path: root/vendor/time/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/time/src/')
1 files changed, 180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/time/src/ b/vendor/time/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9ac97a16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/time/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+//! Macro for simulating let-else on older compilers.
+//! This module and its macros will be removed once the MSRV is 1.65 (NET 2023-05-03).
+// The following code is copyright 2016 Alex Burka. Available under the MIT OR Apache-2.0 license.
+// Some adaptations have been made to the original code.
+pub(crate) enum LetElseBodyMustDiverge {}
+macro_rules! __guard_output {
+ ((($($imms:ident)*) ($($muts:ident)*)),
+ [($($pattern:tt)*) ($rhs:expr) ($diverge:expr)]) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@as_stmt
+ let ($($imms,)* $(mut $muts,)*) = {
+ #[allow(unused_mut)]
+ match $rhs {
+ $($pattern)* => {
+ ($($imms,)* $($muts,)*)
+ },
+ _ => {
+ let _: $crate::shim::LetElseBodyMustDiverge = $diverge;
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ };
+macro_rules! __guard_impl {
+ // 0. cast a series of token trees to a statement
+ (@as_stmt $s:stmt) => { $s };
+ // 1. output stage
+ (@collect () -> $($rest:tt)*) => {
+ __guard_output!($($rest)*)
+ };
+ // 2. identifier collection stage
+ // The pattern is scanned destructively. Anything that looks like a capture (including
+ // false positives, like un-namespaced/empty structs or enum variants) is copied into the
+ // appropriate identifier list. Irrelevant symbols are discarded. The scanning descends
+ // recursively into bracketed structures.
+ // unwrap brackets and prepend their contents to the pattern remainder, in case there are captures inside
+ (@collect (($($inside:tt)*) $($tail:tt)*) -> $idents:tt, $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect ($($inside)* $($tail)*) -> $idents, $thru)
+ };
+ (@collect ({$($inside:tt)*} $($tail:tt)*) -> $idents:tt, $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect ($($inside)* $($tail)*) -> $idents, $thru)
+ };
+ (@collect ([$($inside:tt)*] $($tail:tt)*) -> $idents:tt, $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect ($($inside)* $($tail)*) -> $idents, $thru)
+ };
+ // discard irrelevant symbols
+ (@collect (, $($tail:tt)*) -> $idents:tt, $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect ($($tail)*) -> $idents, $thru)
+ };
+ (@collect (.. $($tail:tt)*) -> $idents:tt, $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect ($($tail)*) -> $idents, $thru)
+ };
+ (@collect (@ $($tail:tt)*) -> $idents:tt, $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect ($($tail)*) -> $idents, $thru)
+ };
+ (@collect (_ $($tail:tt)*) -> $idents:tt, $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect ($($tail)*) -> $idents, $thru)
+ };
+ (@collect (& $($tail:tt)*) -> $idents:tt, $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect ($($tail)*) -> $idents, $thru)
+ };
+ // ignore generic parameters
+ (@collect (:: <$($generic:tt),*> $($tail:tt)*) -> $idents:tt, $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect ($($tail)*) -> $idents, $thru)
+ };
+ // a path can't be a capture, and a path can't end with ::, so the ident after :: is never a capture
+ (@collect (:: $pathend:ident $($tail:tt)*) -> $idents:tt, $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect ($($tail)*) -> $idents, $thru)
+ };
+ // alternative patterns may be given with | as long as the same captures (including type) appear on each side
+ // due to this property, if we see a | we've already parsed all the captures and can simply stop
+ (@collect (| $($tail:tt)*) -> $idents:tt, $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect () -> $idents, $thru) // discard the rest of the pattern, proceed to output stage
+ };
+ // throw away some identifiers that do not represent captures
+ // an ident followed by a colon is the name of a structure member
+ (@collect ($id:ident: $($tail:tt)*) -> $idents:tt, $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect ($($tail)*) -> $idents, $thru)
+ };
+ // paths do not represent captures
+ (@collect ($pathcomp:ident :: $pathend:ident $($tail:tt)*) -> $idents:tt, $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect ($($tail)*) -> $idents, $thru)
+ };
+ // an ident followed by parentheses is the name of a tuple-like struct or enum variant
+ // (unwrap the parens to parse the contents)
+ (@collect ($id:ident ($($inside:tt)*) $($tail:tt)*) -> $idents:tt, $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect ($($inside)* $($tail)*) -> $idents, $thru)
+ };
+ // an ident followed by curly braces is the name of a struct or struct-like enum variant
+ // (unwrap the braces to parse the contents)
+ (@collect ($id:ident {$($inside:tt)*} $($tail:tt)*) -> $idents:tt, $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect ($($inside)* $($tail)*) -> $idents, $thru)
+ };
+ // actually identifier collection happens here!
+ // capture by mutable reference!
+ (@collect (ref mut $id:ident $($tail:tt)*) -> (($($imms:ident)*) $muts:tt), $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect ($($tail)*) -> (($($imms)* $id) $muts), $thru)
+ };
+ // capture by immutable reference!
+ (@collect (ref $id:ident $($tail:tt)*) -> (($($imms:ident)*) $muts:tt), $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect ($($tail)*) -> (($($imms)* $id) $muts), $thru)
+ };
+ // capture by move into mutable binding!
+ (@collect (mut $id:ident $($tail:tt)*) -> ($imms:tt ($($muts:ident)*)), $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect ($($tail)*) -> ($imms ($($muts)* $id)), $thru)
+ };
+ // capture by move into an immutable binding!
+ (@collect ($id:ident $($tail:tt)*) -> (($($imms:ident)*) $muts:tt), $thru:tt) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect ($($tail)*) -> (($($imms)* $id) $muts), $thru)
+ };
+ // 3. splitting (for new syntax)
+ // done with pattern (and it's LPED=X)
+ (@split (else { $($diverge:tt)* } = $($tail:tt)*) -> ($pat:tt)) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect $pat -> (() ()), [$pat ($($tail)*) ({ $($diverge)* })])
+ };
+ // done with pattern (and it's LP=XED)
+ (@split (= $($tail:tt)*) -> ($pat:tt)) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@split expr ($($tail)*) -> ($pat ()))
+ };
+ // found a token in the pattern
+ (@split ($head:tt $($tail:tt)*) -> (($($pat:tt)*))) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@split ($($tail)*) -> (($($pat)* $head)))
+ };
+ // found an "else DIVERGE" in the expr
+ (@split expr (else { $($tail:tt)* }) -> ($pat:tt $expr:tt)) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@collect $pat -> (() ()), [$pat $expr ({ $($tail)* })])
+ };
+ // found an else in the expr with more stuff after it
+ (@split expr (else { $($body:tt)* } $($tail:tt)*) -> ($pat:tt ($($expr:tt)*))) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@split expr ($($tail)*) -> ($pat ($($expr)* else { $($body)* })))
+ };
+ // found another token in the expr
+ (@split expr ($head:tt $($tail:tt)*) -> ($pat:tt ($($expr:tt)*))) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@split expr ($($tail)*) -> ($pat ($($expr)* $head)))
+ };
+ // 4. entry points
+ // new syntax
+ (let $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ __guard_impl!(@split ($($tail)*) -> (()))
+ // | | |
+ // | | ^ pattern
+ // | ^ tail to be split into "PAT = EXPR else DIVERGE"
+ // ^ first pass will do the parsing
+ };
+macro_rules! guard {
+ ($($input:tt)*) => {
+ __guard_impl!($($input)*)
+ };