ "found invalid state ID in transition table",
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Converts this transition table to a borrowed value.
+ fn as_ref(&self) -> TransitionTable<&'_ [u32]> {
+ TransitionTable {
+ table: self.table.as_ref(),
+ classes: self.classes.clone(),
+ stride2: self.stride2,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Converts this transition table to an owned value.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ fn to_owned(&self) -> TransitionTable<Vec<u32>> {
+ TransitionTable {
+ table: self.table.as_ref().to_vec(),
+ classes: self.classes.clone(),
+ stride2: self.stride2,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return the state for the given ID. If the given ID is not valid, then
+ /// this panics.
+ fn state(&self, id: StateID) -> State<'_> {
+ assert!(self.is_valid(id));
+ let i = id.as_usize();
+ State {
+ id,
+ stride2: self.stride2,
+ transitions: &self.table()[i..i + self.alphabet_len()],
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns an iterator over all states in this transition table.
+ ///
+ /// This iterator yields a tuple for each state. The first element of the
+ /// tuple corresponds to a state's identifier, and the second element
+ /// corresponds to the state itself (comprised of its transitions).
+ fn states(&self) -> StateIter<'_, T> {
+ StateIter {
+ tt: self,
+ it: self.table().chunks(self.stride()).enumerate(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Convert a state identifier to an index to a state (in the range
+ /// 0..self.count()).
+ ///
+ /// This is useful when using a `Vec<T>` as an efficient map keyed by state
+ /// to some other information (such as a remapped state ID).
+ ///
+ /// If the given ID is not valid, then this may panic or produce an
+ /// incorrect index.
+ fn to_index(&self, id: StateID) -> usize {
+ id.as_usize() >> self.stride2
+ }
+ /// Convert an index to a state (in the range 0..self.count()) to an actual
+ /// state identifier.
+ ///
+ /// This is useful when using a `Vec<T>` as an efficient map keyed by state
+ /// to some other information (such as a remapped state ID).
+ ///
+ /// If the given index is not in the specified range, then this may panic
+ /// or produce an incorrect state ID.
+ fn from_index(&self, index: usize) -> StateID {
+ // CORRECTNESS: If the given index is not valid, then it is not
+ // required for this to panic or return a valid state ID.
+ StateID::new_unchecked(index << self.stride2)
+ }
+ /// Returns the state ID for the state immediately following the one given.
+ ///
+ /// This does not check whether the state ID returned is invalid. In fact,
+ /// if the state ID given is the last state in this DFA, then the state ID
+ /// returned is guaranteed to be invalid.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ fn next_state_id(&self, id: StateID) -> StateID {
+ self.from_index(self.to_index(id).checked_add(1).unwrap())
+ }
+ /// Returns the state ID for the state immediately preceding the one given.
+ ///
+ /// If the dead ID given (which is zero), then this panics.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ fn prev_state_id(&self, id: StateID) -> StateID {
+ self.from_index(self.to_index(id).checked_sub(1).unwrap())
+ }
+ /// Returns the table as a slice of state IDs.
+ fn table(&self) -> &[StateID] {
+ let integers = self.table.as_ref();
+ // SAFETY: This is safe because StateID is guaranteed to be
+ // representable as a u32.
+ unsafe {
+ core::slice::from_raw_parts(
+ integers.as_ptr() as *const StateID,
+ integers.len(),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the total number of states in this transition table.
+ ///
+ /// Note that a DFA always has at least two states: the dead and quit
+ /// states. In particular, the dead state always has ID 0 and is
+ /// correspondingly always the first state. The dead state is never a match
+ /// state.
+ fn count(&self) -> usize {
+ self.table().len() >> self.stride2
+ }
+ /// Returns the total stride for every state in this DFA. This corresponds
+ /// to the total number of transitions used by each state in this DFA's
+ /// transition table.
+ fn stride(&self) -> usize {
+ 1 << self.stride2
+ }
+ /// Returns the total number of elements in the alphabet for this
+ /// transition table. This is always less than or equal to `self.stride()`.
+ /// It is only equal when the alphabet length is a power of 2. Otherwise,
+ /// it is always strictly less.
+ fn alphabet_len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.classes.alphabet_len()
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if the given state ID is valid for this
+ /// transition table. Validity in this context means that the given ID can
+ /// be used as a valid offset with `self.stride()` to index this transition
+ /// table.
+ fn is_valid(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ let id = id.as_usize();
+ id < self.table().len() && id % self.stride() == 0
+ }
+ /// Return the memory usage, in bytes, of this transition table.
+ ///
+ /// This does not include the size of a `TransitionTable` value itself.
+ fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
+ self.table().len() * StateID::SIZE
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl<T: AsMut<[u32]>> TransitionTable<T> {
+ /// Returns the table as a slice of state IDs.
+ fn table_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [StateID] {
+ let integers = self.table.as_mut();
+ // SAFETY: This is safe because StateID is guaranteed to be
+ // representable as a u32.
+ unsafe {
+ core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(
+ integers.as_mut_ptr() as *mut StateID,
+ integers.len(),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+/// The set of all possible starting states in a DFA.
+/// The set of starting states corresponds to the possible choices one can make
+/// in terms of starting a DFA. That is, before following the first transition,
+/// you first need to select the state that you start in.
+/// Normally, a DFA converted from an NFA that has a single starting state
+/// would itself just have one starting state. However, our support for look
+/// around generally requires more starting states. The correct starting state
+/// is chosen based on certain properties of the position at which we begin
+/// our search.
+/// Before listing those properties, we first must define two terms:
+/// * `haystack` - The bytes to execute the search. The search always starts
+/// at the beginning of `haystack` and ends before or at the end of
+/// `haystack`.
+/// * `context` - The (possibly empty) bytes surrounding `haystack`. `haystack`
+/// must be contained within `context` such that `context` is at least as big
+/// as `haystack`.
+/// This split is crucial for dealing with look-around. For example, consider
+/// the context `foobarbaz`, the haystack `bar` and the regex `^bar$`. This
+/// regex should _not_ match the haystack since `bar` does not appear at the
+/// beginning of the input. Similarly, the regex `\Bbar\B` should match the
+/// haystack because `bar` is not surrounded by word boundaries. But a search
+/// that does not take context into account would not permit `\B` to match
+/// since the beginning of any string matches a word boundary. Similarly, a
+/// search that does not take context into account when searching `^bar$` in
+/// the haystack `bar` would produce a match when it shouldn't.
+/// Thus, it follows that the starting state is chosen based on the following
+/// criteria, derived from the position at which the search starts in the
+/// `context` (corresponding to the start of `haystack`):
+/// 1. If the search starts at the beginning of `context`, then the `Text`
+/// start state is used. (Since `^` corresponds to
+/// `hir::Anchor::StartText`.)
+/// 2. If the search starts at a position immediately following a line
+/// terminator, then the `Line` start state is used. (Since `(?m:^)`
+/// corresponds to `hir::Anchor::StartLine`.)
+/// 3. If the search starts at a position immediately following a byte
+/// classified as a "word" character (`[_0-9a-zA-Z]`), then the `WordByte`
+/// start state is used. (Since `(?-u:\b)` corresponds to a word boundary.)
+/// 4. Otherwise, if the search starts at a position immediately following
+/// a byte that is not classified as a "word" character (`[^_0-9a-zA-Z]`),
+/// then the `NonWordByte` start state is used. (Since `(?-u:\B)`
+/// corresponds to a not-word-boundary.)
+/// (N.B. Unicode word boundaries are not supported by the DFA because they
+/// require multi-byte look-around and this is difficult to support in a DFA.)
+/// To further complicate things, we also support constructing individual
+/// anchored start states for each pattern in the DFA. (Which is required to
+/// implement overlapping regexes correctly, but is also generally useful.)
+/// Thus, when individual start states for each pattern are enabled, then the
+/// total number of start states represented is `4 + (4 * #patterns)`, where
+/// the 4 comes from each of the 4 possibilities above. The first 4 represents
+/// the starting states for the entire DFA, which support searching for
+/// multiple patterns simultaneously (possibly unanchored).
+/// If individual start states are disabled, then this will only store 4
+/// start states. Typically, individual start states are only enabled when
+/// constructing the reverse DFA for regex matching. But they are also useful
+/// for building DFAs that can search for a specific pattern or even to support
+/// both anchored and unanchored searches with the same DFA.
+/// Note though that while the start table always has either `4` or
+/// `4 + (4 * #patterns)` starting state *ids*, the total number of states
+/// might be considerably smaller. That is, many of the IDs may be duplicative.
+/// (For example, if a regex doesn't have a `\b` sub-pattern, then there's no
+/// reason to generate a unique starting state for handling word boundaries.
+/// Similarly for start/end anchors.)
+pub(crate) struct StartTable<T> {
+ /// The initial start state IDs.
+ ///
+ /// In practice, T is either `Vec<u32>` or `&[u32]`.
+ ///
+ /// The first `stride` (currently always 4) entries always correspond to
+ /// the start states for the entire DFA. After that, there are
+ /// `stride * patterns` state IDs, where `patterns` may be zero in the
+ /// case of a DFA with no patterns or in the case where the DFA was built
+ /// without enabling starting states for each pattern.
+ table: T,
+ /// The number of starting state IDs per pattern.
+ stride: usize,
+ /// The total number of patterns for which starting states are encoded.
+ /// This may be zero for non-empty DFAs when the DFA was built without
+ /// start states for each pattern. Thus, one cannot use this field to
+ /// say how many patterns are in the DFA in all cases. It is specific to
+ /// how many patterns are represented in this start table.
+ patterns: usize,
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl StartTable<Vec<u32>> {
+ /// Create a valid set of start states all pointing to the dead state.
+ ///
+ /// When the corresponding DFA is constructed with start states for each
+ /// pattern, then `patterns` should be the number of patterns. Otherwise,
+ /// it should be zero.
+ ///
+ /// If the total table size could exceed the allocatable limit, then this
+ /// returns an error. In practice, this is unlikely to be able to occur,
+ /// since it's likely that allocation would have failed long before it got
+ /// to this point.
+ fn dead(patterns: usize) -> Result<StartTable<Vec<u32>>, Error> {
+ assert!(patterns <= PatternID::LIMIT);
+ let stride = Start::count();
+ let pattern_starts_len = match stride.checked_mul(patterns) {
+ Some(x) => x,
+ None => return Err(Error::too_many_start_states()),
+ };
+ let table_len = match stride.checked_add(pattern_starts_len) {
+ Some(x) => x,
+ None => return Err(Error::too_many_start_states()),
+ };
+ if table_len > core::isize::MAX as usize {
+ return Err(Error::too_many_start_states());
+ }
+ let table = vec![DEAD.as_u32(); table_len];
+ Ok(StartTable { table, stride, patterns })
+ }
+impl<'a> StartTable<&'a [u32]> {
+ /// Deserialize a table of start state IDs starting at the beginning of
+ /// `slice`. Upon success, return the total number of bytes read along with
+ /// the table of starting state IDs.
+ ///
+ /// If there was a problem deserializing any part of the starting IDs,
+ /// then this returns an error. Notably, if the given slice does not have
+ /// the same alignment as `StateID`, then this will return an error (among
+ /// other possible errors).
+ ///
+ /// This is guaranteed to execute in constant time.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// This routine is not safe because it does not check the valdity of the
+ /// starting state IDs themselves. In particular, the number of starting
+ /// IDs can be of variable length, so it's possible that checking their
+ /// validity cannot be done in constant time. An invalid starting state
+ /// ID is not safe because other code may rely on the starting IDs being
+ /// correct (such as explicit bounds check elision). Therefore, an invalid
+ /// start ID can lead to undefined behavior.
+ ///
+ /// Callers that use this function must either pass on the safety invariant
+ /// or guarantee that the bytes given contain valid starting state IDs.
+ /// This guarantee is upheld by the bytes written by `write_to`.
+ unsafe fn from_bytes_unchecked(
+ mut slice: &'a [u8],
+ ) -> Result<(StartTable<&'a [u32]>, usize), DeserializeError> {
+ let slice_start = slice.as_ptr() as usize;
+ let (stride, nr) =
+ bytes::try_read_u32_as_usize(slice, "start table stride")?;
+ slice = &slice[nr..];
+ let (patterns, nr) =
+ bytes::try_read_u32_as_usize(slice, "start table patterns")?;
+ slice = &slice[nr..];
+ if stride != Start::count() {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic(
+ "invalid starting table stride",
+ ));
+ }
+ if patterns > PatternID::LIMIT {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic(
+ "invalid number of patterns",
+ ));
+ }
+ let pattern_table_size =
+ bytes::mul(stride, patterns, "invalid pattern count")?;
+ // Our start states always start with a single stride of start states
+ // for the entire automaton which permit it to match any pattern. What
+ // follows it are an optional set of start states for each pattern.
+ let start_state_count = bytes::add(
+ stride,
+ pattern_table_size,
+ "invalid 'any' pattern starts size",
+ )?;
+ let table_bytes_len = bytes::mul(
+ start_state_count,
+ StateID::SIZE,
+ "pattern table bytes length",
+ )?;
+ bytes::check_slice_len(slice, table_bytes_len, "start ID table")?;
+ bytes::check_alignment::<StateID>(slice)?;
+ let table_bytes = &slice[..table_bytes_len];
+ slice = &slice[table_bytes_len..];
+ // SAFETY: Since StateID is always representable as a u32, all we need
+ // to do is ensure that we have the proper length and alignment. We've
+ // checked both above, so the cast below is safe.
+ //
+ // N.B. This is the only not-safe code in this function, so we mark
+ // it explicitly to call it out, even though it is technically
+ // superfluous.
+ #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+ let table = unsafe {
+ core::slice::from_raw_parts(
+ table_bytes.as_ptr() as *const u32,
+ start_state_count,
+ )
+ };
+ let st = StartTable { table, stride, patterns };
+ Ok((st, slice.as_ptr() as usize - slice_start))
+ }
+impl<T: AsRef<[u32]>> StartTable<T> {
+ /// Writes a serialized form of this start table to the buffer given. If
+ /// the buffer is too small, then an error is returned. To determine how
+ /// big the buffer must be, use `write_to_len`.
+ fn write_to<E: Endian>(
+ &self,
+ mut dst: &mut [u8],
+ ) -> Result<usize, SerializeError> {
+ let nwrite = self.write_to_len();
+ if dst.len() < nwrite {
+ return Err(SerializeError::buffer_too_small(
+ "starting table ids",
+ ));
+ }
+ dst = &mut dst[..nwrite];
+ // write stride
+ // Unwrap is OK since the stride is always 4 (currently).
+ E::write_u32(u32::try_from(self.stride).unwrap(), dst);
+ dst = &mut dst[size_of::<u32>()..];
+ // write pattern count
+ // Unwrap is OK since number of patterns is guaranteed to fit in a u32.
+ E::write_u32(u32::try_from(self.patterns).unwrap(), dst);
+ dst = &mut dst[size_of::<u32>()..];
+ // write start IDs
+ for &sid in self.table() {
+ let n = bytes::write_state_id::<E>(sid, &mut dst);
+ dst = &mut dst[n..];
+ }
+ Ok(nwrite)
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of bytes the serialized form of this start ID table
+ /// will use.
+ fn write_to_len(&self) -> usize {
+ size_of::<u32>() // stride
+ + size_of::<u32>() // # patterns
+ + (self.table().len() * StateID::SIZE)
+ }
+ /// Validates that every state ID in this start table is valid by checking
+ /// it against the given transition table (which must be for the same DFA).
+ ///
+ /// That is, every state ID can be used to correctly index a state.
+ fn validate(
+ &self,
+ tt: &TransitionTable<T>,
+ ) -> Result<(), DeserializeError> {
+ for &id in self.table() {
+ if !tt.is_valid(id) {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic(
+ "found invalid starting state ID",
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Converts this start list to a borrowed value.
+ fn as_ref(&self) -> StartTable<&'_ [u32]> {
+ StartTable {
+ table: self.table.as_ref(),
+ stride: self.stride,
+ patterns: self.patterns,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Converts this start list to an owned value.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ fn to_owned(&self) -> StartTable<Vec<u32>> {
+ StartTable {
+ table: self.table.as_ref().to_vec(),
+ stride: self.stride,
+ patterns: self.patterns,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return the start state for the given start index and pattern ID. If the
+ /// pattern ID is None, then the corresponding start state for the entire
+ /// DFA is returned. If the pattern ID is not None, then the corresponding
+ /// starting state for the given pattern is returned. If this start table
+ /// does not have individual starting states for each pattern, then this
+ /// panics.
+ fn start(&self, index: Start, pattern_id: Option<PatternID>) -> StateID {
+ let start_index = index.as_usize();
+ let index = match pattern_id {
+ None => start_index,
+ Some(pid) => {
+ let pid = pid.as_usize();
+ assert!(pid < self.patterns, "invalid pattern ID {:?}", pid);
+ self.stride + (self.stride * pid) + start_index
+ }
+ };
+ self.table()[index]
+ }
+ /// Returns an iterator over all start state IDs in this table.
+ ///
+ /// Each item is a triple of: start state ID, the start state type and the
+ /// pattern ID (if any).
+ fn iter(&self) -> StartStateIter<'_> {
+ StartStateIter { st: self.as_ref(), i: 0 }
+ }
+ /// Returns the table as a slice of state IDs.
+ fn table(&self) -> &[StateID] {
+ let integers = self.table.as_ref();
+ // SAFETY: This is safe because StateID is guaranteed to be
+ // representable as a u32.
+ unsafe {
+ core::slice::from_raw_parts(
+ integers.as_ptr() as *const StateID,
+ integers.len(),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return the memory usage, in bytes, of this start list.
+ ///
+ /// This does not include the size of a `StartList` value itself.
+ fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
+ self.table().len() * StateID::SIZE
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl<T: AsMut<[u32]>> StartTable<T> {
+ /// Set the start state for the given index and pattern.
+ ///
+ /// If the pattern ID or state ID are not valid, then this will panic.
+ fn set_start(
+ &mut self,
+ index: Start,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ id: StateID,
+ ) {
+ let start_index = index.as_usize();
+ let index = match pattern_id {
+ None => start_index,
+ Some(pid) => self
+ .stride
+ .checked_mul(pid.as_usize())
+ .unwrap()
+ .checked_add(self.stride)
+ .unwrap()
+ .checked_add(start_index)
+ .unwrap(),
+ };
+ self.table_mut()[index] = id;
+ }
+ /// Returns the table as a mutable slice of state IDs.
+ fn table_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [StateID] {
+ let integers = self.table.as_mut();
+ // SAFETY: This is safe because StateID is guaranteed to be
+ // representable as a u32.
+ unsafe {
+ core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(
+ integers.as_mut_ptr() as *mut StateID,
+ integers.len(),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+/// An iterator over start state IDs.
+/// This iterator yields a triple of start state ID, the start state type
+/// and the pattern ID (if any). The pattern ID is None for start states
+/// corresponding to the entire DFA and non-None for start states corresponding
+/// to a specific pattern. The latter only occurs when the DFA is compiled with
+/// start states for each pattern.
+pub(crate) struct StartStateIter<'a> {
+ st: StartTable<&'a [u32]>,
+ i: usize,
+impl<'a> Iterator for StartStateIter<'a> {
+ type Item = (StateID, Start, Option<PatternID>);
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(StateID, Start, Option<PatternID>)> {
+ let i = self.i;
+ let table =;
+ if i >= table.len() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ self.i += 1;
+ // This unwrap is okay since the stride of the starting state table
+ // must always match the number of start state types.
+ let start_type = Start::from_usize(i %;
+ let pid = if i < {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(
+ PatternID::new((i - /,
+ )
+ };
+ Some((table[i], start_type, pid))
+ }
+/// This type represents that patterns that should be reported whenever a DFA
+/// enters a match state. This structure exists to support DFAs that search for
+/// matches for multiple regexes.
+/// This structure relies on the fact that all match states in a DFA occur
+/// contiguously in the DFA's transition table. (See dfa/ for a more
+/// detailed breakdown of the representation.) Namely, when a match occurs, we
+/// know its state ID. Since we know the start and end of the contiguous region
+/// of match states, we can use that to compute the position at which the match
+/// state occurs. That in turn is used as an offset into this structure.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+struct MatchStates<T> {
+ /// Slices is a flattened sequence of pairs, where each pair points to a
+ /// sub-slice of pattern_ids. The first element of the pair is an offset
+ /// into pattern_ids and the second element of the pair is the number
+ /// of 32-bit pattern IDs starting at that position. That is, each pair
+ /// corresponds to a single DFA match state and its corresponding match
+ /// IDs. The number of pairs always corresponds to the number of distinct
+ /// DFA match states.
+ ///
+ /// In practice, T is either Vec<u32> or &[u32].
+ slices: T,
+ /// A flattened sequence of pattern IDs for each DFA match state. The only
+ /// way to correctly read this sequence is indirectly via `slices`.
+ ///
+ /// In practice, T is either Vec<u32> or &[u32].
+ pattern_ids: T,
+ /// The total number of unique patterns represented by these match states.
+ patterns: usize,
+impl<'a> MatchStates<&'a [u32]> {
+ unsafe fn from_bytes_unchecked(
+ mut slice: &'a [u8],
+ ) -> Result<(MatchStates<&'a [u32]>, usize), DeserializeError> {
+ let slice_start = slice.as_ptr() as usize;
+ // Read the total number of match states.
+ let (count, nr) =
+ bytes::try_read_u32_as_usize(slice, "match state count")?;
+ slice = &slice[nr..];
+ // Read the slice start/length pairs.
+ let pair_count = bytes::mul(2, count, "match state offset pairs")?;
+ let slices_bytes_len = bytes::mul(
+ pair_count,
+ PatternID::SIZE,
+ "match state slice offset byte length",
+ )?;
+ bytes::check_slice_len(slice, slices_bytes_len, "match state slices")?;
+ bytes::check_alignment::<PatternID>(slice)?;
+ let slices_bytes = &slice[..slices_bytes_len];
+ slice = &slice[slices_bytes_len..];
+ // SAFETY: Since PatternID is always representable as a u32, all we
+ // need to do is ensure that we have the proper length and alignment.
+ // We've checked both above, so the cast below is safe.
+ //
+ // N.B. This is one of the few not-safe snippets in this function, so
+ // we mark it explicitly to call it out, even though it is technically
+ // superfluous.
+ #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+ let slices = unsafe {
+ core::slice::from_raw_parts(
+ slices_bytes.as_ptr() as *const u32,
+ pair_count,
+ )
+ };
+ // Read the total number of unique pattern IDs (which is always 1 more
+ // than the maximum pattern ID in this automaton, since pattern IDs are
+ // handed out contiguously starting at 0).
+ let (patterns, nr) =
+ bytes::try_read_u32_as_usize(slice, "pattern count")?;
+ slice = &slice[nr..];
+ // Now read the pattern ID count. We don't need to store this
+ // explicitly, but we need it to know how many pattern IDs to read.
+ let (idcount, nr) =
+ bytes::try_read_u32_as_usize(slice, "pattern ID count")?;
+ slice = &slice[nr..];
+ // Read the actual pattern IDs.
+ let pattern_ids_len =
+ bytes::mul(idcount, PatternID::SIZE, "pattern ID byte length")?;
+ bytes::check_slice_len(slice, pattern_ids_len, "match pattern IDs")?;
+ bytes::check_alignment::<PatternID>(slice)?;
+ let pattern_ids_bytes = &slice[..pattern_ids_len];
+ slice = &slice[pattern_ids_len..];
+ // SAFETY: Since PatternID is always representable as a u32, all we
+ // need to do is ensure that we have the proper length and alignment.
+ // We've checked both above, so the cast below is safe.
+ //
+ // N.B. This is one of the few not-safe snippets in this function, so
+ // we mark it explicitly to call it out, even though it is technically
+ // superfluous.
+ #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+ let pattern_ids = unsafe {
+ core::slice::from_raw_parts(
+ pattern_ids_bytes.as_ptr() as *const u32,
+ idcount,
+ )
+ };
+ let ms = MatchStates { slices, pattern_ids, patterns };
+ Ok((ms, slice.as_ptr() as usize - slice_start))
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl MatchStates<Vec<u32>> {
+ fn empty(pattern_count: usize) -> MatchStates<Vec<u32>> {
+ assert!(pattern_count <= PatternID::LIMIT);
+ MatchStates {
+ slices: vec![],
+ pattern_ids: vec![],
+ patterns: pattern_count,
+ }
+ }
+ fn new(
+ matches: &BTreeMap<StateID, Vec<PatternID>>,
+ pattern_count: usize,
+ ) -> Result<MatchStates<Vec<u32>>, Error> {
+ let mut m = MatchStates::empty(pattern_count);
+ for (_, pids) in matches.iter() {
+ let start = PatternID::new(m.pattern_ids.len())
+ .map_err(|_| Error::too_many_match_pattern_ids())?;
+ m.slices.push(start.as_u32());
+ // This is always correct since the number of patterns in a single
+ // match state can never exceed maximum number of allowable
+ // patterns. Why? Because a pattern can only appear once in a
+ // particular match state, by construction. (And since our pattern
+ // ID limit is one less than u32::MAX, we're guaranteed that the
+ // length fits in a u32.)
+ m.slices.push(u32::try_from(pids.len()).unwrap());
+ for &pid in pids {
+ m.pattern_ids.push(pid.as_u32());
+ }
+ }
+ m.patterns = pattern_count;
+ Ok(m)
+ }
+ fn new_with_map(
+ &self,
+ matches: &BTreeMap<StateID, Vec<PatternID>>,
+ ) -> Result<MatchStates<Vec<u32>>, Error> {
+ MatchStates::new(matches, self.patterns)
+ }
+impl<T: AsRef<[u32]>> MatchStates<T> {
+ /// Writes a serialized form of these match states to the buffer given. If
+ /// the buffer is too small, then an error is returned. To determine how
+ /// big the buffer must be, use `write_to_len`.
+ fn write_to<E: Endian>(
+ &self,
+ mut dst: &mut [u8],
+ ) -> Result<usize, SerializeError> {
+ let nwrite = self.write_to_len();
+ if dst.len() < nwrite {
+ return Err(SerializeError::buffer_too_small("match states"));
+ }
+ dst = &mut dst[..nwrite];
+ // write state ID count
+ // Unwrap is OK since number of states is guaranteed to fit in a u32.
+ E::write_u32(u32::try_from(self.count()).unwrap(), dst);
+ dst = &mut dst[size_of::<u32>()..];
+ // write slice offset pairs
+ for &pid in self.slices() {
+ let n = bytes::write_pattern_id::<E>(pid, &mut dst);
+ dst = &mut dst[n..];
+ }
+ // write unique pattern ID count
+ // Unwrap is OK since number of patterns is guaranteed to fit in a u32.
+ E::write_u32(u32::try_from(self.patterns).unwrap(), dst);
+ dst = &mut dst[size_of::<u32>()..];
+ // write pattern ID count
+ // Unwrap is OK since we check at construction (and deserialization)
+ // that the number of patterns is representable as a u32.
+ E::write_u32(u32::try_from(self.pattern_ids().len()).unwrap(), dst);
+ dst = &mut dst[size_of::<u32>()..];
+ // write pattern IDs
+ for &pid in self.pattern_ids() {
+ let n = bytes::write_pattern_id::<E>(pid, &mut dst);
+ dst = &mut dst[n..];
+ }
+ Ok(nwrite)
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of bytes the serialized form of this transition
+ /// table will use.
+ fn write_to_len(&self) -> usize {
+ size_of::<u32>() // match state count
+ + (self.slices().len() * PatternID::SIZE)
+ + size_of::<u32>() // unique pattern ID count
+ + size_of::<u32>() // pattern ID count
+ + (self.pattern_ids().len() * PatternID::SIZE)
+ }
+ /// Valides that the match state info is itself internally consistent and
+ /// consistent with the recorded match state region in the given DFA.
+ fn validate(&self, dfa: &DFA<T>) -> Result<(), DeserializeError> {
+ if self.count() != dfa.special.match_len(dfa.stride()) {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic(
+ "match state count mismatch",
+ ));
+ }
+ for si in 0..self.count() {
+ let start = self.slices()[si * 2].as_usize();
+ let len = self.slices()[si * 2 + 1].as_usize();
+ if start >= self.pattern_ids().len() {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic(
+ "invalid pattern ID start offset",
+ ));
+ }
+ if start + len > self.pattern_ids().len() {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic(
+ "invalid pattern ID length",
+ ));
+ }
+ for mi in 0..len {
+ let pid = self.pattern_id(si, mi);
+ if pid.as_usize() >= self.patterns {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic(
+ "invalid pattern ID",
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Converts these match states back into their map form. This is useful
+ /// when shuffling states, as the normal MatchStates representation is not
+ /// amenable to easy state swapping. But with this map, to swap id1 and
+ /// id2, all you need to do is:
+ ///
+ /// if let Some(pids) = map.remove(&id1) {
+ /// map.insert(id2, pids);
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// Once shuffling is done, use MatchStates::new to convert back.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ fn to_map(&self, dfa: &DFA<T>) -> BTreeMap<StateID, Vec<PatternID>> {
+ let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
+ for i in 0..self.count() {
+ let mut pids = vec![];
+ for j in 0..self.pattern_len(i) {
+ pids.push(self.pattern_id(i, j));
+ }
+ map.insert(self.match_state_id(dfa, i), pids);
+ }
+ map
+ }
+ /// Converts these match states to a borrowed value.
+ fn as_ref(&self) -> MatchStates<&'_ [u32]> {
+ MatchStates {
+ slices: self.slices.as_ref(),
+ pattern_ids: self.pattern_ids.as_ref(),
+ patterns: self.patterns,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Converts these match states to an owned value.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ fn to_owned(&self) -> MatchStates<Vec<u32>> {
+ MatchStates {
+ slices: self.slices.as_ref().to_vec(),
+ pattern_ids: self.pattern_ids.as_ref().to_vec(),
+ patterns: self.patterns,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the match state ID given the match state index. (Where the
+ /// first match state corresponds to index 0.)
+ ///
+ /// This panics if there is no match state at the given index.
+ fn match_state_id(&self, dfa: &DFA<T>, index: usize) -> StateID {
+ assert!(dfa.special.matches(), "no match states to index");
+ // This is one of the places where we rely on the fact that match
+ // states are contiguous in the transition table. Namely, that the
+ // first match state ID always corresponds to dfa.special.min_start.
+ // From there, since we know the stride, we can compute the ID of any
+ // match state given its index.
+ let stride2 = u32::try_from(dfa.stride2()).unwrap();
+ let offset = index.checked_shl(stride2).unwrap();
+ let id = dfa.special.min_match.as_usize().checked_add(offset).unwrap();
+ let sid = StateID::new(id).unwrap();
+ assert!(dfa.is_match_state(sid));
+ sid
+ }
+ /// Returns the pattern ID at the given match index for the given match
+ /// state.
+ ///
+ /// The match state index is the state index minus the state index of the
+ /// first match state in the DFA.
+ ///
+ /// The match index is the index of the pattern ID for the given state.
+ /// The index must be less than `self.pattern_len(state_index)`.
+ fn pattern_id(&self, state_index: usize, match_index: usize) -> PatternID {
+ self.pattern_id_slice(state_index)[match_index]
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of patterns in the given match state.
+ ///
+ /// The match state index is the state index minus the state index of the
+ /// first match state in the DFA.
+ fn pattern_len(&self, state_index: usize) -> usize {
+ self.slices()[state_index * 2 + 1].as_usize()
+ }
+ /// Returns all of the pattern IDs for the given match state index.
+ ///
+ /// The match state index is the state index minus the state index of the
+ /// first match state in the DFA.
+ fn pattern_id_slice(&self, state_index: usize) -> &[PatternID] {
+ let start = self.slices()[state_index * 2].as_usize();
+ let len = self.pattern_len(state_index);
+ &self.pattern_ids()[start..start + len]
+ }
+ /// Returns the pattern ID offset slice of u32 as a slice of PatternID.
+ fn slices(&self) -> &[PatternID] {
+ let integers = self.slices.as_ref();
+ // SAFETY: This is safe because PatternID is guaranteed to be
+ // representable as a u32.
+ unsafe {
+ core::slice::from_raw_parts(
+ integers.as_ptr() as *const PatternID,
+ integers.len(),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the total number of match states.
+ fn count(&self) -> usize {
+ assert_eq!(0, self.slices().len() % 2);
+ self.slices().len() / 2
+ }
+ /// Returns the pattern ID slice of u32 as a slice of PatternID.
+ fn pattern_ids(&self) -> &[PatternID] {
+ let integers = self.pattern_ids.as_ref();
+ // SAFETY: This is safe because PatternID is guaranteed to be
+ // representable as a u32.
+ unsafe {
+ core::slice::from_raw_parts(
+ integers.as_ptr() as *const PatternID,
+ integers.len(),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return the memory usage, in bytes, of these match pairs.
+ fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
+ (self.slices().len() + self.pattern_ids().len()) * PatternID::SIZE
+ }
+/// An iterator over all states in a DFA.
+/// This iterator yields a tuple for each state. The first element of the
+/// tuple corresponds to a state's identifier, and the second element
+/// corresponds to the state itself (comprised of its transitions).
+/// `'a` corresponding to the lifetime of original DFA, `T` corresponds to
+/// the type of the transition table itself.
+pub(crate) struct StateIter<'a, T> {
+ tt: &'a TransitionTable<T>,
+ it: iter::Enumerate<slice::Chunks<'a, StateID>>,
+impl<'a, T: AsRef<[u32]>> Iterator for StateIter<'a, T> {
+ type Item = State<'a>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<State<'a>> {
+|(index, _)| {
+ let id =;
+ })
+ }
+/// An immutable representation of a single DFA state.
+/// `'a` correspondings to the lifetime of a DFA's transition table.
+pub(crate) struct State<'a> {
+ id: StateID,
+ stride2: usize,
+ transitions: &'a [StateID],
+impl<'a> State<'a> {
+ /// Return an iterator over all transitions in this state. This yields
+ /// a number of transitions equivalent to the alphabet length of the
+ /// corresponding DFA.
+ ///
+ /// Each transition is represented by a tuple. The first element is
+ /// the input byte for that transition and the second element is the
+ /// transitions itself.
+ pub(crate) fn transitions(&self) -> StateTransitionIter<'_> {
+ StateTransitionIter {
+ len: self.transitions.len(),
+ it: self.transitions.iter().enumerate(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return an iterator over a sparse representation of the transitions in
+ /// this state. Only non-dead transitions are returned.
+ ///
+ /// The "sparse" representation in this case corresponds to a sequence of
+ /// triples. The first two elements of the triple comprise an inclusive
+ /// byte range while the last element corresponds to the transition taken
+ /// for all bytes in the range.
+ ///
+ /// This is somewhat more condensed than the classical sparse
+ /// representation (where you have an element for every non-dead
+ /// transition), but in practice, checking if a byte is in a range is very
+ /// cheap and using ranges tends to conserve quite a bit more space.
+ pub(crate) fn sparse_transitions(&self) -> StateSparseTransitionIter<'_> {
+ StateSparseTransitionIter { dense: self.transitions(), cur: None }
+ }
+ /// Returns the identifier for this state.
+ pub(crate) fn id(&self) -> StateID {
+ }
+ /// Analyzes this state to determine whether it can be accelerated. If so,
+ /// it returns an accelerator that contains at least one byte.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ fn accelerate(&self, classes: &ByteClasses) -> Option<Accel> {
+ // We just try to add bytes to our accelerator. Once adding fails
+ // (because we've added too many bytes), then give up.
