path: root/vendor/regex-automata/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/regex-automata/tests')
5 files changed, 862 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/tests/ b/vendor/regex-automata/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..68b03229e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+use std::collections::BTreeMap;
+use std::env;
+use std::fmt::{self, Write};
+use std::thread;
+use regex;
+use regex_automata::{DenseDFA, ErrorKind, Regex, RegexBuilder, StateID, DFA};
+use serde_bytes;
+use toml;
+macro_rules! load {
+ ($col:ident, $path:expr) => {
+ $col.extend(RegexTests::load(
+ concat!("../data/tests/", $path),
+ include_bytes!(concat!("../data/tests/", $path)),
+ ));
+ };
+lazy_static! {
+ pub static ref SUITE: RegexTestCollection = {
+ let mut col = RegexTestCollection::new();
+ load!(col, "fowler/basic.toml");
+ load!(col, "fowler/nullsubexpr.toml");
+ load!(col, "fowler/repetition.toml");
+ load!(col, "fowler/repetition-long.toml");
+ load!(col, "crazy.toml");
+ load!(col, "flags.toml");
+ load!(col, "iter.toml");
+ load!(col, "no-unicode.toml");
+ load!(col, "unicode.toml");
+ col
+ };
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct RegexTestCollection {
+ pub by_name: BTreeMap<String, RegexTest>,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize)]
+pub struct RegexTests {
+ pub tests: Vec<RegexTest>,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize)]
+pub struct RegexTest {
+ pub name: String,
+ #[serde(default)]
+ pub options: Vec<RegexTestOption>,
+ pub pattern: String,
+ #[serde(with = "serde_bytes")]
+ pub input: Vec<u8>,
+ #[serde(rename = "matches")]
+ pub matches: Vec<Match>,
+ #[serde(default)]
+ pub captures: Vec<Option<Match>>,
+ #[serde(default)]
+ pub fowler_line_number: Option<u64>,
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
+pub enum RegexTestOption {
+ Anchored,
+ CaseInsensitive,
+ NoUnicode,
+ Escaped,
+ #[serde(rename = "invalid-utf8")]
+ InvalidUTF8,
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub struct Match {
+ pub start: usize,
+ pub end: usize,
+impl RegexTestCollection {
+ fn new() -> RegexTestCollection {
+ RegexTestCollection { by_name: BTreeMap::new() }
+ }
+ fn extend(&mut self, tests: RegexTests) {
+ for test in tests.tests {
+ let name =;
+ if self.by_name.contains_key(&name) {
+ panic!("found duplicate test {}", name);
+ }
+ self.by_name.insert(name, test);
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn tests(&self) -> Vec<&RegexTest> {
+ self.by_name.values().collect()
+ }
+impl RegexTests {
+ fn load(path: &str, slice: &[u8]) -> RegexTests {
+ let mut data: RegexTests = toml::from_slice(slice)
+ .expect(&format!("failed to load {}", path));
+ for test in &mut data.tests {
+ if test.options.contains(&RegexTestOption::Escaped) {
+ test.input = unescape_bytes(&test.input);
+ }
+ }
+ data
+ }
+pub struct RegexTester {
+ asserted: bool,
+ results: RegexTestResults,
+ skip_expensive: bool,
+ whitelist: Vec<regex::Regex>,
+ blacklist: Vec<regex::Regex>,
+impl Drop for RegexTester {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ // If we haven't asserted yet, then the test is probably buggy, so
+ // fail it. But if we're already panicking (e.g., a bug in the regex
+ // engine), then don't double-panic, which causes an immediate abort.
