path: root/vendor/thiserror/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/thiserror/src/ b/vendor/thiserror/src/
index 2fae25c54..aae6552d0 100644
--- a/vendor/thiserror/src/
+++ b/vendor/thiserror/src/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
//! [github]:
//! [crates-io]:
-//! [docs-rs]:;base64,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
+//! [docs-rs]:
//! <br>
@@ -146,8 +146,9 @@
//! # }
//! ```
-//! - The Error trait's `backtrace()` method is implemented to return whichever
-//! field has a type named `Backtrace`, if any.
+//! - The Error trait's `provide()` method is implemented to provide whichever
+//! field has a type named `Backtrace`, if any, as a
+//! `std::backtrace::Backtrace`.
//! ```rust
//! # const IGNORE: &str = stringify! {
@@ -163,7 +164,8 @@
//! - If a field is both a source (named `source`, or has `#[source]` or
//! `#[from]` attribute) *and* is marked `#[backtrace]`, then the Error
-//! trait's `backtrace()` method is forwarded to the source's backtrace.
+//! trait's `provide()` method is forwarded to the source's `provide` so that
+//! both layers of the error share the same backtrace.
//! ```rust
//! # const IGNORE: &str = stringify! {
@@ -196,6 +198,31 @@
//! }
//! ```
+//! Another use case is hiding implementation details of an error
+//! representation behind an opaque error type, so that the representation is
+//! able to evolve without breaking the crate's public API.
+//! ```
+//! # use thiserror::Error;
+//! #
+//! // PublicError is public, but opaque and easy to keep compatible.
+//! #[derive(Error, Debug)]
+//! #[error(transparent)]
+//! pub struct PublicError(#[from] ErrorRepr);
+//! impl PublicError {
+//! // Accessors for anything we do want to expose publicly.
+//! }
+//! // Private and free to change across minor version of the crate.
+//! #[derive(Error, Debug)]
+//! enum ErrorRepr {
+//! # /*
+//! ...
+//! # */
+//! }
+//! ```
//! - See also the [`anyhow`] library for a convenient single error type to use
//! in application code.
@@ -205,16 +232,23 @@
// Clippy bug:
+ clippy::return_self_not_must_use,
+ clippy::wildcard_imports,
+#![cfg_attr(provide_any, feature(provide_any))]
mod aserror;
mod display;
+mod provide;
pub use thiserror_impl::*;
// Not public API.
-pub mod private {
+pub mod __private {
pub use crate::aserror::AsDynError;
pub use crate::display::{DisplayAsDisplay, PathAsDisplay};
+ #[cfg(provide_any)]
+ pub use crate::provide::ThiserrorProvide;