+ let mut accel = Accel::new();
+ for (class, id) in self.transitions() {
+ if id == {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for unit in classes.elements(class) {
+ if let Some(byte) = unit.as_u8() {
+ if !accel.add(byte) {
+ return None;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if accel.is_empty() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(accel)
+ }
+ }
+impl<'a> fmt::Debug for State<'a> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ for (i, (start, end, id)) in self.sparse_transitions().enumerate() {
+ let index = if f.alternate() {
+ id.as_usize()
+ } else {
+ id.as_usize() >> self.stride2
+ };
+ if i > 0 {
+ write!(f, ", ")?;
+ }
+ if start == end {
+ write!(f, "{:?} => {:?}", start, index)?;
+ } else {
+ write!(f, "{:?}-{:?} => {:?}", start, end, index)?;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+/// A mutable representation of a single DFA state.
+/// `'a` correspondings to the lifetime of a DFA's transition table.
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+pub(crate) struct StateMut<'a> {
+ id: StateID,
+ stride2: usize,
+ transitions: &'a mut [StateID],
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl<'a> StateMut<'a> {
+ /// Return an iterator over all transitions in this state. This yields
+ /// a number of transitions equivalent to the alphabet length of the
+ /// corresponding DFA.
+ ///
+ /// Each transition is represented by a tuple. The first element is the
+ /// input byte for that transition and the second element is a mutable
+ /// reference to the transition itself.
+ pub(crate) fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> StateTransitionIterMut<'_> {
+ StateTransitionIterMut {
+ len: self.transitions.len(),
+ it: self.transitions.iter_mut().enumerate(),
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl<'a> fmt::Debug for StateMut<'a> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt::Debug::fmt(
+ &State {
+ id:,
+ stride2: self.stride2,
+ transitions: self.transitions,
+ },
+ f,
+ )
+ }
+/// An iterator over all transitions in a single DFA state. This yields
+/// a number of transitions equivalent to the alphabet length of the
+/// corresponding DFA.
+/// Each transition is represented by a tuple. The first element is the input
+/// byte for that transition and the second element is the transition itself.
+pub(crate) struct StateTransitionIter<'a> {
+ len: usize,
+ it: iter::Enumerate<slice::Iter<'a, StateID>>,
+impl<'a> Iterator for StateTransitionIter<'a> {
+ type Item = (alphabet::Unit, StateID);
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(alphabet::Unit, StateID)> {
+|(i, &id)| {
+ let unit = if i + 1 == self.len {
+ alphabet::Unit::eoi(i)
+ } else {
+ let b = u8::try_from(i)
+ .expect("raw byte alphabet is never exceeded");
+ alphabet::Unit::u8(b)
+ };
+ (unit, id)
+ })
+ }
+/// A mutable iterator over all transitions in a DFA state.
+/// Each transition is represented by a tuple. The first element is the
+/// input byte for that transition and the second element is a mutable
+/// reference to the transition itself.
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+pub(crate) struct StateTransitionIterMut<'a> {
+ len: usize,
+ it: iter::Enumerate<slice::IterMut<'a, StateID>>,
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl<'a> Iterator for StateTransitionIterMut<'a> {
+ type Item = (alphabet::Unit, &'a mut StateID);
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(alphabet::Unit, &'a mut StateID)> {
+|(i, id)| {
+ let unit = if i + 1 == self.len {
+ alphabet::Unit::eoi(i)
+ } else {
+ let b = u8::try_from(i)
+ .expect("raw byte alphabet is never exceeded");
+ alphabet::Unit::u8(b)
+ };
+ (unit, id)
+ })
+ }
+/// An iterator over all non-DEAD transitions in a single DFA state using a
+/// sparse representation.
+/// Each transition is represented by a triple. The first two elements of the
+/// triple comprise an inclusive byte range while the last element corresponds
+/// to the transition taken for all bytes in the range.
+/// As a convenience, this always returns `alphabet::Unit` values of the same
+/// type. That is, you'll never get a (byte, EOI) or a (EOI, byte). Only (byte,
+/// byte) and (EOI, EOI) values are yielded.
+pub(crate) struct StateSparseTransitionIter<'a> {
+ dense: StateTransitionIter<'a>,
+ cur: Option<(alphabet::Unit, alphabet::Unit, StateID)>,
+impl<'a> Iterator for StateSparseTransitionIter<'a> {
+ type Item = (alphabet::Unit, alphabet::Unit, StateID);
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(alphabet::Unit, alphabet::Unit, StateID)> {
+ while let Some((unit, next)) = {
+ let (prev_start, prev_end, prev_next) = match self.cur {
+ Some(t) => t,
+ None => {
+ self.cur = Some((unit, unit, next));
+ continue;
+ }
+ };
+ if prev_next == next && !unit.is_eoi() {
+ self.cur = Some((prev_start, unit, prev_next));
+ } else {
+ self.cur = Some((unit, unit, next));
+ if prev_next != DEAD {
+ return Some((prev_start, prev_end, prev_next));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some((start, end, next)) = self.cur.take() {
+ if next != DEAD {
+ return Some((start, end, next));
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+/// An iterator over pattern IDs for a single match state.
+pub(crate) struct PatternIDIter<'a>(slice::Iter<'a, PatternID>);
+impl<'a> Iterator for PatternIDIter<'a> {
+ type Item = PatternID;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<PatternID> {
+ }
+/// Remapper is an abstraction the manages the remapping of state IDs in a
+/// dense DFA. This is useful when one wants to shuffle states into different
+/// positions in the DFA.
+/// One of the key complexities this manages is the ability to correctly move
+/// one state multiple times.
+/// Once shuffling is complete, `remap` should be called, which will rewrite
+/// all pertinent transitions to updated state IDs.
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+struct Remapper {
+ /// A map from the index of a state to its pre-multiplied identifier.
+ ///
+ /// When a state is swapped with another, then their corresponding
+ /// locations in this map are also swapped. Thus, its new position will
+ /// still point to its old pre-multiplied StateID.
+ ///
+ /// While there is a bit more to it, this then allows us to rewrite the
+ /// state IDs in a DFA's transition table in a single pass. This is done
+ /// by iterating over every ID in this map, then iterating over each
+ /// transition for the state at that ID and re-mapping the transition from
+ /// `old_id` to `map[dfa.to_index(old_id)]`. That is, we find the position
+ /// in this map where `old_id` *started*, and set it to where it ended up
+ /// after all swaps have been completed.
+ map: Vec<StateID>,
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl Remapper {
+ fn from_dfa(dfa: &OwnedDFA) -> Remapper {
+ Remapper {
+ map: (0..dfa.state_count()).map(|i| dfa.from_index(i)).collect(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn swap(&mut self, dfa: &mut OwnedDFA, id1: StateID, id2: StateID) {
+ dfa.swap_states(id1, id2);
+, dfa.to_index(id2));
+ }
+ fn remap(mut self, dfa: &mut OwnedDFA) {
+ // Update the map to account for states that have been swapped
+ // multiple times. For example, if (A, C) and (C, G) are swapped, then
+ // transitions previously pointing to A should now point to G. But if
+ // we don't update our map, they will erroneously be set to C. All we
+ // do is follow the swaps in our map until we see our original state
+ // ID.
+ let oldmap =;
+ for i in 0..dfa.state_count() {
+ let cur_id = dfa.from_index(i);
+ let mut new = oldmap[i];
+ if cur_id == new {
+ continue;
+ }
+ loop {
+ let id = oldmap[dfa.to_index(new)];
+ if cur_id == id {
+[i] = new;
+ break;
+ }
+ new = id;
+ }
+ }
+ // To work around the borrow checker for converting state IDs to
+ // indices. We cannot borrow self while mutably iterating over a
+ // state's transitions. Otherwise, we'd just use dfa.to_index(..).
+ let stride2 = dfa.stride2();
+ let to_index = |id: StateID| -> usize { id.as_usize() >> stride2 };
+ // Now that we've finished shuffling, we need to remap all of our
+ // transitions. We don't need to handle re-mapping accelerated states
+ // since `accels` is only populated after shuffling.
+ for &id in {
+ for (_, next_id) in dfa.state_mut(id).iter_mut() {
+ *next_id =[to_index(*next_id)];
+ }
+ }
+ for start_id in {
+ *start_id =[to_index(*start_id)];
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(all(test, feature = "alloc"))]
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn errors_with_unicode_word_boundary() {
+ let pattern = r"\b";
+ assert!(Builder::new().build(pattern).is_err());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn roundtrip_never_match() {
+ let dfa = DFA::never_match().unwrap();
+ let (buf, _) = dfa.to_bytes_native_endian();
+ let dfa: DFA<&[u32]> = DFA::from_bytes(&buf).unwrap().0;
+ assert_eq!(None, dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345").unwrap());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn roundtrip_always_match() {
+ use crate::HalfMatch;
+ let dfa = DFA::always_match().unwrap();
+ let (buf, _) = dfa.to_bytes_native_endian();
+ let dfa: DFA<&[u32]> = DFA::from_bytes(&buf).unwrap().0;
+ assert_eq!(
+ Some(HalfMatch::must(0, 0)),
+ dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345").unwrap()
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61603481b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+use alloc::{
+ collections::BTreeMap,
+ vec::{self, Vec},
+use crate::{
+ dfa::{dense, Error, DEAD},
+ nfa::thompson,
+ util::{
+ self,
+ alphabet::{self, ByteSet},
+ determinize::{State, StateBuilderEmpty, StateBuilderNFA},
+ id::{PatternID, StateID},
+ matchtypes::MatchKind,
+ sparse_set::{SparseSet, SparseSets},
+ start::Start,
+ },
+/// A builder for configuring and running a DFA determinizer.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub(crate) struct Config {
+ anchored: bool,
+ match_kind: MatchKind,
+ quit: ByteSet,
+ dfa_size_limit: Option<usize>,
+ determinize_size_limit: Option<usize>,
+impl Config {
+ /// Create a new default config for a determinizer. The determinizer may be
+ /// configured before calling `run`.
+ pub fn new() -> Config {
+ Config {
+ anchored: false,
+ match_kind: MatchKind::LeftmostFirst,
+ quit: ByteSet::empty(),
+ dfa_size_limit: None,
+ determinize_size_limit: None,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Run determinization on the given NFA and write the resulting DFA into
+ /// the one given. The DFA given should be initialized but otherwise empty.
+ /// "Initialized" means that it is setup to handle the NFA's byte classes,
+ /// number of patterns and whether to build start states for each pattern.
+ pub fn run(
+ &self,
+ nfa: &thompson::NFA,
+ dfa: &mut dense::OwnedDFA,
+ ) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let dead = State::dead();
+ let quit = State::dead();
+ let mut cache = StateMap::default();
+ // We only insert the dead state here since its representation is
+ // identical to the quit state. And we never want anything pointing
+ // to the quit state other than specific transitions derived from the
+ // determinizer's configured "quit" bytes.
+ //
+ // We do put the quit state into 'builder_states' below. This ensures
+ // that a proper DFA state ID is allocated for it, and that no other
+ // DFA state uses the "location after the DEAD state." That is, it
+ // is assumed that the quit state is always the state immediately
+ // following the DEAD state.
+ cache.insert(dead.clone(), DEAD);
+ let runner = Runner {
+ config: self.clone(),
+ nfa,
+ dfa,
+ builder_states: alloc::vec![dead, quit],
+ cache,
+ memory_usage_state: 0,
+ sparses: SparseSets::new(nfa.len()),
+ stack: alloc::vec![],
+ scratch_state_builder: StateBuilderEmpty::new(),
+ };
+ }
+ /// Whether to build an anchored DFA or not. When disabled (the default),
+ /// the unanchored prefix from the NFA is used to start the DFA. Otherwise,
+ /// the anchored start state of the NFA is used to start the DFA.
+ pub fn anchored(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut Config {
+ self.anchored = yes;
+ self
+ }
+ /// The match semantics to use for determinization.
+ ///
+ /// MatchKind::All corresponds to the standard textbook construction.
+ /// All possible match states are represented in the DFA.
+ /// MatchKind::LeftmostFirst permits greediness and otherwise tries to
+ /// simulate the match semantics of backtracking regex engines. Namely,
+ /// only a subset of match states are built, and dead states are used to
+ /// stop searches with an unanchored prefix.
+ ///
+ /// The default is MatchKind::LeftmostFirst.
+ pub fn match_kind(&mut self, kind: MatchKind) -> &mut Config {
+ self.match_kind = kind;
+ self
+ }
+ /// The set of bytes to use that will cause the DFA to enter a quit state,
+ /// stop searching and return an error. By default, this is empty.
+ pub fn quit(&mut self, set: ByteSet) -> &mut Config {
+ self.quit = set;
+ self
+ }
+ /// The limit, in bytes of the heap, that the DFA is permitted to use. This
+ /// does not include the auxiliary heap storage used by determinization.
+ pub fn dfa_size_limit(&mut self, bytes: Option<usize>) -> &mut Config {
+ self.dfa_size_limit = bytes;
+ self
+ }
+ /// The limit, in bytes of the heap, that determinization itself is allowed
+ /// to use. This does not include the size of the DFA being built.
+ pub fn determinize_size_limit(
+ &mut self,
+ bytes: Option<usize>,
+ ) -> &mut Config {
+ self.determinize_size_limit = bytes;
+ self
+ }
+/// The actual implementation of determinization that converts an NFA to a DFA
+/// through powerset construction.
+/// This determinizer roughly follows the typical powerset construction, where
+/// each DFA state is comprised of one or more NFA states. In the worst case,
+/// there is one DFA state for every possible combination of NFA states. In
+/// practice, this only happens in certain conditions, typically when there are
+/// bounded repetitions.
+/// The main differences between this implementation and typical deteminization
+/// are that this implementation delays matches by one state and hackily makes
+/// look-around work. Comments below attempt to explain this.
+/// The lifetime variable `'a` refers to the lifetime of the NFA or DFA,
+/// whichever is shorter.
+struct Runner<'a> {
+ /// The configuration used to initialize determinization.
+ config: Config,
+ /// The NFA we're converting into a DFA.
+ nfa: &'a thompson::NFA,
+ /// The DFA we're building.
+ dfa: &'a mut dense::OwnedDFA,
+ /// Each DFA state being built is defined as an *ordered* set of NFA
+ /// states, along with some meta facts about the ordered set of NFA states.
+ ///
+ /// This is never empty. The first state is always a dummy state such that
+ /// a state id == 0 corresponds to a dead state. The second state is always
+ /// the quit state.
+ ///
+ /// Why do we have states in both a `Vec` and in a cache map below?
+ /// Well, they serve two different roles based on access patterns.
+ /// `builder_states` is the canonical home of each state, and provides
+ /// constant random access by a DFA state's ID. The cache map below, on
+ /// the other hand, provides a quick way of searching for identical DFA
+ /// states by using the DFA state as a key in the map. Of course, we use
+ /// reference counting to avoid actually duplicating the state's data
+ /// itself. (Although this has never been benchmarked.) Note that the cache
+ /// map does not give us full minimization; it just lets us avoid some very
+ /// obvious redundant states.
+ ///
+ /// Note that the index into this Vec isn't quite the DFA's state ID.
+ /// Rather, it's just an index. To get the state ID, you have to multiply
+ /// it by the DFA's stride. That's done by self.dfa.from_index. And the
+ /// inverse is self.dfa.to_index.
+ ///
+ /// Moreover, DFA states don't usually retain the IDs assigned to them
+ /// by their position in this Vec. After determinization completes,
+ /// states are shuffled around to support other optimizations. See the
+ /// sibling 'special' module for more details on that. (The reason for
+ /// mentioning this is that if you print out the DFA for debugging during
+ /// determinization, and then print out the final DFA after it is fully
+ /// built, then the state IDs likely won't match up.)
+ builder_states: Vec<State>,
+ /// A cache of DFA states that already exist and can be easily looked up
+ /// via ordered sets of NFA states.
+ ///
+ /// See `builder_states` docs for why we store states in two different
+ /// ways.
+ cache: StateMap,
+ /// The memory usage, in bytes, used by builder_states and cache. We track
+ /// this as new states are added since states use a variable amount of
+ /// heap. Tracking this as we add states makes it possible to compute the
+ /// total amount of memory used by the determinizer in constant time.
+ memory_usage_state: usize,
+ /// A pair of sparse sets for tracking ordered sets of NFA state IDs.
+ /// These are reused throughout determinization. A bounded sparse set
+ /// gives us constant time insertion, membership testing and clearing.
+ sparses: SparseSets,
+ /// Scratch space for a stack of NFA states to visit, for depth first
+ /// visiting without recursion.
+ stack: Vec<StateID>,
+ /// Scratch space for storing an ordered sequence of NFA states, for
+ /// amortizing allocation. This is principally useful for when we avoid
+ /// adding a new DFA state since it already exists. In order to detect this
+ /// case though, we still need an ordered set of NFA state IDs. So we use
+ /// this space to stage that ordered set before we know whether we need to
+ /// create a new DFA state or not.
+ scratch_state_builder: StateBuilderEmpty,
+/// A map from states to state identifiers. When using std, we use a standard
+/// hashmap, since it's a bit faster for this use case. (Other maps, like
+/// one's based on FNV, have not yet been benchmarked.)
+/// The main purpose of this map is to reuse states where possible. This won't
+/// fully minimize the DFA, but it works well in a lot of cases.
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+type StateMap = std::collections::HashMap<State, StateID>;
+#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
+type StateMap = BTreeMap<State, StateID>;
+impl<'a> Runner<'a> {
+ /// Build the DFA. If there was a problem constructing the DFA (e.g., if
+ /// the chosen state identifier representation is too small), then an error
+ /// is returned.
+ fn run(mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ if self.nfa.has_word_boundary_unicode()
+ && !self.config.quit.contains_range(0x80, 0xFF)
+ {
+ return Err(Error::unsupported_dfa_word_boundary_unicode());
+ }
+ // A sequence of "representative" bytes drawn from each equivalence
+ // class. These representative bytes are fed to the NFA to compute
+ // state transitions. This allows us to avoid re-computing state
+ // transitions for bytes that are guaranteed to produce identical
+ // results.
+ let representatives: Vec<alphabet::Unit> =
+ self.dfa.byte_classes().representatives().collect();
+ // The set of all DFA state IDs that still need to have their
+ // transitions set. We start by seeding this with all starting states.
+ let mut uncompiled = alloc::vec![];
+ self.add_all_starts(&mut uncompiled)?;
+ while let Some(dfa_id) = uncompiled.pop() {
+ for &unit in &representatives {
+ if unit.as_u8().map_or(false, |b| self.config.quit.contains(b))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // In many cases, the state we transition to has already been
+ // computed. 'cached_state' will do the minimal amount of work
+ // to check this, and if it exists, immediately return an
+ // already existing state ID.
+ let (next_dfa_id, is_new) = self.cached_state(dfa_id, unit)?;
+ self.dfa.set_transition(dfa_id, unit, next_dfa_id);
+ // If the state ID we got back is newly created, then we need
+ // to compile it, so add it to our uncompiled frontier.
+ if is_new {
+ uncompiled.push(next_dfa_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ trace!(
+ "determinization complete, memory usage: {}, dense DFA size: {}",
+ self.memory_usage(),
+ self.dfa.memory_usage(),
+ );
+ // A map from DFA state ID to one or more NFA match IDs. Each NFA match
+ // ID corresponds to a distinct regex pattern that matches in the state
+ // corresponding to the key.
+ let mut matches: BTreeMap<StateID, Vec<PatternID>> = BTreeMap::new();
+ self.cache.clear();
+ #[allow(unused_variables)]
+ let mut total_pat_count = 0;
+ for (i, state) in self.builder_states.into_iter().enumerate() {
+ if let Some(pat_ids) = state.match_pattern_ids() {
+ let id = self.dfa.from_index(i);
+ total_pat_count += pat_ids.len();
+ matches.insert(id, pat_ids);
+ }
+ }
+ log! {
+ use core::mem::size_of;
+ let per_elem = size_of::<StateID>() + size_of::<Vec<PatternID>>();
+ let pats = total_pat_count * size_of::<PatternID>();
+ let mem = (matches.len() * per_elem) + pats;
+ log::trace!("matches map built, memory usage: {}", mem);
+ }
+ // At this point, we shuffle the "special" states in the final DFA.
+ // This permits a DFA's match loop to detect a match condition (among
+ // other things) by merely inspecting the current state's identifier,
+ // and avoids the need for any additional auxiliary storage.
+ self.dfa.shuffle(matches)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Return the identifier for the next DFA state given an existing DFA
+ /// state and an input byte. If the next DFA state already exists, then
+ /// return its identifier from the cache. Otherwise, build the state, cache
+ /// it and return its identifier.
+ ///
+ /// This routine returns a boolean indicating whether a new state was
+ /// built. If a new state is built, then the caller needs to add it to its
+ /// frontier of uncompiled DFA states to compute transitions for.
+ fn cached_state(
+ &mut self,
+ dfa_id: StateID,
+ unit: alphabet::Unit,
+ ) -> Result<(StateID, bool), Error> {
+ // Compute the set of all reachable NFA states, including epsilons.
+ let empty_builder = self.get_state_builder();
+ let builder = util::determinize::next(
+ self.nfa,
+ self.config.match_kind,
+ &mut self.sparses,
+ &mut self.stack,
+ &self.builder_states[self.dfa.to_index(dfa_id)],
+ unit,
+ empty_builder,
+ );
+ self.maybe_add_state(builder)
+ }
+ /// Compute the set of DFA start states and add their identifiers in
+ /// 'dfa_state_ids' (no duplicates are added).
+ fn add_all_starts(
+ &mut self,
+ dfa_state_ids: &mut Vec<StateID>,
+ ) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ // Always add the (possibly unanchored) start states for matching any
+ // of the patterns in this DFA.
+ self.add_start_group(None, dfa_state_ids)?;
+ // We only need to compute anchored start states for each pattern if it
+ // was requested to do so.
+ if self.dfa.has_starts_for_each_pattern() {
+ for pid in PatternID::iter(self.dfa.pattern_count()) {
+ self.add_start_group(Some(pid), dfa_state_ids)?;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Add a group of start states for the given match pattern ID. Any new
+ /// DFA states added are pushed on to 'dfa_state_ids'. (No duplicates are
+ /// pushed.)
+ ///
+ /// When pattern_id is None, then this will compile a group of unanchored
+ /// start states (if the DFA is unanchored). When the pattern_id is
+ /// present, then this will compile a group of anchored start states that
+ /// only match the given pattern.
+ fn add_start_group(
+ &mut self,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ dfa_state_ids: &mut Vec<StateID>,
+ ) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let nfa_start = match pattern_id {
+ Some(pid) => self.nfa.start_pattern(pid),
+ None if self.config.anchored => self.nfa.start_anchored(),
+ None => self.nfa.start_unanchored(),
+ };
+ // When compiling start states, we're careful not to build additional
+ // states that aren't necessary. For example, if the NFA has no word
+ // boundary assertion, then there's no reason to have distinct start
+ // states for 'NonWordByte' and 'WordByte' starting configurations.
+ // Instead, the 'WordByte' starting configuration can just point
+ // directly to the start state for the 'NonWordByte' config.
+ let (id, is_new) =
+ self.add_one_start(nfa_start, Start::NonWordByte)?;
+ self.dfa.set_start_state(Start::NonWordByte, pattern_id, id);
+ if is_new {
+ dfa_state_ids.push(id);
+ }
+ if !self.nfa.has_word_boundary() {
+ self.dfa.set_start_state(Start::WordByte, pattern_id, id);
+ } else {
+ let (id, is_new) =
+ self.add_one_start(nfa_start, Start::WordByte)?;
+ self.dfa.set_start_state(Start::WordByte, pattern_id, id);
+ if is_new {
+ dfa_state_ids.push(id);
+ }
+ }
+ if !self.nfa.has_any_anchor() {
+ self.dfa.set_start_state(Start::Text, pattern_id, id);
+ self.dfa.set_start_state(Start::Line, pattern_id, id);
+ } else {
+ let (id, is_new) = self.add_one_start(nfa_start, Start::Text)?;
+ self.dfa.set_start_state(Start::Text, pattern_id, id);
+ if is_new {
+ dfa_state_ids.push(id);
+ }
+ let (id, is_new) = self.add_one_start(nfa_start, Start::Line)?;
+ self.dfa.set_start_state(Start::Line, pattern_id, id);
+ if is_new {
+ dfa_state_ids.push(id);
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Add a new DFA start state corresponding to the given starting NFA
+ /// state, and the starting search configuration. (The starting search
+ /// configuration essentially tells us which look-behind assertions are
+ /// true for this particular state.)
+ ///
+ /// The boolean returned indicates whether the state ID returned is a newly
+ /// created state, or a previously cached state.
+ fn add_one_start(
+ &mut self,
+ nfa_start: StateID,
+ start: Start,
+ ) -> Result<(StateID, bool), Error> {
+ // Compute the look-behind assertions that are true in this starting
+ // configuration, and the determine the epsilon closure. While
+ // computing the epsilon closure, we only follow condiional epsilon
+ // transitions that satisfy the look-behind assertions in 'facts'.
+ let mut builder_matches = self.get_state_builder().into_matches();
+ util::determinize::set_lookbehind_from_start(
+ &start,
+ &mut builder_matches,
+ );
+ self.sparses.set1.clear();
+ util::determinize::epsilon_closure(
+ self.nfa,
+ nfa_start,
+ *builder_matches.look_have(),
+ &mut self.stack,
+ &mut self.sparses.set1,
+ );
+ let mut builder = builder_matches.into_nfa();
+ util::determinize::add_nfa_states(
+ &self.nfa,
+ &self.sparses.set1,
+ &mut builder,
+ );
+ self.maybe_add_state(builder)
+ }
+ /// Adds the given state to the DFA being built depending on whether it
+ /// already exists in this determinizer's cache.
+ ///
+ /// If it does exist, then the memory used by 'state' is put back into the
+ /// determinizer and the previously created state's ID is returned. (Along
+ /// with 'false', indicating that no new state was added.)
+ ///
+ /// If it does not exist, then the state is added to the DFA being built
+ /// and a fresh ID is allocated (if ID allocation fails, then an error is
+ /// returned) and returned. (Along with 'true', indicating that a new state
+ /// was added.)
+ fn maybe_add_state(
+ &mut self,
+ builder: StateBuilderNFA,
+ ) -> Result<(StateID, bool), Error> {
+ if let Some(&cached_id) = self.cache.get(builder.as_bytes()) {
+ // Since we have a cached state, put the constructed state's
+ // memory back into our scratch space, so that it can be reused.
+ self.put_state_builder(builder);
+ return Ok((cached_id, false));
+ }
+ self.add_state(builder).map(|sid| (sid, true))
+ }
+ /// Add the given state to the DFA and make it available in the cache.
+ ///
+ /// The state initially has no transitions. That is, it transitions to the
+ /// dead state for all possible inputs, and transitions to the quit state
+ /// for all quit bytes.
+ ///
+ /// If adding the state would exceed the maximum value for StateID, then an
+ /// error is returned.
+ fn add_state(
+ &mut self,
+ builder: StateBuilderNFA,
+ ) -> Result<StateID, Error> {
+ let id = self.dfa.add_empty_state()?;
+ if !self.config.quit.is_empty() {
+ for b in self.config.quit.iter() {
+ self.dfa.set_transition(
+ id,
+ alphabet::Unit::u8(b),
+ self.dfa.quit_id(),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ let state = builder.to_state();
+ // States use reference counting internally, so we only need to count
+ // their memroy usage once.
+ self.memory_usage_state += state.memory_usage();
+ self.builder_states.push(state.clone());
+ self.cache.insert(state, id);
+ self.put_state_builder(builder);
+ if let Some(limit) = self.config.dfa_size_limit {
+ if self.dfa.memory_usage() > limit {
+ return Err(Error::dfa_exceeded_size_limit(limit));
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(limit) = self.config.determinize_size_limit {
+ if self.memory_usage() > limit {
+ return Err(Error::determinize_exceeded_size_limit(limit));
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(id)
+ }
+ /// Returns a state builder from this determinizer that might have existing
+ /// capacity. This helps avoid allocs in cases where a state is built that
+ /// turns out to already be cached.
+ ///
+ /// Callers must put the state builder back with 'put_state_builder',
+ /// otherwise the allocation reuse won't work.
+ fn get_state_builder(&mut self) -> StateBuilderEmpty {
+ core::mem::replace(
+ &mut self.scratch_state_builder,
+ StateBuilderEmpty::new(),
+ )
+ }
+ /// Puts the given state builder back into this determinizer for reuse.
+ ///
+ /// Note that building a 'State' from a builder always creates a new
+ /// alloc, so callers should always put the builder back.
+ fn put_state_builder(&mut self, builder: StateBuilderNFA) {
+ let _ = core::mem::replace(
+ &mut self.scratch_state_builder,
+ builder.clear(),
+ );
+ }
+ /// Return the memory usage, in bytes, of this determinizer at the current
+ /// point in time. This does not include memory used by the NFA or the
+ /// dense DFA itself.
+ fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
+ use core::mem::size_of;
+ self.builder_states.len() * size_of::<State>()
+ // Maps likely use more memory than this, but it's probably close.
+ + self.cache.len() * (size_of::<State>() + size_of::<StateID>())
+ + self.memory_usage_state
+ + self.stack.capacity() * size_of::<StateID>()
+ + self.scratch_state_builder.capacity()
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6497a4cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+use crate::{
+ nfa,
+ util::{
+ id::{PatternID, StateID},
+ start::Start,
+ },
+/// An error that occurred during the construction of a DFA.
+/// This error does not provide many introspection capabilities. There are
+/// generally only two things you can do with it:
+/// * Obtain a human readable message via its `std::fmt::Display` impl.
+/// * Access an underlying [`nfa::thompson::Error`] type from its `source`
+/// method via the `std::error::Error` trait. This error only occurs when using
+/// convenience routines for building a DFA directly from a pattern string.
+/// When the `std` feature is enabled, this implements the `std::error::Error`
+/// trait.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct Error {
+ kind: ErrorKind,
+/// The kind of error that occurred during the construction of a DFA.
+/// Note that this error is non-exhaustive. Adding new variants is not
+/// considered a breaking change.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+enum ErrorKind {
+ /// An error that occurred while constructing an NFA as a precursor step
+ /// before a DFA is compiled.
+ NFA(nfa::thompson::Error),
+ /// An error that occurred because an unsupported regex feature was used.
+ /// The message string describes which unsupported feature was used.
+ ///
+ /// The primary regex feature that is unsupported by DFAs is the Unicode
+ /// word boundary look-around assertion (`\b`). This can be worked around
+ /// by either using an ASCII word boundary (`(?-u:\b)`) or by enabling the
+ /// [`dense::Builder::allow_unicode_word_boundary`](dense/struct.Builder.html#method.allow_unicode_word_boundary)
+ /// option when building a DFA.
+ Unsupported(&'static str),
+ /// An error that occurs if too many states are produced while building a
+ /// DFA.
+ TooManyStates,
+ /// An error that occurs if too many start states are needed while building
+ /// a DFA.
+ ///
+ /// This is a kind of oddball error that occurs when building a DFA with
+ /// start states enabled for each pattern and enough patterns to cause
+ /// the table of start states to overflow `usize`.
+ TooManyStartStates,
+ /// This is another oddball error that can occur if there are too many
+ /// patterns spread out across too many match states.
+ TooManyMatchPatternIDs,
+ /// An error that occurs if the DFA got too big during determinization.
+ DFAExceededSizeLimit { limit: usize },
+ /// An error that occurs if auxiliary storage (not the DFA) used during
+ /// determinization got too big.
+ DeterminizeExceededSizeLimit { limit: usize },
+impl Error {
+ /// Return the kind of this error.
+ fn kind(&self) -> &ErrorKind {
+ &self.kind
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn nfa(err: nfa::thompson::Error) -> Error {
+ Error { kind: ErrorKind::NFA(err) }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn unsupported_dfa_word_boundary_unicode() -> Error {
+ let msg = "cannot build DFAs for regexes with Unicode word \
+ boundaries; switch to ASCII word boundaries, or \
+ heuristically enable Unicode word boundaries or use a \
+ different regex engine";
+ Error { kind: ErrorKind::Unsupported(msg) }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn too_many_states() -> Error {
+ Error { kind: ErrorKind::TooManyStates }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn too_many_start_states() -> Error {
+ Error { kind: ErrorKind::TooManyStartStates }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn too_many_match_pattern_ids() -> Error {
+ Error { kind: ErrorKind::TooManyMatchPatternIDs }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn dfa_exceeded_size_limit(limit: usize) -> Error {
+ Error { kind: ErrorKind::DFAExceededSizeLimit { limit } }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn determinize_exceeded_size_limit(limit: usize) -> Error {
+ Error { kind: ErrorKind::DeterminizeExceededSizeLimit { limit } }
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+impl std::error::Error for Error {
+ fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
+ match self.kind() {
+ ErrorKind::NFA(ref err) => Some(err),
+ ErrorKind::Unsupported(_) => None,
+ ErrorKind::TooManyStates => None,
+ ErrorKind::TooManyStartStates => None,
+ ErrorKind::TooManyMatchPatternIDs => None,
+ ErrorKind::DFAExceededSizeLimit { .. } => None,
+ ErrorKind::DeterminizeExceededSizeLimit { .. } => None,
+ }
+ }
+impl core::fmt::Display for Error {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
+ match self.kind() {
+ ErrorKind::NFA(_) => write!(f, "error building NFA"),
+ ErrorKind::Unsupported(ref msg) => {
+ write!(f, "unsupported regex feature for DFAs: {}", msg)
+ }
+ ErrorKind::TooManyStates => write!(
+ f,
+ "number of DFA states exceeds limit of {}",
+ StateID::LIMIT,
+ ),
+ ErrorKind::TooManyStartStates => {
+ let stride = Start::count();
+ // The start table has `stride` entries for starting states for
+ // the entire DFA, and then `stride` entries for each pattern
+ // if start states for each pattern are enabled (which is the
+ // only way this error can occur). Thus, the total number of
+ // patterns that can fit in the table is `stride` less than
+ // what we can allocate.
+ let limit = ((core::isize::MAX as usize) - stride) / stride;
+ write!(
+ f,
+ "compiling DFA with start states exceeds pattern \
+ pattern limit of {}",
+ limit,
+ )
+ }
+ ErrorKind::TooManyMatchPatternIDs => write!(
+ f,
+ "compiling DFA with total patterns in all match states \
+ exceeds limit of {}",
+ PatternID::LIMIT,
+ ),
+ ErrorKind::DFAExceededSizeLimit { limit } => write!(
+ f,
+ "DFA exceeded size limit of {:?} during determinization",
+ limit,
+ ),
+ ErrorKind::DeterminizeExceededSizeLimit { limit } => {
+ write!(f, "determinization exceeded size limit of {:?}", limit)
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80e2f4e73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+use core::{cell::RefCell, fmt, mem};
+use alloc::{collections::BTreeMap, rc::Rc, vec, vec::Vec};
+use crate::{
+ dfa::{automaton::Automaton, dense, DEAD},
+ util::{
+ alphabet,
+ id::{PatternID, StateID},
+ },
+/// An implementation of Hopcroft's algorithm for minimizing DFAs.
+/// The algorithm implemented here is mostly taken from Wikipedia:
+/// This code has had some light optimization attention paid to it,
+/// particularly in the form of reducing allocation as much as possible.
+/// However, it is still generally slow. Future optimization work should
+/// probably focus on the bigger picture rather than micro-optimizations. For
+/// example:
+/// 1. Figure out how to more intelligently create initial partitions. That is,
+/// Hopcroft's algorithm starts by creating two partitions of DFA states
+/// that are known to NOT be equivalent: match states and non-match states.
+/// The algorithm proceeds by progressively refining these partitions into
+/// smaller partitions. If we could start with more partitions, then we
+/// could reduce the amount of work that Hopcroft's algorithm needs to do.