+ if !thread::panicking() && !self.asserted {
+ panic!("must call RegexTester::assert at end of test");
+ }
+ }
+impl RegexTester {
+ pub fn new() -> RegexTester {
+ let mut tester = RegexTester {
+ asserted: false,
+ results: RegexTestResults::default(),
+ skip_expensive: false,
+ whitelist: vec![],
+ blacklist: vec![],
+ };
+ for x in env::var("REGEX_TEST").unwrap_or("".to_string()).split(",") {
+ let x = x.trim();
+ if x.is_empty() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if x.starts_with("-") {
+ tester = tester.blacklist(&x[1..]);
+ } else {
+ tester = tester.whitelist(x);
+ }
+ }
+ tester
+ }
+ pub fn skip_expensive(mut self) -> RegexTester {
+ self.skip_expensive = true;
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn whitelist(mut self, name: &str) -> RegexTester {
+ self.whitelist.push(regex::Regex::new(name).unwrap());
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn blacklist(mut self, name: &str) -> RegexTester {
+ self.blacklist.push(regex::Regex::new(name).unwrap());
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn assert(&mut self) {
+ self.asserted = true;
+ self.results.assert();
+ }
+ pub fn build_regex<S: StateID>(
+ &self,
+ mut builder: RegexBuilder,
+ test: &RegexTest,
+ ) -> Option<Regex<DenseDFA<Vec<S>, S>>> {
+ if self.skip(test) {
+ return None;
+ }
+ self.apply_options(test, &mut builder);
+ match builder.build_with_size::<S>(&test.pattern) {
+ Ok(re) => Some(re),
+ Err(err) => {
+ if let ErrorKind::Unsupported(_) = *err.kind() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ panic!(
+ "failed to build {:?} with pattern '{:?}': {}",
+, test.pattern, err
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn test_all<'a, I, T>(&mut self, builder: RegexBuilder, tests: I)
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator<IntoIter = T, Item = &'a RegexTest>,
+ T: Iterator<Item = &'a RegexTest>,
+ {
+ for test in tests {
+ let builder = builder.clone();
+ let re: Regex = match self.build_regex(builder, test) {
+ None => continue,
+ Some(re) => re,
+ };
+ self.test(test, &re);
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn test<'a, D: DFA>(&mut self, test: &RegexTest, re: &Regex<D>) {
+ self.test_is_match(test, re);
+ self.test_find(test, re);
+ // Some tests (namely, fowler) are designed only to detect the
+ // first match even if there are more subsequent matches. To that
+ // end, we only test match iteration when the number of matches
+ // expected is not 1, or if the test name has 'iter' in it.
+ if"iter") || test.matches.len() != 1 {
+ self.test_find_iter(test, re);
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn test_is_match<'a, D: DFA>(
+ &mut self,
+ test: &RegexTest,
+ re: &Regex<D>,
+ ) {
+ self.asserted = false;
+ let got = re.is_match(&test.input);
+ let expected = test.matches.len() >= 1;
+ if got == expected {
+ self.results.succeeded.push(test.clone());
+ return;
+ }
+ self.results.failed.push(RegexTestFailure {
+ test: test.clone(),
+ kind: RegexTestFailureKind::IsMatch,
+ });
+ }
+ pub fn test_find<'a, D: DFA>(&mut self, test: &RegexTest, re: &Regex<D>) {
+ self.asserted = false;
+ let got =
+ re.find(&test.input).map(|(start, end)| Match { start, end });
+ if got == test.matches.get(0).map(|&m| m) {
+ self.results.succeeded.push(test.clone());
+ return;
+ }
+ self.results.failed.push(RegexTestFailure {
+ test: test.clone(),
+ kind: RegexTestFailureKind::Find { got },
+ });
+ }
+ pub fn test_find_iter<'a, D: DFA>(
+ &mut self,
+ test: &RegexTest,
+ re: &Regex<D>,
+ ) {
+ self.asserted = false;
+ let got: Vec<Match> = re
+ .find_iter(&test.input)
+ .map(|(start, end)| Match { start, end })
+ .collect();
+ if got == test.matches {
+ self.results.succeeded.push(test.clone());
+ return;
+ }
+ self.results.failed.push(RegexTestFailure {
+ test: test.clone(),
+ kind: RegexTestFailureKind::FindIter { got },
+ });
+ }
+ fn skip(&self, test: &RegexTest) -> bool {
+ if self.skip_expensive {
+ if"repetition-long") {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if !self.blacklist.is_empty() {
+ if self.blacklist.iter().any(|re| re.is_match(& {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if !self.whitelist.is_empty() {
+ if !self.whitelist.iter().any(|re| re.is_match(& {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ false
+ }
+ fn apply_options(&self, test: &RegexTest, builder: &mut RegexBuilder) {
+ for opt in &test.options {
+ match *opt {
+ RegexTestOption::Anchored => {
+ builder.anchored(true);
+ }
+ RegexTestOption::CaseInsensitive => {
+ builder.case_insensitive(true);
+ }
+ RegexTestOption::NoUnicode => {
+ builder.unicode(false);
+ }
+ RegexTestOption::Escaped => {}
+ RegexTestOption::InvalidUTF8 => {
+ builder.allow_invalid_utf8(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
+pub struct RegexTestResults {
+ /// Tests that succeeded.