+/// 2. For every partition that we visit, we find all incoming transitions to
+/// every state in the partition for *every* element in the alphabet. (This
+/// is why using byte classes can significantly decrease minimization times,
+/// since byte classes shrink the alphabet.) This is quite costly and there
+/// is perhaps some redundant work being performed depending on the specific
+/// states in the set. For example, we might be able to only visit some
+/// elements of the alphabet based on the transitions.
+/// 3. Move parts of minimization into determinization. If minimization has
+/// fewer states to deal with, then it should run faster. A prime example
+/// of this might be large Unicode classes, which are generated in way that
+/// can create a lot of redundant states. (Some work has been done on this
+/// point during NFA compilation via the algorithm described in the
+/// "Incremental Construction of MinimalAcyclic Finite-State Automata"
+/// paper.)
+pub(crate) struct Minimizer<'a> {
+ dfa: &'a mut dense::OwnedDFA,
+ in_transitions: Vec<Vec<Vec<StateID>>>,
+ partitions: Vec<StateSet>,
+ waiting: Vec<StateSet>,
+impl<'a> fmt::Debug for Minimizer<'a> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("Minimizer")
+ .field("dfa", &self.dfa)
+ .field("in_transitions", &self.in_transitions)
+ .field("partitions", &self.partitions)
+ .field("waiting", &self.waiting)
+ .finish()
+ }
+/// A set of states. A state set makes up a single partition in Hopcroft's
+/// algorithm.
+/// It is represented by an ordered set of state identifiers. We use shared
+/// ownership so that a single state set can be in both the set of partitions
+/// and in the set of waiting sets simultaneously without an additional
+/// allocation. Generally, once a state set is built, it becomes immutable.
+/// We use this representation because it avoids the overhead of more
+/// traditional set data structures (HashSet/BTreeSet), and also because
+/// computing intersection/subtraction on this representation is especially
+/// fast.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
+struct StateSet {
+ ids: Rc<RefCell<Vec<StateID>>>,
+impl<'a> Minimizer<'a> {
+ pub fn new(dfa: &'a mut dense::OwnedDFA) -> Minimizer<'a> {
+ let in_transitions = Minimizer::incoming_transitions(dfa);
+ let partitions = Minimizer::initial_partitions(dfa);
+ let waiting = partitions.clone();
+ Minimizer { dfa, in_transitions, partitions, waiting }
+ }
+ pub fn run(mut self) {
+ let stride2 = self.dfa.stride2();
+ let as_state_id = |index: usize| -> StateID {
+ StateID::new(index << stride2).unwrap()
+ };
+ let as_index = |id: StateID| -> usize { id.as_usize() >> stride2 };
+ let mut incoming = StateSet::empty();
+ let mut scratch1 = StateSet::empty();
+ let mut scratch2 = StateSet::empty();
+ let mut newparts = vec![];
+ // This loop is basically Hopcroft's algorithm. Everything else is just
+ // shuffling data around to fit our representation.
+ while let Some(set) = self.waiting.pop() {
+ for b in self.dfa.byte_classes().iter() {
+ self.find_incoming_to(b, &set, &mut incoming);
+ // If incoming is empty, then the intersection with any other
+ // set must also be empty. So 'newparts' just ends up being
+ // 'self.partitions'. So there's no need to go through the loop
+ // below.
+ //
+ // This actually turns out to be rather large optimization. On
+ // the order of making minimization 4-5x faster. It's likely
+ // that the vast majority of all states have very few incoming
+ // transitions.
+ if incoming.is_empty() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for p in 0..self.partitions.len() {
+ self.partitions[p].intersection(&incoming, &mut scratch1);
+ if scratch1.is_empty() {
+ newparts.push(self.partitions[p].clone());
+ continue;
+ }
+ self.partitions[p].subtract(&incoming, &mut scratch2);
+ if scratch2.is_empty() {
+ newparts.push(self.partitions[p].clone());
+ continue;
+ }
+ let (x, y) =
+ (scratch1.deep_clone(), scratch2.deep_clone());
+ newparts.push(x.clone());
+ newparts.push(y.clone());
+ match self.find_waiting(&self.partitions[p]) {
+ Some(i) => {
+ self.waiting[i] = x;
+ self.waiting.push(y);
+ }
+ None => {
+ if x.len() <= y.len() {
+ self.waiting.push(x);
+ } else {
+ self.waiting.push(y);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ newparts = mem::replace(&mut self.partitions, newparts);
+ newparts.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ // At this point, we now have a minimal partitioning of states, where
+ // each partition is an equivalence class of DFA states. Now we need to
+ // use this partioning to update the DFA to only contain one state for
+ // each partition.
+ // Create a map from DFA state ID to the representative ID of the
+ // equivalence class to which it belongs. The representative ID of an
+ // equivalence class of states is the minimum ID in that class.
+ let mut state_to_part = vec![DEAD; self.dfa.state_count()];
+ for p in &self.partitions {
+ p.iter(|id| state_to_part[as_index(id)] = p.min());
+ }
+ // Generate a new contiguous sequence of IDs for minimal states, and
+ // create a map from equivalence IDs to the new IDs. Thus, the new
+ // minimal ID of *any* state in the unminimized DFA can be obtained
+ // with minimals_ids[state_to_part[old_id]].
+ let mut minimal_ids = vec![DEAD; self.dfa.state_count()];
+ let mut new_index = 0;
+ for state in self.dfa.states() {
+ if state_to_part[as_index(] == {
+ minimal_ids[as_index(] = as_state_id(new_index);
+ new_index += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // The total number of states in the minimal DFA.
+ let minimal_count = new_index;
+ // Convenience function for remapping state IDs. This takes an old ID,
+ // looks up its Hopcroft partition and then maps that to the new ID
+ // range.
+ let remap = |old| minimal_ids[as_index(state_to_part[as_index(old)])];
+ // Re-map this DFA in place such that the only states remaining
+ // correspond to the representative states of every equivalence class.
+ for id in (0..self.dfa.state_count()).map(as_state_id) {
+ // If this state isn't a representative for an equivalence class,
+ // then we skip it since it won't appear in the minimal DFA.
+ if state_to_part[as_index(id)] != id {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (_, next) in self.dfa.state_mut(id).iter_mut() {
+ *next = remap(*next);
+ }
+ self.dfa.swap_states(id, minimal_ids[as_index(id)]);
+ }
+ // Trim off all unused states from the pre-minimized DFA. This
+ // represents all states that were merged into a non-singleton
+ // equivalence class of states, and appeared after the first state
+ // in each such class. (Because the state with the smallest ID in each
+ // equivalence class is its representative ID.)
+ self.dfa.truncate_states(minimal_count);
+ // Update the new start states, which is now just the minimal ID of
+ // whatever state the old start state was collapsed into. Also, we
+ // collect everything before-hand to work around the borrow checker.
+ // We're already allocating so much that this is probably fine. If this
+ // turns out to be costly, then I guess add a `starts_mut` iterator.
+ let starts: Vec<_> = self.dfa.starts().collect();
+ for (old_start_id, start_type, pid) in starts {
+ self.dfa.set_start_state(start_type, pid, remap(old_start_id));
+ }
+ // Update the match state pattern ID list for multi-regexes. All we
+ // need to do is remap the match state IDs. The pattern ID lists are
+ // always the same as they were since match states with distinct
+ // pattern ID lists are always considered distinct states.
+ let mut pmap = BTreeMap::new();
+ for (match_id, pattern_ids) in self.dfa.pattern_map() {
+ let new_id = remap(match_id);
+ pmap.insert(new_id, pattern_ids);
+ }
+ // This unwrap is OK because minimization never increases the number of
+ // match states or patterns in those match states. Since minimization
+ // runs after the pattern map has already been set at least once, we
+ // know that our match states cannot error.
+ self.dfa.set_pattern_map(&pmap).unwrap();
+ // In order to update the ID of the maximum match state, we need to
+ // find the maximum ID among all of the match states in the minimized
+ // DFA. This is not necessarily the new ID of the unminimized maximum
+ // match state, since that could have been collapsed with a much
+ // earlier match state. Therefore, to find the new max match state,
+ // we iterate over all previous match states, find their corresponding
+ // new minimal ID, and take the maximum of those.
+ let old = self.dfa.special().clone();
+ let new = self.dfa.special_mut();
+ // ... but only remap if we had match states.
+ if old.matches() {
+ new.min_match = StateID::MAX;
+ new.max_match = StateID::ZERO;
+ for i in as_index(old.min_match)..=as_index(old.max_match) {
+ let new_id = remap(as_state_id(i));
+ if new_id < new.min_match {
+ new.min_match = new_id;
+ }
+ if new_id > new.max_match {
+ new.max_match = new_id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ... same, but for start states.
+ if old.starts() {
+ new.min_start = StateID::MAX;
+ new.max_start = StateID::ZERO;
+ for i in as_index(old.min_start)..=as_index(old.max_start) {
+ let new_id = remap(as_state_id(i));
+ if new_id == DEAD {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if new_id < new.min_start {
+ new.min_start = new_id;
+ }
+ if new_id > new.max_start {
+ new.max_start = new_id;
+ }
+ }
+ if new.max_start == DEAD {
+ new.min_start = DEAD;
+ }
+ }
+ new.quit_id = remap(new.quit_id);
+ new.set_max();
+ }
+ fn find_waiting(&self, set: &StateSet) -> Option<usize> {
+ self.waiting.iter().position(|s| s == set)
+ }
+ fn find_incoming_to(
+ &self,
+ b: alphabet::Unit,
+ set: &StateSet,
+ incoming: &mut StateSet,
+ ) {
+ incoming.clear();
+ set.iter(|id| {
+ for &inid in
+ &self.in_transitions[self.dfa.to_index(id)][b.as_usize()]
+ {
+ incoming.add(inid);
+ }
+ });
+ incoming.canonicalize();
+ }
+ fn initial_partitions(dfa: &dense::OwnedDFA) -> Vec<StateSet> {
+ // For match states, we know that two match states with different
+ // pattern ID lists will *always* be distinct, so we can partition them
+ // initially based on that.
+ let mut matching: BTreeMap<Vec<PatternID>, StateSet> = BTreeMap::new();
+ let mut is_quit = StateSet::empty();
+ let mut no_match = StateSet::empty();
+ for state in dfa.states() {
+ if dfa.is_match_state( {
+ let mut pids = vec![];
+ for i in 0..dfa.match_count( {
+ pids.push(dfa.match_pattern(, i));
+ }
+ matching
+ .entry(pids)
+ .or_insert(StateSet::empty())
+ .add(;
+ } else if dfa.is_quit_state( {
+ is_quit.add(;
+ } else {
+ no_match.add(;
+ }
+ }
+ let mut sets: Vec<StateSet> =
+ matching.into_iter().map(|(_, set)| set).collect();
+ sets.push(no_match);
+ sets.push(is_quit);
+ sets
+ }
+ fn incoming_transitions(dfa: &dense::OwnedDFA) -> Vec<Vec<Vec<StateID>>> {
+ let mut incoming = vec![];
+ for _ in dfa.states() {
+ incoming.push(vec![vec![]; dfa.alphabet_len()]);
+ }
+ for state in dfa.states() {
+ for (b, next) in state.transitions() {
+ incoming[dfa.to_index(next)][b.as_usize()].push(;
+ }
+ }
+ incoming
+ }
+impl StateSet {
+ fn empty() -> StateSet {
+ StateSet { ids: Rc::new(RefCell::new(vec![])) }
+ }
+ fn add(&mut self, id: StateID) {
+ self.ids.borrow_mut().push(id);
+ }
+ fn min(&self) -> StateID {
+ self.ids.borrow()[0]
+ }
+ fn canonicalize(&mut self) {
+ self.ids.borrow_mut().sort();
+ self.ids.borrow_mut().dedup();
+ }
+ fn clear(&mut self) {
+ self.ids.borrow_mut().clear();
+ }
+ fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.ids.borrow().len()
+ }
+ fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+ self.len() == 0
+ }
+ fn deep_clone(&self) -> StateSet {
+ let ids = self.ids.borrow().iter().cloned().collect();
+ StateSet { ids: Rc::new(RefCell::new(ids)) }
+ }
+ fn iter<F: FnMut(StateID)>(&self, mut f: F) {
+ for &id in self.ids.borrow().iter() {
+ f(id);
+ }
+ }
+ fn intersection(&self, other: &StateSet, dest: &mut StateSet) {
+ dest.clear();
+ if self.is_empty() || other.is_empty() {
+ return;
+ }
+ let (seta, setb) = (self.ids.borrow(), other.ids.borrow());
+ let (mut ita, mut itb) = (seta.iter().cloned(), setb.iter().cloned());
+ let (mut a, mut b) = (,;
+ loop {
+ if a == b {
+ dest.add(a);
+ a = match {
+ None => break,
+ Some(a) => a,
+ };
+ b = match {
+ None => break,
+ Some(b) => b,
+ };
+ } else if a < b {
+ a = match {
+ None => break,
+ Some(a) => a,
+ };
+ } else {
+ b = match {
+ None => break,
+ Some(b) => b,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn subtract(&self, other: &StateSet, dest: &mut StateSet) {
+ dest.clear();
+ if self.is_empty() || other.is_empty() {
+ self.iter(|s| dest.add(s));
+ return;
+ }
+ let (seta, setb) = (self.ids.borrow(), other.ids.borrow());
+ let (mut ita, mut itb) = (seta.iter().cloned(), setb.iter().cloned());
+ let (mut a, mut b) = (,;
+ loop {
+ if a == b {
+ a = match {
+ None => break,
+ Some(a) => a,
+ };
+ b = match {
+ None => {
+ dest.add(a);
+ break;
+ }
+ Some(b) => b,
+ };
+ } else if a < b {
+ dest.add(a);
+ a = match {
+ None => break,
+ Some(a) => a,
+ };
+ } else {
+ b = match {
+ None => {
+ dest.add(a);
+ break;
+ }
+ Some(b) => b,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ for a in ita {
+ dest.add(a);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f9fe605e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+A module for building and searching with determinstic finite automata (DFAs).
+Like other modules in this crate, DFAs support a rich regex syntax with Unicode
+features. DFAs also have extensive options for configuring the best space vs
+time trade off for your use case and provides support for cheap deserialization
+of automata for use in `no_std` environments.
+If you're looking for lazy DFAs that build themselves incrementally during
+search, then please see the top-level [`hybrid` module](crate::hybrid).
+# Overview
+This section gives a brief overview of the primary types in this module:
+* A [`regex::Regex`] provides a way to search for matches of a regular
+expression using DFAs. This includes iterating over matches with both the start
+and end positions of each match.
+* A [`dense::DFA`] provides low level access to a DFA that uses a dense
+representation (uses lots of space, but fast searching).
+* A [`sparse::DFA`] provides the same API as a `dense::DFA`, but uses a sparse
+representation (uses less space, but slower searching).
+* An [`Automaton`] trait that defines an interface that both dense and sparse
+DFAs implement. (A `regex::Regex` is generic over this trait.)
+* Both dense DFAs and sparse DFAs support serialization to raw bytes (e.g.,
+[`dense::DFA::to_bytes_little_endian`]) and cheap deserialization (e.g.,
+# Example: basic regex searching
+This example shows how to compile a regex using the default configuration
+and then use it to find matches in a byte string:
+use regex_automata::{MultiMatch, dfa::regex::Regex};
+let re = Regex::new(r"[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}")?;
+let text = b"2018-12-24 2016-10-08";
+let matches: Vec<MultiMatch> = re.find_leftmost_iter(text).collect();
+assert_eq!(matches, vec![
+ MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 10),
+ MultiMatch::must(0, 11, 21),
+# Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+# Example: searching with regex sets
+The DFAs in this module all fully support searching with multiple regexes
+simultaneously. You can use this support with standard leftmost-first style
+searching to find non-overlapping matches:
+use regex_automata::{MultiMatch, dfa::regex::Regex};
+let re = Regex::new_many(&[r"\w+", r"\S+"])?;
+let text = b"@foo bar";
+let matches: Vec<MultiMatch> = re.find_leftmost_iter(text).collect();
+assert_eq!(matches, vec![
+ MultiMatch::must(1, 0, 4),
+ MultiMatch::must(0, 5, 8),
+# Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+Or use overlapping style searches to find all possible occurrences:
+use regex_automata::{MatchKind, MultiMatch, dfa::{dense, regex::Regex}};
+// N.B. For overlapping searches, we need the underlying DFA to report all
+// possible matches.
+let re = Regex::builder()
+ .dense(dense::Config::new().match_kind(MatchKind::All))
+ .build_many(&[r"\w{3}", r"\S{3}"])?;
+let text = b"@foo bar";
+let matches: Vec<MultiMatch> = re.find_overlapping_iter(text).collect();
+assert_eq!(matches, vec![
+ MultiMatch::must(1, 0, 3),
+ MultiMatch::must(0, 1, 4),
+ MultiMatch::must(1, 1, 4),
+ MultiMatch::must(0, 5, 8),
+ MultiMatch::must(1, 5, 8),
+# Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+# Example: use sparse DFAs
+By default, compiling a regex will use dense DFAs internally. This uses more
+memory, but executes searches more quickly. If you can abide slower searches
+(somewhere around 3-5x), then sparse DFAs might make more sense since they can
+use significantly less space.
+Using sparse DFAs is as easy as using `Regex::new_sparse` instead of
+use regex_automata::{MultiMatch, dfa::regex::Regex};
+let re = Regex::new_sparse(r"[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}").unwrap();
+let text = b"2018-12-24 2016-10-08";
+let matches: Vec<MultiMatch> = re.find_leftmost_iter(text).collect();
+assert_eq!(matches, vec![
+ MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 10),
+ MultiMatch::must(0, 11, 21),
+# Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+If you already have dense DFAs for some reason, they can be converted to sparse
+DFAs and used to build a new `Regex`. For example:
+use regex_automata::{MultiMatch, dfa::regex::Regex};
+let dense_re = Regex::new(r"[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}").unwrap();
+let sparse_re = Regex::builder().build_from_dfas(
+ dense_re.forward().to_sparse()?,
+ dense_re.reverse().to_sparse()?,
+let text = b"2018-12-24 2016-10-08";
+let matches: Vec<MultiMatch> = sparse_re.find_leftmost_iter(text).collect();
+assert_eq!(matches, vec![
+ MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 10),
+ MultiMatch::must(0, 11, 21),
+# Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+# Example: deserialize a DFA
+This shows how to first serialize a DFA into raw bytes, and then deserialize
+those raw bytes back into a DFA. While this particular example is a
+bit contrived, this same technique can be used in your program to
+deserialize a DFA at start up time or by memory mapping a file.
+use regex_automata::{MultiMatch, dfa::{dense, regex::Regex}};
+let re1 = Regex::new(r"[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}").unwrap();
+// serialize both the forward and reverse DFAs, see note below
+let (fwd_bytes, fwd_pad) = re1.forward().to_bytes_native_endian();
+let (rev_bytes, rev_pad) = re1.reverse().to_bytes_native_endian();
+// now deserialize both---we need to specify the correct type!
+let fwd: dense::DFA<&[u32]> = dense::DFA::from_bytes(&fwd_bytes[fwd_pad..])?.0;
+let rev: dense::DFA<&[u32]> = dense::DFA::from_bytes(&rev_bytes[rev_pad..])?.0;
+// finally, reconstruct our regex
+let re2 = Regex::builder().build_from_dfas(fwd, rev);
+// we can use it like normal
+let text = b"2018-12-24 2016-10-08";
+let matches: Vec<MultiMatch> = re2.find_leftmost_iter(text).collect();
+assert_eq!(matches, vec![
+ MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 10),
+ MultiMatch::must(0, 11, 21),
+# Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+There are a few points worth noting here:
+* We need to extract the raw DFAs used by the regex and serialize those. You
+can build the DFAs manually yourself using [`dense::Builder`], but using
+the DFAs from a `Regex` guarantees that the DFAs are built correctly. (In
+particular, a `Regex` constructs a reverse DFA for finding the starting
+location of matches.)
+* To convert the DFA to raw bytes, we use the `to_bytes_native_endian` method.
+In practice, you'll want to use either [`dense::DFA::to_bytes_little_endian`]
+or [`dense::DFA::to_bytes_big_endian`], depending on which platform you're
+deserializing your DFA from. If you intend to deserialize on either platform,
+then you'll need to serialize both and deserialize the right one depending on
+your target's endianness.
+* Safely deserializing a DFA requires verifying the raw bytes, particularly if
+they are untrusted, since an invalid DFA could cause logical errors, panics
+or even undefined behavior. This verification step requires visiting all of
+the transitions in the DFA, which can be costly. If cheaper verification is
+desired, then [`dense::DFA::from_bytes_unchecked`] is available that only does
+verification that can be performed in constant time. However, one can only use
+this routine if the caller can guarantee that the bytes provided encoded a
+valid DFA.
+The same process can be achieved with sparse DFAs as well:
+use regex_automata::{MultiMatch, dfa::{sparse, regex::Regex}};
+let re1 = Regex::new(r"[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}").unwrap();
+// serialize both
+let fwd_bytes = re1.forward().to_sparse()?.to_bytes_native_endian();
+let rev_bytes = re1.reverse().to_sparse()?.to_bytes_native_endian();
+// now deserialize both---we need to specify the correct type!
+let fwd: sparse::DFA<&[u8]> = sparse::DFA::from_bytes(&fwd_bytes)?.0;
+let rev: sparse::DFA<&[u8]> = sparse::DFA::from_bytes(&rev_bytes)?.0;
+// finally, reconstruct our regex
+let re2 = Regex::builder().build_from_dfas(fwd, rev);
+// we can use it like normal
+let text = b"2018-12-24 2016-10-08";
+let matches: Vec<MultiMatch> = re2.find_leftmost_iter(text).collect();
+assert_eq!(matches, vec![
+ MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 10),
+ MultiMatch::must(0, 11, 21),
+# Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+Note that unlike dense DFAs, sparse DFAs have no alignment requirements.
+Conversely, dense DFAs must be be aligned to the same alignment as a
+# Support for `no_std` and `alloc`-only
+This crate comes with `alloc` and `std` features that are enabled by default.
+When the `alloc` or `std` features are enabled, the API of this module will
+include the facilities necessary for compiling, serializing, deserializing
+and searching with DFAs. When only the `alloc` feature is enabled, then
+implementations of the `std::error::Error` trait are dropped, but everything
+else generally remains the same. When both the `alloc` and `std` features are
+disabled, the API of this module will shrink such that it only includes the
+facilities necessary for deserializing and searching with DFAs.
+The intended workflow for `no_std` environments is thus as follows:
+* Write a program with the `alloc` or `std` features that compiles and
+serializes a regular expression. You may need to serialize both little and big
+endian versions of each DFA. (So that's 4 DFAs in total for each regex.)
+* In your `no_std` environment, follow the examples above for deserializing
+your previously serialized DFAs into regexes. You can then search with them as
+you would any regex.
+Deserialization can happen anywhere. For example, with bytes embedded into a
+binary or with a file memory mapped at runtime.
+TODO: Include link to `regex-cli` here pointing out how to generate Rust code
+for deserializing DFAs.
+# Syntax
+This module supports the same syntax as the `regex` crate, since they share the
+same parser. You can find an exhaustive list of supported syntax in the
+[documentation for the `regex` crate](
+There are two things that are not supported by the DFAs in this module:
+* Capturing groups. The DFAs (and [`Regex`](regex::Regex)es built on top
+of them) can only find the offsets of an entire match, but cannot resolve
+the offsets of each capturing group. This is because DFAs do not have the
+expressive power necessary.
+* Unicode word boundaries. These present particularly difficult challenges for
+DFA construction and would result in an explosion in the number of states.
+One can enable [`dense::Config::unicode_word_boundary`] though, which provides
+heuristic support for Unicode word boundaries that only works on ASCII text.
+Otherwise, one can use `(?-u:\b)` for an ASCII word boundary, which will work
+on any input.
+There are no plans to lift either of these limitations.
+Note that these restrictions are identical to the restrictions on lazy DFAs.
+# Differences with general purpose regexes
+The main goal of the [`regex`]( crate is to serve as a
+general purpose regular expression engine. It aims to automatically balance low
+compile times, fast search times and low memory usage, while also providing
+a convenient API for users. In contrast, this module provides a lower level
+regular expression interface based exclusively on DFAs that is a bit less
+convenient while providing more explicit control over memory usage and search
+Here are some specific negative differences:
+* **Compilation can take an exponential amount of time and space** in the size
+of the regex pattern. While most patterns do not exhibit worst case exponential
+time, such patterns do exist. For example, `[01]*1[01]{N}` will build a DFA
+with approximately `2^(N+2)` states. For this reason, untrusted patterns should
+not be compiled with this module. (In the future, the API may expose an option
+to return an error if the DFA gets too big.)
+* This module does not support sub-match extraction via capturing groups, which
+can be achieved with the regex crate's "captures" API.
+* While the regex crate doesn't necessarily sport fast compilation times,
+the regexes in this module are almost universally slow to compile, especially
+when they contain large Unicode character classes. For example, on my system,
+compiling `\w{50}` takes about 1 second and almost 15MB of memory! (Compiling
+a sparse regex takes about the same time but only uses about 1.2MB of
+memory.) Conversly, compiling the same regex without Unicode support, e.g.,
+`(?-u)\w{50}`, takes under 1 millisecond and about 15KB of memory. For this
+reason, you should only use Unicode character classes if you absolutely need
+them! (They are enabled by default though.)
+* This module does not support Unicode word boundaries. ASCII word bondaries
+may be used though by disabling Unicode or selectively doing so in the syntax,
+e.g., `(?-u:\b)`. There is also an option to
+[heuristically enable Unicode word boundaries](crate::dfa::dense::Config::unicode_word_boundary),
+where the corresponding DFA will give up if any non-ASCII byte is seen.
+* As a lower level API, this module does not do literal optimizations
+automatically. Although it does provide hooks in its API to make use of the
+[`Prefilter`](crate::util::prefilter::Prefilter) trait. Missing literal
+optimizations means that searches may run much slower than what you're
+accustomed to, although, it does provide more predictable and consistent
+* There is no `&str` API like in the regex crate. In this module, all APIs
+operate on `&[u8]`. By default, match indices are guaranteed to fall on UTF-8
+boundaries, unless any of [`SyntaxConfig::utf8`](crate::SyntaxConfig::utf8),
+[`nfa::thompson::Config::utf8`](crate::nfa::thompson::Config::utf8) or
+[`regex::Config::utf8`] are disabled.
+With some of the downsides out of the way, here are some positive differences:
+* Both dense and sparse DFAs can be serialized to raw bytes, and then cheaply
+deserialized. Deserialization can be done in constant time with the unchecked
+APIs, since searching can be performed directly on the raw serialized bytes of
+a DFA.
+* This module was specifically designed so that the searching phase of a
+DFA has minimal runtime requirements, and can therefore be used in `no_std`
+environments. While `no_std` environments cannot compile regexes, they can
+deserialize pre-compiled regexes.
+* Since this module builds DFAs ahead of time, it will generally out-perform
+the `regex` crate on equivalent tasks. The performance difference is likely
+not large. However, because of a complex set of optimizations in the regex
+crate (like literal optimizations), an accurate performance comparison may be
+difficult to do.
+* Sparse DFAs provide a way to build a DFA ahead of time that sacrifices search
+performance a small amount, but uses much less storage space. Potentially even
+less than what the regex crate uses.
+* This module exposes DFAs directly, such as [`dense::DFA`] and
+[`sparse::DFA`], which enables one to do less work in some cases. For example,
+if you only need the end of a match and not the start of a match, then you can
+use a DFA directly without building a `Regex`, which always requires a second
+DFA to find the start of a match.
+* This module provides more control over memory usage. Aside from choosing
+between dense and sparse DFAs, one can also choose a smaller state identifier
+representation to use less space. Also, one can enable DFA minimization
+via [`dense::Config::minimize`], but it can increase compilation times
+pub use crate::dfa::automaton::{Automaton, OverlappingState};
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+pub use crate::dfa::error::Error;
+/// This is an alias for a state ID of zero. It has special significance
+/// because it always corresponds to the first state in a DFA, and the first
+/// state in a DFA is always "dead." That is, the dead state always has all
+/// of its transitions set to itself. Moreover, the dead state is used as a
+/// sentinel for various things. e.g., In search, reaching a dead state means
+/// that the search must stop.
+const DEAD: crate::util::id::StateID = crate::util::id::StateID::ZERO;
+mod accel;
+mod automaton;
+pub mod dense;
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+mod determinize;
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+pub(crate) mod error;
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+mod minimize;
+pub mod regex;
+mod search;
+pub mod sparse;
+mod special;
+#[cfg(feature = "transducer")]
+mod transducer;
diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d0917e17d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
@@ -0,0 +1,2146 @@
+A DFA-backed `Regex`.
+This module provides [`Regex`], which is defined generically over the
+[`Automaton`] trait. A `Regex` implements convenience routines you might have
+come to expect, such as finding the start/end of a match and iterating over
+all non-overlapping matches. This `Regex` type is limited in its capabilities
+to what a DFA can provide. Therefore, APIs involving capturing groups, for
+example, are not provided.
+Internally, a `Regex` is composed of two DFAs. One is a "forward" DFA that
+finds the end offset of a match, where as the other is a "reverse" DFA that
+find the start offset of a match.
+See the [parent module](crate::dfa) for examples.
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+use alloc::vec::Vec;
+use crate::{
+ dfa::automaton::{Automaton, OverlappingState},
+ util::prefilter::{self, Prefilter},
+ MatchError, MultiMatch,
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+use crate::{
+ dfa::{dense, error::Error, sparse},
+ nfa::thompson,
+ util::matchtypes::MatchKind,
+// When the alloc feature is enabled, the regex type sets its A type parameter
+// to default to an owned dense DFA. But without alloc, we set no default. This
+// makes things a lot more convenient in the common case, since writing out the
+// DFA types is pretty annoying.
+// Since we have two different definitions but only want to write one doc
+// string, we use a macro to capture the doc and other attributes once and then
+// repeat them for each definition.
+macro_rules! define_regex_type {
+ ($(#[$doc:meta])*) => {
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ $(#[$doc])*
+ pub struct Regex<A = dense::OwnedDFA, P = prefilter::None> {
+ prefilter: Option<P>,
+ forward: A,
+ reverse: A,
+ utf8: bool,
+ }
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "alloc"))]
+ $(#[$doc])*
+ pub struct Regex<A, P = prefilter::None> {
+ prefilter: Option<P>,
+ forward: A,
+ reverse: A,
+ utf8: bool,
+ }
+ };
+ /// A regular expression that uses deterministic finite automata for fast
+ /// searching.
+ ///
+ /// A regular expression is comprised of two DFAs, a "forward" DFA and a
+ /// "reverse" DFA. The forward DFA is responsible for detecting the end of
+ /// a match while the reverse DFA is responsible for detecting the start
+ /// of a match. Thus, in order to find the bounds of any given match, a
+ /// forward search must first be run followed by a reverse search. A match
+ /// found by the forward DFA guarantees that the reverse DFA will also find
+ /// a match.
+ ///
+ /// The type of the DFA used by a `Regex` corresponds to the `A` type
+ /// parameter, which must satisfy the [`Automaton`] trait. Typically,
+ /// `A` is either a [`dense::DFA`](crate::dfa::dense::DFA) or a
+ /// [`sparse::DFA`](crate::dfa::sparse::DFA), where dense DFAs use more
+ /// memory but search faster, while sparse DFAs use less memory but search
+ /// more slowly.
+ ///
+ /// By default, a regex's automaton type parameter is set to
+ /// `dense::DFA<Vec<u32>>` when the `alloc` feature is enabled. For most
+ /// in-memory work loads, this is the most convenient type that gives the
+ /// best search performance. When the `alloc` feature is disabled, no
+ /// default type is used.
+ ///
+ /// A `Regex` also has a `P` type parameter, which is used to select the
+ /// prefilter used during search. By default, no prefilter is enabled by
+ /// setting the type to default to [`prefilter::None`]. A prefilter can be
+ /// enabled by using the [`Regex::prefilter`] method.
+ ///
+ /// # When should I use this?
+ ///
+ /// Generally speaking, if you can afford the overhead of building a full
+ /// DFA for your regex, and you don't need things like capturing groups,
+ /// then this is a good choice if you're looking to optimize for matching
+ /// speed. Note however that its speed may be worse than a general purpose
+ /// regex engine if you don't select a good [prefilter].
+ ///
+ /// # Earliest vs Leftmost vs Overlapping
+ ///
+ /// The search routines exposed on a `Regex` reflect three different ways
+ /// of searching:
+ ///
+ /// * "earliest" means to stop as soon as a match has been detected.
+ /// * "leftmost" means to continue matching until the underlying
+ /// automaton cannot advance. This reflects "standard" searching you
+ /// might be used to in other regex engines. e.g., This permits
+ /// non-greedy and greedy searching to work as you would expect.
+ /// * "overlapping" means to find all possible matches, even if they
+ /// overlap.
+ ///
+ /// Generally speaking, when doing an overlapping search, you'll want to
+ /// build your regex DFAs with [`MatchKind::All`] semantics. Using
+ /// [`MatchKind::LeftmostFirst`] semantics with overlapping searches is
+ /// likely to lead to odd behavior since `LeftmostFirst` specifically omits
+ /// some matches that can never be reported due to its semantics.
+ ///
+ /// The following example shows the differences between how these different
+ /// types of searches impact looking for matches of `[a-z]+` in the
+ /// haystack `abc`.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{self, dense}, MatchKind, MultiMatch};
+ ///
+ /// let pattern = r"[a-z]+";
+ /// let haystack = "abc".as_bytes();
+ ///
+ /// // With leftmost-first semantics, we test "earliest" and "leftmost".
+ /// let re = dfa::regex::Builder::new()
+ /// .dense(dense::Config::new().match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostFirst))
+ /// .build(pattern)?;
+ ///
+ /// // "earliest" searching isn't impacted by greediness
+ /// let mut it = re.find_earliest_iter(haystack);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 1)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 1, 2)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 2, 3)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(None,;
+ ///
+ /// // "leftmost" searching supports greediness (and non-greediness)
+ /// let mut it = re.find_leftmost_iter(haystack);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 3)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(None,;
+ ///
+ /// // For overlapping, we want "all" match kind semantics.
+ /// let re = dfa::regex::Builder::new()
+ /// .dense(dense::Config::new().match_kind(MatchKind::All))
+ /// .build(pattern)?;
+ ///
+ /// // In the overlapping search, we find all three possible matches
+ /// // starting at the beginning of the haystack.
+ /// let mut it = re.find_overlapping_iter(haystack);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 1)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 2)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 3)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(None,;
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Sparse DFAs
+ ///
+ /// Since a `Regex` is generic over the [`Automaton`] trait, it can be
+ /// used with any kind of DFA. While this crate constructs dense DFAs by
+ /// default, it is easy enough to build corresponding sparse DFAs, and then
+ /// build a regex from them:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::dfa::regex::Regex;
+ ///
+ /// // First, build a regex that uses dense DFAs.
+ /// let dense_re = Regex::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ ///
+ /// // Second, build sparse DFAs from the forward and reverse dense DFAs.
+ /// let fwd = dense_re.forward().to_sparse()?;
+ /// let rev = dense_re.reverse().to_sparse()?;
+ ///
+ /// // Third, build a new regex from the constituent sparse DFAs.
+ /// let sparse_re = Regex::builder().build_from_dfas(fwd, rev);
+ ///
+ /// // A regex that uses sparse DFAs can be used just like with dense DFAs.
+ /// assert_eq!(true, sparse_re.is_match(b"foo123"));
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Alternatively, one can use a [`Builder`] to construct a sparse DFA
+ /// more succinctly. (Note though that dense DFAs are still constructed
+ /// first internally, and then converted to sparse DFAs, as in the example
+ /// above.)
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::dfa::regex::Regex;
+ ///
+ /// let sparse_re = Regex::builder().build_sparse(r"foo[0-9]+")?;
+ /// // A regex that uses sparse DFAs can be used just like with dense DFAs.
+ /// assert!(sparse_re.is_match(b"foo123"));
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Fallibility
+ ///
+ /// In non-default configurations, the DFAs generated in this module may
+ /// return an error during a search. (Currently, the only way this happens
+ /// is if quit bytes are added or Unicode word boundaries are heuristically
+ /// enabled, both of which are turned off by default.) For convenience, the
+ /// main search routines, like [`find_leftmost`](Regex::find_leftmost),
+ /// will panic if an error occurs. However, if you need to use DFAs
+ /// which may produce an error at search time, then there are fallible
+ /// equivalents of all search routines. For example, for `find_leftmost`,
+ /// its fallible analog is [`try_find_leftmost`](Regex::try_find_leftmost).
+ /// The routines prefixed with `try_` return `Result<Option<MultiMatch>,
+ /// MatchError>`, where as the infallible routines simply return
+ /// `Option<MultiMatch>`.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to cause a search to terminate if it sees a
+ /// `\n` byte, and handle the error returned. This could be useful if, for
+ /// example, you wanted to prevent a user supplied pattern from matching
+ /// across a line boundary.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{self, regex::Regex}, MatchError};
+ ///
+ /// let re = Regex::builder()
+ /// .dense(dfa::dense::Config::new().quit(b'\n', true))
+ /// .build(r"foo\p{any}+bar")?;
+ ///
+ /// let haystack = "foo\nbar".as_bytes();
+ /// // Normally this would produce a match, since \p{any} contains '\n'.
+ /// // But since we instructed the automaton to enter a quit state if a
+ /// // '\n' is observed, this produces a match error instead.
+ /// let expected = MatchError::Quit { byte: 0x0A, offset: 3 };
+ /// let got = re.try_find_leftmost(haystack).unwrap_err();
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl Regex {
+ /// Parse the given regular expression using the default configuration and
+ /// return the corresponding regex.
+ ///
+ /// If you want a non-default configuration, then use the [`Builder`] to
+ /// set your own configuration.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{MultiMatch, dfa::regex::Regex};
+ ///
+ /// let re = Regex::new("foo[0-9]+bar")?;
+ /// assert_eq!(
+ /// Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 3, 14)),
+ /// re.find_leftmost(b"zzzfoo12345barzzz"),
+ /// );
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn new(pattern: &str) -> Result<Regex, Error> {
+ Builder::new().build(pattern)
+ }
+ /// Like `new`, but parses multiple patterns into a single "regex set."
+ /// This similarly uses the default regex configuration.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{MultiMatch, dfa::regex::Regex};
+ ///
+ /// let re = Regex::new_many(&["[a-z]+", "[0-9]+"])?;
+ ///
+ /// let mut it = re.find_leftmost_iter(b"abc 1 foo 4567 0 quux");
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 3)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(1, 4, 5)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 6, 9)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(1, 10, 14)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(1, 15, 16)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 17, 21)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(None,;
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn new_many<P: AsRef<str>>(patterns: &[P]) -> Result<Regex, Error> {
+ Builder::new().build_many(patterns)
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl Regex<sparse::DFA<Vec<u8>>> {
+ /// Parse the given regular expression using the default configuration,
+ /// except using sparse DFAs, and return the corresponding regex.
+ ///
+ /// If you want a non-default configuration, then use the [`Builder`] to
+ /// set your own configuration.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{MultiMatch, dfa::regex::Regex};
+ ///
+ /// let re = Regex::new_sparse("foo[0-9]+bar")?;
+ /// assert_eq!(
+ /// Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 3, 14)),
+ /// re.find_leftmost(b"zzzfoo12345barzzz"),
+ /// );
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn new_sparse(
+ pattern: &str,
+ ) -> Result<Regex<sparse::DFA<Vec<u8>>>, Error> {
+ Builder::new().build_sparse(pattern)
+ }
+ /// Like `new`, but parses multiple patterns into a single "regex set"
+ /// using sparse DFAs. This otherwise similarly uses the default regex
+ /// configuration.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{MultiMatch, dfa::regex::Regex};
+ ///
+ /// let re = Regex::new_many_sparse(&["[a-z]+", "[0-9]+"])?;
+ ///
+ /// let mut it = re.find_leftmost_iter(b"abc 1 foo 4567 0 quux");
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 3)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(1, 4, 5)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 6, 9)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(1, 10, 14)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(1, 15, 16)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 17, 21)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(None,;
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn new_many_sparse<P: AsRef<str>>(
+ patterns: &[P],
+ ) -> Result<Regex<sparse::DFA<Vec<u8>>>, Error> {
+ Builder::new().build_many_sparse(patterns)
+ }
+/// Convenience routines for regex construction.
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl Regex {
+ /// Return a default configuration for a `Regex`.
+ ///
+ /// This is a convenience routine to avoid needing to import the `Config`
+ /// type when customizing the construction of a regex.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to disable UTF-8 mode for `Regex` iteration.
+ /// When UTF-8 mode is disabled, the position immediately following an
+ /// empty match is where the next search begins, instead of the next
+ /// position of a UTF-8 encoded codepoint.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::regex::Regex, MultiMatch};
+ ///
+ /// let re = Regex::builder()
+ /// .configure(Regex::config().utf8(false))
+ /// .build(r"")?;
+ /// let haystack = "a☃z".as_bytes();
+ /// let mut it = re.find_leftmost_iter(haystack);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 0)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 1, 1)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 2, 2)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 3, 3)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 4, 4)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 5, 5)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(None,;
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn config() -> Config {
+ Config::new()
+ }
+ /// Return a builder for configuring the construction of a `Regex`.
+ ///
+ /// This is a convenience routine to avoid needing to import the
+ /// [`Builder`] type in common cases.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to use the builder to disable UTF-8 mode
+ /// everywhere.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::regex::Regex,
+ /// nfa::thompson,
+ /// MultiMatch, SyntaxConfig,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let re = Regex::builder()
+ /// .configure(Regex::config().utf8(false))
+ /// .syntax(SyntaxConfig::new().utf8(false))
+ /// .thompson(thompson::Config::new().utf8(false))
+ /// .build(r"foo(?-u:[^b])ar.*")?;
+ /// let haystack = b"\xFEfoo\xFFarzz\xE2\x98\xFF\n";
+ /// let expected = Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 1, 9));
+ /// let got = re.find_leftmost(haystack);
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn builder() -> Builder {
+ Builder::new()
+ }
+/// Standard search routines for finding and iterating over matches.
+impl<A: Automaton, P: Prefilter> Regex<A, P> {
+ /// Returns true if and only if this regex matches the given haystack.
+ ///
+ /// This routine may short circuit if it knows that scanning future input
+ /// will never lead to a different result. In particular, if the underlying
+ /// DFA enters a match state or a dead state, then this routine will return
+ /// `true` or `false`, respectively, without inspecting any future input.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// If the underlying DFAs return an error, then this routine panics. This
+ /// only occurs in non-default configurations where quit bytes are used or
+ /// Unicode word boundaries are heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// The fallible version of this routine is
+ /// [`try_is_match`](Regex::try_is_match).
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::dfa::regex::Regex;
+ ///
+ /// let re = Regex::new("foo[0-9]+bar")?;
+ /// assert_eq!(true, re.is_match(b"foo12345bar"));
+ /// assert_eq!(false, re.is_match(b"foobar"));
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn is_match(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> bool {
+ self.is_match_at(haystack, 0, haystack.len())
+ }
+ /// Returns the first position at which a match is found.
+ ///
+ /// This routine stops scanning input in precisely the same circumstances
+ /// as `is_match`. The key difference is that this routine returns the
+ /// position at which it stopped scanning input if and only if a match
+ /// was found. If no match is found, then `None` is returned.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// If the underlying DFAs return an error, then this routine panics. This
+ /// only occurs in non-default configurations where quit bytes are used or
+ /// Unicode word boundaries are heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// The fallible version of this routine is
+ /// [`try_find_earliest`](Regex::try_find_earliest).
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{MultiMatch, dfa::regex::Regex};
+ ///
+ /// // Normally, the leftmost first match would greedily consume as many
+ /// // decimal digits as it could. But a match is detected as soon as one
+ /// // digit is seen.
+ /// let re = Regex::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ /// assert_eq!(
+ /// Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 4)),
+ /// re.find_earliest(b"foo12345"),
+ /// );
+ ///
+ /// // Normally, the end of the leftmost first match here would be 3,
+ /// // but the "earliest" match semantics detect a match earlier.
+ /// let re = Regex::new("abc|a")?;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 1)), re.find_earliest(b"abc"));
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn find_earliest(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<MultiMatch> {
+ self.find_earliest_at(haystack, 0, haystack.len())
+ }
+ /// Returns the start and end offset of the leftmost match. If no match
+ /// exists, then `None` is returned.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// If the underlying DFAs return an error, then this routine panics. This
+ /// only occurs in non-default configurations where quit bytes are used or
+ /// Unicode word boundaries are heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// The fallible version of this routine is
+ /// [`try_find_leftmost`](Regex::try_find_leftmost).
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{MultiMatch, dfa::regex::Regex};
+ ///
+ /// // Greediness is applied appropriately when compared to find_earliest.
+ /// let re = Regex::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ /// assert_eq!(
+ /// Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 3, 11)),
+ /// re.find_leftmost(b"zzzfoo12345zzz"),
+ /// );
+ ///
+ /// // Even though a match is found after reading the first byte (`a`),
+ /// // the default leftmost-first match semantics demand that we find the
+ /// // earliest match that prefers earlier parts of the pattern over latter
+ /// // parts.
+ /// let re = Regex::new("abc|a")?;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 3)), re.find_leftmost(b"abc"));
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn find_leftmost(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<MultiMatch> {
+ self.find_leftmost_at(haystack, 0, haystack.len())
+ }
+ /// Search for the first overlapping match in `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// This routine is principally useful when searching for multiple patterns
+ /// on inputs where multiple patterns may match the same regions of text.
+ /// In particular, callers must preserve the automaton's search state from
+ /// prior calls so that the implementation knows where the last match
+ /// occurred and which pattern was reported.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// If the underlying DFAs return an error, then this routine panics. This
+ /// only occurs in non-default configurations where quit bytes are used or
+ /// Unicode word boundaries are heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// The fallible version of this routine is
+ /// [`try_find_overlapping`](Regex::try_find_overlapping).
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to run an overlapping search with multiple
+ /// regexes.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{self, regex::Regex}, MatchKind, MultiMatch};
+ ///
+ /// let re = Regex::builder()
+ /// .dense(dfa::dense::Config::new().match_kind(MatchKind::All))
+ /// .build_many(&[r"\w+$", r"\S+$"])?;
+ /// let haystack = "@foo".as_bytes();
+ /// let mut state = dfa::OverlappingState::start();
+ ///
+ /// let expected = Some(MultiMatch::must(1, 0, 4));
+ /// let got = re.find_overlapping(haystack, &mut state);
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// // The first pattern also matches at the same position, so re-running
+ /// // the search will yield another match. Notice also that the first
+ /// // pattern is returned after the second. This is because the second
+ /// // pattern begins its match before the first, is therefore an earlier
+ /// // match and is thus reported first.
+ /// let expected = Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 1, 4));
+ /// let got = re.find_overlapping(haystack, &mut state);
+ /// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn find_overlapping(
+ &self,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ state: &mut OverlappingState,
+ ) -> Option<MultiMatch> {
+ self.find_overlapping_at(haystack, 0, haystack.len(), state)
+ }
+ /// Returns an iterator over all non-overlapping "earliest" matches.
+ ///
+ /// Match positions are reported as soon as a match is known to occur, even
+ /// if the standard leftmost match would be longer.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// If the underlying DFAs return an error during iteration, then iteration
+ /// panics. This only occurs in non-default configurations where quit bytes
+ /// are used or Unicode word boundaries are heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// The fallible version of this routine is
+ /// [`try_find_earliest_iter`](Regex::try_find_earliest_iter).
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to run an "earliest" iterator.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::regex::Regex, MultiMatch};
+ ///
+ /// let re = Regex::new("[0-9]+")?;
+ /// let haystack = "123".as_bytes();
+ ///
+ /// // Normally, a standard leftmost iterator would return a single
+ /// // match, but since "earliest" detects matches earlier, we get
+ /// // three matches.
+ /// let mut it = re.find_earliest_iter(haystack);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 1)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 1, 2)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 2, 3)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(None,;
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn find_earliest_iter<'r, 't>(
+ &'r self,
+ haystack: &'t [u8],
+ ) -> FindEarliestMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ FindEarliestMatches::new(self, haystack)
+ }
+ /// Returns an iterator over all non-overlapping leftmost matches in the
+ /// given bytes. If no match exists, then the iterator yields no elements.
+ ///
+ /// This corresponds to the "standard" regex search iterator.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// If the underlying DFAs return an error during iteration, then iteration
+ /// panics. This only occurs in non-default configurations where quit bytes
+ /// are used or Unicode word boundaries are heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// The fallible version of this routine is
+ /// [`try_find_leftmost_iter`](Regex::try_find_leftmost_iter).
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{MultiMatch, dfa::regex::Regex};
+ ///
+ /// let re = Regex::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ /// let text = b"foo1 foo12 foo123";
+ /// let matches: Vec<MultiMatch> = re.find_leftmost_iter(text).collect();
+ /// assert_eq!(matches, vec![
+ /// MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 4),
+ /// MultiMatch::must(0, 5, 10),
+ /// MultiMatch::must(0, 11, 17),
+ /// ]);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn find_leftmost_iter<'r, 't>(
+ &'r self,
+ haystack: &'t [u8],
+ ) -> FindLeftmostMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ FindLeftmostMatches::new(self, haystack)
+ }
+ /// Returns an iterator over all overlapping matches in the given haystack.
+ ///
+ /// This routine is principally useful when searching for multiple patterns
+ /// on inputs where multiple patterns may match the same regions of text.
+ /// The iterator takes care of handling the overlapping state that must be
+ /// threaded through every search.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// If the underlying DFAs return an error during iteration, then iteration
+ /// panics. This only occurs in non-default configurations where quit bytes
+ /// are used or Unicode word boundaries are heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// The fallible version of this routine is
+ /// [`try_find_overlapping_iter`](Regex::try_find_overlapping_iter).
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to run an overlapping search with multiple
+ /// regexes.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::{self, regex::Regex}, MatchKind, MultiMatch};
+ ///
+ /// let re = Regex::builder()
+ /// .dense(dfa::dense::Config::new().match_kind(MatchKind::All))
+ /// .build_many(&[r"\w+$", r"\S+$"])?;
+ /// let haystack = "@foo".as_bytes();
+ ///
+ /// let mut it = re.find_overlapping_iter(haystack);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(1, 0, 4)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 1, 4)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(None,;
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn find_overlapping_iter<'r, 't>(
+ &'r self,
+ haystack: &'t [u8],
+ ) -> FindOverlappingMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ FindOverlappingMatches::new(self, haystack)
+ }
+/// Lower level infallible search routines that permit controlling where
+/// the search starts and ends in a particular sequence. This is useful for
+/// executing searches that need to take surrounding context into account. This
+/// is required for correctly implementing iteration because of look-around
+/// operators (`^`, `$`, `\b`).
+impl<A: Automaton, P: Prefilter> Regex<A, P> {
+ /// Returns true if and only if this regex matches the given haystack.
+ ///
+ /// This routine may short circuit if it knows that scanning future input
+ /// will never lead to a different result. In particular, if the underlying
+ /// DFA enters a match state or a dead state, then this routine will return
+ /// `true` or `false`, respectively, without inspecting any future input.
+ ///
+ /// # Searching a substring of the haystack
+ ///
+ /// Being an "at" search routine, this permits callers to search a
+ /// substring of `haystack` by specifying a range in `haystack`.
+ /// Why expose this as an API instead of just asking callers to use
+ /// `&input[start..end]`? The reason is that regex matching often wants
+ /// to take the surrounding context into account in order to handle
+ /// look-around (`^`, `$` and `\b`).
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// If the underlying DFAs return an error, then this routine panics. This
+ /// only occurs in non-default configurations where quit bytes are used or
+ /// Unicode word boundaries are heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// The fallible version of this routine is
+ /// [`try_is_match_at`](Regex::try_is_match_at).
+ pub fn is_match_at(
+ &self,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> bool {
+ self.try_is_match_at(haystack, start, end).unwrap()
+ }
+ /// Returns the first position at which a match is found.
+ ///
+ /// This routine stops scanning input in precisely the same circumstances
+ /// as `is_match`. The key difference is that this routine returns the
+ /// position at which it stopped scanning input if and only if a match
+ /// was found. If no match is found, then `None` is returned.
+ ///
+ /// # Searching a substring of the haystack
+ ///
+ /// Being an "at" search routine, this permits callers to search a
+ /// substring of `haystack` by specifying a range in `haystack`.
+ /// Why expose this as an API instead of just asking callers to use
+ /// `&input[start..end]`? The reason is that regex matching often wants
+ /// to take the surrounding context into account in order to handle
+ /// look-around (`^`, `$` and `\b`).
+ ///
+ /// This is useful when implementing an iterator over matches
+ /// within the same haystack, which cannot be done correctly by simply
+ /// providing a subslice of `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// If the underlying DFAs return an error, then this routine panics. This
+ /// only occurs in non-default configurations where quit bytes are used or
+ /// Unicode word boundaries are heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// The fallible version of this routine is
+ /// [`try_find_earliest_at`](Regex::try_find_earliest_at).
+ pub fn find_earliest_at(
+ &self,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> Option<MultiMatch> {
+ self.try_find_earliest_at(haystack, start, end).unwrap()
+ }
+ /// Returns the same as `find_leftmost`, but starts the search at the given
+ /// offset.
+ ///
+ /// The significance of the starting point is that it takes the surrounding
+ /// context into consideration. For example, if the DFA is anchored, then
+ /// a match can only occur when `start == 0`.
+ ///
+ /// # Searching a substring of the haystack
+ ///
+ /// Being an "at" search routine, this permits callers to search a
+ /// substring of `haystack` by specifying a range in `haystack`.
+ /// Why expose this as an API instead of just asking callers to use
+ /// `&input[start..end]`? The reason is that regex matching often wants
+ /// to take the surrounding context into account in order to handle
+ /// look-around (`^`, `$` and `\b`).
+ ///
+ /// This is useful when implementing an iterator over matches within the
+ /// same haystack, which cannot be done correctly by simply providing a
+ /// subslice of `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// If the underlying DFAs return an error, then this routine panics. This
+ /// only occurs in non-default configurations where quit bytes are used or
+ /// Unicode word boundaries are heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// The fallible version of this routine is
+ /// [`try_find_leftmost_at`](Regex::try_find_leftmost_at).
+ pub fn find_leftmost_at(
+ &self,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> Option<MultiMatch> {
+ self.try_find_leftmost_at(haystack, start, end).unwrap()
+ }
+ /// Search for the first overlapping match within a given range of
+ /// `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// This routine is principally useful when searching for multiple patterns
+ /// on inputs where multiple patterns may match the same regions of text.
+ /// In particular, callers must preserve the automaton's search state from
+ /// prior calls so that the implementation knows where the last match
+ /// occurred and which pattern was reported.
+ ///
+ /// # Searching a substring of the haystack
+ ///
+ /// Being an "at" search routine, this permits callers to search a
+ /// substring of `haystack` by specifying a range in `haystack`.
+ /// Why expose this as an API instead of just asking callers to use
+ /// `&input[start..end]`? The reason is that regex matching often wants
+ /// to take the surrounding context into account in order to handle
+ /// look-around (`^`, `$` and `\b`).
+ ///
+ /// This is useful when implementing an iterator over matches
+ /// within the same haystack, which cannot be done correctly by simply
+ /// providing a subslice of `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// If the underlying DFAs return an error, then this routine panics. This
+ /// only occurs in non-default configurations where quit bytes are used or
+ /// Unicode word boundaries are heuristically enabled.
+ ///
+ /// The fallible version of this routine is
+ /// [`try_find_overlapping_at`](Regex::try_find_overlapping_at).
+ pub fn find_overlapping_at(
+ &self,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ state: &mut OverlappingState,
+ ) -> Option<MultiMatch> {
+ self.try_find_overlapping_at(haystack, start, end, state).unwrap()
+ }
+/// Fallible search routines. These may return an error when the underlying
+/// DFAs have been configured in a way that permits them to fail during a
+/// search.
+/// Errors during search only occur when the DFA has been explicitly
+/// configured to do so, usually by specifying one or more "quit" bytes or by
+/// heuristically enabling Unicode word boundaries.
+/// Errors will never be returned using the default configuration. So these
+/// fallible routines are only needed for particular configurations.
+impl<A: Automaton, P: Prefilter> Regex<A, P> {
+ /// Returns true if and only if this regex matches the given haystack.
+ ///
+ /// This routine may short circuit if it knows that scanning future input
+ /// will never lead to a different result. In particular, if the underlying
+ /// DFA enters a match state or a dead state, then this routine will return
+ /// `true` or `false`, respectively, without inspecting any future input.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This routine only errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFA-based regexes, this only occurs in a non-default configuration
+ /// where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are heuristically
+ /// enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// The infallible (panics on error) version of this routine is
+ /// [`is_match`](Regex::is_match).
+ pub fn try_is_match(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Result<bool, MatchError> {
+ self.try_is_match_at(haystack, 0, haystack.len())
+ }
+ /// Returns the first position at which a match is found.
+ ///
+ /// This routine stops scanning input in precisely the same circumstances
+ /// as `is_match`. The key difference is that this routine returns the
+ /// position at which it stopped scanning input if and only if a match
+ /// was found. If no match is found, then `None` is returned.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This routine only errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFA-based regexes, this only occurs in a non-default configuration
+ /// where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are heuristically
+ /// enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// The infallible (panics on error) version of this routine is
+ /// [`find_earliest`](Regex::find_earliest).
+ pub fn try_find_earliest(
+ &self,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ ) -> Result<Option<MultiMatch>, MatchError> {
+ self.try_find_earliest_at(haystack, 0, haystack.len())
+ }
+ /// Returns the start and end offset of the leftmost match. If no match
+ /// exists, then `None` is returned.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This routine only errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFA-based regexes, this only occurs in a non-default configuration
+ /// where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are heuristically
+ /// enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// The infallible (panics on error) version of this routine is
+ /// [`find_leftmost`](Regex::find_leftmost).
+ pub fn try_find_leftmost(
+ &self,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ ) -> Result<Option<MultiMatch>, MatchError> {
+ self.try_find_leftmost_at(haystack, 0, haystack.len())
+ }
+ /// Search for the first overlapping match in `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// This routine is principally useful when searching for multiple patterns
+ /// on inputs where multiple patterns may match the same regions of text.
+ /// In particular, callers must preserve the automaton's search state from
+ /// prior calls so that the implementation knows where the last match
+ /// occurred and which pattern was reported.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This routine only errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFA-based regexes, this only occurs in a non-default configuration
+ /// where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are heuristically
+ /// enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// The infallible (panics on error) version of this routine is
+ /// [`find_overlapping`](Regex::find_overlapping).
+ pub fn try_find_overlapping(
+ &self,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ state: &mut OverlappingState,
+ ) -> Result<Option<MultiMatch>, MatchError> {
+ self.try_find_overlapping_at(haystack, 0, haystack.len(), state)
+ }
+ /// Returns an iterator over all non-overlapping "earliest" matches.
+ ///
+ /// Match positions are reported as soon as a match is known to occur, even
+ /// if the standard leftmost match would be longer.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This iterator only yields errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFA-based regexes, this only occurs in a non-default configuration
+ /// where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are heuristically
+ /// enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// The infallible (panics on error) version of this routine is
+ /// [`find_earliest_iter`](Regex::find_earliest_iter).
+ pub fn try_find_earliest_iter<'r, 't>(
+ &'r self,
+ haystack: &'t [u8],
+ ) -> TryFindEarliestMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ TryFindEarliestMatches::new(self, haystack)
+ }
+ /// Returns an iterator over all non-overlapping leftmost matches in the
+ /// given bytes. If no match exists, then the iterator yields no elements.
+ ///
+ /// This corresponds to the "standard" regex search iterator.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This iterator only yields errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFA-based regexes, this only occurs in a non-default configuration
+ /// where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are heuristically
+ /// enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// The infallible (panics on error) version of this routine is
+ /// [`find_leftmost_iter`](Regex::find_leftmost_iter).
+ pub fn try_find_leftmost_iter<'r, 't>(
+ &'r self,
+ haystack: &'t [u8],
+ ) -> TryFindLeftmostMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ TryFindLeftmostMatches::new(self, haystack)
+ }
+ /// Returns an iterator over all overlapping matches in the given haystack.
+ ///
+ /// This routine is principally useful when searching for multiple patterns
+ /// on inputs where multiple patterns may match the same regions of text.
+ /// The iterator takes care of handling the overlapping state that must be
+ /// threaded through every search.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This iterator only yields errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFA-based regexes, this only occurs in a non-default configuration
+ /// where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are heuristically
+ /// enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// The infallible (panics on error) version of this routine is
+ /// [`find_overlapping_iter`](Regex::find_overlapping_iter).
+ pub fn try_find_overlapping_iter<'r, 't>(
+ &'r self,
+ haystack: &'t [u8],
+ ) -> TryFindOverlappingMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ TryFindOverlappingMatches::new(self, haystack)
+ }
+/// Lower level fallible search routines that permit controlling where the
+/// search starts and ends in a particular sequence.
+impl<A: Automaton, P: Prefilter> Regex<A, P> {
+ /// Returns true if and only if this regex matches the given haystack.
+ ///
+ /// This routine may short circuit if it knows that scanning future input
+ /// will never lead to a different result. In particular, if the underlying
+ /// DFA enters a match state or a dead state, then this routine will return
+ /// `true` or `false`, respectively, without inspecting any future input.
+ ///
+ /// # Searching a substring of the haystack
+ ///
+ /// Being an "at" search routine, this permits callers to search a
+ /// substring of `haystack` by specifying a range in `haystack`.
+ /// Why expose this as an API instead of just asking callers to use
+ /// `&input[start..end]`? The reason is that regex matching often wants
+ /// to take the surrounding context into account in order to handle
+ /// look-around (`^`, `$` and `\b`).
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This routine only errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFA-based regexes, this only occurs in a non-default configuration
+ /// where quit bytes are used, Unicode word boundaries are heuristically
+ /// enabled or limits are set on the number of times the lazy DFA's cache
+ /// may be cleared.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// The infallible (panics on error) version of this routine is
+ /// [`is_match_at`](Regex::is_match_at).
+ pub fn try_is_match_at(
+ &self,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> Result<bool, MatchError> {
+ self.forward()
+ .find_earliest_fwd_at(
+ self.scanner().as_mut(),
+ None,
+ haystack,
+ start,
+ end,
+ )
+ .map(|x| x.is_some())
+ }
+ /// Returns the first position at which a match is found.
+ ///
+ /// This routine stops scanning input in precisely the same circumstances
+ /// as `is_match`. The key difference is that this routine returns the
+ /// position at which it stopped scanning input if and only if a match
+ /// was found. If no match is found, then `None` is returned.
+ ///
+ /// # Searching a substring of the haystack
+ ///
+ /// Being an "at" search routine, this permits callers to search a
+ /// substring of `haystack` by specifying a range in `haystack`.
+ /// Why expose this as an API instead of just asking callers to use
+ /// `&input[start..end]`? The reason is that regex matching often wants
+ /// to take the surrounding context into account in order to handle
+ /// look-around (`^`, `$` and `\b`).
+ ///
+ /// This is useful when implementing an iterator over matches
+ /// within the same haystack, which cannot be done correctly by simply
+ /// providing a subslice of `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This routine only errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFA-based regexes, this only occurs in a non-default configuration
+ /// where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are heuristically
+ /// enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// The infallible (panics on error) version of this routine is
+ /// [`find_earliest_at`](Regex::find_earliest_at).
+ pub fn try_find_earliest_at(
+ &self,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> Result<Option<MultiMatch>, MatchError> {
+ self.try_find_earliest_at_imp(
+ self.scanner().as_mut(),
+ haystack,
+ start,
+ end,
+ )
+ }
+ /// The implementation of "earliest" searching, where a prefilter scanner
+ /// may be given.
+ fn try_find_earliest_at_imp(
+ &self,
+ pre: Option<&mut prefilter::Scanner>,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> Result<Option<MultiMatch>, MatchError> {
+ // N.B. We use `&&A` here to call `Automaton` methods, which ensures
+ // that we always use the `impl Automaton for &A` for calling methods.
+ // Since this is the usual way that automata are used, this helps
+ // reduce the number of monomorphized copies of the search code.
+ let (fwd, rev) = (self.forward(), self.reverse());
+ let end = match (&fwd)
+ .find_earliest_fwd_at(pre, None, haystack, start, end)?
+ {
+ None => return Ok(None),
+ Some(end) => end,
+ };
+ // N.B. The only time we need to tell the reverse searcher the pattern
+ // to match is in the overlapping case, since it's ambiguous. In the
+ // leftmost case, I have tentatively convinced myself that it isn't
+ // necessary and the reverse search will always find the same pattern
+ // to match as the forward search. But I lack a rigorous proof.
+ let start = (&rev)
+ .find_earliest_rev_at(None, haystack, start, end.offset())?
+ .expect("reverse search must match if forward search does");
+ assert_eq!(
+ start.pattern(),
+ end.pattern(),
+ "forward and reverse search must match same pattern"
+ );
+ assert!(start.offset() <= end.offset());
+ Ok(Some(MultiMatch::new(end.pattern(), start.offset(), end.offset())))
+ }
+ /// Returns the start and end offset of the leftmost match. If no match
+ /// exists, then `None` is returned.
+ ///
+ /// # Searching a substring of the haystack
+ ///
+ /// Being an "at" search routine, this permits callers to search a
+ /// substring of `haystack` by specifying a range in `haystack`.
+ /// Why expose this as an API instead of just asking callers to use
+ /// `&input[start..end]`? The reason is that regex matching often wants
+ /// to take the surrounding context into account in order to handle
+ /// look-around (`^`, `$` and `\b`).
+ ///
+ /// This is useful when implementing an iterator over matches
+ /// within the same haystack, which cannot be done correctly by simply
+ /// providing a subslice of `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This routine only errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFA-based regexes, this only occurs in a non-default configuration
+ /// where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are heuristically
+ /// enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// The infallible (panics on error) version of this routine is
+ /// [`find_leftmost_at`](Regex::find_leftmost_at).
+ pub fn try_find_leftmost_at(
+ &self,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> Result<Option<MultiMatch>, MatchError> {
+ self.try_find_leftmost_at_imp(
+ self.scanner().as_mut(),
+ haystack,
+ start,
+ end,
+ )
+ }
+ /// The implementation of leftmost searching, where a prefilter scanner
+ /// may be given.
+ fn try_find_leftmost_at_imp(
+ &self,
+ scanner: Option<&mut prefilter::Scanner>,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> Result<Option<MultiMatch>, MatchError> {
+ // N.B. We use `&&A` here to call `Automaton` methods, which ensures
+ // that we always use the `impl Automaton for &A` for calling methods.
+ // Since this is the usual way that automata are used, this helps
+ // reduce the number of monomorphized copies of the search code.
+ let (fwd, rev) = (self.forward(), self.reverse());
+ let end = match (&fwd)
+ .find_leftmost_fwd_at(scanner, None, haystack, start, end)?
+ {
+ None => return Ok(None),
+ Some(end) => end,
+ };
+ // N.B. The only time we need to tell the reverse searcher the pattern
+ // to match is in the overlapping case, since it's ambiguous. In the
+ // leftmost case, I have tentatively convinced myself that it isn't
+ // necessary and the reverse search will always find the same pattern
+ // to match as the forward search. But I lack a rigorous proof. Why not
+ // just provide the pattern anyway? Well, if it is needed, then leaving
+ // it out gives us a chance to find a witness.
+ let start = (&rev)
+ .find_leftmost_rev_at(None, haystack, start, end.offset())?
+ .expect("reverse search must match if forward search does");
+ assert_eq!(
+ start.pattern(),
+ end.pattern(),
+ "forward and reverse search must match same pattern",
+ );
+ assert!(start.offset() <= end.offset());
+ Ok(Some(MultiMatch::new(end.pattern(), start.offset(), end.offset())))
+ }
+ /// Search for the first overlapping match within a given range of
+ /// `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// This routine is principally useful when searching for multiple patterns
+ /// on inputs where multiple patterns may match the same regions of text.
+ /// In particular, callers must preserve the automaton's search state from
+ /// prior calls so that the implementation knows where the last match
+ /// occurred and which pattern was reported.
+ ///
+ /// # Searching a substring of the haystack
+ ///
+ /// Being an "at" search routine, this permits callers to search a
+ /// substring of `haystack` by specifying a range in `haystack`.
+ /// Why expose this as an API instead of just asking callers to use
+ /// `&input[start..end]`? The reason is that regex matching often wants
+ /// to take the surrounding context into account in order to handle
+ /// look-around (`^`, `$` and `\b`).
+ ///
+ /// This is useful when implementing an iterator over matches
+ /// within the same haystack, which cannot be done correctly by simply
+ /// providing a subslice of `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This routine only errors if the search could not complete. For
+ /// DFA-based regexes, this only occurs in a non-default configuration
+ /// where quit bytes are used or Unicode word boundaries are heuristically
+ /// enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When a search cannot complete, callers cannot know whether a match
+ /// exists or not.
+ ///
+ /// The infallible (panics on error) version of this routine is
+ /// [`find_overlapping_at`](Regex::find_overlapping_at).
+ pub fn try_find_overlapping_at(
+ &self,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ state: &mut OverlappingState,
+ ) -> Result<Option<MultiMatch>, MatchError> {
+ self.try_find_overlapping_at_imp(
+ self.scanner().as_mut(),
+ haystack,
+ start,
+ end,
+ state,
+ )
+ }
+ /// The implementation of overlapping search at a given range in
+ /// `haystack`, where `scanner` is a prefilter (if active) and `state` is
+ /// the current state of the search.
+ fn try_find_overlapping_at_imp(
+ &self,
+ scanner: Option<&mut prefilter::Scanner>,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ state: &mut OverlappingState,
+ ) -> Result<Option<MultiMatch>, MatchError> {
+ // N.B. We use `&&A` here to call `Automaton` methods, which ensures
+ // that we always use the `impl Automaton for &A` for calling methods.
+ // Since this is the usual way that automata are used, this helps
+ // reduce the number of monomorphized copies of the search code.
+ let (fwd, rev) = (self.forward(), self.reverse());
+ // TODO: Decide whether it's worth making this assert work. It doesn't
+ // work currently because 'has_starts_for_each_pattern' isn't on the
+ // Automaton trait. Without this assert, we still get a panic, but it's
+ // a bit more inscrutable.
+ // assert!(
+ // rev.has_starts_for_each_pattern(),
+ // "overlapping searches require that the reverse DFA is \
+ // compiled with the 'starts_for_each_pattern' option",
+ // );
+ let end = match (&fwd).find_overlapping_fwd_at(
+ scanner, None, haystack, start, end, state,
+ )? {
+ None => return Ok(None),
+ Some(end) => end,
+ };
+ // Unlike the leftmost cases, the reverse overlapping search may match
+ // a different pattern than the forward search. See test failures when
+ // using `None` instead of `Some(end.pattern())` below. Thus, we must
+ // run our reverse search using the pattern that matched in the forward
+ // direction.