+ pub succeeded: Vec<RegexTest>,
+ /// Failed tests, indexed by group name.
+ pub failed: Vec<RegexTestFailure>,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct RegexTestFailure {
+ test: RegexTest,
+ kind: RegexTestFailureKind,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub enum RegexTestFailureKind {
+ IsMatch,
+ Find { got: Option<Match> },
+ FindIter { got: Vec<Match> },
+impl RegexTestResults {
+ pub fn assert(&self) {
+ if self.failed.is_empty() {
+ return;
+ }
+ let failures = self
+ .failed
+ .iter()
+ .map(|f| f.to_string())
+ .collect::<Vec<String>>()
+ .join("\n\n");
+ panic!(
+ "found {} failures:\n{}\n{}\n{}\n\n\
+ Set the REGEX_TEST environment variable to filter tests, \n\
+ e.g., REGEX_TEST=crazy-misc,-crazy-misc2 runs every test \n\
+ whose name contains crazy-misc but not crazy-misc2\n\n",
+ self.failed.len(),
+ "~".repeat(79),
+ failures.trim(),
+ "~".repeat(79)
+ )
+ }
+impl fmt::Display for RegexTestFailure {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ write!(
+ f,
+ "{}: {}\n \
+ options: {:?}\n \
+ pattern: {}\n \
+ pattern (escape): {}\n \
+ input: {}\n \
+ input (escape): {}\n \
+ input (hex): {}",
+ self.kind.fmt(&self.test)?,
+ self.test.options,
+ self.test.pattern,
+ escape_default(&self.test.pattern),
+ nice_raw_bytes(&self.test.input),
+ escape_bytes(&self.test.input),
+ hex_bytes(&self.test.input)
+ )
+ }
+impl RegexTestFailureKind {
+ fn fmt(&self, test: &RegexTest) -> Result<String, fmt::Error> {
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ match *self {
+ RegexTestFailureKind::IsMatch => {
+ if let Some(&m) = test.matches.get(0) {
+ write!(buf, "expected match (at {}), but none found", m)?
+ } else {
+ write!(buf, "expected no match, but found a match")?
+ }
+ }
+ RegexTestFailureKind::Find { got } => write!(
+ buf,
+ "expected {:?}, but found {:?}",
+ test.matches.get(0),
+ got
+ )?,
+ RegexTestFailureKind::FindIter { ref got } => write!(
+ buf,
+ "expected {:?}, but found {:?}",
+ test.matches, got
+ )?,
+ }
+ Ok(buf)
+ }
+impl fmt::Display for Match {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "({}, {})", self.start, self.end)
+ }
+impl fmt::Debug for Match {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "({}, {})", self.start, self.end)
+ }
+fn nice_raw_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> String {
+ use std::str;
+ match str::from_utf8(bytes) {
+ Ok(s) => s.to_string(),
+ Err(_) => escape_bytes(bytes),
+ }
+fn escape_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> String {
+ use std::ascii;
+ let escaped = bytes
+ .iter()
+ .flat_map(|&b| ascii::escape_default(b))
+ .collect::<Vec<u8>>();
+ String::from_utf8(escaped).unwrap()
+fn hex_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> String {
+ bytes.iter().map(|&b| format!(r"\x{:02X}", b)).collect()
+fn escape_default(s: &str) -> String {
+ s.chars().flat_map(|c| c.escape_default()).collect()
+fn unescape_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
+ use std::str;
+ use unescape::unescape;
+ unescape(&str::from_utf8(bytes).expect("all input must be valid UTF-8"))
diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/tests/ b/vendor/regex-automata/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2d2c1226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+use regex_automata::{dense, DFA};
+// A regression test for checking that minimization correctly translates
+// whether a state is a match state or not. Previously, it was possible for
+// minimization to mark a non-matching state as matching.