+ let start = (&rev)
+ .find_leftmost_rev_at(
+ Some(end.pattern()),
+ haystack,
+ 0,
+ end.offset(),
+ )?
+ .expect("reverse search must match if forward search does");
+ assert!(start.offset() <= end.offset());
+ assert_eq!(start.pattern(), end.pattern());
+ Ok(Some(MultiMatch::new(end.pattern(), start.offset(), end.offset())))
+ }
+/// Non-search APIs for querying information about the regex and setting a
+/// prefilter.
+impl<A: Automaton, P: Prefilter> Regex<A, P> {
+ /// Attach the given prefilter to this regex.
+ pub fn with_prefilter<Q: Prefilter>(self, prefilter: Q) -> Regex<A, Q> {
+ Regex {
+ prefilter: Some(prefilter),
+ forward: self.forward,
+ reverse: self.reverse,
+ utf8: self.utf8,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Remove any prefilter from this regex.
+ pub fn without_prefilter(self) -> Regex<A> {
+ Regex {
+ prefilter: None,
+ forward: self.forward,
+ reverse: self.reverse,
+ utf8: self.utf8,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return the underlying DFA responsible for forward matching.
+ ///
+ /// This is useful for accessing the underlying DFA and converting it to
+ /// some other format or size. See the [`Builder::build_from_dfas`] docs
+ /// for an example of where this might be useful.
+ pub fn forward(&self) -> &A {
+ &self.forward
+ }
+ /// Return the underlying DFA responsible for reverse matching.
+ ///
+ /// This is useful for accessing the underlying DFA and converting it to
+ /// some other format or size. See the [`Builder::build_from_dfas`] docs
+ /// for an example of where this might be useful.
+ pub fn reverse(&self) -> &A {
+ &self.reverse
+ }
+ /// Returns the total number of patterns matched by this regex.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{MultiMatch, dfa::regex::Regex};
+ ///
+ /// let re = Regex::new_many(&[r"[a-z]+", r"[0-9]+", r"\w+"])?;
+ /// assert_eq!(3, re.pattern_count());
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn pattern_count(&self) -> usize {
+ assert_eq!(
+ self.forward().pattern_count(),
+ self.reverse().pattern_count()
+ );
+ self.forward().pattern_count()
+ }
+ /// Convenience function for returning this regex's prefilter as a trait
+ /// object.
+ ///
+ /// If this regex doesn't have a prefilter, then `None` is returned.
+ pub fn prefilter(&self) -> Option<&dyn Prefilter> {
+ match self.prefilter {
+ None => None,
+ Some(ref x) => Some(&*x),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Convenience function for returning a prefilter scanner.
+ fn scanner(&self) -> Option<prefilter::Scanner> {
+ self.prefilter().map(prefilter::Scanner::new)
+ }
+/// An iterator over all non-overlapping earliest matches for a particular
+/// infallible search.
+/// The iterator yields a [`MultiMatch`] value until no more matches could be
+/// found. If the underlying search returns an error, then this panics.
+/// `A` is the type used to represent the underlying DFAs used by the regex,
+/// while `P` is the type of prefilter used, if any. The lifetime variables are
+/// as follows:
+/// * `'r` is the lifetime of the regular expression itself.
+/// * `'t` is the lifetime of the text being searched.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct FindEarliestMatches<'r, 't, A, P>(
+ TryFindEarliestMatches<'r, 't, A, P>,
+impl<'r, 't, A: Automaton, P: Prefilter> FindEarliestMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ fn new(
+ re: &'r Regex<A, P>,
+ text: &'t [u8],
+ ) -> FindEarliestMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ FindEarliestMatches(TryFindEarliestMatches::new(re, text))
+ }
+impl<'r, 't, A: Automaton, P: Prefilter> Iterator
+ for FindEarliestMatches<'r, 't, A, P>
+ type Item = MultiMatch;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<MultiMatch> {
+ next_unwrap(
+ }
+/// An iterator over all non-overlapping leftmost matches for a particular
+/// infallible search.
+/// The iterator yields a [`MultiMatch`] value until no more matches could be
+/// found. If the underlying search returns an error, then this panics.
+/// `A` is the type used to represent the underlying DFAs used by the regex,
+/// while `P` is the type of prefilter used, if any. The lifetime variables are
+/// as follows:
+/// * `'r` is the lifetime of the regular expression itself.
+/// * `'t` is the lifetime of the text being searched.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct FindLeftmostMatches<'r, 't, A, P>(
+ TryFindLeftmostMatches<'r, 't, A, P>,
+impl<'r, 't, A: Automaton, P: Prefilter> FindLeftmostMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ fn new(
+ re: &'r Regex<A, P>,
+ text: &'t [u8],
+ ) -> FindLeftmostMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ FindLeftmostMatches(TryFindLeftmostMatches::new(re, text))
+ }
+impl<'r, 't, A: Automaton, P: Prefilter> Iterator
+ for FindLeftmostMatches<'r, 't, A, P>
+ type Item = MultiMatch;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<MultiMatch> {
+ next_unwrap(
+ }
+/// An iterator over all overlapping matches for a particular infallible
+/// search.
+/// The iterator yields a [`MultiMatch`] value until no more matches could be
+/// found. If the underlying search returns an error, then this panics.
+/// `A` is the type used to represent the underlying DFAs used by the regex,
+/// while `P` is the type of prefilter used, if any. The lifetime variables are
+/// as follows:
+/// * `'r` is the lifetime of the regular expression itself.
+/// * `'t` is the lifetime of the text being searched.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct FindOverlappingMatches<'r, 't, A: Automaton, P>(
+ TryFindOverlappingMatches<'r, 't, A, P>,
+impl<'r, 't, A: Automaton, P: Prefilter> FindOverlappingMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ fn new(
+ re: &'r Regex<A, P>,
+ text: &'t [u8],
+ ) -> FindOverlappingMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ FindOverlappingMatches(TryFindOverlappingMatches::new(re, text))
+ }
+impl<'r, 't, A: Automaton, P: Prefilter> Iterator
+ for FindOverlappingMatches<'r, 't, A, P>
+ type Item = MultiMatch;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<MultiMatch> {
+ next_unwrap(
+ }
+/// An iterator over all non-overlapping earliest matches for a particular
+/// fallible search.
+/// The iterator yields a [`MultiMatch`] value until no more matches could be
+/// found.
+/// `A` is the type used to represent the underlying DFAs used by the regex,
+/// while `P` is the type of prefilter used, if any. The lifetime variables are
+/// as follows:
+/// * `'r` is the lifetime of the regular expression itself.
+/// * `'t` is the lifetime of the text being searched.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct TryFindEarliestMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ re: &'r Regex<A, P>,
+ scanner: Option<prefilter::Scanner<'r>>,
+ text: &'t [u8],
+ last_end: usize,
+ last_match: Option<usize>,
+impl<'r, 't, A: Automaton, P: Prefilter> TryFindEarliestMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ fn new(
+ re: &'r Regex<A, P>,
+ text: &'t [u8],
+ ) -> TryFindEarliestMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ let scanner = re.scanner();
+ TryFindEarliestMatches {
+ re,
+ scanner,
+ text,
+ last_end: 0,
+ last_match: None,
+ }
+ }
+impl<'r, 't, A: Automaton, P: Prefilter> Iterator
+ for TryFindEarliestMatches<'r, 't, A, P>
+ type Item = Result<MultiMatch, MatchError>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<MultiMatch, MatchError>> {
+ if self.last_end > self.text.len() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let result =
+ self.scanner.as_mut(),
+ self.text,
+ self.last_end,
+ self.text.len(),
+ );
+ let m = match result {
+ Err(err) => return Some(Err(err)),
+ Ok(None) => return None,
+ Ok(Some(m)) => m,
+ };
+ if m.is_empty() {
+ // This is an empty match. To ensure we make progress, start
+ // the next search at the smallest possible starting position
+ // of the next match following this one.
+ self.last_end = if {
+ crate::util::next_utf8(self.text, m.end())
+ } else {
+ m.end() + 1
+ };
+ // Don't accept empty matches immediately following a match.
+ // Just move on to the next match.
+ if Some(m.end()) == self.last_match {
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.last_end = m.end();
+ }
+ self.last_match = Some(m.end());
+ Some(Ok(m))
+ }
+/// An iterator over all non-overlapping leftmost matches for a particular
+/// fallible search.
+/// The iterator yields a [`MultiMatch`] value until no more matches could be
+/// found.
+/// `A` is the type used to represent the underlying DFAs used by the regex,
+/// while `P` is the type of prefilter used, if any. The lifetime variables are
+/// as follows:
+/// * `'r` is the lifetime of the regular expression itself.
+/// * `'t` is the lifetime of the text being searched.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct TryFindLeftmostMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ re: &'r Regex<A, P>,
+ scanner: Option<prefilter::Scanner<'r>>,
+ text: &'t [u8],
+ last_end: usize,
+ last_match: Option<usize>,
+impl<'r, 't, A: Automaton, P: Prefilter> TryFindLeftmostMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ fn new(
+ re: &'r Regex<A, P>,
+ text: &'t [u8],
+ ) -> TryFindLeftmostMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ let scanner = re.scanner();
+ TryFindLeftmostMatches {
+ re,
+ scanner,
+ text,
+ last_end: 0,
+ last_match: None,
+ }
+ }
+impl<'r, 't, A: Automaton, P: Prefilter> Iterator
+ for TryFindLeftmostMatches<'r, 't, A, P>
+ type Item = Result<MultiMatch, MatchError>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<MultiMatch, MatchError>> {
+ if self.last_end > self.text.len() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let result =
+ self.scanner.as_mut(),
+ self.text,
+ self.last_end,
+ self.text.len(),
+ );
+ let m = match result {
+ Err(err) => return Some(Err(err)),
+ Ok(None) => return None,
+ Ok(Some(m)) => m,
+ };
+ if m.is_empty() {
+ // This is an empty match. To ensure we make progress, start
+ // the next search at the smallest possible starting position
+ // of the next match following this one.
+ self.last_end = if {
+ crate::util::next_utf8(self.text, m.end())
+ } else {
+ m.end() + 1
+ };
+ // Don't accept empty matches immediately following a match.
+ // Just move on to the next match.
+ if Some(m.end()) == self.last_match {
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.last_end = m.end();
+ }
+ self.last_match = Some(m.end());
+ Some(Ok(m))
+ }
+/// An iterator over all overlapping matches for a particular fallible search.
+/// The iterator yields a [`MultiMatch`] value until no more matches could be
+/// found.
+/// `A` is the type used to represent the underlying DFAs used by the regex,
+/// while `P` is the type of prefilter used, if any. The lifetime variables are
+/// as follows:
+/// * `'r` is the lifetime of the regular expression itself.
+/// * `'t` is the lifetime of the text being searched.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct TryFindOverlappingMatches<'r, 't, A: Automaton, P> {
+ re: &'r Regex<A, P>,
+ scanner: Option<prefilter::Scanner<'r>>,
+ text: &'t [u8],
+ last_end: usize,
+ state: OverlappingState,
+impl<'r, 't, A: Automaton, P: Prefilter>
+ TryFindOverlappingMatches<'r, 't, A, P>
+ fn new(
+ re: &'r Regex<A, P>,
+ text: &'t [u8],
+ ) -> TryFindOverlappingMatches<'r, 't, A, P> {
+ let scanner = re.scanner();
+ TryFindOverlappingMatches {
+ re,
+ scanner,
+ text,
+ last_end: 0,
+ state: OverlappingState::start(),
+ }
+ }
+impl<'r, 't, A: Automaton, P: Prefilter> Iterator
+ for TryFindOverlappingMatches<'r, 't, A, P>
+ type Item = Result<MultiMatch, MatchError>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<MultiMatch, MatchError>> {
+ if self.last_end > self.text.len() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let result =
+ self.scanner.as_mut(),
+ self.text,
+ self.last_end,
+ self.text.len(),
+ &mut self.state,
+ );
+ let m = match result {
+ Err(err) => return Some(Err(err)),
+ Ok(None) => return None,
+ Ok(Some(m)) => m,
+ };
+ // Unlike the non-overlapping case, we're OK with empty matches at this
+ // level. In particular, the overlapping search algorithm is itself
+ // responsible for ensuring that progress is always made.
+ self.last_end = m.end();
+ Some(Ok(m))
+ }
+/// The configuration used for compiling a DFA-backed regex.
+/// A regex configuration is a simple data object that is typically used with
+/// [`Builder::configure`].
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default)]
+pub struct Config {
+ utf8: Option<bool>,
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl Config {
+ /// Return a new default regex compiler configuration.
+ pub fn new() -> Config {
+ Config::default()
+ }
+ /// Whether to enable UTF-8 mode or not.
+ ///
+ /// When UTF-8 mode is enabled (the default) and an empty match is seen,
+ /// the iterators on [`Regex`] will always start the next search at the
+ /// next UTF-8 encoded codepoint when searching valid UTF-8. When UTF-8
+ /// mode is disabled, such searches are begun at the next byte offset.
+ ///
+ /// If this mode is enabled and invalid UTF-8 is given to search, then
+ /// behavior is unspecified.
+ ///
+ /// Generally speaking, one should enable this when
+ /// [`SyntaxConfig::utf8`](crate::SyntaxConfig::utf8)
+ /// and
+ /// [`thompson::Config::utf8`](crate::nfa::thompson::Config::utf8)
+ /// are enabled, and disable it otherwise.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example demonstrates the differences between when this option is
+ /// enabled and disabled. The differences only arise when the regex can
+ /// return matches of length zero.
+ ///
+ /// In this first snippet, we show the results when UTF-8 mode is disabled.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::regex::Regex, MultiMatch};
+ ///
+ /// let re = Regex::builder()
+ /// .configure(Regex::config().utf8(false))
+ /// .build(r"")?;
+ /// let haystack = "a☃z".as_bytes();
+ /// let mut it = re.find_leftmost_iter(haystack);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 0)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 1, 1)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 2, 2)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 3, 3)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 4, 4)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 5, 5)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(None,;
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// And in this snippet, we execute the same search on the same haystack,
+ /// but with UTF-8 mode enabled. Notice that byte offsets that would
+ /// otherwise split the encoding of `☃` are not returned.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{dfa::regex::Regex, MultiMatch};
+ ///
+ /// let re = Regex::builder()
+ /// .configure(Regex::config().utf8(true))
+ /// .build(r"")?;
+ /// let haystack = "a☃z".as_bytes();
+ /// let mut it = re.find_leftmost_iter(haystack);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 0, 0)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 1, 1)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 4, 4)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 5, 5)),;
+ /// assert_eq!(None,;
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn utf8(mut self, yes: bool) -> Config {
+ self.utf8 = Some(yes);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if this configuration has UTF-8 mode enabled.
+ ///
+ /// When UTF-8 mode is enabled and an empty match is seen, the iterators on
+ /// [`Regex`] will always start the next search at the next UTF-8 encoded
+ /// codepoint. When UTF-8 mode is disabled, such searches are begun at the
+ /// next byte offset.
+ pub fn get_utf8(&self) -> bool {
+ self.utf8.unwrap_or(true)
+ }
+ /// Overwrite the default configuration such that the options in `o` are
+ /// always used. If an option in `o` is not set, then the corresponding
+ /// option in `self` is used. If it's not set in `self` either, then it
+ /// remains not set.
+ pub(crate) fn overwrite(self, o: Config) -> Config {
+ Config { utf8: o.utf8.or(self.utf8) }
+ }
+/// A builder for a regex based on deterministic finite automatons.
+/// This builder permits configuring options for the syntax of a pattern, the
+/// NFA construction, the DFA construction and finally the regex searching
+/// itself. This builder is different from a general purpose regex builder in
+/// that it permits fine grain configuration of the construction process. The
+/// trade off for this is complexity, and the possibility of setting a
+/// configuration that might not make sense. For example, there are three
+/// different UTF-8 modes:
+/// * [`SyntaxConfig::utf8`](crate::SyntaxConfig::utf8) controls whether the
+/// pattern itself can contain sub-expressions that match invalid UTF-8.
+/// * [`nfa::thompson::Config::utf8`](crate::nfa::thompson::Config::utf8)
+/// controls whether the implicit unanchored prefix added to the NFA can
+/// match through invalid UTF-8 or not.
+/// * [`Config::utf8`] controls how the regex iterators themselves advance
+/// the starting position of the next search when a match with zero length is
+/// found.
+/// Generally speaking, callers will want to either enable all of these or
+/// disable all of these.
+/// Internally, building a regex requires building two DFAs, where one is
+/// responsible for finding the end of a match and the other is responsible
+/// for finding the start of a match. If you only need to detect whether
+/// something matched, or only the end of a match, then you should use a
+/// [`dense::Builder`] to construct a single DFA, which is cheaper than
+/// building two DFAs.
+/// # Build methods
+/// This builder has a few "build" methods. In general, it's the result of
+/// combining the following parameters:
+/// * Building one or many regexes.
+/// * Building a regex with dense or sparse DFAs.
+/// The simplest "build" method is [`Builder::build`]. It accepts a single
+/// pattern and builds a dense DFA using `usize` for the state identifier
+/// representation.
+/// The most general "build" method is [`Builder::build_many`], which permits
+/// building a regex that searches for multiple patterns simultaneously while
+/// using a specific state identifier representation.
+/// The most flexible "build" method, but hardest to use, is
+/// [`Builder::build_from_dfas`]. This exposes the fact that a [`Regex`] is
+/// just a pair of DFAs, and this method allows you to specify those DFAs
+/// exactly.
+/// # Example
+/// This example shows how to disable UTF-8 mode in the syntax, the NFA and
+/// the regex itself. This is generally what you want for matching on
+/// arbitrary bytes.
+/// ```
+/// use regex_automata::{
+/// dfa::regex::Regex, nfa::thompson, MultiMatch, SyntaxConfig
+/// };
+/// let re = Regex::builder()
+/// .configure(Regex::config().utf8(false))
+/// .syntax(SyntaxConfig::new().utf8(false))
+/// .thompson(thompson::Config::new().utf8(false))
+/// .build(r"foo(?-u:[^b])ar.*")?;
+/// let haystack = b"\xFEfoo\xFFarzz\xE2\x98\xFF\n";
+/// let expected = Some(MultiMatch::must(0, 1, 9));
+/// let got = re.find_leftmost(haystack);
+/// assert_eq!(expected, got);
+/// // Notice that `(?-u:[^b])` matches invalid UTF-8,
+/// // but the subsequent `.*` does not! Disabling UTF-8
+/// // on the syntax permits this. Notice also that the
+/// // search was unanchored and skipped over invalid UTF-8.
+/// // Disabling UTF-8 on the Thompson NFA permits this.
+/// //
+/// // N.B. This example does not show the impact of
+/// // disabling UTF-8 mode on Config, since that
+/// // only impacts regexes that can produce matches of
+/// // length 0.
+/// assert_eq!(b"foo\xFFarzz", &haystack[got.unwrap().range()]);
+/// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+/// ```
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct Builder {
+ config: Config,
+ dfa: dense::Builder,
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl Builder {
+ /// Create a new regex builder with the default configuration.
+ pub fn new() -> Builder {
+ Builder { config: Config::default(), dfa: dense::Builder::new() }
+ }
+ /// Build a regex from the given pattern.
+ ///
+ /// If there was a problem parsing or compiling the pattern, then an error
+ /// is returned.
+ pub fn build(&self, pattern: &str) -> Result<Regex, Error> {
+ self.build_many(&[pattern])
+ }
+ /// Build a regex from the given pattern using sparse DFAs.
+ ///
+ /// If there was a problem parsing or compiling the pattern, then an error
+ /// is returned.
+ pub fn build_sparse(
+ &self,
+ pattern: &str,
+ ) -> Result<Regex<sparse::DFA<Vec<u8>>>, Error> {
+ self.build_many_sparse(&[pattern])
+ }
+ /// Build a regex from the given patterns.
+ pub fn build_many<P: AsRef<str>>(
+ &self,
+ patterns: &[P],
+ ) -> Result<Regex, Error> {
+ let forward = self.dfa.build_many(patterns)?;
+ let reverse = self
+ .dfa
+ .clone()
+ .configure(
+ dense::Config::new()
+ .anchored(true)
+ .match_kind(MatchKind::All)
+ .starts_for_each_pattern(true),
+ )
+ .thompson(thompson::Config::new().reverse(true))
+ .build_many(patterns)?;
+ Ok(self.build_from_dfas(forward, reverse))
+ }
+ /// Build a sparse regex from the given patterns.
+ pub fn build_many_sparse<P: AsRef<str>>(
+ &self,
+ patterns: &[P],
+ ) -> Result<Regex<sparse::DFA<Vec<u8>>>, Error> {
+ let re = self.build_many(patterns)?;
+ let forward = re.forward().to_sparse()?;
+ let reverse = re.reverse().to_sparse()?;
+ Ok(self.build_from_dfas(forward, reverse))
+ }
+ /// Build a regex from its component forward and reverse DFAs.
+ ///
+ /// This is useful when deserializing a regex from some arbitrary
+ /// memory region. This is also useful for building regexes from other
+ /// types of DFAs.
+ ///
+ /// If you're building the DFAs from scratch instead of building new DFAs
+ /// from other DFAs, then you'll need to make sure that the reverse DFA is
+ /// configured correctly to match the intended semantics. Namely:
+ ///
+ /// * It should be anchored.
+ /// * It should use [`MatchKind::All`] semantics.
+ /// * It should match in reverse.
+ /// * It should have anchored start states compiled for each pattern.
+ /// * Otherwise, its configuration should match the forward DFA.
+ ///
+ /// If these conditions are satisfied, then behavior of searches is
+ /// unspecified.
+ ///
+ /// Note that when using this constructor, only the configuration from
+ /// [`Config`] is applied. The only configuration settings on this builder
+ /// only apply when the builder owns the construction of the DFAs
+ /// themselves.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example is a bit a contrived. The usual use of these methods
+ /// would involve serializing `initial_re` somewhere and then deserializing
+ /// it later to build a regex. But in this case, we do everything in
+ /// memory.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::dfa::regex::Regex;
+ ///
+ /// let initial_re = Regex::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ /// assert_eq!(true, initial_re.is_match(b"foo123"));
+ ///
+ /// let (fwd, rev) = (initial_re.forward(), initial_re.reverse());
+ /// let re = Regex::builder().build_from_dfas(fwd, rev);
+ /// assert_eq!(true, re.is_match(b"foo123"));
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to build a `Regex` that uses sparse DFAs instead
+ /// of dense DFAs without using one of the convenience `build_sparse`
+ /// routines:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::dfa::regex::Regex;
+ ///
+ /// let initial_re = Regex::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ /// assert_eq!(true, initial_re.is_match(b"foo123"));
+ ///
+ /// let fwd = initial_re.forward().to_sparse()?;
+ /// let rev = initial_re.reverse().to_sparse()?;
+ /// let re = Regex::builder().build_from_dfas(fwd, rev);
+ /// assert_eq!(true, re.is_match(b"foo123"));
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn build_from_dfas<A: Automaton>(
+ &self,
+ forward: A,
+ reverse: A,
+ ) -> Regex<A> {
+ let utf8 = self.config.get_utf8();
+ Regex { prefilter: None, forward, reverse, utf8 }
+ }
+ /// Apply the given regex configuration options to this builder.
+ pub fn configure(&mut self, config: Config) -> &mut Builder {
+ self.config = self.config.overwrite(config);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Set the syntax configuration for this builder using
+ /// [`SyntaxConfig`](crate::SyntaxConfig).
+ ///
+ /// This permits setting things like case insensitivity, Unicode and multi
+ /// line mode.
+ pub fn syntax(
+ &mut self,
+ config: crate::util::syntax::SyntaxConfig,
+ ) -> &mut Builder {
+ self.dfa.syntax(config);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Set the Thompson NFA configuration for this builder using
+ /// [`nfa::thompson::Config`](thompson::Config).
+ ///
+ /// This permits setting things like whether additional time should be
+ /// spent shrinking the size of the NFA.
+ pub fn thompson(&mut self, config: thompson::Config) -> &mut Builder {
+ self.dfa.thompson(config);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Set the dense DFA compilation configuration for this builder using
+ /// [`dense::Config`](dense::Config).
+ ///
+ /// This permits setting things like whether the underlying DFAs should
+ /// be minimized.
+ pub fn dense(&mut self, config: dense::Config) -> &mut Builder {
+ self.dfa.configure(config);
+ self
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl Default for Builder {
+ fn default() -> Builder {
+ Builder::new()
+ }
+fn next_unwrap(
+ item: Option<Result<MultiMatch, MatchError>>,
+) -> Option<MultiMatch> {
+ match item {
+ None => None,
+ Some(Ok(m)) => Some(m),
+ Some(Err(err)) => panic!(
+ "unexpected regex search error: {}\n\
+ to handle search errors, use try_ methods",
+ err,
+ ),
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..492414981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+use crate::{
+ dfa::{
+ accel,
+ automaton::{Automaton, OverlappingState, StateMatch},
+ },
+ util::{
+ id::{PatternID, StateID},
+ matchtypes::HalfMatch,
+ prefilter, MATCH_OFFSET,
+ },
+ MatchError,
+pub fn find_earliest_fwd<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ pre: Option<&mut prefilter::Scanner>,
+ dfa: &A,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ // Searching with a pattern ID is always anchored, so we should never use
+ // a prefilter.
+ if pre.is_some() && pattern_id.is_none() {
+ find_fwd(pre, true, dfa, pattern_id, bytes, start, end)
+ } else {
+ find_fwd(None, true, dfa, pattern_id, bytes, start, end)
+ }
+pub fn find_leftmost_fwd<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ pre: Option<&mut prefilter::Scanner>,
+ dfa: &A,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ // Searching with a pattern ID is always anchored, so we should never use
+ // a prefilter.
+ if pre.is_some() && pattern_id.is_none() {
+ find_fwd(pre, false, dfa, pattern_id, bytes, start, end)
+ } else {
+ find_fwd(None, false, dfa, pattern_id, bytes, start, end)
+ }
+/// This is marked as `inline(always)` specifically because it supports
+/// multiple modes of searching. Namely, the 'pre' and 'earliest' parameters
+/// getting inlined eliminate some critical branches. To avoid bloating binary
+/// size, we only call this function in a fixed number of places.
+fn find_fwd<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ mut pre: Option<&mut prefilter::Scanner>,
+ earliest: bool,
+ dfa: &A,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ assert!(start <= end);
+ assert!(start <= haystack.len());
+ assert!(end <= haystack.len());
+ // Why do this? This lets 'bytes[at]' work without bounds checks below.
+ // It seems the assert on 'end <= haystack.len()' above is otherwise
+ // not enough. Why not just make 'bytes' scoped this way anyway? Well,
+ // 'eoi_fwd' (below) might actually want to try to access the byte at 'end'
+ // for resolving look-ahead.
+ let bytes = &haystack[..end];
+ let mut state = init_fwd(dfa, pattern_id, haystack, start, end)?;
+ let mut last_match = None;
+ let mut at = start;
+ if let Some(ref mut pre) = pre {
+ // If a prefilter doesn't report false positives, then we don't need to
+ // touch the DFA at all. However, since all matches include the pattern
+ // ID, and the prefilter infrastructure doesn't report pattern IDs, we
+ // limit this optimization to cases where there is exactly one pattern.
+ // In that case, any match must be the 0th pattern.
+ if dfa.pattern_count() == 1 && !pre.reports_false_positives() {
+ return Ok(pre.next_candidate(bytes, at).into_option().map(
+ |offset| HalfMatch { pattern: PatternID::ZERO, offset },
+ ));
+ } else if pre.is_effective(at) {
+ match pre.next_candidate(bytes, at).into_option() {
+ None => return Ok(None),
+ Some(i) => {
+ at = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while at < end {
+ let byte = bytes[at];
+ state = dfa.next_state(state, byte);
+ at += 1;
+ if dfa.is_special_state(state) {
+ if dfa.is_start_state(state) {
+ if let Some(ref mut pre) = pre {
+ if pre.is_effective(at) {
+ match pre.next_candidate(bytes, at).into_option() {
+ None => return Ok(None),
+ Some(i) => {
+ at = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if dfa.is_accel_state(state) {
+ let needles = dfa.accelerator(state);
+ at = accel::find_fwd(needles, bytes, at)
+ .unwrap_or(bytes.len());
+ }
+ } else if dfa.is_match_state(state) {
+ last_match = Some(HalfMatch {
+ pattern: dfa.match_pattern(state, 0),
+ offset: at - MATCH_OFFSET,
+ });
+ if earliest {
+ return Ok(last_match);
+ }
+ if dfa.is_accel_state(state) {
+ let needles = dfa.accelerator(state);
+ at = accel::find_fwd(needles, bytes, at)
+ .unwrap_or(bytes.len());
+ }
+ } else if dfa.is_accel_state(state) {
+ let needs = dfa.accelerator(state);
+ at = accel::find_fwd(needs, bytes, at).unwrap_or(bytes.len());
+ } else if dfa.is_dead_state(state) {
+ return Ok(last_match);
+ } else {
+ debug_assert!(dfa.is_quit_state(state));
+ if last_match.is_some() {
+ return Ok(last_match);
+ }
+ return Err(MatchError::Quit { byte, offset: at - 1 });
+ }
+ }
+ while at < end && dfa.next_state(state, bytes[at]) == state {
+ at += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(eoi_fwd(dfa, haystack, end, &mut state)?.or(last_match))
+pub fn find_earliest_rev<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ dfa: &A,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ find_rev(true, dfa, pattern_id, bytes, start, end)
+pub fn find_leftmost_rev<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ dfa: &A,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ find_rev(false, dfa, pattern_id, bytes, start, end)
+/// This is marked as `inline(always)` specifically because it supports
+/// multiple modes of searching. Namely, the 'earliest' boolean getting inlined
+/// permits eliminating a few crucial branches.
+fn find_rev<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ earliest: bool,
+ dfa: &A,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ assert!(start <= end);
+ assert!(start <= bytes.len());
+ assert!(end <= bytes.len());
+ let mut state = init_rev(dfa, pattern_id, bytes, start, end)?;
+ let mut last_match = None;
+ let mut at = end;
+ while at > start {
+ at -= 1;
+ while at > start && dfa.next_state(state, bytes[at]) == state {
+ at -= 1;
+ }
+ let byte = bytes[at];
+ state = dfa.next_state(state, byte);
+ if dfa.is_special_state(state) {
+ if dfa.is_start_state(state) {
+ if dfa.is_accel_state(state) {
+ let needles = dfa.accelerator(state);
+ at = accel::find_rev(needles, bytes, at)
+ .map(|i| i + 1)
+ .unwrap_or(0);
+ }
+ } else if dfa.is_match_state(state) {
+ last_match = Some(HalfMatch {
+ pattern: dfa.match_pattern(state, 0),
+ offset: at + MATCH_OFFSET,
+ });
+ if earliest {
+ return Ok(last_match);
+ }
+ if dfa.is_accel_state(state) {
+ let needles = dfa.accelerator(state);
+ at = accel::find_rev(needles, bytes, at)
+ .map(|i| i + 1)
+ .unwrap_or(0);
+ }
+ } else if dfa.is_accel_state(state) {
+ let needles = dfa.accelerator(state);
+ at = accel::find_rev(needles, bytes, at)
+ .map(|i| i + 1)
+ .unwrap_or(0);
+ } else if dfa.is_dead_state(state) {
+ return Ok(last_match);
+ } else {
+ debug_assert!(dfa.is_quit_state(state));
+ if last_match.is_some() {
+ return Ok(last_match);
+ }
+ return Err(MatchError::Quit { byte, offset: at });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(eoi_rev(dfa, bytes, start, state)?.or(last_match))
+pub fn find_overlapping_fwd<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ pre: Option<&mut prefilter::Scanner>,
+ dfa: &A,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ caller_state: &mut OverlappingState,
+) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ // Searching with a pattern ID is always anchored, so we should only ever
+ // use a prefilter when no pattern ID is given.
+ if pre.is_some() && pattern_id.is_none() {
+ find_overlapping_fwd_imp(
+ pre,
+ dfa,
+ pattern_id,
+ bytes,
+ start,
+ end,
+ caller_state,
+ )
+ } else {
+ find_overlapping_fwd_imp(
+ None,
+ dfa,
+ pattern_id,
+ bytes,
+ start,
+ end,
+ caller_state,
+ )
+ }
+/// This is marked as `inline(always)` specifically because it supports
+/// multiple modes of searching. Namely, the 'pre' prefilter getting inlined
+/// permits eliminating a few crucial branches and reduces code size when it is
+/// not used.
+fn find_overlapping_fwd_imp<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ mut pre: Option<&mut prefilter::Scanner>,
+ dfa: &A,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ mut start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ caller_state: &mut OverlappingState,
+) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ assert!(start <= end);
+ assert!(start <= bytes.len());
+ assert!(end <= bytes.len());
+ let mut state = match {
+ None => init_fwd(dfa, pattern_id, bytes, start, end)?,
+ Some(id) => {
+ if let Some(last) = caller_state.last_match() {
+ let match_count = dfa.match_count(id);
+ if last.match_index < match_count {
+ let m = HalfMatch {
+ pattern: dfa.match_pattern(id, last.match_index),
+ offset: last.offset,
+ };
+ last.match_index += 1;
+ return Ok(Some(m));
+ }
+ }
+ // This is a subtle but critical detail. If the caller provides a
+ // non-None state ID, then it must be the case that the state ID
+ // corresponds to one set by this function. The state ID therefore
+ // corresponds to a match state, a dead state or some other state.
+ // However, "some other" state _only_ occurs when the input has
+ // been exhausted because the only way to stop before then is to
+ // see a match or a dead/quit state.
+ //
+ // If the input is exhausted or if it's a dead state, then
+ // incrementing the starting position has no relevance on
+ // correctness, since the loop below will either not execute
+ // at all or will immediately stop due to being in a dead state.
+ // (Once in a dead state it is impossible to leave it.)
+ //
+ // Therefore, the only case we need to consider is when
+ // caller_state is a match state. In this case, since our machines
+ // support the ability to delay a match by a certain number of
+ // bytes (to support look-around), it follows that we actually
+ // consumed that many additional bytes on our previous search. When
+ // the caller resumes their search to find subsequent matches, they
+ // will use the ending location from the previous match as the next
+ // starting point, which is `MATCH_OFFSET` bytes PRIOR to where
+ // we scanned to on the previous search. Therefore, we need to
+ // compensate by bumping `start` up by `MATCH_OFFSET` bytes.
+ //
+ // Incidentally, since MATCH_OFFSET is non-zero, this also makes
+ // dealing with empty matches convenient. Namely, callers needn't
+ // special case them when implementing an iterator. Instead, this
+ // ensures that forward progress is always made.
+ start += MATCH_OFFSET;
+ id
+ }
+ };
+ let mut at = start;
+ while at < end {
+ let byte = bytes[at];
+ state = dfa.next_state(state, byte);
+ at += 1;
+ if dfa.is_special_state(state) {
+ caller_state.set_id(state);
+ if dfa.is_start_state(state) {
+ if let Some(ref mut pre) = pre {
+ if pre.is_effective(at) {
+ match pre.next_candidate(bytes, at).into_option() {
+ None => return Ok(None),
+ Some(i) => {
+ at = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if dfa.is_accel_state(state) {
+ let needles = dfa.accelerator(state);
+ at = accel::find_fwd(needles, bytes, at)
+ .unwrap_or(bytes.len());
+ }
+ } else if dfa.is_match_state(state) {
+ let offset = at - MATCH_OFFSET;
+ caller_state
+ .set_last_match(StateMatch { match_index: 1, offset });
+ return Ok(Some(HalfMatch {
+ pattern: dfa.match_pattern(state, 0),
+ offset,
+ }));
+ } else if dfa.is_accel_state(state) {
+ let needs = dfa.accelerator(state);
+ at = accel::find_fwd(needs, bytes, at).unwrap_or(bytes.len());
+ } else if dfa.is_dead_state(state) {
+ return Ok(None);
+ } else {
+ debug_assert!(dfa.is_quit_state(state));
+ return Err(MatchError::Quit { byte, offset: at - 1 });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let result = eoi_fwd(dfa, bytes, end, &mut state);
+ caller_state.set_id(state);
+ if let Ok(Some(ref last_match)) = result {
+ caller_state.set_last_match(StateMatch {
+ match_index: 1,
+ offset: last_match.offset(),
+ });
+ }
+ result
+fn init_fwd<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ dfa: &A,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+) -> Result<StateID, MatchError> {
+ let state = dfa.start_state_forward(pattern_id, bytes, start, end);
+ // Start states can never be match states, since all matches are delayed
+ // by 1 byte.
+ assert!(!dfa.is_match_state(state));
+ Ok(state)
+fn init_rev<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ dfa: &A,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+) -> Result<StateID, MatchError> {
+ let state = dfa.start_state_reverse(pattern_id, bytes, start, end);
+ // Start states can never be match states, since all matches are delayed
+ // by 1 byte.
+ assert!(!dfa.is_match_state(state));
+ Ok(state)
+fn eoi_fwd<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ dfa: &A,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ end: usize,
+ state: &mut StateID,
+) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ match bytes.get(end) {
+ Some(&b) => {
+ *state = dfa.next_state(*state, b);
+ if dfa.is_match_state(*state) {
+ Ok(Some(HalfMatch {
+ pattern: dfa.match_pattern(*state, 0),
+ offset: end,
+ }))
+ } else {
+ Ok(None)
+ }
+ }
+ None => {
+ *state = dfa.next_eoi_state(*state);
+ if dfa.is_match_state(*state) {
+ Ok(Some(HalfMatch {
+ pattern: dfa.match_pattern(*state, 0),
+ offset: bytes.len(),
+ }))
+ } else {
+ Ok(None)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+fn eoi_rev<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ dfa: &A,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ state: StateID,
+) -> Result<Option<HalfMatch>, MatchError> {
+ if start > 0 {
+ let state = dfa.next_state(state, bytes[start - 1]);
+ if dfa.is_match_state(state) {
+ Ok(Some(HalfMatch {
+ pattern: dfa.match_pattern(state, 0),
+ offset: start,
+ }))
+ } else {
+ Ok(None)
+ }
+ } else {
+ let state = dfa.next_eoi_state(state);
+ if dfa.is_match_state(state) {
+ Ok(Some(HalfMatch {
+ pattern: dfa.match_pattern(state, 0),
+ offset: 0,
+ }))
+ } else {
+ Ok(None)
+ }
+ }
+// Currently unused, but is useful to keep around. This was originally used
+// when the code above used raw pointers for its main loop.
+// /// Returns the distance between the given pointer and the start of `bytes`.
+// /// This assumes that the given pointer points to somewhere in the `bytes`
+// /// slice given.
+// fn offset(bytes: &[u8], p: *const u8) -> usize {
+// debug_assert!(bytes.as_ptr() <= p);
+// debug_assert!(bytes[bytes.len()..].as_ptr() >= p);
+// ((p as isize) - (bytes.as_ptr() as isize)) as usize
+// }
diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea1c29ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+use crate::dfa::automaton::{Automaton, State};
+use crate::MatchError;
+/// This is marked as `inline(always)` specifically because it supports
+/// multiple modes of searching. Namely, the 'earliest' boolean getting inlined
+/// permits eliminating a few crucial branches.
+pub fn find_fwd<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ dfa: &A,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ earliest: bool,
+) -> Result<Option<usize>, MatchError> {
+ assert!(start <= end);
+ assert!(start <= bytes.len());
+ assert!(end <= bytes.len());
+ let (mut state, mut last_match) = init_fwd(dfa, bytes, start, end)?;
+ if earliest && last_match.is_some() {
+ return Ok(last_match);
+ }
+ let mut at = start;
+ while at < end {
+ let byte = bytes[at];
+ state = dfa.next_state(state, byte);
+ at += 1;
+ if dfa.is_special_state(state) {
+ if dfa.is_dead_state(state) {
+ return Ok(last_match);
+ } else if dfa.is_quit_state(state) {
+ return Err(MatchError::Quit { byte, offset: at - 1 });
+ }
+ last_match = Some(at - dfa.match_offset());
+ if earliest {
+ return Ok(last_match);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ unsafe {
+ let mut p = bytes.as_ptr().add(start);
+ while p < bytes[end..].as_ptr() {
+ let byte = *p;
+ state = dfa.next_state_unchecked(state, byte);
+ p = p.add(1);
+ if dfa.is_special_state(state) {
+ if dfa.is_dead_state(state) {
+ return Ok(last_match);
+ } else if dfa.is_quit_state(state) {
+ return Err(MatchError::Quit {
+ byte,
+ offset: offset(bytes, p) - 1,
+ });
+ }
+ last_match = Some(offset(bytes, p) - dfa.match_offset());
+ if earliest {
+ return Ok(last_match);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ Ok(eof_fwd(dfa, bytes, end, &mut state)?.or(last_match))
+/// This is marked as `inline(always)` specifically because it supports
+/// multiple modes of searching. Namely, the 'earliest' boolean getting inlined
+/// permits eliminating a few crucial branches.
+pub fn find_rev<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ dfa: &A,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ earliest: bool,
+) -> Result<Option<usize>, MatchError> {
+ assert!(start <= end);
+ assert!(start <= bytes.len());
+ assert!(end <= bytes.len());
+ let (mut state, mut last_match) = init_rev(dfa, bytes, start, end)?;
+ if earliest && last_match.is_some() {
+ return Ok(last_match);
+ }
+ let mut at = end;
+ while at > start {
+ at -= 1;
+ let byte = bytes[at];
+ state = dfa.next_state(state, byte);
+ if dfa.is_special_state(state) {
+ if dfa.is_dead_state(state) {
+ return Ok(last_match);
+ } else if dfa.is_quit_state(state) {
+ return Err(MatchError::Quit { byte, offset: at });
+ }
+ last_match = Some(at + dfa.match_offset());
+ if earliest {
+ return Ok(last_match);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ unsafe {
+ let mut p = bytes.as_ptr().add(end);
+ while p > bytes[start..].as_ptr() {
+ p = p.sub(1);
+ let byte = *p;
+ state = dfa.next_state_unchecked(state, byte);
+ if dfa.is_special_state(state) {
+ if dfa.is_dead_state(state) {
+ return Ok(last_match);
+ } else if dfa.is_quit_state(state) {
+ return Err(MatchError::Quit {
+ byte,
+ offset: offset(bytes, p),
+ });
+ }
+ last_match = Some(offset(bytes, p) + dfa.match_offset());
+ if earliest {
+ return Ok(last_match);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ Ok(eof_rev(dfa, state, bytes, start)?.or(last_match))
+pub fn find_overlapping_fwd<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ dfa: &A,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ mut start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ caller_state: &mut State<A::ID>,
+) -> Result<Option<usize>, MatchError> {
+ assert!(start <= end);
+ assert!(start <= bytes.len());
+ assert!(end <= bytes.len());
+ let (mut state, mut last_match) = match caller_state.as_option() {
+ None => init_fwd(dfa, bytes, start, end)?,
+ Some(id) => {
+ // This is a subtle but critical detail. If the caller provides a
+ // non-None state ID, then it must be the case that the state ID
+ // corresponds to one set by this function. The state ID therefore
+ // corresponds to a match state, a dead state or some other state.
+ // However, "some other" state _only_ occurs when the input has
+ // been exhausted because the only way to stop before then is to
+ // see a match or a dead/quit state.
+ //
+ // If the input is exhausted or if it's a dead state, then
+ // incrementing the starting position has no relevance on
+ // correctness, since the loop below will either not execute
+ // at all or will immediately stop due to being in a dead state.
+ // (Once in a dead state it is impossible to leave it.)
+ //
+ // Therefore, the only case we need to consider is when
+ // caller_state is a match state. In this case, since our machines
+ // support the ability to delay a match by a certain number of
+ // bytes (to support look-around), it follows that we actually
+ // consumed that many additional bytes on our previous search. When
+ // the caller resumes their search to find subsequent matches, they
+ // will use the ending location from the previous match as the next
+ // starting point, which is `match_offset` bytes PRIOR to where
+ // we scanned to on the previous search. Therefore, we need to
+ // compensate by bumping `start` up by `match_offset` bytes.
+ start += dfa.match_offset();
+ // Since match_offset could be any arbitrary value and we use
+ // `start` in pointer arithmetic below, we check that we are still
+ // in bounds. Otherwise, we could materialize a pointer that is
+ // more than one past the end point of `bytes`, which is UB.
+ if start > end {
+ return Ok(None);
+ }
+ (id, None)
+ }
+ };
+ if last_match.is_some() {
+ caller_state.set(state);
+ return Ok(last_match);
+ }
+ let mut at = start;
+ while at < end {
+ let byte = bytes[at];
+ state = dfa.next_state(state, byte);
+ at += 1;
+ if dfa.is_special_state(state) {
+ caller_state.set(state);
+ if dfa.is_dead_state(state) {
+ return Ok(None);
+ } else if dfa.is_quit_state(state) {
+ return Err(MatchError::Quit { byte, offset: at - 1 });
+ } else {
+ return Ok(Some(at - dfa.match_offset()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ // SAFETY: Other than the normal pointer arithmetic happening here, a
+ // unique aspect of safety for this function is the fact that the caller
+ // can provide the state that the search routine will start with. If this
+ // state were invalid, it would be possible to incorrectly index the
+ // transition table. We however prevent this from happening by guaranteeing
+ // that State is valid. Namely, callers cannot mutate a State. All they can
+ // do is create a "start" state or otherwise reuse a previously set state.
+ // Since callers can't mutate a state, it follows that a previously set
+ // state can only be retrieved by crate internal functions. Therefore, our
+ // use of it is safe since this code will only ever set the provided state
+ // to a valid state.
+ unsafe {
+ let mut p = bytes.as_ptr().add(start);
+ while p < bytes[end..].as_ptr() {
+ let byte = *p;
+ state = dfa.next_state_unchecked(state, byte);
+ p = p.add(1);
+ if dfa.is_special_state(state) {
+ caller_state.set(state);
+ return if dfa.is_dead_state(state) {
+ Ok(None)
+ } else if dfa.is_quit_state(state) {
+ Err(MatchError::Quit { byte, offset: offset(bytes, p) - 1 })
+ } else {
+ Ok(Some(offset(bytes, p) - dfa.match_offset()))
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ let result = eof_fwd(dfa, bytes, end, &mut state);
+ caller_state.set(state);
+ result
+fn init_fwd<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ dfa: &A,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+) -> Result<(A::ID, Option<usize>), MatchError> {
+ let state = dfa.start_state_forward(bytes, start, end);
+ if dfa.is_match_state(state) {
+ Ok((state, Some(start - dfa.match_offset())))
+ } else {
+ Ok((state, None))
+ }
+fn init_rev<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ dfa: &A,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+) -> Result<(A::ID, Option<usize>), MatchError> {
+ let state = dfa.start_state_reverse(bytes, start, end);
+ if dfa.is_match_state(state) {
+ Ok((state, Some(end + dfa.match_offset())))
+ } else {
+ Ok((state, None))
+ }
+fn eof_fwd<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ dfa: &A,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ end: usize,
+ state: &mut A::ID,
+) -> Result<Option<usize>, MatchError> {
+ match bytes.get(end) {
+ Some(&b) => {
+ *state = dfa.next_state(*state, b);
+ if dfa.is_match_state(*state) {
+ Ok(Some(end))
+ } else {
+ Ok(None)
+ }
+ }
+ None => {
+ *state = dfa.next_eof_state(*state);
+ if dfa.is_match_state(*state) {
+ Ok(Some(bytes.len()))
+ } else {
+ Ok(None)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+fn eof_rev<A: Automaton + ?Sized>(
+ dfa: &A,
+ state: A::ID,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+) -> Result<Option<usize>, MatchError> {
+ if start > 0 {
+ if dfa.is_match_state(dfa.next_state(state, bytes[start - 1])) {
+ Ok(Some(start))
+ } else {
+ Ok(None)
+ }
+ } else {
+ if dfa.is_match_state(dfa.next_eof_state(state)) {
+ Ok(Some(0))
+ } else {
+ Ok(None)
+ }
+ }
+/// Returns the distance between the given pointer and the start of `bytes`.
+/// This assumes that the given pointer points to somewhere in the `bytes`
+/// slice given.
+fn offset(bytes: &[u8], p: *const u8) -> usize {
+ debug_assert!(bytes.as_ptr() <= p);
+ debug_assert!(bytes[bytes.len()..].as_ptr() >= p);
+ ((p as isize) - (bytes.as_ptr() as isize)) as usize
diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..346606987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
@@ -0,0 +1,2283 @@
+Types and routines specific to sparse DFAs.
+This module is the home of [`sparse::DFA`](DFA).
+Unlike the [`dense`](super::dense) module, this module does not contain a
+builder or configuration specific for sparse DFAs. Instead, the intended
+way to build a sparse DFA is either by using a default configuration with
+its constructor [`sparse::DFA::new`](DFA::new), or by first configuring the
+construction of a dense DFA with [`dense::Builder`](super::dense::Builder)
+and then calling [`dense::DFA::to_sparse`](super::dense::DFA::to_sparse). For
+example, this configures a sparse DFA to do an overlapping search:
+use regex_automata::{
+ dfa::{Automaton, OverlappingState, dense},
+ HalfMatch, MatchKind,
+let dense_re = dense::Builder::new()
+ .configure(dense::Config::new().match_kind(MatchKind::All))
+ .build(r"Samwise|Sam")?;
+let sparse_re = dense_re.to_sparse()?;
+// Setup our haystack and initial start state.
+let haystack = b"Samwise";
+let mut state = OverlappingState::start();
+// First, 'Sam' will match.
+let end1 = sparse_re.find_overlapping_fwd_at(
+ None, None, haystack, 0, haystack.len(), &mut state,
+assert_eq!(end1, Some(HalfMatch::must(0, 3)));
+// And now 'Samwise' will match.
+let end2 = sparse_re.find_overlapping_fwd_at(
+ None, None, haystack, 3, haystack.len(), &mut state,
+assert_eq!(end2, Some(HalfMatch::must(0, 7)));
+# Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+use core::iter;
+use core::{
+ convert::{TryFrom, TryInto},
+ fmt,
+ mem::size_of,
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+use alloc::{collections::BTreeSet, vec, vec::Vec};
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+use crate::dfa::{dense, error::Error};
+use crate::{
+ dfa::{
+ automaton::{fmt_state_indicator, Automaton},
+ special::Special,
+ },
+ util::{
+ alphabet::ByteClasses,
+ bytes::{self, DeserializeError, Endian, SerializeError},
+ id::{PatternID, StateID},
+ start::Start,
+ DebugByte,
+ },
+const LABEL: &str = "rust-regex-automata-dfa-sparse";
+const VERSION: u32 = 2;
+/// A sparse deterministic finite automaton (DFA) with variable sized states.
+/// In contrast to a [dense::DFA](crate::dfa::dense::DFA), a sparse DFA uses
+/// a more space efficient representation for its transitions. Consequently,
+/// sparse DFAs may use much less memory than dense DFAs, but this comes at a
+/// price. In particular, reading the more space efficient transitions takes
+/// more work, and consequently, searching using a sparse DFA is typically
+/// slower than a dense DFA.
+/// A sparse DFA can be built using the default configuration via the
+/// [`DFA::new`] constructor. Otherwise, one can configure various aspects
+/// of a dense DFA via [`dense::Builder`](crate::dfa::dense::Builder),
+/// and then convert a dense DFA to a sparse DFA using
+/// [`dense::DFA::to_sparse`](crate::dfa::dense::DFA::to_sparse).
+/// In general, a sparse DFA supports all the same search operations as a dense
+/// DFA.
+/// Making the choice between a dense and sparse DFA depends on your specific
+/// work load. If you can sacrifice a bit of search time performance, then a
+/// sparse DFA might be the best choice. In particular, while sparse DFAs are
+/// probably always slower than dense DFAs, you may find that they are easily
+/// fast enough for your purposes!
+/// # Type parameters
+/// A `DFA` has one type parameter, `T`, which is used to represent the parts
+/// of a sparse DFA. `T` is typically a `Vec<u8>` or a `&[u8]`.
+/// # The `Automaton` trait
+/// This type implements the [`Automaton`] trait, which means it can be used
+/// for searching. For example:
+/// ```
+/// use regex_automata::{
+/// dfa::{Automaton, sparse::DFA},
+/// HalfMatch,
+/// };
+/// let dfa = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+/// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+/// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+/// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+/// ```
+pub struct DFA<T> {
+ // When compared to a dense DFA, a sparse DFA *looks* a lot simpler
+ // representation-wise. In reality, it is perhaps more complicated. Namely,
+ // in a dense DFA, all information needs to be very cheaply accessible
+ // using only state IDs. In a sparse DFA however, each state uses a
+ // variable amount of space because each state encodes more information
+ // than just its transitions. Each state also includes an accelerator if
+ // one exists, along with the matching pattern IDs if the state is a match
+ // state.
+ //
+ // That is, a lot of the complexity is pushed down into how each state
+ // itself is represented.
+ trans: Transitions<T>,
+ starts: StartTable<T>,
+ special: Special,
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl DFA<Vec<u8>> {
+ /// Parse the given regular expression using a default configuration and
+ /// return the corresponding sparse DFA.
+ ///
+ /// If you want a non-default configuration, then use
+ /// the [`dense::Builder`](crate::dfa::dense::Builder)
+ /// to set your own configuration, and then call
+ /// [`dense::DFA::to_sparse`](crate::dfa::dense::DFA::to_sparse) to create
+ /// a sparse DFA.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, sparse},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = sparse::DFA::new("foo[0-9]+bar")?;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 11);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345bar")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn new(pattern: &str) -> Result<DFA<Vec<u8>>, Error> {
+ dense::Builder::new()
+ .build(pattern)
+ .and_then(|dense| dense.to_sparse())
+ }
+ /// Parse the given regular expressions using a default configuration and
+ /// return the corresponding multi-DFA.
+ ///
+ /// If you want a non-default configuration, then use
+ /// the [`dense::Builder`](crate::dfa::dense::Builder)
+ /// to set your own configuration, and then call
+ /// [`dense::DFA::to_sparse`](crate::dfa::dense::DFA::to_sparse) to create
+ /// a sparse DFA.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, sparse},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = sparse::DFA::new_many(&["[0-9]+", "[a-z]+"])?;
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(1, 3);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345bar")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn new_many<P: AsRef<str>>(
+ patterns: &[P],
+ ) -> Result<DFA<Vec<u8>>, Error> {
+ dense::Builder::new()
+ .build_many(patterns)
+ .and_then(|dense| dense.to_sparse())
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl DFA<Vec<u8>> {
+ /// Create a new DFA that matches every input.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, sparse},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = sparse::DFA::always_match()?;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 0);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"")?);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn always_match() -> Result<DFA<Vec<u8>>, Error> {
+ dense::DFA::always_match()?.to_sparse()
+ }
+ /// Create a new sparse DFA that never matches any input.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::dfa::{Automaton, sparse};
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = sparse::DFA::never_match()?;
+ /// assert_eq!(None, dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"")?);
+ /// assert_eq!(None, dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn never_match() -> Result<DFA<Vec<u8>>, Error> {
+ dense::DFA::never_match()?.to_sparse()
+ }
+ /// The implementation for constructing a sparse DFA from a dense DFA.
+ pub(crate) fn from_dense<T: AsRef<[u32]>>(
+ dfa: &dense::DFA<T>,
+ ) -> Result<DFA<Vec<u8>>, Error> {
+ // In order to build the transition table, we need to be able to write
+ // state identifiers for each of the "next" transitions in each state.
+ // Our state identifiers correspond to the byte offset in the
+ // transition table at which the state is encoded. Therefore, we do not
+ // actually know what the state identifiers are until we've allocated
+ // exactly as much space as we need for each state. Thus, construction
+ // of the transition table happens in two passes.
+ //
+ // In the first pass, we fill out the shell of each state, which
+ // includes the transition count, the input byte ranges and zero-filled
+ // space for the transitions and accelerators, if present. In this
+ // first pass, we also build up a map from the state identifier index
+ // of the dense DFA to the state identifier in this sparse DFA.
+ //
+ // In the second pass, we fill in the transitions based on the map
+ // built in the first pass.
+ // The capacity given here reflects a minimum. (Well, the true minimum
+ // is likely even bigger, but hopefully this saves a few reallocs.)
+ let mut sparse = Vec::with_capacity(StateID::SIZE * dfa.state_count());
+ // This maps state indices from the dense DFA to StateIDs in the sparse
+ // DFA. We build out this map on the first pass, and then use it in the
+ // second pass to back-fill our transitions.
+ let mut remap: Vec<StateID> = vec![DEAD; dfa.state_count()];
+ for state in dfa.states() {
+ let pos = sparse.len();
+ remap[dfa.to_index(] =
+ StateID::new(pos).map_err(|_| Error::too_many_states())?;
+ // zero-filled space for the transition count
+ sparse.push(0);
+ sparse.push(0);
+ let mut transition_count = 0;
+ for (unit1, unit2, _) in state.sparse_transitions() {
+ match (unit1.as_u8(), unit2.as_u8()) {
+ (Some(b1), Some(b2)) => {
+ transition_count += 1;
+ sparse.push(b1);
+ sparse.push(b2);
+ }
+ (None, None) => {}
+ (Some(_), None) | (None, Some(_)) => {
+ // can never occur because sparse_transitions never
+ // groups EOI with any other transition.
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Add dummy EOI transition. This is never actually read while
+ // searching, but having space equivalent to the total number
+ // of transitions is convenient. Otherwise, we'd need to track
+ // a different number of transitions for the byte ranges as for
+ // the 'next' states.
+ //
+ // N.B. The loop above is not guaranteed to yield the EOI
+ // transition, since it may point to a DEAD state. By putting
+ // it here, we always write the EOI transition, and thus
+ // guarantee that our transition count is >0. Why do we always
+ // need the EOI transition? Because in order to implement
+ // Automaton::next_eoi_state, this lets us just ask for the last
+ // transition. There are probably other/better ways to do this.
+ transition_count += 1;
+ sparse.push(0);
+ sparse.push(0);
+ // Check some assumptions about transition count.
+ assert_ne!(
+ transition_count, 0,
+ "transition count should be non-zero",
+ );
+ assert!(
+ transition_count <= 257,
+ "expected transition count {} to be <= 257",
+ transition_count,
+ );
+ // Fill in the transition count.
+ // Since transition count is always <= 257, we use the most
+ // significant bit to indicate whether this is a match state or
+ // not.
+ let ntrans = if dfa.is_match_state( {
+ transition_count | (1 << 15)
+ } else {
+ transition_count
+ };
+ bytes::NE::write_u16(ntrans, &mut sparse[pos..]);
+ // zero-fill the actual transitions.
+ // Unwraps are OK since transition_count <= 257 and our minimum
+ // support usize size is 16-bits.
+ let zeros = usize::try_from(transition_count)
+ .unwrap()
+ .checked_mul(StateID::SIZE)
+ .unwrap();
+ sparse.extend(iter::repeat(0).take(zeros));
+ // If this is a match state, write the pattern IDs matched by this
+ // state.
+ if dfa.is_match_state( {
+ let plen = dfa.match_pattern_len(;
+ // Write the actual pattern IDs with a u32 length prefix.
+ // First, zero-fill space.
+ let mut pos = sparse.len();
+ // Unwraps are OK since it's guaranteed that plen <=
+ // PatternID::LIMIT, which is in turn guaranteed to fit into a
+ // u32.
+ let zeros = size_of::<u32>()
+ .checked_mul(plen)
+ .unwrap()
+ .checked_add(size_of::<u32>())
+ .unwrap();
+ sparse.extend(iter::repeat(0).take(zeros));
+ // Now write the length prefix.
+ bytes::NE::write_u32(
+ // Will never fail since u32::MAX is invalid pattern ID.
+ // Thus, the number of pattern IDs is representable by a
+ // u32.
+ plen.try_into().expect("pattern ID count fits in u32"),
+ &mut sparse[pos..],
+ );
+ pos += size_of::<u32>();
+ // Now write the pattern IDs.
+ for &pid in dfa.pattern_id_slice( {
+ pos += bytes::write_pattern_id::<bytes::NE>(
+ pid,
+ &mut sparse[pos..],
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // And now add the accelerator, if one exists. An accelerator is
+ // at most 4 bytes and at least 1 byte. The first byte is the
+ // length, N. N bytes follow the length. The set of bytes that
+ // follow correspond (exhaustively) to the bytes that must be seen
+ // to leave this state.
+ let accel = dfa.accelerator(;
+ sparse.push(accel.len().try_into().unwrap());
+ sparse.extend_from_slice(accel);
+ }
+ let mut new = DFA {
+ trans: Transitions {
+ sparse,
+ classes: dfa.byte_classes().clone(),
+ count: dfa.state_count(),
+ patterns: dfa.pattern_count(),
+ },
+ starts: StartTable::from_dense_dfa(dfa, &remap)?,
+ special: dfa.special().remap(|id| remap[dfa.to_index(id)]),
+ };
+ // And here's our second pass. Iterate over all of the dense states
+ // again, and update the transitions in each of the states in the
+ // sparse DFA.
+ for old_state in dfa.states() {
+ let new_id = remap[dfa.to_index(];
+ let mut new_state = new.trans.state_mut(new_id);
+ let sparse = old_state.sparse_transitions();
+ for (i, (_, _, next)) in sparse.enumerate() {
+ let next = remap[dfa.to_index(next)];
+ new_state.set_next_at(i, next);
+ }
+ }
+ trace!(
+ "created sparse DFA, memory usage: {} (dense memory usage: {})",
+ new.memory_usage(),
+ dfa.memory_usage(),
+ );
+ Ok(new)
+ }
+impl<T: AsRef<[u8]>> DFA<T> {
+ /// Cheaply return a borrowed version of this sparse DFA. Specifically, the
+ /// DFA returned always uses `&[u8]` for its transitions.
+ pub fn as_ref<'a>(&'a self) -> DFA<&'a [u8]> {
+ DFA {
+ trans: self.trans.as_ref(),
+ starts: self.starts.as_ref(),
+ special: self.special,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return an owned version of this sparse DFA. Specifically, the DFA
+ /// returned always uses `Vec<u8>` for its transitions.
+ ///
+ /// Effectively, this returns a sparse DFA whose transitions live on the
+ /// heap.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub fn to_owned(&self) -> DFA<Vec<u8>> {
+ DFA {
+ trans: self.trans.to_owned(),
+ starts: self.starts.to_owned(),
+ special: self.special,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the memory usage, in bytes, of this DFA.
+ ///
+ /// The memory usage is computed based on the number of bytes used to
+ /// represent this DFA.
+ ///
+ /// This does **not** include the stack size used up by this DFA. To
+ /// compute that, use `std::mem::size_of::<sparse::DFA>()`.
+ pub fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
+ self.trans.memory_usage() + self.starts.memory_usage()
+ }
+ /// Returns true only if this DFA has starting states for each pattern.
+ ///
+ /// When a DFA has starting states for each pattern, then a search with the
+ /// DFA can be configured to only look for anchored matches of a specific
+ /// pattern. Specifically, APIs like [`Automaton::find_earliest_fwd_at`]
+ /// can accept a non-None `pattern_id` if and only if this method returns
+ /// true. Otherwise, calling `find_earliest_fwd_at` will panic.
+ ///
+ /// Note that if the DFA is empty, this always returns false.
+ pub fn has_starts_for_each_pattern(&self) -> bool {
+ self.starts.patterns > 0
+ }
+/// Routines for converting a sparse DFA to other representations, such as raw
+/// bytes suitable for persistent storage.
+impl<T: AsRef<[u8]>> DFA<T> {
+ /// Serialize this DFA as raw bytes to a `Vec<u8>` in little endian
+ /// format.
+ ///
+ /// The written bytes are guaranteed to be deserialized correctly and
+ /// without errors in a semver compatible release of this crate by a
+ /// `DFA`'s deserialization APIs (assuming all other criteria for the
+ /// deserialization APIs has been satisfied):
+ ///
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes`]
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes_unchecked`]
+ ///
+ /// Note that unlike a [`dense::DFA`](crate::dfa::dense::DFA)'s
+ /// serialization methods, this does not add any initial padding to the
+ /// returned bytes. Padding isn't required for sparse DFAs since they have
+ /// no alignment requirements.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to serialize and deserialize a DFA:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, sparse::DFA},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// // Compile our original DFA.
+ /// let original_dfa = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ ///
+ /// // N.B. We use native endianness here to make the example work, but
+ /// // using to_bytes_little_endian would work on a little endian target.
+ /// let buf = original_dfa.to_bytes_native_endian();
+ /// // Even if buf has initial padding, DFA::from_bytes will automatically
+ /// // ignore it.
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u8]> = DFA::from_bytes(&buf)?.0;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub fn to_bytes_little_endian(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
+ self.to_bytes::<bytes::LE>()
+ }
+ /// Serialize this DFA as raw bytes to a `Vec<u8>` in big endian
+ /// format.
+ ///
+ /// The written bytes are guaranteed to be deserialized correctly and
+ /// without errors in a semver compatible release of this crate by a
+ /// `DFA`'s deserialization APIs (assuming all other criteria for the
+ /// deserialization APIs has been satisfied):
+ ///
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes`]
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes_unchecked`]
+ ///
+ /// Note that unlike a [`dense::DFA`](crate::dfa::dense::DFA)'s
+ /// serialization methods, this does not add any initial padding to the
+ /// returned bytes. Padding isn't required for sparse DFAs since they have
+ /// no alignment requirements.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to serialize and deserialize a DFA:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, sparse::DFA},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// // Compile our original DFA.
+ /// let original_dfa = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ ///
+ /// // N.B. We use native endianness here to make the example work, but
+ /// // using to_bytes_big_endian would work on a big endian target.
+ /// let buf = original_dfa.to_bytes_native_endian();
+ /// // Even if buf has initial padding, DFA::from_bytes will automatically
+ /// // ignore it.
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u8]> = DFA::from_bytes(&buf)?.0;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub fn to_bytes_big_endian(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
+ self.to_bytes::<bytes::BE>()
+ }
+ /// Serialize this DFA as raw bytes to a `Vec<u8>` in native endian
+ /// format.
+ ///
+ /// The written bytes are guaranteed to be deserialized correctly and
+ /// without errors in a semver compatible release of this crate by a
+ /// `DFA`'s deserialization APIs (assuming all other criteria for the
+ /// deserialization APIs has been satisfied):
+ ///
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes`]
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes_unchecked`]
+ ///
+ /// Note that unlike a [`dense::DFA`](crate::dfa::dense::DFA)'s
+ /// serialization methods, this does not add any initial padding to the
+ /// returned bytes. Padding isn't required for sparse DFAs since they have
+ /// no alignment requirements.
+ ///
+ /// Generally speaking, native endian format should only be used when
+ /// you know that the target you're compiling the DFA for matches the
+ /// endianness of the target on which you're compiling DFA. For example,
+ /// if serialization and deserialization happen in the same process or on
+ /// the same machine. Otherwise, when serializing a DFA for use in a
+ /// portable environment, you'll almost certainly want to serialize _both_
+ /// a little endian and a big endian version and then load the correct one
+ /// based on the target's configuration.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to serialize and deserialize a DFA:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, sparse::DFA},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// // Compile our original DFA.
+ /// let original_dfa = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ ///
+ /// let buf = original_dfa.to_bytes_native_endian();
+ /// // Even if buf has initial padding, DFA::from_bytes will automatically
+ /// // ignore it.
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u8]> = DFA::from_bytes(&buf)?.0;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub fn to_bytes_native_endian(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
+ self.to_bytes::<bytes::NE>()
+ }
+ /// The implementation of the public `to_bytes` serialization methods,
+ /// which is generic over endianness.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ fn to_bytes<E: Endian>(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
+ let mut buf = vec![0; self.write_to_len()];
+ // This should always succeed since the only possible serialization
+ // error is providing a buffer that's too small, but we've ensured that
+ // `buf` is big enough here.
+ self.write_to::<E>(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ buf
+ }
+ /// Serialize this DFA as raw bytes to the given slice, in little endian
+ /// format. Upon success, the total number of bytes written to `dst` is
+ /// returned.
+ ///
+ /// The written bytes are guaranteed to be deserialized correctly and
+ /// without errors in a semver compatible release of this crate by a
+ /// `DFA`'s deserialization APIs (assuming all other criteria for the
+ /// deserialization APIs has been satisfied):
+ ///
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes`]
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes_unchecked`]
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This returns an error if the given destination slice is not big enough
+ /// to contain the full serialized DFA. If an error occurs, then nothing
+ /// is written to `dst`.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to serialize and deserialize a DFA without
+ /// dynamic memory allocation.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, sparse::DFA},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// // Compile our original DFA.
+ /// let original_dfa = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ ///
+ /// // Create a 4KB buffer on the stack to store our serialized DFA.
+ /// let mut buf = [0u8; 4 * (1<<10)];
+ /// // N.B. We use native endianness here to make the example work, but
+ /// // using write_to_little_endian would work on a little endian target.
+ /// let written = original_dfa.write_to_native_endian(&mut buf)?;
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u8]> = DFA::from_bytes(&buf[..written])?.0;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn write_to_little_endian(
+ &self,
+ dst: &mut [u8],
+ ) -> Result<usize, SerializeError> {
+ self.write_to::<bytes::LE>(dst)
+ }
+ /// Serialize this DFA as raw bytes to the given slice, in big endian
+ /// format. Upon success, the total number of bytes written to `dst` is
+ /// returned.
+ ///
+ /// The written bytes are guaranteed to be deserialized correctly and
+ /// without errors in a semver compatible release of this crate by a
+ /// `DFA`'s deserialization APIs (assuming all other criteria for the
+ /// deserialization APIs has been satisfied):
+ ///
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes`]
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes_unchecked`]
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This returns an error if the given destination slice is not big enough
+ /// to contain the full serialized DFA. If an error occurs, then nothing
+ /// is written to `dst`.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to serialize and deserialize a DFA without
+ /// dynamic memory allocation.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, sparse::DFA},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// // Compile our original DFA.
+ /// let original_dfa = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ ///
+ /// // Create a 4KB buffer on the stack to store our serialized DFA.
+ /// let mut buf = [0u8; 4 * (1<<10)];
+ /// // N.B. We use native endianness here to make the example work, but
+ /// // using write_to_big_endian would work on a big endian target.
+ /// let written = original_dfa.write_to_native_endian(&mut buf)?;
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u8]> = DFA::from_bytes(&buf[..written])?.0;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn write_to_big_endian(
+ &self,
+ dst: &mut [u8],
+ ) -> Result<usize, SerializeError> {
+ self.write_to::<bytes::BE>(dst)
+ }
+ /// Serialize this DFA as raw bytes to the given slice, in native endian
+ /// format. Upon success, the total number of bytes written to `dst` is
+ /// returned.