+fn minimize_sets_correct_match_states() {
+ let pattern =
+ // This is a subset of the grapheme matching regex. I couldn't seem
+ // to get a repro any smaller than this unfortunately.
+ r"(?x)
+ (?:
+ \p{gcb=Prepend}*
+ (?:
+ (?:
+ (?:
+ \p{gcb=L}*
+ (?:\p{gcb=V}+|\p{gcb=LV}\p{gcb=V}*|\p{gcb=LVT})
+ \p{gcb=T}*
+ )
+ |
+ \p{gcb=L}+
+ |
+ \p{gcb=T}+
+ )
+ |
+ \p{Extended_Pictographic}
+ (?:\p{gcb=Extend}*\p{gcb=ZWJ}\p{Extended_Pictographic})*
+ |
+ [^\p{gcb=Control}\p{gcb=CR}\p{gcb=LF}]
+ )
+ [\p{gcb=Extend}\p{gcb=ZWJ}\p{gcb=SpacingMark}]*
+ )
+ ";
+ let dfa = dense::Builder::new()
+ .minimize(true)
+ .anchored(true)
+ .build(pattern)
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(None, dfa.find(b"\xE2"));
diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/tests/ b/vendor/regex-automata/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..839719403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+use regex_automata::{DenseDFA, Regex, RegexBuilder, SparseDFA};
+use collection::{RegexTester, SUITE};
+fn unminimized_standard() {
+ let mut builder = RegexBuilder::new();
+ builder.minimize(false).premultiply(false).byte_classes(false);
+ let mut tester = RegexTester::new().skip_expensive();
+ tester.test_all(builder, SUITE.tests());
+ tester.assert();
+fn unminimized_premultiply() {
+ let mut builder = RegexBuilder::new();
+ builder.minimize(false).premultiply(true).byte_classes(false);
+ let mut tester = RegexTester::new().skip_expensive();
+ tester.test_all(builder, SUITE.tests());
+ tester.assert();
+fn unminimized_byte_class() {
+ let mut builder = RegexBuilder::new();
+ builder.minimize(false).premultiply(false).byte_classes(true);
+ let mut tester = RegexTester::new();
+ tester.test_all(builder, SUITE.tests());
+ tester.assert();
+fn unminimized_premultiply_byte_class() {
+ let mut builder = RegexBuilder::new();
+ builder.minimize(false).premultiply(true).byte_classes(true);
+ let mut tester = RegexTester::new();
+ tester.test_all(builder, SUITE.tests());
+ tester.assert();
+fn unminimized_standard_no_nfa_shrink() {
+ let mut builder = RegexBuilder::new();
+ builder
+ .minimize(false)
+ .premultiply(false)
+ .byte_classes(false)
+ .shrink(false);
+ let mut tester = RegexTester::new().skip_expensive();
+ tester.test_all(builder, SUITE.tests());
+ tester.assert();
+fn minimized_standard() {
+ let mut builder = RegexBuilder::new();
+ builder.minimize(true).premultiply(false).byte_classes(false);
+ let mut tester = RegexTester::new().skip_expensive();
+ tester.test_all(builder, SUITE.tests());
+ tester.assert();
+fn minimized_premultiply() {
+ let mut builder = RegexBuilder::new();
+ builder.minimize(true).premultiply(true).byte_classes(false);
+ let mut tester = RegexTester::new().skip_expensive();
+ tester.test_all(builder, SUITE.tests());
+ tester.assert();
+fn minimized_byte_class() {
+ let mut builder = RegexBuilder::new();
+ builder.minimize(true).premultiply(false).byte_classes(true);
+ let mut tester = RegexTester::new();
+ tester.test_all(builder, SUITE.tests());
+ tester.assert();
+fn minimized_premultiply_byte_class() {
+ let mut builder = RegexBuilder::new();
+ builder.minimize(true).premultiply(true).byte_classes(true);
+ let mut tester = RegexTester::new();
+ tester.test_all(builder, SUITE.tests());
+ tester.assert();
+fn minimized_standard_no_nfa_shrink() {
+ let mut builder = RegexBuilder::new();
+ builder
+ .minimize(true)
+ .premultiply(false)
+ .byte_classes(false)
+ .shrink(false);
+ let mut tester = RegexTester::new().skip_expensive();
+ tester.test_all(builder, SUITE.tests());
+ tester.assert();
+// A basic sanity test that checks we can convert a regex to a smaller
+// representation and that the resulting regex still passes our tests.