+ ///
+ /// The written bytes are guaranteed to be deserialized correctly and
+ /// without errors in a semver compatible release of this crate by a
+ /// `DFA`'s deserialization APIs (assuming all other criteria for the
+ /// deserialization APIs has been satisfied):
+ ///
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes`]
+ /// * [`DFA::from_bytes_unchecked`]
+ ///
+ /// Generally speaking, native endian format should only be used when
+ /// you know that the target you're compiling the DFA for matches the
+ /// endianness of the target on which you're compiling DFA. For example,
+ /// if serialization and deserialization happen in the same process or on
+ /// the same machine. Otherwise, when serializing a DFA for use in a
+ /// portable environment, you'll almost certainly want to serialize _both_
+ /// a little endian and a big endian version and then load the correct one
+ /// based on the target's configuration.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This returns an error if the given destination slice is not big enough
+ /// to contain the full serialized DFA. If an error occurs, then nothing
+ /// is written to `dst`.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to serialize and deserialize a DFA without
+ /// dynamic memory allocation.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, sparse::DFA},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// // Compile our original DFA.
+ /// let original_dfa = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ ///
+ /// // Create a 4KB buffer on the stack to store our serialized DFA.
+ /// let mut buf = [0u8; 4 * (1<<10)];
+ /// let written = original_dfa.write_to_native_endian(&mut buf)?;
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u8]> = DFA::from_bytes(&buf[..written])?.0;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn write_to_native_endian(
+ &self,
+ dst: &mut [u8],
+ ) -> Result<usize, SerializeError> {
+ self.write_to::<bytes::NE>(dst)
+ }
+ /// The implementation of the public `write_to` serialization methods,
+ /// which is generic over endianness.
+ fn write_to<E: Endian>(
+ &self,
+ dst: &mut [u8],
+ ) -> Result<usize, SerializeError> {
+ let mut nw = 0;
+ nw += bytes::write_label(LABEL, &mut dst[nw..])?;
+ nw += bytes::write_endianness_check::<E>(&mut dst[nw..])?;
+ nw += bytes::write_version::<E>(VERSION, &mut dst[nw..])?;
+ nw += {
+ // Currently unused, intended for future flexibility
+ E::write_u32(0, &mut dst[nw..]);
+ size_of::<u32>()
+ };
+ nw += self.trans.write_to::<E>(&mut dst[nw..])?;
+ nw += self.starts.write_to::<E>(&mut dst[nw..])?;
+ nw += self.special.write_to::<E>(&mut dst[nw..])?;
+ Ok(nw)
+ }
+ /// Return the total number of bytes required to serialize this DFA.
+ ///
+ /// This is useful for determining the size of the buffer required to pass
+ /// to one of the serialization routines:
+ ///
+ /// * [`DFA::write_to_little_endian`]
+ /// * [`DFA::write_to_big_endian`]
+ /// * [`DFA::write_to_native_endian`]
+ ///
+ /// Passing a buffer smaller than the size returned by this method will
+ /// result in a serialization error.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to dynamically allocate enough room to serialize
+ /// a sparse DFA.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, sparse::DFA},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// // Compile our original DFA.
+ /// let original_dfa = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ ///
+ /// let mut buf = vec![0; original_dfa.write_to_len()];
+ /// let written = original_dfa.write_to_native_endian(&mut buf)?;
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u8]> = DFA::from_bytes(&buf[..written])?.0;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub fn write_to_len(&self) -> usize {
+ bytes::write_label_len(LABEL)
+ + bytes::write_endianness_check_len()
+ + bytes::write_version_len()
+ + size_of::<u32>() // unused, intended for future flexibility
+ + self.trans.write_to_len()
+ + self.starts.write_to_len()
+ + self.special.write_to_len()
+ }
+impl<'a> DFA<&'a [u8]> {
+ /// Safely deserialize a sparse DFA with a specific state identifier
+ /// representation. Upon success, this returns both the deserialized DFA
+ /// and the number of bytes read from the given slice. Namely, the contents
+ /// of the slice beyond the DFA are not read.
+ ///
+ /// Deserializing a DFA using this routine will never allocate heap memory.
+ /// For safety purposes, the DFA's transitions will be verified such that
+ /// every transition points to a valid state. If this verification is too
+ /// costly, then a [`DFA::from_bytes_unchecked`] API is provided, which
+ /// will always execute in constant time.
+ ///
+ /// The bytes given must be generated by one of the serialization APIs
+ /// of a `DFA` using a semver compatible release of this crate. Those
+ /// include:
+ ///
+ /// * [`DFA::to_bytes_little_endian`]
+ /// * [`DFA::to_bytes_big_endian`]
+ /// * [`DFA::to_bytes_native_endian`]
+ /// * [`DFA::write_to_little_endian`]
+ /// * [`DFA::write_to_big_endian`]
+ /// * [`DFA::write_to_native_endian`]
+ ///
+ /// The `to_bytes` methods allocate and return a `Vec<u8>` for you. The
+ /// `write_to` methods do not allocate and write to an existing slice
+ /// (which may be on the stack). Since deserialization always uses the
+ /// native endianness of the target platform, the serialization API you use
+ /// should match the endianness of the target platform. (It's often a good
+ /// idea to generate serialized DFAs for both forms of endianness and then
+ /// load the correct one based on endianness.)
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// Generally speaking, it's easier to state the conditions in which an
+ /// error is _not_ returned. All of the following must be true:
+ ///
+ /// * The bytes given must be produced by one of the serialization APIs
+ /// on this DFA, as mentioned above.
+ /// * The endianness of the target platform matches the endianness used to
+ /// serialized the provided DFA.
+ ///
+ /// If any of the above are not true, then an error will be returned.
+ ///
+ /// Note that unlike deserializing a
+ /// [`dense::DFA`](crate::dfa::dense::DFA), deserializing a sparse DFA has
+ /// no alignment requirements. That is, an alignment of `1` is valid.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This routine will never panic for any input.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// This example shows how to serialize a DFA to raw bytes, deserialize it
+ /// and then use it for searching.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, sparse::DFA},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let initial = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ /// let bytes = initial.to_bytes_native_endian();
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u8]> = DFA::from_bytes(&bytes)?.0;
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Example: loading a DFA from static memory
+ ///
+ /// One use case this library supports is the ability to serialize a
+ /// DFA to disk and then use `include_bytes!` to store it in a compiled
+ /// Rust program. Those bytes can then be cheaply deserialized into a
+ /// `DFA` structure at runtime and used for searching without having to
+ /// re-compile the DFA (which can be quite costly).
+ ///
+ /// We can show this in two parts. The first part is serializing the DFA to
+ /// a file:
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use regex_automata::dfa::{Automaton, sparse::DFA};
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ ///
+ /// // Write a big endian serialized version of this DFA to a file.
+ /// let bytes = dfa.to_bytes_big_endian();
+ /// std::fs::write("foo.bigendian.dfa", &bytes)?;
+ ///
+ /// // Do it again, but this time for little endian.
+ /// let bytes = dfa.to_bytes_little_endian();
+ /// std::fs::write("foo.littleendian.dfa", &bytes)?;
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// And now the second part is embedding the DFA into the compiled program
+ /// and deserializing it at runtime on first use. We use conditional
+ /// compilation to choose the correct endianness. As mentioned above, we
+ /// do not need to employ any special tricks to ensure a proper alignment,
+ /// since a sparse DFA has no alignment requirements.
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, sparse},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// type DFA = sparse::DFA<&'static [u8]>;
+ ///
+ /// fn get_foo() -> &'static DFA {
+ /// use std::cell::Cell;
+ /// use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
+ /// use std::sync::Once;
+ ///
+ /// # const _: &str = stringify! {
+ /// #[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
+ /// static BYTES: &[u8] = include_bytes!("foo.bigendian.dfa");
+ /// #[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
+ /// static BYTES: &[u8] = include_bytes!("foo.littleendian.dfa");
+ /// # };
+ /// # static BYTES: &[u8] = b"";
+ ///
+ /// struct Lazy(Cell<MaybeUninit<DFA>>);
+ /// // SAFETY: This is safe because DFA impls Sync.
+ /// unsafe impl Sync for Lazy {}
+ ///
+ /// static INIT: Once = Once::new();
+ /// static DFA: Lazy = Lazy(Cell::new(MaybeUninit::uninit()));
+ ///
+ /// INIT.call_once(|| {
+ /// let (dfa, _) = DFA::from_bytes(BYTES)
+ /// .expect("serialized DFA should be valid");
+ /// // SAFETY: This is guaranteed to only execute once, and all
+ /// // we do with the pointer is write the DFA to it.
+ /// unsafe {
+ /// (*DFA.0.as_ptr()).as_mut_ptr().write(dfa);
+ /// }
+ /// });
+ /// // SAFETY: DFA is guaranteed to by initialized via INIT and is
+ /// // stored in static memory.
+ /// unsafe {
+ /// let dfa = (*DFA.0.as_ptr()).as_ptr();
+ /// std::mem::transmute::<*const DFA, &'static DFA>(dfa)
+ /// }
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// let dfa = get_foo();
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Ok(Some(expected)), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345"));
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Alternatively, consider using
+ /// [`lazy_static`](
+ /// or
+ /// [`once_cell`](,
+ /// which will guarantee safety for you.
+ pub fn from_bytes(
+ slice: &'a [u8],
+ ) -> Result<(DFA<&'a [u8]>, usize), DeserializeError> {
+ // SAFETY: This is safe because we validate both the sparse transitions
+ // (by trying to decode every state) and start state ID list below. If
+ // either validation fails, then we return an error.
+ let (dfa, nread) = unsafe { DFA::from_bytes_unchecked(slice)? };
+ dfa.trans.validate()?;
+ dfa.starts.validate(&dfa.trans)?;
+ // N.B. dfa.special doesn't have a way to do unchecked deserialization,
+ // so it has already been validated.
+ Ok((dfa, nread))
+ }
+ /// Deserialize a DFA with a specific state identifier representation in
+ /// constant time by omitting the verification of the validity of the
+ /// sparse transitions.
+ ///
+ /// This is just like [`DFA::from_bytes`], except it can potentially return
+ /// a DFA that exhibits undefined behavior if its transitions contains
+ /// invalid state identifiers.
+ ///
+ /// This routine is useful if you need to deserialize a DFA cheaply and
+ /// cannot afford the transition validation performed by `from_bytes`.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// This routine is unsafe because it permits callers to provide
+ /// arbitrary transitions with possibly incorrect state identifiers. While
+ /// the various serialization routines will never return an incorrect
+ /// DFA, there is no guarantee that the bytes provided here
+ /// are correct. While `from_bytes_unchecked` will still do several forms
+ /// of basic validation, this routine does not check that the transitions
+ /// themselves are correct. Given an incorrect transition table, it is
+ /// possible for the search routines to access out-of-bounds memory because
+ /// of explicit bounds check elision.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use regex_automata::{
+ /// dfa::{Automaton, sparse::DFA},
+ /// HalfMatch,
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// let initial = DFA::new("foo[0-9]+")?;
+ /// let bytes = initial.to_bytes_native_endian();
+ /// // SAFETY: This is guaranteed to be safe since the bytes given come
+ /// // directly from a compatible serialization routine.
+ /// let dfa: DFA<&[u8]> = unsafe { DFA::from_bytes_unchecked(&bytes)?.0 };
+ ///
+ /// let expected = HalfMatch::must(0, 8);
+ /// assert_eq!(Some(expected), dfa.find_leftmost_fwd(b"foo12345")?);
+ /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+ /// ```
+ pub unsafe fn from_bytes_unchecked(
+ slice: &'a [u8],
+ ) -> Result<(DFA<&'a [u8]>, usize), DeserializeError> {
+ let mut nr = 0;
+ nr += bytes::read_label(&slice[nr..], LABEL)?;
+ nr += bytes::read_endianness_check(&slice[nr..])?;
+ nr += bytes::read_version(&slice[nr..], VERSION)?;
+ let _unused = bytes::try_read_u32(&slice[nr..], "unused space")?;
+ nr += size_of::<u32>();
+ let (trans, nread) = Transitions::from_bytes_unchecked(&slice[nr..])?;
+ nr += nread;
+ let (starts, nread) = StartTable::from_bytes_unchecked(&slice[nr..])?;
+ nr += nread;
+ let (special, nread) = Special::from_bytes(&slice[nr..])?;
+ nr += nread;
+ if special.max.as_usize() >= trans.sparse().len() {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic(
+ "max should not be greater than or equal to sparse bytes",
+ ));
+ }
+ Ok((DFA { trans, starts, special }, nr))
+ }
+impl<T: AsRef<[u8]>> fmt::Debug for DFA<T> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ writeln!(f, "sparse::DFA(")?;
+ for state in self.trans.states() {
+ fmt_state_indicator(f, self,;
+ writeln!(f, "{:06?}: {:?}",, state)?;
+ }
+ writeln!(f, "")?;
+ for (i, (start_id, sty, pid)) in self.starts.iter().enumerate() {
+ if i % self.starts.stride == 0 {
+ match pid {
+ None => writeln!(f, "START-GROUP(ALL)")?,
+ Some(pid) => {
+ writeln!(f, "START_GROUP(pattern: {:?})", pid)?
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ writeln!(f, " {:?} => {:06?}", sty, start_id.as_usize())?;
+ }
+ writeln!(f, "state count: {:?}", self.trans.count)?;
+ writeln!(f, ")")?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+unsafe impl<T: AsRef<[u8]>> Automaton for DFA<T> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_special_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ self.special.is_special_state(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_dead_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ self.special.is_dead_state(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_quit_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ self.special.is_quit_state(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_match_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ self.special.is_match_state(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_start_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ self.special.is_start_state(id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_accel_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ self.special.is_accel_state(id)
+ }
+ // This is marked as inline to help dramatically boost sparse searching,
+ // which decodes each state it enters to follow the next transition.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn next_state(&self, current: StateID, input: u8) -> StateID {
+ let input = self.trans.classes.get(input);
+ self.trans.state(current).next(input)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ unsafe fn next_state_unchecked(
+ &self,
+ current: StateID,
+ input: u8,
+ ) -> StateID {
+ self.next_state(current, input)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn next_eoi_state(&self, current: StateID) -> StateID {
+ self.trans.state(current).next_eoi()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn pattern_count(&self) -> usize {
+ self.trans.patterns
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn match_count(&self, id: StateID) -> usize {
+ self.trans.state(id).pattern_count()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn match_pattern(&self, id: StateID, match_index: usize) -> PatternID {
+ // This is an optimization for the very common case of a DFA with a
+ // single pattern. This conditional avoids a somewhat more costly path
+ // that finds the pattern ID from the state machine, which requires
+ // a bit of slicing/pointer-chasing. This optimization tends to only
+ // matter when matches are frequent.
+ if self.trans.patterns == 1 {
+ return PatternID::ZERO;
+ }
+ self.trans.state(id).pattern_id(match_index)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn start_state_forward(
+ &self,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> StateID {
+ let index = Start::from_position_fwd(bytes, start, end);
+ self.starts.start(index, pattern_id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn start_state_reverse(
+ &self,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ start: usize,
+ end: usize,
+ ) -> StateID {
+ let index = Start::from_position_rev(bytes, start, end);
+ self.starts.start(index, pattern_id)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn accelerator(&self, id: StateID) -> &[u8] {
+ self.trans.state(id).accelerator()
+ }
+/// The transition table portion of a sparse DFA.
+/// The transition table is the core part of the DFA in that it describes how
+/// to move from one state to another based on the input sequence observed.
+/// Unlike a typical dense table based DFA, states in a sparse transition
+/// table have variable size. That is, states with more transitions use more
+/// space than states with fewer transitions. This means that finding the next
+/// transition takes more work than with a dense DFA, but also typically uses
+/// much less space.
+struct Transitions<T> {
+ /// The raw encoding of each state in this DFA.
+ ///
+ /// Each state has the following information:
+ ///
+ /// * A set of transitions to subsequent states. Transitions to the dead
+ /// state are omitted.
+ /// * If the state can be accelerated, then any additional accelerator
+ /// information.
+ /// * If the state is a match state, then the state contains all pattern
+ /// IDs that match when in that state.
+ ///
+ /// To decode a state, use Transitions::state.
+ ///
+ /// In practice, T is either Vec<u8> or &[u8].
+ sparse: T,
+ /// A set of equivalence classes, where a single equivalence class
+ /// represents a set of bytes that never discriminate between a match
+ /// and a non-match in the DFA. Each equivalence class corresponds to a
+ /// single character in this DFA's alphabet, where the maximum number of
+ /// characters is 257 (each possible value of a byte plus the special
+ /// EOI transition). Consequently, the number of equivalence classes
+ /// corresponds to the number of transitions for each DFA state. Note
+ /// though that the *space* used by each DFA state in the transition table
+ /// may be larger. The total space used by each DFA state is known as the
+ /// stride and is documented above.
+ ///
+ /// The only time the number of equivalence classes is fewer than 257 is
+ /// if the DFA's kind uses byte classes which is the default. Equivalence
+ /// classes should generally only be disabled when debugging, so that
+ /// the transitions themselves aren't obscured. Disabling them has no
+ /// other benefit, since the equivalence class map is always used while
+ /// searching. In the vast majority of cases, the number of equivalence
+ /// classes is substantially smaller than 257, particularly when large
+ /// Unicode classes aren't used.
+ ///
+ /// N.B. Equivalence classes aren't particularly useful in a sparse DFA
+ /// in the current implementation, since equivalence classes generally tend
+ /// to correspond to continuous ranges of bytes that map to the same
+ /// transition. So in a sparse DFA, equivalence classes don't really lead
+ /// to a space savings. In the future, it would be good to try and remove
+ /// them from sparse DFAs entirely, but requires a bit of work since sparse
+ /// DFAs are built from dense DFAs, which are in turn built on top of
+ /// equivalence classes.
+ classes: ByteClasses,
+ /// The total number of states in this DFA. Note that a DFA always has at
+ /// least one state---the dead state---even the empty DFA. In particular,
+ /// the dead state always has ID 0 and is correspondingly always the first
+ /// state. The dead state is never a match state.
+ count: usize,
+ /// The total number of unique patterns represented by these match states.
+ patterns: usize,
+impl<'a> Transitions<&'a [u8]> {
+ unsafe fn from_bytes_unchecked(
+ mut slice: &'a [u8],
+ ) -> Result<(Transitions<&'a [u8]>, usize), DeserializeError> {
+ let slice_start = slice.as_ptr() as usize;
+ let (state_count, nr) =
+ bytes::try_read_u32_as_usize(&slice, "state count")?;
+ slice = &slice[nr..];
+ let (pattern_count, nr) =
+ bytes::try_read_u32_as_usize(&slice, "pattern count")?;
+ slice = &slice[nr..];
+ let (classes, nr) = ByteClasses::from_bytes(&slice)?;
+ slice = &slice[nr..];
+ let (len, nr) =
+ bytes::try_read_u32_as_usize(&slice, "sparse transitions length")?;
+ slice = &slice[nr..];
+ bytes::check_slice_len(slice, len, "sparse states byte length")?;
+ let sparse = &slice[..len];
+ slice = &slice[len..];
+ let trans = Transitions {
+ sparse,
+ classes,
+ count: state_count,
+ patterns: pattern_count,
+ };
+ Ok((trans, slice.as_ptr() as usize - slice_start))
+ }
+impl<T: AsRef<[u8]>> Transitions<T> {
+ /// Writes a serialized form of this transition table to the buffer given.
+ /// If the buffer is too small, then an error is returned. To determine
+ /// how big the buffer must be, use `write_to_len`.
+ fn write_to<E: Endian>(
+ &self,
+ mut dst: &mut [u8],
+ ) -> Result<usize, SerializeError> {
+ let nwrite = self.write_to_len();
+ if dst.len() < nwrite {
+ return Err(SerializeError::buffer_too_small(
+ "sparse transition table",
+ ));
+ }
+ dst = &mut dst[..nwrite];
+ // write state count
+ E::write_u32(u32::try_from(self.count).unwrap(), dst);
+ dst = &mut dst[size_of::<u32>()..];
+ // write pattern count
+ E::write_u32(u32::try_from(self.patterns).unwrap(), dst);
+ dst = &mut dst[size_of::<u32>()..];
+ // write byte class map
+ let n = self.classes.write_to(dst)?;
+ dst = &mut dst[n..];
+ // write number of bytes in sparse transitions
+ E::write_u32(u32::try_from(self.sparse().len()).unwrap(), dst);
+ dst = &mut dst[size_of::<u32>()..];
+ // write actual transitions
+ dst.copy_from_slice(self.sparse());
+ Ok(nwrite)
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of bytes the serialized form of this transition
+ /// table will use.
+ fn write_to_len(&self) -> usize {
+ size_of::<u32>() // state count
+ + size_of::<u32>() // pattern count
+ + self.classes.write_to_len()
+ + size_of::<u32>() // sparse transitions length
+ + self.sparse().len()
+ }
+ /// Validates that every state ID in this transition table is valid.
+ ///
+ /// That is, every state ID can be used to correctly index a state in this
+ /// table.
+ fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), DeserializeError> {
+ // In order to validate everything, we not only need to make sure we
+ // can decode every state, but that every transition in every state
+ // points to a valid state. There are many duplicative transitions, so
+ // we record state IDs that we've verified so that we don't redo the
+ // decoding work.
+ //
+ // Except, when in no_std mode, we don't have dynamic memory allocation
+ // available to us, so we skip this optimization. It's not clear
+ // whether doing something more clever is worth it just yet. If you're
+ // profiling this code and need it to run faster, please file an issue.
+ //
+ // ---AG
+ struct Seen {
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ set: BTreeSet<StateID>,
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "alloc"))]
+ set: core::marker::PhantomData<StateID>,
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ impl Seen {
+ fn new() -> Seen {
+ Seen { set: BTreeSet::new() }
+ }
+ fn insert(&mut self, id: StateID) {
+ self.set.insert(id);
+ }
+ fn contains(&self, id: &StateID) -> bool {
+ self.set.contains(id)
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "alloc"))]
+ impl Seen {
+ fn new() -> Seen {
+ Seen { set: core::marker::PhantomData }
+ }
+ fn insert(&mut self, _id: StateID) {}
+ fn contains(&self, _id: &StateID) -> bool {
+ false
+ }
+ }
+ let mut verified: Seen = Seen::new();
+ // We need to make sure that we decode the correct number of states.
+ // Otherwise, an empty set of transitions would validate even if the
+ // recorded state count is non-empty.
+ let mut count = 0;
+ // We can't use the self.states() iterator because it assumes the state
+ // encodings are valid. It could panic if they aren't.
+ let mut id = DEAD;
+ while id.as_usize() < self.sparse().len() {
+ let state = self.try_state(id)?;
+ verified.insert(id);
+ // The next ID should be the offset immediately following `state`.
+ id = StateID::new(bytes::add(
+ id.as_usize(),
+ state.bytes_len(),
+ "next state ID offset",
+ )?)
+ .map_err(|err| {
+ DeserializeError::state_id_error(err, "next state ID offset")
+ })?;
+ count += 1;
+ // Now check that all transitions in this state are correct.
+ for i in 0..state.ntrans {
+ let to = state.next_at(i);
+ if verified.contains(&to) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let _ = self.try_state(to)?;
+ verified.insert(id);
+ }
+ }
+ if count != self.count {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic(
+ "mismatching sparse state count",
+ ));
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Converts these transitions to a borrowed value.
+ fn as_ref(&self) -> Transitions<&'_ [u8]> {
+ Transitions {
+ sparse: self.sparse(),
+ classes: self.classes.clone(),
+ count: self.count,
+ patterns: self.patterns,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Converts these transitions to an owned value.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ fn to_owned(&self) -> Transitions<Vec<u8>> {
+ Transitions {
+ sparse: self.sparse().to_vec(),
+ classes: self.classes.clone(),
+ count: self.count,
+ patterns: self.patterns,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return a convenient representation of the given state.
+ ///
+ /// This panics if the state is invalid.
+ ///
+ /// This is marked as inline to help dramatically boost sparse searching,
+ /// which decodes each state it enters to follow the next transition. Other
+ /// functions involved are also inlined, which should hopefully eliminate
+ /// a lot of the extraneous decoding that is never needed just to follow
+ /// the next transition.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn state(&self, id: StateID) -> State<'_> {
+ let mut state = &self.sparse()[id.as_usize()..];
+ let mut ntrans = bytes::read_u16(&state) as usize;
+ let is_match = (1 << 15) & ntrans != 0;
+ ntrans &= !(1 << 15);
+ state = &state[2..];
+ let (input_ranges, state) = state.split_at(ntrans * 2);
+ let (next, state) = state.split_at(ntrans * StateID::SIZE);
+ let (pattern_ids, state) = if is_match {
+ let npats = bytes::read_u32(&state) as usize;
+ state[4..].split_at(npats * 4)
+ } else {
+ (&[][..], state)
+ };
+ let accel_len = state[0] as usize;
+ let accel = &state[1..accel_len + 1];
+ State { id, is_match, ntrans, input_ranges, next, pattern_ids, accel }
+ }
+ /// Like `state`, but will return an error if the state encoding is
+ /// invalid. This is useful for verifying states after deserialization,
+ /// which is required for a safe deserialization API.
+ ///
+ /// Note that this only verifies that this state is decodable and that
+ /// all of its data is consistent. It does not verify that its state ID
+ /// transitions point to valid states themselves, nor does it verify that
+ /// every pattern ID is valid.
+ fn try_state(&self, id: StateID) -> Result<State<'_>, DeserializeError> {
+ if id.as_usize() > self.sparse().len() {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic("invalid sparse state ID"));
+ }
+ let mut state = &self.sparse()[id.as_usize()..];
+ // Encoding format starts with a u16 that stores the total number of
+ // transitions in this state.
+ let (mut ntrans, _) =
+ bytes::try_read_u16_as_usize(state, "state transition count")?;
+ let is_match = ((1 << 15) & ntrans) != 0;
+ ntrans &= !(1 << 15);
+ state = &state[2..];
+ if ntrans > 257 || ntrans == 0 {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic("invalid transition count"));
+ }
+ // Each transition has two pieces: an inclusive range of bytes on which
+ // it is defined, and the state ID that those bytes transition to. The
+ // pairs come first, followed by a corresponding sequence of state IDs.
+ let input_ranges_len = ntrans.checked_mul(2).unwrap();
+ bytes::check_slice_len(state, input_ranges_len, "sparse byte pairs")?;
+ let (input_ranges, state) = state.split_at(input_ranges_len);
+ // Every range should be of the form A-B, where A<=B.
+ for pair in input_ranges.chunks(2) {
+ let (start, end) = (pair[0], pair[1]);
+ if start > end {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic("invalid input range"));
+ }
+ }
+ // And now extract the corresponding sequence of state IDs. We leave
+ // this sequence as a &[u8] instead of a &[S] because sparse DFAs do
+ // not have any alignment requirements.
+ let next_len = ntrans
+ .checked_mul(self.id_len())
+ .expect("state size * #trans should always fit in a usize");
+ bytes::check_slice_len(state, next_len, "sparse trans state IDs")?;
+ let (next, state) = state.split_at(next_len);
+ // We can at least verify that every state ID is in bounds.
+ for idbytes in next.chunks(self.id_len()) {
+ let (id, _) =
+ bytes::read_state_id(idbytes, "sparse state ID in try_state")?;
+ bytes::check_slice_len(
+ self.sparse(),
+ id.as_usize(),
+ "invalid sparse state ID",
+ )?;
+ }
+ // If this is a match state, then read the pattern IDs for this state.
+ // Pattern IDs is a u32-length prefixed sequence of native endian
+ // encoded 32-bit integers.
+ let (pattern_ids, state) = if is_match {
+ let (npats, nr) =
+ bytes::try_read_u32_as_usize(state, "pattern ID count")?;
+ let state = &state[nr..];
+ let pattern_ids_len =
+ bytes::mul(npats, 4, "sparse pattern ID byte length")?;
+ bytes::check_slice_len(
+ state,
+ pattern_ids_len,
+ "sparse pattern IDs",
+ )?;
+ let (pattern_ids, state) = state.split_at(pattern_ids_len);
+ for patbytes in pattern_ids.chunks(PatternID::SIZE) {
+ bytes::read_pattern_id(
+ patbytes,
+ "sparse pattern ID in try_state",
+ )?;
+ }
+ (pattern_ids, state)
+ } else {
+ (&[][..], state)
+ };
+ // Now read this state's accelerator info. The first byte is the length
+ // of the accelerator, which is typically 0 (for no acceleration) but
+ // is no bigger than 3. The length indicates the number of bytes that
+ // follow, where each byte corresponds to a transition out of this
+ // state.
+ if state.is_empty() {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic("no accelerator length"));
+ }
+ let (accel_len, state) = (state[0] as usize, &state[1..]);
+ if accel_len > 3 {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic(
+ "sparse invalid accelerator length",
+ ));
+ }
+ bytes::check_slice_len(
+ state,
+ accel_len,
+ "sparse corrupt accelerator length",
+ )?;
+ let (accel, _) = (&state[..accel_len], &state[accel_len..]);
+ Ok(State {
+ id,
+ is_match,
+ ntrans,
+ input_ranges,
+ next,
+ pattern_ids,
+ accel,
+ })
+ }
+ /// Return an iterator over all of the states in this DFA.
+ ///
+ /// The iterator returned yields tuples, where the first element is the
+ /// state ID and the second element is the state itself.
+ fn states(&self) -> StateIter<'_, T> {
+ StateIter { trans: self, id: DEAD.as_usize() }
+ }
+ /// Returns the sparse transitions as raw bytes.
+ fn sparse(&self) -> &[u8] {
+ self.sparse.as_ref()
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of bytes represented by a single state ID.
+ fn id_len(&self) -> usize {
+ StateID::SIZE
+ }
+ /// Return the memory usage, in bytes, of these transitions.
+ ///
+ /// This does not include the size of a `Transitions` value itself.
+ fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
+ self.sparse().len()
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl<T: AsMut<[u8]>> Transitions<T> {
+ /// Return a convenient mutable representation of the given state.
+ /// This panics if the state is invalid.
+ fn state_mut(&mut self, id: StateID) -> StateMut<'_> {
+ let mut state = &mut self.sparse_mut()[id.as_usize()..];
+ let mut ntrans = bytes::read_u16(&state) as usize;
+ let is_match = (1 << 15) & ntrans != 0;
+ ntrans &= !(1 << 15);
+ state = &mut state[2..];
+ let (input_ranges, state) = state.split_at_mut(ntrans * 2);
+ let (next, state) = state.split_at_mut(ntrans * StateID::SIZE);
+ let (pattern_ids, state) = if is_match {
+ let npats = bytes::read_u32(&state) as usize;
+ state[4..].split_at_mut(npats * 4)
+ } else {
+ (&mut [][..], state)
+ };
+ let accel_len = state[0] as usize;
+ let accel = &mut state[1..accel_len + 1];
+ StateMut {
+ id,
+ is_match,
+ ntrans,
+ input_ranges,
+ next,
+ pattern_ids,
+ accel,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the sparse transitions as raw mutable bytes.
+ fn sparse_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
+ self.sparse.as_mut()
+ }
+/// The set of all possible starting states in a DFA.
+/// See the eponymous type in the `dense` module for more details. This type
+/// is very similar to `dense::StartTable`, except that its underlying
+/// representation is `&[u8]` instead of `&[S]`. (The latter would require
+/// sparse DFAs to be aligned, which is explicitly something we do not require
+/// because we don't really need it.)
+struct StartTable<T> {
+ /// The initial start state IDs as a contiguous table of native endian
+ /// encoded integers, represented by `S`.
+ ///
+ /// In practice, T is either Vec<u8> or &[u8] and has no alignment
+ /// requirements.
+ ///
+ /// The first `stride` (currently always 4) entries always correspond to
+ /// the start states for the entire DFA. After that, there are
+ /// `stride * patterns` state IDs, where `patterns` may be zero in the
+ /// case of a DFA with no patterns or in the case where the DFA was built
+ /// without enabling starting states for each pattern.
+ table: T,
+ /// The number of starting state IDs per pattern.
+ stride: usize,
+ /// The total number of patterns for which starting states are encoded.
+ /// This may be zero for non-empty DFAs when the DFA was built without
+ /// start states for each pattern.
+ patterns: usize,
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl StartTable<Vec<u8>> {
+ fn new(patterns: usize) -> StartTable<Vec<u8>> {
+ let stride = Start::count();
+ // This is OK since the only way we're here is if a dense DFA could be
+ // constructed successfully, which uses the same space.
+ let len = stride
+ .checked_mul(patterns)
+ .unwrap()
+ .checked_add(stride)
+ .unwrap()
+ .checked_mul(StateID::SIZE)
+ .unwrap();
+ StartTable { table: vec![0; len], stride, patterns }
+ }
+ fn from_dense_dfa<T: AsRef<[u32]>>(
+ dfa: &dense::DFA<T>,
+ remap: &[StateID],
+ ) -> Result<StartTable<Vec<u8>>, Error> {
+ // Unless the DFA has start states compiled for each pattern, then
+ // as far as the starting state table is concerned, there are zero
+ // patterns to account for. It will instead only store starting states
+ // for the entire DFA.
+ let start_pattern_count = if dfa.has_starts_for_each_pattern() {
+ dfa.pattern_count()
+ } else {
+ 0
+ };
+ let mut sl = StartTable::new(start_pattern_count);
+ for (old_start_id, sty, pid) in dfa.starts() {
+ let new_start_id = remap[dfa.to_index(old_start_id)];
+ sl.set_start(sty, pid, new_start_id);
+ }
+ Ok(sl)
+ }
+impl<'a> StartTable<&'a [u8]> {
+ unsafe fn from_bytes_unchecked(
+ mut slice: &'a [u8],
+ ) -> Result<(StartTable<&'a [u8]>, usize), DeserializeError> {
+ let slice_start = slice.as_ptr() as usize;
+ let (stride, nr) =
+ bytes::try_read_u32_as_usize(slice, "sparse start table stride")?;
+ slice = &slice[nr..];
+ let (patterns, nr) = bytes::try_read_u32_as_usize(
+ slice,
+ "sparse start table patterns",
+ )?;
+ slice = &slice[nr..];
+ if stride != Start::count() {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic(
+ "invalid sparse starting table stride",
+ ));
+ }
+ if patterns > PatternID::LIMIT {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic(
+ "sparse invalid number of patterns",
+ ));
+ }
+ let pattern_table_size =
+ bytes::mul(stride, patterns, "sparse invalid pattern count")?;
+ // Our start states always start with a single stride of start states
+ // for the entire automaton which permit it to match any pattern. What
+ // follows it are an optional set of start states for each pattern.
+ let start_state_count = bytes::add(
+ stride,
+ pattern_table_size,
+ "sparse invalid 'any' pattern starts size",
+ )?;
+ let table_bytes_len = bytes::mul(
+ start_state_count,
+ StateID::SIZE,
+ "sparse pattern table bytes length",
+ )?;
+ bytes::check_slice_len(
+ slice,
+ table_bytes_len,
+ "sparse start ID table",
+ )?;
+ let table_bytes = &slice[..table_bytes_len];
+ slice = &slice[table_bytes_len..];
+ let sl = StartTable { table: table_bytes, stride, patterns };
+ Ok((sl, slice.as_ptr() as usize - slice_start))
+ }
+impl<T: AsRef<[u8]>> StartTable<T> {
+ fn write_to<E: Endian>(
+ &self,
+ mut dst: &mut [u8],
+ ) -> Result<usize, SerializeError> {
+ let nwrite = self.write_to_len();
+ if dst.len() < nwrite {
+ return Err(SerializeError::buffer_too_small(
+ "sparse starting table ids",
+ ));
+ }
+ dst = &mut dst[..nwrite];
+ // write stride
+ E::write_u32(u32::try_from(self.stride).unwrap(), dst);
+ dst = &mut dst[size_of::<u32>()..];
+ // write pattern count
+ E::write_u32(u32::try_from(self.patterns).unwrap(), dst);
+ dst = &mut dst[size_of::<u32>()..];
+ // write start IDs
+ dst.copy_from_slice(self.table());
+ Ok(nwrite)
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of bytes the serialized form of this transition
+ /// table will use.