+// If tests grow minimal regexes that cannot be represented in 16 bits, then
+// we'll either want to skip those or increase the size to test to u32.
+fn u16() {
+ let mut builder = RegexBuilder::new();
+ builder.minimize(true).premultiply(false).byte_classes(true);
+ let mut tester = RegexTester::new().skip_expensive();
+ for test in SUITE.tests() {
+ let builder = builder.clone();
+ let re: Regex = match tester.build_regex(builder, test) {
+ None => continue,
+ Some(re) => re,
+ };
+ let small_re = Regex::from_dfas(
+ re.forward().to_u16().unwrap(),
+ re.reverse().to_u16().unwrap(),
+ );
+ tester.test(test, &small_re);
+ }
+ tester.assert();
+// Test that sparse DFAs work using the standard configuration.
+fn sparse_unminimized_standard() {
+ let mut builder = RegexBuilder::new();
+ builder.minimize(false).premultiply(false).byte_classes(false);
+ let mut tester = RegexTester::new().skip_expensive();
+ for test in SUITE.tests() {
+ let builder = builder.clone();
+ let re: Regex = match tester.build_regex(builder, test) {
+ None => continue,
+ Some(re) => re,
+ };
+ let fwd = re.forward().to_sparse().unwrap();
+ let rev = re.reverse().to_sparse().unwrap();
+ let sparse_re = Regex::from_dfas(fwd, rev);
+ tester.test(test, &sparse_re);
+ }
+ tester.assert();
+// Test that sparse DFAs work after converting them to a different state ID
+// representation.
+fn sparse_u16() {
+ let mut builder = RegexBuilder::new();
+ builder.minimize(true).premultiply(false).byte_classes(false);
+ let mut tester = RegexTester::new().skip_expensive();
+ for test in SUITE.tests() {
+ let builder = builder.clone();
+ let re: Regex = match tester.build_regex(builder, test) {
+ None => continue,
+ Some(re) => re,
+ };
+ let fwd = re.forward().to_sparse().unwrap().to_u16().unwrap();
+ let rev = re.reverse().to_sparse().unwrap().to_u16().unwrap();
+ let sparse_re = Regex::from_dfas(fwd, rev);
+ tester.test(test, &sparse_re);
+ }
+ tester.assert();
+// Another basic sanity test that checks we can serialize and then deserialize
+// a regex, and that the resulting regex can be used for searching correctly.
+fn serialization_roundtrip() {
+ let mut builder = RegexBuilder::new();
+ builder.premultiply(false).byte_classes(true);
+ let mut tester = RegexTester::new().skip_expensive();
+ for test in SUITE.tests() {
+ let builder = builder.clone();
+ let re: Regex = match tester.build_regex(builder, test) {
+ None => continue,
+ Some(re) => re,
+ };
+ let fwd_bytes = re.forward().to_bytes_native_endian().unwrap();
+ let rev_bytes = re.reverse().to_bytes_native_endian().unwrap();
+ let fwd: DenseDFA<&[usize], usize> =
+ unsafe { DenseDFA::from_bytes(&fwd_bytes) };
+ let rev: DenseDFA<&[usize], usize> =
+ unsafe { DenseDFA::from_bytes(&rev_bytes) };
+ let re = Regex::from_dfas(fwd, rev);
+ tester.test(test, &re);
+ }
+ tester.assert();
+// A basic sanity test that checks we can serialize and then deserialize a
+// regex using sparse DFAs, and that the resulting regex can be used for
+// searching correctly.
+fn sparse_serialization_roundtrip() {
+ let mut builder = RegexBuilder::new();
+ builder.byte_classes(true);
+ let mut tester = RegexTester::new().skip_expensive();
+ for test in SUITE.tests() {
+ let builder = builder.clone();
+ let re: Regex = match tester.build_regex(builder, test) {
+ None => continue,
+ Some(re) => re,
+ };
+ let fwd_bytes = re
+ .forward()
+ .to_sparse()
+ .unwrap()
+ .to_bytes_native_endian()
+ .unwrap();
+ let rev_bytes = re
+ .reverse()
+ .to_sparse()
+ .unwrap()
+ .to_bytes_native_endian()
+ .unwrap();
+ let fwd: SparseDFA<&[u8], usize> =
+ unsafe { SparseDFA::from_bytes(&fwd_bytes) };
+ let rev: SparseDFA<&[u8], usize> =
+ unsafe { SparseDFA::from_bytes(&rev_bytes) };
+ let re = Regex::from_dfas(fwd, rev);
+ tester.test(test, &re);
+ }
+ tester.assert();
diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/tests/ b/vendor/regex-automata/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb4cd7717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+extern crate lazy_static;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+extern crate regex;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+extern crate regex_automata;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+extern crate serde;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+extern crate serde_bytes;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+extern crate serde_derive;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+extern crate toml;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+mod collection;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+mod regression;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+mod suite;
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+mod unescape;
diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/tests/ b/vendor/regex-automata/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43fe04e71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
+enum State {
+ /// The state after seeing a `\`.
+ Escape,
+ /// The state after seeing a `\x`.
+ HexFirst,
+ /// The state after seeing a `\x[0-9A-Fa-f]`.
+ HexSecond(char),
+ /// Default state.
+ Literal,
+pub fn unescape(s: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
+ use self::State::*;
+ let mut bytes = vec![];
+ let mut state = Literal;
+ for c in s.chars() {
+ match state {
+ Escape => match c {
+ '\\' => {
+ bytes.push(b'\\');
+ state = Literal;
+ }
+ 'n' => {
+ bytes.push(b'\n');
+ state = Literal;
+ }
+ 'r' => {
+ bytes.push(b'\r');
+ state = Literal;
+ }
+ 't' => {
+ bytes.push(b'\t');
+ state = Literal;
+ }
+ 'x' => {
+ state = HexFirst;
+ }
+ c => {
+ bytes.extend(format!(r"\{}", c).into_bytes());
+ state = Literal;
+ }
+ },
+ HexFirst => match c {
+ '0'..='9' | 'A'..='F' | 'a'..='f' => {
+ state = HexSecond(c);
+ }
+ c => {
+ bytes.extend(format!(r"\x{}", c).into_bytes());
+ state = Literal;
+ }
+ },
+ HexSecond(first) => match c {
+ '0'..='9' | 'A'..='F' | 'a'..='f' => {
+ let ordinal = format!("{}{}", first, c);
+ let byte = u8::from_str_radix(&ordinal, 16).unwrap();
+ bytes.push(byte);
+ state = Literal;
+ }
+ c => {
+ let original = format!(r"\x{}{}", first, c);
+ bytes.extend(original.into_bytes());
+ state = Literal;
+ }
+ },
+ Literal => match c {
+ '\\' => {
+ state = Escape;
+ }
+ c => {
+ bytes.extend(c.to_string().as_bytes());
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ match state {
+ Escape => bytes.push(b'\\'),
+ HexFirst => bytes.extend(b"\\x"),
+ HexSecond(c) => bytes.extend(format!("\\x{}", c).into_bytes()),
+ Literal => {}
+ }
+ bytes