+ fn write_to_len(&self) -> usize {
+ size_of::<u32>() // stride
+ + size_of::<u32>() // # patterns
+ + self.table().len()
+ }
+ /// Validates that every starting state ID in this table is valid.
+ ///
+ /// That is, every starting state ID can be used to correctly decode a
+ /// state in the DFA's sparse transitions.
+ fn validate(
+ &self,
+ trans: &Transitions<T>,
+ ) -> Result<(), DeserializeError> {
+ for (id, _, _) in self.iter() {
+ let _ = trans.try_state(id)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Converts this start list to a borrowed value.
+ fn as_ref(&self) -> StartTable<&'_ [u8]> {
+ StartTable {
+ table: self.table(),
+ stride: self.stride,
+ patterns: self.patterns,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Converts this start list to an owned value.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ fn to_owned(&self) -> StartTable<Vec<u8>> {
+ StartTable {
+ table: self.table().to_vec(),
+ stride: self.stride,
+ patterns: self.patterns,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return the start state for the given index and pattern ID. If the
+ /// pattern ID is None, then the corresponding start state for the entire
+ /// DFA is returned. If the pattern ID is not None, then the corresponding
+ /// starting state for the given pattern is returned. If this start table
+ /// does not have individual starting states for each pattern, then this
+ /// panics.
+ fn start(&self, index: Start, pattern_id: Option<PatternID>) -> StateID {
+ let start_index = index.as_usize();
+ let index = match pattern_id {
+ None => start_index,
+ Some(pid) => {
+ let pid = pid.as_usize();
+ assert!(pid < self.patterns, "invalid pattern ID {:?}", pid);
+ self.stride
+ .checked_mul(pid)
+ .unwrap()
+ .checked_add(self.stride)
+ .unwrap()
+ .checked_add(start_index)
+ .unwrap()
+ }
+ };
+ let start = index * StateID::SIZE;
+ // This OK since we're allowed to assume that the start table contains
+ // valid StateIDs.
+ bytes::read_state_id_unchecked(&self.table()[start..]).0
+ }
+ /// Return an iterator over all start IDs in this table.
+ fn iter(&self) -> StartStateIter<'_, T> {
+ StartStateIter { st: self, i: 0 }
+ }
+ /// Returns the total number of start state IDs in this table.
+ fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.table().len() / StateID::SIZE
+ }
+ /// Returns the table as a raw slice of bytes.
+ fn table(&self) -> &[u8] {
+ self.table.as_ref()
+ }
+ /// Return the memory usage, in bytes, of this start list.
+ ///
+ /// This does not include the size of a `StartTable` value itself.
+ fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
+ self.table().len()
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl<T: AsMut<[u8]>> StartTable<T> {
+ /// Set the start state for the given index and pattern.
+ ///
+ /// If the pattern ID or state ID are not valid, then this will panic.
+ fn set_start(
+ &mut self,
+ index: Start,
+ pattern_id: Option<PatternID>,
+ id: StateID,
+ ) {
+ let start_index = index.as_usize();
+ let index = match pattern_id {
+ None => start_index,
+ Some(pid) => {
+ let pid = pid.as_usize();
+ assert!(pid < self.patterns, "invalid pattern ID {:?}", pid);
+ self.stride
+ .checked_mul(pid)
+ .unwrap()
+ .checked_add(self.stride)
+ .unwrap()
+ .checked_add(start_index)
+ .unwrap()
+ }
+ };
+ let start = index * StateID::SIZE;
+ let end = start + StateID::SIZE;
+ bytes::write_state_id::<bytes::NE>(
+ id,
+ &mut self.table.as_mut()[start..end],
+ );
+ }
+/// An iterator over all state state IDs in a sparse DFA.
+struct StartStateIter<'a, T> {
+ st: &'a StartTable<T>,
+ i: usize,
+impl<'a, T: AsRef<[u8]>> Iterator for StartStateIter<'a, T> {
+ type Item = (StateID, Start, Option<PatternID>);
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(StateID, Start, Option<PatternID>)> {
+ let i = self.i;
+ if i >= {
+ return None;
+ }
+ self.i += 1;
+ // This unwrap is okay since the stride of any DFA must always match
+ // the number of start state types.
+ let start_type = Start::from_usize(i %;
+ let pid = if i < {
+ // This means we don't have start states for each pattern.
+ None
+ } else {
+ // These unwraps are OK since we may assume our table and stride
+ // is correct.
+ let pid = i
+ .checked_sub(
+ .unwrap()
+ .checked_div(
+ .unwrap();
+ Some(PatternID::new(pid).unwrap())
+ };
+ let start = i * StateID::SIZE;
+ let end = start + StateID::SIZE;
+ let bytes =[start..end].try_into().unwrap();
+ // This is OK since we're allowed to assume that any IDs in this start
+ // table are correct and valid for this DFA.
+ let id = StateID::from_ne_bytes_unchecked(bytes);
+ Some((id, start_type, pid))
+ }
+impl<'a, T> fmt::Debug for StartStateIter<'a, T> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("StartStateIter").field("i", &self.i).finish()
+ }
+/// An iterator over all states in a sparse DFA.
+/// This iterator yields tuples, where the first element is the state ID and
+/// the second element is the state itself.
+struct StateIter<'a, T> {
+ trans: &'a Transitions<T>,
+ id: usize,
+impl<'a, T: AsRef<[u8]>> Iterator for StateIter<'a, T> {
+ type Item = State<'a>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<State<'a>> {
+ if >= self.trans.sparse().len() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let state = self.trans.state(StateID::new_unchecked(;
+ = + state.bytes_len();
+ Some(state)
+ }
+impl<'a, T> fmt::Debug for StateIter<'a, T> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("StateIter").field("id", &
+ }
+/// A representation of a sparse DFA state that can be cheaply materialized
+/// from a state identifier.
+struct State<'a> {
+ /// The identifier of this state.
+ id: StateID,
+ /// Whether this is a match state or not.
+ is_match: bool,
+ /// The number of transitions in this state.
+ ntrans: usize,
+ /// Pairs of input ranges, where there is one pair for each transition.
+ /// Each pair specifies an inclusive start and end byte range for the
+ /// corresponding transition.
+ input_ranges: &'a [u8],
+ /// Transitions to the next state. This slice contains native endian
+ /// encoded state identifiers, with `S` as the representation. Thus, there
+ /// are `ntrans * size_of::<S>()` bytes in this slice.
+ next: &'a [u8],
+ /// If this is a match state, then this contains the pattern IDs that match
+ /// when the DFA is in this state.
+ ///
+ /// This is a contiguous sequence of 32-bit native endian encoded integers.
+ pattern_ids: &'a [u8],
+ /// An accelerator for this state, if present. If this state has no
+ /// accelerator, then this is an empty slice. When non-empty, this slice
+ /// has length at most 3 and corresponds to the exhaustive set of bytes
+ /// that must be seen in order to transition out of this state.
+ accel: &'a [u8],
+impl<'a> State<'a> {
+ /// Searches for the next transition given an input byte. If no such
+ /// transition could be found, then a dead state is returned.
+ ///
+ /// This is marked as inline to help dramatically boost sparse searching,
+ /// which decodes each state it enters to follow the next transition.
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn next(&self, input: u8) -> StateID {
+ // This straight linear search was observed to be much better than
+ // binary search on ASCII haystacks, likely because a binary search
+ // visits the ASCII case last but a linear search sees it first. A
+ // binary search does do a little better on non-ASCII haystacks, but
+ // not by much. There might be a better trade off lurking here.
+ for i in 0..(self.ntrans - 1) {
+ let (start, end) = self.range(i);
+ if start <= input && input <= end {
+ return self.next_at(i);
+ }
+ // We could bail early with an extra branch: if input < b1, then
+ // we know we'll never find a matching transition. Interestingly,
+ // this extra branch seems to not help performance, or will even
+ // hurt it. It's likely very dependent on the DFA itself and what
+ // is being searched.
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the next state ID for the special EOI transition.
+ fn next_eoi(&self) -> StateID {
+ self.next_at(self.ntrans - 1)
+ }
+ /// Returns the identifier for this state.
+ fn id(&self) -> StateID {
+ }
+ /// Returns the inclusive input byte range for the ith transition in this
+ /// state.
+ fn range(&self, i: usize) -> (u8, u8) {
+ (self.input_ranges[i * 2], self.input_ranges[i * 2 + 1])
+ }
+ /// Returns the next state for the ith transition in this state.
+ fn next_at(&self, i: usize) -> StateID {
+ let start = i * StateID::SIZE;
+ let end = start + StateID::SIZE;
+ let bytes =[start..end].try_into().unwrap();
+ StateID::from_ne_bytes_unchecked(bytes)
+ }
+ /// Returns the pattern ID for the given match index. If the match index
+ /// is invalid, then this panics.
+ fn pattern_id(&self, match_index: usize) -> PatternID {
+ let start = match_index * PatternID::SIZE;
+ bytes::read_pattern_id_unchecked(&self.pattern_ids[start..]).0
+ }
+ /// Returns the total number of pattern IDs for this state. This is always
+ /// zero when `is_match` is false.
+ fn pattern_count(&self) -> usize {
+ assert_eq!(0, self.pattern_ids.len() % 4);
+ self.pattern_ids.len() / 4
+ }
+ /// Return the total number of bytes that this state consumes in its
+ /// encoded form.
+ fn bytes_len(&self) -> usize {
+ let mut len = 2
+ + (self.ntrans * 2)
+ + (self.ntrans * StateID::SIZE)
+ + (1 + self.accel.len());
+ if self.is_match {
+ len += size_of::<u32>() + self.pattern_ids.len();
+ }
+ len
+ }
+ /// Return an accelerator for this state.
+ fn accelerator(&self) -> &'a [u8] {
+ self.accel
+ }
+impl<'a> fmt::Debug for State<'a> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ let mut printed = false;
+ for i in 0..(self.ntrans - 1) {
+ let next = self.next_at(i);
+ if next == DEAD {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if printed {
+ write!(f, ", ")?;
+ }
+ let (start, end) = self.range(i);
+ if start == end {
+ write!(f, "{:?} => {:?}", DebugByte(start), next)?;
+ } else {
+ write!(
+ f,
+ "{:?}-{:?} => {:?}",
+ DebugByte(start),
+ DebugByte(end),
+ next,
+ )?;
+ }
+ printed = true;
+ }
+ let eoi = self.next_at(self.ntrans - 1);
+ if eoi != DEAD {
+ if printed {
+ write!(f, ", ")?;
+ }
+ write!(f, "EOI => {:?}", eoi)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+/// A representation of a mutable sparse DFA state that can be cheaply
+/// materialized from a state identifier.
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+struct StateMut<'a> {
+ /// The identifier of this state.
+ id: StateID,
+ /// Whether this is a match state or not.
+ is_match: bool,
+ /// The number of transitions in this state.
+ ntrans: usize,
+ /// Pairs of input ranges, where there is one pair for each transition.
+ /// Each pair specifies an inclusive start and end byte range for the
+ /// corresponding transition.
+ input_ranges: &'a mut [u8],
+ /// Transitions to the next state. This slice contains native endian
+ /// encoded state identifiers, with `S` as the representation. Thus, there
+ /// are `ntrans * size_of::<S>()` bytes in this slice.
+ next: &'a mut [u8],
+ /// If this is a match state, then this contains the pattern IDs that match
+ /// when the DFA is in this state.
+ ///
+ /// This is a contiguous sequence of 32-bit native endian encoded integers.
+ pattern_ids: &'a [u8],
+ /// An accelerator for this state, if present. If this state has no
+ /// accelerator, then this is an empty slice. When non-empty, this slice
+ /// has length at most 3 and corresponds to the exhaustive set of bytes
+ /// that must be seen in order to transition out of this state.
+ accel: &'a mut [u8],
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl<'a> StateMut<'a> {
+ /// Sets the ith transition to the given state.
+ fn set_next_at(&mut self, i: usize, next: StateID) {
+ let start = i * StateID::SIZE;
+ let end = start + StateID::SIZE;
+ bytes::write_state_id::<bytes::NE>(next, &mut[start..end]);
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+impl<'a> fmt::Debug for StateMut<'a> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ let state = State {
+ id:,
+ is_match: self.is_match,
+ ntrans: self.ntrans,
+ input_ranges: self.input_ranges,
+ next:,
+ pattern_ids: self.pattern_ids,
+ accel: self.accel,
+ };
+ fmt::Debug::fmt(&state, f)
+ }
+/// A binary search routine specialized specifically to a sparse DFA state's
+/// transitions. Specifically, the transitions are defined as a set of pairs
+/// of input bytes that delineate an inclusive range of bytes. If the input
+/// byte is in the range, then the corresponding transition is a match.
+/// This binary search accepts a slice of these pairs and returns the position
+/// of the matching pair (the ith transition), or None if no matching pair
+/// could be found.
+/// Note that this routine is not currently used since it was observed to
+/// either decrease performance when searching ASCII, or did not provide enough
+/// of a boost on non-ASCII haystacks to be worth it. However, we leave it here
+/// for posterity in case we can find a way to use it.
+/// In theory, we could use the standard library's search routine if we could
+/// cast a `&[u8]` to a `&[(u8, u8)]`, but I don't believe this is currently
+/// guaranteed to be safe and is thus UB (since I don't think the in-memory
+/// representation of `(u8, u8)` has been nailed down). One could define a
+/// repr(C) type, but the casting doesn't seem justified.
+fn binary_search_ranges(ranges: &[u8], needle: u8) -> Option<usize> {
+ debug_assert!(ranges.len() % 2 == 0, "ranges must have even length");
+ debug_assert!(ranges.len() <= 512, "ranges should be short");
+ let (mut left, mut right) = (0, ranges.len() / 2);
+ while left < right {
+ let mid = (left + right) / 2;
+ let (b1, b2) = (ranges[mid * 2], ranges[mid * 2 + 1]);
+ if needle < b1 {
+ right = mid;
+ } else if needle > b2 {
+ left = mid + 1;
+ } else {
+ return Some(mid);
+ }
+ }
+ None
diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3db95a707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+use crate::{
+ dfa::DEAD,
+ util::{
+ bytes::{self, DeserializeError, Endian, SerializeError},
+ id::StateID,
+ },
+macro_rules! err {
+ ($msg:expr) => {
+ return Err(DeserializeError::generic($msg));
+ };
+// Special represents the identifiers in a DFA that correspond to "special"
+// states. If a state is one or more of the following, then it is considered
+// special:
+// * dead - A non-matching state where all outgoing transitions lead back to
+// itself. There is only one of these, regardless of whether minimization
+// has run. The dead state always has an ID of 0. i.e., It is always the
+// first state in a DFA.
+// * quit - A state that is entered whenever a byte is seen that should cause
+// a DFA to give up and stop searching. This results in a MatchError::Quit
+// error being returned at search time. The default configuration for a DFA
+// has no quit bytes, which means this state is unreachable by default,
+// although it is always present for reasons of implementation simplicity.
+// This state is only reachable when the caller configures the DFA to quit
+// on certain bytes. There is always exactly one of these states and it
+// is always the second state. (Its actual ID depends on the size of the
+// alphabet in dense DFAs, since state IDs are premultiplied in order to
+// allow them to be used directly as indices into the transition table.)
+// * match - An accepting state, i.e., indicative of a match. There may be
+// zero or more of these states.
+// * accelerated - A state where all of its outgoing transitions, except a
+// few, loop back to itself. These states are candidates for acceleration
+// via memchr during search. There may be zero or more of these states.
+// * start - A non-matching state that indicates where the automaton should
+// start during a search. There is always at least one starting state and
+// all are guaranteed to be non-match states. (A start state cannot be a
+// match state because the DFAs in this crate delay all matches by one byte.
+// So every search that finds a match must move through one transition to
+// some other match state, even when searching an empty string.)
+// These are not mutually exclusive categories. Namely, the following
+// overlappings can occur:
+// * {dead, start} - If a DFA can never lead to a match and it is minimized,
+// then it will typically compile to something where all starting IDs point
+// to the DFA's dead state.
+// * {match, accelerated} - It is possible for a match state to have the
+// majority of its transitions loop back to itself, which means it's
+// possible for a match state to be accelerated.
+// * {start, accelerated} - Similarly, it is possible for a start state to be
+// accelerated. Note that it is possible for an accelerated state to be
+// neither a match or a start state. Also note that just because both match
+// and start states overlap with accelerated states does not mean that
+// match and start states overlap with each other. In fact, they are
+// guaranteed not to overlap.
+// As a special mention, every DFA always has a dead and a quit state, even
+// though from the perspective of the DFA, they are equivalent. (Indeed,
+// minimization special cases them to ensure they don't get merged.) The
+// purpose of keeping them distinct is to use the quit state as a sentinel to
+// distguish between whether a search finished successfully without finding
+// anything or whether it gave up before finishing.
+// So the main problem we want to solve here is the *fast* detection of whether
+// a state is special or not. And we also want to do this while storing as
+// little extra data as possible. AND we want to be able to quickly determine
+// which categories a state falls into above if it is special.
+// We achieve this by essentially shuffling all special states to the beginning
+// of a DFA. That is, all special states appear before every other non-special
+// state. By representing special states this way, we can determine whether a
+// state is special or not by a single comparison, where special.max is the
+// identifier of the last special state in the DFA:
+// if current_state <= special.max:
+// ... do something with special state
+// The only thing left to do is to determine what kind of special state
+// it is. Because what we do next depends on that. Since special states
+// are typically rare, we can afford to do a bit more extra work, but we'd
+// still like this to be as fast as possible. The trick we employ here is to
+// continue shuffling states even within the special state range. Such that
+// one contiguous region corresponds to match states, another for start states
+// and then an overlapping range for accelerated states. At a high level, our
+// special state detection might look like this (for leftmost searching, where
+// we continue searching even after seeing a match):
+// byte = input[offset]
+// current_state = next_state(current_state, byte)
+// offset += 1
+// if current_state <= special.max:
+// if current_state == 0:
+// # We can never leave a dead state, so this always marks the
+// # end of our search.
+// return last_match
+// if current_state == special.quit_id:
+// # A quit state means we give up. If he DFA has no quit state,
+// # then special.quit_id == 0 == dead, which is handled by the
+// # conditional above.
+// return Err(MatchError::Quit { byte, offset: offset - 1 })
+// if special.min_match <= current_state <= special.max_match:
+// last_match = Some(offset)
+// if special.min_accel <= current_state <= special.max_accel:
+// offset = accelerate(input, offset)
+// last_match = Some(offset)
+// elif special.min_start <= current_state <= special.max_start:
+// offset = prefilter.find(input, offset)
+// if special.min_accel <= current_state <= special.max_accel:
+// offset = accelerate(input, offset)
+// elif special.min_accel <= current_state <= special.max_accel:
+// offset = accelerate(input, offset)
+// There are some small details left out of the logic above. For example,
+// in order to accelerate a state, we need to know which bytes to search for.
+// This in turn implies some extra data we need to store in the DFA. To keep
+// things compact, we would ideally only store
+// N = special.max_accel - special.min_accel + 1
+// items. But state IDs are premultiplied, which means they are not contiguous.
+// So in order to take a state ID and index an array of accelerated structures,
+// we need to do:
+// i = (state_id - special.min_accel) / stride
+// (N.B. 'stride' is always a power of 2, so the above can be implemented via
+// '(state_id - special.min_accel) >> stride2', where 'stride2' is x in
+// 2^x=stride.)
+// Moreover, some of these specialty categories may be empty. For example,
+// DFAs are not required to have any match states or any accelerated states.
+// In that case, the lower and upper bounds are both set to 0 (the dead state
+// ID) and the first `current_state == 0` check subsumes cases where the
+// ranges are empty.
+// Loop unrolling, if applicable, has also been left out of the logic above.
+// Graphically, the ranges look like this, where asterisks indicate ranges
+// that can be empty. Each 'x' is a state.
+// quit
+// dead|
+// ||
+// xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+// | | | | start | |
+// | |-------------| |-------| |
+// | match* | | | |
+// | | | | |
+// | |----------| | |
+// | accel* | |
+// | | |
+// | | |
+// |----------------------------|------------------------
+// special non-special*
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+pub struct Special {
+ /// The identifier of the last special state in a DFA. A state is special
+ /// if and only if its identifier is less than or equal to `max`.
+ pub max: StateID,
+ /// The identifier of the quit state in a DFA. (There is no analogous field
+ /// for the dead state since the dead state's ID is always zero, regardless
+ /// of state ID size.)
+ pub quit_id: StateID,
+ /// The identifier of the first match state.
+ pub min_match: StateID,
+ /// The identifier of the last match state.
+ pub max_match: StateID,
+ /// The identifier of the first accelerated state.
+ pub min_accel: StateID,
+ /// The identifier of the last accelerated state.
+ pub max_accel: StateID,
+ /// The identifier of the first start state.
+ pub min_start: StateID,
+ /// The identifier of the last start state.
+ pub max_start: StateID,
+impl Special {
+ /// Creates a new set of special ranges for a DFA. All ranges are initially
+ /// set to only contain the dead state. This is interpreted as an empty
+ /// range.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub fn new() -> Special {
+ Special {
+ max: DEAD,
+ quit_id: DEAD,
+ min_match: DEAD,
+ max_match: DEAD,
+ min_accel: DEAD,
+ max_accel: DEAD,
+ min_start: DEAD,
+ max_start: DEAD,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Remaps all of the special state identifiers using the function given.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub fn remap(&self, map: impl Fn(StateID) -> StateID) -> Special {
+ Special {
+ max: map(self.max),
+ quit_id: map(self.quit_id),
+ min_match: map(self.min_match),
+ max_match: map(self.max_match),
+ min_accel: map(self.min_accel),
+ max_accel: map(self.max_accel),
+ min_start: map(self.min_start),
+ max_start: map(self.max_start),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Deserialize the given bytes into special state ranges. If the slice
+ /// given is not big enough, then this returns an error. Similarly, if
+ /// any of the expected invariants around special state ranges aren't
+ /// upheld, an error is returned. Note that this does not guarantee that
+ /// the information returned is correct.
+ ///
+ /// Upon success, this returns the number of bytes read in addition to the
+ /// special state IDs themselves.
+ pub fn from_bytes(
+ mut slice: &[u8],
+ ) -> Result<(Special, usize), DeserializeError> {
+ bytes::check_slice_len(slice, 8 * StateID::SIZE, "special states")?;
+ let mut nread = 0;
+ let mut read_id = |what| -> Result<StateID, DeserializeError> {
+ let (id, nr) = bytes::try_read_state_id(slice, what)?;
+ nread += nr;
+ slice = &slice[StateID::SIZE..];
+ Ok(id)
+ };
+ let max = read_id("special max id")?;
+ let quit_id = read_id("special quit id")?;
+ let min_match = read_id("special min match id")?;
+ let max_match = read_id("special max match id")?;
+ let min_accel = read_id("special min accel id")?;
+ let max_accel = read_id("special max accel id")?;
+ let min_start = read_id("special min start id")?;
+ let max_start = read_id("special max start id")?;
+ let special = Special {
+ max,
+ quit_id,
+ min_match,
+ max_match,
+ min_accel,
+ max_accel,
+ min_start,
+ max_start,
+ };
+ special.validate()?;
+ assert_eq!(nread, special.write_to_len());
+ Ok((special, nread))
+ }
+ /// Validate that the information describing special states satisfies
+ /// all known invariants.
+ pub fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), DeserializeError> {
+ // Check that both ends of the range are DEAD or neither are.
+ if self.min_match == DEAD && self.max_match != DEAD {
+ err!("min_match is DEAD, but max_match is not");
+ }
+ if self.min_match != DEAD && self.max_match == DEAD {
+ err!("max_match is DEAD, but min_match is not");
+ }
+ if self.min_accel == DEAD && self.max_accel != DEAD {
+ err!("min_accel is DEAD, but max_accel is not");
+ }
+ if self.min_accel != DEAD && self.max_accel == DEAD {
+ err!("max_accel is DEAD, but min_accel is not");
+ }
+ if self.min_start == DEAD && self.max_start != DEAD {
+ err!("min_start is DEAD, but max_start is not");
+ }
+ if self.min_start != DEAD && self.max_start == DEAD {
+ err!("max_start is DEAD, but min_start is not");
+ }
+ // Check that ranges are well formed.
+ if self.min_match > self.max_match {
+ err!("min_match should not be greater than max_match");
+ }
+ if self.min_accel > self.max_accel {
+ err!("min_accel should not be greater than max_accel");
+ }
+ if self.min_start > self.max_start {
+ err!("min_start should not be greater than max_start");
+ }
+ // Check that ranges are ordered with respect to one another.
+ if self.matches() && self.quit_id >= self.min_match {
+ err!("quit_id should not be greater than min_match");
+ }
+ if self.accels() && self.quit_id >= self.min_accel {
+ err!("quit_id should not be greater than min_accel");
+ }
+ if self.starts() && self.quit_id >= self.min_start {
+ err!("quit_id should not be greater than min_start");
+ }
+ if self.matches() && self.accels() && self.min_accel < self.min_match {
+ err!("min_match should not be greater than min_accel");
+ }
+ if self.matches() && self.starts() && self.min_start < self.min_match {
+ err!("min_match should not be greater than min_start");
+ }
+ if self.accels() && self.starts() && self.min_start < self.min_accel {
+ err!("min_accel should not be greater than min_start");
+ }
+ // Check that max is at least as big as everything else.
+ if self.max < self.quit_id {
+ err!("quit_id should not be greater than max");
+ }
+ if self.max < self.max_match {
+ err!("max_match should not be greater than max");
+ }
+ if self.max < self.max_accel {
+ err!("max_accel should not be greater than max");
+ }
+ if self.max < self.max_start {
+ err!("max_start should not be greater than max");
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Validate that the special state information is compatible with the
+ /// given state count.
+ pub fn validate_state_count(
+ &self,
+ count: usize,
+ stride2: usize,
+ ) -> Result<(), DeserializeError> {
+ // We assume that 'validate' has already passed, so we know that 'max'
+ // is truly the max. So all we need to check is that the max state
+ // ID is less than the state ID count. The max legal value here is
+ // count-1, which occurs when there are no non-special states.
+ if (self.max.as_usize() >> stride2) >= count {
+ err!("max should not be greater than or equal to state count");
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Write the IDs and ranges for special states to the given byte buffer.
+ /// The buffer given must have enough room to store all data, otherwise
+ /// this will return an error. The number of bytes written is returned
+ /// on success. The number of bytes written is guaranteed to be a multiple
+ /// of 8.
+ pub fn write_to<E: Endian>(
+ &self,
+ dst: &mut [u8],
+ ) -> Result<usize, SerializeError> {
+ use crate::util::bytes::write_state_id as write;
+ if dst.len() < self.write_to_len() {
+ return Err(SerializeError::buffer_too_small("special state ids"));
+ }
+ let mut nwrite = 0;
+ nwrite += write::<E>(self.max, &mut dst[nwrite..]);
+ nwrite += write::<E>(self.quit_id, &mut dst[nwrite..]);
+ nwrite += write::<E>(self.min_match, &mut dst[nwrite..]);
+ nwrite += write::<E>(self.max_match, &mut dst[nwrite..]);
+ nwrite += write::<E>(self.min_accel, &mut dst[nwrite..]);
+ nwrite += write::<E>(self.max_accel, &mut dst[nwrite..]);
+ nwrite += write::<E>(self.min_start, &mut dst[nwrite..]);
+ nwrite += write::<E>(self.max_start, &mut dst[nwrite..]);
+ assert_eq!(
+ self.write_to_len(),
+ nwrite,
+ "expected to write certain number of bytes",
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ nwrite % 8,
+ 0,
+ "expected to write multiple of 8 bytes for special states",
+ );
+ Ok(nwrite)
+ }
+ /// Returns the total number of bytes written by `write_to`.
+ pub fn write_to_len(&self) -> usize {
+ 8 * StateID::SIZE
+ }
+ /// Sets the maximum special state ID based on the current values. This
+ /// should be used once all possible state IDs are set.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub fn set_max(&mut self) {
+ use core::cmp::max;
+ self.max = max(
+ self.quit_id,
+ max(self.max_match, max(self.max_accel, self.max_start)),
+ );
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if the given state ID is a special state.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_special_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ id <= self.max
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if the given state ID is a dead state.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_dead_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ id == DEAD
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if the given state ID is a quit state.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_quit_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ !self.is_dead_state(id) && self.quit_id == id
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if the given state ID is a match state.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_match_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ !self.is_dead_state(id) && self.min_match <= id && id <= self.max_match
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if the given state ID is an accel state.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_accel_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ !self.is_dead_state(id) && self.min_accel <= id && id <= self.max_accel
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if the given state ID is a start state.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_start_state(&self, id: StateID) -> bool {
+ !self.is_dead_state(id) && self.min_start <= id && id <= self.max_start
+ }
+ /// Returns the total number of match states for a dense table based DFA.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn match_len(&self, stride: usize) -> usize {
+ if self.matches() {
+ (self.max_match.as_usize() - self.min_match.as_usize() + stride)
+ / stride
+ } else {
+ 0
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if there is at least one match state.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn matches(&self) -> bool {
+ self.min_match != DEAD
+ }
+ /// Returns the total number of accel states.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub fn accel_len(&self, stride: usize) -> usize {
+ if self.accels() {
+ (self.max_accel.as_usize() - self.min_accel.as_usize() + stride)
+ / stride
+ } else {
+ 0
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if there is at least one accel state.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn accels(&self) -> bool {
+ self.min_accel != DEAD
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if there is at least one start state.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn starts(&self) -> bool {
+ self.min_start != DEAD
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58b34e00a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/dfa/
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+use crate::{
+ dfa::{automaton::Automaton, dense, sparse},
+ util::id::StateID,
+impl<T: AsRef<[u32]>> fst::Automaton for dense::DFA<T> {
+ type State = StateID;
+ #[inline]
+ fn start(&self) -> StateID {
+ self.start_state_forward(None, &[], 0, 0)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_match(&self, state: &StateID) -> bool {
+ self.is_match_state(*state)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn accept(&self, state: &StateID, byte: u8) -> StateID {
+ if fst::Automaton::is_match(self, state) {
+ return *state;
+ }
+ self.next_state(*state, byte)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn accept_eof(&self, state: &StateID) -> Option<StateID> {
+ if fst::Automaton::is_match(self, state) {
+ return Some(*state);
+ }
+ Some(self.next_eoi_state(*state))
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn can_match(&self, state: &StateID) -> bool {
+ !self.is_dead_state(*state)
+ }
+impl<T: AsRef<[u8]>> fst::Automaton for sparse::DFA<T> {
+ type State = StateID;
+ #[inline]
+ fn start(&self) -> StateID {
+ self.start_state_forward(None, &[], 0, 0)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_match(&self, state: &StateID) -> bool {
+ self.is_match_state(*state)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn accept(&self, state: &StateID, byte: u8) -> StateID {
+ if fst::Automaton::is_match(self, state) {
+ return *state;
+ }
+ self.next_state(*state, byte)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn accept_eof(&self, state: &StateID) -> Option<StateID> {
+ if fst::Automaton::is_match(self, state) {
+ return Some(*state);
+ }
+ Some(self.next_eoi_state(*state))
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn can_match(&self, state: &StateID) -> bool {
+ !self.is_dead_state(*state)
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use bstr::BString;
+ use fst::{Automaton, IntoStreamer, Set, Streamer};
+ use crate::dfa::{dense, sparse};
+ fn search<A: Automaton, D: AsRef<[u8]>>(
+ set: &Set<D>,
+ aut: A,
+ ) -> Vec<BString> {
+ let mut stream =;
+ let mut results = vec![];
+ while let Some(key) = {
+ results.push(BString::from(key));
+ }
+ results
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn dense_anywhere() {
+ let set =
+ Set::from_iter(&["a", "bar", "baz", "wat", "xba", "xbax", "z"])
+ .unwrap();
+ let dfa = dense::DFA::new("ba.*").unwrap();
+ let got = search(&set, &dfa);
+ assert_eq!(got, vec!["bar", "baz", "xba", "xbax"]);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn dense_anchored() {
+ let set =
+ Set::from_iter(&["a", "bar", "baz", "wat", "xba", "xbax", "z"])
+ .unwrap();
+ let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ .configure(dense::Config::new().anchored(true))
+ .build("ba.*")
+ .unwrap();
+ let got = search(&set, &dfa);
+ assert_eq!(got, vec!["bar", "baz"]);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn dense_assertions_start() {
+ let set =
+ Set::from_iter(&["a", "bar", "baz", "wat", "xba", "xbax", "z"])
+ .unwrap();
+ let dfa = dense::Builder::new().build("^ba.*").unwrap();
+ let got = search(&set, &dfa);
+ assert_eq!(got, vec!["bar", "baz"]);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn dense_assertions_end() {
+ let set =
+ Set::from_iter(&["a", "bar", "bax", "wat", "xba", "xbax", "z"])
+ .unwrap();
+ let dfa = dense::Builder::new().build(".*x$").unwrap();
+ let got = search(&set, &dfa);
+ assert_eq!(got, vec!["bax", "xbax"]);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn dense_assertions_word() {
+ let set =
+ Set::from_iter(&["foo", "foox", "xfoo", "zzz foo zzz"]).unwrap();
+ let dfa = dense::Builder::new().build(r"(?-u)\bfoo\b").unwrap();
+ let got = search(&set, &dfa);
+ assert_eq!(got, vec!["foo", "zzz foo zzz"]);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn sparse_anywhere() {
+ let set =
+ Set::from_iter(&["a", "bar", "baz", "wat", "xba", "xbax", "z"])
+ .unwrap();
+ let dfa = sparse::DFA::new("ba.*").unwrap();
+ let got = search(&set, &dfa);
+ assert_eq!(got, vec!["bar", "baz", "xba", "xbax"]);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn sparse_anchored() {
+ let set =
+ Set::from_iter(&["a", "bar", "baz", "wat", "xba", "xbax", "z"])
+ .unwrap();
+ let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ .configure(dense::Config::new().anchored(true))
+ .build("ba.*")
+ .unwrap()
+ .to_sparse()
+ .unwrap();
+ let got = search(&set, &dfa);
+ assert_eq!(got, vec!["bar", "baz"]);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn sparse_assertions_start() {
+ let set =
+ Set::from_iter(&["a", "bar", "baz", "wat", "xba", "xbax", "z"])
+ .unwrap();
+ let dfa =
+ dense::Builder::new().build("^ba.*").unwrap().to_sparse().unwrap();
+ let got = search(&set, &dfa);
+ assert_eq!(got, vec!["bar", "baz"]);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn sparse_assertions_end() {
+ let set =
+ Set::from_iter(&["a", "bar", "bax", "wat", "xba", "xbax", "z"])
+ .unwrap();
+ let dfa =
+ dense::Builder::new().build(".*x$").unwrap().to_sparse().unwrap();
+ let got = search(&set, &dfa);
+ assert_eq!(got, vec!["bax", "xbax"]);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn sparse_assertions_word() {
+ let set =
+ Set::from_iter(&["foo", "foox", "xfoo", "zzz foo zzz"]).unwrap();
+ let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ .build(r"(?-u)\bfoo\b")
+ .unwrap()
+ .to_sparse()
+ .unwrap();
+ let got = search(&set, &dfa);
+ assert_eq!(got, vec!["foo", "zzz foo zzz"]);
+ }